I Tortured Humanity for 9,217,598 Years Until They Finally Turned Into Mutant Slime

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all right everybody I'd like to introduce you to planet Earth yes this unassuming little orange dot will become the birthplace of all Humanity let's zoom in and place down our very first human beings right there there we go what's his name Mimi great name that one I can tell he's going to be he's going to be very special and I know that because his favorite food is an alcoholic beverage anyway as I place down a couple more humans and by a couple I mean a couple of thousand we'll put the old Theory to the test and that is that humanity is capable of surviving anything that the Universe throws at it and for the purpose of this video I'm the universe and anything means atomic bomb well okay maybe we should start a little bit smaller and work our way up to that so what I believe we're witnessing right here is humanity in its most primitive form they've created fire and they're all I don't know why there's so many people in that tent and why it's shaking but well I guess that just means that humanity is growing that's all it is it's growing rapidly quite rapidly so let's speed things up a little bit and now we're 10 years in the future where our population has remained exactly the same as it was 10 years ago nobody was born and nobody died so let's do something about that crocodiles lots and lots of crocodiles let's see how this goes okay well I think the humans are ganging up on the crocodiles here and surprisingly the crocodiles seem to be running away and dying in the process you guys went and proved everyone wrong now go and enjoy whatever it is you're doing inside of that tent I'd rather not know and I feel like every curse should be followed by a blessing and what better blessing than to Grant these human beings the gift of dog yes dog now I'm no expert or anything but if you ask me I'd say that humanity is thriving and you can see here that we've fit 2,113 Villages into a place that can fit 21 very very tactically testicle we've also managed to fit them into a total of seven houses but you know I can't help but wonder what more they might be capable of if they had a little bit more than just a bunch of sand surrounded by water so I'm going to give them a little bit of grass look at this a little bit of greenery something for them to munch on at night before bed and as expected with lovely grass comes lovely trees with lovely trees comes lovely wood and with lovely wood comes absolutely nothing and so now we can still fit 21 people and have seven houses well I don't know about you but I call that a resounding success if I ever saw one and now in all the time it took me to go take a piss and come back almost everybody is now dead fantastic and what I want to know more than anything else at this point is whether or not Mimi is still alive you know what it doesn't matter I suckers his so everything's okay and he's an alcoholic too he's also a pretty terrible person let's kill him oh you better think fast mate you better think fast here we go let's see how you deal with this now if he does make it out of here oh he's dead well there you go Humanity failed their second challenge so how about now we create another couple of civilizations separated by this large body of water and the goal then is to populate each of these civilizations also with copious amounts of human beings and give them enough time to eventually start to hate each other and inevitably start the first war in history World War uh 1 okay here we go this is a challenge so now the uh the great land of vogo well that's hated by absolutely everybody else on planet Earth admittedly the rest of the world is pretty underwhelming when it comes to their military capabilities after all they're still all living in and now about 20 years into the future um pretty much everybody died and I feel like we desperately need to breathe some life back into this island so I'm going to repopulate it with a couple of humans just a few not too many we don't want overpopulation to occur oh wow we just popped up a little castle thing I'm so proud of you guys I mean I don't know what it is but I like it it also looks like the inside is on fire and I like that even more let's see how they deal with a dragon so far it seems like they're doing pretty well they're laying into it like a CH Kebab after one hell of a bender and they killed it I'm impressed they're also burning to death and so was the island I'm even more impressed well having survived their second Big Challenge I think I'm going to give them the gift of mythol and see what they do with this I'll also give them some silver and some gold because I'm feeling sassy you know what have some Adam Mantine too then go out and destroy your neighbors you know what that actually sounds like such a good idea that I think I might go out and destroy your neighbors too beautiful wait hold on who's this who the heck what what is this dimkin who is dimkin this guy was just out fishing he comes back and he's like oh wait hold on a second who the heck is this ainu the chosen one one year old just popped out the second the bomb dropped this little mouse has done pretty good too looking for a king oh oh hold on a second I think I might have your King right here sir there you go look at that reunite at last you know I feel like this little fell might enjoy living on an island full of rats here you go have a couple of them they're very very friendly oh my gosh they're eating each other oh no meanwhile back at vogo they've developed windmills and farming tools by the look of it boats and if I'm not mistaken I think that green flag right there is a military force oh wow they've also built an actual castle and they're now living in brick houses they certainly are progressing well let's drop a couple all that that's a lot bigger that's a lot bigger than I thought it would be no all right well what would happen if I dropped one on there Castle all right so we're going to give these people the gift of poultry you know cuz who doesn't love a little bit of fried chicken then we'll give them the old lamb kebab and we'll give him a couple of two of be Patty Special Sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on the sesame seed bun what I like most about this game is no matter where you look you always have a clear idea of exactly what's going on okay hold on a second I don't know what what's going on here but some psycho is running around killing it who is this weirdo oh it's an Angry Chicken there's a chicken killing everyone wow okay hold on a second it seems like vogo has been taken over by somebody seemingly by this place right here with 39 people apparently they conquered my Village of [Music] 3,460 I mean I guess it could happen but I don't like that so let me plant some seeds of Discord and see if I can get them to split up what I asked for seeds of Discord not ginormous meteor though admittedly I'm pretty sure that all of that was orchestrated by The Village at the top that took over this one so you know payback's a little bit of a b word that's what you get you stupid now Humanity can truly Thrive and I believe it's also time for Humanity to face their next challenge which will be on this block of sand just out to the east the humans will meet an army of evil Mages a lot of evil Mages all the evil Mages that ever existed anywhere in the Galaxy let's see how you guys deal with this not very well by the look of things this is going terribly oh they're even killing the people on the other Islands settle down evil Mages you stupid idiots what are you doing you're burning the whole place down I'm trying to put our fires all over the place you guys need to settle down please you're causing too much trouble I love it oh there the the only ones that survived now if we really want to see our little people grow I think we're going to need to give them a little bit more room to play with so let's expand their island ever so slightly and uh all right looks like a parabolics so what I'm noticing is that Humanity on the other Island seems to be thriving and that's making me a little bit jealous because my main project over here doesn't seem to be doing much of anything well besides whatever these couple thousand people are doing in that one tiny house so what I'm going to do is I'm going to connect every single Island together and then I'm going to start a war and now it's on but it's only against two other kingdoms because all the others have died all right well this is what we like to see it seems like the orange Kingdom has decided to Walt its way across the pond and declare war meanwhile it seems like one of my chickens has learn how to cast magic oh the orange guys took over oh no okay I'll be honest I genuinely have no idea how War Works in this game at all at this point I'm so confused I think I'll just make all the houses come to life that seems like the only logical thing to do at this point they're killing their houses oh no they killed it you're are homeless now you idiots now where are you going to hide when the zombie virus starts to spread amongst the community excuse me everybody it does not seem like you are adhering to social distancing policies please put on your mask bet you regret taking over my kingdom now actually pretty impressive display of military might I must admit that just will not do deal with this what in the world oh how about this okay fine maybe this well that didn't last long how about this okay I'm starting to run out of ideas oh yeah how about this couple of these this will be great just a few not too many just just a couple just what's the matter guys you are so cocky 5 seconds ago but still this supports my arguments that human beings are very resilient look they can't get rid of them as soon as they think they have they pop up somewhere else unless you do this then even the aliens die wow look at that they populating the Earth themselves now you know I can't help but wonder if they're okay these aliens are not friendly I repeat these aliens are not friendly but what I really feel would stop these silly humans from squabbling amongst each other and finally unite is a ginormous crab with laser beams coming out of his hands that's exactly what Humanity needs come on guys it's you versus this crab if you don't get your crap together everybody is going to become crab crab crab crab crap crap you're all crap all right how about if I just stand here and I'll let these guys go to town sorry guys I didn't know that was going to happen truly that was that was not planned you know what at this point I I think I'm done with Humanity I I don't I don't I'm not impressed I'm not impressed with any of you but let me impress you with this don't worry I'm not done yet hold on just stay stay there keep being impressed now I'll do some vertical are you not entertained couple of diagonals and then we'll finish finished with a little bit of a circly circle and now look at that someone survived someone survived oh my goodness a slime [Music]
Channel: Cheru
Views: 58,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheru, worldbox, world box, worldbox - god simulator, god simulator, god sim, simulator, simulation, sim, simulator game, simulator games, simulation game, simulation games, cheru hitman, cheru hitman 2, cheru hitman 3, hitman cheru, hitman 2 cheru, hitman 3 cheru
Id: 2i1DxWVMVH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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