20 Space Marine SPECIAL WEAPONS in Warhammer 40K

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foreign after the video on the special weapons of the primarks we shall now dive into the 20 Relic blades the special melee close combat weapons of their stories the Space Marine chapters they can take the form of a master crafted sword a spear or an ax and possess an armor sundering power feel making it capable of tearing through heavy armor these weapons have been depicted in Worlds from the Horus heresy onwards and have played significant roles in turning the tide of key battles throughout warhammer's history while some Relic blades have been crafted in commemoration of important events in the imperiums or a Space Marine chapter's history only a few have survived over the centuries these rare weapons are reserved for studies or Space Marines of long and exemplary servers who have proven themselves in countless battles defeating formidable enemies so let's get into the 20 Relic blades number one the monster sleigh of caliban this is a legendary weapon of the Dark Angels it was once given to their most honorable Fighters for a quest in caliban's Wilds the blade is empowered by a powerful force generator but has become temperamental over time repairing it is beyond the tech Marine's understanding as long as its owner remains pure of mind the monster Slayer will be powerful enough to defeat any enemy but if the user loses his faith it will lose all his power number two the sort of Secrets the sort of Secrets is the mightiest among the Heaven Fall blades sauce that were made from an obsidian that struck the rock the Dark Angels Fortress Monastery in orbit around albaradat crafted from a single block of obsidian its Edge Remains the razor sharp forever and undamaged even after Millennia of Youth this revered Relic is carried by each Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels and currently belongs to Israel number three the Heaven Fall blades there are four other of these Relic blades the Heaven Fall blades that are wielded by the Dark Angels Mighty Warriors The Sword of silence is one it seems to swallow nearby light and sound absorbing them into its glowing obsidian Blade the other three powerful Heaven Fall blades are the Raven sword the felblane and the sword of sanctity which also utilize the small amounts of the obsidian taken from the meteorite in their workings Number Four The perfidious Relic of The Unforgiven this is an ancient artifact of the dark Angel's Legion which has been reclaimed by the death swing and occasionally wielded by the enigmatic watches in the dark while the specific details of these relics remain shrouded in mystery of their impact on the battlefield is well documented merely their presence has the ability to diminish the powers of enemy cycles and instill a deep sense of fear in those who oppose the Dark Angels number five the glaves and Carmine also known as the encarmine salts or axes these are powerful weapons wielded by the blood angels sanguinary God and the angel of Vengeance the sanguinor crafted from a mysterious alloy called the angel steel known exclusively to the blood angels artificers these blades are indestructible and impervious to damage they come in various forms including long swords and heavy axes known as axis and Carmine number six the soul spear this is a mystical weapon believed to have been used by rogel Dawn when the Imperial first Legion was divided during the second founding the spear was entrusted to the soul drinkers chapter however it was lost over a thousand years until a chapter rediscovered it on an abandoned star Fort the weapons discharge is comparable to a controlled Vortex missile in terms of power and impact but more focused number seven the acts of morkai the ass was initially a weapon devoted to Corn the chaos god of war and bloodshed containing a fragment of the chaos God's power after Logan grimnar of the Space Wolves emerged victorious in the initial War for Armageddon against angron in the world eaters he claimed the acts as a trophy through a process of reforging the ax was transformed and the coordinate power it held was constrained and restrained by the enchantments of Fenris and nevertheless the ax continues to emanate a vibrant red glow and emits an audible growl symbolizing the lingering chaos power it possesses number eight the black spear this is a revered artifact owned by the minotaurs Space Marine chapters it is a lethal Relic blade that incorporates a potent laser capable of single devastating shots Legends suggests that it was once wielded by the adapters custodies themselves currently chapter Master asteroid molok wields this weapon which has been drenched in the blood of rebellious Marines powerful or War bosses at least of course is a princess and even Champions aligned with the forces of Chaos number nine the black sword this is a large Power sword used by the champions of the black Templars it is blessed by the chapter chaplains and can be wielded with two hands or with one hand when paired with the armor of Fate the first black sword was given to sigismund during the battle for the Imperial Palace this versatile weapon capable of cutting through both Flash and armor effortlessly grants increased strength to the black Templar who wields it number 10 the blades of caliban this is an ancient sword often a Power sword favored by the elite company champions of the Dark Angel Space Marine chapter these blades are revered relics of the chapter each with a distinguished lineage tracing back to the time of the great Crusade when the Dark Angels ReDiscover their Primark only the Champions who have shown exceptional heroism and Flawless servers earn the privilege to wield these revered Relic blades number 11 the frost Fang frostfang given its name due to the runes and Scribe on its surface is a formidable frostblade that was created many centuries ago by Fergus for Grimm and a steam Master Craftsman belonging to the space world's chapter and was known as the iron priest the chainsaw-like blade of the frost Fang is made from a scarce metal presently this powerful weapon is wielded by wolf Lord Ragnar black Mane number 12 the sort of the high Marshals also known as the sort of sigismund this is a master crafted Power sword believed to contain fragments from The Sword once wielded by the Primark rogal Dawn during the Horus heresy after failing to protect the emperor aboard the vengeful Spirit during the siege of Terror Dawn shattered his sword in anger and vowed never to wield it again sigismund the first High Marshal of the black Templars had the shots reforged into a dispersant form number 13 the teeth of the blizzard a frostblade is a unique chainsaw exclusive to the Space Wolves crafted individually by a master iron priest these blades often incorporate the diamond heart fangs of the fin resin Kraken according to chapter Legends the most exceptional frostbits are made from Ice sourced from a glacious core and tempered with a kraken's belly one such Blade the teeth of the blizzard proved a formidable weapon against the Turners of behemoth number 14 the Traders Bane this is a mastercrafted two-handed four sword wheeled by Ezekiel the Grand Master of librarians in the Dark Angels chapter it radiates dark Powers designed to slay the betrayals of the emperor the blades face crystalline patterns coiled with iridescent psychic energy rumored to contain trapped spirits of Fallen enemies its victims suffer a painful demise causing the blade to darken when it's near the Fallen which are Space Marine Dark Angels that turn against the line during the Horus heresy number 15 the Spear of Vulcan this weapon is among the nine artifacts of Vulcan crafted by the Primark himself this legendary weapon takes the shape of a massive mastercrafted spear once used by Vulcan in combat its blazing blade has the power to ignite ceramide armor the necron overlord tries in the infinite has long desired this coveted Relic and is made in two distinct Endeavors to possess it but have failed in each one of them number 16 the blade of Triumph This is a radiant power broadsword meticulously crafted and utilized by the champions of the Space Marine chapters its balanced blade Bears the engraved names of past wheelers commemorating their remarkable accomplishments so by activating a concealed mechanism on the electrum grip the wheeler can supercharge the weapons energy feel infusing it with a surge of fiery power that enables the blade to effortlessly cut through even the most resilient armor number 17 the burning blade this is a Revere Relic a colossal sword retrieved from the vengeful Spirit only a Space Marine Has the strength to wield it due to its immense size interestingly unlike other artifacts recovered from the ship with the burning blade Remains untainted by chaos some believe it may have been wielded by the emperor himself as it emanates his unparalleled greatness in battle the sword blazes with such intensity that it can melt even the ceramide armor of its wielder number 18 mortis machineer this is a meticulously crafted power ax created in the sacred underground vaults of Mars it has served as the weapon of choice for masters of the forge among the Space Marine chapters this formidable acts not only Clips to the metallic armor of War engines and vehicles but also disrupts their very essence known as the machine Spirit even a mere grazing strike from a mortis machine has the capability to an enemy tank or a walker number 19 the vinculum Vitae this is an immensely potent and perilous Force sword obtained from the battleground of iona's verge it was in that fateful Clash where seven Chief Librarians from various chapters sacrificed their lives to banish a horde of zinj demons the aftermath left the villain Vitae infused with the haunting psychic remnants of that encounter those who wield this weapon unleash a devastating search of catastrophic energy with every strike and number 20 the Demon Hammer this is a rare formidable 2-headed Warhammer crafted from an ancient Advanced material it bears hexagramming sigils and warning seals across its shaft while on its head it displays the burning Sigil of the Inquisition surrounded by a crackling power field these hammers are exclusively entrusted to his team individuals such as the inquisitions of the audio malleus which means the demon hunters and also the gray Knights and also used by certain chapters who have vanquished formidable greater demons in battle so those are the 20 powerful Relic weapons of the Space Marines anyway I hope you have enjoyed watching this video do hit the like button for support and subscribe to push us through the YouTube algorithm but most of all smash that Bell icon for regular updates on videos new ones like this on this channel take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 10,163
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Keywords: 20 Powerful Relic Weapons of the Space Marines in Warhammer 40K, Monster Slayer of Caliban, Sword of secrets, Heavenfall blades, Perfidious Relic, Glaives Encarmine, Soul spear, Axe of Morkai, Black Spear, Black Sword, Blades of Caliban, Frostfang, Sword of the High Marshals, Teeth of the Blizzard, Traitor’s Bane, Spear of Vulkan, Blade of Triumph, Burning Blade, Mortis Machina, Daemon hammer, weapons of space marines, swords of spacemarines, axe of space marines
Id: hgpr4aC8s68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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