Prey vs. Prey [Total Spoilers]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Noah Caldwell-Gervais
Views: 199,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prey, Arkane, Human Head, Prey 2, Critique, Review, Retrospective
Id: bINxL__VitI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That moral choice system (that you probably don't even notice because it's not telegraphed) from the newer Prey sounds fascinating.
Great video, Noah doesn't disappoint.
One thing I found interesting was his interpretation of the Spoiler
Love the dudes content but his production values are below zero. Dozens of videos and he still hasn't figured out how to record without having white noise constantly in the background.
does anyone know if it is still possible to buy that game online somewhere? the 2006 version of course
Another great video from Noah. I do feel he misinterpreted a few small elements, such as how the Neuromods work -- the needles actually bypass the eye. But overall it was a great look at the two games.
I do notice that the Q-Beam has fat capacitor-style things on top that strongly resemble one of the guns from Prey 2006. Thought that was interesting.
The original Prey could have been a classic. It had so many unique things going for it - cool, alien weapons, wall walking, portals, they even put effort into making a relatable main character. Unfortunately, it had a fatal flaw, the same flaw every FPS from that era had: It was a corridor shooter. God, am I glad we moved away from that trend. I always wondered why developers even bothered adding a third dimension when they weren't using it in the level design anyway.
The linearity in prey is especially galling to me because of the lost potential. Walking on the ceiling is cool, so are the portals, but no matter how much the game tries to disorient you, it doesn't disguise the linearity. In the end, its just another corridor. If they had just opened up the levels, letting the player make their own way just a bit, I would have adored it.
Noah is exceptionally good at articulating the things that a game succeeds in, which is nice in a youtube world where people will literally nitpick their favourite game for 90 minutes.
A lot of people aren't really talking about this video. Comments seem to be all about why one game is shit compared to the other.
Noah doesn't bash either game in this video. He's praising both and is explaining why he like them so much.
The same production quality complaints do come up every single time, and I say this as a reaction to that all the time, but yeah. It does not matter whether Noah doesn't care about production quality, or whether it is a stylistic choice. Whatever the hell it is, I pay my due every month because he is fucking anachronistic.
He is a classic journalist or researcher by heart who writes, rather than speaks or shoots a video. He just happens to read them in an audio form, puts video clips on them, and uploads them on YouTube. Not being able to find a place to put his writings on, he just uses contemporary format to make his writings find a way, which somehow caught on. (It also actually gave him a chance to publish in a more traditional way.) To him YouTube is no different than paper, he does not care about videos really.
And you know what, that's hilarious in a way. Guy speaks like news anchors of 60s, constantly quotes novels of mid-late 20th century, lives like hippies of 60s and 70s, writes as long as old college professors in liberal arts department, and does that on a 21th century video distribution service. This anachronism is almost fascinating, like, what is this guy doing?
I don't know if that makes sense, but it is sort of like how Destiny became a hit. That game does things that a modern game should not do, but that ended up forming something very distinctive, and people stayed. NCG is most definitely not for everyone, but what he is and what his writings are form something unmistakable. As a self-proclaimed fan of his videos and writings I just want him to keep "being NCG" and maintain the enjoyable writing quality. Video production quality could get better, sure, but I feel that has nothing to do with what makes him an eccentric yet reputable game critic.