Prevailing Faith - Restoring the Years

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we are not done with what god wants us to do we are about to get into the best life we've ever had in this earth we didn't come to take sides we came to take over [Music] the believer's walk of faith is paid for by bill winston ministries partners and viewers and over in psalm chapter 91 look what it says here they shall not there shall no evil before you neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor the destruction that wastes at noonday a thousand shall fall at your side 10 000 at your right hand but this disease shall not come now you only with your eyes show you behold see the reward of the wicked why because you have made the lord which is your refuge even the most high come on your habitation there shall no no evil no evil befall you neither shall any come now your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you and they're going to what up next on the believer's walk of faith this is going to be a new day because i believe the reason why the church has not stopped the moral slide or being able to stop the crime and the killings because the church hasn't had any knowledge of who they are that they are anointed to shift climates well hello bill winston here and welcome to the believer's walk of faith the program that you're watching is called the believer's walk of faith where we walk by faith and not by sight praise god we have another powerful teaching for you today we're teaching out of joel chapter 2 and verse 25 here's what god says through the prophet joel i'll restore the years that the cankerworm has taken away praise god see when god says restoration he's not talking about bringing it back like it was the restoring you know you have to restore automobile or restore some furniture bring it back like it was not god remember job he lost everything god gave him twice as much as he had before this is a powerful teaching get your bibles pensions and papers ready to take some good notes let's go into it it's called restoring the years thinking about it if you're not organized how is god going to take wealth and put it on your life if you're not organized so that's a good reason to get organized and you can start today okay my wife organizes everything look at i said what are we going to eat next thursday she said let me pull out my paper all right we're talking about restoring the years restoring the years come on let's go over there joel joelle j oel and that's joel chapter 2. look at verse 23 be glad then you children of zion and rejoice the lord your god for he hath given you the former rain moderately and he will cause to come down to you the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month rain symbolizes the anointing anointing verse 24 and the floor shall be full of wheat and the vat shall overflow with wine and oil and i'll restore on the line restore to you the years that the locust has eaten the cankerworm the caterpillar the farmer worm my great army which i sent among you and you shall eat plenty say plenty come on say it with gusto and shall be and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god that is dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be what a shame so this anointing is going to this rain is going to wash away everything that will make you ashamed and you shall know that i am the in the midst of israel and that i am the lord your god and none else and my people shall never be ashamed and i it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall what prophesy your men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions i'm seeing visions praise god all right now this is is really really a good teaching uh because what we found out the anointing is is the anointing is god's burden-removing yoke destroying power that's isaiah 10 27 oh he found out in zechariah chapter 4 6 he said not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts then we went over to acts acts chapter 10 and verse 38 how god anointed jesus with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil why because god was with him so jesus stood up in the synagogue began to preach but he found a place where it was written luke chapter 4 and verse 18. he found the place where it was written and he began to say the spirit of the lord is upon me because they've anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted priesthood living to the captured recovery of sight to the blind and to set it liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable ye of the lord watch this then he closed the book and gave it again to the minister sat down in the eyes of all them that when the synagogue was fastened on him and he began to say this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears now where did he get that from he got it from isaiah 61. isaac 61 and verse 1 it's where he opened the book to and begin to read the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to preach liberty to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of prison to them that abound and to proclaim acceptable year of the lord he stopped he closed the book but the passage of scripture did not stop there it kept going and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all that mourn keep going and appoint to them that mourn in zion to give unto them beauty for ashes the joy all of joyful mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness glory to god that they might be called trees of righteousness planting of the lord that he might be glorified how does this connect together that the bible says in isaiah chapter 34 and verse 8 for it is the day of the lord's vengeance it is the day of the lord's vengeance now vengeance is not revenge nothing to do with it but vengeance is this god moving on man's behalf in terms of justice so that he is releasing justice and is proceeding from the heart of god and it's a necessity for punishing offenders that's what he's releasing now who is he releasing it upon all the enemies of god's people if god's now is in a time of vengeance and this vengeance is his is not ours in hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 he says for we know him that has said vengeance belongs to me and i will recompense saith the lord and again the lord shall judge his people now judge means doesn't necessarily mean judge bad you can judge good i mean you can go to court and the judge will award you 10 million dollars but anything that's trying to keep you from your destiny in god is going to be subject to judgment now this is not automatic this is a promise that comes through faith and you're not waiting on god he's waiting on us and one man said because vengeance hasn't been preached we've been victims all right let's just go down some things here look at genesis chapter 1 and verse 26. now i'm going to read that and we're going to pick out a couple of words and we're going to go with those words he said god said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish's sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so this is a vengeance of god god is making us like him he's making us to like what he likes to speak like he speaks to think like he thinks to believe like he believes to desire what he desires everything like him as we say down south to spitting image so that's what god was saying here all right now he said let them have dominion and i looked up dominion in a web webster um dictionary and this was a dictionary 1812 dictionary and i look at that one i like that one because basically it has a scripture about each one of the words so i use that one and here's what he says dominion or dominate it means the power of governing or controlling the power of governing or controlling dominion number two the right of possession uh and use without being accountable the right of possession and use without being accountable the power to direct control dispose of at your pleasure the power to direct control or dispose of at your pleasure now you got to see this now because i said it's going to be the right of possession and use without being accountable in first corinthians chapter 3 and verse 21 he says this is apostle paul talking therefore let no man glory in men for all things are yours whether paul or apollo or cephas these are three ministry gifts of teaching gifts in the body or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours but get this you are christ and christ has got everybody got an answer to somebody else it's interesting because all things are yours so here's jesus and he tells disciples in mark chapter 11. go up there there's a donkey up there it's going to be tied up on time and bring them to me if anybody asks you why you've taken my donkey tell them the lord has need of it now this is using stuff and possessing it on the earth without accountability it's kin kindred to something we call imminent domain and an imminent domain the government can come in and seize a piece of property let's say it belongs to you now they're supposed to compensate you for it but the thing of it is you can't take them to court and stop them from taking it why because they need it for the government i'm saying you represent the government of the kingdom and your job here is to advance the kingdom through dominion and you don't have to apologize to anybody now understand what you're seizing the bible says the earth is the lord's well i got a title deed down at the courthouse i didn't that did this right here this overrides any title d now it just doesn't happen this is all by faith and god is not trying to hurt people ruin people's lives so forth and so on here's the idea the idea is that the world is on a break next speed to self-destruction and you're here to stop it you've set up a climate that certain things are acceptable and certain things are not and satan keeps moving it towards lower morality keeps taking it down down down why because the church is not saying nothing that's right we're supposed to be the moral arm of the world as long as the church doesn't say anything just keep moving just like it's his and a lot of times the church doesn't say anything because the church hasn't been taught we haven't been taught because a lot of times we don't want to tell people the truth and i'm saying sometimes the church has been fed stuff that is not fit to eat and we have have have looked at that because the leaders pretty much have taught it but i don't know whether you notice about this you are what you eat that's why i'm trying to take you all off of some of them sweets for about three weeks [Applause] can't always stay awake in church that's that's that sugar is talking to you and i'm just saying the key to it is is there any fruit in your life you can shout all you want to come look pretty look good everything we're not going anywhere why because we're supposed to be holding up the blood-stained banner we're supposed to be making it so that satan can't go any further he said thou art peter and upon this rock i'm going to build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against him it didn't mean that satan come against us it means that we kick his door down he can't stop us from coming in there and rescuing people and property amen unapologetically but he said overnight truth has fallen in the streets chapters chapter 59 and he said hey and god saw that there was no intercessor nobody's standing in the gaps so i'm saying this is going to be a new day because i believe the reason why the church has not stopped the moral slide or being able to stop the crime and the killings because the church hasn't had any knowledge of who they are that they are anointed to shift climates god can make it so a person can't even think to shoot another one you can give them a gun but they won't think about it see people trying to solve spiritual problems with natural solutions and there ain't none you're the only one that can deal with the devil and you're not dealing with him in some kind of fight that you're going to come out all scarred up you're going to deal with them in a fight that they're not going to even know you've been in one [Applause] god didn't just let you go in this earth and say do the best you can you're kidding me he made it so that even your salary is not going to be the limit of what you can have [Applause] but here's what it takes it takes some saints being sold out for god not one foot in and one foot out it means committed i call on people to help me pray and can't hardly find them they're busy busy doing what nothing no pros no there's no no increase out of it no real you know you've got you've got you've got potential one person now one person sitting up here listening to me that's born again watch this has unlimited potential you know what unlimited potential will do it'll convert a whole city one person but to do that you're going to have to step out of your flesh god told me on this trip he said reason why some people can't get dominion over their flesh because they think their flesh is them they're still feeding their flesh like it's them instead of telling their flesh what to do so i'm saying in our time now that this is the day of the lord's vengeance this is the day that he's raising up this group of people that are going to be the voice of god for this hour that we're not going out of this earth owing folk money not going out of this earth when a relative die you can't even have enough money to bury you you are not going out like that so when i was looking at these scriptures i was looking at them in terms of us understanding that it's not us that god is is looking to to make this happen it's the christ in us that's going to make this happen praise the lord i trust that you enjoyed that powerful teaching now vengeance we're not talking about revenge we're talking about vengeance the vengeance of the lord it's god's moving on the heart of man for justice that's what it's all about and what god is doing now in these last days you as a believer as you make it towards your destiny whatever is harassing you the vengeance of god is going to put it down you're going to make it to your destiny powerful teaching well this is bill winston that's all we have for today we'll see you next time until then keep walking by faith you were designed for a purpose you were not designed to merely survive through life no matter what your situation looks like it's not too late for god now is the time to operate in the power of god and take back what was stolen from you this is your season of restoration call right now at 1-800-711-9327 or go online to to receive your very own copy of the four message series restoring the years in this revelation pack series dr bill winston expands on the most powerful force in the universe the anointing these messages are sure to increase your knowledge of how to walk continually in the spirit and trusting wholeheartedly in the word of god it's time to reach a higher level of influence and receive the generational increase you are meant to have when you call today you will receive this collection as your choice of cd or dvd which is designed to offer you continual encouragement and inspiration to take dominion and advance the kingdom of god and if you order right now you'll also get the thousand times more anointing single teaching on your choice of cd or dvd this life-changing message by dr winston will strengthen your belief in the burden-removing yoke destroying power of god you'll learn how to use the anointing to produce his results in your life today peace comfort strength abundance prosperity it's all yours with the anointing of the holy spirit in you it's now time to declare the manifestation of god's original purpose and plan for you call right now 1-800-711-9327 or visit us online at [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] we are not done with what god wants us to do we are about to get into the best life we've ever had in this earth we didn't come to take sides we came to take over [Music] doctors bill and veronica winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 1-877-543-9443 or submit your prayer request online at forward slash prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that god is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music] the believer's walk of faith is paid for by bill winston ministries partners and viewers now remember you need faith to get to your destiny so don't forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don't miss any of our videos this is bill winston i love you and keep walking by faith
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 74,061
Rating: 4.8810992 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith
Id: vmRoT2w0P3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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