Pretty Darn Quick 3-Yard Quilts

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[Music] hi everyone is Donna Robertson with fabric cafe I hope you had a great long weekend with your family just a few more days that you were at home probably right it's been kind of a crazy time for all of us today we're going to be talking about something really fun near and dear to my heart and that's the book called pretty darn quick some of you may remember when we named this book we had a little contest and I have to do my little cheat sheet here the lady that named to this particular one is Karen Butler so she named the book we invited everybody to send their name since they sent them in and when I read her name I just laughed out loud and I thought that is such a fun name so I thought if it made me happy it makes you happy too so pretty darn quick has eight great patterns and I of course I'm especially fond of this book because it has fabrics that I curated with QT fabrics and so that was a really exciting time for me I am working on another new fabric line with QT and I'm excited about that we just gotten started and you know those things take a little while so you may not see it immediately but we're working on it all right so we have eight great patterns and we're going to go over all of these different patterns and just as a real quick recap if you're new to our little quilt show video what we do is we go through and show you quilt patterns and fabrics that go together and we show you how you can make a lap quick quilt with one of our kits a twin with two of our quilts and a king queen with four of our quilts and I have a special guest today well this is her first time this is Hannah Johnson Hannah joined our company today she's my new assistant so hopefully we can kind of clone me because I was just getting a little bit overwhelmed with everything and it's time for me to start designing another book and so Hannah's gonna help me make that come true she's going to be holding up some quill so say hi to everybody Hanna hello so I'm really excited about Hanna and she's very creative and I think we're gonna have a lot of fun together so we're gonna get started now with the pretty darn quick and the very first quilt that we're going to show you is the bold blocks and you're taking a little together here you go okay so this is both blocks and it's using my line of fabric called violet and I love this because it has a big 10 inch block and I made it kind of asymmetrical a little more of a modern look to it instead of just square square square square I kind of put them offset a little bit it was a lot of fun designing this one and any time you have a fabric that you want to show off with a 10 inch block this is the one so let's look at the fabric and these are the fabrics here so these are the ones that I got so excited about and this is the violets these are the companion fabrics and one of the things I loved about the vine is I put a little purple dot in there so it'll pull the two together and that it has the teal that goes with the teal that's in the flower and then we've got the little purple dot as well now this particular kit is called violent gardens it's using the bold block pattern the bold block pattern is available in the pretty darn quick book and remember if you buy three kits you can take the book free instead of the small patterns all you have to do is click on the book deal if you don't want to buy three kits you can get just the single pattern for bold blocks and that will come free when you buy the kit so you always get a pattern whenever you purchase one of the kids so we have a quick question yes from Elaine is the left size quilt she let's try that again is that the lab size quilt she's holding that hat solutely and that quilt would you like to see it again this quilt is made with just three one-yard cuts of fabric like I just showed you and it makes the whole quilt now if you want to make it larger than that two kits will make a twin but this is just three yards of fabric to make everything you see on the front of that quilt that's right all right thanks for asking that Elaine okay the next one that we're going to do is one of my all-time favorites I love this quilt it's called step well we're gonna do corner plate next there you go Corner play is one of my all-time favorites I've got it hanging in my office on the wall so if you maybe have seen that in the my office so this one is called corner play and put it in this book can't find it no it's nothing second quilt there it is I found it okay so corner play is next in the book and this is the Kashmere line by quilting treasures it's a gorgeous fabric I believe that I've got several quilts made out of this too sometimes you just kind of fall in love with a particular line and you just love to work with the colors I love this one because it has all of these great bold jewel tones to it and let's show them the back of this one because it has great quilting on it in that cool real geometric and modern looking so that one is called corner play one of our all-time favorites and now let's look at the fabric look at this up close it's beautiful we're gonna move this back look at those medallions and this is a cutie fabric just blend together very very nicely and here we have your kit number and the name of the kit and the pattern and once again you can either take the book free when you buy three kits or you will ask you if you want the selected pattern if you want the book deal or if you want to pick any other pattern you write that in the comment section of your order form so this one is the corner play pattern and it is with the cashmere fabrics by cutie now this next quilt we do not have this fabric but I have a suggested replacement for this fabric so let's hold that one up this is the Heartland pattern from Heartland when I brought this one out it was such a hit and this particular fabric was the fabric that I was I used in the the model that we showed we have a replacement fabric for that excuse me and that is here so look at this one this one is gorgeous it will give you a similar kind of look it has that red and black and the green and let's go ahead and take this quilt and we'll put it over here so we can kind of use it as an example so see how the red and black is here and so you would put this in your number one position which was where you always put your focus fabric and then the green would go here and the red would go here so you've got your fabric one your fabric two and your fabric three and you would get a very close look to this particular quilt gorgeous okay we'll keep John moving back and forth here we're gonna get him back over here and look at the fabric up close I'll be careful about doing that okay so here's the beautiful fabric it has a little bit of metallic to the poinsettia and then the companion pieces give you a little interest with that green and there's a beautiful modeled red to go with that which really mimics like on the poinsettias see how that just goes together with that so these are so pretty and that one's called poinsettia elegance that's your number it is in the book stepping stones we're going to show you that one just a minute and and we've got two more I'm sorry I said stepping stones I'm messed up again that's the Heartland the Heartland pattern so we've got two more that we're going to show you with the Heartland as well so the next one is done with our family and friends and so family and friends is another one of my fabric lines that I worked with quilting treasures to do and I love this one because I say say it with the quilt it says family and love friends it's a great fabric to give to someone that you know and love let's see let's sew it show the back of this one too okay this one has the hearts and the swirls I love this one great quilting design alright let's look at the fabric now this one is the friends-and-family fabric and we used that vine that we had one of the things that we did with QT is a lot of the fabrics crossover between the violets and the friends and family or the circle of friends fabrics and they look really good together so this mine has the little purple berry that ties it into the purples in this particular grouping and that one is called family and friends the pattern is heartland it is in the book pretty darn quick and here's the book page and we have one you know the next one is stepping stones okay the next one that we're going to show you is stepping stones and this one this is one I like to tell the story whenever when we first started working on Pinterest and we pinned the stepping stones pattern on Pinterest in just a matter of a few months it went over a hundred thousand pins and then Pinterest quit showing their stats in the same way and so it's hard for me to tell how many times it's been pinned I assumed getting hard for them to know because as you well know one person pins it and ten more people pin it and then twelve from each one of those pin it so you just it just really expands out with Pinterest but this has been such a popular pattern and it's called stepping stones and this one's called rustic rows really pretty fabric so if you like those fall colors that would work beautifully stepping stones and rustic rows so the name of the fabric is rustic rose or the kit here's your kit number and then these are your three fabrics so pretty this one's been very very popular on our website so rustic rose in the stepping stones now we've got another one with stepping stones and that one is another one from the cashmere line so we'll look at that one and what's the back look like on that one yes do turn that one around so that they can see the the back on that particular quilt it's so fun to see the backs of them too I know when we're at quilt shows you have your quilt angels that have white gloves on them well multiple people handle a quilt it's not good for the quilt in the long run but we just make sure our hands are clean and we just handle them ourselves we don't have to wear gloves all right beautiful fabric this is the cashmere and the cashmere fabric I showed you one with that fabric earlier I really like that particular line and it's another QT fabric we've got a lot of QT fabrics here today so this one is cashmere and just gorgeous isn't it I think this is neat these these are the same print but just in the dark and so it works beautifully for doing your your focal your light and your dark so when you're reading my patterns I always have a little legend like that over here so you can see and it's going to have a fabric one two and three and my recommendation is focus and number one fabric number two is your light and number three is your dark so that would be focus light and dark super easy to follow those patterns that way so that one is the watercolor garden next one we're gonna do is sugar pine will bring sugar pie up here this one is a really sweet quilt it's a little bit smaller in size than some of my quilts most of the lap quilts are about 45 by 60 but sugar pie has smaller pieces we have a lot of smaller pieces now they're all strip pieced so it's not hard for you to do this don't think I'm going to tell you to cut an inch and a half square and sew them together because I don't do that to you I wouldn't do it to myself so I do lots of strip piecing and this one just has smaller pieces so more of the fabric goes into the seam allowances rather than being on this surface of the quilt but this one is a precious quilt and we're going to show it to you in two colors so let me hold this one up while you're holding that one up henna this is the same pattern made out of different fabric and you can just see what a difference it makes whenever you choose a different fabric for the same pattern and any three 1-yard cuts of fabric will work together in any one of my patterns it's a fun way to go okay let's show this the first one that one again is from my line of fabric so let's show that and this is the sugarpie pattern this is the kit number and the name and then let's look at this gorgeous fabric again now this is the same violet that I showed you earlier but I can I combined it with two of the other pieces again there's your little purple berry that ties the two together and then the green with the green and we have our focus fabric our light and our dark now let's look at the the pink one that I showed you and here's the pattern so John can show you that while it pulled this over alright so here we have pretty-in-pink and that when we're going to hold that quilt up again for you in just a minute we'll look at the fabric and then we'll take another look at that one that was the one I was holding earlier so here we have the pretty medallions and a little yellow vine and the bright pink mottled color and that goes together and a beautiful set with your focus your light and your dark and here we have pretty and pink now let's take a look at the quilt I like this one a lot too it's very sweet make a really nice lap quilt just a you know for a small person just to cover up your lap and your legs on those cold nights alright make a great quilt for a little girl right next in line is going to be the family time and family time is with my friends and family fabric once again and you want to show the fabric or the quilt first what's the quilt okay we got to see that yeah okay so we've got the friends and the family fabric here with the green and then the green vine so that one is a very popular pattern as well we're going to see the fabrics here and let me find it in the book as well while John is focusing on the porch rails so this is the friends-and-family the kit number here and then the name of the kit and porch rails is the pattern so you can either get three kits and get the book free which has the pattern here and all of my patterns has that same legend so you get a black and white picture and then it'll say fabric one two and three and when you pick out your your fabric position you pick out your focus your light and your dark and then over here in the instructions it will refer to fabric number one fabric number two fabric number three and what you need to cut from each position all right let's show these fabrics so here's the friends and family there's the green vine with a little purple berry and then we've got the big solid the green circles and dots lots of fun now the next quilt is called it's a snap and it's a snap has been a very popular one it looks like cascading blocks and we have three versions in that and I'm going to show you a couple of different little tips on this particular one someone wrote to me I think I got it this morning a lady wrote and asked me about the it's a snap but she said I'm having just a little bit of trouble understanding it and wanted to know if I had a video and I don't have a video but I can show you real quick like the square on this one but I want to show you a couple of different colors so why don't we just fold that one up and then let's show the the red one this is the red and black one and I believe this is the one that needs to be turned over there you go this one really shows the cascading squares nicely and this one is called let's get that one that one is called windy hill couldn't remember the name of the fabric on that one so this is windy hill and we're going to put this up here and talk about the block and then I'll show you some fabrics so just fold that in half Hana and put it up on the table and I'm going to show you the pattern and answer a few questions so whenever you're reading one of my patterns the first thing you want to do is cut all of your fabric and I recommend that you use ziplock baggies and a permanent mark you're starting out or if you're going to be going off to a quilt retreat just cut all of your quilt pieces and put them in ziplock baggies and put the name of what they are is I've explained it here for like strip assembly a etc and the fabric number over here this particular one has three different blocks in it so you're going to be making these different blocks and I tell you to make how many you need to make eight eight and four of the blocks so you'll create each of those blocks then you will put your quilt together along with a fourth color so let's get our little cropping tool that we've shared with you before and we will show you how to crop this and see your block let me find the bottom of the quilt okay let's turn it this way so here's one of the blocks right here in this section and if you'll come up close I'm going to show you this block so we put our cropping tool here and we pull it together so it is the same size must be about an 8 and a half there alright so here is your your block so you have a strip here and then you have two blocks here so if you were looking at this there's the block and here's the block so there's a solid strip with an additional block here that matches and then this particular one now let's find this block and that block is right next door we need to pull this over all right so here is that block now that block is also turned so we put that there see this particular block here's your red and then your white block and then here is the long there so sometimes you build the block and you turn it and that might happen as you're going along it'll say rotate the block now let's see the next block is right here so here is the next block and it's just a simple four patch so there you have it and here is the block so the book goes through and tells you step-by-step how to do your strip piecing how to cut your units and then how to put those units together to create a block so it's a very systematic process and if you're reading her instructions it's a little bit of a trust issue you have to trust that I was guiding you along in a very simple simple way so that one is a little extra tutorial on the it's a snap so if that one kind of bumfuzzled you a little bit you'll have to check it out there okay let's look at this fabric so this is a really fun fabric just a little gray in red a little gray sprig a little red flower and then like I said I really do like my fabric so that's another one of my fabrics now this one does not have the purple berries this is just a great Barry so it can go with anything that you might need gray for and then the little red dot I just thought this was a really sweet combination that has quite the drama to it with just simple simple fabrics so that one is called windy hill kit number and it's a snap is the pattern you can either get the individual pattern whenever you purchase or you can get three kits and get the book the book has that instruction in it now we we're going to go straight to one more actually have two more it's a snap so we'll we'll flip through these in a hurry this one is a another poinsettia but a different looking poinsettia it has a red and cream and gray palette so that one is very very nice and again you can see how these blocks just go together and they're so pretty and that's great quilting - that is awesome quilting can you see the back - let's turn it around and this is the backing that we do have available so if you choose backing for the poinsettia quilt this particular one you're going to get the little mini pinecones they're just a little pinecone and that will if you take the quilt kit with the backing this will be the backing that you receive while supplies last well that's true but I do have I do have a lot of that sometimes we run out and sometimes we have a little bit extra so I have a little extra on that we should be able to fulfill your desires so this is a real watercolor looking poinsettias very pretty I like this one a lot there's a lot going on in this fabric let's open it up real quick like please don't test my it's not a lily it's probably just another form of the point setting or somebody out there knows their flowers better than me I have an apple on my phone so we don't know what that flower is but it's pretty I would imagine it's probably something to do with the poinsettia though all right and then here are the little mini pinecones and the pretty modeled red that goes it's kind of a real nice coordinated red with the poinsettia so that one is it's a snap it's called pretty posies up when set is pretty poinsettias and that's your kit number here okay the last it's a snap that we want to show you is this gorgeous blue this is very dramatic I like that a lot and it too has awesome quilting so we're going to turn this around and show you the back so you can see these gorgeous let's see tilt your top back just a little yes of the light can't get on it so that one is awesome as well kind of an art deco II mm-hmm yeah I like it a lot okay let's look at that beautiful fabric so this one is called eastern skies and if you like blue this is your cup of tea just gorgeous and here's your information your kit number your kit name and it's a snap and you can either choose the individual pattern or you can get the book free when you buy three kids and you had a lady today that sent you a photo of doing that and what was it so easy so fast so fast so fast yes it was gorgeous that was Kaitlyn is Kaitlyn watching today I've seen her Kaitlyn farmer she bought a bunch of kids back at the beginning of our shelter in place and she's been sending me pictures and they're all gorgeous so much fun she chose a different pattern but the fabric looked great because you can use any one of my patterns with any three yards it's fun to change them around and I know a lot of you do that because you send me pictures and I love seeing pictures so I hope that you'll continue to send them and sometime when you want to see what other people have been doing you can go to our website that's called three yard quilts 300k 3 yard quilts calm and we have a whole photo gallery of our different patterns and things we might not have kaitlin's up there yet but because we just saw it this week but we'll get it updated we have lots of people have submitted photos and we love seeing those ok this fabric is again my violet line and we're going to show you that quilt in just a minute so this one has the pretty flowers with the green vine and the green dot and Hanna is holding that one up and I'm gonna walk in front of the camera because I want to see if I did we do another yeah this one I want to show them this is an example of how you can use the same fabric in two different patterns and it looks different so this one what's this one this one sugar pie I just remembered that it had the same fabric and so that gives you an example of how two different quilts and they used exactly the same amount of fabric and you just picked a different you can just trust whatever pattern you get it's gonna work that's pretty cool right how can we send you pictures well you can do multiple things you can post them on Facebook if you want to do it that way or you can send them to say - yeah I'm trying to remember what would be the best one probably sales at fabric we should create a new email that is just for pattern picture submission but a lot of people do them right on Facebook and that's not a hard thing to do and we can see them there and then other people can see them as well that's right all right and last but not least we have another now hold that went back up again Hannah so these are the same this is the same pattern made with two different colored fabrics so I used different exit colors for these well I'm always showing off my toes wait till you see the next cover for my next book I'm showing off my toes in the picture we did it deliberately okay so this was through the window again and I'll let you have this one and I will get the fabric here and show the kit number so this one is again the violet fabrics with that purple berry and the purple solid our polka dots and this one is a toe - oh for four and all of the patterns in this book are available in the book or as individual so by three kits you get the book free if you just want one kit or two kits you can pick the pattern so that's our show today again the book that we were reviewing is pretty darn quick there's eight patterns and every pattern is written in three sizes the Lapp the twin and the king queen so we hope you're enjoying our videos we will continue to do that we'll be back Thursday with enough fun day and we'll have a great subject line we're kind of tossing around several different ideas and we haven't decided for sure which one we're going to do we're actually waiting for some fabric to come in and I'm not sure it's going to be here so if it's not here on Thursday it'll be here next week for sure so it's not a Robertson with fabric cafe thanks so much for joining us
Channel: Fabric Cafe Inc
Views: 16,500
Rating: 4.9314284 out of 5
Keywords: Easy Does It, 3-yard quilts, quilt book
Id: mMr7YWCqZKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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