Fat Quarter Quilt Top - Just Stack, Cut and Sew!

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hi everyone it's me Darlene I am here with a new quilt project we are going to be making a fat quarter quilt I think this might come out pretty good I have no clue so I went to my stash and I picked out six fat quarters I have some Pink's here and then I don't know I have a hard time telling the color of this it kind of looks blue but kind of looks green maybe a little bit olive green and then this is some beige with blue I think I don't know if I can show you the colors and if they will ring true in this lighting I don't think so but they're very nice I really like it and they're all small prints the biggest is this dot I have three other sets on eBay right now at the time that I uploaded this video so you can go grab yourself this exact set of fat quarters if you want to make this exact same quilt top as me here's the deal we're going to be laying out our fat quarters we're going to trim them we're going to make some cuts and then we're just going to put them back together and then we're going to end up with six big blocks we'll put those blocks together - and then - and then - I could have said that differently two by three let's go with that and it's going to end up I really I you know roughly I think I threw the paper away but you know maybe like 40 by 50 something in that range somewhere and let me just get my cutting mat and let's get started I pressed to these somewhat and I laid them down trying to line up the top and this side and these are all my selvages here this one is the shortest in the width you know they vary in width and so I put that one on top so when I trim I can make sure I cut off all the salvages and get them all it doesn't matter what you finished size is of your fat quarters so if you have a this fat quarter as long as you can make it a nice rectangle and we can do any trimming you know down to size after the fact so I'm just going to cut and I have my old very warped mat just so I can put this on on the mat because my other mats a little too small so I'm just going to cut on a line any line I'm just gonna try to do this the best I can with my short ruler - oh I did such a good job look at that so super cool and now I will do the same on this side maybe I'll turn it and now in the other direction yeah I will invest in a long ruler I'm sure I'm doing this with no level of perfection as I always say on eBay this is made with no level of perfection all right I'm gonna scoot it over a little bit I think I did a good job now we're going back to this way I'm coming in at about 20 and a half by let's move it up this way 19 and that's how I'm keeping it now I'm going to make my first cut I want to cut these are just numbers that I made up you can make up your own numbers I'm going to cut 12 inches in little 12 inches from my left side I'm going to cut all the way up whoops I need my rotary cutter whoa I didn't eyeball as good as I wanted to a little bit off there hey he's still pretty good now I'm going to make a cut six inches up so one two three four five six right there but I'm just going to turn it to make that easier to do I'm going to do seven let's do seven I like that I like the sizes of the two parts now just so we don't get screwed up we're going to put it back the way we wanted like this now we're going to cut a slice on the top here so I'm just going to move these over and I'm going to turn this and I'm going to do four inches in one two three four can you still see me you can one two three four right here oh and I can reach both ends just so we don't get screwed up I'm putting it back so you can see what we've done so far you'll have to just re-watch and take down notes as to where my cuts are now we're going to take this little bugger we're going to cut that into three pieces four inches so now I can cut four inch squares out of this so one two three four I'm going to cut right there we're gonna have some four inch squares and then I'm going one two three four so this is all the cutting we have to do we're going to be done cutting okay so let's move this back up we have this we have this and there will be a little bit of waste because when we put these together it's going to make it narrower than this so we'll be cutting a little bit off but the tallness should stay the same because we only have one seam going this way and one going this way so that will shrink them down equally now I do want to say if you want to do sashing it would look Hoover awesome I know it would if you sash to between these blocks between these blocks and then between the big blocks I'm not doing it because I really like to just show quick and easy quilt tops and sashing adds a lot of time and a lot of extra cutting so now what we're going to do is this pay tenshun going to take this top pile I'm not touching the big block that's just staying right there I'm going to take this top one and we're taking one off the top and putting it under I already love this the next one we're taking two off the top one - don't change the order you know don't do like this and then put the pink on top like you're shuffling a deck of cards or something so you just leave it one two put that in the back right there the third one we're doing one two three yet putting that in the back this big guy we're going to count four one two three four we're just going to put that down put this on top and then this guy we would count five but it's just easier to go for the back one see one two three four five so there's just one left so you can just go grab the back one and put that on top like that now we're going to be putting all these guys back together so what I'm going to start by connecting these two so I'll take you to the Machine and let's start doing that it is the next day yesterday before I started sewing I thought oh my sale has ended I have a flash sale every weekend and it was time to shut down the shop and start packing orders and I didn't get done until 8:30 he took me three and a half hours to do that and then I was - brain fried - so and I went to bed like why do I start these kinds of projects when I don't really know where I'm going with it when I switched you know the layers of fabric and the reason we do that is just so that there's no matching or repeating fabric in our block because this is going to be our block we're making six like this so I happen to have like pink pink pink and I was like Jed and plan that right that's determined by how you put your layers of fabric so I might have wanted to go like pink and then this and then another pink and then this another pink and then this you know when I was stacking them but you know no matter what I'm always going to like doubt my decisions and I went to bed telling myself just do it this way do it I was going to start like playing with these I have not even lifted these to see what the other combinations are so we're just going to be surprised I think that's a good way to do this so now for real we're going to the machine and we're going to sew this stack to this stack I have my two little stacks here this is the long top part and this is the bottom part so I'm going to just take this one and sew it to this one and it will be interesting to see what two color combinations pop up it's kind of fun you know you can absolutely cut and then just you know sort things and stack things the way you like but I'm not good with making decisions like that I like the choice made for me so I'm going to take this top one this bottom one I'm going to flip it and we are going to sew right along of the bottom edge so I don't get confused I am going to not chain piece these big guys I'm going to open this and I'm just going to press and I'm going to put this upside down on my other table I'm going to stack them all like this and then when I flip it over I will have the same exact order that I had okay this is fun I like it Oh last night I was like quite miserable just second-guessing everything that's why I don't like to continue videos I have time to change my mind about everything here we go upside down going on the little stack that I'm creating so I have my stack upside down this is the last one that I just now sewed I'm going to turn it over and we're going to be right back to the order that we were and I'm just going to lay this now next to my other blocks where it belongs and now we're going to do these little squares our little four inch blocks going to be sewing these together going to sew this one to this one do chain piecing there am I going to be able to remember the order I'm not okay so I'm not going to do that I'm going to sew this one to this one and then this one to this one let's just keep it simple and then I know my order okay I'm just going to press and I'm going to add this guy to it yeah this is the best way for me to do it I don't like to have to concentrate too much chain piecing is awesome and I love it but only when I don't have to be concern as to am I getting this right okay so I have one strip done this is going to be the the piece on the right no on the left see see how I am so you know what I'm going to do even though I'm going to flip this like this so when I turn it over we'll have the stack in the right direction I'm going to put a little sticker that says L for left on just this one and then I won't get confused we're going to sew this guy to this guy and now I have to add on this guy now I don't need to put an L for left I'm just going to flip it and put it on my other stack you do whatever works for you but this is why I say just grab an idea and go with it and try it and that's how we learn how to do other things so if I wanted to make this quilt top again I might have ideas new ideas as to how to do it not in the better way but maybe a bit different that I will also like I have just one alors so now I have my little stack of upside-down strips I'm going to flip it and then I know this is the one on the left so now I'm going to go put this back in its place on top of the big block this is where we are this was incredibly quick I mean really I don't even know if it took me 20 minutes to do this this is where I said we are losing an inch on this block because we had two seams up here and you lose a half an inch each seam each time you sew a seam if you're using a quarter of an inch seam allowance because a quarter of an inch and a quarter of an inch equals a half an inch so we lost an inch let me just trim an inch off this guy saving this now we are ready to sew one of these to one of these so I'm going to go back to the machine I don't need my little L anymore but I felt safe having it I've got my fabric here so exciting take my big piece and this is going to go here let's go with that I'm actually going to move the big piece over I can leave the little strips there I need room oh I like it okay upside down on my table this is what we have now just a little bit messy I'm just going to leave these here and take what I need at the machine we are going to soul this chunk to this chunk now within this block there are no matching intersections at all which is super cool and you know it makes a big block so it really really makes a quilt top quick taking one like this with my little top and this guy and just going to do that all the pieces I am done the quilt blocks I love that this was very quick and easy and I think that there's a lot of possibilities here with different prints different colors I did want to mention that this quilt top once it's done will be on eBay starting at a penny with free shipping for us a outside of USA you are welcome to bid but you need to pay the shipping through eBay's global shipping a program so go check that out I do have three kits of the fat quarters and I also have other fat quarters in my ebay store at any given time I did notice that right now I have a lot of 12 fat quarters Christmas prints you could make two different quilts like this if you're into that so always go check out my eBay store the link is always in the description down below so now all I have to do is decide which order I'm going to put these the one thing I wanted to say is that if you want the ability to turn your block then they need to be square like if you want to put one sideways that would be kind of cool I don't know yet if I will do that I'm thinking no mine ended up being about 19 wide by 18 tall and it's funny because they look much taller than wide to me it's got to be an optical illusion because of these long rectangular blocks but I've got 19 by 18 so if I wanted to trim an inch off each of these then I would have the ability to turn let me just do some layouts and I'll show you what I come up with I know you can't see but what I did is I matched the blocks up by making sure there were no two pieces touching this way in that center scene and it was a little bit difficult to get that to happen but I did so I will be sewing these two together and then these two together and then the other two together the only thing is is when I'm going to be sewing the rows together each rope will have something touching this will be touching here this will be touching here and there's really no way to get past that unless I were to square these blocks up and start turning and that would be supercool but again I just want to keep this simple so I'm just going with this let me put my blocks together two by two and then my rows and I'll show you what we have you guys have no clue how much I have struggled throughout this entire process not so much with this sewing but with all the behind-the-scenes stuff I am to the point where I'm just so discouraged and I just want this video to be over and I still have more editing to do I recorded with this on the bed downstairs and it was just too dark so now I brought it upstairs where I at least have a ceiling light and one lamp that works and here's what we have another thing is that you know I just love loud funky wonky and this just isn't doing it for me but it is nice some people may prefer this it's very subtle I really do like the way it turned out I would like to do this again with other fabrics other prints and just play with it and then maybe do a couple more cuts and some twists and turns but here is how it turned out and I don't know why I have it at an angle I just thought it looked cool at an angle I measured it and now I can't remember that was for the last video I do believe and I will double check but I'm pretty sure it's 37 and a half inches wide by 53 inches long whoever wins this on eBay do go check that out link is down below you cannot put a border around it let's just look at it together more closely and it's a little bit from pulled because it's been all over the place this was just a very tiresome process sometimes videos are like that nothing will go right I lost footage or so I thought I looked desperately and then I said well I'm going to have to record a piece to explain what is missing and then it magically appeared I don't know what the deal was it just wasn't uploading from my card so I do like it I just I'm not like acting like I'm in love with it because so far this process has been horrible but it happens I will recover and I will be back with more soon I will have a little slideshow coming up please do go check out my links and subscribe or else bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 101,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darlene Michaud, 1 hour quilt, one hour quilt, fat quarter quilt, fat quarter quilt patterns, easy fat quarter quilt, easy fat quarter projects, one hour fat quarter quilt, 1 hour fat quarter quilt, darlene michaud fat quarter quilt, darlene michaud quilt, darlene michaud 1 hour quilt, darlene michaud quilting, fat quarter quilt stack cut sew method, big block quilt, big block quilt patterns, easy big block quilt, fat quarter big block quilt
Id: Nf6Y4QjhAVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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