Get a sneak peak at some new Kaffe Fassett fabrics and quilt patterns.

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hello everyone it's donna robertson with fabric cafe welcome today and thank you so very much sharon for inviting us to do this program i have had so much fun working with the cave fabric i have to tell you though when i got that box of cake fabric it was like somebody giving me a box of 64 beautiful color crayons to use and i could only use the color crayon once so i had so much fun that i want to share it with you today because we did some fun things to share with you now everything is going to be based on our three yard quilt books we have seven different books in print but every print has the same every book has the basic same format so i'm going to show you that this is my latest book it's called quick as a wink three yard quilts on the back it shows all eight patterns that are in this book every book is different every book has eight patterns and every pattern is written for three sizes you can either make a lap quilt the basic size is 45 by 60. now they do change slightly depending on how the fabric is utilized and then we have a twin size it uses six yards and then we have a king queen size that uses 12 yards so you can have it your way whichever size you would like to make you can do that with the instructions in our three yard quilt books so we are going to be using two of these books today with the quilts that we're going to show you and each each one of these is being shown as a lap quilt so if you wanted to make it bigger you can either make it with six yards or you can add a border and we do have something on our website it is the button called free goodies and on that free site we do have instructions for how you can add just one yard of fabric to make larger borders a half a yard to make larger borders etc so i want hannah is my helper today and i want her to show this particular quilt so let's come right over here this one is uh this one is called corner play and i love this now this is the really cool thing there's a specific way that i write my patterns and i'm going to be going through this and helping you to see how easy it is to select your fabrics whenever you're putting one of the quilts together you always get three positions in the pattern and the way that it falls you'll have your focus fabric that's your largest print so if you look at these three pieces here this one has the largest print so it always falls in the number one position then you're going to compare the two remaining fabrics which would be this and this and you're going to pick the light one for the number two position and the dark one for the number three position let's put that over here on the table and how are we doing on the people joining us here sharon do we need a few more minutes or are they coming right along doing good everything's good okay this particular pattern is in our book called pretty darn quick and the that is called corner play originally i designed this pattern for modern views no not modern views um the modern quilt magazine i can't remember the name of it but the modern quilt magazine several years ago the editor asked me to do a three yard quilt this particular quilt that we're looking at is the corner play and this one is 45 by 63. now as i explained to you they will vary in size according to the way that the fabric is utilized now over here you'll always have a black and white diagram the black and white diagram will show you your fabric placement so remember as i was pointing to you i said okay now your largest print is you're going to be your number one or your focus fabric and so if we refer back to this one here's your largest print and that's in the number one and everywhere there's a number one fabric it has a polka dot and then your your two remaining fabrics you get to choose between which one is going to be the lightest and the darkest so let me pull these three fabrics over here because if you look at the fabrics not in the quilt you can really see this so if you're using this to make one of cave's quilts i like picking out that focus fabric first the largest print it's going to go in that number one spot then you have two pieces of fabric remaining you compare these two for your light and your dark and you'll see in just a little bit we have some of the quilts made where your focus fabric is also the darkest of the three but that does not get compared these are the two that get compared your lightest is set up for a white box so everywhere it's white in this quilt that's going to be there the dark one is your darkest fabric that would be this one and it is everywhere that the legend shows you that it's dark so this makes a really cool easy way for you to select your fabrics and know where to place them in your quilt if you do want to make it larger a twin size is 68 by 86 and the king queen is 107 by 98. now one thing i want to point out to you also is that in the very beginning when we started doing three yard quilts we did it for out of necessity what did they say mother nature is the necessity is the mother of invention and we were trying to move some fabric in our shop and it wasn't really going anywhere so we came up with a great idea of making a three yard quilt and we took we had three bolts each so we took about 45 quilts to our uh first show and by two o'clock the first day we had sold out and i was like i think maybe we have something here so my daughter and i were working together and i said we need to design some more quilts like this well it turned out as we started designing them people were just crazy about them they said well we not only can know how much fabric to buy when we go to the shops we know we just need three one-yard cuts of fabric we know that we need a focus a light in the dark and so suddenly matching fabric became so much easier for them so we started introducing new patterns but then we also learned that they love the fact that every pattern is written the same way so whether you use pattern a or pattern b you're always going to be able to use three one-yard cuts of fabric with the focus in the number one spot the light and the number two spot and the dark in the number three spot so it makes it super super easy for you to be able to quilt so we'll take that one away and once again corner play that we just showed you is in our book pretty darn quick let me put the book down here so you can see that okay we had a lot of fun with this we actually created uh nine different quilts that we're going to share with you in this next one we're going to show you what happens when you start moving your fabrics around or adding different fabrics to your quilt top this one is just lovely lovely lovely i'm a i really have a tendency to be a green or an aqua type person i really like these colors together very much and this is your focus fabric here so that's your largest block and then we put this as our lightest because if you compare those two and i tell people all the time if you don't know for sure which one's light and which one's dark then what you can do is just squint and you can see it or you can put those two fabrics together and take a picture turn it to black and white and it shows up very clearly which one's light and which one's dark so this one is called bold blocks it has a little bit of a modern look to it because it has an asymmetrical design and i love these huge flowers they're just so fun to work with so let's put that one up here because i wanted to share with you that fabric and then i want to share with you what happens if you replace one of the blocks in this because any of the fabrics will work in any of the positions you can switch them around if you want to so if you wanted you could actually put the number two fabric in the focus fabric area if that's what you preferred because every position uses one yard of fabric so it's very it really can lean to your own creative bent if you want to do something a little different and sharon and i were talking the other day and we were talking about how this is case definition or his his version of a stripe a lot of people are afraid of stripes i use stripes a lot because i think they add a lot of motion to your quilt and i especially love to use them in a border position so that whenever you use them they give you a striped effect on the border so if we stay with our same basic concept that your large fabric is in your number one position then your number two you compare these two light and dark that goes in your number two and then here is your number three in your background so you're you're probably beginning to see and understand basically what we're talking about this one is also from the pretty darn quick book now we have something that our customers know that i'm going to be talking about pieces and parts it's going to be where i took other fabrics and i just changed them around so this is a pretty bright uh quilt but what would happen if we just changed one of the fabrics out with something else and what i did was i went through and i put took this color see how this is the brown and the purple back here i just thought that was really cool but let's just change this out so that we replace the number two fabric with this and then we have a cropping tool that john made for me so that i could oh i have this scooted over too far sorry there we go and we're gonna crop that out so you can see that block and look how it changes that block i think the thing about three yard quilts that has helped people the most is being able to see how you can use your own creativity and really change the look of it just by adding your two cents worth in what you would like to be there or i know we've taught many classes where everybody in the class uses the same pattern but they all bring three different fabrics so you get a lot of creativity going on and i know in the beginning whenever we first started our company 20 years ago one of the most frequent things that i heard from customers was i don't know how to match fabric and so this simplifies it to the point where you can actually you can start matching that fabric and you can try it the only way that you'll ever really perfect it is when you do it over and over again okay so let's look at these three fabrics up close or did we do that already where i pulled my fabrics back so you could see them again but i loved the way that changed just by putting this darker color in replacement it kind of grounded the quilt a little bit more let's go let's go back to sharon sharon did you have some comments did karen or did she have them okay do you fussy cut the fabric do i fussy cut no i do not okay thank you that's a good uh good question do i fussy cut fabric no i do not fussy cut the fabric let's put that quilt back up here and i'll show you we do a lot of strip piecing almost everything that we do is strip pieced so let's pull this out and you can see when you look at these blocks that they're all different there's no fussy cutting going on here at all i and this particular one the way that i made this quilt is you cut the big block well actually you don't cut a big block you cut a big strip that's ten and a half inches uh tall and then the width of the fabric and then you're going to take strips of fabric and sew those to this block so that strip is sewn to this block and then you cut your unit so if you're looking at my patterns let me pull that up and show you in the actual pattern so we actually cut what we call units so here's your unit right here so it has one strip cut this let me cut on one end then you add another strip to that so this is all sewn in long strips and so you're not going to be fussy cutting but look how gorgeous case fabric turns out it's just it just works um one of the reasons i do a lot of 10 inch blocks is because many fabrics are based on 8 10 or 12 inch repeat i believe that's what it is it's 8 and 12 6 8 and 12. whenever i first got his uh thumbnails to work with i was surprised at how large his repeats were you would very seldom ever do a quilt with the the full width of that repeat but it would work when you cut it into the ten inch uh blocks like that but they are strip pieced uh the size of the quilts are basically 45 by 60 you're gonna give or take an inch or two either way so if i took the pretty darn quick book i can quickly show you how they'll change slightly but they're going to be pretty much the same size here's a 43 by 58 the smaller your blocks the smaller the quilt because you've got a lot more fabric going into your seam allowances so that one is 43 by 58 this one's 47 by 60 and then the one that i showed you first with the corner play this particular one is 45 by 63 so they're all in that basic area just for the lap quilt and it makes everything that you see on the front your borders your binding and your quilt top however when i first started this program we were presenting them as a little bit of an economy uh quilt and the reason we did that is because it was 2008 when we came out with our very first uh pattern and cotton prices were just beginning to soar we were used to paying a certain amount and we were watching those prices go up every time we ordered and i'm a small shop and i was like oh my gosh what are we going to do and then i went well wait a minute um originally quilting was an economy craft if you look at the old patterns every block i mean many blocks were patched there were a lot of pieces and parts old clothing was used and it was more of a necessity and then it became an art where we bought yards and yards and yards of fabric and put them together in beautiful quilts and i have nothing against that but in 2008 i was getting scared because i was a quilt shop and my prices were going from about eight dollars a yard up to about 12 yards so i was thinking can people even afford to do quilting well yes we can because we are artists and we love to do quilting so i created a pattern and everything in that quilt top binding and border is done with three yards but my binding is a single fold binding if you want a double fold binding you do have to add a half of a yard now let's look at that single fold binding on this quilt here's the next one this one is porch rails step up just a little bit okay right here it's a very dainty binding i have tutorials on how to do it and i did choose to do this one with still pictures this tutorial is still pictures because then you don't have to wonder what it was i did i took lots and lots of pictures i should have had a picture of me sitting with the tripod in my lap while i sewed because that was a funny uh little scene whenever i did it but i would sew a little bit and take a picture i saw in the tripod was right across my lap that this is what the binding looks like and if you don't want the single fold binding then you can do a half yard more and get a double fold binding any other okay this one is called porch rails and when i designed this one i was looking for something that would be super simple and very very fast um i listened to my customers many of my designs have come about because the customer said that's too pretty to cut up so i made bigger blocks but they also wanted really quick and easy quilts that they could put together in a hurry for a gift quilt or a charity quilt or something like that so i came up with with this one and i called it porch rails when and i'm always telling the funny stories about how i have to name all of these quilts i've designed more than 100 quilts and therefore i say i have over 100 children that i had to name but this one has a very simple eight inch block and then it has the rail fence block and it is super simple and it's just alternated so you have a rail fence and you have a block and a rail fence and a block and then we turn them and whenever i finished designing it i said well maybe this is the porch and these are the rails i like to sit out on my porch a lot so i called it porch rails so that's how i came up with the name of this one it's a super simple quilt i'll give you the sizes on each one of them as we go and she's going to put that one up there so we can look at the fabrics and let me find porch rails porch rails is 45 and a half by 60 and a half and this is a good example of the strip piecing because i will sew three pieces together we then cut it into blocks and then we just alternated this block with a solid block so super simple and fast now this one has a little bit unusual border on it so let me scoot it over a little bit i did an inset in the border and i have to confess one of the reasons i did the inset on the border is because i was running out of the border fabric and i needed to extend it so i did some inset blocks if these are economy quilts we're going to use most of the fabric i designed for 34 inches of the 36 inches so you're going to have a little bit to trim up if you need to trim up if you pre-wash please be sure you zigzag your raw edges before you wash it or you'll lose a lot through raveling and that's no fun so um i designed this specifically because i needed more on my uh border and it turned out that people love it and i do too it just kind of adds a little bit more interest to your quilt to have that inset block and here are your instructions for how to do that so whenever you're working with my patterns i try to give you plenty of diagrams and people like it the customers like these and have told me that they like it because they always know how much fabric to buy if you want to make a larger one you just buy two yards of each one but they also tell me they go together so fast and they still look interesting um one of my favorite stories is being at a quilt show and about five o'clock one day a lady came in and bought four or five kits she had never made my quilts but she really fell in love with the ones we were showing she went home well but she didn't go home she went to her hotel and of course if you're an avid quilter you travel with the sewing machine and she said i had nothing else to do so i cut out the pattern and then i went had nothing else to do so i sewed the pattern and the next morning at ten o'clock when we opened she came in and she said i want you to see what i did in just a little over three hours and i actually have a video on my site the three hour quilt because she was speedy gonzales but she was able to make the quilt top in just three hours they go together so fast so um that's just one more reason to to like three yard quilts because you know really you just want to you just want to quilt you just want to sew okay here are the three fabrics so you can see these up uh close and you can also see in this gorgeous these are feathers we had a lot of fun with the feathers we have two or three quilts that have the feathers so this is your focus fabric this is your you compare these two and you'll come up with which one you like best for light or dark or as i said you can switch any position and in this particular case because i chose this feather in the blue the blue is actually darker if you squint than the red but i wanted the red up against that so i simply switched it made a note and i said i'm with the blue and the number two and the red and the number three so don't hesitate to do that but do make yourself a note so you know what you've done and you put the pieces in the right spots so we have fabric one fabric two and fabric three this one is called porch rails it's out of the pretty darn quick book whoops sorry and um i think yes and that's the last one that we're showing you from this book so once again this is pretty darn quick and please stay stay tuned because we have a surprise for you at the end of the show so these are the eight quilts that are in this particular book okay the next quilt quilts that we're showing you are out of this book called easy peasy three yard quilts and this one is another one that came about by request somebody said i have this gorgeous fabric that i want to show off but i don't exactly want to cut it all up so what do i do so this particular one is called sweet tines and um i used big ten inch blocks these are all from the case one yard fabric so i got all of those blocks out of the fabric and then i just border each one so each one alternating one is bordered by the same colors or by different colors and this one turns out really a nice size too let's put that one up here and we will show you some pieces and parts on this too like i said when i got the fabric it was kind of hard to decide which ones i really wanted to use let's do this way a little bit more um because they were all so pretty and i just really wanted to i wanted to use them all but i just had to quit okay so we're going to look at what you're laughing about what you're saying okay well i'm sure there's at least one other person out there that um feels that way too when you get new fabric it's like i want to do it all but i want it all right now okay so here's sweet times and here's another example of that strip piecing and here's the example of the fabric one fabric two and fabric three you just look at your black and white diagram so simple and easy to read and as i explained i took i used all the big blocks are made with the number one fabric and then the white is your number two fabric and the black is your number three so if you look at this this is your number two this is your number three and then whenever you're reading the pattern here's your cutting instructions and it tells you exactly what to cut from each one of those fabrics so from fabric one this is what you cut etc etc okay so because i couldn't decide exactly we decided to show you what it would look like if we replaced just one of the fabrics isn't that gorgeous love it so we're going to put this and this is not fussy cut this is just cut one right after the other after the other and i only replaced the focus fabric so you do not this is your block here and then this is your i'm running off the table there here and let's put these down here i need to be just a little bit taller thank you hannah so here is your what your quilt would look like if you just replaced your focus fabric the cake fabrics are so much fun to use because of the way the colors work together and they add just the right amount of pop and when you put different ones together i do like contrast and so i i do work with that contrast part of the fabrics as well but just a work of art okay we have a question yeah theod dora hi just quite often she wants to know if we will actually get the fabric in to make these kits in february we have it on order and we are just ready for february to be here absolutely okay well let me tell you the really amazing thing about diane arthur we met in 2008 and she came into our booth and she told us that she was uh making charity quilts and i believe that she goes on two or three retreats every year and she makes like 13 or 14 quilts every time it is amazing that's right as diane just said um i have another story about that um i was at a show one time and this lady came in and she said oh my gosh i just discovered your books last week and she said i was at a retreat and i sat down and started my quilt and i looked over to my left and this woman was making this really pretty little quilt and i was sewing sewing and then i looked over and she was working on another quilt and i said what happened to the first quilt she said well i'm finished and she said in a few minutes later i looked over there and i mean it was like an hour or two she said she was working a third quilt and i'm still on my first quilt so they're great for retreats you cut all your pieces take them with you and then you can be the star of the retreat well that's great i'm so happy to hear that people are excited about them awesome well let's look at this up a little bit closer i like to show them up close because it's so much fun to see them so there's your focus here's your number two and your number three and i love the way the the flowers showed up on that quilt hannah could you bring us that quilt again because the way they almost look like a little um half what what am i trying to say like a scallop yeah so i like the way that turned out okay so the next quilt i've been showing these bright bright bright colors but now there are some people that are watching that might enjoy something a little bit more earth-toned so we'll look at this one this one is just a fun one i fell in love with these autumn colors autumn is one of my favorite times of the year we live out in the middle of the woods and you know you crunch through the leaves and you've just got that crispness in the air and so i love autumn and this just reminded me of autumn so very much so this one if you'll look at this you can see that it's a much darker quilt because of the way the fabrics are placed so you've got once again no fussy cutting you've got your big block but then we made some small blocks with the same focus fabric and alternated it here now i'm going to show you the blocks on these because they kind of disappear you look at that and you go now how did you do that so let's lay that one up here and let me show you how these blocks are put together that's always fun to see as well so one of them now when this one is called easy street so story behind this one is that i was designing the book easy peasy and i did a pattern and it was not easy peasy i am known for writing easy directions and if i'm starting to write and it's getting complicated i just stop and sometimes i will rewrite a pattern three or four times before i'm happy with the way the instructions are written i mean the quilt's already made but i want you to be able to make it and make it easy so um i ditched that pattern and i needed another quilt because these needed to go because we needed the book finished so i sat down i started designing and i designed this one and i wrote this one and i thought man that was like being on easy street so that was the name that it got it went together very very quickly so if you look at this one we are going to i'm gonna have to pull it just a little bit closer so i can actually see what i'm doing here okay this is like almost like a four patch so if you look at this using the cropping tool like this then do i have that right nope let's move it down just a little bit here and there okay those colors kind of move together so much that those buttons i love those buttons um here's your for your two blocks you've got this block right here oh let's scoot it in a little bit more okay you make two of these so see it's just a two-sided block and there's one here and then there's one up here here's the other one and you put them together and they just kind of kiss in the corner and then you've got these two blocks made with the opposite fabric and there's your points going away so you've got two points coming in two points going out this was a super simple four patch that to put together and then you've got your big block and it's over here so we've got right here and that's your big block and then when you put those together the way they butt up against each other just gives you this awesome look like you've done some kind of more complicated piecing there but super super simple to put together okay here's the fabric and once again like i said i love using a stripe in the border so we're using his version of the stripe so we've got our focus fabric is the number one fabric and then you've got your stripe and these awesome buttons i will you'll see before the end of the show i fell in love with his buttons and i've used them in a couple of more quilts as well in different colors but just so much fun and i love the way it puts a little pop of color almost like a surprise color in there but that just tied together really well with the little pops of color in this so i really like the way that one turned out this one is called easy street from the easy peasy book now i've got this one in a totally different color way in here it's all in reds and blacks but here is a here's your your diagram in the black and white here's your strip piecing and like i said we will strip piece and then i have you to cut the pieces into uh assembly units and then those units are then you go on and get more instructions for finishing out the quilt and don't forget you get a twin and a king queen in there as well so this one is called easy street okay now this one this is to me this is a stunning quilt look at this and that gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous now the feathers are so colorful they are just incredible and so we've got our feathers and this one is using alternating colors so you've got a block you've got two focused fabrics and if you fall in love with cave fabric and you want to use lots of these great brights the best way in my opinion to really set them off is to give them a sashing that separates them but still showcase the fabric i just think that's gorgeous so let's put that one on the table this one's called tic tac and i've got pieces and parts for tic tac too okay so here's our fabric thank you here's our fabric for tic tac and like i said you've got your focus fabric even though they're identical i put this in your number one spot and then i put the lighter one in the number two spot you compare these two and you've got your lights and your dark so you can see those very easily over here with your number one fabric and your number two fabric with that black in the middle now let's take it a little bit different route this was one of the other fabrics that i'm i really wanted to make a quilt out of this because i thought it was so cool but at the same time i had to i had to choose so once i chose i just decided i would have to live with it and i'm showing you this instead so this you want to put that one down there for me hannah thank you so this is your look how this is switching out it's just going to change the look of the quilt completely so if you like less contrast meaning bright you can go ahead and put that together with some of the more subdued colors you put that one up there for me you know one of the drawbacks of being five foot tall is you can't quite reach across a four foot table there we go now can you get a good idea of that let's let's cover up the bright stuff over here so you can see it isn't that great it just gives it a totally different look with this particular uh quilt you can still use that black and see this would be a good one uh for somebody that that doesn't you know they're maybe have a little bit more muted but they like the art um look great on a leather sofa it would look really great on a leather sofa okay so this one is called the pattern is called tic tac and as we know it's some more of the gorgeous cave fabrics okay we'll take that one away and the next quilt this one's called town square now this one's been very very popular because of the way this particular block just it just kind of almost like coming towards you uh sitting on top it's called town square and um on this one i liked really setting these off it's it's bright but it's um a very coordinated quilt for me uh with those blues and greens and i warned you up front i like blue and green so we'll pull that one over and i've got pieces and parts on this one too i'm going to show you a little bit different um a lit a little bit different look too it's always fun to see different ways that you can put the fabrics together so this one is called town square and this is your focus fabric and then the two fabrics that are remaining are your light and your dark love that that's gorgeous okay let's put some pieces and parts on it and see it a little bit different so because i like the the feathers so much i decided to put some feathers in this one and john which one would be better down at the bottom i'm going to scooch up here a little bit no problem all right and by the way john is behind the camera doing all of this isn't that fun i mean and it looks great with those green and that green and that blue so those feathers are just awesome so that's another look for you okay earlier you had a question are you doing any new books yes i am tomorrow i leave to go to san antonio where i work with my daughter she used to be here she helped me found the company 20 years ago but she's been transferred down to the san antonio area she is actually working on a book of fat quarters so we will be introducing three yards of fat quarters and that would be 12 fat quarters that one will be produced it should be out somewhere between the end of november and the first of the year and then i am working on a quilt as well i'm in a book as well another three yard quilt book and we're going to show you sneak peek two of the quilts that will be in the new book so these patterns are written we have made two of the models this one is called big blooms and when i saw the cave fabric i thought it would be so fun to use big blooms from case fabric to make my big flowers on this quilt so that's what i did here and i really really like that and i do love this i think it's called moss rose this particular fabric and i really like it as well but i love the way it just this pink kind of picks up the little bit of pink that's in the fabrics so this one will be in my next book the next book is called quilts in a jiffy and it will be out probably more like the first of january all right let's look at these fabrics they're gorgeous too so this one is big blooms quilts in a jiffy and it's coming out by the first of the year so beautiful beautiful speaks volumes doesn't it and i used my contrasting my number one and my number two i mean my number three i didn't say those right okay i've forgotten how to count so sorry focus fabric two and three we were laughing earlier i was cutting pieces and i told jessica i said now you'll be able to tell everybody that i know how to count to 10 because i do believe in count twice or sometimes four times before i use that rotary cutter so let's just show you the blocks here so that you can see those as well because it's a little bit different and this is the big bloom right here and right there so you can see how that's put together this is all from the same fabric and then this this corners are a little different so they just blend in with this so that it looks like you've got a fancy little block going over in the background it's a fun quilt all right and the other blocks of four patch oh well i didn't show that did i yeah everybody knows a four patch thank you john see john knows the four patch i'll put that on there as well okay and oops i do know how to use this little cropping tool that john made for me and there's the other block now you talk about super simple see how super simple that is okay thank you john all right now the other one that we're going to show you hannah's over here playing with me she's pulling the quilt away she's not sure i'm finished with it i might think of one more thing to say okay this next quilt is also from the new book and i told you i used buttons again this is the fun story about this one whenever i designed this quilt i had already designed the quilt when i got the fabric from sharon and whenever i saw it and i showed her the quilt oh excuse me i had named it button box because i thought these looked like buttons with the little holes in the middle and i had already named the pattern button box whenever i designed it and then i got this fabric and i went that's perfect so it's got this big gorgeous fabric here and then we've got buttons and buttons cute cute cute so i loved the synchronicity of that one i'm serious it probably wasn't two days before i got the fabric whenever i got i mean that i'd finish the pattern when i got the fabric all right so here are our three fabrics so here's the focus fabric now you need to really scan that one this one is just look at that isn't that gorgeous just gorgeous so that is the focus fabric and then we have our fabric two and our fabric three this one is called button box and it too will be in the new book called quilts in a jiffy and it should be out by the end of the year no no no um quite often i think in the past more than now uh you had pre-washers when i first started sewing when i first started sewing i would walk in the back door through my laundry room i would open the washer and i'd put my my fabric in and wash it because that's the way i was instructed to do whenever i started quilting but then you had to trim off any rattles you know strings and everything and then resize the fabric in order to cut it out and create your quilt and i finally decided that that was a little more work than i wanted to do and so i don't pre-wash my nail i hope nobody hangs up at this point but i don't pre-wash my fabric instead what i do is i use sensor pawl or retain when i wash a quilt i use cold water i set my timer so that as soon as it is through washing i go take it out so it's not sitting up against each other and there's no chance of it bleeding because the center pole and the retain will catch the free radical colors we don't usually take pre-orders but we'll do a lot of drum rolls and announcements we do twice a week we do a video and we show the new fabrics that have arrived and we match them up with patterns we do a lot of what we just showed you today where we will change out the fabric and lay it on top of the quilt and you can better believe that we are going to be doing quite a few programs because i did order all nine quilts that we showed today i am have already ordered uh quite a bit of that because i know that our customers are going to love it we do have a couple of things that we recommend if you will sign up for our newsletter at or if you want to go to our youtube channel you can uh watch the videos that we do which is basically show and tell for colors and the way that i place the colors in a quilt and show you what we have new we have the free goodies button and on the free goodies button you can download things like how to cut your backings and we actually have one that explains how to take 108 backing and make backing for two different quilts because you can buy two yards cut it in half and it'll do two of our quilts well it saves you a lot of money because it's yeah but those instructions are on our free goodies buttons we've got several things and if you want to try one of our free patterns we do have a three yard well we have two this month we have a pink ribbon quilt and then we have one called so fast and they can just download it and give it a try oh that'll be great and i will say thank you to my staff because they are awesome hannah john and jessica and we hope to see you again bye you
Channel: Fabric Cafe Inc
Views: 20,725
Rating: 4.8897057 out of 5
Keywords: FreeSpirit, Kaffe Fassett, 3-yard quilts, Fabric Cafe
Id: 4W7TH6weuow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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