NO-NO! Don't Do This With Your Canned Goods! ~

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hey guys welcome to Appalachian homestead potere with you you know opportunities present themselves in terms of being educational moments all the time on a farm and a farmstead okay not all the time can you film them not all the time do you look like something that you would want to be on camera so as I'm working I've come back in and I am putting on chili for dinner okay so I've got the ground beef already cooked blah-blah-blah-blah-blah and this is something ironically that has been brought up just this past week in my homesteading group on Facebook okay love you guys in there my gals and guys okay guys and dolls right so we've been talking about canning we've been talking about the safety of canning items that should or should not be canned and proper canning procedures I want to talk about why it is important that you store your canned goods a particular way if you caught the harvest right video that I did for gardeners supply I kind of hit on that okay I'm going to show you what I'm talking about and why these safety rules regulations blah blah blah exist I totally understand what Mammal did 150 years ago or a hundred years ago once Canaan came into really big fashion but you know what they did what they knew to do and they did what they could there's a lot of things that we should do now because we are better educated on this particular subject right so let's use the got you know the sense the common sense that God and Granny did give us let me show you what I'm talking about here okay okay so let me start with the good side of all of this okay so I'll just grabbed a towel and I mean this is impromptu but this isn't this is critical people okay I am taking the time away from my fencing in order to do this you need to know when you store your canned goods I don't care if it's in your cellar in your pantry on the moon under your bed in your closet in your underwear drawer listen to what I'm telling you okay do not first and foremost leave the rings on now a lot of folks will tell you that's because it will bust the seal okay okay well maybe maybe so leave it right there another big no no no no no is to take your jars whether they have the ring on or not hopefully they don't have the Rings on for crying out loud and to stack them like this that is a no no no no no now what some people do listen to me what some people do is they'll individually stack these items and then they will put something even across the top like a piece of cardboard or maybe a piece of thin plywood or you know what's really good to do you know those boxes that you get you get all these pretty little jars in is to put them once you've cans your item put them back down into those those ball canning jar boxes those cardboard boxes put them down in their individual little spaces and then you can step two to three boxes on on top why because it leaves the space from the pressure hitting down on to your jars which should not have the rings on cappucci okay why some people like I told you we'll say well that's oh you don't get the rust and the yuck can you bust the seal and all of that well that is true you don't want to bust the seal because you want to stay in the standards of safety you know what is safe and quality for you know your food that you're going to be eating let me show you this do you see that do you I know you do what's this this has not been opened by me not in Ooty there you go here is why you do not stack your jars on top of each other number one will it back up you don't leave the ring on your jars okay because if you have a false seal and they happen because you didn't clean your jars properly you didn't go through the proper cleaning didn't go through the proper water or pressure mapping your items you can very easily get a false seal you can get a false si leavin dude by doing all of these things they happen people that means that the seal did not happen properly from the lid the outer rim to the jar okay here's the point if you keep the ring on and it keeps the pressure of that lid down you may have gotten a false seal and you won't know it therefore if botulism is forming inside your jar it's a silent killer if you well it's not that it can kill you I mean even get really sick so instead of it popping off and showing the Funkytown and the mold and the grossest that you need to visually see it's going to start growing down into the jar you won't know it because see you left your lid on with a ring and cut that pressure down on it and so it's going to grow down in there second to that if you take your cute little blackberries like I've got here and you do the same thing and you're stacking and stacking you're still putting that pressure down on top of the lid the same idea as keeping the pressure down keeping the seal down and if you happen to have something like this forming how in the dickens are you gonna know I want to see it I want to know now this is only the second jar of all the canning that I've done over the past six or seven years that I have ever had do this okay I encourage you all the time to look at the proper and correct ways to can I am sorry I do not care if your mammal water bath green beans I don't care if everybody flips stuff upside down I understand all the things that can be done and if you want to do that that is your business I do not advocate that on here on my channel I don't advocate that here at my home because you know why guys for 10 extra minutes you're going to be spending a whole lot of time in the emergency room okay because you don't want to take the time to clean something a little bit extra or to go buy an $18 water bath at Walmart or to do all the things that you can do to ensure safety while you can while you can can I'm just not going to advocate that okay so I want you to understand that please understand that when you put your canned goods whether it's in a harvest rack or whether it's in your pantry or wherever I know I choked earlier about the underwear drawer do not stack them on top of each other do not leave the rings on because if this is happening if this is happening if this process is happening secretly and in disguise in here let it reveal itself by not following these you're just endangering you your health and your family's not worth it no way nohow hope you like this video hope it helps you out I'm trying to just seize the moments when they count to help y'all guys in the comments below some of you gals especially out there that's been canon for years and years and years I'm sure some of you will agree with some of this some of you won't but guys we're trying to keep you safe okay so got some of you particularly that I notice in my group that are big Stifler's on canning safety this is what we were talking about LIKE and subscribe check us out on Facebook Instagram and Pinterest wow-wow-wow we'll talk to you soon you
Channel: undefined
Views: 790,937
Rating: 4.7615027 out of 5
Keywords: canning, canned goods, how to can, proper canning and storage techniques, real skills, Ball Canning, water bath, pressure canning, canning no-no's, homesteading, off grid, off grid canning, starry hilder, shtf, self reliance, farming, gardening, harvesting, canning lids
Id: iQi8kab8WxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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