Pressing Fresh Olive Oil from the Press near Nazareth

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In the last episode we have pruned the olive tree, picked the olives, separated the leaves, cured a handful of black and green olives for eating. And now, we are ready to take them to the olive press. And look how much we've got. An entire bag. It is heavy! So now, we're going to take it to a olive press. Come take a look how much we have! So I've never been to the olive press, I have no idea how it's done. But luckily, we have a good guide! -Let's go -Let's go! We've got a little bit a of a problem. My parents just came back from Lithuania, they visited my grandma. I need to go them up from Haifa. They took the train from the airport to Haifa. But at the same time we are going to the press. I didn't time this right. So what's gonna happen is we're gonna start filming in the olive press and then I'll hop in the car and I'll go drive to pick them up. I hope it's going to work out. So Reine is an interesting Arabic village or town. It's located right between Nazareth and Kefar Cana. So Suhail is asking for directions for the olive press. Are we lost? So I'm just following Suhail in the middle of Reine and we can't really find the olive press. But, you know, we'll ask a few people around, or... Suhail will ask a few people around. We'll find it eventually. This could be it. I see olive buckets. Yeah, zoom in on those. Okay, we're here. Let's go and talk to them. So because there are other people pressing, we have to stand in line. And until our bag is pressed we need to wait until 3.30-4 o'clock. So in 4 hours or so. And we can come and film and see how they do it. So we'll have to come back later. After we pick up mama and papa. -Let's do it! Awesome. Alright, so the olive press is an incredible symbolism in the Hebrew language and in the bible. How do you say "Olive Press" in the Hebrew language? If you said "Gat Shmanim" then you are absolutely correct. Now, try to think about that word "gat Shmanim" -Gat Shmanim -Gat Shmanim What does it resemble? What does it mean to you? -Gat Shmanim... Gat Shmanim... gatshmanim.. gathsemane.. -Gethsemane! -Yes! Yes! And that's what it was, right? That's where Jesus had went to pray and that's why that place is called Gethsemane because it's an olive press! -Yes, it's believed to be the garden that had an olive press in it. -Wow, okay, so if we go back to the times of Jesus, they had there the first century olive press right in that garden. Now, what would that look like? I understand it had two stages, right? What is the first stage? -So, the first stage is the crushing stage. Then the second stage is the pressing stage. And that's it, there are two stages. -Okay, so first you crush them and then you press them. -Yes. -And crushing means - crushing everything with the seeds. you don't take the seeds out of the olives? -No. Everything! That's what we're going to see later today too. they are gonna crush everything. -Yes. -Cool. So the first stage, what did they use to crush those olives? -So there's a smart mechanism. a big ball or a basin that has a very flat ground and it's round. And on top of it, also goes in a round way a huge stone. Now, imagine a millstone, a small stone, this one is so much bigger than that. And let's just say it's extremely heavy. -Right, and you could probably move it by hands, but it's mainly used to be moved by -Mules or donkeys. -Yeah. -It is so heavy, that stone. -Yes. -And here's the first symbolism. Jesus goes to the olive press. And He is being crushed by the weight of the sin of the world. -And what is about to happen to him. -Yeah, and that's that heavy rock, crushing those olives. Incredible symbolism there. And then we go to the second stage. The second stage is... -The pressing stage. -The pressing. And it has, I understand, three presses. -Yes. -Not just one. You don't just press everything from one time. -No, no. -Okay, so what's the first one? -So the first press is just like every first fruit it goes to the temple as an offering, it goes to the Lord. -So that's the pure olive oil. -Yes. -The extra extra virgin. -Yes, whatever we call today extra virgin. But even purer than that because there was no machinery used on it. -Okay, so how was that first press done? You put the crushed olives into the baskets. -Yes, in big baskets that look like tires. They have holes in the middle. So we squeeze them at the sides. Now, imagine putting those baskets on top of each other. They become so heavy that they act like a pressing agent and some oil starts to sip. -You don't even press it, it's own weight produces that oil from the crushed olives. -It's the purest type of oil and that oil goes to the Lord. -And in the second press, you actually start pressing the oil. -Yeah, with the machine. -Okay, now the machine, I saw. You showed it to me in Nazareth Village, it had like a seesaw mechanism. -Sort of like seesaw, it goes up from one place and down form the other. -So you press that olive oil from the second press, and that's considered still to be good for personal use? -Yes -Cooking, drinking... -It's good oil. It's clean oil. -Medicine? -We don't press it too, much too hard. It's used for cooking, medicine, cosmetics. -It's good oil. -It's good enough for humans to use. -It's kosher. [Laughter] -So... and then we got the third press. -Yeah. -That press, I understand, you squeeze the life out of those olives. -Yes -You squeeze everything. -Yes. And at this point, the oil is at a poor quality, it's not the best. And because we press so hard, we use every weight measure we have. -And what would they use it for? -So they used it for external uses. It's used for... -A daily lamp? -Yes, the daily oil lamp. Also for soaps. Since they boil it and they cook it. -Your grandma used to do soaps, right? -Yes, yes. -Out of the olive oil. -Yes, my dad's mom. -That is so cool. We should buy some olive oil soap. -Remember in T.J.Maxx we found one and it was 4 bucks. -That wasn't kosher, no. -You liked it. -It didn't have rabbi's stamp -Oh common.. It was on sale, it was good enough. -Yeah. [Laughing] Now think about this: Three presses. The third one being the strongest press, the hardest press, it squeezes everything out. Now, think about symbolism here. Jesus goes to the Gethsemane garden and prays, how many times? -Three times if we align the gospels. -Wow, he prays three times of we align all the gospels together. And what happens on the third press, the hardest press? (according to the 1st century olive press) -He sweats blood. -He sweats blood. So think of that symbolism, how beautiful is that? You got an olive press that forces to crush everything out of those olives. It's a very heavy pressing stone. It is so heavy, that is the weight of the sin of the world on Jesus, crushing Him. His life was nothing but bitter. The olives are bitter. Extremely bitter without pressing. And then he goes through the olive press, through Gethsemane, which is the olive press, crushed, and then prays three times, and the third time He prays, and blood comes out. Okay, I think our parents are coming in from the train. -Let's go, let's go.. -And then back to the press. In case you are wondering, how are we picking up my parents in the mall? Well, that's because the train goes directly from the airport, goes to Haifa, and there's a station in the mall, next to Haifa. That's where we are picking them up. The train enters inside of the mall. So we park in the mall. We go to the second floor. We can have a coffee here. That's where we just sat, right here. And then, we can wait for the people to come off the train, pick'em up and go back home. Wow -Smell it. -Wow. It's good. Okay So we've got half a tank. Half a tank of extra virgin olive oil, right from our tree outside. So you saw that entire tree took three days to harvest and then we put them into the bag and took it to the press and we got half a tank. This is about 10 kg, about 20 lbs or so of olive oil It's incredible! So think of that symbolism. How beautiful is that? You've got an olive press that first needs to crush everything out of those olives. That is the symbolism of the weight, that is going to happen to Him, what He is undergoing, up to the death of Christ on the cross. -For our sins. -For our sins. But it didn't end there. Did it? -No. -After Jesus died on the cross, three days later, three days later three days later -He resurrected. -He rose from the dead. -Praise the Lord! -The death could not hold him. -No. -He was sinless, he did not commit any sin. He took our sins upon Himself. Who am I that I am worthy to be saved? I am bound to be destroyed, like water spilled on the ground. But the Lord provided a way. It is most greatest love I've ever experienced. -Amen. -So if you don't know Jesus yet... -Get to know him! -This is your chance. Today is the day of salvation! Romans 10:13 says "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" -Yes -Not for our works but for what Christ has... done for us on that cross, being crushed by my own weight and everyone else, you and me, all together. -By faith. -If you believe that Jesus has done that for you. If you call on His name, and recognize that He is the Lord and savior, your personal savior. You can a personal relationship with God. You can walk with Him today. Like the Bible story says Enoch walked with God. It is still possible today. We can walk with God, today! -Yes, Amen! Everyday.
Channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Views: 48,525
Rating: 4.8831506 out of 5
Keywords: Sergio and Rhoda, Israel, Travel, SuperiorWord Church, Prophecy Update, Bible, Travel in Israel, Israel Tour, Olive Press, Olive pressing, how to press olive, how olive oil made, olive oil, olive oil diy, press olive oil, first century press, 1st century, automated press, modern olive oil press
Id: r3KkkLgD6kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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