President George W. Bush on Friendship with Michelle Obama, Immigration, UFOs & Trump’s Inauguration

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Jimmy Kimmel: Last time you were here, we did talk about something that I’m very interested in. And as I’ve said a number of occasions, the first thing I would do if I was president is go right to the UFO files and find out what’s going on. You did not shed any light on that situation. But now there’s a video, I wonder if you’ve seen this video that has been verified by the Pentagon, which seems to be, this video is either a Dorito, or a UFO, or possibly a slice of pizza. Nobody knows for sure. But it is an unidentified flying object or something like that. Now that this has been verified by the Pentagon, would you be surprised if we were visited by creatures from another planet?

George W. Bush: Yeah!

Jimmy Kimmel: You would be surprised?

George W. Bush: Wouldn’t you be?

Jimmy Kimmel: Well, yeah, but I haven’t seen anything. And I think it’s interesting that you said you’d be surprised, because if you’ve seen evidence, so you’re saying there is no evidence. President Clinton told me that if he had seen evidence, he would tell everyone that he’d seen it. Do you feel the same way?

George W. Bush: No.

Jimmy Kimmel: You wouldn’t? You don’t think we can handle it?

George W. Bush: I’m afraid, I’m afraid it might spin you into orbit.

Jimmy Kimmel: Okay. All right. All right. I got nothing out of that.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love that jimmy pushes this question to former presidents. I have zero doubt in my mind that certain info is either so compartmentalized / unavailable to the executive branch and/or their lifelong security clearances prohibits discussion of the topic. Simple as that.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/timeye13 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well his father had hands on knowledge of their existence

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Tpf42 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Such a trustworthy guy Bush is, completely relevant opinions.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/a_jenkins_et 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

“The aliens won’t let that happen... they have strict control over us”

Considering Obama was laughing in his response it was actually a strange response because Kimmel only asked if he looked at the UFO files..

Bear in mind most people who discuss UFO’s or Roswell etc don’t believe aliens control the planet but Obama answers that they do.

Now that’s a strange answer to give considering it had nothing to do with the question, even as a joke IMO. But the longer things go on the more convinced I am that a non human force is untimely controlling this planet and that the people of earth are forbidden to have knowledge of it.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/SensitiveOrder4 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

woah, this is worthless..

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/igpila 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

well that was pointless

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/catrix1337 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yeah, those presidents felt the pressure of that time around this topic; it's not that surprising that Clinton, Bush and Obama are reluctant on talking about this and avoiding all those questions; the infos can't come from them, that's for sure.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jhonpixel 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

“It would spin ya into orbit”

That’s in relation to what he would say about UAPs?!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheCoastalCardician 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
first guest tonight spent nine years as co-owner of the texas rangers baseball team before deciding to go into his father's business which is being president of the united states he is now an artist with a new book of paintings and stories called out of many one portraits of america's immigrants please welcome president george w bush hello mr president jimmy it's good to see you thanks for joining us sounds like you got a bunch of drunks there yeah that's that's the least of it you i was hoping that you would be able to come out to uh see you in person and celebrate 4 20 together the night before the show how are you doing how's everything going we're you're in your office right now yeah right here in dallas thank you everything's great jimmy and thank you for having me on the show it's uh i'm sorry i'm not there as well last time i had a blast i had so much fun with you last time i think we had almost too much fun because i had so many questions that i didn't get to and one of them which was like something i really wanted to ask about is something that turned out hillary clinton wrote about in her book she said that after trump you remember that guy yeah after trump gave his uh his speech at the inauguration you turned around and said to a small group of people including her that was some weird is that is that an accurate account of what was said you know i can't remember [Applause] that's a very good answer can you remember this is something i was thinking about today too do you remember the nuclear codes like i'm sure they changed them i hope they changed them but um do you remember yours let me tell you something i couldn't even say the word [Laughter] nuclear in president obama's book uh he wrote that on the night the navy seals team six killed osama bin laden he phoned you he called you to let you know first do you remember where you were and what was going on when you got that call i do remember uh i got a call from uh logan who uh is my assistant i was eating a souffle guess what the name of the restaurant is rise rice rice oh yes get it souffle rice oh yeah right sure yeah okay and so i i hustled home she said the president wants to speak to you and i'm sorry i left my souffle and went home and uh he got on the phone and said we got bin laden and uh you know i was uh very grateful he called me appreciative of that that he took time and i was very pleased for our military and our intelligence community to hunt the guy down and yet i feel like obama owes you a souffle yeah he does everyone is i think very interested you're probably tired of talking about your friendship with michelle obama but i know that is a real thing and not just something that sounds like fun but i wonder how like as far as friends go like do you have her phone number in your cell phone no you do not okay nor does she have mine but here's here's the thing uh i go to a lot of funerals yeah and so does she okay and because of protocol i'm always stuck next to her or she's always stuck next to me and uh i get a little antsy during the long-winded eulogies and so i start cracking a few jokes and uh funeral jokes and uh and she seems to think they're funny so i'm i'm delighted does barack have a relationship a similar relationship a relationship of any of kind with laura no he does not no i don't know he doesn't sit there he doesn't sit next to her in the funerals all right well that makes sense i heard that a big reason that you got vaccinated is because you wanted to get back to baseball games is that true well i was asked you know what do i look forward to after being vaccinated i said going to a baseball game i should have said seeing my grandkids but yeah baseball well you can take them have you been to a baseball game yet i have i went to opening day okay you own the texas rangers did you know you bought the texas rangers like something like 39 years ago today i know yeah and when you bought them i know you didn't own the whole team you owned a piece of the team a sliver of the team how much did you buy the team for do you remember 89 million and do you know what it's worth now probably uh i'd say 800 million no almost 2 billion dollars thank you for bringing that up i got a few stock tips for you too how hands-on were you with the team like would you get down to take batting practice or do any of that kind of stuff no it's pretty much a jocks and socks guy you know they're after the game picking up all the laundry [Laughter] we went to a lot of games and i sat down with the fans which was fine until we started losing uh yeah yeah i would imagine that that's no fun yeah it's one of the things about being an owner is like you're probably a wealthy guy who never gets any abuse at all and then suddenly the team starts losing you are abused constantly yeah but i was used to the abuse how much golf would you say is an appropriate amount of golf to play when you're president of the united states i played i played my first year and then when we had troops in combat i didn't play at all because of the optics because i didn't want some mother seeing his kids in combat seeing the commander commander-in-chief out there playing golf so i didn't play any that makes a lot of sense would you would you play golf at a trump property probably not why not [Applause] because i like my properties here in dallas i sing it all right are you at all jealous that you didn't think of the space force yes you know last time you were here we did talk about something that i'm very interested in and as i've said a number of occasions the first thing i would do if i was president is go right to the ufo files and find out what's going on you did not shed any light on that situation but now there's a video i wonder if you've seen this video that has been um verified by the pentagon and it seems to be this video is either a dorito or a ufo or possibly a slice of pizza nobody knows for sure but it is an unidentified flying object or something like that now okay now that this has been verified by the pentagon would you be surprised if we were visited by creatures from another planet yeah you would be would you be well yeah yeah but i haven't seen anything and i think it's interesting that you said you'd be surprised because if you've seen evidence so you're saying there is no evidence president clinton told me that if he had seen evidence he would tell everyone that he'd seen it do you feel the same way no no you wouldn't you don't think we can handle it i'm afraid it might spin you into orbit okay all right all right i got nothing out of that all right well we have many things to talk about this is president bush's new book of paintings and stories it's called out of many one we will be right back with president bush we'll use about a dozen colors or some unorthodox brushes and each show i'll show you how to put some natured masterpieces right here on the canvas so i tell you what let's get started that is president bush the painter this is a book out of many one uh mr president you wrote an op-ed in the washington post on friday in which you uh called for immigration reform and you said some things that i don't think uh too many people in your party agree with is that fair to say i don't think so i think a lot of people in my party agree with what i wrote i think there's some loud voices that you know send a different signal but i think i think most republicans would like to see rational immigration reform is your artwork this either subconsciously or subconsciously a reaction to four years of calling immigrants murderers and rapists and all sorts of horrible things my artwork is an attempt to elevate the debate on immigration i i want people to uh to take a hard look at what immigration immigrants have meant to our country and not fear immigration but to welcome it within the law and uh you know i got a i put that washington post editorial some rational policy jimmy and there are some places where we all can agree uh like daca or uh you know work visas uh but i think we all mainly agree also that we need border enforcement and uh reforming the system will actually make the border not only more secure but more compassionate well i don't know if we all agree but yeah i think most certainly most americans agree on on those subjects um i want to show you my favorite painting in the book i think well i'm talking about americans oh okay yeah yes madeleine albright yeah oh yeah that's that is a really really good painting dad she seen this yes thank you if you like it i might paint you oh i would love that i would love um if you could paint me in the nude i think we'd really have something like i don't never mind by the way so i feel like you almost painted me already because this guy looks like me with my reading glasses on yeah he's a cool guy he's a guy that snuck in as a young boy coyote's floating him across the rio grande river he's now a very successful business guy here in dallas this is these people this is an interesting story this is uh tony george bush and his mother layla right so he was an interpreter for our troops in baghdad my view was anybody who helps our troops uh in combat should get automatic uh you know access to the united states and uh they so when he filled out his immigration form they said what will you be called he said tony george bush and [Applause] [Laughter] i had to paint the guy of course [Laughter] this is uh i think this one kind of looks like you this this guy looks a little bit like you salim yeah he's from lebanon grew up listening to bullets flying over his head and everything came here to get an educate high school education is now one of a huge restaurant owner i think he told me employs about 3 000 people and so the key thing on some of these stories in here that people come with a dream they work hard and they end up employing americans yes and speaking of people who come here on a dream i think we all know what this guy is this is uh our former governor here in california arnold schwarzenegger who is that's a strange painting i know but he asked he's a strange man no he's not oh yeah he's a great i i love him but he's a strange man there's no question about it why aren't you telling that to his face i have done that i and i will i'm going to see him monday and i'll tell him i said you know president bush said you're a strange man i argued yeah thank you that's uh arnold he asked me to paint him that way because that was the day he got sworn in as a citizen which he says and he was wearing an uncle sam's outfit and uh he said it's one of the happiest days of his life and hopefully i captured that in the painting so he selected the the photograph that you would use to paint him uh in fact i think we have to photograph that yes this is a guy that loves america it's like it's like he was hired at a birthday party do you paint people from photographs because you don't want them sitting there in your room with you correct yeah right plus they won't sit in the room with me that long it takes a long time but yeah i use photos uh and this i knew i i i got to know the people before i painted them and so i was able to think about their stories and you know about their passions and about their struggles to get here and so it's not i didn't paint him live of course but it it it's almost live speaking of passions did your parents were they may they rest in peace surprised by the fact that you took up painting surprised by your hobby shock yeah yeah because your dad was jumping out of planes at your age and beyond that's right yeah while he was jumping i'm painting but it's uh yeah mother so mother said i hear your painter and i said i am mom and she said paint my dogs [Laughter] and so i became a pet portrait painter for a while [Laughter] oh we'll be right back with president bush we're back with president george w bush music from maroon 5 is on the way mr president before donald trump there weren't a lot of funny clips involving the president of the united states but what they're what of what there were you were in a lot of them and and this is um something that i wanted to ask you about let's roll that clip now i have to say i was very proud of you for dodging those shoes when it happened because it's like i had you were very you have very good reflexes my guess is that laura had done that before exactly now that's funny that might be make a nice painting by the way depicting that scene you you dodging the shoe flying over you something to think about for the next one size 12. there are many quotes that are attributed to you you've been known to make the occasional verbal gaffe maybe even more than occasional and then now they've come up do you know they have a thing called bush-isms yeah yes yeah all right now some of them are well-known like uh when you asked uh you know is our children learning or this one here and you're working hard to put food on your family right but there are more and i was wondering if you even remember some of these things so we're gonna play a game called bush-ism or not all right to test your recollection [Music] did you say i know that human being and fish can coexist peacefully yes that is i know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully absolutely correct and you were right on that [Applause] except for sharks yeah all right next i think i've made good judgments in the past and i think i've made some good judgments in the future yogi berra said that noah let's see who said that i believe that i've made good judgments in the past and i think i've made good judgments in the future that was former vice president dan quayle all right you're two for two so far you teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test me is that him teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test [Applause] three for three you're doing well here's another one thank you your holiness awesome speech [Applause] surely that wasn't me like it couldn't have had to be somebody else yes america thank you awesome he appreciated it yeah sure i mean compliments a compliment it doesn't matter what adjectives you use all right fluency in english is something that i'm not often i'm often not accused of that's got to be me it's gotta be you let's see fluency in english is something that um i'm often not accused of alex you're almost right that was your dad here's one i guess i'm going to fade into bolivian can't beat me i can't be you let's see no no that was mike tyson yeah have you ever met mike tyson no i haven't you've not oh that would be quite a meeting you should paint him have you oh you many times yes yes yeah yeah yeah the three of us should get dinner together sometime okay next quote is it'll take time to restore chaos surely that's not me it'll take time to restore chaos you're being misquoted by yourself i have one more for you okay too many ob gyns aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country [Applause] that's me too many ob gyns aren't able to practice their their love with women all across this country well thank you for playing let's close with a quote from one of the great gaffers of them all yogi berra who said i never said most of the things i said that one i'm sure you could borrow that one i'm sure yogi wouldn't mind at all well thank you so much for being uh with us i appreciate you taking time i'm glad you're vaccinated people should get vaccinated right yeah absolutely they're you know and if they got any qualms about it talk to their doctor you know we got to get vaccinated get this country back going and uh i'm happy i am i said for those who haven't been vaccinated it's a liberating feeling to get vaccinated i agree with you it really is this is the book it's called out of many one portraits of america's immigrants it is available now president george w bush thank you mr president we'll be back with my room five hi i'm jimmy kimmel click below to subscribe to our youtube channel or if you want to be that way about it don't
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,757,613
Rating: 4.6369791 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, POTUS, President, George W Bush, GWB, 43rd president, Texas, Bush Family, Laura Bush, New Book, Texas Rangers, Out of Many one, Dallas, Obama, Bin Laden, Michelle Obama, Funerals, Vaccine, Baseball, Sports Team owner, UFO’s, Immigration, Washington Post, Painting
Id: ujAs1disEwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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