Presentation, 5pm: "Enhancing Brain Power"

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okay we're gonna get started this is the last presentation of the series as I indicated if I go through some of these a little fast what I'm going to try to do is in addition to talking about enhancing brain function which can help you to overcome either prevent or reverse Alzheimers depression anxiety Parkinson's basically I want to talk about central nervous system issues you're going to focus on the brain and and what I want to do is try to pull together some of the principles that we talked about over the last few days if you remember when those of you that were here where we talked about the letting food be your medicine the hierarchy of nutrients proper food combining the most powerful system known to man for preventing and reversing all diseases and then the cardiovascular issues and the and the cancer we we point this to some things that we talked about different paradigms different models of disease as I go through this I'm going to make some additional comments where appropriate on some of those so that's what we're going to focus on now one of my favorite presentations indicated earlier because it really see a lot of people don't focus on the fact that the brain is the central processing unit the brain is responsible for all of the other cells and all those 80 to 100 trillion cells are basically mini brains this is the central unit but you know all these cells they take their orders and they and they have there's all these functions upon there there are hundreds of transactions going a second and it's the most powerful computer out there so what we want to focus on in the brain are the mind and let this mind be you be in you which is in Christ Jesus which is what Philippians 2:5 tell us you know we are made in the image of likeness of God and and he communicates to us not the raw kidneys or a liver but through our brain so it's very important that we have full functional integrity of the brain we ought to reflect the highest attributes of the character of God and the children of God cannot glorify Him with sickly bodies and dwarfed Minds okay that's what my favorite author says so let's take a look a little look at the brain the brain has several functions these are for the main function well we're going to front focus on is the frontal lobe of the brain okay you know other parts of the brain the Paria the occipital for example of sight and things of that nature temporal for balance so different parts the brain have different function but what's so important about the frontal lobe that has a major effect on our judgment emotions reasoning and our behavior so that's why I'd like to really kind of hone on in this and talk about some of the characteristics of the brain and wise and why it's so important to understand some of the dietary lifestyle factors that affect it and and and as I said it's more than just our physical mental and emotional health there are even spiritual implications of all you know the adversary is very very smart and he you know one of the ways he tries to get through us we talked about in the previous presentation is our children and you heard the past we talked about earlier about our sex hormones that he figures out all kinds of ways to get us all confused and get us in all kinds of trouble even very bright very strong very gifted people David in the Bible he talked about Samson all you know as the adversary is tough and he's he's turning up the pressure he knows that time is running out now the frontal lobe is the largest in human beings of all the mammals you can see in cats now cats aren't too bright of it kind of finicky that you can't tell them anything a dog you can train him and do something so the brains of a dog is a little bit larger and then you get into the the chimpanzees etc they're about 17 percent and then we're the large it's about 33 to 37 percent of the brain yeah 33 to 37 percent of the brain is the frontal lobe of the brain now let's talk a little bit about how we start to learn a lot about the brain I want to spend a whole lot of detail here but basically in 1848 there was this guy by the name of Phineas Gage now if reneus gage was a was a very faithful husband or father his job was a foreman of a railroad well-liked religious man regular church attendance etc and he had an industrial accident he was putting in railroad ties come across country near Ellis and what you had to do is you you you tamp down a a rod you had a tamping rod in you and you put the the explosive under there and it blows out the ground etc one at one day everything being normal he had an accidental lobotomy what happened is this tamping rod somehow got left on the ground and when it blew up it went right through his jaw right through his skull and flew out some 13 feet just right through now he lived through this okay so you can get the point about this is there's a lot of damage taking place that we can't see now this is obvious this is trauma you got a hole the size of your head that big you know that something's happening when you see some of these factors it's much more subtle scientific studies show that the frontal lobe is the seat of our spirituality our morality the will the judgment the emotions analytical ability okay we talked about the kids a little bit and some of the problems that they're having at school and we talked a little bit about the effect if some of the things on the frontal lobe of the brain you can talk about a little few more things now put some more context into it but a lot of people don't think about the spirituality you know I reminds me of where Paul says I do the things I don't want to do and the things I want to do I don't know he goes through all of this this this theology but the point is you know we sometimes we know what's right and we're having a very tough time controlling some of our obsessive behaviors and there are some direct relationships between the health of the brain we talked about to survey so I don't have to go through this but you know we said it's 2% of the body weight and it's worth noting that even though it's only 2% of the body weight it needs 20% of the circulating blood the oxygen 20% 75% what as a matter of fact a lot of people with Alzheimer's and dementia they find out that their the water content of the brain is below 75% is below 70% 68% see the brain is going to get as much of it one of the reason why we get sick is because the body has a priority of the way it does things so the brain needs all of this the central node so if we haven't noticed even in third-world countries where they're starving they might get distended stuff the last thing to go is their mental faculties so it takes a long time to develop the brain remember he said even after you're born nine months you still need two to three more months and up to thirty years is still developing interestingly enough the good news is it's the last thing to go it takes a lot of abuse to beat it up and so when you see people still getting Parkinson's ms dementia says that's years of abuse that's not there's not a a boogeyman out there spontaneously randomly running around jumping into people saying boo and giving you these problems its long-term we need to look at the causes contributing factors and the point over here is there's a lot going in there even electrical activity etc and the good news is we know quite a bit about dietary and lifestyle factors and that's what we're going to talk about so the effects of compromised frontal lobes we've and parent of all of these things lack of least rate you talked about some of these lack of empathy kids you can see them and then the electronics isn't helping it and then there's other effects memory impairment does that sound familiar now this is in primary if some of these other ones you know before the 1900s they didn't even have statistics for Alzheimers it was pretty much non-existent they didn't even have they they don't even have numbers for it but all of these things restlessness emotional instability apathy indifference to one's condition and these are some of the diseases mania obsessive compulsive compulsive behavior appetite increase we talked about this in the last presentation depression anxiety okay and what we told us what God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind so what happened we're fearfully and wonderfully made so what are the things that's affecting us I want to focus on these five things these are five major areas for understanding what's affecting us in our diet in lifestyle in front of load now look at dietary factors and this as I said if you're gonna build off of what we already talked about in the previous presentation so if I go a little bit fast and and and you need some context just look at the extreme the YouTube and you can catch up on that dangerous drug so we're going to spend a little bit of time when this hypnotism music some of these we kind of know intuitively but let's kind of focus on this and drill down a little bit on some of these and then other factors so let's look at the dietary factors first okay what is the brain need it needs oxygen we said that two percent of the body weight button uses ninety percent I for twenty percent the oxygen water and these suddenly believe in that sunlight is what helps the electrical activity that's radiation carbohydrates protein fats minerals phytonutrients and this will help you to understand now give you some context of that hierarch of nutrients that we talked about remember we went through a whole lot before we got to this point so that we were made from the dust of the earth God breathing the breath of life so we're from dust and then his manufacturing facility our plants remember that basically give us the dirt that we continually the neutral to continue that life that he gave us and then as you go down the this the the integrity this is food Group one nothing no living thing on this earth can function without that see we any when you get into me we're oxygen believing of breathing we're aerobic and and we we eat carbon dioxide base breathing things that's the best for us not animals not other animals and as you go down this list it gets more and more problematic you're running further and further from what your requirements are neither you nor your physician has a clue of what's going on and but we've given all these medications to manage all the symptoms okay and the good news is and a lot of them are down here that's why I said here's a context anything that you put in your mouth anything that comes in a box can a bottle or etcetera you can kind of look at and see where it fits in here and the good news is no matter where you are based on your requirements and capacities you can work yourself up to optimal too sometimes even dynamic vitality so from a nutrient standpoint it's very important that we understand that carbohydrates use most exclusively by the brain there's not protein its carbohydrates and fat and what's the most important fat for the brain cholesterol remember we talked about that yesterday so you're unwittingly maybe contributing to your dementia and Alzheimer's with your cholesterol reducing medicine okay let's keep paying attention okay we said over here the best carbohydrates where they come from Whole Foods not processing refined foods okay when then you really want to desert the deserts we talked about sugar last time a large amounts that we find sugar in the diet have been demonstrated to impair frontal lobe functions and school-aged children we talked about that but guess what it affects us all so we just have better coping mechanism and we develop things like diabetes and a whole host of other hypoglycemia agitation restless leg syndrome and a whole bunch of other things as a result of the sugar now this is a big one there's a substance in cheese called tyramine it confuses the brain it's found abundantly and cheese wine recruits a lot of Adventists won't drink alcohol but you go to these potlucks and you swimming in the mac and cheese you know and and you got this it's gluten and then which is a processed food and then you got the cheese and you're wondering why we can't handle a survey of more than ten point five minutes and and why you read the Bible and you're not getting it so it's some of it is and let me tell you these these presentations are for me I thought God healthy and healthy I mean you know I've read the Bible mostly I'm reading it now it's going higher higher level it's making sense it was just recently that I figured out and when the Bible was talking about me it was never talking about flesh of the 281 times and you then you look it up in the Greek a word it's broma it means food let this be your food this is what you should eat this is your nourishment and it says that God gave you the definition so as you know we should be in seed bearing plants and and and the fruit that has the semen this will be your me but that me never meant flesh and and it says John John the Baptist his his meat was honey and and pause if he wasn't talking about Tiger ribs or a you know pork chops he was talking about plants it means food it means what we should be eating our nourishment so all rich foods and especially you know what's the biggest thing go to parties I mean it's a pizza it's all over the place so if you got the gluten intolerance and you got that we which is hybridized and then you got the cheese so you can start to see how you're getting all of these problems with the brain now this is interesting arachidonic acid decreases ability guess arachidonic acid affects the frontal lobe of the brain you know where the highest amount of raqqa donek acid is anybody know know it's in pork isn't it interesting how God said we need to stay away from pork now he doesn't give any proof texts to anything but even in his clean and unclean meat the highest amount of record Annika he know he knew when he created us this is the manual this is a health man there's so much in here and if we clear out the brain fog as I continue to clear out the brain fog I'm getting so much I get brain suck I don't even like talking about some of the things that I'm getting out of here because some of it I can't prove yet and for example the high rock of nutrients you've never seen that any footwear in your life that came to me in her dream I prayed on it and I got so clear and lucid after study in the Bible and it came out and my the other presentation is if I ever get a chance to do it is my 10th commandment of healthy for that I mean things just jumped out and all of these now see these things out of the Bible that I'm putting in presentations so God knows what he's talking about but you only get that out of flesh arachidonic acid you don't get it out of plant-based foods so you can see and we didn't even start talking about the the trichinosis and all of the bovine growth hormones etc I kept all those we talked about those and earlier presentation I'm taking it to another level we didn't that's the first time we talked about a rock advantag acid isn't it interesting how my favorite author outside of the Bible says fruits vegetables nuts seeds and selected grains impart a strength a power of endurance and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by more complex and stimulating diet I see that's the issue and the other thing is when we talked about food combining eating too frequently too unwholesome food also has a major effect destroys the healthy action of the digestive system it's not when you eat but what you assimilate if you know that you can eat the best food in the world if you're not assimilating it you might as well eat the carton that you brought it home in for nourishment okay this that's so we pretty much understand that diet is very important probably and think about how important it is for the brain very important for the brain there's a whole lot a whole lot of additional information but in the interest of time let's focus on this we talked about drugs a little bit on Wednesday when we talked about the most powerful system known to man for preventing reversing all diseases and we talked about drugs can be a problem we talked about how they never really healed they just changed where the disease let's look at what happens to the brain and this is particularly a message to seven day Adventists they said as I said you know seventh-day adventists a bottle of aspirin should die of loneliness in our medicine cabinets we have so much light on this we have the Bible and we have the spirit of prophecy but my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge I will also reject you from being priests for me this is our job we're supposed to be telling the rest of the world we are today's Israelites they blew it they kept going in and out and idols and chasing after this and chasing after that you know there's something that we see a sister says you know things continue remain the same as it was before it continues and and we're in that same place and and I'm happy to report to you though there are a lot of people out there I'm one of them a lot of heathens out there I was I was happy being a secular guy and there's a lot of people that know what it's matter of fact I hear people I hit 70 events it's criticizing some of these other health systems some of these people are equipped and qualified better than we are remember I said even a stopped clock is Right twice a day they have to don't know a biggest problem with a lot of these other systems that they're not giving the honor and glory to God we claim that that God is our Father and that and we know our Bible fairly well but don't really see clearly a lot of things that are being told us but they're coming out and they're and they're coming you know we're not supposed to find a new religion they're coming over see the light was we've been given a lot of light we know a lot about the Bible and and and we're given a whole lot of light on this health reform area so lack of knowledge now let's pause for a second let's talk about drug there's two types of drugs right illicit drugs legal drugs some prescription drugs and I want to spend a little bit of time talking about this because it's very important now I don't need to talk about illicit drugs have all kinds of charts that talks about cocaine and heroin and LSD I don't need to convince you there that's a problem that mind altering affects the brain the body etc and how about legal drugs are there legal drugs that are problems what are the three most powerful and most problematic legal drugs out there you're right Alcohol Tobacco and caffeine these are legal drugs okay so you know people say it's natural okay just because it's legal no you know somebody asked me and one of the questions that God allows such and such and and the poor the answer is in first Corinthians 10 23 there are many things that are allowed but they're not all edifying they're not all helpful so alcohol nicotine and caffeine are the three legal drugs out there I don't need to talk about alcohol yeah there's so many studies out there there's so much information on how impairs your judgment and impairs your coordination etc nicotine also but you know here's one and what I want to focus on this for a quick minute just to give you an idea of how all drugs work let me put it in context for you caffeine let's talk about what caffeine does to the brain or to the body caffeine affects when you take caffeine and you know that high you get there's a substance called acetylcholine that's what gives you that high when you take in caffeine it stimulates the production of subtle choline so that's how you get that feeling it kind of lifts you up and the people claims a more lucid etc and it does happen for a little while now as I say this coffee can be medicinal okay let me come back to that if I forget if somebody raised their hand so I can go back to coffee is medicinal because I want you running around saying dr. Sharpe said we should be having seven cups of coffee I didn't say that that's what I used to have it I beat when I was working at IBM five to seven cups a day and and so I'm not just talking see a lot of the things that I'm talking about I have experience myself so it's not like I'm an 18 year old pimply-faced guy they picked up a pamphlet and telling you these things I've read thousands of articles and books and and and gone through a lot of these things now because this is settled choline and and just like any drug to get the same effect you need more right so you start out with a cup and I start out I didn't even drink coffee until I went to IBM I couldn't stand it was bitter but you know you go to the conferences and staff meetings and all of that and I would work the after seven five or seven cups of coffee a day by the time I left so you can imagine that probably up to 20 by now I wouldn't be here now so anyhow the the plane is the body is always working towards homeostasis remember we said that in the last presentation so you can't just go up and up and up or you and says take off right so yeah it also increases the amount of adenosine so adenosine slows you down that's the breaks so if we had a Maserati and they run 180 miles per hour you want some good breaks that's what the adenosine does so what happens as you drink more and more coffee you produce more and more adenosine that's why when you quit coffee you get a headache you get rich they're all symptoms now I'm telling my coffee I'm gonna talk about alcohol on nicotine or something strong this is a mild drug but this is basically to show you what all drugs are causing some physiological fact that the body has to adapt to remember I talked about a couple of days ago when you take an aspirin the reason why it's tough to headache pain any place because cause a teaspoon of bleeding but I said I don't need to be sending any impulses over here pulses over here and telling you about pain I need to amass the fibrinogen the vitamin K and other all the toll factors for clotting which are lying dormant before it's needed otherwise we'd be one giant clot so the body is a powerful system very powerful adapting system we are fearfully wonderfully made the more you study this the mark there's no conclusion you can come to accept it has to be an awesome God in that we're fearfully and wonderfully made if we were fearfully and wonderfully made we'd be extinct today so this is so you can understand what's happening to anything any drug that you're taking these adjustments are take it and anybody who smoked and I have to keep my hand up I told you I quit a hundred times before I finally quit and I never drank alcohol before I well you know when you're 17 18 you start experimenting it tastes terrible but then when I got to IV I never knew what a vodka gimlet was and I wanted to be cool like everybody else and I started with that you know look at this body that was I worked up to be able to eat a whole pizza and a pitcher of beer after a tennis match well look at it so when I tell you that it's a miracle that I'm here today I had to make some some changes so let's look at the pharmaceutical effects on the frontal lobe and the medication remember we said the number one kill that's why I want to focus on this is cardiovascular disease and so medications that affect the brain asthma blood pressure interesting what are we giving our kids asthma medication tranquilizers answered the president's anti also anti-inflammatory narcotics for pain that histamines for the coals food season is coming up decongestants all these different medications all of these have an effect we're going to focus on on the blood pressure okay and and what studies show that hypertensive subjects had ten times more of the incidence of white matter in white matter lesions in the brain now you know they call brains gray matter the white matter are those lesions in the brain and so if you have high blood pressure you have these lesions and even if you use blood pressure medication the lesions don't go away it's just managing the numbers you're not doing anything about the causes and contributing factors to those lesions so the drug is actually making it worse because you're going around there's this commercial going around about cholesterol I had I forgot the name let's just name it I forgot the drug see my Alzheimer's are starting kicking but anyhow it's it's a drug as he said my cholesterol and she's so happy and taking this medication what's that yeah you know see we few of us have Alzheimers but that's okay but while they're managing their numbers they're subtly doing some very series down because nobody else happens significantly more brain a trophy occurred and hypertensive subjects compared to those with normal blood pressure you see so it's really not helping so contrasting lifestyle versus drug treat when medications are used all of these effects that happen these all the side effects the liver the stomach the heart the brain are all affected see we know see we don't usually don't feel this even like the silent killer you don't know what's going on in the brain but you do get you know a lot of my clients that come to me they're not before their blood pressure because they have colitis because they have very little bowel syndrome because they have gas because there acid reflux have all these digestive problems and then you look at the adverse reaction it tells you it's like they don't really even read the or if they read it some of them read it but then it is not clicking so they want to come into my office and have to explain this is you see oh yeah yeah that's right so the biggest thing is freaking out what the cause and contributing factor so you don't need the drugs most conditions result from from living and violations the laws of health has nothing to do with having a deficiency of drugs it's not because we're drug deficient that we have bloody wrists because we're violating the laws of health C sometimes from a medical standpoint they think that we either have too many organs are not enough drugs so you got to cut this out or you got it but it has to there's more this the brain does not make political economic distinctions so whether it's an illicit drug a legal drug or if you went to school for eight years and you can wear your glasses of your nose and write a prescription it doesn't care about the political situation the politics or the marketing all drugs affect the body and the person will generally recover with the appropriate diet and lifestyle interventions so what is my favorite authors say she said drugs never cure disease favorite author outside the Bible people need to be taught their drugs do not cure disease it is true that they sometimes afford present relief it's true and where drugs most appropriate for trauma I always said if I get hit by a Mack truck don't tell me about no herbs don't give me a health doctor you get me to a hospital quick matter of fact when we talk about where the where the medical profession is most appropriate of those seven factors for trauma but they call it the practice of medicine for a reason it only is relevant to 5% of the population but they have to practice on the other 95 percent so the when they come to the farmers they're ready because they've been cutting and sewing and and drugging with all these ninety five percent of the people that don't need it they never call it the science I mean they call it the practice of medicine and the patient appears to recover as a result of their use this is because nature nature has sufficient vitality for vital force to expel the poison and to correct the conditions that cause the disease health is recovered in spite of the drug but in most cases the drug only changes the form and function of the disease often with the effect that it seems like it's working been in there and the end it's doing more harm and it turns into a worse disease at a later period of time so they really don't work now this isn't a knock-on on medical doctors as I said you know they're very bright but the system is not the most powerful system known to me I went through the most powerful system known to man for preventing and reversing all diseases now remember this chart that we had when we talked yesterday and we talked about cholesterol cholesterol is what is what the plaque is built from the plaque you know it has to make it out of material it doesn't make out out of oxygen and and and and carbon it makes it out of chemicals out of substances in the body and cholesterol is a fatty waxy that it makes a very good plaster when you're not eating well just like when you get bad skin or you get bad nails and you get breakage and everything those blood vessels break and when they're all serrated cholesterol makes very good plaster now would you rather if you somebody knocked the hole in your wall in your house when you rather plaster it or take a drug now the drugs will dilate this will look at that in extra but basically the point I want to make is all the drugs in the world isn't going to stop the process and you might be doing yourself a disservice by taking cholesterol reducing drugs if you're eating terribly you should get on your knees and thank God if your cholesterol is going up he's saving your life she God knows what he's doing so don't reduce it you know what I say context why do you have the high cholesterol it was because of diet and lifestyle reducing it you might be doing yourself with the service and a lot of my clients they don't come to me first as they come to after the first second heart attack or stroke and then when I tell them well you know we really need to work with your primary care physician so that as we continue to monitor this so that you can get off and on my drug doctor says I have to take this for the rest of your life for the rest of my life and when I asked him and I said well were you on any of these drugs when you got the stroke oh yes I was I say it's not gonna stop a stroke it's not gonna stop a heart attack so we need to figure out something now I'm not going to tell you how easy it is to get off these drugs because I'm I'm one live stream but this this stuff is this stuff was so easy I found out a clinical practice and you know they try to wean you off and normally it takes about three to six weeks to wean off and don't try to do this by yourself but I had a bet with somebody once and we got him off six drugs in a week and and and and basically there are some very powerful herbs out there the ACE inhibitors beta blockers and calcium channel blockers there are herbs that God gave us Hawthorne berry says three of each of them in there and if you use natural diuretics and we have so much light that we should be we should be practicing this ourselves and sharing it with everybody else the other the other point I want to make is all the drugs in the world isn't going to make this thing become unclog well medication is do two things either slows up the heart so that the blood doesn't have to pump so I said so it's not pumping I sell so I'm well now you're feeling terrible now you know a lot of the guys when I have blood pressure don't come to me because of it because of the blood pressure because the numbers look they come across a sex drive is gone and I take them off their cholesterol net secretary I go goes up so quick that you know their wives are coming with a stick they want to hit me up he was fine he was left me alone for years now he's bothering me again what are you doing cholesterol is a foundational chemical it's a precursor to sex hormones and enzymes and all these so those cholesterol reducing drugs so when you take it by don't need any sex hormones I need any ties it I need to honey plaster and all the drugs in the world isn't gonna open that up it will slow up the blood so you clinically look well you're dragging into my office but I got great blood pressure I read you that and you know oh my class what they'll tell you I tell the sin they come and they even have cancer they have high before you know what I asked for uh so how do you feel now most of you know I feel pretty good and then do it all of this and they're getting worse and worse when the adults drill but basically what the drugs do they either slow up the heart we're so the pressure isn't high or that does cause some vasodilation opens up the blood vessels but it's not going to reduce this plaque and then if you have a major episode stress or get angry or some stressful thing happens then you have work and it causes and crop and chemicals are released that causes what is called vasoconstriction closes up those blood vessels guess what you got a heart attack or stroke or kidney failure or intermittent claudication or some kind of well whatever blood vessels are being clogged same thing with cancer the stage of the cancer stage one two now when you take chemotherapy yeah it kills off the process but it but it's discriminate it kills everything that kills the good system the good organs etc but the reason why it comes back so you know the definition of a cure for cancer is that it doesn't come back in five years trouble comes back in five years in one day it's counted as the cured cancer in their and their new cancer and they're praying that you last IV but it takes seven to eleven years for most cancers they even manifest themselves so what they're telling you we're praying that the normal processes take seven to eleven years that doesn't come back in five years and the radiation can cut these off but so can charcoal we went through the the herb that basically the back said that can pull tone without there are natural substances we went through God's chemotherapy his juicing and powerful herbs some of them more powerful in chemotherapy without the side effects radiation his radiation is what sunlight you know I got people with skin cancer they think I lost my mind I said you got to go out and get more sunlight they're all low in vitamin D and one day the function of cholesterol is when vitamin he hits the kids the skin it it turns a cholesterol into vitamin D they need the sunlight they need the vitamin D they need the but the thing is when you have a bad diet the poisons in your body causes skin cancer when you're out in sunlight if you're on a plant-based diet it converts with the vitamin D and you just get darker color so the point is yeah the drugs have a physiological effect but they there are very powerful natural things that we talked about in the last few days that work just as well without the cost in money and inspector an expenditure of vitality and we talked about this see what the the the the chemotherapy the radiation and the surgery will not do when we talked about this model the problem is toxic accumulation it's not going to reduce the toxins in your body and the only then why people don't get it again or as delay is because it's a wake up call and they stop the things that are contributing to the toxic build-up in their system you see so chemo radiation and surgery doesn't do anything infecting the toxic accumulation and those 80 to 100 trillion cells I'm not gonna go into detail with this but this is the chart that we covered the other day that's what I wanted to give you remember we said we're gonna give context for these things that we talked about so what is man's best food look at that that can be really delicious yeah you know that's grains fruits nuts and vegetables that all of those are what we need so let's look at the next one now we can start going a little bit quicker because I won't want to really focus on those first two factors but another effect is hypnosis on the frontal lobe of the brain what is hypnosis hypnosis attempts to cancel out frontal lobe functions this is dangerous and bring people into our trance in which they are highly suggestible you know the Bible is very clear on that you're not supposed to turn your mind over to anybody it's better to put your trust in God than to put your confidence in men and even the most well-meaning if they're not God centered and most of them aren't you don't know what's going on so hypnosis very dangerous the most easily accomplished by training the eyes to focus in on an object the best object being a little flickering light the person will record information and duties without interpretation without frontal lobe activity so it just goes in there just hangs around their neck we talked about what it's doing to kids but the children in the last session well what is the most powerful hypnotic device out there it's called the home hypnotist increases daydreaming decreases creative ingenuity when we talked about in the last presentation TV is a problem you ever notice you watch the little kids they're mine I and the course comes you ever noticed that watch the next time these guys are brilliant kids don't know anything they have no idea what's going on but as soon as the come on they have designed this so well it captures your turn and a lot of that stuff is feeding in these guys are brilliant on with it and it's the home hypnotist there's just so many problems and remember we said is more than a television issue there's all these electronics and being and and you know I have the same problem I have these kids they want to go need and in the media room this dark room doing Xbox or all kinds of different boxes it Microsoft something and all an intersect challenge getting them out of it and it gets addictive and then they found out ways that they can they don't even have to have their friends come over to the house they can do it remotely and there's just a whole host of issues that's related that in addition to the just the direct impact that it's having on the brain takes away precious time for family achievement spiritual pursuits stewardship etc so real serious issues and we talked about this in the last presentation this constant stimulation of the senses you talked about it in primary with kids but it affects us too and we're wondering why there's more Alzheimer's why there's more Parkinson's even a mess these are central nervous system diseases that is that are affecting the central processing unit and the other nerve function that in combination is something else we come in to real shortly we'll show you where a lot of our problems are coming from see so there's a whole lot of things you can do once you pull the plug including a lot of spiritual pursuits and you know this is what we should be doing but that time it's hard and it's not interested and you get tired it's interesting the past that said this morning we don't we don't ask how much time a movie is taking and I start to think about I don't move you can go two to three hours and if it's well done um but after about he's right after about 35 or 40 minutes it's not an interesting sermon well I watch that doesn't this guy's taking forever you know so he made a point that's really right on target we're not we don't even have the energy the wherewithal to be able to be focused on real things we only can focus and get stimulation from all this counterfeit that's around us all these distractions music also affects the frontal lobe now it doesn't directly affect them up frontal lobe music affects the brain it comes in through the emotion we use something called the limbic system and has a secondary effect but that that they found that really has an effect on the brain and it affects your behavior affects your you know the frontal lobe in a very big way and and your reasoning your willpower etcetera you know this discos it's easy to see why you can easily escalate from one thing to another with this now my question would be that beat if you use Christian music to those beats is it is it does that solve the problem Oh see the adversary is very deceptive he will get us through our children through all these things that that our God gave us music he gave us all these things but he's working through all these mechanisms and and deceptively laying hand grenades and traps for us so music is another one of those very problematic areas you're certain kinds of music that we evoke a very little if any frontal lobe respond but some a very large emotional response where little logic and and amoral interpretation is being used so certain kinds of music clearly can inhibit willpower it impacts our behavior and invokes the rational response and so that's another area that we really need to be careful of and then there's the one final area that I don't want to focus on that effect the frontal lobe and this is a really important one that I want to just spend a couple of minutes and I don't put a whole lot of charts on but some of them are obvious the impure air I don't need to spend a whole lot of time on that and polluted water and our water is I mean the things that they're doing to our city water they're putting into biotic centers they got fluoride chloride now do they kill germs yes they also kill us and as you know the cumulative as a matter of fact I promised that I would tell you what the medicinal dose of coffee was anybody know what it is 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon of coffee is actually medicinal how many people will do 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon of coffee I don't know anybody maybe maybe get us dig what part I was good but it actually it basically kick starts and stick see when you want to do my rest you can eat the full system develop new neural pathways something like vinegar a little bit of it is good for you but the way we slather it on our salad we basically of course all kinds of fermentation putrefaction which is the host foot for parasites etc but a teaspoon actually stimulates the digestive says who puts a teaspoon 1/2 a teaspoon I see these people they read an article and they're drinking to 3 ounces of it so all of these things now the biggest thing I want to focus on is heavy metal and chemical chemical contaminants and see let me put in context that hierarchic nutrients there are so many chemicals in there that we have no idea what they are they are so long somebody the BHA BHT magnesium stearate all of these chemicals these are all these box canyon bottle foods the problem is when you're down in that last area of processed foods you got to be real smart people will pay me big bucks for me so i know this scene because i know i studied a lot of these things hundreds of these different ingredients i looked at i can oh yeah the corrosion inna does this and this is the multiply but you know what if you follow God's prescription and saver plan you don't know anything all you need to know is God cuz he knows all this stuff any other evil te already took care of you it's the most powerful system known to man so oh and the other thing that I wanted to talk about over here there's the heavy metals heavy metal toxicity chicken has arsenic in it now remember we said this poisons no lose apples have arsenic in it all foods have poisons but remember we said when it's the whole food and has the poison have to be there because if they not before they got right they'll be eaten up by the animals but in the whole foods as it ripened the poisons are diluted or dissipated and the antidotes are in the food for the poison so when you isolate it as you do in medicines you've got the pure poison that has physiologic effects without the counter balancing factors heavy metals all over the place we talked about vaccinations but there's heavy metal so every place you can canned food aluminum one of the biggest ones and I'm not trying to offend anybody I said this once and there's one dentist I thought she was gonna go out and get a shotgun and just blow me off the stage but that all those um amalgam teeth she's very smart bright she said oh no I'm careful this this and then about my civil fillings there's mercury it's a poison I only ask the one question right now that's an assault I said isn't that a hazardous waste department why is it it's waste product you can't take those fillings and throw it in the garbage you have this special procedure where you have to put it in this special package oh yeah it's a poison and we're wondering why our brains are functioning and and when you have him for a long time all of that vapor see I I got all this free dentistry a lot of my problems to iatrogenic I didn't know any better I was going to school I got all this free dentistry I remember used to go to Guggenheim Memorial Hospital I thought that was a big deal they took me on the bus and you go there all these guys dig digging in here and they were young you know when I say young they're 20 21 year old and I didn't realize until years later when I was having all these problems that these guy and you know then the older guy gotta look like me with the class and he's looking and he look in my mouth mmm I said the guy must have failed the test he must have failed his practicum and I'm happy there huh I come back next week and they do some others and and it wasn't until I was in my 40s I make this fruitarian over in California and he went through and he was a natural biological dance he said boy I don't know how you blasted someone you got all this mercury got all these jagged lines and vapor coming off and you know you know I thought being in a fog was natural I thought everybody's like that because it was natural for me I got up and I was kind of fog in another foggy person but but the stuff is just killing you all these chemicals all these heavy metals all these insecticides and herbicides funny they're talking about biological farming why are they talking about because this is not working they're developing these superbugs and so now they have to go back to the natural and there's powerful natural things in there that are working even things like charcoal and silicon and things of that nature very natural things that you can use so all these different things are assaulting the brain and so question is do you want to be more intelligent want to be more analytical do you want to be more responsive and understanding of Bible have a better ability to overcome addiction do you want to prevent or control the fact you want it to be rental control the factor that affects it you want to supply good oxygen you want to exercise you want to do all of these kinds of things you really want to do the lie dietary lifestyle factors you want to the understanding adapts itself to the dimensions of the subject with which it is required to deal one of the most powerful things for strengthening the brain believe it or not is Bible study the Bible just as it reads to be our guy a lot of us don't understand and appreciate it because we're so fogged up we're so compromised that we're having a problem then we have taken care of it and I told you as I'm doing as I'm going and you know this is progressive I'm getting insights and things that I I don't want to talk about in general conversation when you realize how crazy I am I can talk to you one-on-one but a lot of people don't know and I and without going through see remember when we started with the president some of the things I said in the beginning like I said the irrefutable evidence is look at it's crazy then I got it oh yeah when we go through it oh nice now I see without that context you see me handcuffing me in and loaded me up with some kind of drugs to tranquilize me well I told you that hi Rock'em nutrias you've never seen that before if you saw my ten commandments I'm getting this I'm not a prophet I'm not a visionary but I'm getting some insights and I'm understanding the Bible more and more but just like if you want to run a marathon you don't sell it off or running ten miles you walk around the block and then you get into a jar if you start with just a little bit see I'm on a thing now I want to read the Bible cover-to-cover every year for the next seven years I did it for free and what I did was I was reading about all these different kinds the NIV this at now and I even have a Bible that it does the Hebrew I told you about I found out about the meat by going to the the source when you go to the Hebrew in the Greek it's oh this is what it's saying there's nothing has nothing to do with flesh and all these insights you know I did a thing on the New Testament there's every page and you do it yourself and if you don't see us because maybe you need to pay something but every single page of the New Testament says something about health because I decided that I had this brainstorm and I was already just finishing the Old Testament at one time this was a few years ago and I said let me just see this thing came to me and I had to the Bible and I marked and some days like three four five six references to help and then it hit me the Bible is a book of salvation salvation comes from Seth it's retelling body-mind-spirit people think of the spiritual but the Bible is for you know we have total people we're not just fearing we're not just physical we're a bunch of dirt that was collected in the breath of life and then we became a living soul so the Bible the myrrh I remember I remember at that time I memorized the entire book of James and we had a Bible contest at Aselton and and we had in the Bible concerts he has so many chapters in poverty I remember I memorized all of them all of the five or six chapters I mean it was it was interesting and it really and you know I start a few verses a day and and and it really does strengthen your mind just like you strengthen you all the muscles now a lot of guys think that I'm a little skinny guy but this is a special fire pursuit that gives the illusion of leanness there are massive muscles under this body do you believe that okay as the mind is brought to the study of the God's Word the understanding will enlarge the higher power will develop for the comprehension of high and ennobling truth this is powerful this is powerful stuff you know the Bible is very clear you know any institution any body of knowledge out there that is not biblically based it's just foolishness it's a counterfeit okay and and you know proverbs there's there's so many things that basically says that Corinthians so so there is so much babbling and foolishness out there and and this is the context you know and I'm an obsessive person I like studying a lot of things when I got to I came to a point you know the easiest thing is any Theory you come up with any product you come up with any field you I've read the Bible enough times that read just about everything in the spirit of prophecy all the testimonies I read there you know actually I read just about everything I could put my hand up I basically says I have this foundation I said all I like my high rock of nutrients how does it fit in here it's easy I don't need to read all these foot I used to read research papers not all I wanna know okay tell me what this is and then if it's in to the extent that is and I don't care if it's a heathen a Babylonian a Muslim a Buddhist I said you write here and I don't care if you are a pastor I don't care if you're the conference president if you're saying things Annette I don't care what you are it has nothing to do with your pedigree or what you call yourself or what book you've written your name is written it it's about how it maps up how is it in harmony with the Word of God as a meaning of intellectual training the Bible is more effective and I've read hundreds of books I grew up in Harlem and anybody who knows about the get up you get nicknamed okay you know what my nickname was my nickname was Professor when I was in grammar school I was the only one walking around with a book on the mall I went to Catholic school so I said I was professor now the only reason I didn't get beat up all the time because I was able to run pretty good so I was a pretty good and ring Alivio and I can hang with the guys but it wasn't for that I'd be beat up almost every day I remember I was able to speak I remember a couple of girls they like we said you can speak French I say you're trepal approach whoa whoa this guy's a genius no other study can impart such mental power as does the effort to grasp the suspended truths of Revelation the mind does brought in contact with the thoughts of the infinite cannot but expand and strengthen I'm telling you for my personal spirit this is serious business so as we start coming to a close this proposal I urge you therefore brother I mean you see it's in capitals I didn't put that in there it's like he's pleading I urge you brethren by the mercies of God then you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which your reasonable service he owns us by creation and redemption and be not conformed to this world it's tough I mean with all this knowledge I have this is serious business this stuff had nothing to do with knowledge now what you know or all your standing it has to do with with the spirit you got it you know you have to spend your time spend time on your knees but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God you guys know the story of Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food there's many examples and I'll just quickly go through this he went on in this ten day test eating vegetables and drinking only water this is his this was his meat his food is nourishment and then at the end it says in every matter not as some matter a wisdom and understanding he was ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in the whole kingdom again my favorite author says to keep the body in his healthier condition in order that all parts of the living machinery may act harmoniously should be the study of our life we should be experts in this since the laws of nature of the laws of God is explaining our duty to give these special consideration the purpose of health reform is not to be big muscular guys like me Massey of humanity is not about being healthy heathens it's about securing the highest development of body mind and spirit body - soul to be good stewards so that we can serve Him better children of God cannot glorify him with sickly bodies and dwarf minds we ought to reflect the highest attributes of the character of God he cannot remake us in his image when we are in violation of his moral law his law is a reflection of our character it's written on every corpuscle every part of our DNA he is this is the his character is his law and he wants to write he wants us to be in His image and likeness the most powerful system known to man for eventing reversing all diseases it will start in your heart make your liver quiver stop your mind from going blind and close the hole in your soul this is a powerful system he gave us these instructions my Ten Commandments goes into this and a lot more detail it's also in my concept of reversal medicine and in the basic principles if he interest in that but from Genesis 1:1 to 2:17 I'll go into the detail of what of exactly how he's telling us and you know the interesting thing is he provided all of this for us before he made us he gave us a morning sunlight before he created he know and then he gave us a way of continuing that with his plant manufacturing facility his plant to sustain us and his Bible to bring us back in union with him the most powerful system known to man so when you talk about the hierarchy of healing remember we talked about this the other day yeah there is a place for drugs but remember I said I want this is the most important pray continuous giving thanks to God for all his blessings seeking his wisdom and guidance and if he tells you to do the drugs first do it now you heard me say that I think the drugs are relevant for trauma I can't find any place in the Bible spirit of prophecy I've been saying for the last 20 years show me any place and the Bible or spirit of prophecy way there's one positive thing about drugs the desire of Ages page 124 says Jesus gave no countenance to the use of drugs none zero he loved this so much he wanted to both be so clear and purpose that when he hung on the cross he refused the drug this guy had can you imagine the pain he didn't eat all day he dragged that cross all that time he's nailed to the cross he's dying all that pain all of that emotional anguish of being separated from his father it was even worse and he's giving some gall and vinegar this is a great God research he don't want anything to get in the way of salvation so I'd like to find someplace to say and I tell people I mean it pray continue if he tells you to take drugs first even for trauma please I need somebody to tell me because I pray that people think that's how come you never get sick well I do but I know what to do I mean I'm not hanging around colds and flu you know I'm gonna cough I got a sniffle I'm going to my kung-fu at home I grab my echinacea goldenseal boy I'm a human I know I got this special fiber Sudan but and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads you know just a powerful God it's a powerful thing that we have and as I end up I want to really thank you for your time and kind attention cuz you know this I'm talking to me you gave me you me an opportunity to stand in front of youth to remind me of what I need to be continuing to doing so I want to thank you for helping me to remind myself again that I need to stay focused because I tell you he's trying to sift me like we I mean that's a I'm an old man with young kids what am I going with an 18 year old a 14 year old humbling me and you know and you know yeah I go to these settings and doctor shops there's three doctors and the PhD he's the president of this and ran the research and I go home Jimmy go take out the garbage see I need to really be put in my place but the point I want to make I want to thank you and I didn't tell you I'm praying all the time I was praying while I was talking to you guys and my prayer for the whole week is that that time we spending together that I was that reached somebody did I help somebody that mine I understand clearly that this us it's our Father it's not your fault as our Father and that we'll all his children am i quiet it is you know when I get ready for these things I never give the same presentation twice I'm gonna tell you guys a secret don't tell anybody you know I didn't even know I had a DD I didn't even know it was the disease until I was 55 and I'm working that's a disease I've hung out all my life I never I've never scripted a presentation I know I don't have any note I fill my head with a lot of things and then I come out and then someone cut my and I used to get frustrated because after the president airs oh you know I should have said I don't worry about it anymore because you know my secret prayer is the things that I have God these are your children not mine the things that you want me to emphasize help me to emphasize the things that I wanted to talk about but it's not consistent with you I want you to overrule it so there at the end of this and I want to tell you I'll share with you that I hope this time together it was for me was a blessing and not a curse the hill his road is done not mine and if any good comes out of this all the honor and glory goes to him and nobody else so how's that finish up the theme was what you're healthier choice and yes we do every choice god never forces as well on anyway we do have a choice the adversary beats on us he gets us through music he gets us through kids all these different distractions the adversary here he does all kinds of he just knocks em for sure hey Jimmy let me tell you something oh hey I have my kids this is let's do the kids yeah you know stop Bible study so you see that that's that's the great equalizer especially when you you know you're coming back from a seminar y'all pumped up oh boy boy it gets you back in place real quick but he just subtly knocks on the door and and you remember what we talked about he he with all of this with all his power all his knowledge all his wisdom just through four things that God does not know a sin he doesn't hate isn't this a good news it's a good news about this whole thing he doesn't know a sin he doesn't hate a sinner he doesn't love a sin he won't forgive and he doesn't know a time better than right now to let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus just give him a chance he loves us he cares for us I hope this was helpful for you as it was for me I want to thank you for your time and kind attention and I wish you health happiness and god's richest blessings and all of your ministries thank you very much
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 9,450
Rating: 4.8389263 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Dr. Jim Sharps
Id: vEx2krU6_k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 23sec (4163 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2015
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