Nutrition for Autoimmune diseases, Jacilyn Mikels

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[Applause] [Music] my name is Jacqueline Michaels I'm the family of a board certified family nurse practitioner and I'm also a certified health and nutritional coach and then I also I co-founded a blog it's called follow your gut MD NP with one of my best friends who's a physician as well and today so we're going to talk about nutrition and autoimmune diseases okay this is just a disclaimer that I'm supplying evidence-based information but it's for educational purposes only before you implement anything that I am talking about today today I do encourage you to talk to your healthcare team and get them on board with you okay so this is just a little bit about me I became involved with TM a back in 2012 with the team Tommy foundation my best friend Laurie Boyer who's on the board of directors actually started it and I became involved with Myositis diseases and awareness with her this also this is some pictures of my partner on the the blog dr. Aaron Shaw we both graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition iin out of New York City one of the most popular health and nutritional coaching programs that is out there and reason being is because they provide you the massive massive amount of information and then you're also actually being educated by top integrative and functional medicine physicians all over the world actually so so the presentation overview we're going to talk about what is an anti-inflammatory diet we're gonna review macronutrients you're going to regroup reviewed triggers of inflammation I am going to talk about supplements I'm going to touch on autoimmunity and gut health I did do a talk yesterday which was recorded so if you guys want to go back to that it's in regards to the gut microbiome and autoimmune diseases so I suggested you listen to that when you guys get back home and then also I'm going to talk a little bit about the ketogenic diet and autoimmune diseases so what is any anti-inflammatory diet there's really not one single definition that's out there but as far as the overall concept it's a it's a diet that is consisted of whole foods nothing processed nothing from a box can or anything like that and specifically when you are shopping at the grocery store you're shopping that perimeter so the basis that would like I said avoiding processed foods eating more Whole Foods avoiding processed sugars which we'll talk about and it is very high and vegetables bone based broth I did put a picture of one of the books that I do suggest instead that by dr. Amy Myers who was a functional medicine autoimmune specialist it's called the autoimmune solution cookbook she has great recipes in there and her bone broth recipe is awesome and in moderate amounts of protein good be so Whole Foods obviously you know we know what Whole Foods are where their fruits vegetables proteins healthy fats prebiotic and probiotic effects from certain types food which we'll talk about and making sure that everything is fresh that there's no additives or preservatives in there so why specifically anti-inflammatory diet for Myositis diseases so back in 2007 there was a study that was conducted as far as following patients with Myositis with anti-inflammatory diet for a 12-week period and what they saw was there was improvement and grip arm strength leg strength improvement just all of all activity activities of daily living and then also they did see a decrease in depression in these patients we've been there are continuing studies that are out there obviously because of how rare on the autoimmune disease scale how rare of Myositis disease it's very difficult to find these studies just specifically for Myositis there's also secondary diagnosis ease to consider I listed these but not limited to obviously but the big guys you know diabetes certain types of cancers Alzheimer's heart disease and then also additional autoimmune diseases that can follow so this is Joshua Rosenthal he's the actual founder of ìin and then also he's a primary teacher but his one one-liner that he always says is one person's food is another person's poison so what we're talking about is something called bio individuality so that means that if one food group works for someone it actually might be a trigger for another so it's very important that when if you're going to try and incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet or take things a way that you really stay in tuned with your body on how your body is reacting good bad and different when my patients are wanting me to help them as far as taking certain food groups away I strongly encourage them to keep a journal and when they come back I usually have them come back weekly during that a four week process sometimes we go to a fold three month process just depending on how they're feeling but we go through the journal together because there are some things that my patients may think oh well this doesn't really mean too much of anything but it might mean something to me as far as a clue to help them so so the macronutrients these are the big guys so starting with carbohydrates there's definitely a difference between good and bad good carbs quinoa brown rice certain fruits vegetables legumes I did a strict the legumes because legumes can sometimes be an inflammatory trigger to certain patients so I do have my patients use those with caution that's usually something that I try to take away and then if we once they've completed 30 days of any attempt laboratory diet regimen then we can try to reincorporate it just to make sure that it's not a trigger for them and then obviously the bad carbs anything that is white I just I mean that's the easiest way to look at that as far as like breads and pastas and things because I just died converts right into sugar high fructose corn syrup which unfortunately is in everything syrup sugar of any kind and that includes artificial sweeteners too as well and then fry refined or processed carbohydrates so why should you be careful with carbohydrates obviously inflammation and they also are responsible for weight gain and obesity they can increase your sugar so if you're type 2 diabetic or if you have something called impaired fasting glucose or some people use the term pre-diabetes you have to you do have to be careful about that and then also gonna balance or something called leaky gut syndrome so like I said good carbohydrates quinoa that's a very good source of protein as well which we'll talk about in the protein but they don't really consider that it is in the carbohydrate group but it's actually at night or seed what I do recommend with keema is that you soak them before you cook them because you want to get rid of the biofilm that's around the actual seed sometimes that can be an inflammatory trigger but other than that it's a great source of protein question okay I'm gonna take questions after the presentation I made sure we're gonna have Q&A together so one so one cup is about 8 grams of protein so of quinoa brown rice if brown rice is definitely better than white brown rice is more of a complex carbohydrate meaning that your body's gonna have to break that down versus white rice which is just going to turn automatically into sugar certain certain fruits you know I mean overall fruits are fine it's a good source of sugar it's not processed or anything but obviously there are certain fruits that are higher in the sugar scale we'll talk about sugar and minute vegetables and then also Lincoln's are a good source of carbohydrates bad carbs going through high fructose corn syrup like I said unfortunately it's in a lot of things hi futures corn syrup also has different names what I tell my patients is is to the only the only time I ever tell them to Google certain stuff but Google high fructose corn syrup names and they'll give you a list of different names that it will it looks like it's okay but it's actually the hyper drive it's the processed sugar refined or processed sugars they just talked about that anything that is white you have to be very careful I'm not saying that you can't ever have it but specifically if you are trying an anti-inflammatory diet as far as finding out what your triggers are you have to completely avoid that and then artificial sweeteners which I'm going to show you guys a study but we've been artificial sweeteners actually we'll play games with your brain and we'll tell your brain to take in more carbohydrates so you think that you're doing a good thing because you're not taking in the high fructose corn syrup but then it's going to mess with your mind and go oh okay well I want that bag of chips so you do have to be careful about that so proteins there's an unknown amount of protein that is recommended specifically for Myositis disease but typically I have my patients try to aim anywhere from 15 to 20 grams of protein per meal if and there's different sources like I said the quinoa if you're on a plant-based diet is a great source of protein eggs I always just make sure that they're free-range and if you're able to have them organic that's great also local farmers markets if you live in a place that you are fortunate enough to have a relationship with a farmer I have a couple of characters that I am friends with and have their own farms and I'm able to get fresh eggs from them so it's great because I know what the source is steak I always do recommend make sure that they're grass-fed and again if you're able to do organic that is awesome I don't think it pretty extensive but like grass-fed is very important the chicken I you know I tell my patients you know you chicken is fine but it just you use it sparingly you want to make sure that that is that there are free you know they're free-range they're not you know fed all this these additives and everything to fatten them up same goes with like beef and pork too as well that chicken is one of those that can kind of slide in and again it you know you go out to dinner and you don't you don't know if the chicken is you know was from a happy farm or anything like that but but you when you're able to control it at home that you know that is where that's where that comes in okay plant-based proteins specifically pea protein whey protein unfortunately and we're going to talk about that but does contain lactose and casein so lactose sugar casein is actually a it's actually going to cause inflammation in the gut we'll talk about that but a lot of times patients you know there are some that can tolerate it just fine my husband can tolerate can tolerate it just fine mean causes a lot of GI distress so I can not have whey protein so again that's where you come back to that bio individuality and really listening to your body and see how how its reacting and then also fish well we'll talk about that and the facts but fish you know obviously salmon is the best as far as the omega-3 and you want to make sure that it's wild-caught again that it's not coming from a farm that's being fattened up so good facts versus fact bad fats so Omega threes are the anti-inflammatory so examples flax seeds walnuts oily fish eggs you know there's there's obviously supplementation's that you can take as well and we'll talk about that in supplements that omega-6 those are the ones that induce inflammation so examples are sunflower oil safflower soy soy zat big one a lot of the anti-inflammatory diets you they they want soy completely out and then also corn some people rehab some people don't so it's just again on how your body reacts so this is a blog post that dr. Shah and I did together in regards to fat so if you go to our blog and read it there's a ton of information and we've also linked different journal articles in there too as well so these are examples of good fats like I said the oily fish you do have to be careful as far as like mackerel and swordfish you know things like that because of the mercury so if your doctor is wanting you to avoid things from mercury you have to be very specific on the type of fish that you're eating grass-fed beef and pork make it three fortified eggs you know different nuts and seeds I usually recommend walnuts cashews and almonds to my patients make sure that there are unsalted no sugar you want them in the raw formation avocados everybody loves avocados they're not only a good source of good fat but they're also high in fiber good fiber for good health cliff you know ghee as far as clarified butter and then different oils avocado there's coconut oil extra Olive Oyl I usually just recommend my Nations to really try to go with avocado oil coconut oil it's not it's not bad but I prefer my patients using it externally versus internally because the amount of saturated fats but it's great for everything else on the outside so gluten gluten is a big one so gluten is actually a protein that helps maintain the shape of whatever formation it comes in those are the different types that glutens in there as far as carbs the celiac disease foundation website is an excellent source so they have different recipes you can sign up for their newsletter they'll send you different educational you know articles and everything so if gluten or if you're gluten free this is a great website you don't have to have celiac just to be a part of that so the question you will we could question the relationship between celiac gluten sensitivity and Myositis because there have been clinical studies that have shown that there's an increase in the anti-gliadin there's an increased frequency when Myositis because celiac disease and Myositis there's a pretty large connection between the two so if you are having unexplained diarrhea and weight loss and you know especially if you're taking gluten in and you're having those kind of reactions you should have your doctor you know test you for celiac disease celiac did a diagnosis of celiac disease there's a very small percentage of patients that are actually celiac patients but we are seeing an increase as far as a positive the percentage of gluten sensitivity there are certain tests that are out there I know there they can actually do like a swab and any side of your cheek unfortunately insurance does not recognize it so that would be something out of pocket but then something too and there's there's different um lab tests that you can you know the kids you can buy on your own to test for the gluten sensitivity but even if you have a small amount it's probably not going to react but again that's where it comes back to how your body reacts a bio individuality concept there was also a journal article back in June 2014 that showed a relationship between orbital Myositis and celiac disease and a young patient there really hasn't been to to much as for his research between celiac and meiosis but we you know it's definitely something that you want to keep in the back of your mind as far as having gluten in your diet so this is a nice little picture as far as leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disease so back in 2000 dr. Alessio Fasano was trying to come up with a immunization for cholera and he just kind of stumbled upon the fact of the proteins on Yulin so what that does is is when glutens and when gluten is ingested these these Zombieland levels actually go up and cause inflammation in the gut and what was happening what is happening is that these tight junctions that are supposed to be side by side are starting to spread apart and it's causing something called the gut syndrome where toxins and food they actually go into your bloodstream and these typically go throughout your body causing overall inflammation and then other symptoms fatigue brain fog those are two of the biggest ones of joint swelling a lot of GI distress so those are things to take into consideration if you are having those symptoms and we're going to talk about the gut microbiome in a in a minute so dairy like I said you know whey protein you do have to be careful about that because it could possibly be a trigger for you I've listed some non-dairy sources on there almonds you know so you're getting a good amount of you know calcium source but then you're also getting the good fats in there coconut milk collard greens so if you put in non-dairy sources non-dairy sources of calcium if you google that they there are some pretty good lists that are out there sugar so the FDA actually recommends for us to have less than 50 grams a day unfortunately that's about double what we consume as Americans sugar can elevate levels such as your CRP which is an inflammatory marker that I'm sure your doctor monitors we there was a study that showed that consuming 50 grams of fructose caused an elevation within just 30 minutes and in exceeded well over 2 hours so it keeps your a future sugar very high so a diet high in sugar it causes a low-grade chronic inflammation which is going to worsen inflammatory markers and then it's going to cause a chronic inflammatory condition throughout the body such as Myositis but that's with anything that's with autoimmune thyroid that's with rheumatoid arthritis it's with MS so part of me you do have to be very careful about the process sugar and this is a pretty famous I mean I saw this MRI and when I was an undergrad but I think that it's just a great visualization to show that it hits the same receptor sites and he's hitting attending the same part of the brain as far as cocaine but it's actually brighter meaning that that that area is actually more active so you've got to be careful about that um sugar and increases your gut permeability so what that means is is that it causes those junctions to start spreading apart and causing inflammation in the gut it's also the reason for weaken it actually causes your fat cholesterol go to go up so when you're looking at a cholesterol panel obviously you can make your triglycerides to you know increase but it's also the responsible source for making the LDL go up your bad cholesterol that causes plaque buildup in your arteries you know the worrisome is you know fats and everything like that but what they're finding is it's actually sugar carbohydrates so good sources of sugar or whole foods like I said the fructose in in the fruits it actually is it is a good source and you know as far as breaking down your body has to work for it it doesn't just convert it and you know possibly cause those side effects of sugar right up there so bad sugar usually have well how it's Foreman said it's actually taken out of its original source and then processed and placed back in so high fructose corn syrup corn sugar straight glucose evaporated cane sugar that one's not too to God it's in a lot of camuto's but again when you're if you're on a strict anti-inflammatory diet you can't even you can't have those sources in there so alcohol so as far as alcohol goes the best one would be red wine the recommendation is one glass of one glass a day for women one max of two for men but there actually was a very recent study that just came in the Journal of Gastroenterology showing that having one to three glasses a week showed an increase in the good microbes in your gut it actually was causing these patients to form more good bacteria and suppressing the bat so in their thinking it's because of the polyphenols which people know about you know in regards to cardiac health you know raising the good lower in the bad it can also improve blood pressure there's been studies showing it increases your insulin sensitivity so what that means is that it helps bring your sugar down but as far as with Myositis and the concerns you know in obviously alcohol interacting with certain medications it can worsen inflammation or dehydration I tell my patients if they are again across the board autoimmune diseases if they're going to have an alcohol beverage to try to drink like a 16th like at least 16 ounces of water in between so that we do stay well hydrated it can increase feelings of depression fatigue and it can elevate your inflammatory markers too so this is what a study I was telling you about as far in regards to artificial sweeteners and soda I strongly encourage my patients to not have any source of soda whatsoever and it's really difficult to wean them off it's it's about as - it's probably harder to do that and then having my patients stop smoking but this is an article that was published on 2017 the basis of it showed that patients who are drinking artificial sweetener sodas on a daily basis they actually had three times 3 times higher incidents of do like Alzheimer's dementia or all cause admit she had just dementia of an unknown source or stroke so it was a pretty compelling study they had a good amount of participants in everything sound but it just showed what we already know as far as health care providers and then there was another one and this was directly just Mexican women they didn't have any kind of chronic conditions whatsoever but I think it's just important to show that when they were consuming soda they actually had higher levels that there are CRP and they had no chronic conditions whatsoever so supplements start with human so that the active ingredient is tumor so you can either do turmeric or curcumin it helps decrease inflammation cell growth and cell death a lot of my chronic inflammatory patients they they do take it as far as the source due to decrease inflammation it alleviates something called oxidative stress so oxidative stress can cause a lot of issues cardiac issues worsening autoimmune diseases couldn't actually contribute to gun imbalance so you know a lot of like I said a lot of my patients they do use it the worrisome is actually absorbing it you there are a couple of things as far as consider it you want to make sure that there are something called paper ins or black pepper in there I have some of my patients they will take an actual supplement but then they'll also use fresh tumor and they're cooking so I'm gonna take questions afterwards so you know I think I want to get a little bit extra in that you increase your bleeding risk so I do have my patients to take stop that 7 to 10 days prior to any procedure as far as bleeding and it may increase risk for cardiac disease so and this is a conversion as far as Cox when it comes to its cardiac inflammation so we just got to make sure that the cholesterol is under control someone in the last session did mention something about their doctor saying that their blood pressure was increasing with it I am it found anything but I'm still looking so but as far as cholesterol goes we do want to make sure that that is under control but you'd have to take massive amounts of curcumin to cause that kind of cardiac inflammation like massive vitamin D it's a very popular vitamin that's out there and it should be because Clinical Research said has rolled out and continuing to rolling out is that vitamin D deficiency one something that we all have because we are not absorbing it we're not getting viable sources you know I live in Florida and I should have we should all have great vitamin D levels we actually I've seen some of the worst and my my Sun worshipers so so we want to make sure that we keep that everybody's gonna have a different range my range is between 50 and 90 there are some functional medicine doctors out there and then I try to keep their patients in the hundreds I feel like that is too high because too much of a good thing is a bad thing but as far as the clinical studies go they really find benefit greater than 35 but keeping your number between 50 and 90 is truly ideal it has been studied it's been there's been Myositis studies as well there's there was one that I did find 2013 and it was showing the correlation between low vitamin D and idiopathic inflammatory my myopathies and they did tests they didn't have test groups of a long line of different types of Myositis there really was a significant difference between um any of the groups but across the board there they are showing that there's low vitamin D levels they don't know if that is a problem as far as the trigger or if that's just something that does happen with autoimmune diseases and you know obviously there's other things that can happen with low vitamin D so we want to make sure that that is sufficient so this is just in all these slides they're going they're gonna be available I can email them to you if you want no problem but these are just different sources as far as vitamin D I think it's just it's notable to look down at the bottom that milk and cheese actually have some of the lowest levels of vitamin D that's out there so you know if you're drinking a lot of milk you're eating a lot of cheese anything like that you're really not getting a good amount of vitamin D in those sources so it's supplementation is ideal so just discuss it with your specialist you know different things you know the side effects make sure that you know a big important thing is making sure your kidney function is fine it's not going to interact with any of your medications it really shouldn't and then what your goal is and then continuing monitoring you don't want to get on a supplement and then okay we're just gonna check it any year no you really would like to see another number between three to six months and then fish oil so fish oil there's there's no recommendation as far as cardiovascular protection that's kind of minty bumps so it's not going to prevent a heart attack or stroke or anything like that but it is really good as far as chronic inflammation because it's going to you know make they're going to decrease chronic inflammation so if you are able to tolerate them some people can't compose you know burping belching there are different you know sources that you can use one thing that I do tell my patients is that you can actually freeze the capsules and then take them frozen and by the time that they start dissolving they're actually out of the stomach and they're in the small intestine so you shouldn't have the birthing with it you do want to make sure that you hold those seven to ten days prior to any kind of procedure because they get bleeding this and then I do mention folic acid just because it is a very important supplement to take with methotrexate and reason being is because if you don't it can cause hair loss GI symptoms they can lower your white count which makes you more susceptible for infection the recommendation usually is one milligram a day but again talk to you your provider about that but usually it is one milligram a day and I do make sure that my patients take that in conjunction with b12 you can either use a sublingual source so like a liquid the taps I really don't have my patients use I have them do a liquid but if they're not afraid of needles that's really great because b12 injections are the best thing and then there's also you know food sources dark leafy green vegetables eggs red meats those guys tend to be higher and b12 and folic acid b12 and folic acid are like sister-sister vitamins so they go hand in hand and then supplements to be leery of reason being is because I know that you guys might be taking these but there's not any clinical research I really supports the benefit you know glutamine l-carnitine I know people use that as far as muscle recovery prevent muscle wasting but again there's not there's not really a whole lot of data out there vitamin E again there's not a whole lot of data vitamin C you know be leery of that vitamin C is really good as far as boosting immune system to prevent the common cold so if my patients who have any type of autoimmune disease that they're going to be you know flying or anything like that I tell them you know thousand milligrams of vitamin C a day you know do that about a few days before do it and then do it throughout your trip and then you know you can stop it when you get home but that what can help boost your immune system and then obviously you know like I said the whey protein you do have to be careful about that but you know there there are some patients I went to one of the patients and yesterday stopped she said that she's been taking away protein for the last six years and she you know two inches it's a great source of protein for her and it's the only source she can really take she's having difficulty swallowing and she she's fine with it so they just again it's that bio individuality how you're reacting to it probiotics they they are not the forefront of treatment but they they do have some credibility as far as introducing good gut bacteria into into the small bowel prebiotic versus probiotic foods you know and incorporating those in the if you google prebiotic foods a whole list will pop up for you so there's there's tons of different sources and prebiotic just means that the good bacteria that's already in there you're feeding it so you want it to thrive probiotics are introducing new good bacteria in there um you want to make sure that you have high with they're called CF use colony formations you want to make sure that the strands are diverse you don't want to make sure you want to make sure it's not just like one or two strands you want to make sure that there's a good amount and then the stability some of them so like that one right up here that one actually you can just leave a you know by your sink it's totally fine because of the way the bottle is this one I recommend a lot to my women the raw formation that one and they you have them they do have a mint formation as well but this one does have to be refrigerated in order to keep it viable and then gut health so 80 bits so why do we care about the gut well as far as your gut goes 80% of your immunity is actually produced in your gut 90% of your serotonin which is a feel-good hormone it alleviates feelings of depression and anxiety 90% of that is produced in your gut we you know we used to always think okay well we give you prozac or lexapro or anything like that it's actually elevating the serotonin in your brain no actually elevating the search button in your gut and it's helping something a communication system called the gut brain access so if you go back to my gut health talk I didn't talk about that a little bit more extensive but essentially they're calling your gut your second brain so if there is disarray as far as that communication goes through the vagus nerve that information is not getting to your brain so it's causing symptoms of depression anxiety fatigue brain fog dizziness lightheadedness a there's a lot of different symptoms that patients come in with so there is and there is definitely a correlation between your gut health and autoimmune disease and like I said doctor ELISA Fasano his very famous study as far as the leaky gut syndrome basically what he is showing is that we used to believe as far as autoimmune flare-ups are when the triggers are genetic makeup and then it's your environmental exposure and it goes to there but there's actually a third edition now to the the paradigm regarding the intestinal barrier and the leaky gut syndrome and like they said in that study when gluten was removed those levels those on Yulin levels went down so it allowed the gut mucosa to heal itself and decrease inflammation and brought those junctions back together and in that study he did it was heavily it was heavily based on celiac disease but he also was mentioning type 1 diabetes Crohn's asthma irritable bowel disease which does I mean Crohn's falls into that too but those are autoimmune type of diseases too as well and you know it's important because celiac disease and Myositis do have a heavy relationship with one another so it is questioning you know autoimmunity and kind of started this whole new outlook as far as looking at the gut and why it's important and then ketogenic diet so that is you know main energy sources fat not carbs you know there is a lot of controversial kind of back and forth going in the healthcare community about it um you know when my patients come to me and they're like Jackie O and again the ketogenic diet what do I do I say there's a good one and there's a bad one and we're going to go on the good one you know what your cholesterol going crazy I don't want things becoming worse so I really have to go through that with a fine-toothed comb with them and you know what if they want to get their get themselves into ketosis someone asked me you know is there no is there any problem being on that you know long-term I usually tell my patients you I would stay you could stay in ketosis anywhere from 3 to 4 months but then you got to get yourself back out of it because ketones in your urine should not be there that is something that as a healthcare professional if we see that on our urine analysis we go mmm okay what do we got going on to be up diabetes do we have uncontrolled blood pressure would you know it's something going on is there kidney disease going on when you put yourself purposely into ketosis um you know we expect those ketones in there the problem is is that we don't know the longevity of it what is I mean it's fine right now but we don't know what's gonna happen in 20 years if you stay in that state of ketosis so there are clinical studies that are going on we just have to give it a little bit more time for those answers um there is a lot of data supporting ketogenic diet with Parkinson's patients Alzheimer's so that you know it is showing positive outcomes with those patients too as well but you do have to keep your healthcare provider on board and if they say no absolutely not say you know work with me here and really try to have a dialogue don't just you know because it and then you walk out go ahead and do it yourself you really need them on board with you and you know and honestly I tried to keep my husband does great when he's in and when he's in a ketosis type of state his body does great with it I tried it it actually made me feel terrible I was tired all the time my brain was foggy I actually gained weight on it so my body does not respond very well to it but he does fine on it but I make sure that he incorporates good carbohydrates I don't want him in a state of ketosis the whole time so these are books that I do recommend um there are some great reads and if you want to expand your knowledge as far as gut health you want to educate yourself from you know regarding anti-inflammatory diet and then also I've listed some podcast and also great resources as far as social media goes dr. micha russia oh if you guys doing if you don't listen to podcast try to start he is an excellent resource that's this lady right here she she that's Danielle Gallardo dr. filardo she actually has started a pant plant blade based clinic um cardio she also is an interventionist so she does like the procedures on patients as far as the catheterizations and stuff but what she's doing in her clinic is pretty awesome she is basically reversing cardiovascular disease with her family plant-based clinic it's pretty awesome and then dr. Mark Hyman he's actually he's the director of functional medicine at Cleveland Clinic um I love his podcast because he's so popular and he brings up he brings like great guests on there so he does have a lot of great information but it's the people that he brings on that podcast that's excellent and then dr. Amy Myers this is dr. B I can't pronounce his whole name he's gonna crazy last name but dr. V he's actually he's a gastroenterologist big set in North Carolina but he primarily folks that focuses on get help so he brings a lot of great resources on to as well so this is just a basic summary you know anti-inflammatory diet it consists of whole whole fresh fruits vegetables lean proteins healthy fat it's making sure that you're avoided avoiding processed foods high fructose corn syrup and you know the bad carbohydrates always remember one person's food is another person's poison so bio individuality if you are going on an anti-inflammatory diet you really need to be in tune with your body and listen to your body glutens been shown to be a high trigger the different supplements the gut is 80% contains 80% of your immunity so you don't know anything about gut health start trying to educate yourself because it's very important very important and then always discuss everything with your health care provider and get them on board with you okay and then always remember to follow your gut and then right here this is different ways to reach me get in touch with me dr. Shah is also aware that we run you know emails and everything like that so she'll be returning some as well but if you guys ever have any questions anything like that I'm here for you thank you so I could take questions like what what is the validity of the body and what does it do so are these same they kept too much acid you know this black one those are low but I know because I have the heart of mundo I know what I've been trying to do a clean diet uh-huh but I'm just acting over all we do water what does actually do I know I have to do with pH yeah so bringing your pH of you know honestly I mean I don't do that type of testing that seems pretty you know more in-depth it's at your rheumatologist that did that yes okay so that seemed more extensive than what I usually do with my patients so um I can find out for you um uh one of my very good friends she's an excellent roommate she's the only rheumatologists I trust in my area she's a nurse practitioner but she's studied with some of the greatest rheumatologists out there so if you email me your question I've been actually it forward it to her she she already she already knows but yeah we can help you with that yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so so there when you go back to this life and you talk about you know certain generalized vitamins that are fine as far as overall inflammation I mean that goes through autoimmune diseases across the board what I usually tell my patients if they're on a good amount of supplements I tell them to bring them in and then we go through them together and then I can kind of help you them as far as okay are you alright do you need to take this are you taking enough for you taking too much and try to work basically a cocktail for them to where they're not going to hurt themselves but also you want to make sure it's sufficient um coq10 I actually got the slide that I used last year um I actually took it out because there's really not a lot of data supporting and you got um there's no problem taking coq10 um my patients are on a statin I put them on Co Q 10 so it prevents any kind of myopathies even if they don't have any issues I still have them on it because it is shown that statins decreased up so it's it's fine there's no problem in it my mom takes it because of brain health as far as um with pardons in this disease my mom has Parkinson's so there's no harm in taking it and if you feel good on it that's the most important thing yeah so it's just making sure that my patient taking a sufficient amount and that it's not anything that's going to hurt them in regards to vitamins as I have I have had patients put themselves into my drug-induced hepatitis because I'm taking too many supplements yeah yeah some of the highest liver enzymes I've ever seen were within this lady she was in her mid forties and she came in she had this old list first of all she told me she was taking new medications and they said what what about vitamins and supplements she was like oh here you go it was like a whole notebook page of vitamins and I'm like oh my god it was like well you got to start looking at this and breaking it down and before I could even start working on it next thing I know I do blood work on her her liver enzymes were in the thousands and I had to center Donny University in Miami yeah it was scary okay it's a way of cleansing your body or something so so dr. Burke came in he had a couple of good podcast Center on there in regards to the fasting and mitochondrial health and everything to be very honest with you that's one of the things that who I mean I'm still trying to wrap my head around it because it's so complex um and in regards to fasting we really don't know too much about it as far as the longevity that's going to be any problems you know later on 10-15 years from now but if it's done safely and you're monitored properly there you know there couldn't there was nothing to meet you too many issues there was a clinical study that kuroshio talked about in regards to plastic in pretty vascular health and the group that did the best as far as best outcomes was a 36-hour fest which I really that seems to that seems really but um but there are you know there are patients that you know they fast and they feel better because we're in regards to gut health the theory is is that what the fasting you're starving the bad bacteria and you're actually going to allow the good bacteria to thrive I mean you're not really giving them much triggers or anything like that but it's making sure that when you do eat that you are eating foods that are going to help you not hurt you so it's not you know fast for 12 hours and then you know 12 hours you can eat whatever you want it's it's a certain strict regimen that people go by as far as my patients fasting um we talked about it they bring education in we go over it together like I said you know biggest thing is communication and I really honestly feel in medicine conventional medicine we've lost that and you know having to see patients every 15 minutes and in and out of rooms and everything like that so I really try to give my patients all my five which sometimes makes me run behind but my patients do understand that I'm running behind because of giving giving that time and I give them that time and then you know also I gave him my email address so if they find anything they can just email it to me you know some people are some of the providers are like blogging I didn't pay for I don't care I mean I'm helping people that's what I got into medicine for so and then it's just educating yourself I mean to be very honest with you between dr. Shawna we've had two classes of nutrition and our training so that's why we did the extra training and became nutritional coaches which anybody can really do that but we did it for the education and it blew our minds as far as being a medicine so I know I kind of like what on its hands on that but um the you know the type of the matter is communication between you and your health care provider and regards to fasting and just making sure that you do it safely you mentioned that when doing tal Merrik of generic that alone can do a little harm someone or someone had problems with it just doing distillery but if you do it with ginger like too much powder and ginger powder together and a high grade they work together with your planet Orion and it helps with any other issues like your I'm just making sure as far as for the tumeric you want to make sure that that has the Piper eggs in it the black pepper as far as we're absorption you don't want it by itself by itself um I don't think I said anything about it being harmful it yeah and ginger spray gingers great it's a it's a great anti nausea metalman you know the my patients they use it for different things that are you know that they one but I have no problem without you understand that when you use both of them together [Music] [Music] [Music] they're not telling you that be very hesitant but you want to know what you're putting into your body you want the exact you can always contact the company and they should be very good and transparent and letting you know but your I mean your testimonial is a great example as far as the concept of bio individuality and really being in tune with your body and you knowing what works for you in the Omega threes imagine Organic in here there just once when I'm told there is my body my everything Thank You Marty I had a question you mentioned that quinoa should be soaked can you do the same thing by just washing it you can wash it but the recommendation is to stoke it I have my patients you know on something patient is so good for about four hours some some will go as extremists soaking overnight so it just it depends on them might as far as like in our house we just wash it you know we you know we don't have to go that extensive as far as you know preventing it from any inflammation but I do have patients that are very worrisome when they do take and you know because they possibly could do that if they don't get all of it on they just soak it overnight and there's no problem it's not gonna hurt it yeah okay so it has a firebrand protein so it's going to with the firebrand put I'm sorry okay so in any fresh fruits that good sugar the firebrand protein has been shown not to spike your glucose so it keeps your glycemic index being more stable okay so it contains the fiber but the fruits contain this thing called a firebrand protein that keeps the sugar stable yeah so first grapefruit honestly it depends you know obviously if you're taking cholesterol medicine because of blocking the medication but as far as inflammation goes I mean I have patients who have autoimmune diseases and they take it and they do totally fine on it but you could you could react to it if you're looking on inflammation scale it can it tends to be on that higher end but I have I have some patients that they just do totally find on it and rhubarb did you say rhubarb I have to look into that right there but but I mean you know the education is out there as far as if it's kind of native language but again it's just how your body reacts to it if you do totally fine on it and your numbers your noticed a good okay so this is the thing when I tell my patients with any autoimmune to say like okay so from like my instance my thyroid patients my autoimmune thyroid patients they will know that their numbers are off even before I get the test back in the tests can come back looking normal but they're like Jackie I feel like XY and Z it's like yeah because you you're gonna feel it before it converts into a plasma level that I can look at so you you know if you're taking in those certain foods and you're like family joints are a key or you're feeling more fatigued or that that fog or anything like that you feel more weakness then we got to scale back on that and then it's just finding if you can't take any small amounts of those certain types of foods or you can't eliminate it completely honey being a source that's fine I usually we buy our honey from a local farm as far as preventing allergens and everything in our area so I do highly encourage that I don't recommend buying it like Publix or anything like that buy it from a mobile or and hopefully organic trust but at least a local source and usually I just recommend two tablespoons a day is perfectly fine yeah I had a question about the quinoa I buy the one in the in the bags but you just stick the quinoa okay just steam it oh okay yeah no I'm talking like the wrong formation yeah I'm on the rock formation obviously you can 15 to 20 is usually the recommendation as far as what we want to aim for if my patients are able to tolerate that you just mentioned the protein so do you would you say that for people like and I calculated the way that they said so I plan if I might even get enough protein be a stand and stuff like that I get good plant-based protein yeah that's real life with white stuff oh yeah yeah that's fine all right okay so next time okay whatever but again if you guys have any questions or anything like on don't hesitate to stop me also my all my information I'll put it back up there and if you guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MyositisAssociation
Views: 30,782
Rating: 4.6399217 out of 5
Keywords: polymyositis, dermatomyositis, antisynthetase syndrome, inclusion body myositis, necrotizing myopathy, myositis
Id: NBdwZDOAmeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 27sec (3687 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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