Intermediate English - Sports

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hello everybody and welcome to another lesson here today i see andrew's with us aisha is with us and i'm sure some more people will join us soon and today's topic is sports so it's going to be very interesting to hear what different people from different places have to say about this of course there are some interesting rules and interesting phrases that we usually use when we speak about sports in english so we're also going to talk about those but first let's just speak to some of the people who have joined our call today aisha how are you today [Music] hi chris how are you i'm fine great good to see you again thank you and like me too great great so um are you a sports person actually no i like to work for a long distance but i don't prefer to do any kind of world exhibit yoga yoga okay yeah i enjoy yoga yes and how often do you do yoga twice a week okay great so i have tried yoga maybe one or two times and i'm not very flexible i can't i can't bend very well yes it is difficult and the first time we do yoga but after that you feel relaxing and you feel your muscle is the most uh stable and yeah yeah and um you can after um this week longest this week you can feel more comfortable and you have because i do yoga in the end of the day i fall asleep after class yoga wow i i really enjoy it and i feel uh very relaxed if i do yoga so do you think more men or women do yoga actually i enjoy the class with the women and i don't see i don't know about i mean but the women there are a lot who enjoy yoga especially their uh they're kind of just have office work and they're very stressed they a lot of them they enjoy the class of yoga that's great that's great all right i see we have andrew with us hi andrew [Music] hello how are you today i'm good thank you and uh andrew what do you think are you a sports person uh no i'm not a sport person sports person but i also like walking strolling from there you like going for walks yes i really enjoyed this process so how how long or how far do you usually walk uh uh my um okay i have a fitness bracelet and uh i can count my steps so 8 000 it's my daily norm okay 8 000 steps yes but i can work for 10 kilometers it's normal for me wow how long so how long how much time does that take to go for and do you do this every day uh i live near my office and i walk to my office every day of course and if i do it on weekends i i don't know i i just like to walk somewhere for example i have a park near my house and i can go there if i have time of course go for a walk in the park yes that's great that's great okay so i'm not not a sports person but but i like to walk uh-huh and colleen what about you how are you today hi chris i'm doing well thank you thanks for joining us so you're welcome uh what about you what do you think are you a sports person do you like doing sports um so so in the last time i can say that i didn't do much sport but when my daughters have vacation i go to work by bicycle and during the winter i go skiing almost every weekend wow are you a professional skier uh no i'm not professional but i i can say that i do skating pretty well better than average uh better than ever the chest thank you okay great all right so um we'll talk a lot more today about different sports and uh and activities but first i just want to share some information that's important when we talk about sports so we have some words that we talked about already today like to cycle right uh also we might say to ride a bike or to ride a bicycle right or we can just use the verb cycle when we talk about sports and we talk about uh activities that are similar to sports very often we have two ways that we can speak about it right like we can say to go for a walk or we can say to walk we can say to go skiing or to ski right to go cycling or just to cycle to stretch or to do stretching and so there's always uh there's usually more than one way that we can speak about these activities and sometimes it's confusing when you hear people speak like today i'm speaking and i'm saying the word sports to do sports but if you read many english textbooks they will say to do sport right maybe maybe you know this and maybe you have heard this before so in british english usually people will say to do sport and american english people will usually say to do sports um why it's a good question but usually we have this difference between british english and american english so next when we talk about sports there's usually three different verbs that we might use we could say to play to go and to do to play to go or to do when we speak about sports and activities like sports by the way sometimes it's confusing for me when someone uh from a different country says oh yes i do sports i go to the gym every day the gym right the gym is the place where we can maybe do cardio but also the the gym is the place where we lift weights to lift weights right uh maybe we we lie down and we lift weights maybe we uh use some other machines to help us lift weights and so to lift weights this is an activity and there's a sport in the olympics called weight lifting weight lifting right this is a uh sport in the olympics sometimes people have different ideas about what a sport is and so this is why sometimes it's confusing for me and for other people for example aisha said she does yoga but some people think that this is not a sport and some people think that it is a sport some people think that when they go to the gym and they run on a machine usually in hi marina usually this machine we call it in english a tread mill a treadmill or some people might call it an elliptical machine a treadmill uh so if someone's running on a treadmill is this a sport or is this just physical activity right so people have different ideas um in the united i remember when i was in school a lot of people in the united states talked about cheerleading cheerleading there's some some people playing basketball and there's some girls usually but some boys and girls who are who are saying some words like yeah let's win yes team let's win let's win and they're jumping and dancing and uh and so many people said oh this is not a sport but the people who do cheerleading they say no this is a sport and so it's difficult to understand what a sport is and what isn't a sport what is a sport what is in a sport um and so today when i talk about sports usually when i when i say sport to do a sport or or uh to play a sport what i mean is a game that has competition competition there's a winner and there's a loser competition and this competition or this activity has a special name this is usually what i mean when i speak about a sport this is this is what i'm thinking of when i say the word sport sports so for example a person who goes to the gym and does cardio a person who goes to the gym and runs on a treadmill uh this is not doing sports in my opinion in my uh experience with english in american english usually we don't think of this as a sport this is just we have we have a special verb that we use we say to work out to work out this means to do physical activity for your health to do physical activity for maybe your heart for for your muscles uh right but but there's not a winner or a loser and maybe every activity has a special name but this is not an event right there's not a game for example there's not teams usually so yes some people are very competitive competitive they want to win they want to be better than other people at it uh they want to be the best right but usually this is not what we mean when we're talking about sports when we talk about sports we mean things like basketball tennis volleyball football or in america soccer uh you know even even other things like badminton or uh other kinds of hockey right there's a lot of sports baseball uh there's a lot of different sports but just going to the gym and just working out this is not really doing sports usually in english so let's go back we were talking about the three different verbs that we use when we talk about sports and activities marina says gymnastics gymnastics yeah uh this is also right this is an olympic sport right uh-huh um and there's a competition there with a winner and a loser um great so we were talking about to play sports to go and to do so usually if this activity has a special name if this is an event or a name then we say play like to play basketball to play tennis to play hockey go usually after go we use a verb with ing so if this thing is a verb and we can use it as a verb like to ski this is a verb so then we can say to go ski ying this is a strange word skiing because it has double i one of the only words in english with double i not a lot of words have this um to go skiing to walk to go walking to run to go running and do is usually about some kind of uh activity or sport that does not have a team does not have uh maybe there's some event but it's usually some special type of activities for example we could say to do yoga but we could also say to do judo to do judo to do karate karate to do karate in american english karate karate judo karate tai chi taekwondo right so all of these activities judo karate taekwondo these are martial arts martial arts this is one category one group of activities it's the art of fighting right so there's a special group of sports or activities we call martial arts and usually when we speak about martial arts we say to do usually but we also have uh one type of martial art which is boxing and we have a verb two box two box so sometimes sometimes it's uh it's difficult to remember this because what do we say we for example to box here we have a special verb like to ski right and so collin said that he does this activity kalin skis he skis and if he wants to talk to another person he can ask do you ski we don't need to say do you go skiing do you play this is not correct do you do this is not correct right you can say do you like to go skiing but uh when we say to go skiing like when we say to go walking or to go running this is not a professional activity this is something that we do for fun or for exercise for health right this is different to go walking it's just it's just an activity that we do for fun for ourselves right it's not a competition so if we want to ask if somebody is a boxer we can ask do you box do you box we could say i don't box but he boxes he boxes my brother boxes he is he is a boxer for example so when we talk about martial arts we usually say to do but usually when we speak about sports we're talking about the sports that we can play basketball tennis soccer football rugby hockey marina question hi chris hi guys uh chris how to explain about acrobatics i do acrobatics or what you do i do acrobatics and i am acrobat i am an acrobat i am an acrobat uh-huh right thank you and thanks for bringing up um marina acrobatics and gymnastics these are uh activities these words are from greek and usually they have an s at the end um and in russian they will usually have an a at the end uh like it's more than one like uh gymnastics like uh or or physique like there's there's more than one is is the idea so it's like a group of studies a group of activities not just one activity right um so in english it's strange because these words have an s at the end but we we use them as one so we can say acrobatics is fun gymnastics is good for you is good for your health so um physics is a difficult subject at school for example and the reason that we have these words with s but they are one uh is because they come from greek so these very old words uh great so when we talk about different sports what are what are your favorite sports usually there's two things that we might do we might play sports or we might watch sports and when we watch we are spectators in american english spectators in british english spectators different pronunciation so in american english spectators but in british english spectators great and when there's a an activity or a sport that has spectators we call this a spectator sport a spectator sport a sport that people uh come live to the stadium come live to the arena and they watch right i always think that this is like um like the gladiators in the roman empire and today when people go to the stadium or the arena i think nothing has changed in 2000 years people still go to watch gladiators uh but this is this was a spectator sport right people watch they cheer they cheer yeah i want my team to win i want my team to win and they say things they're they're excited and they show this emotion about their team or their player right spectator sports usually also have a referee a referee to cheer the team to cheer for for a team to cheer for someone or to cheer for something yeah like if i said do you want me to write with the blue marker or the black marker you could cheer for the blue marker for example to cheer for something oh yeah cheer four or just cheer the crowd the audience was cheering the spectators cheered just they made lots of noise right so usually uh spectator sport has a referee or maybe many referees usually in english when we see this double e at the end of the word then we stress this referee employee and other words like this great um so let's talk about your favorite spectator sports the sports that you love to watch let's start with andrew andrew do you have any favorite spectator sports uh yes um i like uh snooker it's a type of yeah it's a type of billard i think it's okay uh what uh what uh i like in sports uh i like uh intellectual things when uh people think uh about strategy and so on so imagine you can put the ball uh you know physics you're good at physics but what about strategy and uh snooker is not about uh physics or how to put a ball through uh basket i don't know english oh yeah into the pocket pocket pocket yeah uh but for me it's about thinking it's about strategy it's about how they um do shots and so on and uh second sport is curling it's also about thinking it's not about physics for me it's about thinking so you like strategy games yes sports yeah so uh it's interesting to bring up snooker and uh the two the two games that are probably more popular are billiards and pool all right billiards and pool pool is like an american version of billiards probably um and uh usually they play that we where do we play this game we play it in a pool hall or a billiards hall and we play it on a pool table or a billiards table right and so there are different balls and the balls have numbers and we need to hit the balls with a stick and usually and um in pool for example there's only one ball that you should hit and this ball should hit the other balls and this ball is called the q ball the cue ball the cue ball is the ball that we hit before we hit other balls right uh great and then we hit the balls into a pocket for example in pool there are six pockets so um great great great great okay and and today we can watch these on tv they have events that are televised they are on tv and uh great let's see aisha do you have any uh spectator sports that you enjoy watching actually uh not uh no because then i have i don't have enough time to watch but sometime when because my brother enjoyed to watch tennis especially serena williams i usually watch yeah i enjoy like the way how to play you enjoy watching her play yeah yeah yeah and thanks it's good that we talked about tennis because uh i saw someone on youtube writing in the comments that they like big tennis but in english we don't have big tennis or little tennis it's there's just one tennis so we have tennis and then we also have table tennis right uh i'm a big fan of table tennis table tennis or we can call it ping pong yeah it's the same the same thing table tennis or ping pong we don't call it little tennis or big tennis it's just tennis or ping pong table tennis great um and uh so sometimes you you watch this sport and where do people play this sport um or i don't know what's the name but it's the place it's called a stadium yeah maybe in the stadium and then this special area where they play is yeah a tennis court a tennis court yeah and they have a ball which is a tennis ball good ball yeah and the ornith sniff this net the net uh-huh yeah and we hit the ball with what i forget your name racket yes yeah yeah yeah so uh tennis racket uh but sometimes people also write racket like this uh-huh great so a tennis racket and uh there are some there's some different uh point there's a strange way to count who is winning in tennis right it's different from other sports um so in in tennis we don't say zero we say love love means zero in tennis so if they're playing you might say love 15 or 15 love and this means 15-0 yeah great and when we talk about tennis many things are similar between tennis and some other sports like uh we have we have tennis we have squash [Music] squash or in american english this is called racquetball racquetball or squash it's the same thing uh also volleyball is very similar because we use some of the same words um so for example when the ball is very high up in the air and we hit it very very hard down right so the ball is up and we hit it very hard down this is to spike to spike right this is one type of one way to hit the ball when we start playing when we start playing one person or one team hits the ball over the net to the other team to start the play right to start the game and this is to serve to serve so first somebody serves and then the other team needs to return the ball right and and when the teams are returning the ball to each other then sometimes maybe they will spike the ball sometimes maybe they will do different things right like in tennis you have a racket and i am i am right handed i am right handed my right hand is stronger than my left hand better than my left hand i am so to be to be right-handed or to be left-handed or if we can use both we have this special word ambidextrous don't worry about it um or we can also say i am a righty i'm a righty a righty i use my right hand he's a lefty and i'm a righty i use my right hand better i'm right handed so yeah um and when we when we play tennis usually when when you can hit the ball with your strong hand when with your dominant hand then this is a a forehand we have forehand for like forward forehand because this is my right hand forehand or if the ball goes on the other side i cannot hit with my strong hand so i need to turn and i need to do a back hand to hit the ball right forehand and backhand yeah now sometimes people hit the ball back and forth and back and forth again and again and this is called this is called a volley a volley this is when we hit the ball back and forth and back and forth and back and forth so you know sometimes one person hits the ball and they score and the other team doesn't return the ball but sometimes the first team hits it then the next team then the next team the next team and it goes for a long time and at the end people say wow that was a great volley that was a great back and forth of the ball right um it's not only not only about volleyball it's also about tennis we also have this great okay enough about tennis uh let's go to the next let's see collin what kind of spectator sports do you enjoy uh i like watching football also tennis and for mulawan races formula one formula one yes oh cool so formula one where where do people do this sport with activities they do these activities on a circuit i don't know circuit okay yeah exactly a circuit a racing circuit and a circuit think of it like a circle right usually a circle is like this but a racing circuit might be like this right something like that we use we use circuit about formula one and nascar and these events but we don't say we don't usually say circuit about when people just run right in a in a race people just go in the same circle again and again and this is called sorry and and race cars formula one nascar they go in the same circle again and again right so one time when we go around the circle one time this is called yes a lap one lap exactly uh what else is important when we talk about formula one honestly i i don't i don't watch this a lot uh yeah we have a pit stop pit stop this is where the car needs some repairs or some fixing and they stop and the team comes and repairs the car right yes maybe poor position sorry for positions yes cars who are in the first position positions at the beginning of the race ah okay and this is good though right to be in the first position yes so yes of course they get first position after the qualifications so this is their starting position okay let's talk let's talk about football because i know in the world this is the most popular sport right many people uh many people enjoy and sometimes people are confused about if it's real football or if it's american football right uh so how can we how can we tell people well i think today most people understand that football is this international sport and american football is something very different but in the united states the football international football is called soccer called soccer yeah it's the same sport but has a different name in the united states and so what's important when we play this sport we have so we have the soccer field or the football field and each side has a goal and this word goal has two different meanings goal it's it's this place the place where you do not want the other team to kick the ball all right uh this is a goal this is the it's a physical thing called the goal every football field has two goals but a goal can also be when we kick the ball into the goal this action is called a goal right so on tv when you watch you might it's my favorite to watch um to watch these game when the when the host when the broadcaster the speaker who's talking about the game he's from you know from like mexico or uh or central america somewhere and when someone scores a goal he says very very very long and and loud and uh this is to score a goal right to score a goal yeah so what else is important when we talk about football or soccer we need to pass to pass the ball to someone we also need to dribble to dribble this means to move with the ball so one player has the ball at his feet and he moves he runs with the ball at his feet right this is to dribble um we might also what else we might uh tackle to tackle so in international football in soccer to tackle means when you try to take the ball from the other person so one person is dribbling and another person comes and tries to take the ball this is to attack to tackle right uh so he attacks the ball he he tackles and tries to take the ball away um in american football tackle means when they they grab the person and throw him on the ground this is to tackle great so to dribble to pass to tackle we might also we might also slide tackle right like the person runs and slides on the ground to try to take the ball he jumps and he moves on the ground he's not running and trying to take it he lo he lies down on the ground and slides to try to take the ball slide tackle uh great but usually we we want to talk about the exciting parts the mo the best parts of the game we want to talk about when people shoot to shoot this means to try to get points to try to score a goal and when somebody shoots then they can score or they can miss to score or to miss so here's the so if if here is the goal and i shoot i try to score i shoot the ball goes here i scored but if the ball goes here i missed yeah and so sometimes the announcer the person speaking about the match or the game will say he shoots and he scores right like he kicked the ball and he got a point and he scored a goal great what else happens in football what else is is important in football well the result of the match is important and this is something that's kind of strange in english so let's talk about that so let's imagine that we have two teams um let's see let's use brazil and italy brazil and italy and at the end of the match the score is one zero one zero or some or in british english sometimes they'll say null one null or one not these are all different words for a zero um or or even one nil also is zero so um this is the score at the end of the match and what happened brazil beat italy brazil beat italy this is the result brazil beat italy brazil won italy lost right three different ways that we can talk about this result italy lost brazil won brazil beat italy we cannot say we cannot say brazil one italy this is not correct because we can win something we win something but we cannot win someone we cannot win a person or a team we can only we can win a match we can win a tournament we can win the competition we can win the game we can win a trophy or we can win a medal we can win an award we can win things but we cannot win people because in english win it means that uh you get this thing like for example imagine at the end of world war ii if germany won and we said germany won italy this means now italy is part of germany now germany takes italy this is what it means so uh like a thing like like a thing that germany now can own can can have right this is what it means so that's why it's not correct to say that uh you know that we won someone or some team great so let's look at another example another example is this is the final score of the match so what happened we can say that brazil and italy drew to draw the verb to draw brazil and italy drew or we could say brazil and italy tied to thai to draw is usually a british english and to thai is american english to draw or to tie and this means that there was no winner and no loser right the same score zero zero one one so let's look at these verbs one more time we have win lose draw and thai and usually we speak about these things in the in the past right so we could say for example uh yesterday spain lost the match yesterday spain won the match great all right any other questions maybe there's another sport that we haven't talked about that you would like to speak about let's see we what about marina marina do you what was your favorite spectator sport uh i don't like any spectator sports no i i don't cheer for some teams or for somebody i like acrobatics gymnastics gymnastics this is the most beautiful kind of sports for me because i did acrobatics when i was a girl young girl chris i want to to ask you um the the the the highest uh degree in the sport like acrobatics the master of sport or sports master how to say yeah it's uh so so it's it's different in different places i think but i think in in the international sports community it's master of sports right master of sports in a specific sport and and how to say before before the master honestly i i don't even know because this system is not popular in the united states um yeah because uh we we have like we have champion this is i think the closest concept the person who wins a competition one year so we just say first place second place third place or if we talk about the olympics then it's gold metal uh you know silver metal bronze metal okay yeah i believe this um system of cl this classification system russia or the ussr before russia had a special sports classification system and this is different from what was used in the in the west yeah um great okay any other questions for today can i can i ask a question not about this part not about sports uh the question is about give and take how i can show uh i produce some action or receive some action for example if i have a book i can give book or tag book borrow money or lend money what about for example rent if i have a room i rent a room how i can show i give money uh to live there or i take money because someone lives there yeah good question because it's it's a difficult thing in in many languages um so for when we talk about rent then we usually just use another word to talk about this like i rent my apartment to john and john rents my apartment from me and this means that john lives there and he pays money to live there right to rent from uh sometimes we'll also say to rent out and if you say to rent out then this means that uh you take money and somebody lives there but usually when we say rent people people think about renting from someone so you you might ask a person do you rent or own do you rent or own like is it your apartment or do you pay somebody to live here if we talk in general then uh give or to uh is understandable if i add two to some vote it's uh understandable yeah and then from so i could take from i give money to my friend my friend takes this money from me yeah and in most cases it doesn't be uh correct to and from yeah yeah let the the bank lends money to me i borrow money from the bank and of course i can borrow an idea not only money right right and and if you want to show the source the origin of this idea that you can save from i borrowed this idea from i took this idea from and you can say the book or the author thank you very much thank you great question something else that people should know about take and uh is that we can also take two because take right now we're talking about give and take as opposites but we also have bring and take which are opposite and bring and take it's about you you hold something and you move do you move near or do you move away right so like if i move near you then i am bringing the marker to you but if i move away from you then i'm taking the marker from you right so uh so this the same situation can we can describe the same situation using these words like um this marker doesn't work i'm going to bring it back to the shop this marker doesn't work i'm going to take it back to the shop they're both okay they're both correct because take just means that i am moving away from my house and going to the shop and bring means that i am moving near the shop right this is what it tells us so marina you had another question yeah uh chris i uh off of often see the expressions with about for example i am about to go to sleep or this person is about to go to the cinema something like that it's what does it mean it's like uh i'm going to do something yes the same this is the same uh it's very very close so the the difference think of it like going to first yes the difference is that when we say i am about to do something it means that i will do it very very very soon very soon like like i i almost started doing it i almost did it already um good example is this for example i'm going to call mike mike is calling me right now hey mike i was about to call you do you understand like i was i i almost called you already i maybe i was in the process maybe i wanted to do it right now i wanted to do it very soon and uh so this is usually how we how we can use that okay see thank you chris yeah thank you all right well i guess that's it for today's lesson uh the next lesson that we have will be on facebook so anybody who's watching on youtube right now will be on facebook next time and the next lesson will be on wednesday october 14th at 8 00 a.m new york time and we're going to talk about family the topic is family so good topic everybody's interested in i think and uh so that's october 14th it's wednesday and that will be on facebook and then on october 16th which is friday we'll be back here on youtube again so next week it will be wednesday and friday all right everybody thanks a lot for coming aisha colleen marina andrew thanks for coming to the lesson and everybody who's watching thank you thank you have a great day and weekend bye bye bye on the youtube
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 11,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L0LA7AHxayU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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