prepping for classroom setup!!//first year teacher

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hey guys my name is Keeley I'll be a first year kindergarten teacher and welcome to kindergarten with Kaylee so today I'm doing my first day of classroom setup kind of it's not really classroom setup but I am going to be working in my classroom and so I wanted to film it for you guys I am going in today it's about 1pm and the janitors leave at like three to four so I'm only gonna go for about two hours um but I just wanted to get in there it is June 12th right now so still pretty early game plan for today is I want to take down all the bullets and board paper and borders that the last teacher has because I'm going to start with all my walls I think tomorrow I'm gonna do them I put all my bullets and more paper up and borders and then I'm also just gonna start sorting and organizing all the stuff that the last teacher had left and see what I want what I don't want make piles of that and then organize things I just got Starbucks to give us some energy and then I actually have to run a couple errands first I'm gonna go to Target one to see if they have updated their dollar spot because everybody on teacher Tick Tock is posting about how target has all of their teacher stuff about my target did not they did have some bins I actually got one of these put my stuff in it right now I have one of these bits and I got a couple book bins and stuff but they didn't have any of the other stuff and I really want one of those little spinny things that I could put pencils and pens in so anyway I'm gonna go to see if they've updated it at all and then I also need a staple remover to remove all the Staples in the bulletin boards and a Target and if they don't have a staple remover then we're gonna have to go somewhere else but fingers crossed if they have one okay guys Target was actually a pretty successful look at this I got some bins they have this little spinny things that I was talking about so I'm so excited now they did not have like a full teacher section so they don't have everything that I've been seeing on Tick Tock there's a few other things that I like kind of was gonna look at and they didn't have them but they had a lot more of the bins and so I got two of the little spinny things um I got six caddy table caddies um I just got white ones and then I got a big white bin I got another white caddy that has like a taller side that you can fit like white boards in and I'm gonna use that for like teacher table stuff but they did not have a staple remover so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to Office Depot because I know for a fact they'll have one that way I don't waste time by going to like Walmart or something and maybe they wouldn't have one you know so I'm just gonna go to Office Depot really fast because it's pretty close and grab one okay guys I just got to my school and tell me why I'm like scared like I have a key so I'm just gonna like go in but I just feel like I'm not supposed to be here or I feel like I'm breaking the rules even though I'm not it just feels like I am and I'm like it took me a while to get in there's a door like right next to my classroom and I kind of open it but there's an auditorium next door and I was able to unlock that one so how most people remember and that's what I'm gonna do first is take down the bulletin boards let me flip you around and show you what I'm gonna do I think this one's gonna be my calendar in like days of the week and maybe like days of school countdown it's actually way bigger so I think it can fit all of that so it's good I'm bored so I have a bulletin board of years and then there's another one over here she used like fabric I think this off and then there's this one definitely not using this gosh they colored everywhere this one I need to take down it's so ugly this is all the stuff that I brought so you can tell my vibes are a lot different um these will be hung up probably sometime tomorrow so this is my number line and there is a number line already up there I wonder if I should take you down or just add mine over here or something I don't know it's not very cute it is black and white though so that's good take down this stuff I might leave the velcro dots for now and I'm also going to take down all of this stuff because I don't really need this up here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I didn't realize how long it took to um they down bulletin boards that was just one and it took me like 10 minutes it didn't seem like it took long in the time off but it did and it is so hot in here every classroom setup video people complain that it's but like I didn't think it actually that hot but it looks a lot better without that ugly red fabric so I'm gonna take this one off so guys let me show you so the teacher had like this tape stuff on there so now it left like all these marks is there any way to get rid of this if you guys know how to get rid of this let me know because this looks terrible and I don't want it to look like that [Music] if you just pull off the battery fabric it all comes out comes off I need to check the floor for Staples but most of them stayed in the fabric so it's gonna save my life okay I'm not gonna film the next two but I'll show you guys what the other like when they're done I'm gonna do this one next okay so the old teacher just like stapled stuff into the wall and just like left it here this is just like a normal Waffle why did you staple stuff in there also look how dirty it is definitely gonna need to like cover this in something a lot of the walls and so I don't know anything about that okay all the bulletin boards are taken down it looks a lot better in my opinion now um now I'm gonna talk about this door and see what I can do here it's 2 45 finally about three so hopefully I can get this done this done so tedious just really want my class to be like bare before I start and so this is part of the hot step so I also don't know what to do like all of the sheets and the bulletin board stuff I just have on the floor it's like where did I put that because there's a trash can in here this is what I do not want my classroom to look like I want it to look like this clean and cute so I want I really want all of my bins to match and I know that's probably excessive but I do I don't know also guys quickly I'm kind of considering let me flip you around I've been thinking about layout stuff and they had velocity Trail header desk over there I kind of want to put it right here because then I could see the whole class and then just like get rid of these get rid of these two button of them here for storage and leave this here but get rid of those two either move them somewhere else or get rid of them because that well I could put those little bookshelves or those and create like a library or on the carpet wouldn't that be so cute or I could put my teacher table back there for small groups because she had her teacher table right here which just just doesn't seem practical I just feel like this little Nook is being wasted with all of this so I don't know let me let me know what you think about all the desks are gonna go right here and honestly this might not be big enough like depth wise like I might run into the wall but we're gonna try it so anyway that's an update on layout okay it's been like 20 minutes I finally got all the letters off staying on the Shelf and I've been using it to scrape it it actually works pretty well but does anyone know how to get the rest of this this is like tape stuff that didn't come off this is like sticker stuff that I could get off it's just gonna take a while but I cannot get these velcro dots off this is anyone know how to do that because there's just so many of them and I don't want these on this door it is like three o'clock because everything in the trash can he brought me a trash can and then I think that's all I'm gonna do he does leave at 4 30 so I have some time but I think I'm just gonna call it a colloquent today because I'm going to come back tomorrow I'm going to do all the bulletin boards or as many as I can I only got one roll of paper so I might I'm gonna start with these two and we'll see what we can do I might put some up here I didn't know that was bulletin board so that would look cute I'm not gonna organize or anything because this took a lot longer than I thought these are a few clips from the next day I didn't film any talking Clips but here is me and my brothers trying to put up the bulletin board paper we ran out of Staples and borders so we didn't really get very far but we at least got two of them done and we got half of the borders put on so enjoy the clips of us doing that foreign [Music] hey guys I don't know what video this is gonna go in but I thought I would update you on my progress I've done a lot of prep stuff today I finally figured out how to work PowerPoint we didn't have a subscription so I had to like renew it so I was able to edit my stuff that I bought from my teacher bundle but there's like obviously I wanted me to make it like personal to me so I made my 10 drawer cart labels today aren't they so cute oh my gosh look one for every day of the week and then I have it to copy some plans to grade small group so I can put all my small group plans for the next week and then I needed one more so I just put important like papers that are important but I don't know where to put them I guess I don't know we'll see so anyway did that created the labels um to my calendar these are like the headings at the top um I needed to make those but I needed to edit them and I needed one more affirmation um laminated so I just put it in this I need to cut those out I just spent a lot of time trying to think about things that to put in my teacher toolbox it's pretty ugly these things are pretty ugly and I took one of the drawers out to see how big it is and they're honestly like not that big and it's like pretty rough like I don't know if I just got a bad one or if they're just kind of Jank and it's black and I'm realizing I really don't want it to be black and so I might like spray paint it or something I'm not crafty but I might try to spray paint it or something like white and then I would love it so I might do that because I really don't like the black so I think they're gonna fit but they're tiny but they look too big almost so yeah I have like eraser stickers velcro magnets velcro dots push pins Band-Aids paper clips and cut them out first and then laminate them because they're so tiny that I could fit so many in one page and there's I didn't use all of them on each page especially I need to laminate Friday it was the only one on its piece of paper so I need to laminate this one so I think it'll fit in here so I think I'm gonna cut these out and then laminate them and then I need to cut out these laminations as well I don't know if I'm gonna do it today it's literally 8 30 on a Saturday and this is what I'm doing but I just like I honestly been pretty busy this week and haven't been able to do it and when I try to do it the Powerpoint stuff wasn't working but I think I'm gonna spray paint this because like I said it's just honestly really gross so like my nothing in my room is going to be black and so and I know a lot of teachers say they don't actually use this I think I will because this is like a good place to put everything yes I like was right like couldn't think of 20 things to put in here but I do think I'll use it so and I just like really want to be organized so we're going to try it if it's a fail then oh well my room right now is a mess I went to a garage sale today and got a bunch of stuff and I went to Michael's and I filmed a haul earlier for my Tick Tock and it's just still all over the floor [Music] okay it's pretty dark outside so sorry the lighting is so bad but I just finished laminating them they look but it did take quite a while to cut them out because they're so tiny like look how tiny they are but I still don't think they're gonna fit so I'm gonna have to trim it a little bit to make them fit on there um it is now 905 so that did take a little bit but being productive tonight hey guys future Kaylee here to end this video I'm just not getting around to editing it so I just wanted to close it out also I did cut my hair so it's a little bit different now um it's been a couple weeks since I filmed these past Clips um you guys so much for watching this video and sticking around I would love it if you would subscribe down below to go on this journey with me of building my first classroom and my whole first year of teaching there are actual classroom setup Vlogs coming I promise um I just haven't been able to get in there a lot because of the HVAC units that are going in so I promise I will be in there super super soon and that setup Vlogs will be coming but yes just wanted to get this video out there for you to show some of the things I've been doing to prep my classroom but subscribe give this video a like if you want to follow me on my social media it is there's an I have an Instagram and a tick tock both at kindergarten with Kaylee so yes love you guys and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Kindergarten with Kaylee
Views: 11,815
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Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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