Classroom Setup Day 1 | Middle School ELA & Science

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SMH I don't want me to have fresh air oh well we're gonna make it work [Music] s what's up guys if you're new here my name is Jess and I am now a six-year teacher teaching at sixth grade ELA and science it's been about a year since I picked up a camera and started doing classroom setup obviously because it's been almost a year since I was studying on my last classroom but I am moving into a new classroom this year I've already got all my stuff moved in and it is like three times the size of my old classroom so I'm really excited to get it set up and have all this extra space whether you're new or you've been watching me since last year please make sure you go ahead and subscribe like comment do whatever you have to do so that you can stick around and see the rest of my classroom setup series okay so what we got the coffee so I'm here [Applause] with my coffee um it's about 1 45 ish now I would have been here earlier but I went to Walmart to get some matte spray paint and it took um like 20 minutes for someone to come with a key because now everything's like locked up in cabinets so it took a really long time for me to get the matte spray paint out of the cabinet so like I said before this year I'm teaching Eli and science so yet again adding something new to the plate but I'm excited um I think it'll be really fun for me to like switch things up throughout the day and also I feel like although I love reading and writing it's one of those things it's Hit or Miss for sixth graders so I'm excited for science because it'll be like a lot of Hands-On a lot of exciting experiments and things like that so I have all of my like Ela stuff already made but what I've been doing at home is just kind of like printing off and laminating things that I want to hang on the wall that are related to science so I brought those and that's why I got the matte spray paint because those are not spray painted yet but what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you guys what I already have kind of going in this room okay first off from like a distance look how ginormous this classroom is I'm standing by one of the doorways because it has two okay so when you first walk in this doorway here's my little desk area that desk was left by the teacher before me um she didn't leave teaching she just moved down the hall and we're actually teaching the same subject partially this year so this is a standing desk which I'm really excited about you can like Crank It Up and lower it and then this is just like one of the regular teacher desks but it'll be really nice to have that one to like work from this to kind of store stuff this is on the desk because we're getting new computers I guess um so that's why that's there this is like the little corner over here I put my class points from last year these are the same ones that I used last year up on the wall on the last day of school This was um left from the teacher who moved out of this classroom it's just a calendar I can just write things on there it's dry erase amazing Chromebook cart I think she's taking these shelves um she mentioned she was taking them home not sure if that's still happening but if not I would definitely keep them those are also hers up there those are not mine but they're really cute I have um science ABCs I'm gonna hang up there that I'm really excited about here's all of my junk in the middle that I have nowhere to put yet just because I don't know if my room's been like fully I think it's been fully vacuumed so I can like move stuff around but I don't want to move anything too early and then them have to work around it that would be really inconvenient for the janitorial staff so I'm just gonna leave things in the middle for now we have these really awesome lab tables they're black on top they have wheels you can lock the wheels they're really nice okay this is like the back wall these are all of our like Book Club books um that we used last year so those just followed me here more of my junk okay this is the back wall I have a really cool view of the football field out there you can't see obviously because the lighting this back wall I have like my family picture some memorabilia on it I got these chairs off of Facebook Marketplace I have two of them I am obsessed with them I have all of these scrapbook containers I don't really know what I'm gonna do with them but this is what we have going on on the back wall obviously this space needs to be filled with something not sure what I'm gonna put there yet some of my Ela posters from last year some framed posters from last year they're just like motivational quotes one of my co-workers was getting rid of this couch because she got a different one um I'm gonna get a like black cover for this I think and then I'll show you in a second my other co-worker was getting rid of this little coffee table with a chalkboard top and I'm gonna put that right in front of here make it like a little living room okay moving on to the other half of the classroom again looking over the football field which is really cool um just some more Decor a couple of lamps down here I have some extra supplies like sticky notes Sharpies extra notebooks pencils tape note cards which apparently they use a lot of in science so that'll be nice to have a lot of extras than the other chair that I love from basement Marketplace My Book Nook sign I actually had these in my second grade classroom and I just kept them because they match this theme too and then these are my personal library books so these are the books that kids can check out and read in their own time I have some like lower level books um that I took from my second grade classroom just for like quick reads and you know sometimes you don't want to commit to a large chapter book [Music] I even kept like all of my favorite picture books just because I have a really hard time parting with good books up here I have some cutesy little decor my signposts for notice and note um this is like a little closet area that I share with a seventh grade teacher right across the hall I put my mirror like on the window of the door in between our closet but I'm definitely gonna need to get like some curtain there because I can just imagine students looking through these windows at each other and how distracting that would be have my book genres over here this is where I'm gonna do like all student work I had made some letters that say a proud wall over here and then this is just more supplies markers crayons pencils pencil sharpener cute little sign this rolling cart I'm actually gonna split up between the different class periods and it'll say like turn and Bin pass back bin but for each class period so that they know where to put and receive their graded work there's a little responsibility quote because in middle school they really forget or are just unaware of being responsible for their own work and then it actually affects their grade now um well I guess these are my tournaments never mind I'm gonna have missing work over there that's what's gonna be over there this table was left behind but I like it it kind of matches the aesthetic um our grade scale another lamp this is just my like handouts for the week or my kind of planning drawer don't know if it'll be over here but that's where it is for now up here this is going to be kind of like um the objective board or like the daily agenda what they're going to be doing each day what they have for homework each day they're like I can statements they're gonna go over here so I'll have one for Eli and one for science have my classroom rules this is my other door so I have two doors my hand signals it's cool to be kind some of the other posters that I just didn't put into frames my flip calendar which I love I have these up here this Cube not sure if everything that's in there is going to stay in there but that's what's in there for now this I had are maintenance guy hang up and I love it don't know what I'm gonna use it for but I love it and then I just told my co-worker who left this classroom to just leave what she had on the bulletin board up because that's one less thing I have to do and I have these cute little star lights that I'm going to use this is the coffee table that I'm going to put in front of the couch I'm obviously gonna wipe this off I don't want Anna Green Gables on there but it's on Wheels and I think it'll be great for like flexible seating too and when kids want to sit on the couch or want to work from the couch they can sit on the couch back there and just have this in front of them to work I don't know if you can tell from the camera like how dry and irritated my skin is but I like I'm stopping to put on healing ointment this whole time but that's like that's not blush right there that's just dry irritated skin don't know why it's really annoying okay so before I get down to business I'm gonna show you guys what I brought in with me today I remember last year I was literally bringing in like wagons full of things every day but now I actually feel like I have everything I need not everything I want but everything I need in here and everything else is just kind of things too add to our supplies like student supplies or just spice up the decor a little bit I definitely have been wanting a lot more lamps and things like that especially because this room is so big so I'm definitely gonna need like double the amount of lamps that I had last year [Applause] um but I did bring some things with me today and I'm going to show you what I brought um this is from Target from the dollar spot I thought it was cute honestly I thought about maybe just like putting on the door handle outside um don't really know it's green matches my aesthetic or theme whatever you want to call it um I brought everything I'm out of breath everything that I have been laminating that's like science themed or new labels and things like that that I wanted um I printed off I purchased these on Teachers Pay Teachers I'll link or tag the person shop down below um in the description but these are science ABCs and it's all terms related to science and I thought teaching Eli in science how cute would it be to combine Eli and science that's some science ABCs so I printed all those off laminated those last night and that took me forever my outside I made also we cannot find our pair of scissors at our apartment so I could only cut things that require just my like paper slicer so I have all of these letters that I need to cut out but I'm thinking I might spray paint them with the matte spray paint before I do any cutting but these are the ones I was talking about on the wall Student Center and hashtag proudwall those are going to go on the wall above those areas some new Supply labels I also printed off some blank ones because odds oh there's gonna be more things I want to label but do not want to have to type in print laminate again and then I made my like own version of these lab rules I kind of spiced them up and made them my classroom theme so they have like little scalloped pink top and then my costume themed colors for some of the words and then some animal print at the bottom because that's my costume theme is like all animal themed what else do we have I'm gonna do team birthdays because I was really good at it at the beginning of last year but then about halfway through the year I wasn't like checking PowerSchool as often and when you have like 80 students it's kind of hard to keep up with birthdays so I'm just gonna take some time and write them all out at the beginning of the year and that way I don't miss anyone's birthday I'm gonna just like glue it to the back of the wall I think and these have like December birthdays and I can strike people's names and the number of the day Hotsy these are some of the drawer labels that I was talking about like period four pass backs like that's your graded work that you can or I can have a student pass back to their period um I have like science extras so science handout extras um period one missing work so each period is gonna have missing work so if they were absent they can know to go to their periods drawer and get whatever handouts are in that drawer I also have these are the letters that are going to go above the lab rules that I made um again couldn't cut them out because didn't have scissors at home another excuse for me to come here because I have a ton of scissors here to use so those are those I think that's it for things I printed um oh this is exciting so my roommate she had like things in a cabinet that she just didn't use anymore and one of them was this little lion with a crown he's perfect and he matches my room so I'm gonna put him somewhere don't know where yet um he's kind of like a bookend so maybe I'll put him on a bookshelf or something over there um my boyfriend's mom purchased something off of my Amazon wish list so I'm gonna open them they're too like table top lamps okay I stopped recording because I'm low-key embarrassed when people come here or see me still um let's see we'll unwrap those another time but they're little tabletop lamps maybe I can insert a picture somewhere um they were on my Amazon wishlist so I will link those below and I'll link my wish list in case you wanna help a girl out with her classroom okay so this is about as wide as I can open the window I guess um we might just make it work because I want to have the map before I hang them up on the wall I'm just gonna cross my fingers that no one comes in here and yells at me but you gotta do what you gotta do for there not to be a glare on your thing so on the other window doesn't even open I don't think I'm not seeing anything nope just something for the blinds SMH they don't want me to have fresh air oh well we're gonna make it work [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is the last of the stuff that I need to put the matte finish on and it literally like dries instantaneously so I'm gonna do that and then I think what I need to do is cut out the letters and then when I have everything cut out I'll feel like I'll be able to just focus on gluing it to the wall and figure out where I want to put it but I feel like I need everything cut out before I can do that otherwise it's like a fourth back and forth which I don't want to do okay everything is done being spray painted I'm gonna find a pair of scissors somewhere and start cutting things out I feel like I'm gonna watch this back when I'm editing and realize that I missed a sheet and not notice it until then but hopefully I got everything with the matte spray so I'm going to cut things out and then I'm gonna think about where I wanna put things on the wall and I might have to take some old stuff down before I can put things up I just had an intrusive thought of if a bird flew into this classroom while the window was open I would I would have to resign I would have to resign I have to tell him that I or get Workers Comp for trauma because I am terrified of birds I hate birds I don't know why they just scare me and since I'm like looking over such an open area in the back of my classroom I feel like I don't know [Music] okay everything is finally cut out that literally took so long and now my hands hurt and my leg is asleep but here's the graveyard of scraps from cutting things out I'll show you what they look like so I decided to keep like a little white edge around these letters like I already had the pink scalloped but I left some white around it um that was because I didn't wanna hurt my hand having to get too close now these letters were a pain in the butt to cut out um they're definitely not perfect but I don't really care you can't really tell when they're hung up on the wall unless you're looking for that but what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to try and plan out where I want these things to go on the wall I need to take those down over there they're not mine um and I have this awkward space back here that I don't know what I want to fill with yet so I'm going to try and plan out where I want things on the wall and take those oh [Music] okay so all those are down and I was thinking of putting the science ABCs up here but now that I'm thinking about it it would truly be a struggle to do by myself but I might just go for it my hot glue gun is Wireless at least so that'll be nice this area over here I'm cannot figure out what I want to do with that because if she takes those shelves that are over there and then that wall is going to be really open and I don't know if I want to save things to put over there but I mean I guess not everything every block on the wall needs something on it I guess I should shut this one over a board comes in here so maybe I just need to get that through my head and not worry about every square inch having something on it but I my idea have that wall be my the while I'm looking at be my science wall and this will be more like Ela but in reality this has a bunch of random stuff that's not related to Eli and the ELA is in the back of all so I don't know I don't know where I want to put things yet what I can do for sure now is plug in my hot glue gun charger closer to this wall so that I have it to work with there's nothing okay my aunt like randomly found this wireless hot glue gun in her basement we were visiting Vermont it is very old but it works like a charm and it gets really really hot so that's really helpful with classroom setup so if you don't have a wireless or cordless hot glue gun whatever you want to call it you definitely need to get one and they're on Amazon for sure so my co-worker just texted me and said she does not plan on taking these shelves which is great news because I needed more shelves and I didn't know what to do with this piece anyway so now I can put things on them which I'm really excited about okay I think I'm gonna leave that blank for now um I just thought about this but maybe our maintenance guy can like drill a rod right here and this can just be like a anchor chart Spotlight or like a poster Spotlight for whatever we're focusing on at that time I think I'm gonna put the lab rules over here um oh you know what maybe that can just be the science anchor chart and then that random blank space back there can be like Ela based anchor charts um I don't know but I'm gonna hang up the lab rules right here I'm gonna try it see how I like it um and yeah go from there so I'll put you guys down and insert a little time lapse now [Music] okay for eyeballing these these don't look too bad now I just have to put the like label across the top that says lab rules um and I'm going to let the hot glue gun like re-charge or whatever for a second um I think I used um hello fonts maybe some AG fonts kind of to make these and then I used my color palette and these are all just elements from canva while my camera was charging I hung up the label for lab rolls again I just made those on canva and since my co-worker said she's not taking these shelves I started to put a few things on the shelves I really need to like label these I honestly no never mind I was thinking about putting curtains but that's just a lot of work and I put my toolbox down there because I literally cannot think of anywhere else it would fit because it definitely will not fit on my desk or you would just see like the back of it which would be really ugly because it's like little shapes over there so I think now I'm gonna try and hang up the alphabet and that might be like one of the last things I do besides the Student Center in proud wall just because it will be definitely time consuming to do by myself and move the step water along the wall over and over again but I think I'm going to start from the center and work my way out and I'm gonna go ahead and say like this is the center if not oh well I don't have to work Okay so I'm not gonna put them all the way up I think like two throws down so like here ish um I think that would just be easier to hang out to be honest and okay so I got the second half of the alphabet hung up I think what I'm gonna do now is use just some velcro dots to get those labels that I made for these drawers stuck to it um as you can see I use hot glue before but I'm just gonna use velcro dots because I have so many of them to label these drawers all right this is what the finished drawers look like just on all the pass backs together all of the missing work together and then just extras because it's bound to happen that someone says they don't have the handout that they needed that they were here for and they got but now they don't have it for some reason because it didn't go where it was supposed to go in their binder so okay so the glue gun should be ready to go so I'm gonna finish hanging up the first half of the alphabet and then I will catch up with you guys after that and see if I'm gonna do anything else before I leave because it is you can't focused after four I mean I did get here at like 1 45 so I guess that's okay but I don't want to stay here for dinner some lights on and there's still a little bit of a glare but it's just gonna have to be what it is um definitely not perfectly centered but that's okay and just roll with it this is the entire science alphabet that I got off of TPT that I said I'm going to link in the description um I think that's all I can do on this wall for now [Music] thank you [Music] thank you all right it kind of drives me nuts that it's off center but in a little wonky but I don't think I care enough to redo it it's just the sixth year teacher in me I think um okay now I'm gonna do the proud wall here is the finished product I decided to just do it like off to the side because I don't want a ton of stuff like really up high and over here I have these from teaching Decor bundle and then I just got these cork boards I think I got them off Amazon and I just stuck them to the wall so I can like pin certain things on there um even if it's just like a drawing that a student makes me or if it's something that we worked on in class and they're really proud of it and I'm really proud of it um then I'll hang it up over here Student Center again and now I think I'm gonna tackle the birthdays over there okay I decided to do them in two rows of six because I think the Chromebook cart is gonna be moved over because I need the bottom half of that so they look like this they're right next to the calendar it'll be super easy for me to hopefully keep track of everybody's birthday and make sure it gets on the calendar each month um that way they feel special and recognized on their birthday it is literally almost 5 p.m so I'm gonna show you guys what I got done today and then I'm gonna get out of here okay so this is the view from one of the doors when you walk in today I got the science alphabet hung up team birthdays I put some things in these shelves because I found out my co-worker does not want them which is fine by me because I really wanted them I cut out and hung up the lab rules again these are something I made on canva but they're not commercial use fonts so I can't put them on my Teachers Pay Teachers or anything then going along the back of the wall these were already all hung up so that's nothing new I used the matte spray paint to mattify the things that I've hung up on the wall today I cut out and hung up hashtag proud wall where I'm gonna hang up their work that they're really proud of and I'm really proud of and I also hung up Student Center and I think lastly I stuck these drawer labels to this rolling cart should have got a lot more done in three hours but to be fair I spent a lot of time cutting out things that I didn't have scissors for at home so that took up a good chunk of time and hanging up the alphabet because I had to climb up and down a stepladder I think that is going to do it for me today so I will probably not be back at least for a couple more weeks so make sure that you like subscribe comment and whatever you have to do to make sure that you keep in touch with me and are able to watch the rest of my classroom setup and see this giant classroom transform into a home away from home bye guys foreign [Music]
Channel: Recess with Jess
Views: 11,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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