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hi guys welcome back to my channel we are in my new classroom today for classroom setup day one [Music] it is June 21st everybody's laughing at me that works here they're like why are you here already enjoy your summer but I have some down time so why not so today's first goal there's a lot to do it's a brand new room is to switch out all of these desks I plan on bringing every single desk here because they all don't match I plan on bringing all of these to my old room and then getting my desks from my old room and bringing them in here so that's probably going to take a long time but I was able to find a worker here who was willing to help me so that's that's great so we're gonna get right into it not waste any time because there's a lot to do and if you haven't seen my classroom clean out video check that out and I have classroom setup videos from like the last four years of my old classroom but this is a brand new room so get to work [Music] if I'm going back now all my weakness [Music] [Music] I am a sweaty mess and you're probably gonna hear the band in the background because there's a whole Camp going on and now that I'm in the building the joys of being in the building okay let me give you a little overview if you are new here my name is Olivia and I am a seventh grade ELA teacher right outside of Philadelphia my classroom was in a trailer yes like a trailer outside for three years and I absolutely loved it I had full heating and air conditioning it was quiet you didn't hear any of the commotion of the building in the Halls it was great I literally loved it so much but unfortunately this year they moved me into the building so now I have a whole new room to renovate so lots to do here shout out to Melissa because I would not have been able to do this without her we had she found like two flatbeds and we brought all the old desks into the my old room and then brought my desks into my new room so I'm gonna keep them stacked like this they still have to wax the floors which Unfortunately they don't do until like August and it is um end of June so my next goal is to work on the bulletin board eventually I would love to like paint these doors this summer I'm thinking of doing that I'm not fully sure yet oh we brought this in thank God this is like my little closet um that's full of stuff so she even helps me bring that in so I'm officially all moved in so my next goal is to I have a lot of bulletin board space which I love um but somebody painted this ugly blue and then this is yellow so not sure what they were thinking but my goal I think next is to start the bulletin boards I'm not gonna put like posters on it yet because I have stuff on my Amazon like posters that I want to get which I do have my Amazon classroom wishlist Linked In My description if anyone's feeling it generous that would be extremely helpful especially moving into a new classroom I have a lot to get so I'm also doing a theme this year which I've never done I don't teach elementary school and I feel like that's very common with elementary schools but I teach seventh grade so I actually would like to do some sort of theme so I got rid of a lot of classroom decor at the end of the school year and I plan on purchasing some stuff that is like within this theme the theme is pretty much just colors it's like a mauve color tan navy blue I think that's it if you look it up it's like a it's like a boho theme but it's not like boho you're thinking it's not like pinks and stuff I mean there's a mall but yeah I don't know so um I have a bunch of stuff in my classroom wishlist if you look you'll see like the theme of like the color scheme I have going on so I have a lot of posters that I plan on getting that will fill up so much space because I have so much wall space which is really nice because I will say my trailer did not have a lot of wall space so I have a lot to work with there so I have like so many bulletin boards and wall space I also which I have you propped up on a window right now but I'm obsessed with this whole wall of windows so I plan on putting some posters like up here as well so enough of me rambling I'm gonna attempt to do some of the bulletin boards I'm also wondering it's 1 30. I think I may go get some lunch first probably just like run to Wawa because I didn't all I ate today was like a bagel and some grapes so I'm kind of hungry so I think I'm gonna run to Wawa get something to eat really quick I don't want to spend too much time getting food though because I have a cheerleading practice tonight so can't really be here too long yeah I'm gonna probably run a while okay well okay can't sit down I just got done eating I just went to Walla and got a chicken parm um but I hit a wall I'm so tired that was so much work I would like to attempt to get some bulletin board stuff done I think rather than doing that ginormous blue board I may do this little guy directly behind my desk because it's more feasible and smaller so I think I'm gonna just like attempt to do that see how I feel afterwards it's two o'clock already and I don't want to be here super late so I think I'm just gonna start doing this one and then go from there one two one two three I've been feeling so small watch the clock ticking off the wall but tonight up Let It Go spend my coin for sure I'm gonna be myself or I could be someone else gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I just wanna feel alive just what I do when I'm out so trying not to hold me down look at those [Music] [Music] anyone has any tips on what to do in this case considering the Border was not long enough so I had to like fill the bottom in but I hate the way that looks um I don't know what I'm gonna do with this wall yet anyway because it is behind my desk so I might be able to cover it so I'm not like stressing over it right now but if anybody has any tips on what to do with bulletin board paper when it's not big enough so it doesn't look funky then let me know I have to order the bulletin board border so I'm not gonna obviously do that I have to honestly Place quite a few things from Amazon but I'm going away this weekend so I'll probably just worry about that when I get back so that way nothing's getting delivered to the house while I'm gone I think I'm gonna attempt the blue board oh my God being in the building stinks there's like so many people in the Halls because there's like camps going on it's like Camp school over right now on the big the big board I'm gonna use this border which I need to see how much I need to order anyway so I think I'm gonna attempt to do that and then I can always decorate my desk because I always put border on my desk if I have enough I have to wait and see how much is in on this roll anyway because I know it's not that much because I'm probably gonna use this paper on my desk I'm not sure yet though but this paper is like super cheap and thin and so is the like wooden colored border so I'm not really sure yet which one I'm gonna put on my desk but let's see how much I can get on the bulletin board I want to drive a faster car I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I keep looking at like my DOT paper across the room that I just did and I just I love this paper like I know it's overdone but like I just love it so much I feel like it matches so much I'm definitely gonna have to order a lot because I still need to do oh my God it really just kept going all of that so I'm definitely gonna be ordering more of that and then also I don't know yet what paper I want to put on the little guys but I have like the little ones here so I'm probably gonna do something on those because I can't stay in the yellow and blue I'm gonna have to place a decent Amazon order and then I'm gonna place like the um posters in that order too so that way I actually have something to like put on these boards and then I have chalkboards all around which I may even cover those I don't know yet because like this is the front of the room I'll probably keep these the same but I have this side of the room here and I have like my little storage cabinet this is like my teacher corner right here I may cover this board because I don't like the black it's so dark and I always like my room to be super light so I'm not really sure yet exactly what I'm gonna do obviously it's early on but I think I may cover that up so I don't know if anybody has any ideas let me know down in the comments but I definitely have some ideas flowing and I'm getting excited now that my desks are in and I have somewhat of an idea of what I want to do now I can place my Amazon order I was really waiting to do that until I got in here and like looked around at what I had so I know that was a very short part one setup video but if you liked it don't forget to subscribe like it and hit that notification Bell I will have a lot more coming this summer for you stay tuned for more videos and I will see you in the next one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Livmjev
Views: 14,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: livmjev, teacher, teach, teachers of youtube, classroom, class, classroom decor, decorations, middle school, trailer, ela, ela teacher, middle school english teacher, english, language arts, cute classroom, cute classroom decor, 2023, summer, school year, new school year, calming classroom, calm classroom, passionate teachers, teachers with cute classrooms, classroom setup, day 1, setup, bulletin boards, classroom bulletin boards, desks, student desks, classroom desks, wawa
Id: mgW2X7lMasY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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