CLASSROOM SETUP!!! (and....i'm pregnant!)

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hey guys welcome back to my channel if this is your first time ever clicking on one of my videos or ever seeing me my name is Shelly I'm currently a third grade teacher in Northern California but more than that I am also a mom to two sweet boys and as you can tell by the title of the video we have a third one coming more on that later because as you can tell by the title we are going to talk all things classroom set up today [Music] now if you have been around here since the beginning you know that I have been documenting my teaching Journey for the past six years and my favorite part about documenting it all has been my classroom setup journey I have all my classroom setups I think except my first year here on my channel so I will link the playlist somewhere up here you can go back and watch all of the classroom setup things and for those of you that don't know in the last six years I've been at two different schools three different grade levels in four different classrooms and this year I'll be moving into a fifth classroom it is a brand new classroom same school new grade level and new classroom so that being said this year's classroom setup series is going to be a little bit delayed because you probably know if you follow me that my school is going through a massive renovation and we don't really know when we're going to get keys the classrooms are brand new which is so exciting but I could get my keys anywhere from two weeks from now up until like two days before school starts which please please please I hope not regardless of when I get those keys I will be filming the entire setup series as usual so if you haven't already make sure to subscribe so you don't miss it when it shows up but I don't want to leave you guys hanging so I have some classroom to set up style videos that I'll be posting and creating leading up to the actual series now if you don't follow me on Instagram at Early Adventures you have missed a lot so if you enjoy me or you enjoy my content please please please go over to Instagram right now follow me there I have been updating everyone on my life in school and all the things over there it's just an easier platform for me right now so I've been going straight to Instagram so if you don't follow me make sure you go follow me over there so the first thing I shared a few weeks ago over on Instagram is yes I am in fact pregnant with baby number three hey I am currently 16 weeks and I am due at the end of December I don't want to go too much into like maternity leave and all that because that will be coming out throughout the year um but we are expecting our final baby in December in fact I even announced the gender over on Instagram so I'm not even going to tell you here if you want to know you have to go over to my Instagram um and take a peek so that was the first big piece of information that I shared over there the second really exciting thing that I shared is that I wrote a freaking book I wrote an e-book and it's all about classroom setup which is phenomenal because that's what we're talking about so in this first classroom setup series kind of video I want to break down the book a little bit because I genuinely feel like every teacher needs this especially new teachers you guys know that I am super passionate about classroom organization classroom setup creating a space that feels welcoming and inviting and this book has so many tips and tricks for you guys and I really think it's gonna make your journey so much easier so we're going to jump into the book here in just a second lastly I just kind of want to share with you some of my other classroom setup Style videos that I'm thinking about posting this summer and also get some recommendations for you what kind of things do you want to see so we'll save that for the end but for now let me show you this book that I wrote it is called the ultimate classroom setup guide and that's what it is all right quick backstory on this book I thought of this idea probably two years ago but I've been a mom and a lot has been going on I've been writing it sporadically throughout and then this summer I dedicated my summer to finishing it publishing it and now it is available for you guys it is 15 I will have everything linked down below but I'm gonna try and put some pictures over here like little sneak peeks if you will um so you can see what it's all about and see if it's something that you might enjoy or a teacher in your life might enjoy so here we go I guess we'll start with the table of contents so you can kind of see all the things that we'll touch on in just a minute I do really want to say though that this book is not specifically designed for elementary I feel like it honestly goes from kindergarten to high school I have taught from second to sixth grade I've been in multiple different classrooms the book is full of advice for creating zones creating systems and things that work in terms of setup it's not geared toward grade level so keep that in mind if you're kind of trying to figure out if this is something that might be useful for you the second thing I need you to know is that I kept in mind that we don't make a lot of money surprise so I've weaved through all the chapters budget friendly options free options I have listed products with links so there are definitely different options depending on where you are on that Spectrum so again keep that in mind all right so as you'll see the first chapter we call it where to start basically I break down a couple scenarios you're either a brand new teacher or you're like me and you've been teaching for a while and maybe you're moving into a new classroom or you're looking to kind of just refresh your space and based on those scenarios I kind of give you solid places on where to start so then from there I kind of give you your first five steps that you need just to get the ball rolling we all know that classroom setup could be so overwhelming so the book lays out very clear steps that you can follow to just make it digestible it's a lot man so from there the book jumps into storage and organization my personal belief is that you have to purge store contain all those items and put those things away before you can really start diving into like the layout and the decorating and all those things because the storage and organization in my opinion is the thing that's going to make your classroom run smooth throughout the year it's the things that your systems your routines your procedures all that is going to be based around that so that is for me where I like to start so that is the very first big chunk of this book and in this chapter I break down different ways to store things different system you can use I give you lists of routines and procedures that you might not have thought of before I link all my favorite products I give you ideas on where to find free stuff cheap stuff all of the things This Is My Jam I really think I thought of everything so if you struggle with this part or you're looking for a refresh I got you covered so from the storage and organization I like to move into Furniture now most of the time you're given the basics and I kind of list out what those Basics are I also give you some ideas if you're truly given nothing I have some options for you there again budget friendly options free options paid options on where you can find some different Furniture also depending on how you chose to store and organize things there might be some furniture pieces that you need to include in your space to make everything run smooth I break all that down in this chapter and again I give you my favorite products other products and all the things that you need to make sure you have the furniture that you need for your room to run smoothly also in this chapter we start talking about the layout of your room and in the book I break down what I like to call zones before I start to move everything around I really like to map out the different zones and in the book I give you different ideas things to think about maybe some zones you haven't really considered before and then placing those kind of on a map that way it's easier to create your layout based on the furniture that you have the storage that you need and that type of stuff and then from there we move in to the classroom library in terms of physically setting up the space this is where I like to start because in my opinion it's the most daunting and it's a big space in your classroom or it can be so sometimes it's good to dial this in first so in this chapter I give you ideas on how to collect books how to store the books how to categorize the books I also give you some ideas on like addition products that you might want to include that maybe you haven't thought of before again just breaking down all the different moving parts so then from the library we move into paper flow it has taken me my entire career to feel like I have really dialed this in and it still changes because we change as human beings this is something that is very specific to the individual however I have broken down the different pieces of the paper flow we get a lot of paper a lot of clutter and I feel like once you can master that organization system how are you going to manage that paper flow once you figure that out your day-to-day runs so much smoother it also makes it easier for people to come into your classroom to volunteer to copy things for you to prep things for you because everything has a place so this chapter we break down all that stuff again I give you recommendations on products different ways to organize your paper all that kind of stuff I think I hit everything in that chapter and I hope it's helpful so those first five chapters are kind of like the meat and potatoes of running a smooth classroom in my opinion from there we start getting into the more fun if you will the wall spaces your teaching spaces decorating and all of that so before I break down all the decorating I really wanted to include a chapter about the teacher spaces and in this chapter I break down the three main spaces your whole group teaching space your small group teaching space and your teacher desk if you even want one and I explain all that in the book so I break down each of those spaces and I give you some tips things that I've tried throughout my experience things that I think work really well I give you some different products that I think are really important to have in a small group space my hope is that it can give you some new ideas new things to try to implement into your classroom again to make it run smoother this is what this is all about classroom setup is more than just creating a pretty space it's about setting yourself and your students up for success for the entire year and dialing in these teaching spaces is one of the ways to make that happen okay so then from there we move into your wall spaces and the decorating I recommend in the book that you map out all your wall spaces think about like the non-negotiable things that you need lay it out on your wall we talk about classrooms that have a lot of wall space classrooms that don't have a lot of wall space things you can do to kind of combat that and then from there we break down the decorating I give you the places that I love to go the products that I love again cheap options free options I give you step and step instructions on how I create my board titles um we talk all about labeling y'all if you know me at all you know I love a good label everything in my classroom is labeled for me for the kids for adults that come into my room it is just something that makes me I know that's not everybody but if it is you I have a whole section on that in the book I link videos for you that teach you how to make your own labels places you can buy labels all of the good stuff so I saved that chapter for the end because I know as teachers that's what we want to jump into first but I promise if you follow my roadmap that I've created for you you will save so much time so much money and then the decorating will be like the fun part that you get to do at the end so we saved that for the end actually I lied technically the end and are planning pages I have given you a bunch of different planning pages that you can print I'm a list maker most teachers are so sometimes it's nice to have that like tangible list that you can bring into your classroom and then at the very end I give you some additional resources links to videos and stuff that I have created my TPT store products that might be helpful for you for setting up your classroom so that is just a quick snapshot of the book that I've created for you the ultimate classroom setup guide I genuinely created this book to help new teachers honestly all teachers get into their classroom feel inspired feel less overwhelmed and actually create a space that's going to be functional for you and your students please keep in mind though this is not a Magic Bullet I have that disclaimer in the book you're gonna have to think about who you are your teaching style all of those things but this is in my opinion like the Holy Bible of classroom set up I will have everything linked down below again if you don't follow me on Instagram go follow me there because I think I'm gonna do some giveaways or something in the future um so definitely be following me there to stay up to date on this if you have some teachers in your life that you think might benefit from this book please share it send it their way I want this to get into as many hands of teachers as possible I'm clearly very passionate about it because I think you need it okay so enough about the book The Last chunk of this video I want to share with you some ideas I have for this classroom setup pre-series we'll call it so I have a lot that I need to prep this year so I'm going to film a whole prep video before I actually get into my classroom I want to film some how-to videos like how to make your resources another how to make your own labels potentially I don't know um and then I want to hear from you let me know down below what other classroom setup series videos do you want to see now before I actually get into my space I haven't seen my space so I don't really know what I'm walking into but let me know down below what do you want to see what can I help you with all right my friends that is it for this video If you enjoyed it please give this a thumbs up if you're not already make sure to subscribe I love you so much and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Early EDventures
Views: 26,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classroom setup, first year teacher, classroom must haves, back to school, classroom organization, classroom management, classroom decor, teacher tips, teacher must haves, teacher advice, a day in the life of a teacher, the ultimate classroom setup guide, classroom setup guide
Id: A_pDbgPS69U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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