classroom setup part 2 // first year teacher

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hey guys my name is Kaylee I will be a first year kindergarten teacher and welcome to kindergarten with healing [Music] welcome to classroom setup day four I just uploaded my days one two and three um on YouTube so make sure to go watch those videos first if you are new here um I'm getting a new HVAC unit I think that's what this is so I can't move in any of my desk or like really any of my furniture so my goals have been to like work on the walls so that's what I'm gonna do today um my brother is here with me and so he's he's really tall so he's gonna help me finish my alphabet I'm gonna put up my shapes my numbers and then in my last video I put this double border on and someone has already commented about it but I was already thinking about how I probably should have put the smiley face border underneath so I might fix it even though it's going to take so much work to do that get started also the music is playing on the intercom again so I'm sorry there's going to be a little bit of background noise and all my Clips but let's get going okay guys we're trying the Goo Gone So I sprayed it on there and let it sit and I was scraping it and it's coming off so thank you to everyone who literally so many comments were like Goo Gone so yeah it's working I also sprayed it on this door and you can already tell like it's coming off a little bit but I was letting it sit so we're going to scrape that off in a second but literally lifesaver [Music] thank you [Music] it's opening up the alphabet it's taking forever I was just reading some comments on my YouTube video and people are saying not to put the alphabet up there because mine's not bold enough but it's already pretty much up and I don't have to redo it and I I think it looks okay and we had it up high in my first green room when I student taught so I think it'll be okay like if the kids still used it all the time um but I was gonna put my numbers on a different high wall so I might put those below so that they're able to see them so that's a good idea I don't really like like the idea of them being below but there is a bunch of empty space there so anyways we've been here for like an hour and still haven't finished the alphabet but we're on letter P so almost there okay we finished the alphabet this is what it looks like looks a lot better than the other day that I was trying to do it by myself we like raised it up a little bit so that it wasn't like touching the silver bar [Music] um it does slant a little bit but it's okay so I think we're gonna maybe do this bulletin board now putting the rest of the paper on it um and then my numbers are gonna go below so we might start doing that as well [Music] thank you [Music] okay guys we finished the bulletin board above my whiteboard I think I'm gonna put this one up there because this one's flowers and this one's smiley faces so it kind of combines the two and then for class jobs I think I'm gonna do this one sorry um and if it doesn't look good then we'll switch it I might get like more of a neutral one but this one I think is kind of fun so we'll do that later but right now we're gonna put it right now we're gonna put the flower smiley faces on this one it is so crooked and like looks ratchet but that's why you cover it with the Border [Music] [Music] okay so we put this border up and I think it looks cute but we ran out so we only have two more and we have this much bullets and board left to go so now I don't really know what to do because as I mentioned my last video These borders that I have are come in like a big pack so I'm gonna have to reorder the whole pack just for like four more borders what okay so we just made my flip calendar my brother helped me to staple not staple what's it called hole punch okay it looks a lot darker on camera this is like a light pink I don't know why it's so dark um but we just did that now we're going to take a little bit of a lunch break I'm gonna take him home and then make some lunch while I'm there and then probably get like a coffee and come back we'll see how much I can get done though because it is 12 18. so I'll probably be back around 1ish all right let's go hey guys so I am back from lunch it took me a little longer than I thought so it's now 1 30. I also made a coffee look at this cute cup it says coffee time obsessed this um but I'm trying to decide what to do okay I'm gonna go work on something and I'm sure you'll see whatever it is in the next video [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] okay I finished my numbers I didn't time-lops all of it because it was taking a lot longer than I thought but it looks pretty good and I think I got it pretty even like with how far I started on each side so I think this is actually pretty good I think that actually looks pretty good so I think I already said this but I'm not loving this border I just think it's a little too much so I think I'm going to switch it to this brown border and not put a border around my whiteboard because this is the Little Flower border that I was gonna put my class jobs and a lot of you are saying that that would look good so I think I'm gonna switch it because I'd also have to buy more and I don't want to have to buy more so me and my brothers spent so much time putting this up this morning but I think I'm gonna switch it I don't know I'll see how good that looks first but I think I'm gonna switch it so that this wall is pretty much done I have to add stuff to the bulletin boards but like for the most part it's done okay here is a little section of the Brown versus the flowers I think it's a lot calmer and just like a little less chaotic than this like especially just all these colors going on you know um but I'm also like not in love with it again it looks way darker on camera it's actually way lighter than that um so I'm not like obsessed with it but I think it looks better and honestly that's like such a tiny space I can't really fit anything up there anyway besides maybe my hand signals so I don't it's just gonna be like an empty board so that way it's kind of like not distracting it's just kind of there but it looks better than if it was just left blank so I think I'm gonna switch it all to that one I'm pretty sure I don't have enough because I only bought one pack of that to begin with so I'm gonna have to fix it a different day but I'm gonna get as much done as I can today [Music] oh [Music] okay guys I have exactly the right amount I have one strip left I need to cut little sections for each of the ends but it worked definitely more calming that bulletin board doesn't stand out as much which is what I wanted so I like the calming Vibes more it's now 253 so that's good got that done um someone pointed out that I probably should switch my bulletin board letter font because in kindergarten they don't know what the correct fonts are for writing like my alphabet is it a normal font I knew that but I didn't even think about that how it's like a fancier font not still really stare at it much but I might switch it I have some other bulletin board letters that are like block letters so they're not like exactly how they would write them but they're not like bubble letters at least so maybe I'll put those up there um that way I could change the color because I'm not loving the pink with the pink thing it's just hard for Border purposes to match it uh all right this is what it looks like so definitely just a lot more calmer here's it at like an overview I don't know I think that that looks a lot better but you guys tell me do you think it looks worse and again that's like a way lighter brown on like not on camera so I don't know why it's looking like that it's making everything look darker but I just feel like that's less distracting more calming at least for me so I assume it would be for the students as well but let me know if you guys like that or not is there anything I can put on this whiteboard or this bulletin board because it's like tiny the only thing that I have that would fit are my hand signals which I could just put like right here but then the rest I'm just kind of thinking about leaving it empty is that okay or I don't know should I put a quote it would just have to be really really tiny so let me know what y'all think [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay so I just switched off the borders I put the smiley face border on here the flower smileys um because some of you said that it would look good I took down the title because I'm gonna remake it and make it either like a cream color or a brown um because I think the pink title was just a little too much um especially with this border so I'm going to make it even just white would look good so I'll remake that and these are obviously going to be centered and look better they're just push pinned in right now and I'm gonna leave them up there so I don't lose them but please tell me this looks good even if you don't because I really don't have to redo it this one's gonna be wow work so with the students work a lot of colors will be going on so I think I'm just gonna do the white and black squiggly border around this one and then I have a wow work title and like the coming soon posters so I might just try to hang up all of those so then this bulletin board is almost done but I think that's gonna be my last task for today and then I'm gonna head out hopefully it won't take me that long foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] again sorry about my hair but I just put the border on the bulletin board and it is 3 30. they turned off the music which makes me think they might be leaving soon so I think I'm just going to wrap up today and call it quits I got a lot done today so I'm happy alphabet was a big one got this bulletin board done I'll recap what we got done today okay so we did numbers alphabet this bulletin board the flip calendar got the two borders on this one so I have class jobs and this will be wow work I also got all that little sticky stuff off with the Goo Gone which was a life changer I think I need to do it one more time to get the leftover stuff but it looks so much better I sprayed it here but I didn't scrape very well so again I need to probably do that I might try to do that really quick before I go but my classroom is a mess I've been using this table as like my work table um so I'm gonna pick some stuff up really fast and then try to head out so we'll see you guys for setup day five hey guys welcome to classroom setup day five um it is currently 10 25 just got here so a little later start today um and I'm only gonna stay until about two or three because I have to work later tonight but wanted to give you a rundown of the game plan for today I'm putting up my shapes today I keep saying that so I'm putting them up if I'm gonna do that first I'm gonna work on putting my labels on my 10 drawer cart um I might work on my word wall and then hang out my wow work display because I have that done and then honestly that's probably all I'll get done today because each thing always ends up taking like an hour especially before I get started I have a couple of things I want to go through with you guys for mom actually from my Amazon wishlist got me a classroom set of clipboards so now I have clipboard so I'm really excited about that if you guys watched my very no no my second YouTube video um where I like to show you guys what I've been working on I showed you my teacher toolbox and I was talking about how I didn't like it it was really bad quality and the drawers were small and it was black so I decided to return it and I found one on Amazon that was cheaper drawers are bigger and it's white look at this like I'm so excited it definitely is a little bit bigger like it'll take up a little bit more space I love that way better the drawers are a really good size so I can actually put things in them there's 24 drawers though so I don't know what all I need to put in there in there so I want this wall to be my birthday display wall um because it's a pretty big wall and it doesn't have anything on it but look how dirty it is this is the wall that I had showed you guys in a couple videos ago talking about how there's a bunch of Staples in it so what do I do like do I just hang up my birthdays and hope that it covers most of it even though it won't um or should I cover it in this paper except I just don't know how I would do that that's going to take forever to do um so should I get like the contact paper like the peel and stick wallpaper stuff but that also would be a really hard process it's a pretty wide wall do I try to clean it like you guys told me to use Goo Gone my whiteboard and my door which worked really well but this stuff isn't really sticky it's like marks in the wall or Staples or just like dirt so should I try to clean it like maybe a magic eraser or someone said WD-40 I don't know if they're talking about the walls or not um or if not like I say I tried to clean it it doesn't work like what should I do like should I cover it with something or just put up my display and hope for the best some people are asking if I can paint I don't think so but even if I could I don't want to because I would have to paint the whole thing it would be cute if I could paint just this full it's like an accent color I'm not skilled in that area and I don't have to put that on the janitors plus I don't have time for that like that would just like slow me down a lot because I only have this weekend next week until I can teacher orientation so I'm trying to get all my walls done before then um so painting is just not really an option that's why I want to put my birthday display but I can't really do it yet until I figure out what to do with this wall the door that I took all the velcro dots off and all the stickery gooey stuff it's clean now what should I do with it some people are saying I should still cover it um with maybe Baltimore paper and maybe not put a border I don't know maybe I just thought that might be a lot um I'll cover it with paper and like I could do a fun quote or something or I have my voice level posters they're like maybe this big and little white dots would you do you think that'd be a good spot for them because I want it to be somewhere in the front of the classroom which that's pretty close and a big visual where they can see like oh this is the voice level I should have because I'm going to press the light for whatever voice level they should have for whatever task we're doing um let me show you what I'm talking about so they could go on this wall they're not like super big so it won't take up the whole wall or the whole door but I don't know it might look good or I was thinking like on either this side or this side so someone pointed out that 120 turrets are usually in rows of 10 to point out patterns into count by 10 which I agree I was actually like literally thinking about that once I put it up but in the bundle I got this is how it came when I printed it off that's how it printed off and I kind of wanted to be able to match because it looks really good it matches everything and it fits really well right there but I don't know do you guys think it's like really that big of a deal that I shouldn't have this up I just don't have another option for 100 Charlie I don't have another one to put up so either I leave this up and it's counting by fives or I just don't have 100 at all because I don't have another one and I don't really want to buy one since I've already bought this one the spray called that you spray on all your stuff to not make them like shiny because I have so many windows that all my stuff gets hit by the sun constantly and like it's hard for me to see so I know it's gonna be hard for the students to see so can someone comment what that stuff is called because I've seen it in other classroom setup videos but I can't remember what it's called so let me know I haven't even done anything yet and I'm sweating all I've done is talk to you guys um okay I think these are all my questions I had a lot of questions for you guys just based off of comments I've been seeing in my other videos and ideas that I was having so yes [Music] all right here's the finished shapes guys I even like laid them on the floor and measured them and I still put a little bit too much room on this side I don't think it's quite even but so like it looks a little bit off-centered but also like it's definitely not bad like it looks pretty good it looks better in person I don't know what it's doing on camera it's actually not that far over on camera anyway um but I think it looks really cute I love them uh up here I know people are gonna say something about the font I'm sorry I like it and that's all that matters uh okay now I think I'm gonna do my 10 drawer card labels here we'll just assuming because I have said that in like every video but I'm gonna do it and I have it so I'm gonna do those um and then start with the labels and then see where we're at there time check it is a 11 to 15. it is 12 10 right now it's kind of a longer process than I thought um doing my drawers and I also am missing one screw I used my X-Acto Knife um I'm actually I'm gonna explain to you guys how I did it in case there's any other first year teachers that are wondering because I had no clue also I was like searching for answers on if you need tools to um build these carts and do not you do not need any tools it comes with one of these things and that's all you have to use if you're a first year teacher you do not need any tools to build your carts I thought I was going to try the hole punch trick where you just like hole punch in the right spot but my hole punch isn't big enough so like it doesn't reach all the way there so I just like lined it up with the hole on the drawer um and I will I'll push the screw through on the other side to see where it would come out at and then I just roughly make a little hole with my exacto knife and then push the screw through to make the rest of the hole and then you just tie on the knob um so it's pretty easy so let me show you guys what it looks like okay so here is my drawer I I like I said [Music] okay here is the wow work I actually love this I thought it was going to be too small but it fits really well I don't know if I like how this is the black letters [Music] um I feel like I should stretch it out more but it's only four letters so then the letters would be really far apart I don't know but I like the coming soon posters this is what it's going to be like for like at least the whole first month of school um so I need to make sure I like it because I'm not going to switch out these for a while um I like the just the four posters obviously when the kids work is up there I'll probably add more but for coming soon posters I think before is good so I just um pinned those in and they're gonna stay like that for a while I'm Gonna Leave the work like that but if you guys think I should like stretch it out a little bit let me know or put it closer together I have it I don't know I don't like love it but it looks okay for now I think so I think I'm just going to kind of organize some of my stuff a little bit not really really um but clean up and kind of move some things around and then I'm Gonna Leave it is 1 48 so I'm gonna probably stay for 10 or 15 more minutes but I would say today was a success okay some of y'all were saying um with my shelf being right here it kind of like they could hide now they can't necessarily because I would still be able to see them most likely but I do get what they were saying um so I went ahead and just flipped it around because I do think I'll probably need a little bit more storage for books anyway and I feel like this is still pretty cozy so right there I'm gonna put two like big pillows and then put a stand-up lamp I feel like that would be really cute and cozy potentially that's why there's a gap right there um and then like put like a cute quote about like reading or something right there so yes and these would just be these book bins um I don't know what do you guys think about that kind of hard to tell with all this stuff in it but I'll clean it out another day but I feel like this could be kind of cute it's not as like library-ish to me like it's not very like its own little area um but I mean does this look better than I don't know what do you guys think all right guys I think I forgot to put in a outro for this video but this was classroom setup stay four and five next week will be classroom setup day six and then maybe seven and or eight um just depending on how long it is um but let me know if you guys like these longer videos or if you would like me to give you shorter videos that are like individual days like if you wanted just classroom setup date four or if you like but I can find them um so let me know about that but I'm actually heading to my classroom later this week for classroom setup day six so I will yeah definitely Vlog the process and let you guys know how it goes but thank you so much for um watching this video I would love if you stuck around and followed me on my journey um you could hit that subscribe button to make sure you don't miss out on any future videos and make sure to follow me on Tick Tock and Instagram at kindergarten with Kaylee um I try to post a little bit more frequently on there but love you guys and thanks for watching
Channel: Kindergarten with Kaylee
Views: 5,310
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Id: Aobq_bHaLJ0
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Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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