Building Your Prepper Pantry/ Emergency Stockpile Tips

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hey guys welcome back and if you're new here go ahead and hit the subscribe button i promise it won't hit you back and you might actually enjoy some of my videos um today i'm doing just a little prepper pantry haul and i want to show you guys some tips and tricks that i've learned over my little prepping journey here i'm not a professional i have learned a lot mostly through you guys but it's been a process and i kind of just wanted to share some tips that i've learned through experience and hopefully this will help some of the new preppers out i realize that we're getting a lot of new preppers in the community and i needed help when i first got started so hopefully this will help them just got back from walmart did a little shopping trip and i have a couple things here from other places i just want to encourage you guys to keep on prepping um today i actually went into walmart because i wanted to check out the shelves scope it out and see if i could find any shortages or how things were doing that kind of thing and i really to be honest the shelves are looking good i didn't see any major shortages the rice area was pretty fair and the canned corn and that's really all i noticed everything else was looking okay still not the stock that it used to be back in the day still you know they're still fronting things that kind of thing but it wasn't any major uh shortages that i should tell you about so scoped out my area your area might be different um anyway here we go so i got these cheapo super thin uncoated plates that you don't want to put anything liquid on and the reason i got those is because i realized i was wasting way too much money on those other paper plates and my son would you know put something on there um that really didn't require a super expensive plate and then we were throwing away and wasting a lot of expensive paper plates and i just don't want to be throwing away money like that and i know some people don't use paper plates at all but i'm busy enough as it is and i like to keep these stocked ones i don't have to do dishes two if we do have like a power outage or water water shut off that kind of thing i'm not going to be washing dishes so i want to have a good stock of them i got some more of these idaho and mashed potatoes if you like to make homemade potatoes that's awesome but if you haven't tried these they're really good for like a little bag of potatoes i think they're a dollar a piece if i remember correctly and all it takes is two cups of water boil two cups of water pour them in mix them up and best before date of march 18 2022 it will go well beyond that trust me i've eaten some old mashed potatoes before and they tasted just fine those uh best buy dates for you newer preppers um are exactly that they just taste better before that date you will not die if you eat it after that and i mean years after that i got some more of this gossner foods milk from the dollar tree this is one of the best dollar tree preps i think that they have i got both the two percent and the whole milk and four of each they didn't have very many so i grabbed what i could and still left some behind i actually really like these and they will sit in your pantry they're shelf stable this is good till june 2nd 2022 again it's a best used by date i have used it after those dates and it is just fine so this can sit i think what is it they're saying 10 months in a pantry keep it somewhere cool don't put it in your garage or anything crazy like that but it's nice to have on hand and then i finally got my hands on some keystone ground beef these are the 14 ounce cans and i found them we don't have them at our local walmart so i found it at normally they're out of stock at there's no grocery stores around here that keeps this but i finally found them no you know what it wasn't even it was amazon and they were four something a can is that right i'll have to go back and check but whatever the price was i was like okay that's okay and i've always wanted to try them i've heard really good things about them it is a two ingredient look beef and sea salt two ingredients um best buy date of july 2026. these are the kind of things we need to be stocking up on guys things that have a very long shelf life i almost don't even want to bust into it to try it because it was so hard to get um so i'm going to keep on checking to see if i can find them online because i can't find them anywhere locally because i want to stock up on more of those i did get some more of the great value luncheon meat i love spam my son loves it i love it i grew up in hawaii we ate it all the time if you guys have been with me for a while you already know all this but this is for the newer people who are just tuning in i really like it if you prepare it right it is good and i know it's high sodium i know all that stuff but if we're in a grid down situation i don't know if i'd rather die from starvation or hypertension i think i'll take hypertension finally got the bacon flavored one i don't know why i've never tried this but this is my first time grabbing this so i can't wait to see what it tastes like you guys say good things about it so i'm excited but i got one two three four of those and four of the regular ones and these also have a pretty good best buy date september of 2025 and um will go longer than that but these are good suggestions for people who are just starting to build their prepper pantry canned meats and then we'll get over here to the rice i grabbed a whole bunch of progresso soup and every single one of these are tomato based so creamy tomato with penne which i don't think i've seen before i'm sure they have had it before i got six of those and then tomato basil creamy tomato with basil i love tomato soups and i've heard things about the you know the drought in california and everything that they're going to be holding back on their tomato crops as much because they the amount of water that they require i guess they'd rather use the water towards other crops like almonds which produce more money for them more capital and that's what it's all about i mean if you are a farmer you need to make your money and i know it's a really really tough job so they're going to be holding back on tomato production so much with the drought so i got a bunch of tomato products here i got some more spaghetti sauces these are like a dollar 28 for a bottle and i get these in the glass jars because they will last longer and i'm okay with soups in metal cans because i go through these and cycle through these very often i love me some tomato soup and grilled cheese and then i grabbed the last bag of jasmine rice i mean i'm sorry it's the last big bag this is a 20 pound bag my jasmine rice storage was kind of dwindling so i needed to add to it and rice lasts so long for you new preppers i mean that's probably indefinite what i do with mine is i stick it in my deep freezer for four days just to kill any potential little critters um bugs that may have laid eggs or something in there and then i take it from my deep freezer and i put it directly into food stay food safe buckets i don't do the mylar bags i have some in mylar bags but i cycle through it often enough that it's not going to be sitting in those buckets for like 15 20 years i'm gonna go through it and you know rotate that stock so i don't use the mylar bags for most of it got a bunch of eggs some more eggs i eat a lot of eggs and then this is kind of a tip you may already know this um all of us are trying to save money but um this morning i happen to go into walmart extra early and well early for me it was like 7 15 and the what is the meat guy what do you call him the meat stalker guy the guy who's in charge of the meats he was out there putting new product out and marking things down and i was just talking to him he's like hey are you looking for anything in particular and i was like i don't know i'm just trying to see if there's anything on sale and he's like well what do you want i was like maybe some chicken breast i was just kind of seeing what the best deal was and he's like well hold on now i think i was just about to mark those down and he was a really really nice guy and he was like well yeah i was going to mark him down tomorrow anyway so let me go ahead and do that and he marked these down for me a little bit got some pork marked down a little bit and most of this is going to go in my deep freezer anyway but um you know i was talking to him about the price of meat these days and trying to get some tips on when's the best time to get it and he said early in the morning is well for walmart at least early in the morning is when they are there and when they're marking stuff down and that's why a lot of times you don't see those markdowns if you come later in the day is because everybody grabbed them up already so a tip for you go early in the morning and make friends with the guy who does the meat he's probably like the meat manager guy i don't know what i'm sure they have a title i i don't know that their title but really nice guy who's willing to mark this stuff down i think he was just lying about having to mark it down anyway i think he was just trying to hook me up to be honest but i really really appreciated it and you know we got to pinch our pennies wherever we can even though it's only 87 cents on this one and a dollar eighteen it really adds up and makes a difference um i got some more butter i always put this in my freezer and then a big thing of dish soap and i'm going to try this generic dawn it's the great value walmart version of dawn i usually just stick with dawn but i'm going to see because this is like half the price for this large one i'm gonna see how it does um so besides this little haul i also wanted to share with you guys some things that i've learned over my prepping journey i haven't been prepping for a long time it's been like i guess a year and a half now that i've been doing this and i was one of those that like hopped on the prepping thing during 2020 and everything that was going on um like hardcore prepping i actually was back in 2013 2014 i was buying long-term food storage type stuff but i really didn't get into it so deep as i am right now so i want to give you guys some tips and tricks that i have learned over my prepping journey and most of those tips have come from you guys so i really appreciate the help you guys are amazing i love this community i just i can't thank you guys enough for everything and i don't thank you enough so thank you thank you thank you thank you and if you want to tune in to the rest of the video where i give those tips hang on okay tip number one do not leave your preps in plain sight and this is particularly important for me because i'm a renter and i can't just turn my entire office into a storage area with shelves all over you know everything in plain sight because if the landlord need to come in to do an inspection or to repair something my landlord would immediately see all my preps and i don't want them asking questions about it i don't want them to know what i have so i need to keep everything stored away so that either either guests or my landlord or something like that cannot see everything so this is a little closet i have um it's not that big at all but i packed a lot of stuff in there and um this is my main proper pantry it was a little tiny closet that i had maybe some coats and stuff in but i've turned it into a little bit of a storehouse here this is one area that i have amongst many others and another tip is okay so see here i didn't do it because i just got these and forgot to put the date on them but every time you get new goods in date them so get a sharpie and in plain sight put the expiration date or the best buy date on it so that you know when you have to use it by or try to use it by and then make sure to stock like so my spaghetti sauce is here make sure to stock front to back so the ones you want to use first in the front and then put the other ones in the back my closet being so small it's hard to do but i make it work sometimes i have to pull all this stuff out just to put the ones in the back but it's worth taking the time to do that so that you're not wasting food or letting it go bad but organization is definitely key and i do left to right so the ones that are left front to right back is going to be my date order another thing um you can't see too many of them but i have sprinkled bay leaves all over the place in my prepper pantry because apparently these keep critters away so i just got a big container of them and they're just sprinkled all over the place like in this drawer here there's a bunch of bay leaves and it's just to kind of deter any kind of critters from getting in here another thing as far as organization goes make yourself a pantry list this was my one of my original ones and i had to keep adding to it i'm not good at like spreadsheets and that kind of thing but i just update it as i take things out and um i actually just did a a new one because this it was getting harder to add different things to that list so i just got done doing another one and it helps me to know what i have and where i'm lacking i'd say another big thing is go into your prepper pantry or wherever you keep your preps once a week and check just check the dates you know do like a quick scan through and see if there's anything that's coming up on expiration like these i'm going through these right now instead of buying um fresh milk because you know that date is here already so go through your prepper pantry once a week just to scan through and if you're like okay this um these potatoes here these are these are about to be at their best buy date i'm going to plan to make some kind of dinner with it i'm going to plan to make maybe some potato salad i don't know if you can do that i wonder if that'd be good but make yourself some meal recipes with the things that you see are close their expiration date so that you are cycling through them another thing use all of your available space a lot of people will say i don't have room i don't have anywhere to store stuff but let me tell you what where there's a will there's a way this is under my son's bed he doesn't even notice these bins are here his bed happens to be higher it's a bunk bed there's probably a 12-inch space under there so i got these storage totes they're about at the most seven inches tall and i've packed them through or packed them full of soups and other things that he doesn't even notice is there i could probably get more storage bins under there to be honest but if you have space under your bed uh extra space in the back of a closet you have some cabinets above your refrigerator that you're not using just stack stuff wherever you can you know those little tiny cabinets that everyone has above their microwave that you can't figure out what to put in it i've started using that area for some canned goods too you can see the vent for the microwave is there so i just used whatever area or space i had on the side there don't judge me this is my garbage can area it's like a little cut out under my kitchen counter and hidden in plain sight i have a seven gallon water container back there that's just uh extra water i kind of have it tucked in every little nook and cranny that i can find i have water jugs under my bed i don't know if this is a weird thing or not to do or if any of you guys do it but these are all old water bottles that i already drank the water out of i fill them with tap water and i keep them here in my garage it does get warm in here so these are not ones that i plan on drinking because the plastics will break down and i don't want to be drinking that but i keep them in here for gray water flushing toilets washing dishes that kind of thing your garage is a great place to keep things like paper products that won't go bad by being in the heat and humidity if you do have a garage i am very lucky i guess to have one because my house before this did not have one if you have any pantry doors or closet doors that you're not using the back of then you're wasting real estate because you can hang one of these little um racks on the back of it and store a lot of stuff i got this one on amazon for like under 30 dollars when you first get into prepping you're going to see a lot of people that use those big 5 gallon storage buckets to store things with or without mylar bags they can get expensive to be honest to get the food grade ones if you go to your grocery store whatever local grocery store is near you go to the bakery and ask them for their icing buckets or any kind of a dough mix bucket these i get from publix this is their five green bread mix and i just go back there and they give it to me for free these are really nice heavy duty three and a half gallon buckets all i have to do is clean them and they're free i mean how could you be free it has the nice gasket seal there they close up really tightly and nice um they're they're heavy duty stock stuff that you actually eat you if you are stocking it and you're not eating it you're not going to rotate through it and then it's going to go bad before you get the chance to use it i bought a whole bunch of this great value chicken and rice and chicken and stars because i was thinking my son would like it because he loves chicken noodle soup no he won't eat it he only likes chicken noodle o's because the o's taste better than any other shape apparently so now i have all these soups that i don't know what to do with and i don't want them to go to waste i'll probably try to eat them even though they're not my favorite or just hold on to them or donate them but stock what you eat that's so important and i did not listen to people's comments when they said that another tip is know where your stuff is in case of emergency for me this is my kind of powers out area i mean there's some other random things in there but um my batteries my some of my candles some of my batteries my ob excuse me excuse me emergency radio lanterns that kind of thing [Music] lighters most of that is in here so know where your stuff is in case you need it for emergency and go through it often to make sure that everything is stocked up the way you want it to be and i guess one of the last things i learned is that you don't need to start out with your super long term food storage and go gung-ho and do all the mylar bags and oxygen absorbers right away my suggestion would be to start at a one month then three month then six months then one year food supply before you even start getting into long-term food storage we could have an event in the next six months or something you've wasted all this money on these very expensive mylar bags and you're already having to bust into them to eat when you could have just stored them normally for a short-term type situation and not have to you know waste all the money and time i don't think that using mylar bags is a waste at all but work on your short-term food storage before you even get into this because this is a lot of money that you could be using on building your prepper pantry and i guess you guys can comment a bunch of other suggestions that you have learned these are just some things that were not immediately obvious to me when i first started prepping that i kind of learned through experience and wanted to help out the new preppers out there hopefully that was helpful if you are new and you made it to this part of the video please like and subscribe and share these videos and get people that you know um prepping without telling them that you're building a food supply and giving away too much information about yourself kind of drop maybe drop some hints to them about food shortages that kind of thing to help getting help get them ready anyway guys thanks for tuning in i'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Sunshine State Survival
Views: 146,473
Rating: 4.9517503 out of 5
Keywords: prepping, preparedness, prepper, prepper pantry, stockpile, emergency food, emergency stockpile, survival, disaster, economic collapse, food shortages, shutdown, lockdowns, preps, climate change, bug in, bug out, bugout bag, survival food, pantry organization, grocery haul, pantry haul, dollar tree, long term food storage, mylar bags
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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