How to use "at," "in" and "on" in English (preposition review)

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alicia and in this week's live lesson we are going to practice some prepositions today we're going to practice using at in and on this lesson is going to focus on using these prepositions for place and time to express places and to express time so i hope this is a really good refresher for lots and lots of people okay uh so we'll make sure that everything is rolling smoothly and then we'll begin with today's lesson so as you join please please please make sure to hit the like button and of course share this video so that other people can find today's lesson that would be super super cool while we wait for people to join us live a couple quick announcements as always the first one is about this banner at the bottom of the screen it says test your level now if you want to do a level check our team has created a level check on our website at so check the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you will find this page right here so here you can make an account a free account with just your email address and you will find this page where you can find all the details about the level check so scroll down here you'll find how to do it this is one two three four steps how to do it and then you'll get your results that can help you to find the right path to take for your studies so if you are not sure what where to start with your studies you can take the level check the assessment and find out so i hope that's really really helpful lots of people ask how to know about your level how to know where to start so i hope that's helpful for you announcement number two as always if you have questions for me if you want to ask me something you can send it to me for our question and answer series ask alicia this is a screenshot uh you can send your questions to me at ask hyphen alicia there's a link below the video in the youtube description so you can send me questions about vocabulary words about grammar about culture about anything anything that pops up check it out so find that um from the youtube description or at ask hyphen alicia cool also if you want to find me on social media you can find me on instagram and on twitter here okay there's also a link in the youtube description great it looks like everything is okay on youtube and on facebook welcome everybody on youtube i see lots of people there hi uh sabir khanmaji skg alum your first live class with me cool welcome hi there um let's see who else mohsen hello gabriel hi karina hello cine is from chicago what's up jonatha william hi wow there are lots of people today welcome everyone facebook hello facebook say hi hello ham hello i can't read your name it's in arabic i'm very sorry i'm sorry uh hello nerdy hello welcome everybody okay it looks good so if you have not please make sure to like and share this video so that other people can find today's lesson yeah i'm gonna do that like share this is i'm watching the feed on facebook here too so uh let's get to today's lesson i have shared shared the video cool i'm ready to go let's start with today's lesson boards let's take a look at our focus topics for today here are our lesson boards if you want to take a screenshot now is your first chance okay so we're gonna talk about at in and on today in each we're going to talk about some key uses of these words uh it's not possible for me to talk about all uses of all these words in just 30 minutes but this is a good introduction and i hope a good refresher so let's get started with at let's begin with at okay if you want please feel free to send your example sentences in the chat i will try to check live but there are a lot of people here today so i will i'll try to check yours send it to me if you like okay let's get going with at let's start by talking about at for locations for locations we use at to mark a specific place a specific place so we use at for like a building for example let's take a look at some example sentences and you can send yours in the chat too so first one i'm at school in this case the specific place is school yeah we can understand school as like a building right so we use at to mark this another example he's at the supermarket he's at the supermarket again we can understand supermarket as a building right a location okay one more we're at the movie theater we're at the movie theater so once more movie theater is our location our building we are marking we can also use at for more specific locations to mark for example my boss is sitting at her desk my boss is sitting at her desk so you might see at use in this way to mark a more specific location we use this kind of in set expressions like she's sitting at her desk or she's working at the stove perhaps so we have just a couple of sort of specific locations we use this kind of at with okay i'm looking for your questions pom-pom has written at home yes i'm going to talk about at home at the end of this section because there's a key use of this i want to talk about christian hello on facebook writes at the store there is a boy great okay sounds good uh other ones um i'm not sure i don't see other questions or other things about this topic so i'm gonna continue to the next part so time using at for time we use at to mark the time something happens the specific time something happens so i start work at 10 every day so 10 is the time this thing starts work we mark this with at i start work at 10 every day okay another example the bus leaves at 3 pm the bus leaves at 3 pm and class ends at 5 30. so at marks the time this action happens or this condition happens okay some questions are coming there's a little bit of time difference between the stream and the chat let me take a look on youtube some questions a few people ask this question can we say um my boss is sitting at her desk uh yeah i think that was my answer right my boss is sitting at her desk right this this is a correct sentence someone said uh i missed it my boss is sitting at her desk or my boss is sitting on her desk that means she's she's sitting like a chair on top of her desk we'll talk about on later um [Applause] let's see someone camilo says can i use to the to school or should i use only two i'm not sure what you mean i'm at school i'm at i'm at the school maybe you mean uh that would be grammatically okay um oh my gosh there are lots of questions okay my boss yeah lots of people are using on my boss is sitting on his desk that means on top of on top of so maybe that's correct maybe your boss is sitting on top of your desk hope i don't know i don't know usually we don't sit on top of our desks right so maybe don't use on lots of people are using on the answer is probably no no no is probably the answer sitting at sitting at okay uh someone says what about he is angry at me yes we can use this as well okay lots of people everybody's skipping ahead to on what we're going to talk about on later let's finish at okay let's finish at so we use at to mark times right the time at which something happens okay uh some questions from facebook abdirahman makali i hope i said your name sorry says can i say i'm at work now yes you can i'm outward ah this person muhammad i saw this question earlier in the supermarket and at the supermarket yeah we're going to talk about in next but in the supermarket means physically i'm inside the supermarket inside the building right now yeah versus at the supermarket which is more natural to us we're when we want to talk about our location like on the phone or something we usually say i'm at the supermarket unless it's really really important to be specific like i'm inside the supermarket right now so we'll talk about in in just a moment okay some other examples on facebook are coming my mom is sitting at home or he is at the hospital good okay yeah some people are saying is it at the hospital or at hospital at hospital is a british english expression you might hear in hospital too i'll talk about that a little later at the hospital means i'm visiting in the hospital means i'm sick and i'm receiving treatment so again at the hospital at the hospital like this means i am visiting the hospital or maybe i work there as staff i'm at the hospital right now in the hospital means i'm sick i'm getting some treatment okay lots of questions i hope i got that right uh at the beach at the beach edwin not at the beach okay uh all right our r ray hand says hard at it mean please don't send the same message a million times everybody please be careful there are lots of people participating today hard at it means working really hard on something yeah okay all right let's go to the next one other at home and at the moment at home and at the moment so i want to talk about these because there are sometimes some questions about how to use these correctly at home we use for something or someone that is already home already home so we could say like my mother is at home right now she's there now we don't use it to talk about going to our home we don't use it to talk about returning there we say something is at home when it is in that location it is already there okay all right and one more at the moment at the moment this one might not seem easy to understand but this one follows this pattern kind of at the moment this means right now or currently it's kind of a more formal way to express that yeah at the moment means now or right now okay so this is our first part uh so this is how we some some ways to use at and um there are many phrasal verbs of course that use these prepositions today i'm not going to talk about phrasal verbs really there are just way too many okay great so uh andre says i will be at home soon is wrong then yes that's correct we don't say i will be at home we will say i will be home soon i will be home soon okay wow there are lots of questions and topics um can i some people are saying can i say i'm at the school yes so if it's clear in your conversation what the school which school you're talking about is then yes the school is is fine to use okay all right um i'm going to continue to the next one we're going to continue because some of you are asking questions i'm going to answer later but quickly a super quick break if you missed it earlier check this link this test your level banner is talking about it if you want to check your english level there is a link in the youtube description or above the video if you're watching on facebook where you can check your level there is a level assessment check you need an email address to make a free account and then you can check your level and see what you need to study there are paths to take according to your level so check it out from the link below the video or above it okay yes so do that do that if you want to practice okay let's go to the next one next is in we're gonna talk about in next some people are asking questions related to in i see you so let's talk about this okay also if you haven't please please please make sure to like this video and share it so other people can find today's lesson yeah that would be super super helpful alrighty let's go in in for locations so i mentioned earlier we use in to express inside something inside something like in the supermarket couldn't be correct we want to express being inside inside something for example my keys are in my bed my keys are in my bag so you might think can i say my keys are inside my bag yes it's just more efficient to say in it's shorter my keys are in my bag okay next he's in the bathroom he's in the bathroom so here the bathroom is like you can imagine as like a box he is inside it he's inside he's in the bathroom okay one more i'm in your classroom i'm in your classroom so that means i'm inside your classroom all right so lots of you are saying what's the difference between i'm at location and i'm in location i said it earlier with at but to repeat in the emphasis is with inside i'm inside so when native speakers talk about their location like you send a text message to someone or you're on the phone with someone when we want to say where we are like hey i'm at the supermarket do you need something or i'm at your school right now i saw your teacher we generally use at we use in if there's some reason to be specific about being inside also we do this for uh we do this at in thing i'm sorry we use in when we want to be when we want to talk about like a smaller unit inside something else so for example i said i'm at school and i'm in your classroom right so if it helps to think about that think of at for like a building and in for a small section in the building so like school and classroom yeah i'm at the school i'm in your classroom this is a more natural way that we think about using at and in i hope that helps you okay uh let's go to the next one lots of questions and example sentences miran writes the frog is in the pond excellent good job frog okay uh some people are saying i am in my room good uh i am in the school uh at the restroom i would reverse those i'm at the school in the restroom uh hatis on youtube um could i say i'm sitting inside my car yes you could oh my gosh there are lots of questions right now oh some of you i want to answer your questions but there are very many there are a lot today can i say in the end or at the end it depends they're both correct depending on what you want to say let's go to the next part time using in for time this part is long and there are lots of kind of confusing points here so let's go through them also uh please this is happening a lot today please don't send many many messages in a row so everyone has a chance to participate yeah okay let's go expressing time to finish something within so using in for time to express the time it takes to finish something to finish something so for example she finished her homework in 10 minutes she finished her homework in 10 minutes so this in comes before 10 minutes plural plural yeah this in marks how long it took to do this action so this is the action she finished her homework it took 10 minutes of time we use in to express this here's another example they completed the project in three months they completed the project in three months again here is in it marks three months plural so this is the time it took to finish the project okay so we use this in before a length of time to express how long it took to do something hey thiago one of our members in the youtube chat welcome okay basira says i will prepare breakfast know that there i prefer breakfast in 10 minutes awesome okay um others okay people are saying what uh let's see some of you i've already answered your question i talked about at earlier if you're watching live maybe check this check this later okay continuing on expressing time until oh sorry i missed one one more example we ate all the snacks in an hour in an hour so notice this one uses the singular an hour yeah because it's only one hour so we don't use the plural here but we use this in to talk about how long it took to finish something or to complete something okay what's the difference between in time and on time that's the last point in today's lesson for those of you who are asking that question all right let's go to the next point about in expresses time until something happens express this time until something happens so let's start the meeting in five minutes let's start the meeting in five minutes so that means five minutes from this point in time let's start the meeting so we use in here sometimes i see two people maybe use two let's start the meeting like two five minutes or something like that we have to use in here let's start the meeting in five minutes so after five minutes have passed all right on to the next one he wants to leave in an hour he wants to leave in an hour so this means after one hour has passed he wants to leave so this in marks that he wants to leave in an hour and finally we're going to move in three months we're going to move in three months okay so again three months this is how long this action will take so we're going to do this after this time period has elapsed has finished okay uh all right i'm looking at your questions uh i'm going to continue on a lot of you are asking about things i'm going to answer later okay i see your question so i'm going to continue on last part i want to refresh us about we use in with years seasons centuries months so for example in october in november in december and so on we use in before these we use it before years as in she was born in 1959 so before the year she was born in 1959 in winter we go skiing in winter my season here so before the season not on i see on used a lot in this position she was born on 1959 nope she was born in and here before this season use in in winter in summer in autumn and he was a famous painter in the 18th century he was a famous painter in the 18th century in here and then the 18th century century if you don't know century century is 100 years a 100 year time period so the 18th century in this case so we use in to mark these time periods okay so this is how we use in if you want more information about all of these prepositions i have some videos on the youtube channel so use your search skills to search for at an in and on or just search preposition search for preposition on the channel to find my other lessons about this topic phew okay let's go to the next part let's go to the next part uh we'll go to the last one on now uh we have just oh just enough time also if you haven't please please please like this video and share it so others can find the lesson yeah i think lots of people needed some preposition practice today there's a lot of people here that's cool okay so let's go to on and talk about how we use it and this will i think answer some questions i've seen in the chat too okay so let's talk about using on first using on for locations for locations so earlier we talked about on and in with sitting at the desk or sitting on the desk on marks a surface position marks a surface position so what's a surface that means it's the top of something so this is on the board right so my marker is on the board right so lots of you ask can i say my boss is sitting at the desk or sitting on the desk imagine your marker is the boss typically we don't sit on our desks we sit next to them right or we sit we say at sitting at the desk or next to the desk so we don't use on unless the person is at the surface position so let's look at some other examples my bag is on the table my bag is on the table so the position of the bag is the surface of the table okay another one your coffee is on the desk your coffee is on the desk so the surface position of the desk and his laptop is on the chair his laptop is on the chair so this item my bag your coffee his laptop is in this position right the surface of this the table the desk the chair right so we use on to mark the surface position or to express the surface position of something okay let's go to the next one then so this is how we use on to mark a surface position we also use on for street location street location so when we give directions for something okay for example the store is on first street the store is on first street this tells us the location of the store the street location of the store the store is on first street okay or her house is on maple road so the road name here the street name is maple road her house is on maple road or that restaurant is on the highway that restaurant is on the highway uh chat moderator on youtube can you help me out with some repeated comments that restaurant is on the highway so the highway here is a main road yeah it's still a road so we need to use on here that restaurant is on the highway okay so we use on to mark a street location to mark market street location okay all right um okay other questions and looking for other questions uh elita says you can't find the link for the test check the youtube description it's there i clicked it earlier you can check it there it says want to test your english or how good is your english check that in the youtube description okay let's continue to time time so we use on with time we use it with days of the week so we practiced using in with like months and years and seasons and things like that we use on with days of the week for example let's meet on sunday let's meet on sunday so not in not in i see in lots of people use in here we use on with days of the week okay another one she started a new job on monday she started a new job on monday so this marks my day of the week here and finally we're going to the mountains on saturday we're going to the mountains on saturday so we use this before our days of the week okay finally last point made it this question lots of you asked this in time versus on time in time versus on time so what's the difference we use on time to mean something happens at the scheduled time so for example if class the schedule of class is from two o'clock to three o'clock class starts at two o'clock class starts on time class starts on time class starts at the scheduled time in time means to have enough time to do something to have enough time to do something so for example my flight leaves at two o'clock i need to arrive at the airport in time to catch my flight that means i need to arrive at the airport with enough time to catch my flight so that means i cannot arrive at two o'clock my flight leaves at two o'clock i have to arrive before that so in time means to have enough time to do something on time means that something happens at the scheduled time okay phew that was a lot of information i know there were lots and lots of other questions there are so many expressions that use at and in and on and i'm not going to talk about them because there are way too many there are way too many today's focus was on using these words as prepositions and a couple of very common uses in other expressions so i hope you got a good refresher about these words and if you want to see more information again search uh preposition on the english class 101 youtube channel or on the website if you are uh an account holder there okay uh andres why do we say alicia is on youtube and not in youtube well i can't physically i cannot enter like youtube i cannot enter the internet right so we usually for internet expressions we say something is on the internet maybe it's helpful to imagine like the internet as an information board right when we post something on a board in real life we say i put it on the board you can imagine the internet is like the same thing so we post something on the internet not in it we can't get inside so maybe on uh is kind of we can think of this use of on as similar to the physical posting action so i hope that helps you okay a lot of you are asking specific questions about specific very specific vocabulary words i suggest you google those because i don't have time i have to go i'm already late so i will thank you for asking me many good questions uh and i will end the lesson there so if you enjoyed today's lesson please don't forget to give it a like also here is the lesson board picture if you want to take a screenshot this is what we talked about today we talked about at and in and on we talked about location and time expressions with these words and a few other topics as well there's so much to cover here and uh of course i didn't cover all of it but we will cover it in some other format in some way okay next week's lesson i'll be back next week of course next week's lesson information is right here here we go next week's lesson next week will be october 20th at 10 p.m eastern standard time that is new york city time if you don't know your local time please use your excellent google skills google it or set a notification on youtube set a notification on facebook or if you follow me on instagram you can find a link and a topic reminder in my stories every week i always post something there next week i'm going to talk about mistakes people make when learning a language and how to avoid them so common issues that we see that all of us do sometimes just a couple of reminders of good ideas for your studies and maybe things to try not to do okay so we'll finish there for this week thank you as always for joining me and don't forget if you want to try the level check check uh this this level test check the link below the video if you're watching on youtube and above the video if you're watching on facebook you'll take the test and you'll get a result according to your answers on the test so check that out if you want to get an idea of your level and see where you can start with our courses so check that out uh and enjoy the rest of your week thanks for liking and sharing the video you can find me on social media from the links below the video on youtube and also send me your questions for ask alicia there too so i'll say goodbye for this week enjoy the rest of your day have a good week and i will see you again
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 73,928
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Keywords: learn english, englishclass101, free english, english lesson, learning english lesson, talking about money in english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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