PrepMedic's EDC ⎮2022⎮

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hey guys my name's sam and welcome to pratmatic this week's video we are going through my updated everyday carry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i did an everyday carry video a little while ago i've been kind of holding off and doing another one but i finally feel like enough has changed over the last couple years that it's worth doing another video i really kind of have a system down that i like so i was kind of avoiding really mixing things up until i started to upgrade some of the tech and other equipment that i've been carrying on me honestly some of it is just laziness i'm carrying a little bit less than i once did now you guys know that i'm a little bit long-winded when it comes to you know the why behind what i do and this video is going to be no different so i do want to go into kind of why i'm carrying what i have in front of you why it seems like a lot and the biggest thing that comes up in the comments on these videos especially from people in europe and other countries is why do you feel like you need that and the concept of need is kind of interesting when it comes to everyday carry because most of the time i will not need medical supplies a firearm things like that but when you need it you really need it so i do not feel like i am in danger on a daily basis i don't feel like the united states is really that dangerous despite what you see on the news i feel safe but i do want to be able to defend my family and myself so with all that being said let's get into the video now i want to start with kind of the normal everyday carry things this box right here that pretty much everybody has some form of so first i finally upgraded my cell phone this is the iphone 13 pro max or the large one whatever it's actually super useful to have something with a decent camera on it just because i am filming stuff all the time it's nice you know in the helicopter to be able to take a quick video that sort of thing i got it with like 500 gigs and it i got it too small i've already filled it up but really good really good cameras on it um like the phone you know i like the apple ecosystem i use the the new macbook pro for all my editing uh and it's great now i don't know who needs to hear this though cinematic mode on this thing sucks don't use cinematic mode turn off the hdr setting uh there are some weird video settings built into this when you first get it so don't use cinematic mode if you can help it it does not look good it looks good for a second and then you see their hair and it it just completely ruins it all right so the thing that i'm most excited about uh for this video is my new watch so this i've had it for about a week it is the garmin tactics 7. um i'm going to do a full review on this watch in a couple weeks so i'm not gonna go super in depth with it but i finally upgraded from the uh apple watch series 2 to this guy and it's three times the cost this thing is a pretty penny but i have it on me every day i use it for work it's tax deductible because of that and this has just a ton of features on it so first and foremost it has all your normal like tracking stuff on it so i can track activities like my run treadmill runs bike uh strength training all of that and it does a really good job of tracking all of that information for me uh it even has like a little tactical widget where if you're like doing drills and stuff with the swat team i can throw that on and just see how far i've moved how many calories i've burned is it really necessary no but i really enjoy it um as we come up on the watch a little bit more and i i hope you guys can kind of see this we'll we'll see if i have to do anything about it we have the fly icon so while i'm flying i can track our flights and it gives me a lot of different stats as we're going including like ground speed um if we're going up or down the altitude we're at just interesting things to be tracking it can also track my spo2 if we're flying over like a big mountain range above 14 000 feet um it will give me my spo2 reading uh as we go so that's kind of a neat feature and it also tracks stress which for those of you that have done helicopter ems that's that's a big deal so i love this watch for a variety of different reasons other things it's got it's got a little flashlight on it so uh you can see it here this is its lowest setting and i can turn it to green for if we're under night vision goggles in the cabin but the light is just super handy and i don't feel the need to carry a separate flashlight really anymore and then other things got your heart rate and the best feature is that the battery in this thing lasts a month and it continually monitors your heart rate it's doing so much so i absolutely love this watch despite the price tag i think the only thing that i don't like about it is the fact that the screen's a lot darker than your your average apple watch but you know i'll take that over a month of battery life of continuing on my wrist uh here i've got the apple airpods this is apple airpods too it's in kind of a silly case but i love these things compare it to my phone compare it to the watch and listen to music just on that if i'm going for a run i don't even need to take my phone it's absolutely amazing all right keys they're just keys except for the air tag i put on them i get it apple knows my location all the time they know that anyways with my phone but i can ding my keys i can get a little finder i am a very forgetful person so i lose these things all the time it's really nice to have a air tag on them uh wallet i'm using the live the creed wallet so i use a lot of stuff from these guys they make really good products and i you know there's nothing special about this wallet except that they made it it's leather it's got a little multicam pattern on the inside but it's not like overtly tactical or like tactical anything like that i really like this wallet uh holds about three cards inside and then has a space for cash doesn't fit cash super well but i don't usually carry a whole lot on me anyways so [Music] that's the wallet i'm using all right belt for concealed carry and everything you need a little bit of a stiffer belt you shouldn't be doing it with a really flimsy belt because that'll mess with the retention of your holster as you're pulling it up this is the first spear roll one i like it because it's just a simple belt it works the exact same way as anything else it looks pretty low pro biothane i think is the material on it but it's sturdy it's easy to put on um and i don't really have to do anything special with it so is it the best belt in the world no but it works really well for me uh the oakley flak jackets are the sunglasses i'm using really nothing special about them polarized but especially out here in colorado you don't want to go anywhere without uh sunglasses now uh firearm the firearm itself has not changed so here i'll just show you guys unloaded um so this is a glock 19 with an trijicon rmr site suppressor height night sights and then a what is this enforce light on the front not the most expensive light not the most expensive firearm but i've turned it into an expensive firearm i had the slide milled by jaeger works just to get the rmr on and then put some front fenestrations uh on it so i can do the press check um as we go so other than that it's stock i haven't changed the trigger which i probably should but a really good reliable firearm and i've never drawn this on anybody i've never felt like i've had to um but especially now that i have a kid you know protecting my family something that's important for uh to me you know being able to intervene if something's going on is important to me so i really try to have this uh on me whenever possible but obviously there's some places i can't carry it that just is what it is and then for a holster i've went from the tier one concealed with the side car to just a really simple tier one concealed kydex holster with one belt clip and i like this because i don't have to put my belt over to the side it's just easier to carry what i noticed with the bigger holster with the extra mag is i just wasn't carrying it because it was inconvenient for me so this just makes it easy to carry i can throw it in pretty much any pair of pants i own with this belt i don't have to do anything crazy with the buckle and it conceals relatively well that being said i i'm really not trying to like i'm concealing but i'm not super worried about printing anymore i've just noticed that nobody actually noticed if you're printing or not so this is what i'm using for it if you have a firearm i would definitely recommend having a light on it um that's super important just because your firearm's only good uh about 50 of the places you go without the light so make sure you have some kind of light on it there and then i use the standard uh capacity magazines the uh 16 rounds i think it's 16 plus one uh in the glock 19. if i get one like thing wrong with this uh everybody's gonna jump down my throat i think i said in one of my other edc videos i was talking about this clip here and i said clip and like the word clip just triggers everybody in the gun community because they all think no pun intended they all think i'm talking about the magazine no i'm talking about the actual belt clip here and there's nothing fancy about this belt clip all right last but not least we're coming to the medical section of it and i go a little bit overboard here this is where my expertise lie i've been in certain situations where i've wanted medical supplies and haven't had them and i've kind of told myself that i would never let that happen again and i carry one of these three items on me every day more and more i'm going to just i've been moving to just carrying the le quick clot just because honestly it fits in a pocket super well it's really compact you can do a lot with this you can stop arterial hemorrhages from pretty much any appendage junctional sites it's really versatile you can even use this as a pressure bandage if you just need to wrap something so this is what i carry a lot of the time if i'm just going minimalist and when it comes to everyday carry if it's inconvenient for you to carry something you're not going to carry it so i personally like just going with this i think this is four yards of it it's got the hemostatic agent in it which is great if you can't afford this which is running about 55 dollars a pack now you can just get the packing glass and honestly it's going to work just fine truthfully your t-shirt is going to work fine as well um so you don't have to carry medical supplies i just uh choose to now a little bit up from that if i'm wearing shorts and i don't have somewhere to put an ankle kit i'm carrying the live the creed pocket trauma kit i think that's what it's called um and this has some hemostatic agent in it it's got the swat tea which is not ideal it's not a t triple c uh recommended tourniquet but honestly it works for a lot of cases i'm well trained in it um so it's kind of a compromise for space saving and then this guy also has a booboo kit uh inside of it with like the stuff that you're gonna need on a daily basis so band-aids bacitracin alcohol prep pads things like that and that sits right in here that's actually really important stuff to have and out of all of these supplies that's what i've used the most out of anything else and that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone so this can fit in your back pocket if i'm wearing like cargo pants or something i'll put that in a side pocket but i also will throw it in a backpack things like that it's just a little bit too big to comfortably ride in your back pocket if you took out the swat tea it would probably fit a lot better all right and last but not least and this is kind of a new thing that i've been carrying um i've always been carrying an ankle kit but i recently switched out from the dark angel medical ankle trauma kit to this one this is by six echo systems and i they sent it to me and i first looked at i was like i don't i don't know about this it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me but as i started to use it it's actually pretty cool so it's a neoprene uh fabric and i can get this really tight on my ankle so it holds it really close get my pant leg over it no problem and then these guys here you can actually adjust the sizing on all of the retention straps so if you want something to ride higher or lower you can adjust that to make it work um in here i'm carrying the uh soft tee uh this guy is the softy wide generation three i want to say it's got the retention thing here and i like these guys because they they just fold so flat if you want to make it even flatter you can fl you can take off this retention clip but this really helps for self-application on your arms and i i keep it on there um all the time because it's a little bit easier for self-application so that sits in this top flap i think the only thing i don't like about it honestly is this top flap i'd like this to go away because it just adds unneeded bulk in my opinion uh and then in here i've got a thing of h uh gauze this is just a trauma wrap you know somebody has a head wound an arm or you need to wrap um a packed wound in this is just a pressure bandage for that that's flat folded by h and then in this one i've got a thing of quick clot packing gauze this is the military version now there is zero difference between these two they're the same length they have the same active ingredient in them there's no different they're just differently colored so if you see like one of these is cheaper than the other one go with the cheaper one because it doesn't make any difference whatsoever and then the last two things i have in here something i honestly i probably will never use uh in a edc kit but i've got an ars needle for chest decompressions and then i have an npa nasopharyngeal airway to open somebody's airway up if we're doing like cpr or something like that most of the time unless it's a family member i'm going to do compressions only i'm not going to do 30 to 2 just because potential germs all of that stuff but with this i can open their airway and then every time you press on their chest a little bit more is going to get in this is also great for somebody you know overdosing or head injury something like that so got this it's a seven millimeter which i believe is a 28 french um i i think it it converts to that so that's what i have in this kit now this thing's really nice i like it really high quality so check them out but i don't get any money for any of this stuff i'm not sponsored on this channel so in the near future i'm going to try to get dedicated reviews out on this watch because i think this thing is amazing as well as this ankle kit by six echo systems if you have any questions leave them in the comments down below and i will see you next week you
Channel: PrepMedic
Views: 610,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, Everyday carry, every day carry, pocket dump, gear, gear dump, carry, equiptment, 911, medic, off duty edc, ccw, med, flight medic, swat, police, police medic, swat medic, tems, tacticalmedic, tactical medic, paramedic, emt, ems, be prepared prepping, prepping, be preppared, preppared, ambo, ambulance, healthcare, first aid, stop the bleed, bleeding control, BLS, ALS
Id: ms4tJtLmhEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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