Building a Civilian Active Shooter Response Bag

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hey guys my name's sam and welcome to prepmatic this week's video we are building an active shooter response bag as many of you know there was recently an active shooter on a subway line and if you watch any of those news stories or see any images posted on social media you'll notice that there are a lot of civilians trying to do good for these patients that have been shot in various appendages unfortunately in almost every single one of these photos what we see are very ineffective improvised tourniquets a shirt knotted over the leg is not going to stop bleeding from a femoral artery now somebody that's trained in improvising tourniquets can take windlass and make that effective however we still do a really bad job of it and that's why i'm always a proponent of carrying around commercial grade products so what i'm showing you today is an example of an active shooter response bag now this isn't a first aid kit this has no over-the-counter meds this is no really minor wound items this is purely for your major bleeds and major life threats while i'm labeling it active shooter response bag this will work to stop life threats in a variety of different situations whether that's an active shooter if you're in a european country where stabbings are way more prevalent than this will be for a violent perpetrator in that regard it can be for somebody in cardiac arrest or a car accident that has major bleeding and really what it focuses on are preventable causes of death so obviously i don't have stuff in here to crack the guy that doesn't have a head anymore from a shotgun blast or something like that because i don't think that's realistic for most people now for a lot of civilians this kit is going to be a little bit overkill it might not be something you want to carry all the time perhaps something like this is something you'd be more apt to carry in your car or put at your desk ready to go in case something happens or even just bring on a commute if you're in a really crowded area but i don't want this to be like this is what every civilian needs to be carrying because i think there's other ways to carry some of this equipment what i have in front of you is the essential sling by vertex now i like vertex i've got a code for them you can get some money off and they do make some really good purpose-built products this swing any other sling they make will work for this as well as any backpack they have it all depends on the size you want but also there are some other manufacturers that make great things and if you can't afford a purpose-built pack for something like this then you can really use any backpack just be aware that it might not be as ergonomic to get some of the supplies or hold things quite uh how you want them to be held so this is a pretty small sling i'll leave the dimensions up there and we'll kind of get into the main reasons why i like this as a response kit number one i like the bright color i don't want to be super tactical running into a building because the dude that's all tacked out in their plate carrier and their truck gun is probably going to get shot by law enforcement the second they arrive on scene because they're going to look a lot like that active shooter actually rogue rescue who i follow on instagram has a great article about truck guns and why we don't want to do them i want something that's non-threatening that i can just take with me on the subway on a bus and nobody's going to think anything of this orange and gray pack now in the front of this i have a really quick i think it's called a rescue me it's just a small window punch that will allow us to get through car windows you know you can't take a crowbar to a car window and expect it to break so something like this is great it's got a spring-loaded uh punch there and then it also has a little razor for a seat belt cutter you can reach and extricate somebody from a vehicle so it's really good for egress or getting into a vehicle if you need to not really active shooter related getting into the really active shooter part of this kit in the main pocket here i've basically stocked this with enough supplies to treat what i believe would be two uh patients so in here i've got three cat tourniquets really easily accessible i have the orange ones like i'm trying to dispense with some of the gi joe stuff you know you don't need black tourniquets in these environments most of the time if you're here you're not there confronting the active shooter you're here to render aid and most likely that actor's shooter has even either moved on or they've been subdued by law enforcement so that's really what this is made for so we've got three cat tourniquets and i just have the vertex mac band the full mac band in there you can get any number of things you can even make your own just sew some velcro and elastic strips it sticks right on there really really easy to get and then i can pull these out individually so you can store your tourniquets any number of ways now the uh in this pocket here i've got some quick clot some other uh packing gauze i basically have three things of gauze in there one quick clot and then i've got a handful of chest seals you should be stocking a number of chest seals and pack gauze in these situations tourniquets are great in war zones because people have armor on so usually when you have major trauma from gunshot wounds they're more likely to have extremity trauma in the civilian world unless you live in a very very interesting city people aren't walking around with plate carriers so most likely they're going to be shot in the torso that doesn't mean an extremity bleed can't happen that's why i have tourniquets because they're really fast but we might be doing more chest trauma more abdominal trauma things like that because they are not wearing that level of protection so all of those go in this pocket and i just keep that open for easy accessibility in this pocket which normally would be considered like the tablet or ipad uh pocket i have two north american rescue pressure bandages you can do oase bandages you can make any number of things work in here just something to wrap wound pack in or wrap the more minor injuries or even just apply pressure on an extremity injury once i've run out of tourniquets you can use it for that now up here in the lid i don't know if you can see it super well i've got two nasal pharyngeal airways now i've kept standard adult sizes you could differentiate this a little bit to have a couple sizes smaller for your small female patients they're not all military age males i think it would be legitimate to carry some different sizes besides your 28 french 28 france is what i had laying around so i threw them in here now i've got four ars needles and this is an advanced skill of course so don't do this unless you're specifically trained to do it but these are for your tension pneumothoracies if i'm carrying chest seals i like to have something to decompress to decompress the chest because i'm expecting massive uh chest trauma depending on what that is now generally you can just burp a chest seal and it'll work fine but there are periods where they will develop attention pneumothorax now in the side this is not really for your active shooter situations because most of the time we're not going to be attempting resuscitation on your major traumatic arrests if somebody's shot and they're dead chances are they're going to stay dead no matter what you do but if you just have one patient they're down it's a relatively safe situation you don't need to do a rapid extrication it's legitimate to try to do cpr rescue breaths you name it and then in your run-of-the-mill medical emergencies you're riding the train and somebody goes down cardiac arrest it's good to have one of these i've actually had that situation where i was walking in downtown madison looked down and there was a guy overdosing right next to me and i didn't have a pocket shield so basically i waited till police showed up they had a pocket mask and we did rescue breaths for this guy so not even a cpr situation but sometimes somebody's in respiratory rest great to have a pocket mask and that just sits right on the side not something i'm going to use a whole lot however now something that's really important and once again rogue rescue has a great article on this is light so i've just tucked a flashlight in there there's a headlamp somewhere else in this kit that we'll get to but this is just for illuminating targets walking down a hallway there's a lot of uses for light and you can't treat what you can't see especially if you're not training under low light environments it's really great to have something like this with a point-and-shoot flashlight you can just take this set it on the ground and it's going to give you a lot of ambient light to work by good to have in any kind of medical kit you're doing i've got a sharpie over here for label labeling tourniquets or writing notes my hand becomes my notepad even in my professional life so i really like having that available to me um in the front pocket here we've got a couple other supplies so in here i've got a headlamp it's just a princeton attack i've got like five of these guys they're really bright uh it's good to be able to see what you're looking at so the flashlight i just showed you is excellent for point and shoot this is really good for task oriented uh work so i'm going to put that on my head i can look around see what i'm doing i actually included ppe in this one so i've got some gloves from north american rescue in here they're packing them a little bit better so they're not coming out all crumpled hard to put on and then i'm carrying two space blankets for heat loss prevention in the other pocket which i think is really really important for patients once again has a lot of different uses beyond just the active shooter coming into more of the vertex specific pockets and features and that's kind of why i like these bags so number one is going to be this pocket here so you can see it's not really a tactical bag but if i do if i am in a situation where i want to really have some identification you can roll this top flap down and you can have more of an overt uh look to it so i've got you know paramedic there for identification i've got some x years trauma shears right there and then i've got a glow stick for that you can use glue sorry chem lights glow sticks is not very tactical sounding when you call that it's a chem light as to mark patients mark entrances things like that useful tool but not something i'm going to use a ton once again so you can have this identification on there now i'll tell you what if you're in an active shooter situation this isn't really necessary this might be necessary if there's like a big scene going on and you're just trying to go around be helpful police are trying to clear out a lot of people it's good to have some kind of identification because they'll probably let you continue doing your work um if you are a professional or have something here as far as active shooter goes you know people like to have those big identification sashes that are like ccw holder uh civilian they're not going to see that the contact teams aren't going to see that when they come in if you're if they come in and they see somebody it doesn't matter what kind of sash they have on them what kind of plate carrier what it's labeled can say special forces medic and they're not going to care they're going to come around the corner and you have a much increased chance of getting shot so i like to keep things low pro but this is a nice feature to have also these are molly so if you did want to put like some ifax here you could do that and integrate some more kind of everyday carry things in the pack itself this just pops up there's also some room for like a stash pocket if i want to throw some trash in there i can now finally and probably the controversial uh part of this active shooter kit is this pack is made for concealed carry holders and like i just said i'm not a huge fan of somebody running into a building with a gun trying to confront an active shooter now you definitely can there's definitely time and a place for that and i'm not saying that you shouldn't do that but i am saying that you should make that decision for yourself chances are if you have a gun out like i said when police come around the corner you are probably going to get shot and it's happened time and time again to off-duty officers uh and some concealed carry holders it's very tragic however you have to weigh those consequences with the possibility of being able to end a violent encounter how i built this is less for confronting the violent shooter and more for uh being in a situation taking care of somebody and then all of a sudden the perpetrator comes around the corner and you have to defend yourself that's my thought process with this so in this back pocket i have actually stored uh my firearm and then uh two extra uh magazines of ammo so this just velcros onto the back this is a tier one uh concealed holster here it's a kydex holster vertex makes something that you can actually clip your normal ccw into it you can also just take any any old holster put some velcro on the back and it's going to stick so that's in here and the thought process like i said is that you have this on you and then somebody comes around the corner you can draw your gun and defend yourself and defend your patience as well so you have that in this pocket and then i've also added some body armor to this so this has a premier body armor it's specifically cut for this sling and what this will allow you to do is actually wear this with for some protection now like most vertex bags this does have a way you can take this and put your arm through it and it can kind of be used as a shield but i was kind of thinking about the usability of that and if you're getting shot at unless you've got a lot of training and you're confronting somebody just right up like that number one uh you're doing one arm shooting which is less accurate than having two arms presented to the target and number two there's a chance that you're gonna flinch and be moving this away from your vital organs so how i've set this up is the sling is pretty small and this will allow me to throw this around my neck i can work out of the bag and then draw a gun quickly present it but it's still offering me some ballistic protection around my vital organs so my heart my lungs my vena cava and all of that great stuff like i said i really like the fact that this is a low profile bag it doesn't have a lot of tactical stuff on it like somebody in the know that knows vertex products knows that somebody carrying this probably is an edc nerd like i am um but it's really low pro and at first glance you're not going to identify it as a tactical bag whatsoever and then it does have the increased capability of being armor protected and carrying a firearm like i said though how you carry your firearm is up to you um whether you like off body or not just be aware if somebody is trying to steal from your bag and they get this open they can steal your gun so you have to be really careful with your off-body carry when you do it this bag does have rooms for a small lock but that's also going to slow down your draw so like everything it's a give and take use your head and decide what's important to you going into this if you have any questions comments snide remarks please leave them in the comments down below and i will see you next week you
Channel: PrepMedic
Views: 294,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: active shooter, first aid, emergency, response, stop the bleed, armor, be prepared, prepper, prepped, firstaid, vertx, stay preppared, paramedic, tactical medic, tactical paramedic, medic, police, leo, law enforcement, LE, Law, ambulance, tourniquet, tq
Id: H1CBsy9MBek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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