Catching up BEFORE the STARFIELD DIRECT: Starfield Signal Supercut Vol 2

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welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield this is our Starfield signal super cut volume two we got lots of great feedback on our first Supercut video and that's actually one of our most popular videos that tells me that regular viewers and newer viewers alike like this kind of format so I'm happy to do it again for newer viewers this is a great way to connect with our channel for the first time with less ads which is always a good thing right and for regular viewers this is a good way to catch up on content you may be missed or just revisit some things to refresh your memory as we get closer and closer to the big June 11th showcase so this content is going to start with the breakdown of the launch date reveal trailer that was published in early March and it's also going to contain some of the theory and lore spec videos we made along with some other breakdowns I didn't include the community feature interviews just because those are longer videos and they have such a different structure and pacing they really didn't fit in with everything else but if you want to check those out I will include the community feature playlist on the end screens of this video I'm going to include links to our Discord and June 11th live stream that's already up and live you can go ahead and hit your notifications to join that right now I'll include the links those in the description and in the pinned comment because I know some people that's just easier for them to find we'll be doing some prize giveaways at our Discord after party following that June 11th event and I'm really excited for all of you to join us so please we would love to have you without further Ado I now give you the Starfield signal Supercut volume 2. I am still on a high from the official Starfield launch announcement we got on March 8th it feels really good to finally have some actual information from Bethesda and though it was a really quick two minute announcement video it still offers a lot of little details to enjoy if you haven't already seen my initial reactions video you can click or tap the card at the top of the screen right now but in this video we're going to dive into some details that I'm seeing a lot of people are missing this is Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield I am your host Luke and here are 17 new details you probably missed in the Starfield launch announcement number one one of the first things to notice is actually that the video was uploaded in 60 frames per second this will be a lot more important once we get to the developer commentary portion of the breakdown but just keep that in mind number two right at the very start this is a new carrier ship that we haven't seen yet could it be possible to have our own and maybe build a massive crew Maybe next number three from three to five seconds we see here a beautiful cinematic shot of an asteroid floating in the foreground revealing the system's sun and two planets one of which has a ring around it it's hard to judge the size and distance of these objects without any context but this shot makes it seem like these planets are dangerously close together not sure if this is a plot element and we're going to have to do something to get these planets back in orbit or if this is just a design choice to make the interplanetary space travel a bit more practical which by the way we're working on a video about this right now so be sure to subscribe to the channel if you want to know when that video goes live number four from six seconds to 11 seconds we see a shot of a familiar space station this very well could be the exact same station we saw in the original teaser for Starfield all the way back in 2018. the voiceover has a slight Russian accent I believe evoking an assumption that he may have a connection to the Russian cosmonauts he identifies the station as constellation star station l0868 this is constellation star station 868 welcome aboard as of right now I couldn't find any significance to that number but we might see that pop up again number five from 12 seconds to 16 seconds we get a docking cut scene the reason I think this is a cinematic cut scene as opposed to real-time gameplay is because of the Cinematic motion blur element that was put over it number six at 20 seconds we see the interior of this star station we get a lot of little details here we see lots of monitors and computer screens and if we zoom in we can see that each of these little individual stations are named this could be just a simple immersion detail or it could be an indicator of a gameplay mechanic we know that on our ships and in our outposts we'll be able to hire NPCs to carry out tasks these station indicators might be the way we assign their duties also look over here to the right I found this object really interesting if we zoom in here we can see this is a piece of meteor we've seen objects like this before that were connected to the artifacts that somehow link to the Rings again lots of monitors with a lot of different things displayed on them and to be honest I wouldn't have the slightest clue how to start breaking these down or what their meanings could be but let me know in the comments if you have any insight number seven at 22 seconds we hear the voiceover continue saying hey guys showing signs over another one of those big anomalies the eyes showing signs over another one of those big anomalies this of course raises several questions what is the eye is that the star station is a tool used to measure or monitor the big structures with the Rings or other Rings the eye and it's measuring something else are the big anomalies the structures we're seeing tons of questions and not many answers but man I love the mystery and the setup they do with this one line number eight at 25 seconds the voiceover says of it all maybe you'll catch a smile and uncover the source of it all I assume this is some sort of colloquialism for getting lucky while he monitors whatever is happening and in turn would provide some information that would reveal a hidden secret and move the story forward as he's saying this we get some beautiful images of what I think is a nearby Moon of this planet we see in the background number nine at 29 seconds we see more shots of the Rings which seem to be activating almost like a race car revving up its engine it seems like it's about to do something pretty big number 10 at 34 seconds we see some really great cinematic exterior shots of this structure this is a very similar structure that we also saw in the gameplay reveal last June and most likely has a big importance to the plot of Starfield number 11 at 36 seconds I love this shot the perspective looking up the Symmetry it's a classic hero shot but it's of this structure again reinforcing the idea that it's important to the story and the plot of the game we also get a better look at all of these pieces of debris floating around the structure almost like it's orbiting due to a shift in gravity or some sort of magnetic power I don't think these are other artifact pieces like we've seen before if you look closely at the structure it appears to be in Ruins giving us the sense it's very old and hasn't been used for some time these pieces of debris seem to be chunks of the structure that have fallen off over time but in a setting like a moon with very low gravity atmosphere or really anything that could potentially damage the structure it again raises some questions as to what exactly happened to get the structure in this state number 12 38 seconds to 39 seconds we see this really cool door opening it has somewhat of a crystal shard-like pattern to it and it gives off this really cool and mysterious glow it actually gives me Fortress of Solitude vibes from the Superman lore there's another circular door mechanism here too I'm unsure if this is just a double door and this is behind the crystal door like we just saw but this clip does show a hint of the same ground which makes me think it's in a similar place number 13. at 40 seconds next we start seeing more of the Rings activate as they start to float up from the floor of the structure and as the camera pushes in we can see that the entire floor of this room is covered with these Rings this gives off the feeling that whatever is about to happen is going to require a lot of power energy or whatever it is these rings are producing also notice this room has these star-like light objects floating here in the space above we don't get much hints about why these are here or what they are if they're just aesthetic or if they have a gameplay element like forming a map or something once the Rings are activated but it still looks really cool number 14 at 43 seconds as the Rings activate we get our first good look at these symbols glowing on each of the Rings notice that each of these symbols are unique to each of the Rings they are on this makes me think these symbols could be indicating a part of a map or even coordinates to put into this device this definitely gives off some strong Stargate Vibes heck I would love it if they even got the rights and called these things Stargates that would be really cool I also noticed that even though there seemed to be several more rings on the floor only a few in the very center are activating this may just be the way it's designed or maybe it's tied into a gameplay mechanic possibly as you find more of the artifacts you'll be able to activate more of the Rings number 15 at 47 seconds again this device continues to rev up then we get this amazing shot with our character floating up to the center of the Rings and notice he's not in the middle of the Rings but just outside of them this almost feels similar to what the debris was doing outside maybe this device is affecting gravity in some way causing you to be pulled up into its Center number 16 at 48 seconds finally as the Rings align and engage the music swells and we're left with another mystery as light and energy are first pulled into the Rings and then burst out from the Rings and we get this amazing cinematic shot that evokes the design of an eye taking us back to what the voiceover mentioned earlier also just a glimpse of what seems to be a warp through the Galaxy in this animation we see what looks to be like light refractions like if you were looking through a camera lens then these blue lines pop up again evoking a sense of some sort of map or navigation tool I've seen lots of people say they think the device is creating a black hole that allows you to warp in space I could see this argument having some weight with the way we've seen the device affect gravity and light it would be really cool if this was not only just a story element but one of the Fast Travel mechanics in the game and finally number 17 at 56 seconds of course at the end of this beautiful cinematic Bethesda gives us the new third and hopefully final release date for Starfield September 6th 2023 a few notes about this release date first and the most obvious this is outside the revised release window of the first half of 2023 but only by a couple of months it's honestly not a big deal and if it helps the game release in a better State and it helps the game make better sales then hey I'm all for it second Bethesda is known for being creative and at times a bit cheeky with their release dates the infamous Skyrim release date was 11 11 11 and of course starfield's original release date was 11 11 22. so lots of people were a little thrown off that this date seems to be just a random date and it's on a Wednesday during the week which is also unusual as games typically release on a Tuesday the only reason I could surmise is because September 6th is the day the Victoria completed its circumnavigation of the globe back in 1522 being the first ship to ever accomplish this feat perhaps this is Starfield giving a nod to the importance of exploration in their game connecting the brave explorers of the past to those who will continue pushing Humanity's story further into the cosmos we'll break down the developer commentary portion of this announcement in a future video so be sure to subscribe to be notified when that goes live let me know in the comments which of these details you find most interesting this is Starfield signal thank you for watching for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars okay the new Starfield launch announcement gave us a fresh look at some updated gameplay and specifically showed us new animations better shooting mechanics some new locations and a good look at the inventory system we're going to break down the second half of this video where we see all of these new elements and more and yes we are using AI upscaled 8K footage for the analysis so strap in and let's take a look at the Starfield launch announcement breakdown in 8k welcome everyone this is Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield I am your host Luke and I am with you I am so excited that Bethesda finally came out of their hibernation and gave us an update and some blurry gameplay footage to pick apart thanks Todd before we get into the breakdown a few caveats I'm not going to comment on really anything Todd says not that it's not important but it's all just pretty straightforward we're going to focus solely on the gameplay footage we can see in the background on the TV and on the developers monitors for the background TV footage even though I'm using 8K footage to zoom in here for a better look it is unfortunately still going to be blurry this is largely due to how screens just usually don't look great on camera and there is a little bit of background blur over the TV due to the depth of field caused by the camera's lens but even with all of that in the way there are still some interesting details to pull from the footage and the 8K still gives us a better image to work with than the native 4K also I'm going to change up the order of these shots just a bit so we can keep all of the Combat gameplay together then we'll take a look at the inventory screen and then end on the different locations we can see so let's get started the first footage we see on the TV is most likely our player on the planet Mars of course we have the Red Dirt that gives us a hint but there's another big clue a little bit later in the video as the player turns around we see what many believe to be our first ship in the game the frontier along with the first human companion we've seen in gameplay the image unfortunately isn't clear enough to get any kind of indication as to who this might be but we do just see one companion and it's still unclear if we'll be able to have more than one active companion at a time continuing through the footage the player turns around and switches to third person view and this is the first thing that really caught my eye we see some improved movement animations especially with the fluid 60 frames per second that we can now clearly see this may seem like a really small thing but this was one of the biggest concerns coming out of last year's gameplay reveal so this was really smart of them to give just a few small glimpses of this Improvement we can also briefly see that we have the ability to zoom our camera out a little farther from our character these little touches are always great to give the player more freedom I also want to note here that your O2 and CO2 levels act as your stamina meter this was present in the original gameplay from last year but I personally haven't talked about this yet I mainly just wanted to take an extra second to comment on how cool this is to use as a gameplay mechanic very clever some people have pointed out here that the crosshairs on the display are pink indicated the potential to customize our players interface to some extent this very well could be true as Bethesda have allowed interface customization before however this could also be simple color fringing or the way the TV's colors are rendered in the camera another quick note on the crosshairs we do see them dynamically grow larger and smaller as the player goes in and out of a Sprint indicating improved shooting accuracy when the character is not sprinting next we see the players start to loot some containers and this brings up a dialog window to show what items are inside as the player brings these into his inventory a notification pops up on the left side of the screen it's too blurry to tell exactly what it is but it seems to be some sort of progress bar maybe somehow connected to the skill leveling system they talked about last year it could also be something connected to your inventory management maybe updating you on your capacity or even tracking how many items you have for a side quest next section is where we see a little bit of combat and the updated shooting mechanics the first thing I want to note is about the jetpack this was another minor point of concern in last year's gameplay the jetpack mechanic didn't look great and seemed like it wasn't very fluid or responsive though we just get a split second of the updated jet pack on this blurry screen it seems that they've already improved this to be more natural more fluid and definitely more responsive after a second of getting into this area we get a notification we've arrived to the Mars Mech Factory confirming our suspicions earlier that we were on Mars calling back to the constellation questions video with Will Shen from last year he said that the player would travel to Mars and get in contact with the question of what happened to Earth this could be the same Quest he was referring to also the mech Factory location is interesting I know that Vasco is a constellation robot but it's possible we could be on a rescue mission to find him or even some sort of extraction mission to bring an upgrade back for Vasco let me know in the comments what your theories are regarding the mission to Mars as the player navigates through what seems to be a very large open Battleground area they aim down their sights to take a few shots these few shots seem to improve the recoil animations from the first gameplay though this is a different gun and all of them will surely have different recoils this one feels a bit more natural a quick aside and notice this in the original gameplay as well but the XP notification is still in the very middle of the screen this is possibly the worst place for it because it's always going to be a distraction and block your view this is a great example of how it comes up and completely blocks where you're aiming this should be a super simple fix Bethesda if you're watching move this thing somewhere else top bottom side I don't care I can get used to it anywhere else just don't distract us with it in the middle of the screen okay ran over in a few more seconds we see a grenade explode when this happens we not only see the explosion but we also get an additional visual cue through a flash over our screen I would imagine they've also probably built in some controller feedback into this mechanic as well to make these explosions feel heavy big and dangerous we see the player sprinting across the battlefield bringing up his weapon quick swap menu we notice here almost all of his slots are full of weapons as opposed to last year's look at this menu which just had a few again it's too blurry to really make out much detail here but we can kind of make out the difference between handguns rifles and maybe larger weapons but the player chooses to switch to what looks to be a submachine gun the last clip from this little section of gameplay doesn't have much going on but we do see a new weapon this looks to be a heavy handgun it might be a revolver it's hard to tell but I think you can see a revolving chamber in the middle of the gun it's also super hard to tell because Todd's shoulder is in the way but I think the character is holding the handle with a double grip alluding to the power and recoil this gun potentially has as we get to the end of this Skirmish I just want to note the large area this battle seemed to take place in I think this is a great use of space now that Bethesda is focusing more on gun combat it really felt like people were shooting at you from all across the map giving a greater sense of immersion and danger the last little glimpse of combat we see here is this alien creature attacking us a few pieces of info that we get here this is a level 75 hunting Mac at Ma it definitely freaks out the player because he panics and throws a grenade right over it but backing up a little bit we get a good look at this gun though we've briefly seen this before it now has these really cool laser sights on it I'm assuming this is some sort of shotgun indicated by the multiple Chambers and the laser sights definitely the right choice for a close-up encounter going back to the creature being level 75 we can assume this level is also possible for our character and while I don't think we've seen a level cap just yet with this info we can safely assume level 75 is attainable lastly on the screen look over to the left and you'll see what seems to be parts of a nest this makes me think this huge maggot mall has a lot of little brothers and sisters just waiting to come out and party and to be honest I really hate little creatures like this that just come out of nowhere and MOB you if you're with me hit that like button and have your flamethrower ready this is one of my favorite shots we can pull from the screens maybe because it's so clear and easy to read but I think this interface looks really good and really clean lots of familiar features down on the bottom options to drop favorite or sort all of your gear and we also have the option to hide our helmet in third person mode whenever we are in a breathable area is a simple but an appreciated option as I'm sure a lot of us are going to spend quite a bit of time with the Character Creator and we'll want to see our character's face as much as possible here on the left side of the screen we have all of our different helmets to choose from next to each helmet we have a damage resistance value abbreviated as Dr and we see this confirmed again as we look over to the right stats window I'm not going to read all of these helmets but there's pretty much everything here from all of the different factions let's hang out here on the space trucker helmet we see the damage resistance value of 22 mirrored in the physical rating of 22 in the stats window then we can also see it has an engy rating of I think 30 and I'm going to safely assume that stands for energy the next is an em rating of 26. and I think I've seen some people say em stands for electromagnetism the oscillating waveforms support this Theory as well so this sounds good enough for me we also have different ratings for thermal Airborne corrosive and radiation damage all of these are particularly interesting for me because they allude to Natural environmental hazards that we'll have to consider this means there will most likely be planets with extreme heat and cold planets with poisonous gas and corrosive material to navigate through maybe getting a little bit of inspiration from Dark Souls poison swamps here and of course we have the mass and value of the helmet I feel like a lot of other people have noted this but just so you hear it from me as well Starfield will use Mass instead of weight because mass is constant no matter what gravity you're affected by at the moment and weight changes with different gravity values the last thing I want to comment on for this screen is just how cool this gear looks I'll be honest I couldn't Define for you exactly what NASA Punk means but I have a feeling this kind of style carries the idea it just kind of seems like this outfit wasn't manufactured as a whole but it was engineered out of necessity it's not made to look good but made for function with all of these hoses strapped down looks like there's some tape around it at some point and then the Carabiner strapped to the front I feel like this guy is just out in the wild you know just making it work strapping together whatever you can find just to survive and that's really neat okay moving on to the different location shots we see this first one really took my breath away first of all the gear on our character looks really cool it's not the typical white NASA inspired spacesuit we've seen so far and then the beautiful colors of this Lush area with the green grass and plants complementing the orange leaves at the top of the trees then we have these amazing creatures that again give off this space dinosaur Vibe as they run around we can tell they have horns on the top of their heads and some sort of hardened shell on the end of their tail though I assume by their long necks they're herbivores feeding on the orange leaves at the top of the trees they still look like they could do some damage if you picked a fight with one I want to go back to our character real quick beneath his back tank we see something else on his waist this looks to be some sort of battery and it's connected by wires that travel down to the side of his leg to some sort of pouch I don't think this is a holster for a weapon but all of these dots lining the character's lower suit make me think that the battery could be providing power to the suit for some sort of special feature or ability this could be faster sprinting or even improved jump strength to reach higher places without a jet pack I'm not quite sure but it looked interesting enough to point it out let me know in the comments if you have any theories on what this might be for the second location we see another beautiful location where everything is color coordinated with our spacesuit the white and gold of our spacesuit matches almost perfectly with the wind turbines and the white and orangish red Flora complement these quite nicely here we also get another look at the revolver pistol we see it in the characters hands as he approaches the wind turbines and we can also see the revolver icon in the bottom right corner of the screen finally we get a really neat look at this area with rock formations and even a natural bridge that goes across this Ravine I love the verticality this alludes to giving the player options for how to Traverse through different parts of the map maybe you'll be approaching an enemy Outpost and you can sneak up close to the ground or you can go around the top of the cliffs to find a better position to snipe from this shot definitely Peaks my imagination out of all of these shots we've covered let me know which one you found most interesting do these confirm or debunk any of your existing theories we have a lot more Starfield content planned if you don't want to miss it be sure to subscribe to the channel hit that like button if you had a good time and thank you for watching for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars foreign colonies are not who you think they are a galactic superpower yes the Forerunner for the future of humanity yeah a symbol of unity in thought ideology and culture kind of but deep beneath the accolades and successes the United Colonies have brought to Humanity's future lies a subtle but ever so powerful tenet that could prove to be Humanity's next downfall join me as we explore the question what happens when security becomes tyranny welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield I'm your host Luke and this is our first lore spec video a series where we explore the known lore of Starfield seasoned with a little bit of speculation for fun for this first entry our sites are aimed at the United Colonies the faction with the largest known military force in the Galaxy looking at the surface the UC seems vanilla like it's the safe bet like it has everyone's best interest in mind however I want to propose that there could be a lot more going on beneath the shiny surface of the UC timestamps and chapters are available for this video I'd also love for you to click or tap that like button that helps out a ton for others to find this video and join us on the journey and to that point if you're watching but aren't subscribed we invite you to do so we're a group of positive and excited fans and we're just having a lot of fun so thanks so much let's get into the United Colonies a brief rundown of what we actually know as a reminder we've been told our Starfield story starts in the year 2330 a little over 200 years into Humanity's future we've seen from gameplay footage that the United colonies were established in 2161 with the settlement of new Atlantis on the planet jemisin found in the Alpha Centauri star system a couple of notes Here the Alpha Centauri star system is the closest in-game system to Seoul this is true in our actual Galaxy as well although AC is technically a triple star system but it looks like the game will only account for one of those Stars also jemisin is the most habitable planet within the Alpha Centauri system with a temperate climate oxygen in its atmosphere and abundant levels of Flora and Fauna jemisin would give the first Galactic settlers the best chance of successfully establishing the first sustainable Colony outside of our own star system as a bonus the planet Gagarin also seems to host a habitable environment within the AC star system with this in mind we can safely assume that sometime between 2030 and 2161 Humanity not only reached out to the Stars to find a new home but mysteriously were forced to leave their old one now this is only a span of about 130 years which honestly doesn't seem like a lot to transition a whole species to a new Galaxy but for context 130 years is about the same amount of time from now back to when powered flight and the technology for radios television and radar were invented we've come a long way since then and given Technologies nature to grow and develop at an exponential rate this distant future becomes a little easier to imagine now back to the United Colonies let's speculate for just a moment if you are the leaders of a massive Exodus from one solar system to another what would be one of the guiding principles probably something to the effect of survivability of the species at all costs now anytime you tag at all cost onto a phrase it always sounds over dramatic and maybe a bit too Sensational however whenever you're up against Extinction I'll give them a pass and while I wouldn't fault these leaders for such an extreme tenet amidst the massive task of finding and settling a new home it's the adoption of this kind of thinking and philosophy by Future Generations that can prove to be overbearing and unhealthy when rebuilding communities and cultures and this is the speculation that really leads into the heart of this video did Humanity mistake the kind of leadership it took to find a new home where the kind of leadership it needs to build a new home in addition to the assumptions we can make about the settlement of new Atlantis I want to explore two other pieces of evidence that I believe contribute to this speculation one Aquila City and the colony Wars and two the allusions to the imperialist Tendencies of the United Colonies let's address Aquila City first I'll actually be making another lore spec video focused on the Freestar Collective so I don't want to Dive In Too Deep but the main thing I want to draw attention to here is Aquila city was established in 2167 just six years after new Atlantis was established will Shem the lead Quest designer of Starfield said the Freestar Collective represents the space Western fantasy with this we could presume that this loose Confederation of three distinct star systems are some of the farthest settled systems from our origin of Seoul even if this isn't true and the Freestar Collective is in closer proximity to new Atlantis describing their system as a space Western fantasy alludes to different values different cultures and ultimately different guiding principles on colonization now this doesn't necessarily mean that these systems were established with this specific intent after all whatever differences there are between the colonies of the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies this tension didn't boil over into an all-out War until around 2310 when we're told these Colony Wars began but what we can be sure of is that whatever differences there were the United Colonies with all of their might and conviction had made the choice to assert their dominance over the Freestar Collective colonies and attempt to bring them back in line with the uc's principles values and laws to the point of Bloodshed or you might say at all costs although we're still just speculating here this doesn't instill confidence in the united colony's leadership and their ability to nurture and Foster so many colonies across the whole galaxy this makes me think that whoever is in charge does not like letting go of power oh and a little Easter egg and a tease for our next video focused on the Freestar Collective this sign in Aquila City says established in 2167 by Solomon Co there are a few things in real life Solomon KO could be referencing but I wonder what would the implications be if this man honored in the central painting in the constellation headquarters was in fact Solomon Co what if Solomon was a leader in the United Colonies who was tasked with spreading human colonies all the way out to Aquila City then eventually became disillusioned with the UC and gave up his leadership mantle to become an Explorer instead I find this very interesting but more on that in the next video next the United colony's imperialistic Tendencies now fans of Bethesda know they like to build their worlds with a realistic historical backdrop for the game to take place in many times this is done through the lens of politics and tension between those major factions as an example in Skyrim the major political tension is between the Imperials and Stormcloaks here in Starfield we know that tension exists between the UC and the Freestar Collective there are two pieces of evidence so far that point towards the United Colonies holding imperialism as a leading ideology the first and maybe strongest piece of evidence is our knowledge of the other settled systems as we already observed Aquila city was established quickly after new Atlantis in an entirely new system we also know that neon is located in the Vol 2 system made evident by these signs we see in neon's gameplay section using the Starfield Navigator application we can see that the Vol 2 system is 25 light years from Alpha Centauri and a quick parenthetical note here if you don't know about the Starfield navigator app I was able to interview the Creator a few weeks ago if you like to nerd out with numbers and play around with potential trade routes I highly recommend you check it out the link to that video and the program are in the description now we don't know when neon was established or even which planet it's on but we do know it is part of the United Colonies made evident by this UC security guard here more on that later and that neon started as a fishing Outpost where the xenofresh corporation two things to note here first I would speculate most corporations don't have the funds or means to set up an entire Outpost all the way across the Galaxy unless they are either contracted heavily subsidized or even outright owned by the United Colonies why would the UC need to set up a fishing Outpost 25 light years away from their capital city where most of the Imports will be received looking at the planet jemisin there seems to be plenty of water the star map section tells us there are abundant levels of flora and fauna and even that we have a biological water source now this could mean that our water supply is filled with biological contaminants like bacteria but I don't think the original settlers would have chosen jemisin if they didn't already have a way of filtering and cleaning the water or consumption and use so the fact that the UC would set up the xenofresh Corp 25 lot years away makes me suspicious and I can't help but wonder if they are just scouring the Galaxy or any and all resources and plundering them to their hearts content with no consideration for the long-term repercussions of their actions the second piece of evidence that points towards imperialism is the pervasive amounts of security there seems to be throughout the settled systems as we noted earlier we see this guard patrolling neon's back alleys we also see several other armed guards in new Atlantis account five guards here in this scene and then four more right here keep in mind this is speculation but this just gives off a kind of military State Vibe like the UC is ready to squash any and all kinds of descent with an iron fist I mean let's go back to this scene and look over here on the left part of the frame the UC security officer has this child cornered along with some other disapproving authority figure this definitely seems heavy-handed here with these things in mind I want to know what you think is the United Colonies a dangerous force in the Galaxy that have served their purpose and need to finally fade off into the proverbial sunset or do you feel like they really are trying to stabilize and secure Humanity's future in the Galaxy using the necessary means to get the job done at all costs let me know in the comments and be sure to like this video And subscribe to the channel for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars the Freestar Collective simple Rebels pulling away from Authority like a child wanting Independence or revolutionaries standing up for the future of countless Generations at the expense of their own Comforts and securities much of their story is unknown but there are several breadcrumbs that lead us into very interesting observations about starfield's free star Collective why did the Freestar Collective forsake the ambition of expansion for the preservation of the human spirit and maybe a better question or the unintended consequences worth it welcome everyone to Starfield signal your place where everything's Starfield I am your host Luke and this is our second entry into our lore spec Series where we explore the known lore of Starfield and add a bit of speculation for flavor this video featuring The Freestar Collective is connected to the United Colonies video so I invite you to watch that one first if you haven't already done so you can click or tap the card at the top of the screen to go there now and a quick reminder to hit the like button as that helps other Starfield fans find this video and contribute towards our awesome community let's start again with what we know from official sources the Freestar Collective are a loose Confederation of three distinct SAR systems within our galaxy their Capital Aquila city was founded in 2167 just six years after new Atlantis was established which is now Capital to the United Colonies now we don't know exactly when the Freestar Collective declared their Confederation but we do know they engaged in what is known as The Colony Wars with the United Colonies in the year 2310 as of the Year 2330 it said the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies now enjoy an uneasy piece indicating some sort of formal resolution was made but the relational scars are still healing the Freestar Rangers are the specific group in these colonies who take on this peacekeeping role evidently protecting its citizens from Galactic threats in addition to Natural Predators which the Aquila City security wall AIDS in as well and this is about all we know for sure however as I mentioned earlier if you'll allow me a bit of speculation I think there are some really interesting Dynamics here if we read between the lines of what we know we just might uncover why the Freestar Collective risked everything to stand against the United Colonies to build out this argument I'm going to start with where we might guess the Freestar Collective systems are located in relation to the United Colonies from there we'll draw some reasonable assumptions as to what role these systems originally had with Buc and finally we'll speculate more about what brought these systems to take such a defiant stance against their founders and this is really the heart of what I want to get to but I do have an extra layer I want to explore that looks into what might have been an unintended consequence of the Rebellion which will lead us into our next video so be sure to stick around till the end for that a quick reminder to like And subscribe we also invite you to our Discord to join us on the Starfield Journey if you're loving the content and want to support the channel you can do that through our patreon or YouTube channel memberships check out all of those links in the description okay if you're still with us at this point then you've probably already seen this screenshot this is the Starfield lead game designer working on a United Colonies memo concerning the Crimson Fleet I think this is relevant here because of the phrasing this memo has in relation to the Freestar Collective it says this pirates of the Crimson Fleet have extended far beyond the crix system and have established footholds in the Sagan Cheyenne lunara and nerion systems both system defense and the Vanguard are committed to ridding United Colony space of these parasites this is clearly no longer just a Freestar Collective problem I feel like this gives us some hints as to where the Freestar Collective systems might be the last part of this memo excerpt says this is no longer a free star Collective problem indicating that at one time the United Colonies did in fact observe the fleet as only a Freestar Collective problem going back into the details of the memo it first mentions the fleet have extended far beyond the crix system and have established footholds in segan Cheyenne lunara and nerion I believe this may point to one of the Freestar Collective systems being the crix system and these other systems are all part of the United Colonies closest to the Freestar Collective where this threat seemed to originate I wanted to see if I could test this hypothesis in the Starfield Navigator program but unfortunately the only systems referenced here that are actually documented in the program are Cheyenne and narion the cricks Sagan and lunar systems aren't yet identified in any of the marketing we've seen still we could safely assume that these systems are somewhere in between the Freestar Collective and Alpha Centauri with this in mind we could speculate at least some of these systems were most likely established before Aquila City in 2167. this is important because it tells us the United Colonies have settled several systems and planets before it founded Aquila City therefore these systems were established with a firm role in mind to not only become self-sustainable but to support the continued expansion of the United Colonies now we dive in a little deeper to the speculation I'm going to postulate that Aquila City specifically was initially founded as a hunting Outpost the evidence I present for this is found in the Aquila City location inside video the lead designer says the people of Aquila City believe in the security of personal freedom and individuality he continues to note the walls of Aquila City protect them from deadly alien Predators the Asta which he says are a cross between a wolf and a velociraptor so bear with me as I connect these ideas to support my hunting Outpost Theory first you might argue that just because there are natural Predators here that doesn't mean Aquila city is a hunting Outpost and sure that's true it could have been established as a mining or farming Outpost or maybe with the intention of exporting some other natural resource however from the few glimpses we do get of Aquila City it doesn't seem to have a strong industrial presence you might assume a mining operation to have nor do we see any evidence of farming or greenhouses to take advantage of the Hydroponics technology we know they'll use in the Starfield universe what we do see is a frontier-like village with more of a military Vibe but not like we noted in the United Colonies in new Atlantis but more of this space Western fantasy kind of militia feel where everyone has their own protection I also believe their value of individual Freedom matches with the kind of persona a hunting Village Fosters people who grow up on the frontier in the mountains or in far removed regions of civilization often have a very rugged outlook on life they value individual freedom because they grew up learning how to take care of themselves they don't operate in a mindset of a Corporal system taking care of them because they've been forced by their environment to kind of figure it out for themselves now this doesn't mean they don't value Community it's just that their communities are always in close proximity and have grounded intangible ways in which they support each other which may be why the systems of the Freestar Collective consider themselves a confederation Loosely supporting and cooperating with each other while maintaining their own sovereignty so what could have brought these three different star systems to the point where they banded together to defy the will of the United Colonies as with most wars we might assume one of the big three reasons resources political power or ideology if we run with the theory that Aquila City started as a hunting Outpost let's connect that with resources imagine one of two scenarios playing out to finally bring the two sides to war first it could have been as simple as the United Colonies refusing to negotiate fair prices for these systems resources after all if the United Colonies invested in the development of these outposts and communities then they must have felt they could dictate the value of their work and exports through heavy-handed negotiations minimal pay overbearing tariffs and strong arm tactics the UC finally pushed the Freestar Collective system's past their Breaking Point or two the United Colonies might have been providing decent financial compensation and support for the systems but they're steadily increasing demand for a constantly diminishing Supply threaten the natural ecosystems of these outposts with nothing to keep the United Colonies expansion in check their ambition for growth was threatening the sustainability of these systems by draining them of their natural resources past the point of equilibrium this in turn would have threatened the very home these settlers would have built over the last 150 years giving them no choice but to either abandon their home or fight for it and so they did whatever the reason wherever the Tipping Point blood was spilled and though the colony Wars didn't seem to last long this next chapter in human history remained stained with its Legacy even now as we settle into this uneasy piece between the two factions the consequences will be felt for generations to come while the Lost lives and torn communities War always brings with it are scars enough there are other consequences faint sounds that the first few dominoes falling that will eventually lead to the ideal circumstances or what could be a much darker threat chaos [Music] Bethesda have nailed the character creation system in Starfield from what we've seen of the game and the new character creator Starfield seems to strike a sophisticated balance between old school hardcore RPG mechanics with modern and accessible leveling systems taking inspiration from the best parts of all of their games Bethesda developed their new character creator to be welcoming to newcomers to the genre but also deep enough for lifelong fans in this video we're going to revisit starfield's Character Creator and explore how they turned complex RPG systems into something remarkably simple welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield including character creation we're going to go back through the character Creations section of the gameplay reveal that came out last year and just go through and make some notes take some observations and I'm actually going to draw on the screen a little bit with this handy new tool that I have so I'm excited to start making some notes so it's going to be fun first off we see right here in the character creation this is probably very much what we're going to see when we actually get the game we have five different sections up here at the top biometric ID body face background and traits all of which have their own unique set of customization options for us starting out here with the biometric ID this looks to be just the place where we kind of get our starting point aesthetically or cosmetically and so we're starting with Personnel records these are going to be essentially our presets for what our character looks like this is really interesting because if you are not the kind of player to really dive in deep into character creation or at least the Cosmetic side of things then you can just pick a preset out of all of this and just kind of go so it looks like I'm going to play through this just a little bit it looks like we have up to maybe 15 different Personnel records to choose from just kind of based on on what they have here on this scroll see I'm going to stop right there at it says 13 and so I'm thinking that overall we probably have about you know from one right here all the way down to probably about 15 because right here is where 13 is so I'm thinking that we probably have about 15 different presets and remember this was last June so by now they could have 20 30 40 who knows but there I wouldn't be surprised if they did have a few extra in there that we have haven't seen before okay we're gonna keep going because that's pretty much it for this section moving on it's going to get into the body where we can customize our body type and as you can see here right here it lets us kind of use this fluid system to go between anywhere between muscular to heavy to thin and so it's not just these you know okay pick a body type one two three you can actually you know if you wanted someone who was pretty like ripped and muscular you know go somewhere kind of here in the middle if you wanted someone that was maybe a bit more like me and I am not too muscular and I'm definitely not then uh I might be somewhere kind of here in the middle uh so that's fun as well um and then of course we do have body types just to get started with and so again if you wanted to just get a starting point you could go there but you do have the ability to customize all throughout right there and one thing I think is cool they actually put in a walk Style this is this is neat just overall that we can really kind of dive into our role in our character and choose our own walking Style but I think this is telling because usually I I feel like Bethesda games have their third person perspective it's kind of like an added bonus not necessarily an afterthought but it's not something that they really tweak to make make sure it looks good and you know all the animations are great most of the time modders have to kind of do this um but since they have this walk style here I feel like that's telling that they are actually paying attention to this third person perspective and this experience that a lot of players are going to have in the game so that's fun uh and again just something I wanted to note and it also has skin tone as you can notice down there but once we get to the face section skin tone is going to come up again so I saved it for here so here we have skin tone head shapes hair hair color eyes I imagine as you keep going down this list of different things you can do to change your face there's gonna be options to change your chin options to change your nose your ears your forehead size all of that the typical things in a Bethesda game but for right now let's just kind of focus on what we have so again we have skin tone so pretty probably anywhere from a lighter to a darker here this is number three and this already looks like a pretty you know beautiful kind of olive skin so I have a feeling you're going to be able to go pretty dark to pretty fair I myself am very fair complected smell like fried chicken when I get out in the sun it's crazy all right head shapes I'm not exactly sure what typical head shapes are but looks like you have a few options here to choose from and then of course hair let's keep rolling through and we'll see a few different hair I actually just see one different hairstyle and then they go to the different hair colors but you go from a shorter hair to a longer hair at 19 and you know if that's 19 right there not even you're not even halfway yet the halfway mark and that's 19. we could probably expect anywhere from Maybe 40 to maybe even 50 if they've added some more and so that's fun too of course you have what typical female typical male and then kind of anything any fluid hairstyles in between that you wanted to make so that is exciting they have a lot of options for customization there and of course hair is often a way that we express ourselves so that's pretty cool um coming on down to hair color we do see that there are several different options as well so if you wanted to go from blonde to brunette to redhead you have those options and of course eyes it doesn't show us any of those options but we could imagine that there's some blue to green to Brown to maybe even different colored irises which would be really cool okay we're going to go on now to the background side of things this is where it gets really interesting and where we get into less of the character creation cosmetically speaking and more of the actual role-playing mechanics of the game and first thing I want to note here is actually on the right side of the screen we have all of these different backgrounds and again these are kind of pre-made and preset we could very well see added backgrounds once the game is released we might even see some of these taken out there already have been a few updates in the traits that we'll get to a little bit later but here I think we have 15 or 16 different backgrounds to choose from and the cool thing about these backgrounds is they all come with different combinations of starting skills these starting skills are going to reflect what this background means for your character for example here they have a combat medic if you wanted to role play as a combat medic you might assume one of the skills you have is the ability to you know pat yourself up to heal wounds faster or to maybe even heal your your companions faster as well and of course right here in the middle we see this medicine skill medpacks Hill 10 percent more and as we'll see again here in just a few moments each of these skills you can kind of dive into deeper and rank them up so I would imagine that this could go up to you know 12 15 20 maybe even 30 percent more and so if you or someone who like to dive into the heat of combat and then just heal yourself as you're going or feel yourself after after the battle that could be a good perk to choose but these are your starting skills for combat medic another thing I like about this and this is a bit more um abstract but I I was watching an H bomber Guy video I love love Harris over there he's great um and he talks a little bit about play conditioning and this is essentially where the game kind of teaches you how to play by the resources it gives you or the situations it puts you in and so I feel like this is a great way to condition the player right from the get-go in an RPG because if you want to kind of teach people hey you can really in this game you can do anything you want to do you can go anywhere you want to go be anything you want to be here are some great options it's kind of a starting point and I love it that they connect these starting points with these skills to kind of teach the player like hey these are just some suggestions for you know if you want to be an Explorer your skills might look different than what a a long hauler maybe someone who is a Trader and needs to be able to to you know fly bigger ships you need different skills for that and so it's a good way to kind of condition the player to teach the player a little bit about the RPG mechanics of the game without actually taking them through a tutorial so I thought that was pretty cool let's keep playing through the video and as you can see they're just going to go through a few of these and give you their starting skills I'll probably come back to all of these uh backgrounds and all the traits in a different video and dive in a little deeper into each specific one and maybe even talk about you know which ones seem to be the best starting skills which ones seem to be the best starting traits and then also make some other videos on the opposite side which ones should you know kind of seem like Ah that's a Fluff trait or you know that's a that's a weird background it's not going to help you going through the game apart from role playing of course but anyway we'll come to those videos later moving on and here we get to the traits I think these are really interesting because the traits do lend themselves to a role-playing type of of character and so as we see here if you select we have all of these over here on the right hand side just like the backgrounds and there's even a few more kind of at the bottom of this list and just a parenthetical thought these have been updated we saw in a constellation questions video with Todd Howard back in either October or November of last year 2022 I believe that's specifically starter home was changed to dream home and then unwanted hero was changed to Hero worship I believe there's still essentially the same thing um starter homes a little bit different but we don't get to see what unwanted hero is here but I think they're pretty much the same thing and who knows by June of this upcoming year September when it releases we may even see more added traits or they might tweak them a little bit so just something to note but as we go through here you'll notice as soon as they select introvert that automatically so introvert was selected here that automatically x'd out extrovert so some of these are exclusive and that would make sense right if you're an introvert typically you're not going to have extrovert characteristics as well of course you know we're all we're all different people and several people have both characteristics of those things but for the game they're gonna exclude that from your options now and the same thing happens with Rey's enlightened and raised Universal if we go down to I'm going to scroll through so here that trait gives you access to a discount at their at their store but as we go down to race Universal it says okay if you choose this one you lose access to the enlightened store so again those are going to be exclusive you won't be able to do both of those um but these again these are really interesting and uh I think there's some here that are really cool I like the starter home uh I'll probably come back and again again in another video and break down like which ones I think are the best starting traits and Todd Howard seemed to indicate that you would be able to change these I'm unsure if we'll be able to change the whole trait or just get rid of the a negative impact that it might have through through doing a uh through doing a mission in game but there does seem to be like there's a lot of options to build your character the way that you want to build them just a few notes about these um these cosmetic customizations here I think all of these are really great and they're they have a big variety right all the way from your gender to your hairstyle to your clothing all of these definitely have a unique feel to them which is really important in an RPG so you have just you know from this guy who looks like a free star Collective guy kind of a space cowboy kind of Dude to you know your security officer um you know that this kind of looks more like a more like a casual outfit you might wear into neon or something if you wanted to go clubbing um but again lots of variety and they all look very unique too it's not just like hey you're changing the color you're changing a little bit of the outfit all of them look very unique here we get in to the skills section which is probably the most interesting out of all of it to be honest I'll start here at the top uh we have again five different sections physical social combat Science and Tech and all of these as you'll notice their badges have unique shapes to them and so they'll be easier to to kind of figure out you know just at a glance which ones you're working with and they also seem to have some sort of I'm unsure if this is like a hierarchy these different colors or the different colors means something of course in each one you have you know maybe the blue part is a skill that isn't yet signed no you haven't put skill points into that one yet because here you know the reds are off bull then you have the blues and then you have the blues over here which I assume are empty and then you have the green or maybe that's like a yellow but I assume that means you have skill points in each of those in each of those badges or each of those skill trees so I'm gonna let this play through and this is what's interesting once they get into one of these skills I think they're going to go into ballistics here so once you get one of these skills you give it a skill point you can then accomplish challenges in each of these skills to rank that skill up as you see here um this ranks you up from strings you up from rank one which has 10 more damage rank two twenty percent rank three thirty percent and as you see here they're gonna spend this last skill point here and rank up to number four and that is going to increase their range by 30 percent and that was actually one question I had that I didn't notice at first um as you're ranking these up do you spin skill points just to get the skill and then your skill automatically ranks up as you accomplish these challenges but it does look like you will have to spend skill points to rank each of these levels but they only had to spend one skill point to get to rank four so it's not like okay as you get deeper into these skills you have to spend more and more skill points I like that I feel like that's going to help you not be so invested into one specific skill or one specific play type that you couldn't easily start kind of building Another Part Of Your Role or of your character and then I want to go back for just a moment to look at these challenges so for this one specifically their challenge was to kill 250 enemies specifically with a ballistic weapon and so that lets us know that you know as you use each of these skills whether it's for weapons or whether it's for research or whether it's you know socially uh connecting with companions or having dialogue these are going to be the ways that as you use these skills that's how you rank them up but I do like that you you have the freedom to put skill points anywhere you want to and then as you start to figure out okay how I'm actually going to use this that's when you kind of start to see okay this is where I should start investing and putting more skill points into so I really like this system I think it's really smart I think it's going to be really intuitive and I think it's one of the things that kind of makes this all these complex systems working together actually kind of simple and and fun so I think it's going to work here we see just a glimpse of the research and the crafting systems um as you see kind of over here on the left hand side now we have all of the different um subjects or categories where we can do some research from pharmacology which I assume is you know your healing it wouldn't be potions probably or you know you're healing flask or your bandages or your ability to to mix things together and maybe even make bombs that would be really cool uh food and drink probably has some healing capabilities as well Outpost development I know we're all excited for that your equipment um this one could have some depth to it I noticed that lots of people are saying how they think there will be lots of different environments in Starfield through all of the Thousand planets right and with that there could be some that have hotter temp you know hotter environments there could be some that have colder environments some that are you know have toxic gases and so your equipment might be the way that they kind of gamify you leveling up so that you can access those planets or access those environments you have to be able to craft a you know a heat resistant shield for your your spacesuit or you have to be able to you know craft some sort of a gas mask to integrate into your your tank so all of those I think have are going to have some really good depth to them once we see them in the Showcase and then at launch in September and then here we get into the Weaponry a little bit more we see all kinds of different things here from different muzzles different barrels different grips different um sites and I think this is a great way again just to add depth to the system especially when you're when you're dealing with weapons notice down here these are your required materials so so this won't be as simple as just finding a new blueprint you will have to find these required materials and maybe even fabricate some of your own sealant or some of your own materials to be able to make these mods and apply them to your weapons again if you've enjoyed kind of diving into this character creation with me I'll have some videos coming out that dive in a little bit more specifically and deeper into the backgrounds into the traits into the skills talking about which ones as far as the ones we know about and the ones we've seen here which ones will be the best ones to start with which ones would be the ones to probably avoid hopefully maybe which ones they might tweak and change before release there's a lot of variety here there's a lot of opportunity here but I think overall Bethesda have nailed this character creation system I'm really excited to get in and try my hand at it thanks so much for watching the video this is Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield I would love for you to subscribe and like the video thanks for watching this far for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars I know this has happened to you you get 10 hours into a game you're really excited for but you're struggling and you're not exactly sure why the game's really difficult it's just not clicking only come to find out that you've missed something you've missed an item or a talent or something in the game that would make your life a lot easier but once you find it everything clicks I think there's something like this in Starfield and you don't want to miss it welcome to starfield's Signal your place for everything Starfield and yes I know the game is still five months away but we do have 16 backgrounds and 19 different skills to keep us busy and entertained while we wait so we might as well look at those and these could help us avoid making the wrong decisions that might kill our first playthrough so let's dive into the Starfield backgrounds and see if we can figure out which ones are the best starting skills and at the end of the video I'm going to give you the one skill that I think is great for any class any playthrough and you don't want to miss that so stay tuned till the end of the video so like I said we have 16 different backgrounds to look at but even more than that if we look kind of down here at the bottom you notice this scroll wheel here and that tells me there's probably a few more backgrounds that we can't see on this menu and given the length of it you know this isn't really important but I would say there's maybe about three to four more that we haven't seen yet but for now let's look at the ones that we do see so let's break down the chef background first it says while the unrefined masses scarf down chunks by the shipload you catered to those with a more Discerning palette so maybe you're a bit uppity who knows in your kitchen countless alien species became a true culinary masterpieces so kind of an interesting one and I think even Todd Howard mentioned in an interview that this was his favorite background but he might have been trolling us a little bit I'm not sure but this does have some interesting starting skills each of these backgrounds have three starting skills we have Gastronomy dueling and wellness here let's look at all of these Gastronomy this may be you're thinking oh that's kind of a throwaway skill but it might be actually a good one to consider I'm going to give you my reasons why so the description says you can craft specialty food and drinks and research additional recipes at a research lab this could be as simple as you know crafting food and drink items for you to drink on your adventures and on your Journeys and these will simply recover health or recover stamina or you know give you hey this this recovers health over time or stamina over time or or any of your other stats that you have maybe it helps you your oxygen supply decrease less rapidly we don't know but that's kind of the basic of what food and drink items usually do in Bethesda games think of your cheese wheels and your uh and your sweet rolls and you know fun things like that or Gastronomy could be something more of like a crew or companion mechanic and hear me out on this so I've made some videos before I'm kind of stretching about you know some of the crew mechanics and the economy and what you can do to hire your crew at your Outpost and your ship this could be connected with that I'm going to stay with this Theory think about if you crafted food for your companions or your crew in your Outpost and maybe having this better quality food gave that Outpost a buff maybe instead of producing you know whatever you know 30 tons of iron you know every day or every week or whatever the time frame is maybe it Buffs them to where their production increases and now they can produce 20 more or 30 more that could be an interesting game mechanic based in the Gastronomy skill we'll see but that's my theory so continue moving forward we also have dueling pretty straightforward uh melee weapons do 10 more damage I don't believe that we've actually seen melee weapons used in any of the promotional material that Bethesda has put out yet correct me if I'm wrong in the comments and if I am let me know like a time stamp and which video to watch because I did a quick overview of all of them and I didn't see it but I didn't look really closely but let me know if I'm wrong there then lastly here under Chef we have wellness and this says you immediately gain 30 points this could be as simple as this gives you 30 extra points of HP in your total HP but there's a couple things I want to note here again my theories uh this little plus here it's like a little icon and this word immediately gain this phrase immediately gained I feel like if this was as simple as you get 30 extra Health points on your total health that it would be phrased differently this phrase immediately gained 30 points of extra health I feel like this is actually an active skill like an active buff that you could activate in the middle of combat and so if you're in the middle of combat you're in a firefight maybe you can't find cover or you have you know a bullet spongy enemy that got a few good hits on you and you need a quick heal well instead of eat you know eating or drinking something you can activate this buff and it immediately gives you 30 points of health and I think that's neat that some of these skills might be connected to active Buffs as opposed to only passive which we see a lot of them are so that was my theory okay and we're gonna move on to combat medic now that's the next one that we actually get to see this one has starting it's it says leave it to human beings to fight over something as infinite as outer space that's where you come in you've never been afraid to take on the enemy but you'd much rather take care of your friends nice little description there it has pistol certifications pistols do 10 more damage I know we have seen pistols used in the promotional material and a quick note here this is probably referring to all types of pistols so of course we have ballistic weapons and laser weapons and maybe even some other kinds of weapons but this pistols is kind of you know the type within that subtype or the subtype within that that group and so whatever you're doing whether you're using bullets or lasers or something else as long as it's a pistol this one will cover that 10 damage then we also have medicine Med packs heal for 10 more uh always good this is weight lifting increase total carrying capacity by 10 kilograms us four people over here in the states we don't have a clue what 10 kilograms is we only know pounds and so uh we may struggle there but for everyone else in the world you know exactly what that means but you know this makes sense and I like that they've I kind of referred to this in my other video but this makes sense for a combat medic right so if you're going into these backgrounds and you're wanting to to role play and actually kind of lean into your character uh not only you know the the skills that you have but the backgrounds and the stories that you kind of dream up for these characters this makes sense for them okay and we're going to keep going to look at Cyber Runner this one is really interesting uh it's the description says from neon to new Atlantis the mechacorp stand as monuments to power Prestige and profit you've worked both for and against them on the inside and out often sacrificing conscience for credits now same here pistols nothing new there but we do have a new tech skill and we're going to talk more about these shapes and the colors in in the in the skill trees later so we'll come back to that for security it says that you can attempt to hack Advanced locks and two Auto attempts will be banked so simple enough this means that there are different levels of locks that you can hack into probably with some mini game I'm unsure if that mini game we saw in the very first promotional gameplay reveal was like a lock picking mechanic or a hacking mechanic or if those are one in the same I'll have to go back and look at that but it's obvious that there are different levels of security whether it's lock picking or hacking or if those are both there are different levels to those probably basic or beginner and then Advanced and then you know Master whatever kind of labels they want to put on there so this lets you actually get to you know try to unlock these Advanced locks and then I thought this next phrase was interesting the two Auto attempts can be banked and so evidently with the within this skill tree it's going to give you a certain amount of auto unlock attempts well if you go ahead and do this mini game manually it says you can Bank up to two Auto attempts and so that I think that means that if you do it manually then you don't use your auto attempts two of those Auto attempts that you have start to build up and you can bank at least two of them and so as you grow this skill or you rank this up this could be you know increase to three four five six maybe uh we'll have to see but I think that's a really cool mechanic and it kind of incentivizes you to kind of lean into the mini game you know to actually try it out so that you can Bank these Auto attempts so maybe if you're in a rush or you have enemies around and you don't have time to to actually do the minigame then you can use these Auto attempts in those tense situations the next one we see is persuasion and this says you can gain an increased chance of success on speech challenges I think this one is going to be a really interesting one and also a really important one for probably any playthrough whether you want to lean into that role play or not just because of how much Bethesda has talked about the dialogue system that they've built in Starfield it's obvious that they've spent a lot of time on it they've written more dialogue for this game than any other game in their library and they've even kind of promoted or said how great they think they persuasion and dialogue system is in that it feels very natural and that you're not kind of like taken out of the game and into some other mini game that it feels like just a natural part of the conversation so for that reason I think that the persuasion system is going to be really interesting and really helpful so this may be one to watch out for and again we'll come back at the end of the video and talk about which skills would be best for your specific playthrough and then again that one skill that I think will be the best one overall for every playthrough let's keep moving the next one is cyberneticist the description reads robots mere toys neuro amps good for parlor tricks The Colony Wars may have made implants and upgrades available to Veterans but you once saw a greater future humans and machines as one this is an interesting description in and of itself for sure but it's even more interesting because it alludes to the fact that we may have cybernetic implants in the game I think this would be really cool if we were actually able to have cybernetic implants and it you know could add some Buffs or some some other skills or some skill sets as far as your weapons in the game and we haven't seen that confirmed yet but this skill definitely alludes to the that possibility again the three starting skills medicine Med packs heal you 10 more we've covered that robotics is a new one again this is in the tech tree and this says you deal 10 more damage to robots and turrets and lasers this is the first time we've seen this one as well and it says that lasers do 10 more damage so again this is kind of like the pistol one we saw earlier or the ballistic skill that we'll see here in just a minute but a good starting skill set for sure for the cyberneticist lastly we're going to get over here to Diplomat the description reads the wars are over peace now Reigns in the settled systems but only because there are those quietly fighting to keep it because of you agreements were signed words were heated lives were spared not a bad Accolade for sure the starting skills for this are all in the social skill tree they all have the same color and the same shape that's kind of what tells us that again we'll make some more observations about those here in a minute they are persuasion we just looked at that diplomacy you can force a Target NPC at or below your level to stop fighting for a while this one is interesting again kind of going back to the fact that they've put so much effort and energy and time and resources into the dialogue system I think this could be a really interesting there was a little promotional clip used in one of Todd Howard's interviews where it shows the persuasion system happening and the the NPC or the the enemy you're talking with says something to the effect of you would just give up the ship you're not just like it's part of the dial spending points to persuade them Elaine to give up the ship just like that and so this could have been a an example of diplomacy being used maybe you went into a room or you went into an arena or somewhere and the fighting just started people started firing at you you started firing back but you were able to use your diplomacy skill to stop the fighting for a bit so you could actually hash it out and this is a really cool RPG mechanic you know if you if you're you're um your desire is aligned you know if you're going into somewhere and these Pirates want this ship and you don't want the ship you actually want some artifact that's there you can catch a ride home you know why not why not save save a few lives again really cool role-playing game mechanic um hopefully we'll see a little bit more of that in the June showcase then lastly over here bargaining says you can buy items for five percent less and sell them for ten percent more this I think is always helpful just because think of you know Bethesda games you're gonna have at least a 10 to 12 maybe 15 hour play through through at minimum even if you beeline the the main story Quest and so over that amount of time buying things for five percent less selling things for ten percent more is going to add up quite a bit and then think if you do more of a completionist play through and you're in this playthrough for 60 70 maybe 80 hours doing all the side quests and all the content building all the outposts and the ships and all that this is really going to add up and not only considering like you know just selling weapons that you find off of enemies that you've put down but think about your your spaceship parts right so several of those that we've already seen I did a shipbuilding video a few weeks ago definitely check that out if you haven't already but you know some of those parts cost 15 17 20 000 credits maybe even more I can't remember off the top of my head but again if you're getting 10 more from all of those over the course of a 40 hour playthrough or 50 hour play through that's going to add up and that's going to really help you okay so that does it for as far as analyzing all of the backgrounds that we can actually see but just real quick we'll note uh we do have Beast Hunter bouncer uh Bounty Hunter before we got to Chef all of those seem like kind of combat heavy backgrounds uh for of course for the Beast Hunter and Bounty Hunter you're going to need probably some some Buffs in your Weaponry or your defenses for bouncer there could even be like some social aspects there we don't see but I could imagine diplomacy being a thing you know bouncers have to to kind of mitigate and and cool down situations also below here we have Explorer gangster Homesteader industrialist long hauler Pilgrim Professor Ronan and then as we mentioned before as we can see here on the scroll wheel there's probably three or four more backgrounds that they have in here and again this was last June so thinking about you know they've had about they by the time of launch they will have had maybe 15 months to work on it since then so I wouldn't be surprised if they had more backgrounds or if they've even combined some of these or tweaked them just a little bit but suffice it to say I feel like they're to they've got off to a great start um and just a couple notes Here I feel like the Homesteader that may be something to do with building outposts maybe that the the skills there it gives you the ability to you know claim more outposts or or build up more Outpost at one time maybe it gives you a discount on the the parts and materials you need to build those outposts as we've seen in The Outpost building mechanics I did a video on that as well go check that out you know each section that you build you have to have resources for that so maybe it decreases the amount of resources you have lots of different opportunities and then the pilgrim I thought was interesting that could be related to the the spiritual or the religious uh sects or groups in the game and so uh again some really interesting backgrounds here okay we're gonna keep moving to the skill tree now we'll go through all of this we'll come back to the traits in a different video we're going to focus on the skills now okay so here is where we start to see the skill trees so as I mentioned earlier there are five different skill trees in the game that we can see here physical social combat Science and Tech each of them have a corresponding color so social is kind of a yellow or or kind of a yellowish green color and then combat is red this is um this is physical over here so that's green so the physical has this kind of OB long hexagon and the social has more of a kind of a basic hexagon here and then combat over here has this kind of Dome shape and then let's keep going we'll see what science is and we don't get to see the tech One here but we did see that earlier I'll go back to that here in a second for science we do see that it's just kind of a basic oval and the color is blue let's go back to the tech tree we don't get to see it in the skill tree section but we do see it here with security come back here we go so security is a tech tree skill and we see it here that it has this shape man I am a great artist aren't I and the color is looks like kind of a deep blue or a purple so all of these have different corresponding colors and shapes making it really easy to like just at a glance see what kind of skills you're dealing with which ones you're leveling up uh which ones you kind of want to compare and contrast and have complement each other I think these are really great design choices and then there's another layer to this as well that I'll go ahead and note let's go back to the let's go back to the first one chef and look at the Gastronomy okay so notice here at the Gastronomy um skill badge has its shape has its color but notice the actual design and the artwork on it it seems what I'm just going to call somewhat basic just kind of hear a plate a platter something on there don't even want to guess what that is maybe some sort of delicacy like an eyeball of an alien or something like that now let me take you back to the skill tree so right here under the social skill tree this is not the exact same badge that we saw earlier right it's a different design it's a different artwork but I think this is the leveled up version or the ranked up version of what we saw earlier I think that once you start leveling these up the design on them gets a little bit more complex or gets you know it it shows in the design that you've upgraded this I think that's a really great design choice and to further back up this Theory we actually see a change under ballistics we'll go back to all of those other skills we passed through earlier but let's just look at ballistics real quick so as so you see that as they rank it up it changes from this to this and I think that is again just a really cool design Choice very smart to kind of give you that visual cue that you're you're ranking up you're getting better all right so when we first get into the skill tree we see the cursor hover over a few different icons over a few different badges we see Marksman we see particle beams we don't get a description for particle beans or Marksmanship I would have a feeling that Marksmanship has to do with either accuracy or range of all of your weapons uh because and I say that because there are some other skills that that kind of specify and Niche down for accuracy for for specific types of weapons um particle beams I'm not sure exactly what that could be it may be a heavy weapon version of lasers it may be a light weapon version of lasers it may be something completely different if you have a theory on what that is let us know down in the comments because I'm really curious about it and I couldn't find anything on Reddit or online or on Discord but let us know we'll finally get to targeting and we see here that targeting the description says it unlocks the greatly increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming this is kind of what I was alluding to earlier this is already Rank 2 out of four and the challenge progress is you have to kill 125 enemies without aiming simple enough we were talking about this in our Discord Channel which parenthetically if you would like to join our Discord Channel I'm going to include a an invite Link in the description head over there check that out we would love for you to join our Discord we have a really positive and excited community and it's a lot of fun we talk about fun things nerdy things like this so we'd love to have you all right back to this we were talking about you know of course if you choose this targeting skill you you spin a skill point in it and it you know upgrades to rank one and then you have to you know you have a challenge progress first these challenge progresses seem like they're going to stair step and so to you know of course you spin your skill tree just get it there and then you're already at rank one two rank it up from rank 1 to Rank 2 you probably have to maybe for this specific one you have to kill maybe 50 or 75 enemies without aiming and then to rank it up from two to three you have to kill 125 enemies to rank it up from three to four you have to kill 250 or 300 or whatever amount of enemies so it's gonna stair step so you don't have to grind out a huge amount of kills or a huge amount of of whatever you know the skill has you do to to progress every single one it's going to get a little bit harder and a little bit longer every single time but then the other question we we were kind of asking is okay so let's say I don't have targeting chosen it's it's blank I haven't spent a skill in there yet but just naturally going throughout the game and going throughout the playthrough I I'm completing you know what this challenge progress would be do those passively count towards those rank progressions or do you have to wait until you've actually chosen this skill to kind of activate the the counter if you will for for these rank progressions I think there could be some some arguments made on either side of of that you know whether it's good or bad it's going to make it really grindy if you get you know to kind of the middle of your playthrough and you've kind of built out you know your your main skills and then you want to start adding on some secondary skills it could make it feel a little grindy if you have to already go and start killing or start you know doing all these challenge progresses that you've actually already completed but at the same time you know if you if it does passively count towards your rank progression that could make it a bit too easy to kind of rank everything up at once you know once you once you get the skill points so I'll be curious to see what they do with that mechanic specifically but here's some good questions we were asking in Discord and sniper certification says it it the unlock says it's scoped weapons are steadier and have less sway which is always good if you're using a scoped weapon um and we don't get a sense of the ranks there but I would imagine it would be similar to the other weapon related skills in combat that you have to have certain amount of certain amount of kills to rank those up let's keep moving forward real rapid reloading here this one's already ranked three out of four as we can see we have to reload 150 magazine attempts to uh to get through this Challenge and the perk that it gives you or the unlock says it get you gain a chance to reload your weapon twice as fast as normal this is really cool I would even love it if they had some kind of little mini game in here kind of like Gears of War does where it's an act of reloading so if you if you hit the reload button twice in a certain amount of time or within a certain time frame then that helps you reload it quicker or if you don't and you miss it then that that penalizes you somehow I always think that helps just kind of engage the player I really like that mechanic let's keep moving forward we also see Heavy weapon certification this unlock says you gained 30 damage resistance while aiming down sights with a heavy weapon and you have to kill 250 enemies with a heavy weapon so again pretty basic let's keep moving we also see demolitions again very similar the explosions do 30 more damage to rank it up you have to kill a certain amount of of enemies with uh explosives and then finally we get to ballistics which we looked at a little bit earlier then this says ballistic weapons range is increased by 30 it also gives you a damage in the previous ranks as we'll see here see rank one ballistic weapons do 10 more damage and then rank 220 rank 330 and then Rank 4 it kind of switches over to range as opposed to more damage so I like that there's a little bit of a Twist right there on on the last rank available to to you know fully complete this one and again as we've already seen they do spin the skill point to rank this up and so that's important to note as as you spin your skill points you spin skill points to actually get that skill and to activate it but then as you rank it up look here they have one skill point and then as they move forward and rank it they have spent their skill point there I really like the skill upgrading ranking mechanics I think it's really smart and I'm excited for it okay now after we've broken down the backgrounds and the skill trees I want to take what we know so far and give you kind of what I think would be helpful in in making your first playthrough and picking which skills that you would like and so if you want to play with survivability in mind maybe your your combat heavy player and you just want to be able to kind of barge into a room start taking people down and worry about asking questions and strategizing later after everybody's on the floor so with survivability in mind from the skills we've seen here I think Wellness would be a great one because that's going to give you that that active buff that we think that you can get 30 extra points so again if you're in the middle of a firefight you can activate that get a quick boost also medicine might be good as well use your healing your healing packs your medicine packs and then in addition to that some sort of weapon skill whether it's ballistics that kind of covers okay all of your ballistic weapons whether you use epistle rifle or or a shotgun or if it's lasers or if you know you want to specialize in maybe sniper weapons or something like that those would all be really great for a survivability play through something more combat heavy now the next one is what I'm just going to call Adventure slash questing so this is the kind of playthrough where you just want to kind of experience as much of the game as you can you're going to do the side quests you're going to do the the quest to get different weapons and different items in different spacesuits and you want to you know explore all around everywhere I think that weightlifting would be would be a really good skill to have that's going to increase your carrying capacity as we all know through RPG games it is one of the most frustrating things to be in a dungeon or to be in you know you're playing through and you're getting a lot of good loot and then you find the one thing you've been wanting and it's going to upgrade your weapon or it's going to upgrade you know a skill or a perk and then you go to pick it up and it says oh you're over encumbered or you can't add it to your pack because you have too much in there that is so frustrating so to have a little bit of extra space and capacity uh within your your you know starting playthrough that would be very helpful in addition to weight lifting I think also security would be good just thinking like you don't want to have to stop you don't want to have to um you know wait or go around or or do something else you just want to go ahead and hack through a door or hack through a system or you know maybe there's some special loot again in in a box or in a chest you can go ahead and unlock that and you don't have to worry about coming back later you can just keep kind of going through your adventure then the third one for adventure slash question uh would just be bargaining I think bargaining is a really strong skill because you're out of all the stuff you're going to be collecting and all the loot and all the gear you're going to be able to sell that for more and if you do happen to need to buy something you get a little bit of a discount off the top so all of those things add up to make for I think a really good start to a playthrough where you just want to focus on the adventure exploring going through all the quests all of that the third playthrough that I think would would have some good starting skills is maybe a story driven playthrough or a role play driven playthrough and so you're just focused on you know you're focused on the characters you're focused on your character and the stories and and developing you know kind of seeing what all this world has to offer I think persuasion is going to be a really good one again kind of thinking about that dialogue system and how much Bethesda has put into it persuasion is going to be really interesting and again you're going to be able to get more story out of all the characters if you're able to kind of entice them into giving you more information or making them do what you want them to do bargaining again more money less less spending on on what you have to spend always good and then I think security would be a good one for that as well even if you're not really playing as as a rogue or or whatever I think security is gonna again just open up more doors for you to experience more of the story there could be a whole um you know there could be a whole side quest locked behind some you know hidden door some hidden lab in an outpost somewhere so if you don't want to miss that security would be a good one to invest in and so with all that said what is the the best starting skill that I would recommend for any playthrough well you might have already picked up on it by this point but I really think bargaining is the strongest skill for you know for General playthroughs because this is going again over time this is going to help you spend less money keep more in your wallet or keep more in your bank and it's going to help you get more money as well as you start selling ship parts or you know developing trade routes through your Outpost system I think bargaining is a really strong skill that will help you from the beginning of the game all the way to the end of the game so it's hard to argue with that let me know what you think in the comments uh am I way off in these suggestions what would you pick as your first starting skill regardless of your playthrough let me know in the comments below we have a video coming up that will be focused on the traits section of this game place so if you don't want to miss that hit the Subscribe in the notification Bell and if you want to see more about the shipbuilding mechanics and you missed that video you can check that out right here but for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars [Music] Bethesda wants Starfield to be hardcore a hardcore RPG it wanted to have Arc hardcore RPG I don't want to say hardcore anymore okay it wants it to have deeper RPG mechanics there we go a Hallmark of any great RPG is a balancing between risk and reward and this is where starfield's traits come into play I think the trade system in Starfield is going to give us a preview into what Bethesda wants to do implementing these deeper RPG systems and they were a little tricky about this but through splicing a few different videos together I've uncovered all of the traits except for one and I'll tell you what I think this secret last trait is at the end of the you know what screw it it's Zeal it I think it's Zeal it okay just watch the rest of the video and I'll explain so here we are in the trade section of the original gameplay video and just want to go ahead and note off the top uh see right here on the right hand side these are all of our traits and uh starts out with alien ends up at unwanted hero and if you look down here again there's this scroll wheel thing here and there's just a little bit of space down here where it's telling us there's something else below this list that we can't see yet I think there's one more trait there and like I said I think it is Zeal it because if we look it is alphabetized it's listed in alphabetical order a through U and once we get through there there may be something else that begins with you but also y w x z and out of all of those letters I think that zealit I'm writing all over the corner Zeal it is a good guess and possibly the last trait that we see because we see in some other promotional material uh the game designer talking about the uh zealits of house varoon so I think that could be our last trait so like I said this is the first look we actually got at the trace but we got a second look too in the constellation questions video that came out on October 13th of last year not as many people saw that one but it did uncover a few more of these trades force and give us their descriptions give us an idea of what we can expect from them and it also changed a few things as well but before we get to that uh the ones that changed were as far as like they changed their name I don't think they changed their description or the design factor of them but they did change their name and those were unwanted hero and where's the other one here oh a starter home so those became starter home became dream home and then unwanted hero became hero worshiped we'll take a look at these descriptions here in just a moment but I wanted to go ahead and note that as a change so I actually want to stay here on this constellation questions video because it has more information for us the only one we don't see here that we did see in the original one is Serpent's Embrace and I'll come back to that description later once we get down the line to it so let's just go down the line here alien DNA I've seen a lot of people in our Discord and in our comments section say that this sounds like a really cool uh trait to have and the description says you volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA as a result you start with a higher Health pool and greater endurance but healing items aren't as effective and so all of these traits have a positive and they have a negative what I was talking about at the beginning of the video with risk and reward so I think these are some of these deeper RPG mechanics that we haven't seen for a while in Bethesda games but I'm glad they're coming back to it and they do seem like they're going to implement these in a modern way and if you like these like for example if you like the idea of having a higher Health pool and a greater endurance but you don't like the fact that your healing items aren't as effective well what else have we seen in the creation mechanics right we saw back in the skills uh the uh the medicine skill that actually increases your ability your your healing abilities and so if healing is really important to you in health and you're going to be kind of this you know survivability character that just goes in guns blazing doesn't care to take a little damage then this alien DNA paired with that medicine skill may be just the right fit for you so again a lot of great combinations here to work with the next one we have is dream home and this says you own a luxurious customizable house on a peaceful Planet unfortunately it comes with a 50 000 credit mortgage with gal bank that has to be paid weekly again this was an update from starter home which originally said you live on a peaceful Moon with a 50 000 credit mortgage with gal Bank it didn't say in that original description that had to be paid back weekly though I know a lot of people are excited about this one just because it it kind of leads you into that other system of outpost building right and maybe you can build or customize your dream home and other people thought you know what's the actual perk of having a house does this increase your storage limit does this uh give you a place to come back and heal and maybe get some sort of uh some sort of rested bonus as you go out and Adventure like a lot of RPGs do where if you're rested you get more experience from your questing or from your adventuring or maybe if you're arrested you get you're able to haggle better or some of your skills are increased there's a lot of different mechanics they could explore with this so that's exciting the next one we have is empath you are deeply connected to the feelings of others performing actions your companions like will result in a temporary increase in combat Effectiveness but performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect I know a lot of people have said they're excited for the companion side of the of the game and kind of leading your spot and being the leader of a group and your crew and you're out from your Outpost to your spaceship to the people who quest with you and so this could be a really interesting mechanic to play around with as you're building your team so to speak the next one is extrovert you are a good person exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions but more when adventuring alone cannot be combined with introvert as we see in in the other gameplay section if we choose introvert then we can't choose extrovert and vice versa next we have a free star Collective settler you gain access to special Freestar Collective dialogue options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction but crime bounty but crime Bounty towards other factions is greatly increased it cannot be combined with any other faction Allegiance traits so this would directly conflict with United Colonies native and neon Street rat which we'll get into those here in just a moment next hero worship you've earned the attention of an annoying adoring fan who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly on the plus side it'll give you gifts so you know not a bad deal to have somebody who might be just a little annoying but maybe they bring you something that you can use on your next Quest or something you can use as a part for your ship or get a discount or something this one will be really interesting to see what people actually get because I bet a lot of people are gonna steer clear of this one because of what bethesda's done with this mechanic in the past um he's this guy this annoying fan this adorian fan is certainly annoying um let's move on introvert is our next trait you really need your alone time you have more endurance when adventuring alone but less when adventuring with other human companions again this is just kind of a risk and reward what is going to be most important to you how are you going to play your character is it going to be better to play alone you can go faster alone but maybe you can go farther together with extrovert we will see depends on your play style and again a very curious trait that a lot of people are are interested in kids stuff your parents are alive and well and you can visit them at their home but 10 of all the money you earn is deducted automatically and sent to them so if you want to play like an economy driven build and want to kind of dive into the shipbuilding and an outpost building and setting up trade routes that we can hopefully do and if you've watched my economy video on the channel um definitely do that it's very exciting you know I'm excited for the potential economy side of this game and so do you really want 10 of your income to be going to your parent parents again it raises that question of what's the benefit of a home if it gives you some rested mechanics and maybe that offsets these you know the 10 income that you know it might be worth it it might be a cool mechanic we'll just have to wait and see neon Street rat is our next trait and our next Allegiance trait specifically but it says you grew up on the Mean Streets of neon you gain access to special dialogue options better rewards from submissions on neon crime Bounty though by other factions is greatly increased and this again this cannot be combined with any other faction Allegiance uh this see so neon Street rat um what was the other one free star Collective and then we'll get to it United Colonies and maybe maybe the one that I think is down here this mystery one Zealot of house Varun that could be an allegiance trait as well so we'll have to wait and see now we get to our first uh religious trade there are religions and spirituality in the world of Starfield and it looks like a really interesting way to kind of go about building this world building the cultures building some of the themes that they're going to explore so I'm excited to dive into these myself but the first one here is raised enlightened and it says you grew up as a member of the Enlightenment you gain access to special chests full of items in the house of the enlightened in new Atlantis but lose access to the sanctum Universal chest the way this reads it may be just a straight up you know one big loot that you can get as opposed to like having a discount at a store or something like that which I believe the next one says this oh is that different chest full of items let me oh okay interesting okay so full disclosure actually just learned this as I was making the video because I was reading it and I said huh chest full of items that I don't remember it being that I thought it was a store discount so this is what you're looking at now raised Enlighten this is from the original gameplay in June of 2022 and it does say you grew up as a member of the enlightened you gain a significant discount at the organization store but lose access to the sanctum Universal store now let's go to the updated one that was in the Todd Howard constellation questions video that came out in October of 2022 and it says you grew up as a member of the Enlightenment you gain access to a special chest full of items in the house of the enlightened in new Atlantis so they've updated this one too and I literally just discovered this as as I'm making this video so this is kind of fun maybe we're learning this together I'm glad you're here um but that's a lot different than just simple access to you know a discount at the store and and you wouldn't be able to access the other store so this tells me this could just be like one big big you know one big loot box if this is just one big loot box that you can get I'm gonna put just like a dollar sign here because that's money if it is if you can get access at the beginning of the game to some really great gear to some great guns some great modifiers some great suits or armor then this may be a great this may be a great trait to to try out uh that to me is a lot better than just a discount at a store I don't know about you and and the same is true for raised Enlighten again this is the new version from October of 2022 and again they they could have updated this since then but it says the same thing that you get ass access that you gain special access to a special chest full of items in the sanctum Universal in new Atlantis and again going back to the original one it says you gain a significant discount at the church store so different than a discount access to loot is what it sounds like unless they're going to like drip feed this to you you know okay when you start out or maybe as you increase your rank in the church or in that that Community maybe you get further or deeper access into these loot chests I don't know but I'm really curious now this is all I'm thinking about for the rest of the video sorry so now let's actually go back to the original gameplay reveal that came out in June to get a look at a few more traits okay here we have Serpent's Embrace and it says you grew up worshiping the Great Serpent grab jumping provides a temporary boost to health and endurance but health and endurance are also lowered if you don't continue jumping regularly like an addiction that is very interesting and so again as you have you may have a trait like this the Serpent's Embrace that gives you a boost to health endurance that is the reward it also has a risk because if you don't keep jumping doing using your grab jump regularly then it's actually going to lower your health and endurance I think this is really interesting it doesn't give any kind of definition on what regularly is it's possible that just like we saw raised enlightened and raised Universal have a little bit of an update to their description uh in the description that we would have seen in the constellation questions if they would have kept going this may have been updated to be a bit more specific um because you know if you're building your character and you're choosing your traits then I would think you would want to know what this is okay is this you know do I have to jump once a week do I have to jump once a month do I have to you know what what is this you know because you if you like questing and you're maybe a completionist then you don't want to keep jumping from planet to planet or system to system just to keep your health up or just to keep your endurance up just to keep that buff you're going to want to kind of play out all of those quests on that planet or within that system and not have to be jumping around kind of outside of an organic flow um so I would want to know what regularly means here uh to pull the trigger on that but it certainly is an interesting trait okay next we have a spaced and that says your body has become acclimated to space health and endurance are increased when in space but decreased when on the surface this can't be combined with Terra Firma Terra Firma which of course is another skill right here and I'll come back to that but this gives us a hint as to what Terra Firma is but back to space this again is interesting because it's it's giving you risk reward risk reward right it's giving you more Health more endurance if you're completing some sort of task or if uh you're you're com you know checking off something on the list but whenever you're not in space and you're on the planet for maybe a longer period of time running out those quests or or running your your Outpost or whatever do you want to have that hit against your stats and not have to be bothered with going back up into space just to just to get this buff and then this goes on to look at starter home and I believe this is the last one we see here in this specific trailer and of course as we've already noted starter home is the same thing as dream home that we just saw in the in the most updated footage from the constellation questions so I'm pretty sure that is it yep that is the last one uh for this one so we have actually seen alien DNA empath extrovert Freestar Collective introvert kid stuff and neon Street rat raised in light and raise Universal serpents Embrace space we did see starter home as dream home and we also saw unwanted hero as hero worshiped in in that the first trailer we looked at that was actually the most updated one so the only ones we haven't seen they're specific descriptions are Taskmaster Terra Firma and United Colonies native now I think we can make some pretty safe assumptions as to what a few of these are let's visit that so United Colonies is is going to be an allegiance trade right so let's go back up to where we saw Freestar Collective and neon Street rat let's just revisit those real quick so neon Street rat here we see this is where you grew up on the Mean Streets of neon yada yada uh it can't be combined with any other faction Allegiance trait and so we know that the rewards are that you gain special access to to dialogue options plus better rewards for some missions on neon not all of them but maybe the ones that are specific to that Allegiance or or that faction and the risk that goes along with that reward is that your crime Bounty by other factions is greatly increased we can see a very similar description if we go back up to Freestar Collective settler here we go so in Freestar Collective settler we see again a very similar thing you gain access to special uh Freestar Collective dialogue options same thing we saw earlier and better awards from some missions given by the faction so very similar and then the risk again is pretty much the same thing crime Bounty towards other factions is greatly increased and we see the same warning here or the same exclusion that it can't be combined with any other faction Allegiance trait so I think we could safely make a logical jump that the United Colonies native is going could read like you gain access to special United Colonies dialog options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction on in new Atlantis or on jemisin something like that but crime bounded towards other factions such as the Freestar Collective or uh neon um the reugen Industries or or the Crimson Fleet any of that stuff is going to be greatly increased so I think we can safely make an assumption there the other one that we can make a good assumption is spaced so going back into spaced we see that that is kind of the the opposite side of the coin if you will to Terra Firma and the benefits of that are that your health and endurance are increased when in space again I think we can safely assume that Terra Firma would be that your health and endurance are increased when uh on the surface I think that's how it would read um or you know your body has become acclimated to the surface health and endurance are increased when on the surface or something to that effect not in space essentially I know we've seen Todd Howard talk about before where uh out in space is going to be one reality of the game and then on the surface of the planet is going to be another reality so again those are two kind of sides opposite sides of the same coin I think that's how that won't that one will read and then we see Taskmaster we don't really see anything else in this list that we could say for sure okay this is kind of like task master but opposite or this is in a grouping like Taskmaster but judging from the name alone we might could say it could be similar to empath let's go back to empath for a moment you are deeply connected to the feelings of others performing actions your companions likes will result in temporary increase in combat Effectiveness but performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect um and so this is a stretch okay this isn't a logical jump at all but if Taskmaster was associated with this kind of trait it might read something to the effect of you are deeply committed to your work and like getting the job done and so maybe your relationship status takes a ding or it builds slower over time with your companions or with your crew but their effectiveness their overall effectiveness is increased and so kind of the reward is that you your overall effectiveness your overall efficiency is increased efficiency let's see efficiency goes up but relationships go down so that's kind of your risk reward there if that's true I think that's you know that's a good guess I don't think it's a safe assumption at all and so now we get to the the very last one that we don't even see the one down here that's below the scroll wheel and like I said earlier this one again if we're following the logic here A through U all in alphabetical order this trait name would have to start with u v w x y or Z just because of alphabetical order right pretty pretty safe logic there that's why I think that you know it could be something else United Colonies um it could be Varun you know the house of Varun something varunian something like that that's an option as well I think the one that makes the most sense to me out of all the ones that I could think of um were something to do with z and I think that Zeal it is my guess that's my guess uh so I want to hear what your guesses are as well I think this is wide open I I mean this is I guess only that it makes sense because of the alphabet because of letters how how letters work that's the only reason this makes sense and that it connects to uh the religious zealots as as the the game designer has said before the religious zealots of house Varun so those are the two things I'm going off of there let me know what you think in the comments because uh there's probably a lot of different options out there that I'm not even thinking of I would love to hear what you all think and tell me why I'm wrong please okay so my final thoughts here have to do with something that Todd said in this interview where he said you know all the all the traits have a risk and reward right they have a good thing and they have a bad thing going back to that idea that they're wanting to design this game to where you don't get 5 or 10 or 15 hours in and decide all of a sudden I don't like this character I want to re-roll or or I want to start up again and try a new character now there are lots of players that want to do that but there's also a lot of players that don't like that going back to the start and starting all over and kind of wasting all that time and having to do it all over again there are lots of players who don't like that so they're trying to solve that problem in a creative way and I really applaud them for that I mean I don't know if it's gonna work I haven't played the game yet um I know a lot of you guys think I'm a show but I haven't played the game yet um and so I think this is a really creative way and I applaud them for for trying to creatively solve that problem for a lot of people so if someone gets 15 hours or 5 or 10 hours whatever into the game and they're like you know what this isn't clicking I thought I was going to light combat this is a little too stiff it's a little too vanilla for me I want to play something that's a bit more um you know a bit a bit more exciting they can there they should be able to do that through the systems that they're describing in this game and through the traits Tada says specifically that there is an in-game way whether it's like a little mini game or a quest or some way that you can that you can remove the effects of this trait and he did say specifically let me find the quote you have a quest or something that removes the entire trait for the rest of your playthrough and so it's not just that you can find something to remove the negative effect of this trait so you couldn't for instance um get a trait that only you know that you got extroverts and introverts you couldn't get both of those together or you couldn't get your um you know your hero worship and get the gifts without the guy being annoying right so you're always going to get those risk and reward the good and the bad together but he did say that if the bad is just too much for you or the good isn't good enough and you want to try something else that there is a way to remove the entire trait for the rest of the playthrough now with that in mind kind of the follow-up question is okay well if you can remove something for the rest of the playthrough do you just not have any traits at that point if you remove all your traits or we might again safely assume that well if you can remove all of your traits surely you could also gain as many of the traits as you wanted to within you know a certain number here at the start they have three that you can have on you and you may be able to add more on as the game progresses and as you level up your character so that makes sense to me that if you can get rid of certain traits through a quest or through a mini game or through some way in game to solve that problem then you could also solve the problem of gaining new traits through the in-game solution as well so that's what I'm thinking let me know if you guys think I don't know you know what they they usually don't do that or here's what here's what I think they do let me know in the comments because I think these are really interesting traits in and of themselves I think it's a really interesting system I'm so excited to see how they Implement all of these things together in the game especially in the creation uh the character creation side of things so let me know what you think in the comments I would love if you liked the video and if you're not subscribed yet and you've been watching for a while I invite you to subscribe uh we have a great positive encouraging Channel and we would love for you to be a part of it I want to give a big thank you to all of our patrons and YouTube channel members who make a lot of this content possible I'm able to do some really cool things in behind the scenes of the channel that are kind of working right now that wouldn't be possible without their help and support and encouragement so thank all of you you can see some of them on your screen right now if you would like to support the channel as well get your name in the credits then uh hop on over to one of the links in the description and it'll show you how to do that for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars [Music] Starfield is full of mystery the promotional gameplay and trailers we've seen so far have piqued the imagination and wonder of millions of fans across the world in one of the anchors of starfield's mysteries are these Rings countless fans have shared different theories about the Ring's purpose and function but even the best of these have some big problems I think we are all wrong about starfield's Rings let me explain thank you welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield this is the hard truth about starfield's Rings the best theories proven wrong let's start with the best theory first scouring the internet to find as many theories as I could the one that made the most sense and seemed to have a common majority in favor of it was that these rings and structures they're held in act as beacons and function as fast travel points without getting too bogged down into the details Gamers cite the apparent manipulation of light and gravity around the Rings to make the case that these Rings will somehow enable you to travel to one location from another light years away this is where some opinions deviate some think activating the Rings allows you to actually travel from one set of rings to another and though it's a bit nuanced the major opposing opinion claim these Rings actually create a portal in space and time and simply teleport you to another set of rings without actually traveling the distance in between I honestly think this is the best theory but because it does fit well with the common game mechanic of fast traveling and it holds true to the scientifically based and realistic themes established for the Starfield Universe however the theory breaks down pretty quickly once you start to add pieces to the puzzle the biggest problems for this Theory are found in three separate observations first faster than light travel already exists in the Starfield Universe more on this in just a second number two we're only seen interacting with the rings outside of our ship and number three we're told starfield's story is firmly established within our own Milky Way galaxy now to save some time I'm going to expand on points two and three in a pinned comment so be sure to check the comments and engage with our community on those points for now let's expand upon point number one that faster than light travel already exists in the Starfield Universe from the first teaser trailer we saw of Starfield back in 2018 we've seen evidence of faster than light travel in some fashion in the gameplay reveal trailer we saw Crimson Fleet ships exit light speed to engage with our player character we also have other evidence that supports faster than light travel existing long before our Journey Begins let's take a quick look at the map through the Starfield Navigator program real quick if you don't know what this is essentially it's an interactive map of the known Starfield star systems that was programmed using data from the original reveal trailer I had the opportunity to interview its creator and while it might not be precisely 100 accurate I definitely trust it in regards to general information with that in mind we can examine the distances between a few key star systems that we know will have major story elements in the game Seoul Alpha Centauri and vol 2. I'm going to throw a few numbers at you just to make my case but if you're not a numbers person and that sounds boring skip to the timestamp shown on the video First Alpha Centauri is home to jemisin and more specifically new Atlantis which was founded in 2161. Alpha Centauri is about 4.3 light years away from Seoul where our journey would have begun the fastest known man-made object is the Parker space probe which is topped out at around 364 000 miles per hour even if we could design a ship to travel at consistent speed of 500 000 miles per hour it would still take 89 000 years to reach the star system if that enough to suspect that faster than light travel already exists in Starfield consider it Vol 2. the system that's home to the pleasure City Neon this is 25 light years away from Alpha Centauri and not only has Humanity figured out a way to develop this thriving City far from its capital but it's a tourist attraction where people visit with ease and regularity okay if you skip the numbers in are just now rejoining us welcome back suffice it to say knowing the distance between certain star systems gives us every reason to believe that faster than light travel exists and is widely used in the Starfield universe for this reason I don't think Bethesda would tie such a seemingly important narrative plot device like the Rings to some kind of redundant game mechanic like fast travel whatever is happening with these Rings is a mystery both to us and the characters in the game the second category of theories concerning the Rings involves time manipulation again people talk about the light and gravitational anomalies associated with the Rings as evidence for some sort of time warping mechanism while this is extremely interesting and we've seen it used before in games like Majora's Mask Quantum break and more recently the outer Wilds time manipulation is an extremely tricky game mechanic to get right and tends to make more narrative problems than what it's worth to solve even still some Gamers have said they think the sequence at the end of the launch announcement cinematic represents the creation of the universe others think will be tasked with manipulating time to try and save the Earth before it succumbs to whatever LED Humanity to leave from what we've seen of the game nothing else indicates any kind of time manipulating mechanic everything seems to be focused on exploration and finding what's out there something as complicated as time manipulation would have been revealed as a main driver of the narrative and we simply haven't seen any evidence the third theory is even less popular and mostly seems to be based on wishful thinking this again identifies the Rings and structures as beacons but instead of providing travel they instead are used as signals now while I would like nothing better than for the game to feature legitimate Starfield signals to help my search exposure go through the roof I don't think that is the case but a few Gamers have theorized that once all of these signals are activated they will summon an alien species potentially a forerunner of humanity to return to our galaxy again I think this is mainly just people wanting some variety in alien races to engage with throughout the game we've seen no real evidence to support this Theory there's one last theory that still doesn't have much evidence to support it but I actually think it's the most interesting out of all we've mentioned in this video and this is a hard sell for joining our Discord because I'm going to post this theory in our forums Channel you can use the link at the top of the description to join our Discord and see this last theory that I think is the most interesting stay tuned if you want to see some outtakes and BTS footage thank you so much to the patrons and YouTube channel members you see scrolling on your screen right now I'll see you over on Discord for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars Starfield just received its official rating here in North America from the ESRB and this video is actually going to bypass what everyone else is talking about so stick with me and we're going to dig a Little Deeper because I want to uncover this overlooked detail that I think reveals some insight into the research and design of starfield's concept development welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield including news to absolutely no one's surprise Starfield was rated M for Mature by the ESRB now tons of other YouTubers and gaming sites are already covering this news and of course most of them are leading with the details about the bedroom talk like moths to a flame I've seen about 20 of these videos pretty much just reading the summary statement from the ESRB and then making some sort of Sensational statement about you know the sex talk well if you're not familiar with our Channel we like to dig a little deeper and go past the service so let's get started I want to start with this quote from the ratings summary the game contains some suggestive material in the dialogue and after sharing the bed with characters EG life is a sexually transmitted disease that's a hundred percent it's this is a crazy line I can rarely get through it without laughing it says life is a sexually transmitted disease that is a hundred percent fatal okay that is just an insane line of dialogue and I was thinking man I I want to meet the person who wrote this and just shake their hand and tell them hey I had a good laugh but then I thought about it some more and I thought you know this actually sounds familiar so I minored in philosophy in my undergraduate studies and I was thinking this actually sounds like something I read in a book or heard one of my professors say and sure enough after a little bit of research I found out that this is actually a quote from RD Ling so Rd Ling was a Scottish psychiatrist who focused on way way a second pause pause I know a lot of times when I go into my nerdy deep Dives I say okay if you don't want to listen to this you know here's the time stamp and you can go past it but I want you to stick with me for this one it's not going to take long and it's actually important to the case I'm going to build moving forward so stick with me okay it's going to be worth it Rd Ling was a Scottish psychiatrist who focused on mental illness specifically in the area of psychosis remember that and we'll come back to it just just a moment he was also said to be heavily influenced by existential philosophy while not exactly displaying the ideal example of a mentally and emotionally healthy individual Lang did make waves in the discipline of mental illness with some even claiming that he had made major contributions to the anti-sychiatry movement okay back to Starfield like I said earlier that didn't take long so this quote life is a sexually transmitted disease that is 100 fatal it's just a wild thing to say okay just a wild thing to say and honestly the ESRB kind of screwed this up and took it out of context but I'll I'll come back to that later too now this could be just like a one-off crazy random line that one of the writers came across and thought you know that would be fun for one of our voice actors to say or it could be indicative that the writers were already studying Artie Ling's work as research for the concepts and ideas that support starfield's main themes and tone and this is the overlooked detail that I mentioned earlier this presumed influence of Ling's work might provide some hints into what we can expect from Starfield laying worked as a psychiatrist specializing in mental illnesses that affected people's perception of reality like psychosis we already know for a fact that Starfield will contain the drug Aurora which has psychotropic properties and this definitely falls into Ling's area of expertise which is why it's so interesting to see some of his influence in the dialogue as well now does this make mean that all of Starfield is going to be some big asset trip at the end of the game and it's going to pull the rug out from you and none of it was real and all of it was in your head and you were never in space to begin with and you were just oh God that would suck no no that's that's not what I think is going to happen but we have also heard that Starfield will be asking the big questions in the video into the Starfield the Journey Begins Todd Howard says Starfield is about hope our shared humanity and searching for the answers to Life's biggest mystery I feel like this is fertile ground to explore the concepts of reality existence a shared but distinct human experience from one soul to the next I think this could be very much aligned with ideas from Psychiatry and philosophy and not only feature Concepts from Ling but potentially others in these fields as well going back to what I mentioned earlier I think the ESRB kind of screwed up on this two things first they completely misunderstood the quote which second LED them to writing it in a way which made people get the context wrong first I think the ESRB reviewer understood this quote to be referring to actual sex and sexually transmitted diseases as opposed to a poetic albeit crass allusion to existence and our shared fate as a species in death second because of this they wrote the review as if this line was said after your special moment in the bedroom which again is probably not the best Pillow Talk of course I don't know for certain but this sounds much more like a line your robot companion Vasco would say in a cut scene or Express as you're exploring the Galaxy now for my last point I want to reveal something that might seem a bit contradictory to my other points so far but Rd Ling is actually not the first person to say this quote while that quote specifically and the way it's worded is most closely associated with Ling the idea and the general sentiment has been around since the 1600s not only that but several other people have similar quotes attributed to them so now you might think well Luke this kind of blows your theory right I mean if they didn't take the quote from Lang then his ideas and philosophies are kind of meaningless in the context of this discussion well not exactly because every other person attributed with this sentiment had similar musings about Humanity's plight from philosophers psychiatrists poets and authors all of these individuals were quite preoccupied with exploring the purpose of our existence our perception of reality and the eventual fate of all people this is strong evidence that Starfield will ask some big questions and that we'll have the pleasure of finding some of the answers if you're excited about Starfield hit that like button for me subscribe if you want more thoughtful content check out our new merch store through the link in the description you all are awesome thank you so much for watching for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars Starfield is a massive game with several known star systems already discovered and colonies settled throughout the Galaxy it's clear that exploration at one time was a huge priority for Humanity but we're told that our main faction in the game Constellation Are the last group of Space Explorers what could have happened to completely halt all but one of these exploration groups here are three amazing theories why Constellation Are the last explorers in Starfield foreign welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield consider subscribing to and enabling notifications for the channel and hey maybe even join our Discord too that's where we go in and dive in even deeper down the Starfield rabbit hole and we would absolutely love for you to join us if you're a fan of the channel go ahead and stay tuned till the end of the video I have some announcements and updates specifically for the big June showcase for the Starfield Direct on June 11th you don't want to miss that now on to Constellation Starfield is a massive game where you get to explore different star systems across our galaxy of course with a game of this size there are tons of mysteries to uncover and deep lore to dig through one of these Mysteries is why constellation is said to be the last group of Space Explorers Todd Howard gave us this line at the beginning of the reveal showcase last June after some initial encounters you're invited to join constellation coup in the future of the game is set in are the last group of Space Explorers this is such a great line to evoke mystery and paint a dramatic backdrop for the World building of Starfield and because I love a good mystery I set out to explore different threads and forums throughout the internet to bring you what I think are three of the best and most plausible theories as to why Constellation Are the last group of Space Explorers so let's get started with the easiest and most straightforward and we'll work our way up to the most complex number one all of the other explorers just quit as you could imagine one of the looming threats of transitioning a species across the Galaxy to other star systems would be the conservation of existing resources and the discovery of new ones dedicated exploration groups would play a vital role in securing resources for Humanity as they settled new colonies across different star systems as new colonies became more and more stable and trade routes more secure and dependable exploration would gradually fade from a priority to secondary as a sort of future-proofing backup plan as more and more of our area of the Galaxy was explored secured and colonized Explorations certainly saw the repercussions of the laws of diminishing returns with less and less need for exploration and less and less Capital invested into the industry these exploration groups saw the writing on the wall and attempted to Pivot their organizations to more lucrative Industries like security Mining and trading only constellation continued their exploration efforts due to their curiosity and conviction that there was more out there than just energy or food there were answers to Humanity's deepest questions number two exploration became more risky and more dangerous if we assume a similar starting point is Theory one there would have been an inflection point in the viability of space exploration although this Theory isn't as concerned with resources as it is with risks you see Humanity stabilized their immediate future with several successful colonies and dependable resources but there was still a felt need to keep exploring and keep growing although by this point space travel had still not reached the threshold of safety much like we enjoy now with modern flight Todd Howard has even expressed in interviews how they designed space travel to be dangerous much like flight in the 40s people still did it there was just a lot more risk and a lot more that could go wrong in that time with this in mind the everyday technological and mechanical risk involved in constantly exploring or taking a toll on most of the dedicated groups of explorers many exhibitions would set out never to be heard from again Brave captains brilliant scientists and entire Crews were lost to nothing more consequential than a loose gasket and again thinking about the loss of diminishing returns here as more and more space was uncovered and less and less important discoveries were made those in charge had to make tough decisions to risk the lives of their crew and capital of their investors for seemingly dwindling odds of an appropriate reward and not only did the technological and mechanical issues pose serious threats but by this point several violent sects had risen out of maligned and disenchanted subgroups of the original explorers the Crimson Pirates mercenaries zealots of house baroon all had different motives but still they targeted exploration vessels due to their relative lack of defenses and abundant resources carried in their transports all of these issues posed major problems to the explorers and when weighing the pros and cons of all the scenarios it just wasn't worth the risk to continue now constellation on the other hand their convictions to explore were for the good of all mankind their belief that there was still something out there worth finding worth fighting for that's what made them push through these problems but they didn't push through out of dumb bravery or wishful thinking they doubled down on the quality of their ships and Pilots invested more into security and recovery and even established certain political relationships that help provide Aid when traveling far away from home this might even explain how constellation were able to secure some of prime real estate in new Atlantis for their headquarters these were all warranted concessions and precautions for finding the answers to Humanity's biggest need to find what's out there and unravel the secrets of the Galaxy number three coming up in just a second but a quick reminder to click or tap that like button this goes a long way to helping other Starfield fans find our videos and connect with our Channel save your friends from the huge clickbait channels and help them find better content thank you so much number three something mysterious is blocking further exploration this is the most interesting out of all three theories and it has the potential to connect to some of the other Mysteries we've seen in the promotional material as well there could be an unseen and mysterious barrier to their current warp technology preventing explorers from traveling past a certain point in the settled systems this could be due to a blockage of warp paths think of warp paths acting as faster than light Highway safe routes but for some reason there seems to be a bridge out along the path or the barrier could be something more mysterious akin to Old Legends of the Bermuda Triangle if you're not familiar with this Legend it's simply an area between Miami Bermuda and Puerto Rico where several planes and ships have gone missing Without a Trace over the past Century even historical documents as far back as Christopher Columbus's exploration logs note strange occurrences in and around this area this mystery could even be connected with the mysterious structures and Rings we've seen in the gameplay trailers and explored on this channel before maybe unlocking these structures and activating the Rings reveals a path that is now hidden which of course leads to even more questions what was hiding it and why was it designed to keep us constrained within a certain area of the Galaxy or even more troubling was it designed to keep something else out this begs the question then with such a significant Force opposing further exploration why do constellation continue to press forward well just as they too were about to give up one of their explorers found something one of the artifacts and whether it was the Visions they saw or just a renewed sense of hope and wonder from making a novel Discovery they strengthened their resolve and focused their efforts on tracking down more artifacts as they believe these are the keys to unlock in this mystery we have a lot of amazing content coming up for you all original artwork custom merchandise and a huge after party following the Starfield showcase on June 11th we'll be streaming the full showcase right here on the channel we actually have a page up and live right now so you can go to that link in the description go ahead and set a notification so you won't miss that we'll also stream the after party here on YouTube as well but if you want the chance to earn giveaways and get access to some cool perks and discounts you'll definitely want to join us on Discord again you can follow the link in the description stay tuned after the credits for some outtakes big thanks to all of the patrons and YouTube channel members who helped make this channel the best and fastest growing dedicated Starfield Channel there are honestly a lot of cool perks involved in supporting the channel so if you're curious check out those Links at the top of the description and see if there's a good fit for you our producer level is honestly filling up a lot faster than I thought so I'm probably going to cap this off soon these people have been a huge help in actually shaping the channel from overall strategy content suggestions and critical feedback if you want to be a part of our Inner Circle and making this Starfield Journey come to life then you could be a great addition to our producer team for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars [Music] wow thank you so much for watching this Starfield signal Supercut Vol 2 uh if you're still watching at this point that means you love Starfield it means you're a supporter of the channel or it means that you fell asleep and now I'm speaking to your subconscious either way thank you so much I am really humbled by all of the support and I'm really proud of this community that we're building for passionate Starfield fans a huge thanks to all of our supporters on patreon and our channel members if you're interested in finding out more ways to support the channel you can go to starfieldsignal or go to our YouTube homepage starfieldsignal and just hit that join button and you can see the different ways to support us there I cannot wait to hang out with all of you guys for the Starfield showcase and on the June 11th event please join us for that we would absolutely love to have you we're going to have a lot of fun and I'm excited to give away some cool prizes too at our after party you all are legends thank you so much for watching for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars [Music]
Channel: Starfield Signal
Views: 55,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield Signal, Starfield, Starfield News, Starfield rumors, Starfield leaks, Starfield release date, Starfield Gameplay, Starfield weapons, Starfield Space Suits, Starfield Outposts, Starfield Crafting, Starfield Character Creation, Starfield Lore, Starfield Quests, Starfield Spaceships, Starfield Ship Building, Starfield Traits, Starfield Skills, Starfield Backgrounds, Starfield Economy, Starfield Research, Starfield Planets, Starfield Factions, Starfield Crew
Id: P5oA5n0wYb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 5sec (9305 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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