The Spiritual Authority of a Believer | Steven Francis

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we have been studying about supernatural authority because the lord showed us that it is very deceiving in a certain sense because you can go through your life with so many needs and you are fighting through all of that financial need and healing and different demonic issues and so on and so forth you can come to a certain sense of victory until you got nothing to fight for because you're walking in a level which nothing touches you jesus said those things and i quoted that scripture to you satan has no claim on me yet he fought you see the paradox i want to say this statement so that we will understand even though you have won every challenge that came through your life we still have a responsibility to fight for the people we love to pray for those who are standing in faith for to pray for others because they don't know how to pray as much as you know they may not know the strategies to have faith but you do and so we are praying for that in jesus name amen it was a powerful revelation to me in this conference and the lord showed me when jesus you see matthew's heart was touched jesus called matthew the tax collector he was collecting texts right he was not holy in the room and praying when jesus called him i was surprised that i set those lines and the lord showed me jesus called him when he was committing a crime charging people wrongly he was convicted later and so while in the midst of sin while in the midst of doing something wrong the name of jesus is so powerful he can still reach out to you amen it is a love that we cannot understand because we keep telling our children and our people that we reach out to you got to stop sinning before you can hear jesus you can stop sinning before you can be blessed you can be you should stop sinning before jesus reaches out to you but this scripture is just a proof how did god touch paul he just committed a murder and god calls him talk about samson man every other day he was committing some issues and some challenges delilah is not just the first woman you know it's just one of the women's but she was the one who tricked him and because her name was reflected david and bathsheba but shiva is not the only woman there were many many hundreds of them but the way he got this lady her name was reflected do you get what i'm saying in the midst of that god has this power to touch people does that gives us a license to sin no he doesn't but i'm telling sharing with you when we are praying for others the power of god is able to penetrate through any walls and somebody say amen even there are bars of iron the bible says in the book of isaiah god will cut off the bars of iron even in the book of psalms and he will penetrate through to touch us that's how strong the love of our lord jesus is amen we are studying on the supernatural authority it's a very common subject it's a very basic subject every church or book has been written about it everybody got to say something about it but i think time to time we have to remind ourselves of our authority that we have in christ jesus right so i want to quote you 2nd corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14. the book of 2nd corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14. now i wrote about this uh scripture a lot more in my book called the fragrance but i just want to quote something about this where paul declared thanks be to god they cannot read thanks be to god who in christ jesus you're not thankful at all thanks be to god do you realize that everybody reacts to jesus words very differently depending on their situation so why i said that to you is let's say god has set you free from everything you have no financial need you have no physical challenge your family is all good all holy everything everybody is good then why are we praising god what is that to praise god for how are you to press on and pray what are you pressing on forward for that is spiritual energy and the muscles are not used and we become spiritually lazy i mean someone else is giving a praise thanksgiving you say well i've been there done that yeah it's your turn you see it can become very callous very easily and that is why the bible says pray for one another intercede for one another because if not we as you grow older you'll become very cold because you think well i don't have to fight anymore it's not my problem anymore and you're enjoying the fruit of your labor when the other person and then compassion dies inside are you with me if jesus even now the book of hebrews says he has not stopped praying for us he's praying for so much of tears pain and cries and so we pray that we will also have the same burden from jesus here the bible says thanks be to god who in christ always say the word always but that's not happening in my life that doesn't matter now you want to stick to what the bible says because god's word never lies amen god's word never lies the only thing that lies is our situation our situation and circumstances are not the same it changes differently and accordingly in some of us we are always open to so many suggestions by people and then you get into unnecessary problem and you wonder why the bible says do not stand with the ungodly walk in their counsel or sit with them don't stand don't walk don't sing it doesn't say don't be a friend but don't walk in their council are you with me there must be a balance of what the council is all about and to see whether it's right council or wrong council i've seen a lot of friends even in churches the only difference is they're coming to church that's the only difference they come to church on sunday but 99.99 of all their friends are the ungodly and they walk in the councils of the ungodly and have never seen any fruit of victory ever in their life and i'm talking about people that i know who have i've i've seen their growth for more than 35 years and i've never seen victory in their lives because all that they do is to walk in the council of the ungodly because the bible says it so it cannot be a lie thanks be to god who always leads you in triumph and the word leads you to see the challenge if there is no leading there is no victory somebody say amen that means in order for me to experience the victory with jesus has in store for my life i must allow him to lead me and the expression which paul paul had in his mind when he wrote the scripture it's not just an ordinary oh thanks god i i want it no now if you come to exit 5 in king's mountain it was such a quiet exit now it is so busy hundreds of cars are all parked by the casino is open now hundreds of cars are packed hoping that they will win some money out of the slot machines hoping when they win ah some people will cry they will be so happy and they will not go back they will play more paul when he writes that he lets you in triumph man this is the roman procession where the arena will be full of people where the emperor will be there and this guy will be given a read and that's how the olympic story yeah that's how the olympics started i may not mean anything to us much but for an olympian he does the moment they get the creed the entire life is paid for and that is why they fight for the challenge you will have a special status in the roman community special status are buying and so people die for that they push forward to get it and win paul said you know when god does the victory in your life it is almost equal to that level he leads you in triumph amen that is a goal we must press forward to and i must press forward because when you are growing up there will be a lot of personal issues you know and god is helping you to cover one by one one by one and then oh god now i got nothing much to find now now i'm fighting for the body of christ i'm praying for my brothers and sisters that they must experience the same victory and if i don't pray for them i'll become coal if i'm not building the house of god if i'm not engaging the enemy and i'm not pushing it forward for victory we will become coal and the moment the saint becomes coal the army is defenseless are you with me and so the question that we want to ask you how can you become cold what does it take to make you cold a million dollars the devil will pay for it some people will not become easily cold because they are still hot they are praying god we need this million dollar house and pray and pray and pray okay and the devil says all right this is what you're praying for right i'll buy it will it be quiet and some people do become quiet because it is not towards the kingdom it's towards personal possessions are you with me now you see if your value is jesus there is no value on earth or in hell can buy you that therefore keep your value in jesus don't pursue god because of prosperity prosperity follows you you don't run need to run after it you don't even need to tell god you already know i need a 10 bedroom house can if you want to go every room and clean it every day if you don't want to don't ask be happy amen or what to do with the excess cash bless someone don't die with it you know that right you know that or you don't know i tell you a very interesting story i went to pray you know we have we planted a church in malaysia at the next door country uh after singapore so every month i will go there for a week to do ministry and and then of course we had a church and we had leadership team and some people will accumulate all the appointments when i come back once a month when i go there to serve communion i'll be there for a week it will be full of appointments hospital visitations i'll be going everywhere and doing everything i see the the the the government hospitals called the general hospital the conditions are very bad so when you go there the patients will be there the cats will be here the cockroaches will be going there you see visit everybody at the same time fellas will be watching me online internationally and so they may agree or they may be having bombarding things but this is uh uh this is the truth right so i want to pray for someone and they had the oxygen tank okay it looked dirty the paint all was falling away and i prayed and then while i was praying someone saw me that i was praying i was in the hospital they said pastor would you mind praying for a cousin of mine that was in the a ward the higher class ward but before you uh go there just wait a minute because the nurse is going to give them oxygen he couldn't breathe properly and i was praying for this person also had an oxygen and i saw the oxygen why is it dirty now look at the serial number and all that kind of stuff i was just doing you know after half an hour i went up to the a ward and i went there to pray the same oxygen tank which was in the lower class was there same serial number i was very surprised how come the same thing i thought rich people will get an expensive oxygen so see poor people get the same air which people get the same air no difference in breathing the air but we only pay more expensive for the bid we sleep the doctors will ask you a lot more how are you than the normal what i remember when i was in the hospital for some surgery the doctor said if i come and see you that's 500 i said don't call don't see me man just call me it's good enough don't simply come and show your face and i have to pay for that there's no reason i don't have to see you but that's part of the job i'm just mucking around but you know what i'm trying to tell you jesus says i have given you victory my brothers and sisters i want to pray in the name of jesus don't believe anything else don't believe what your mind is but please believe what jesus said whatever he says he never lies thanks be to god do you have a moment in your life do you remember reading the scripture almost every day i've done it every day because you're going through struggles of life and you want to see god bring you through victory you want to see god lead me forward i have to declare thanks be to god who in christ always leads me to a point is not just leading it is learning how to make right decisions that victory will be part of your life not all the time messing it up and god leads you and he's teaching you how to get things done that victory will be part and puzzle of your life in christ somebody say amen and so we want to learn that how can we as a church the decisions we make one of the warnings that we had this year when we were praying i hope you guys remember the lord said paid attention to the trickery of the enemy trickery of the enemy so i have a sad news to share with you that happened last tuesday before i left on wednesday morning to um to garrisburg so remember i have a rowdy dog mind thinking rooster which i'm very proud of i always talk to you about that isn't it yeah man my neighbor's dog jumped on it and its hate is gone my house looks very defenseless now anybody who comes to the house the rooster will stand in the front hit high if you can pass that rooster then you are good many of our church members has received the seal of approval from the rooster they have been scratched many times in our church it given you a seal now you can come to the property now i've been thinking a lot man this rooster has been such a rowdy but how come the neighbor's dog could jump and kill it just like that and of course we set a trap to catch the dog but that's the another point they wanna there's another point me and michael and so we were digging and uh bj said you fellas are behaving like a redneck [Music] come on we gotta capture the dog right because nine of my chickens are dead rooster is the top top of the game that's gone now i'm not upset with my neighbor we we're just good for him i'm not gonna get upset over a chicken don't worry about that it's just seven dollars out there in the market it's not a problem at all the salvation in our testimony is more important than a chicken do you understand what i'm saying that's not the point but i like to illustrate in every simple way and i enjoy saying it that way the mind of the rooster is very different i've tried to think into the little chicken brains how does this rooster think and i'm observing how the hands now behave and i told james when he called you know rooster is gone hands are very quiet i thought he will feel pity you know what he said they are mourning over the loss of their husband oh goodness what's wrong with you man and they are totally quiet i didn't allow them to go free range because then they will nobody will be there to call them back so funny as it is sometimes we become like that when we don't pay attention to the voice of our king telling us when to withdraw when to fight thinking that we know what to do standing in the place at the wrong time tricked by the enemy and someone jumped on you again and the whole process starts back and some people they are so loving and they are so kind they don't know how to say no to some fellows who will come and ask you money or sign guaranto especially your close family members when they come you say oh if i say no and then you just fail the scripture where it says do not sign guarantor for someone you don't know it's in the book of proverbs and because you did it you start paying for it and you become responsible do you understand what i'm saying the bible has wisdom in everything and victory is part of that and as a church we must be wise i think in the recent times many times people have said people just come over and show up and say well you are a church can you give me 100 i say for what because we need money okay i'll give you a hundred dollars if you can work three hours in the yard huh why must i give you free money for you are serious about the money then come and do some gardening work for you i'll give you that money i get some work to do for you bro but don't give me my christian compassion story and try to get free money from me okay fair enough it is so easy but someone have to work hard for eight hours a day you just drive by i'm lost church you are church right give me free money yes but it's not jesus my king bank of america victory starts with our mind that's the line that i want to give you know what muhammad ali said you know who's muhammad ali okay he's not a terrorist sooner or later people will think because people in this country man every time you quote a muslim's name they think it's a terrorist i think that's a very very wrong understanding not every muslim is a terrorist could you are you understanding and some people are very loving and very kind very polite and they have a lot of civic mindedness you know but because of some of these guys who are doing what they're doing america has branded everybody the moment you have a beard you are stopped already under suspicion i've been stopped many times in australia come come come so one time i do you want to shave or what are you calling me muhammad haley said whether you win the game or you lose the game happens in the locker room before you step into the arena it's in this line there are many books called the mind of a athlete the mind of champions from a psychological perspective how the mind of a champion thinks before the game begins i've read the book i want to know how they think so that we can alter our mind and frame it up with victory till god manifested his power somebody say amen training the mind is more difficult than training your body because then you realize when you are in the gym your mind is the one that is controlling the body it's not the body telling the mind the mind is the one that will tell you either give up or give in or don't give up and keep pushing forward so if you can train the mind the body will become a slave are you following are you following is it a boring subject have agreed on it is so important it is important victory starts in the mind romans chapter 8 verse 1 says there is now look at romans chapter 8 verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation are you ready for those who are what for those who are now you cannot freely quote this scripture it is not for everybody if you are not in christ jesus then condemnation will come every time you step out of the blood of christ condemnation comes in by default and so all that he got to do he said lord forgive me cleanse me bring me back into in christ and the condemnation is taken forth now when i was 16 years old i fasted and prayed wept and cried and i cannot tell you how long every saturday was fasting day every holiday was a fasting day every public holiday was a fasting day school holiday was a fasting day anyone who invites me for a birthday is a fasting day christmas my birthday is all a fasting day because it was my foundational years of seeking the mind of christ and breaking through now i'm not bringing that attention oh this 16 year old was doing that no no no it is something about god that i cannot explain how he just drew me inside so one of the things i cried and prayed god teach me the signs of how your word works so instead of saying let's pray i want to teach them how to instead of saying god will give you the victory i want to teach them how to instead of saying we all can see the lord or hear his voice i want to teach them how to hear the voice i said oh if you will teach me i will faithfully teach others and that is how god started teaching me one by one not only to experience in my life but to teach these truths to others that they will experience the victory amen there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus do you need to be physically condemned to feel this do you need to be in a prison condemned to feel this recently a an article appeared from a lady who was a slave i mean who was raped by her family members 400 times and i was very amazed how she counted that it can be true you know but 400 times and yet she wrote he has been forgiven he has forgiven those people today she is crusading remember i told you that jesus spoke to him called matthew while he was committing and crying in john chapter 8 there was another situation where the pharisees and the series caught a woman in the act of adultery and broadened record to jesus and jesus was able to speak to her and forgive her it was not after it was not before it was during the act jesus has the power to intervene somebody say amen so the bible says that is therefore no condemnation you have to declare those scriptures in the midst of the wave of attacks of contamination it takes time for the mind to get renewed when you're out of that condemnation but regardless you keep on saying and speaking god's word because you are reframing your mind for victory somebody say the word victory hey no no no that's your way cannot follow my way victory ah yes that's the right way okay so you will not pass it by that quick victory is absolutely critical for some of us isn't it but it should be for all of us because jesus did it for us if you don't break this cycle of victory then forever you'll be in a cycle of poverty for some a poverty of second-hand goods all the way you'll never have an experience of what it is to buy brand new nothing wrong in buying second hand nothing wrong in buying brand new as long as you're not living in your credit cards it is your money you earn it you have the right to do it fair enough if you don't break out of the cycle you'll always be think that god is picking keeping me down all the time i came up from this and then you don't know who to blame blame your father blame your grandmother bring your lineage you know they brought me down in a drug environment so i'm a drug it will never get out of your system because the enemy will find a million reasons to keep you and your children and your generation under slavery are you with me jesus said that is therefore now no condemnation if you are in christ jesus and then verse 2 says i want you to follow with me so we will look at some scriptures and then we'll pray for the law of the spirit of life look at that whenever we are operating under spiritual laws of god there is a law it's called the law of the spirit it's not that's the natural law the spiritual law the law of the spirit of life has set you what free in christ jesus from the law of sin and death see victory starts in your mind we got to know what we be all came to church like that you know we all have sinned yes brother that's all true but don't remain that way all the way but we all trouble people yes god brought troubled people to set you free out of troubles but don't start troubling others we could have come up with a broken life don't remain broken he has transferred you and changed you that means something about you is changing every few years god is changing and making you a better person somebody say amen so it is impossible if you are in christ jesus the same problem is happening every year after year and nothing is taking place and i want to know what is our homework you see my brothers and sisters if we are not set free we cannot set others free if you have never been blessed you won't be able to bless others if you never have tasted the peace of god you won't be able to give peace to someone else i tell you if there was an ever a selfish prayer i ever prayed in my life which is i'm very conscious of i don't pray selfish prayer i never ask god give me first i never say that but when i was pastoring i had 30 people a tamil people ministry and ministry among the tamil people is like working among the south america where people are financially they cannot they are going through challenges of life and every single thing is a problem the family will be problem the father mother the husband wife all kinds of problem it will be a church filled with 2 000 problems even though you may have 20 people so pastors who do those kind of ministries they are very experienced they learn a lot more things they know how to fuss and pray because they help them through all these challenges the depth of the experience is greater than the length of the ministry so god placed me in those kind of a situation similar to philippines indonesia and uh whichever area we come from where domestically we are being challenged and many times the the people are much more better off than the pastor the pastor has followed god and the people are working so one day i saw these scriptures that god will bless you but i brought this matter before god how can i preach with confidence and faith now i was about probably 23 years old or something how can i preach with confidence and faith if you don't bless me first how can i preach that isn't that funny in malaysia a pastor friend of mine when i used to go and help with a lot of militia pastors he doesn't have a car he used to ride a bicycle he'll come to service but he will pray blessings for every other church member who has a car so one day i got so uptight and so angry i was in this church and he had an old car someone gave him a hulk after that he asked me to follow him to preach in his missions outreach church after the sunday service in the morning i preached he has six children six children plus husband wife is ada plus me sardine in a small sedan car and he drove us without air condition for six hours well i was praying in tongues all the way the boys were sleeping the children all all are boys except for one girl all were sleeping they're all little little children sleeping husband and wife were talking because they are praying for the next session i need to go and preach so i was praying in tongues all the way and it's a long drive man stopped and i said pastor can you stop i want to buy you know some drinks or snacks for the children no it's a long drive no no my children don't drink or eat i say why they have been trained to think like a missionary i said why are you doing that man he said we don't have money i can't just buy for so they are trained that way you know so the story finishes we come and i came back to the church the church has 500 members driving fancy full cars and i stood up to speak and i said listen have you ever thought what type of car your pastor drives have you ever thought that you need to bless him because he's doing the work of god and in malaysia cars are relatively cheap like like us i'm not talking about singapore you know that's i already told you about the price of that the price of a house here is the price of a car there okay and i said this is what i'm going to do i've been preaching amongst you for three days this church will definitely give me a love offering an honorary so this is what i'm going to do whatever that you're going to give me i wrote that in a paper and i said i'm going to put that as my seed offering for this pastor believing that he'll have a brand new car and i want to challenge you today that if you would join me and plan a seat so that he can do his mission work safe for the children and that day and then i realized they gave me two thousand dollars and i plan a seat and that day we took an offering of fifteen hundred dollars fifteen hundred correct fifteen hundred no no fifteen thousand fifteen thousand fifteen thousand dollars and we bought him somebody say amen you see i was selfishly praying in that little church when i was pastoring bless me first so that i can preach your word with confidence that was my ever once and for all selfish prayer that i prayed for that month because i want to see god's word works you talk about the spirit of life if this life doesn't set me free how am i going to preach life to others if your word is not working then i cannot preach until it does work teach me your god the bible says number one there is therefore no condemnation it may not be important to you but to some who are going through depression and condemnation and some who have killed themselves because they can't set them free for them to read those first line there is no condemnation is good enough for them somebody say amen because people can't sleep they're on pills all the time they can't forget they can't overcome and he go to a shrink they keep you in pills all the time that's all they want because it is just money making just one round and round and round and round and round in our singapore church when there are three people who came with taking antidepressant pills i counseled them for a year and got them out of that and they found victory in jesus and it takes a lot of hard work if you only use one ounce to forget something they have to use 1 000 to forget something but if you are willing to put that hard work you will see this mind reframe and the power of god setting you free amen we all will have different levels of challenges and sickness or things that we have to work harder than the average person but christ will set you free somebody say amen think about it for a minute you got to write down the list of stuff that you need to work harder than an average person every one of us has experienced different types of challenges maybe it's not poverty for you maybe it is the overwhelming money that you had in your family that you can do everything and anything and there was no control and that became the demon in your family line maybe then you have to overcome the other one or maybe it's the lack of money that caused this child to lie to steal to cheat to scam until it became a habitual problem they ended up in the prison then they have to learn how to manage the family are you with me i can name on and on and on and on of 35 years involved in prison counseling drug rehabilitation counseling being a chaplain in the drug rehabilitation center ministering to people in real life challenges i didn't enjoy so much of the pulpit ministry i enjoyed when the word becomes alive in the lives of the people do you understand i've spent more time in the houses of people counseling and encouraging people then the time spent on preaching that was my victory until god says you passed the test now you concentrate on this then i let that go we have to see that this scripture works so number two you see there is the law of the spirit it will set you free that's what the bible says the law of the spirit will set you free in christ verse 3 says for god has done what the law weakened by the flesh could not do by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin he condemned sin in the flesh now verse 4 pay attention in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilling us who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit therefore the third thing we learn number one we know there is no condemnation if you are in christ number two there is a law of the spirit of life number three i must choose to walk according to the spirit and not according to the flesh so there is a third step to follow now many people will say you know what i've read the scripture so many times but i've never seen it the way you are saying it you know why because the way i read and give life to that scripture you cannot be reading this way verse 3 for god has done what the law has begun by the flesh could not do by signing in order that the righteous requirement skip a few words who are not recording the flesh according to the spirit do you understand what i'm saying there is no life you got to read it in a way that brings life and jumps out into your spirit man verse 5 excuse me for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit they will set their minds in the things of the spirit now pay attention to the word setting where do you set your mind people are going through physical challenge and health challenge oh my goodness man the doctor will only say it once you have this problem the world will tell you a thousand times you have a problem everybody will tell you because that's how powerful communication has become everybody will know it everybody have three seven advisers on the a google chatting groups and if you are a google i almost wanted to say idiot but i shouldn't say that if you are even a google edit research your faith will die in the fourth second there is that much of negativity got to search for a positive answers but you don't have to search for negative answers hello why the bible says you set your mind in god whatever we need information god can heal you without that sometimes the less you know the better it is you need to know what is the name of that artery why do you have to know that i tell you the name of that artery that artery name is healed in jesus name hello now i'm trying to be polite i'm trained in psychology so i'm trying to teach you some easy ways to get out of certain things the more information you are get involved in the more your mind sets itself to the law of the natural order it cannot help the fact all right in charlotte two brothers called the wright brothers could break the law of gravity hello only two people know there was a aircraft the other no wright brothers what they did they did everything right [Laughter] they just have to think if a bird can fly so can these fellas and they are god's children who prayed and that was god's time to give a new revelation to earth and god allowed it to happen if not no one can break the laws of god that time god says now there will be a new experience on earth and so the law of gravity was challenged today there could be other laws of gravity that could be pulling you down the gravity of sin gravity of stupidity gravity of this and get gravity of that you need to overcome what is your gravity some people have lost the excitement of joy because they have never experienced a present in their life and every time they look out for something new nothing happens so that joy and happiness dies inside of them but when they come into christ god creates surprises because the bible says suddenly the power of god came they don't know how to respond really wow okay good do you want a present no do you like present no do you want to give a present no something inside have died today i pray in the name of jesus resurrect in jesus name hello don't be a walking dead jesus you know what how many times i believe that jesus said those who believe in me though they are dead i will resurrect them you know how powerful that scripture is i tell you this okay that one i'll keep it for another juicy day a lot of testimonies to tell you right those who set their minds on the spirit man what will you do to set your mind if your mind is very vulnerable then look after your mind if your mind is very easily believing then protect your mind don't let your mind so loose especially let others speak things into your mind protect it but i don't know anything i only know god's word that is good enough to set you free that's all you need in your head somebody say amen but i only know god nothing wrong that's all you need to know somebody say amen you've got nothing else to hold on to hold on to god that is all we've got amen but sometimes people wait for the bankers to prophesy you know what we decided to take back your house only god can help you they will prophesy to you oh god please help he said only you can help god has been telling you throughout your life i can help you the doctors will give up and say brother you better pray only god can do that for you man you're listening to the doctors now god has been all the time saying i will help you now start believing right now god is the final destination he's not one of those plays and you as a child of god can open that door any time you want don't wait for the last minute set your mind in the things of the spirit victory starts by setting your mind what kind of church do we want to build a church full of problems a church full of people pleasers a church full of touchy people of people who are so touchy about all their feelings all might come i will rub enough on that feelings and they'll become sore and it will heal i'm a master in that are you with me oh touch me no no no no i will touch you and touch it enough until you'll overcome it because today if we overcome tomorrow we will stand against any challenges of the enemy are you with me seriously brothers and sisters we've got to pay attention that is why in the book of hebrews it says in the last days when the enemy is going to come and much more problems are going to take place in the last days we need to discern train our senses to obey god now what's got our senses got to do with anything can you tell me what are the senses we have okay class biology science touch sight hearing okay andy you're doing well good extra hot dog for you there is two more smell children come on taste thank you who said that uncle candy there are five senses right the bible says i have to train the five senses to discern in the end times and i tell you in the bible a proof to give you are you ready the bible says isaac was getting old he could not see he could not even smell now i realized he had copied at that time he could not even taste he could not even hear a a it's not funny man he was getting old all his senses are challenged he couldn't even feel you know everything all the senses were gone and so the mother said now if you can kill an animal apply that put the skin on and make some food for the father he will bless you thinking you are the elder brother do you remember that so jacob did that and the bible says when isaac came he could not touch he went there to smell smell the wrong thing he could not see so he has to feel and he feel the wrong thing smell the wrong thing heard the wrong thing it was so easily deceived and the bible says the blessing went to the second brother now you may think ah that's deception the bible says in the book of jude as well as hebrews that the elder brother isao did not bother about the blessings of god therefore it was stolen and given away people say they stole the blessing jacob deceived he did not really deceive anyone he followed the instructions of his mother who was the deceiver so there the mother said you go to your uncle's house he will look after you she went to the uncle's house called laban and love on deceived for seven years for the wrong girl remember and that fellow only found out in the morning he was a wrong girl another fool and then he has to work for another seven years to marry the right girl he took 14 years now who deceived the mother's brother i think this family got some problems there deceiving everybody along the way why jacob did not run like the time he did on the first time because in between in genesis 28 he had a dream from god that god will lift him up of course you committed a crime in a certain way you do have a certain responsibility therefore pay the price and he paid the price for 70 at 14 years and god lifted him up he lifted him up in such a point that he was more wealthier than the uncle he was such a wealthy to a point that he has to go out and then he thought my brother is coming isau he said he's going to kill me this time he sent donkeys and all the savory food to make peace offering brother brother came in peace somebody say amen you see god has this power of restoration you pay the due god will restore you the point being how our census that needs to be trained in the end time set the mind on the things of god verse 6 says for those who set the mind of the flesh is death but to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace perhaps some of us have not experienced peace in the family at all then set your mind in god life and peace let me recap the words of all the points that we just write together can i encourage the congregation to read verses 1 to 11 when you go back home tonight and take some vital points that means a lot to you once i was doing my hospital attachment when i was doing my master's in counseling to this particular ward where people had depression and they also has anorexic problems and so one whole day our attachment was to write notes to together with the doctors the psychologist and to diagnose what was the actual case study and to even stand beside and see when they are giving the electric uh ema treatment and how you diagnosed that it was very sad i was brought into a ward with this girl man her bones was just like this she was almost like bones skeletons standing there her face she was 22 years old she looks she looked like she was 75. you know why every time she looks at the mirror he says i'm fat i am fat and so she has that disorder she doesn't need you have to type her in you got to feed her in and they do all these kinds of challenges some of these people are demonically harassed and possessed the demons will take over their mind and keep them under the bondage and i remember one family was set free after many years of treatment and she started putting on weight are you with me so you see girls especially young girls in in this church you're here with us and those who are watching online you got to keep in mind that you who you are does not come from the world who you are comes from god number one number two who you are does not come from disney channel it comes from god number three who you are does not come from entertainment magazine it comes from god who you are doesn't come from yahoo it comes from god who you are doesn't come from another family it comes from god some families genes are different than yours some people have witnessed for these and some women are witness for that work hard in getting your body shaped up instead of eating all the junk and believing for miracle weight and i've seen rebuking the devil people who stand on the weighing machine and build that machine in jesus name because suddenly it will show 200 pounds instead of eating it right i don't have a problem when i eat it burns but some people do have a problem when they eat it puts on everybody's makeup is different the bible says set your mind in the things of the spirit of god are you following hey are you really listening or not you may be small but this is how we have to govern the church in the midst of an area where people told me before i came here this place churches will die really then it's time for a resurrection hallelujah jesus is so attracted to places of death i don't know why he loves these places look at uh uh uh the cemetery of uh uh experiences in the bible you see for a jew you should not go near a cemetery touch a dead body you cannot but jesus did he went through the near the cemetery of lazarus lazarus if not every other fellow will follow right so lazarus come forth he was not afraid of dead people he attracted himself there because he is the resurrection in life amen you carry the words of life you see for me these are so critical scriptures because some people are so afraid to go near people who carry death or if you know if you go near them that death will touch you cannot you are carrying the resurrection in life your resurrection will counter their death if not we will never go and touch anybody anymore are you with me we are supposed to bring lie i remember i prayed for one lady i went to the house the pastors told me there was a demons that is coming so i brought one guy i prayed for this lady she was involved in adultery and affairs and fornication and prostitution again name it man she was involved and i prayed for her and i cast out that demon and after all of that i was driving back home and all this spirit of thirst was operating on me of such unclean and unholy feeling and i'm not talking about just a temptation of sin or flesh or uh or nakedness i'm not talking about just that thoughts you know i'm talking about suddenly as i'm possessed i was crying out to god while i was driving home in the middle of the night i came home and i straight away knelt down and i was praying i said god why has this come on me now you know what he said because you know how to cast it before god he doesn't so when you prayed for her i allowed you your spirit man to carry that demonic stuff bring it to my present and cast it out and so it came together with you fear not oh my goodness so when you are ministering to people you will feel their brokenness you will carry their pain you will carry their trouble you will become peaceless because you carried their problem away for a while because you know how to go and dump it before the mighty presence of jesus you will feel unclean because you know how to wash yourself before the blood of the lamb and that's the exchange the bible tells us that god has set you free from the law of sin and death proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 you are ensnared by the words of your mouth look at that if you are snared in the woods of your mouth and caught in the woods of your mouth that means if i speak wrong i get caught wrong i speak it right it will start happening right that means victory begins with thinking right it's a principle of a spiritual law you got to think it right it will be difficult he got to think it right he got to be difficult god will lift me up you know there are a lot of guys that are ministered who are in prison before they don't like hard work they want to make it quick they look out for scheming ideas how to cheat somebody how to deceive the older people who don't know how to think how to look out for people who are trying to scramble at the atm machine some older people will be there and they will look out for it still help and steal the money steal the cash look out for all the different opportunities because they don't know how to work it right and you work with these people you see they are in prison because of that they are master of deception you think you are smarter they will deceive you until you know how to play the game and overcome and rewrite that script that is in their mind that they can do it honestly and righteously and people will be set free if you are giving enough time for it are you with me brothers the principle of the bible is don't live on something which is not yours principle of the bible any riches that come to you hastily will take off like a bird the principle of the bible and so god's word gives us that kind of wisdom i don't admit people anybody who come into a church i don't know pastor we can come and build your church yeah whatever whatever man then build it outside another building for me god sent me to build for you and then please build another building in the courtyard i need a new building can you please build no not in that building then what you won't be able to deceive me right because you are going to do it right god has to tell me you see church you don't know how many people i have asked to leave because they are not sent by god in just one year alone how many emails that i've received people telling me all this say please don't come because i know whom god has given to us and whom who has not i don't get distracted that easily i'm not a new joe in the in the blog you understand i could be new in america but i'm not new in the kingdom people are people no matter where you go and some people are genuine they come with a genuine heart but they don't mean what they say building the house of god is a hard work the lives that you have committed you and your children to us and we committing to ourself is a work of trust and integrity are you with me and if we are right then god can send other people and we can help them to grow them out and this is a serious work i'm not running after the money man i'm running after the soul are you with me and that is why i can't wait for the prison to open up because of kobe i can't wait for the hospitals to open up then we will do what god wants us to do minister the love and the power of the holy spirit amen the spirit of life and it starts with our mind let me finish this session how many of you are learning something this morning with this session with john chapter 8 verse 32 and 36 236 because the scripture says set your mind now do you remember the days of dot matrix printer when you print the whole family will know your printing [Laughter] it's not a laser printer dot matrix bro it will sing and zang and zing and zhang and your mind is playing that sound even when the printer stops do you remember the days of one ply two ply and three ply because you need a copy and in those days i used to print thousands of scriptures and confess on my knees for hours because i was rescripting my life up we come from a broken family we come from a poverty family we i all my life i saw my father in the hospital that's all i remember and why i love to go to the hospital i could remember because i remember going as early as five years old every time i go he will keep for me an ice cream at 5 p.m or 6 p.m dinner time and so my mother will come come he will give an ice cream so i remember the ice cream mall and i can't remember anything else after that all my life he will be out of the hospital for two weeks another two weeks he'll be in the hospital three weeks outside another two weeks in the hospital why alcohol addiction brought all kinds of problems into his life until at the age of uh my 14 years old he met into a very big accident and he became bit bound for 32 years all that i remember my father was a man full of medical problems you see so i have to read the scriptures that god will set my genes free out of his dna system you understand because when i'm not free my children won't be free and the people i lay hands and pray they won't be free so it is not just about a belief system it is about rewriting the dna of the script in my life by pounding on thousands of scriptures over and over again hours after hours and rewriting it on my knees until the script becomes my life that you are healed by the stripes of jesus you are no more from the lineage of my father me i am leaning from my dear father abba in heaven i'm from the tribe of judah i'm grafted in with the blood dna of course my body has its own different challenges but that's true but i have set my mind on him i don't draw from my natural history i draw from my spiritual genealogy who's my great great great great grandfather mr adam yeah he is the one does he know me he doesn't have to jesus tells me and i'm telling you seriously bro i'm not lying the other day i went to at the store uh or rather i followed angeline or she dragged me or something like that and many many different types of shirts right so i said okay this one that one and then the lord jesus came and stood he said he said son which one you like you see i never had an experience like that before having a father to walk beside your side never i couldn't remember because my father was sick all the time right so i never had those who experienced but this when jesus stand besides me and ask what do you like i've got hundreds of stories to tell you you always ask hey which one do you like but i say but you know this one is cheaper than that one that one is cheaper than this one this one is on sale that i remember once the lord said i i know everything is on sale but which one do you like because you think that when jesus appears you must choose the most cheap person and bite the bullet god this is what i learned but that is not really what i want but because you are here you are the most cheapest god i know is it true so stop fussing around and tell god what you want you change your likes after what he says if he says this is not for you then let it go but he said son go for it go for that somebody say amen you see you set your mind in what god wants if you know that god is not going to do the cheaper thing in your life then your fear of following god will be broken in jesus name god doesn't stink you want to hold your money that's you god doesn't do that he will bless you and give you the wisdom when to whole and when to give amen and i've been i've been wondering man i've given thousands of dollars freely and generously to every other person in trouble sometimes when my children ask me just five dollars more i'll be thinking 10 times then i remember what am i trying to teach them you know in the midst of wisdom we have teach a lot more negative things that they don't know how to have the faith to even believe of five dollars more and so i want to know what am i transmitting now this is me you don't have to follow me i'm just telling you my story now because i learned from him i went to a stationary store i just another store just tell you my daughter told me a year ago can you please remember to buy something in the stationary shop and i kept forgetting because i was traveling every month overseas to a point that for seven months i've never seen the mall was just beside our house so i decided today i'll go like talking about mall for the last three weeks i've never seen walmart or ingles i've forgotten all these around our store i'm in the house in the church in the house in the church repairing all the time i was in the stationary and i walked past this shelf and the lord said do you remember what samantha told you you buy this get it for her he's still waiting he said what i've made a phone call why are you still waiting why didn't you buy it it's already a few months you say but you promise you'll get i said yeah i know why didn't you wait is it eddie how do you know your grandfather told me who is my grandfather because he's dead right my father's dead i said well the lord jesus come on jesus loves her so much do you know i walked past the aisle and tears was running down he could remember a stationary for a girl he's the lord of lords he's the king of kings man the world is in chaos he's remembering a stationary of a girl love that jesus has how can you match up i can't even match up as a father to our children because the fatherhood that he possesses it's something that i have to learn from are you with me my brothers senses i don't have to read a thousand good parenting books to learn you know i have to read the bible to see who the father is over our lives sometimes i can't forgive or difficult to forgive the children and then he comes and smiles me have i not forgiven you i say yes but why is it difficult for forgive him oh okay can't forget and then samuel willa you mean you forgive me yes why the grandfather said so if i could set my mind on the things of christ john chapter 8 verse 32 you will know the truth the word ginoscope experientially and the truth in the greek says the truth that you know will set you free that means not every truth will set you free it's only the truth that you have invested to know will set you free amen what do you need to know now as a church what do we need to know number one we have to bring the church into prosperity the church don't have to be broke all the time somebody say amen oh you go to an average church everything is broken everything is secondary some of the churches i've been to even in this area it looks like a haunted house you wonder who's doing the alone you wonder who's watering the plants inside the building it looks shabby are you following because we have portrayed this how our church should be people's lives are more broken than the buildings so we got to build the church right by setting our minds free learning to obey spiritual laws building the church members healthy so that they will bring the health of god to others when people come teaching the right mind learning to give so that we will be blessed it's a principle of the laws of god are you with me so we are mindful of what we are serving every speaker that is invited to the church they are carefully calculated is it contributing to the health of the church or are we just entertaining them are you with me by the way talking about speakers i've got a great news to share with you and those who are online july 23 24 25 end of this month last last last who yes brother sadhu is coming to speak to in our congregation somebody say amen i'm so happy you know i've been asking for two years and finally he said okay okay i'm coming that's all okay okay i'm coming he is now in gettysburg he's speaking this morning and so he's coming so we are going to dedicate the church property we're going to have an overflow crowd we're expecting more than almost four to five hundred people to come okay we're going to be up on the hills how's that i don't know why we say that men don't wear heels it's a phrase that we have tend to say that up on the boots how's that we don't say those things okay pull up your socks no load up your gun you got to say something man are you following you see it is important when you are a prophetic church god has to bring prophets to install the foundation stones it's a spiritual principle somebody say principle set your mind on things above so that we will not be a slave i'll read one line and then we'll pray verse 35 john chapter 8 verse 35 the slave does not remain in the house forever the sun remains forever look at that if you have a mind of a slave we will die along the way but if you are a son and daughter of jesus christ you will have a seed of eternity in your life remember my brothers and sisters our prayer will live longer than our natural life your earthly prayer prayed in jesus name will outlast your natural life okay thousands of years ago and you're talking about thousands of years ago genesis chapter 22 abraham had a vision he said god himself will provide it happened thousands of years after he prayed messiah isaiah 53 a messiah will come thousands of years after so god is not training us to be a son just for today you're going to live in eternity so god is teaching us don't operate with a mind of a slave operate with the mind of a son and a daughter of jesus christ take what is rightfully yours and where does it start the word of god write every chapter if you can what does god going to give me what is he going to give me in this chapter every chapter you open there's something he's about to give you find that now this is the trick i'm going to challenge you today one of the challenges that i've taken myself as far as preaching in the pulpit is concerned next year i'm going to tackle books of the bible which we will rarely get to hear from tell me some of the books have leviticus exclusives thank you for saying everything all in one shot say don't waste time and go on right [Laughter] i'm going to tackle one sermon on one of these books of the bible consistently for you to get to know these guys how is that can we all stand up together
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 3,638
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Id: Bs0s3DtZmok
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Length: 77min 12sec (4632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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