Praying The Tabernacle Plan “Heaven To Earth” Pastor Anthony Mangun

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[Music] praise and honor to God tonight can we do that come on give and forget me let's give praise to God it's not about me it's about him make it about him [Applause] thank you all so very much for coming tonight on this night I know that the real Saints are in here [Music] the real Saints are in here and I tell you what I want to make just as much noise in this dome as they were making that dog praising the King of Kings and Lord nobody like you no money I keep [Music] god bless you may be seen in long with gently we welcome all of our guests we're so very glad to have you thank you for being with us this is an emotional night for me because when I was just a kid my father taught me how to pray this you may have read books about it before but I don't think you've ever heard it or seen it either until pastor started teaching on her too dad taught you of how to pray the tabernacle this is the only building tent that was ever constructed that's never had to have another architect touch it it's never had to be remodeled it's never had to be changed because what you're looking at tonight was given not by man but the Bible says it was given from heaven attention the layout of every pin everything about this was given by God it was designed by Almighty God there are seven pieces of furniture which represents perfection with God in this tabernacle it's the brazen offer it's the lavrov water and then you go this is the outer court and I'll talk about it when we're praying it but then you go into the two rooms which is the Holy Place and inside that room or three pieces of furniture which is the golden candlestick which is the table of showbread and which is the altar of incense and then you go into the last room which is the holy presence of God are the Holy of Holies in there you will find the Ark of the Covenant and then on top of that Ark of the Covenant you will find that mercy seat that we all need my father laid this out to me but I never grasped it until my father passed away when my dad was a very young man he taught this to this church but we didn't grasp it but when God promoted dad it was something that I felt like that God laid upon my heart to make this a part of this church in our lives and every Wednesday this is course this is setup year unaccepted because of the times because we have to use that room for overflow for our convention but to those of you that are guests with us you don't have to be members of our church but you can come by here any day of the week and this is set up in our prayer room to my left and when you learn to pray this it keeps you focused on where you are and where you are going it keeps you focused on how to prayer I took my father's notes if you do not have the book my book will be for sale we're not pushing that tonight out in the foyer tonight that will break down the details but I don't have the time to do all that tonight but that will be in the book if you want to read the book and help you stay focused on how to pray but this is one of the most powerful prayers that has ever been prayed tonight I don't want this I told the prayer room I don't want this to be you watching me are you listening to me so many times when I prayed the tabernacle before it was pastor praying y'all listening and all of us sort of participating when we wanted to tonight I really feel like that God is going to invade this place with his spirit and my days of praying and fasting for because of the times it wasn't just about because of the times that I prayed about I prayed for this specific night and I really feel like when we get to that Ark of the Covenant and we begin to Clare the name of Jesus I feel like God's presence is going to fall in this place I believe people can be delivered tonight I believe people can be healed tonight I believe people can be set free tonight in the name of Jesus I declare that so tonight let this be a part of you and the way dad taught us this is the first thing we do is that the Bible says when you get to the door when you're going into the outer court of the Gentiles he said enter into his courts with Thanksgiving in praise so the first thing we do in this prayer is we begin to praise God and tonight Lord we begin to give you praise and thanksgiving for the things that you have done you told us to praise you for your mighty acts you told us to praise you according to your excellent greatness and tonight we enter into this gates with Thanksgiving in praise Lord you said in Psalm 22 and three that you inhabit the praises of your people that means you dwell there that means you live there so right now Lord we build in your house where you can live we're praising you with Thanksgiving and with praise of God we giving you glory and honor we praise you with our lips we praise you with our hands we praise you with our voices we praise you in the dance we praise you on the high setting simple let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord [Music] Oh we begin our even get our prey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to stay Oh [Music] [Music] to the game we come through that gate of Thanksgiving you maybe see and when we get to that gate of Thanksgiving we come to the largest piece of furniture in this tabernacle if you will notice all other pieces of furniture could fit inside of this piece of furniture where we're trying to get to tonight and you can't bypass any of these positions to get here but where we're trying to get to is right here this is the power and the glory this is the holiest of Holies but notice that the altar is much bigger than the ark and what Christianity and even we Pentecostals want sometimes we want big arts but we built little altars in other words the bigger the altar the bigger the ark the more prayer and repentance the more power and glory that manifest in itself so Lord we come to this brazen God this is where in the Old Testament that priest had to come with those Lambs twice a day he brought you one in the morning and he brought you one in the evil and God they put that lamb on you and it was a sacrifice for their sin they would offer up that sacrifice for their lives and you would postpone it it was the altar and then on the Sabbath day God they would bring you to lambs in the morning and to lambs in the evening but God you rolled yourself in flesh and you came to that altar that we call the cross and their God you died for us and it was for our repentance and your blood was shed for our remission of sin so tonight we come here repenting of everything in our life that's not pleasing to you now God we know the obvious sins we can see our obvious sins other people can see our obvious sins but tonight I'm praying like baby God you go into the secret compartments of my heart you go into those places God where maybe I haven't even been stood forgive me of anything that's there that's not pleasing to You God I put myself on this altar of repentance and I want you to burn everything out of me that's not pleasing to you Oh God because when that sacrifice got through the only thing that wasn't burned up was your blood but everything else Lord was burned none of these great people that I pastor and our guests that are here we climb upon this altar tonight and we repent before you forgive us for our attitudes forgive us for the things we've said forgive us for the things that we have done the places we've been forgive us O God before you for we do understand that we are unholy people trying to please a holy God but we become your wholeness through the power of your blood so right now we climb up on this altar and we all repent of our sins and Micky we worship God in the altar of repentance giving the heart come before you we hold on to forgive in this congregation let your spirit touch along like men forgiveness coming you are right Oh found your way repent to him right now Oh tell me what you need the devil you repent before you tell him what you need to tell me give it to the Lord right now yes I we know it works but you anything I've said anyone I've hurt any pain [Music] our soul we leave that all to repentance and we come to the next piece of furniture and this is where the priest would minister this is known as the lavrov water so understand I prayer thus far it's easy to learn you open with praise and thanksgiving then you come into repentance and I'm not gonna go in dimensions on how big these are but this lavrov water that priest was bloody when he got through here and when he got through open up to sacrifice and he had to wash his feet and he had to wash his hands in the doctrine layout this is baptism in Jesus name when we're buried with him in Baptism we don't baptize here for church membership we baptize here for the remission of the forgiving of all sins but this lavrov water and praying the tabernacle is where it talks about in Ephesians 5 that we're washed by the word so when I get here and I'm not gonna do it tonight for sake of time but when I get here I pause and I read the Word of God I will read the Psalms I will read the Proverbs it's like there's a proverb for every day of your life this is where I stop and I allow the water to wash me the word to cleanse me and the word to breathe on me and his word we'll watch this and his word will cleanse us folks we got to pick up the Bible in God right now I pray your word I thank you for your word I thank you for your word that's a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path I thank you for your word that you teach me how to live and you teach me how to walk thank you for your word thank you for the Old Testament thank you for the New Testament thank you for the Gospels thank you for the book of Acts thank you God for the letters that were written to the church and thank you for the apocalyptic book that book of Revelation that lets us know the rapture is near and what's going to happen during and after thank you for your word washes clinging help with your word make us whole now with your word let your washing cleanse us we've repented now Lord let your word watches and let it we leave here and our prayer our next move is we're getting ready to go the Holy of Holies and we go to the door excuse me to the holy place and we come to the door of the holy place there are five posts this is Bible five post that are in this particular curtain dad my father named those five post five posts our Bible the names ji8 named them he named them wonderfully he named them counselor he named it the mighty God he named it the everlasting father and he named it the Prince of Peace so when I come here I begin to pray you're wonderful god you're the wonder of it all there's nobody like that old song says wonderful wonderful Jesus is to me you're the wonder of it all God never let me lose the wonder of who you are and gut you ha God never let me forget what you have done let there always be an all about your presence let there always be a wonder about me walking in to your presence the wonder of it all and then God we move to counsel counts of me old great God give me wisdom and knowledge this is a magnificent Church that you have given me the privilege to pass through but first of all counts on me in my own life you've got to give me wisdom and knowledge God the counts of my old life and the counts are making my family I can't make it without your counsel counsel me or God speak to me let me hear your voice let there be a wide world of counsel and then leading this church God give me wisdom and knowledge don't let me walk to this pulpit with just a message but God give me counsel there are so many God that when I speak the word they hang on that word there are others God that whether it be in the confines of my office or whether it be around an altar there seeking godly counsel give me wisdom and knowledge and for me to counsel them you have to counsel me so God we seek your counsel I speak it over our businessmen I speak it over every business owner oh god I feel this I speak it over every business owner god that's in this building tonight that you will counsel him of what to do and do it god I pray that you will leave him or her in their business and you will counsel them I pray that you will leave we as fathers and husbands are a single parent that you will lead us as we lead our families Calliphora we need you in this day and hour more than ever before councils tell us you're not only wonderful in the counselor but you're the mighty God thank you for rolling yourself in flesh thank you for coming down here Oh God and dwelling among us there's no god like you you're wonderful counselor and you're the money God and Lord you are the everlasting father and god there's so many pastor gentry preached a tremendous message this morning there are so many God that's in this room they don't even need to hear the voice a pastor right now they need to feel the arms of the Heavenly Father so overrate God will you put your arms around them will you Father us right now those that's walk to a casket in the last few D days oh god father them those that's going to traumatic situations right now oh god father them those god that's received bad news either for health or emotions or in their life put your arms around us right now pull us close to you for you selling you words underneath are your everlasting arms so father we need you hold us close hey Kayla father are so holy ghosts but what's close to you let us feel you close to our presence with your presence and in peace o God peace all of us are standing in need of peace and tonight through the unction of your spirit I pray peace into my life personally I pray peace into my family oh god I pray peace into sweet Nikki and my children and my grandchildren give them peace O God give them peace and the rectum let them know the ways of you for in a world that's out of control in a world where there's so much stress in a world where all our bags are against the wall give us peace that passeth understanding peace peace wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] haha I speak in here [Music] tell them I know the P speaker speak at your family [Music] make peace in your children's life must be peace in your personal life he controls the wind and way okay what you but you thing control [Applause] everything has to be everything has to suffer no man [Applause] I want you to raise your hand to receive peace in your life [Music] watch it well missionaries know that you're passing and leading congregations I pray peace into your life right now please be still [Music] [Music] [Music] and I know in my name [Music] we have now entered into the first room of the tabernacle out here no covering the light was natural light it was the Sun by day it was the moon by night all of this out here was all natural lighting but now when you move from this outer court and you move into the holy place this only received its light from that seven golden candlesticks are the seven of this menorah with the seven golden candlesticks that represents the seven churches of the book of Revelation this was Hollow and whatever you poured in here you could pour it till it filled up this was the seven golden candlesticks it was all that kept it going the priests would visit this place twice a day and when he came in he would make sure that the wicks were clean because there was to be no smoke it was to be pure light that was to be coming off of this candlestick there was to be no smoke it was strictly going to be light and it had to stay full of oil so he attended it twice a day where did he get the fire he got the fire that never went out from off to the altar of sacrifice he would bring the fire from that altar he would bring it to the candlestick and that's where he would light it and he would keep that light going because it was the light of the world and Great God you are my life God direct us let it be a lamp unto our feet let it be a light under our path o God let me stay full of the Holy Ghost and fire that people can see light through me that I can illuminate God and when I walk in businesses or when I walked in rooms let me be a candle god that would be alive for people to see for we cannot make it without your life we cannot make it Lord without you illuminating us God your heart white direct us and guide us lead us Oh God we follow after you because the light of the world you brought white it's the first thing that was created in your world was light and God in this room the only way we can get our life the only way we can perform these other pieces of furniture is from this life so God let this church and then every individual in this room state full of the Holy Ghost Oh God let us say baptized with your spirit because you refer to your Holy Ghost or you refer to oil at your Holy Ghost let this church let these visitors let us stay full of the Holy Ghost God let us be full of your spirit so that will be a light that all men can see Oh God let us be a light [Music] [Applause] [Music] the right I [Music] you [Music] the stars [Music] we live there moving to our other piece of furniture this is the table of showbread on this table of showbread on the Sabbath day they would put 12 fresh loaves of bread those twelve loaves of bread represented the twelve tribes of Israel now a lot praying the tabernacle focus on the bread which is the word of God which we did at the Lavrov water my father in his teaching right here he focused on the table that held the bread now I love the significance of that bread because the priests would eat that bread what's this and it would give them strength for the journey but when they took that bread out with him and they said at at a table to eat the priests that had imperfections the priests that were not worthy to go into the holy place they could sit down and they could eat that show bread and they could celebrate Jesus I want everyone in this room to know that God is your bread of life and there's no one in here that God can't feed tonight and there's no one in here that disqualified yourself from hearing the voice of God but this is where that I pray for our leaders and for our pastors and this is where I get a hold of God for those that hold the bread oh god this world and those that hold it oh God it is your word I pray for our ministers in Canada god I pray for her brother Woodward is a part of her church I pray for American those that are pastor I pray from Mexico God I pray for Central America missionaries I pray for South America God I pray for North in South Korea Oh God give the missionaries that a worshipping behind the Iron Curtain in North Korea give those missionaries a revival I pray for Japan I pray for Malaysia and know that country god I speak over Malaysia I speak over the Philippines that has the heart of this church Oh God I pray for brother bodegas and brother boost ano and brother trinidad and brother martinez and those leaders and that general board in philippines i pray over them oh god i pray over singapore and pastor Tim and those there that we pass through god I pray over them I pray over Indonesia God we need missionaries for Indonesia I pray over Indonesia right now I pray over India God that's where we built brother Tilly's Bible school god I pray over India right now I pray over China I pray for all the students that we have won in China I pray for mother Asaph that is in China Oh God give us a revival in China moving the God those that are worshipping in secret places move on the underground Church right now god I pray over our underground Church in China right now I speak over them that you touch them in you directive of god I pray over Australia I pray over the downs I pray over Africa god I pray over all the nations of the continent of Africa I prove a Madagascar and the Richardson's I pray over the nation of Israel that you give us a revival I pray for an Prime Minister Netanyahu I pray for the mayor of Jerusalem make our oh god I pray over the Hundley's in the Middle East oh god I pray over all of our europe missionaries available from the hair and a parable robinette for the trouble i pray over all of our regional people that's their Oh God I pray you give Europe a mighty revival be with our missionaries right now God let them be a break in the spirit with our missionaries in Europe right now oh holy go let them be a break in the spirit for our missionaries mister Holy Ghost consume the oh ha let the Holy Ghost move on them and right now God I'm bringing back here and I pray over our ministry team here at POA I pray over our past Orioles laughs here POA I pray over our Sunday School teachers I pray over our ministry team leaders I pray over our Sunday School teachers Oh God give P away a mighty revival of your spirit and of your power of your glory hippy away her revival a prio river leader less discouraged I pray over every pastor that's discouraged I pray over you my brothers and sisters I pray over you missionaries that your back may be against the wall this church prays for you right now we lift our voice for you you're not in this alone you've got a church in a group of people at 20 minutes to 7 tonight that's lifted our voice for you you're going to come to it in the name of Jesus you're going to be victorious in the name of Jesus God is going to heal in the name of Jesus God is going to bless in the name of Jesus I speak it over all of our ministers right you know I speak it over all of our men would you just pray for the ministry right now would you pray over your Sunday school teacher right now I did pray over your Sunday school teacher right now speak the word of faith Oh God we leave this piece of furniture the showbread and here we come to the altar of incense that priests would get that all the different perfume together stacked Nanak of the Bible says in Calvin and it would take those three spices and he would mix them together and they would mix them and put them inside this bowl and it was an altar of intercession it was a Smith sweet smelling savor unto God it went up to please him this became the altar of intercession and when I get here if it was spoken that the Prophet took that sensor and when they were dying he took the sensor off of the altar and the Bible said he went stood between the living and the dead and God stayed that disease and gave them the victory you let me tell you if that happened in the Old Testament we have the authority through the power of intercession that God can bring down anything and do anything through the power of intercession this is where I know that I'm just getting ready to go through that to the Holy of Holies this is where I give God everything here I pour out my heart in prayer of intercession this is where I intercede for myself Oh God you know I'm human and that I've got to have you you know god I intercede for Anthony Mangan but God first and foremost I intercede for my family oh my great God would you keep your hands Oh Mickey I don't gentry and Lexi my mother Oh God I intercede for my family if there's anything that's coming against them God that I could avert it I stand our kneel here in the hell as Moses did Oh God and I intercede for my family I stay back anything God that could be coming against them Oh God and I intercede for my family and now god I intercede for this great church that I pastor I intercede for these people I don't know of my name but God you know that today I take my phone in my hand and we've got a Rolodex on there and I hold that rolodex in my hand and I pray over ever family and I pray over and every individual and I intercede Oh God for this church i under siege for Central Louisiana and her seed for our mayor and for our governor i undersea God for our president for our Congress Oh God America needs revival Oh God and if you heard the voice of those intercessors if you heard the voice of those biblical men and women of God and if you heard the voice of those at the turn of the centuries and if you heard the Wesley brothers and if you heard the Spurgeon's and if you heard the evidence if having Roberts could get on his face and shaken nation God I believe that I can intercede before you and I believe that you will intercede for our nation so tonight Oh God I understand I understand I received for this church let it be fresh before you let it be fresh before you and now God that I've interceded this is when we change garment now everything we've done we have obeyed your commandment and we've had on that tingly garment and we've had on our kingly garment and we have moved but now god when we get here those priests would change their garment and they would take off their kingly robes and they would put on those linen white robes because they were going to worship you and when they got through interceding they begin to worship and they begin to give you praise and they begin to give you glory so god now that I prayed this Tabernacle to this point and now that I've interceded and we'll stop here and I'm just gonna worship you and I'm gonna give you glory I bow down before you I worship your body god I worship you Oh buddy god I worship you Oh Monica Oh [Music] I did like the presence of father [Music] Oh I worship you [Music] Lord Lord I bring an offering - listen to you sweet God come on right now [Music] over [Music] I feel like this congregation we need to worship Him right now this is telling how much you love him you just tell him how braininess worship Hill time radiance worship the King of Kings Lord of lords worship Him [Music] smell that not smell that that's a fresh mail to you we mix it up a new perfume for you tonight this in your Sunday night service god this is your Sunday night Church this is nuts going through our Pentecostal catechism God this is we've stopped everything right now ha ha we've stopped everything to worship God we've stopped everything to worship your God we've stopped everything to worship you and we come you may be seated Oh Lord the presence of God is here [Music] there is none like you [Music] then dad brought us to the veil Oh his presence is so strong in here people and you speak whatever you need we're gonna supposed to have behind that veil but there's something moving here right now speaking in your life [Music] your worship has brought his presence didn't know pentecostal work up deal here ain't no drums and a bass thumping right now this is your worship to him that's queasy there were four post that held the veil that's Bible but what was GA his dad named those post and he said Anthony if the veil was torn which represented his flesh then why wouldn't we go to when he lived in the flesh so dad named these for post Matthew Mark Luke and John because the veil those Gospels represent his birth his life his death his burial his resurrection and his ascension so dad would pray this and when he taught me to pray it was oh god I want to be like you God you gave us those Beatitudes Matthew 5 6 & 7 Oh help me to live the Beatitudes not just those 10 or 12 verses of the blessings but let me live all of those Beatitudes let me live your parables that you taught about let me live like you live let me go to a well let me find a sinner and take them to dinner Oh God don't let me be afraid to be associated with people that other people may not like God don't ever let anybody's lifestyle or the way they live ever separate me from telling them about you even if I don't like them even if other people may not like them don't ever let me not become like you and God you loved so deeply and let me love like you love let me love people like you love people let me walk this earth but when the disciples said and they got through with that Mount of Transfiguration and they saw you metamorphose before them they they saw you literally transfigured before their eyes and they saw your deity and they saw who you were and they realized who you were God let me have that kind of revelation of you God let this church get a new revelation of who you are let us see it a new revelation of what you came to do God let the Gospels get ahold of ours let us live those Gospels let us talk those Gospels and direct our steps for it is our life it is our goal to be like Jesus to be like Jesus on earth to be like [Music] to me when I prayed all that and we know it to cross that veil was torn in twain now we're moving into a room that's 15 by 15 by 15 if you will notice there's another city that's 15 by 15 by 15 and that's the New Jerusalem but we're moving in here we're moving into the holiest of Holies we're moving into where the Ark of the Covenant is and on top of that Ark and the Covenant set this mercy seat and that blood that priest that brought that blood when we started this thing 35 40 minutes ago when we started this thing here he took that blood in one bucket and he had fire in the other bucket and he started moving through these different positions and placing the blood the blood was applied at every position the blood was applied at the lavrov water at the candlestick at the showbread the blood was applied then when he went through this veil however he got through there no one knows but when he got behind that veil with that blood Jerry he took that blood in that mercy seat and he put that blood on that mercy seat and Almighty God was blinded by the blood of Jesus Christ and I don't care what seeing you had ever committed I don't care what you had ever done when that blood is applied to that mercy seat every sin that they had ever committed was postponed to another year but now with the cross has been washed away that blood it's been applied to that mercy seat thank you for your blood one can watch your way mind seeing nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus I don't want you to call I'm not trying to get you to call any remembrance of your darkest day but tonight I stay here in a full assurance of the Holy Ghost and the darkest day that you've ever had in sin I'm telling you it's put under the blood of Jesus right and every sin you've ever committed has been washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ it's washed away by the blood is washed away would you say it wouldn't go ahead and begin like that zone right there what didn't wash away my lift your voices Oh [Music] [Applause] see what it might behold again [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's watch it one day [Music] Oh would you give a shout when the mother needs a shower for the butter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you may be seen I'm about done but inside that arc were three things there was a pot of manna there was a tablet of stone the Ten Commandments and there was Aaron's rod that budded inside of that Ark so when I get here and I get through praying the blood in the mercy of Jesus Christ I go and I pick up that pot of manna and that's again where I go to the Word of God Josh that's what I talk about the Word of God that's where I declared the Word of God that's where I lied to become the mire of my bones I allow that word and then I go to those Ten Commandments and I begin to pray them and I say God I love you with all my heart soul mind and strength I will put no God before you I will not take your name in vain I will honor my father and mother mom and pop Lumpkin my dad and my mother I will keep your Sabbath lord I will not murder Oh God I will take my tongue and talk about somebody and kill them I won't commit adultery God particular protect me let me be a walls around myself Oh God keep me from adultery oh god don't let me covet oh god don't let me steal and oh god don't let me lie let my eyes be a and let my name's be neighs oh God let me live the commandment that you gave us let me say to this church right now that's a place you need to pray we can sit around and talk about not being able to put the Ten Commandments in our schools but we can put the Ten Commandments in our heart and we can pray them and we can live them and we can witness him in our lives we can leave those kid Commandments and last but not least and I'm just about done but this is where we're going to declare the name of Jesus and I will test church to believe with me right now I'm gonna declare the word here in the morning and when we do the power of God's gonna hit this place and people is going to be delivered and people's gonna receive the baptism the Holy Ghost evidence was speaking with tongue and people is gonna want to get baptized in the name of Jesus and get their sins washed away every sin you've ever committed can be washed away tonight but inside this Ark was Aaron's rod that budded it represents the authority it represents the power of the name of Jesus and I declare to this church as you rise to your feet right now I declare to this church through the authority of the name of Jesus and by the power of the Ark of the Covenant and by that rod of authority God we pick it up and in this room tonight I declare your authority I speak your name you said in your name we can cast out Devils in your name we can speak with new tongues in your name we can lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover so in the name of Jesus I speak healing in this room right now the name of Jesus listen to pastor I have felt this I declared it this morning if you're a guest you do not have to do this but if you're comfortable doing it we're getting ready to have mass healing in this place God suffered thirty-nine strike for our healing and our iniquities we're getting ready to have mass healing in this place right now now I want you to grab the person's hand beside you and I won't listen don't you wait for pastor declare it listen to Pastor don't you pray for yourself I want you to declare it for somebody else right now would you do that with me lift your voices and lift your hands and in the name of Jesus let healing come over this congregation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] friends right now to my friends right now I got a friend that's watching me I got a friend that's watching me and i declare healing in his body right now I got people that I called this afternoon that's in other states that I'm telling you in the name of Jesus receive your healing to the power the authority of the Holy Ghost had declared in Jesus [Applause] [Music] I declare tea under 13 declare healing by declare healing declare healing and the clarity listen ' there are those of you in this room that you've been bound by things 7 is in here tonight you've worked the steps and I thank God for the steps thank God you've worked it there's others in here that's been bound by circumstances and you've been intimidated by him tonight is the night at 7:03 those chains are getting ready to fall off in the name of Jesus we pray through this Tabernacle we begin with praise we've gone through every piece of furniture and now we've reached the Ark of the Covenant we picking up that rod of authority which is the Word of God I picked up that broad of authority in the name of Jesus I pick up the word of God in the name of Jesus and right now through the authority I command everything that is bound in this room to be set free by the name of I commend our children to be set free I commit I speak your word I speak to work I think you hurt those habits that you couldn't break those things that's had you bound those things that you'd get up then you'd come back down today you got victory over them I declare in the name of Jesus I declare in the name of Jesus I declared the name of Jesus I declare victory in this place I declare healing in this place I declare deliverance in this place I commend people to be set free in the name of Jesus I command our prayer life to be changed let them be healing across this congregation let them be sweep of your spirit those of you that's been hurt somebody's hurt you or someone's hurt you or some churches hurt you we should be Keaton to you right now those of us had families that's been fractured your families have been affected by things that's come against it I come in healing the families right now my command healing in the name of Jesus God you will move in this place and one more time tonight through the authority would you lift your hands and your voices and just don't do it for a minute declare victory in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] caleb is a career Sokka take a yellow Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus well go ahead give me praise right now but give my boys in a shout to God [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to our guests you may not understand this there's gonna be our last command tonight before we leave you may have never received the Holy Spirit evidence was speaking with other tongues but it's for you and God can baptize you with the Holy Ghost now we've repented we poured our heart out to God he said that's all you need to do I'm getting ready to give a command and when I give that command as you begin to worship God if you've never spoken with tongues you can speak in tongues that quick you can begin to speak a heavenly language as a Spirit of God gives you the utterance and you can be baptized with the Holy Ghost those of us that have had the Holy Ghost those of us that know how to yield to the Holy Ghost when I give the command everything in here lift your voice and let there be an option in the spirit begin to flow from you and you can begin to speak that heavenly language as the Spirit of God gave you the utterance now God through the authority and the power of the name of Jesus I speak to everyone in this congregation may I come in to every one of the sound of my voice receive ye the Holy gas let that be a shout of tongue than a praise ha ha yellow boy shake aha but did speak it that your life was bigoted but your life would speak it not your language spigot [Applause] take away let it fall from universe lien new baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire 419 up and down that balcony around the risers that only go sweep over this place the Hachiko alien them I don't know if anybody did but anybody just received the Holy Ghost would you raise your hand you just got the Holy Ghost one back there got the Holy Ghost in that wonderful god bless you lady man you got a case of it back there to look at it back there Dora put your arm around and she just got the Holy Ghost anybody else get the Holy Ghost tonight was there one anybody else get the Holy Ghost tonight I thank God for that one they got the Holy Ghost amen and if you want to be baptized in Jesus name we're gonna baptize you in the name of the Lord in Jesus name Amen and every sin you've ever committed are we thankful for praying the tabernacle make sure you greet our guests and let them know how much we enjoyed having anything let's just stop here does anybody feel like they got healed tonight would you raise your hand would you hold your hand up just me it might feel like hold it hide you feel sherry okay ma'am you got your healing tonight that's just wonderful keep your hand up just a minute I can't count all them that's a lot of hands you feel like you how many feel like that god help them with the deliverance or took them through something tonight would you raise yet well look at that we're believing that that's the power that folks you can pray that every day you know if it took faster about 45 or 50 minutes but you can pray that in 10 minutes if you just keep moving if you like me I'm little a DD so you got to have something Romania you just keep going through this you know what to do at each instrument now you know how to do it you just take that out lay it out and pray it and God's gonna do the work Tuesday morning 8:30 we're gonna have prayer meet I love all of you fellowship one with another it's ten after seven and greet one another in Jesus name [Applause]
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 75,357
Rating: 4.895288 out of 5
Keywords: praying the tabernacle plan, heaven to earth, anthony mangun, praying the tabernacle, how to pray the tabernacle plan, tabernacle in the wilderness, altar of sacrifice, laver of water, golden menorah, table of shew bread, ark of the covenant, mercy seat, apostolic, pentecostal, oneness, apostolic preaching, pentecostal preaching, upci, united pentecostal church, altar of incense
Id: vHjvBg-aRNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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