The Tabernacle Plan by Lee Stoneking

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I believe we have been called by God and we've been chosen for this hour we are no better than anyone else we're no better than any other denomination except we have been called by his name we're going to switch and move - this whole lesson of the tabernacle plan and I'm going to reiterate just briefly some of the comments I made last night about the tabernacle plan and bring out some new points before actually begin to teach the session let us pray Jesus revelation understanding once again bind us together in one mind and one Accord I'm asking as the instructor of this school of scriptures course and training program that these people will never be the same that these truths Oh God will become illumined in their minds and hearts that you will use them mightily that these will become the tools by which they can go forth and build for thee a kingdom a kingdom Oh God a kingdom of holy and righteous people that will serve you Lord I pray that great revival continuously form and break out in this area we give you praise glory and honor I pray that this whole nation of Singapore will feel the effects of the prayers of this church the power of these holy people that walk before you in fear and oh God in dedication and consecration blessed blessed be the name of the Lord we give you praise glory and honor answer by fire God answer by fire help the government of this country to hear of this truth this people that live within her borders I'm asking in the name of the Lord Jesus by your might and by your power blessed be the name of Jesus of Nazareth forever and everyone said amen I do hope in your syllabus you will under the tabernacle plan in category number five I do hope that you'll take time to look at page 59 it's just marvelous the things that are there that you can get into in depth in the study of the tabernacle plan then of course page 60 there are tabernacle plan references that show you all that you need to know in addition to the verse I'm going to begin the flannelgraph teaching session with also I want to point out galatians 3 and 20 for the law galatians 3 and 24 says the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ in other words the law really was a schoolmaster to bring us in the end to what we have in apostolic Christianity and within the notes you'll find out all about the decree that went forth an exodus to let them make a sanctuary for the Lord that he could dwell among men then in Hebrews 9 it talks about that the high priest went alone into the holiest once a year and there are all kinds of things there we've already discussed that the high priest in the tabernacle wore a breastplate of 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel and it was called the Urim and Thummim or-or-or in vitamin in hebrew which means light in truth the high priest Aaron was required by God to carry light and truth upon his heart before and for the people at all times and that basic concept in truth is still imposed upon us as men of God in this hour we are commanded by God to bear truth and light before us to the people and then we discussed the five major offerings last night the seven Feast of the Lord now in this tabernacle plan God gave Moses on Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments but he gave him the tabernacle plan this Tabernacle was a portable church that could be set up and dismantled and carried on their journeys from the pilgrimage from Egypt to the promised land and they spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness because they failed at the promise of God and the mocked and scoffed and so they returned back into the wilderness for 40 years but when they finally crossed over Jordan into the Promised Land it was an incredible thing because it had this portable church all the way through this tabernacle wherein they worshiped and served God and God met with them on a daily basis an incredible plan and the plan or the format carried through into the Temple of Solomon of course once the Temple of Solomon was erected then the tabernacle plan was dismantled it was no longer needed as they had their own nation they had the capital in Jerusalem etc and all of that before the kingdom was divided but the the tabernacle plan the format followed all the way through it still exists in a lot in many details in Judaism today and of course it was definitely in the temple that Herod built in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus earthly ministry there's some interesting sidelights to all of this before actually get into the class and the flannelgraph itself I've been digital 19 times and in the city of Jerusalem there is in within the Jewish quarter something called the temple Institute the temple Institute Haim Richmond I know him I've been with him and spent some time with him he's just an incredible rabbi and I've asked him lots of questions for me going to the temple Institute is one the major highlights of going to Jerusalem and there is a woman there her name is Esther I haven't been out about eight years but her lecture alone on the tabernacle on the temple to me was worth the entire trip to Israel she was absolutely incredible in fact she knows so much about it that the rabbis in Jerusalem they want to know answers to questions about the temple or the tabernacle they come to Esther and she always agreed to lecture my particular tour group and I always tipped her well at the end and she was just an incredible incredible person the things that she knew it was her demeanor it was also her spirit that she transmitted but what's interesting about the temple Institute they are planning they're making plans to build the next temple when the Messiah returns they're looking they're praying for the Messiah fervently and they're crying out to God to send the Messiah that sat in one way isn't it because the very thing they're looking for lives in our hearts and souls on a daily basis it's sad to me that the thing they wanted the most the coming of the Messiah they missed it they were so busy fighting the Romans they missed it but if they pulled out the Scrolls during the earthly Ministry of Jesus and began to read the scrolls in the evening around their fires and and and compared the scrolls the prophecies what the prophets had declared and then compared that with what this Jesus was doing in the countryside they would have begun the shot with joy and said look he's got to be the one it's written here it's written here it's written here but what they were doing is they were so busy fighting the Romans and taking care of just life in general they missed the greatest Advent in their entire history the coming of the Messiah and the thing I don't want to happen to us is to get so involved with current events and the cares of life and the world that we miss the next greatest event in history the rapture the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ we must keep diligently searching the Scriptures because every day the news media is screaming he's coming he's coming every earthquake is saying he's coming he's coming the earth has a voice the Bible says in the last days of earthquakes in diverse places thousands of earth tremors majored tremors every day taking place Jesus is literally coming and if we know anything about Bible prophecy surely he will come within our lifetime would it be a wonderful thing to be walking along somewhere and take a step and your foot will catch on the air and never touch the sidewalk or the carpet again you just begin to feel yourself lifting and going there'll be the sound of a trumpet the voice of the Archangel the shout of God wonderful where we are at this hour but in this temple Institute they have they have made a solid gold crown for the high priest aware they've got the miters they've got the linen robes they've got the the shovels the basins they've got everything it's made of solid gold it's absolutely incredible they were working on the breastplate when I was there that the the monumental mammoth thing of course is the candlestick because it was solid gold and it's it's I don't know how large they will make it but they're preparing for this the building of the next temple and here's what's interesting about this this is fascinating to me the artists in these vessels for the next temple the basins the labors and all of the furniture the candlesticks and everything the table of showbread all of that the artists that are now making these vessels you can walk in and see them they're there the artists can trace their genealogies and their lineage back to the same families of artists who made these vessels for Solomon's Temple they are descendants of the artists through the centuries that made the vessels for the Temple of Solomon that's incredible so as we go into this you'll see there's a lot of gold and silver as you read through your nose and as I lecture here tonight okay here these Hebrew children three to six million depending on what authority you read after here they are out in the middle of the desert and they've been slaves for 400 years where did they get all this gold and silver and all these dishes rich tapestries in linen and all of this fabric to make and build such a magnificent structure as the tabernacle where they get it the Bible says they borrowed from the Egyptians the Bible says they spoiled the Egyptians they took the gold and the silver from the Egyptian women the bracelets the rings that the the necklaces all the things the furniture the chaise lounges they literally when they left Egypt they spoiled literally the Egyptians you say well that's stealing no no no no back pay for 400 years of slavery that is where they got the gold and the silver to make this incredible portable church in the wilderness and again I reiterate the format the plan of this tabernacle exists even to our day the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10 11 let's read together now all these things happened unto them for examples and they are written for our admonition so during the time of Moses and when the tabernacle plan was inaugurated and brought into the camp for the Hebrew children to worship in and that God might dwell among them if you walked upon the camp of the Hebrew children it would look something like this the tabernacle if you notice was placed in the center of the entire encampment the millions camped around the tabernacle it means this for God should be the center of your life the tabernacle was never pitched at the back of the camp at the side of the camp in front of the camp it was pitched directly in the middle of the entire encampment God should be the center of your life and the interesting thing about the tabernacle the people camped around in tents etc but it was a cloud that covered this camp by day and by night that cloud turned into a pillar fire so it must have been very disconcerting even fearful at times for the enemy to try to do whatever they will to do against these what they consider to be just a wandering mass of bedouin people traveling through their lands but if they came upon them in the day that cloud mysteriously just hung there and shielded them from the Hot Desert Sun so they decided to come back for a surprise attack at night that cloud turned into a pillar of fire meaning that the people of God are never without light and never without his protective power and when the devil comes around to us there is a cloud that covers us or a fire by night as it were we are protected from the wiles of the devil we are protected from the enemies of our souls and this was the greatest event or the greatest thing that the Hebrew children constantly watched if that cloud stayed stationary when they got it woke up in the morning they stuck their heads out of these tens to look at the cloud if it was stationary they could sleep in if that table was moving that meant they had to get up roll up those tents and the cloud was beginning to move and they had to move with the cloud in other words if they didn't move with the cloud they would be left at the rear of the encampment and destroyed by the enemy what does it mean for us it means that when the Spirit of God is moving you had better pick up yourself and move with the spirit you better move with the spirit it's something when the water is troubled get in while the water is troubled it's amazing it's amazing to me people will come to services and when the power of God is mighty they just stand back and watch then when the spirit of fellowship takes over they come down and say I just went to the dock today I'm dying in a month with cancer would you pray for me the answer is no you should have got in while the Spirit of God was moving when the Spirit of God is moving move with the spirit come out of your seat push somebody out of the way get them out of the way but get into the moving of the Spirit they had to get to that Pool of Bethesda when the water was troubled the first one that got in the water was healed don't wait till the water settles down it's too late it's too late get in while the Spirit of God is moving you say I don't want to be rude who cares what people think get what you came for if you have to push some over just push him over but you get it that woman with the issue blood it's possible she crawled but she got there and when she touched him she was healed clap your hands for just a moment god help us forever move with your spirit butoh kuraha Shia in fact I have done a lot of research from Jewish sources it says that the mass of people was so great that sometimes as the cloud was moving and they moved all day long to move 6 it will be considered 3 million people conservative 3 million people all of this had to be to be just you know dissembled in and and put and carried at the end of the day those at the back of the cloud may not have moved very many feet at all it just was a very slow process can you imagine living like that for 40 years but when they moved to a new location and got there and they set set up camp this was established in the center of the camp because God I reiterate should be the center of your life this tabernacle plans faced the east and there were you'll find this in your notes there were certain tribes that camped right in front to the entrance that carried the tabernacle carried the furniture etc etc and that's all very interesting but for tonight this Tabernacle faced the East it always faced the rising of the Sun is the reason for them but as you walk up to the tabernacle itself this outer enclosure was 150 feet long and 75 feet wide 150 feet long and 75 feet wide this fence was white linen there's a reason for them because if you walked up to the fence the whiteness of the fence would make you very much aware of any soil on your garments when you come into the presence of God you become very much aware of your sinful nature and His Holiness this fence was seven and a half feet high just a little bit taller than the average individual because it was written all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God most people that wanted to look over into this fell just short of Amick being able to look over into the glory and the power and the majesty of God for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God notice there's only one gate in this tabernacle plan Jesus said I am the door I am the way and the life if you try to get in by any other means the same as a thief and a robber you couldn't crawl under this fence you couldn't climb over it you had to come through the gate the gate was 30 feet wide but the entrance to the tabernacle was only 15 feet wide it is written straight is the gate and narrow is the way and few there be that find it that's what that's all about these Jews worshiped in type and shadow the entire New Testament dispensational Church there were 4 posts that held up this gate or this door that represented the four Gospels that held up Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you had to come to this particular gate when you came to this gate when the animal sacrifices were brought here that's where the struggle was the struggle was at this gate because the animals could smell the burning flesh and the smoke of the sacrifices on this brazen altar here which was the first piece of furniture there were seven pieces of furniture allocated in this tabernacle plan there was the brazen altar there was the Laver inside the tabernacle with the candlestick the table of showbread altar of incense the veil and then the Ark of the Covenant behind the veil which you'll see before the class is over but this the struggle was here the animals feared they felt us here this brazen altar was a type of repentance when a human being comes to God when a sinner walks in where the presence of God is moving that's where the battle begins the struggle begins because God is a consuming fire and they can feel the convicting power of Almighty God and the struggle begin that's why the Bible says present your body a living sacrifice ice under God which is your reasonable service just as in this Tabernacle the animal struggled it was flame and it was became a burnt offering here but once a sinner presents himself to God it changes totally which we will discuss inside the tabernacle itself this brazen altar was made out of brazen brass it was 7 1/2 feet by 7 1/2 feet by 4 and a half feet high when this Tabernacle was instituted or Naga rated or dedicated in its first service when they brought the animal sacrifice here fire fell from this cloud and set the altar on fire that fire never was allowed to go out from that time on even when they dismantle the tabernacle and traveled they had to wrap the ashes of this fire are the coals that the burning coals of this brazen altar in ashes and carry them so the fire was continuously the same fire it began by God and they carried it so this was a type of repentance it was a brazen altar the second piece of furniture was not just brazen brass it was mirrored brass in other words the closer you get to the glory of God inside this tabernacle the more valuable the material becomes that the furniture is made out of so we're going from a sleighing death sacrificial experience here to fire and smoke here and brazen brass a fire that never went out in other words you could avail yourself of this altar any time of day or night anyone in the camp could avail themselves of this altar of repentance type repenteth any time of day or night but the next piece of furniture was this mirrored this labour of water no one knows exactly its dimensions we do know it was made out of mirrored brass in other words the women surrendered their polished brass looking glasses or mirrors for the making of this labor in other words they surrendered their vanity to the house of God is what they did and this labor was so highly polished that when the priest walked up to this Laver if there were any spots on their robes it was reflected in the brightness and the mirror like quality of the surface of this Laver and at this Laver every priest that entered the service of the priesthood was washed at this Laver from head to foot that's why we baptize by immersion because Aaron was the first high priest and he Moses washed him from head to foot it was a type of baptism by immersion and if they were not washed here and walked into the holy place they drop dead so they had to wash here because it was a type of baptism so you've got you've got repentance and you've got baptism here inside this hospitable Knakal was view a rectangular shape and inside the first half or portion it was the holy place behind the veil was the holiest of Holies so when you get inside it becomes totally different than you see out here this represents the Shekinah glory of God that fell on the day of atonement Shekinah means wrath and it was the wrath of God that fell on the sacrifice the blood that was sprinkled by the high priest so we can lift this now the Hebrew children told anyone who wanted to know or anything sure that it was born among them we have the truth God dwells with us God dwells among us and that he's in the center of this camp there's a tabernacle in which he dwells pointing passerby or stranger they would tell them the same God dwells in this tabernacle so when those who came to see this great dwelling place of this great God who had delivered them out of Egyptian bondage who performed the miraculous in the wilderness when they got to the tabernacle they simply saw a rectangular box didn't have any spires or steeples with just a rectangular box and it was covered on the outside with badger skins I mean it's not that impressive what they did not know there were four coverings on that tabernacle once you get through the badger skin experience of repentance which is not attractive but they did that know under that layer of badger skins there was a second layer curtain it was Ram skins dyed red once you get through the Badger skin experience of repentance and you get baptized in Jesus name the power of the blood of Jesus Christ becomes of but most importance to you and you find you're entering beginning to walk into the glory and the power of God and his total redemptive power in your life it was a type of the blood that is applied at water baptism what the passerby stranger did not know underneath this Ram skin dyed red there was another curtain and it was made of cashmere it was goats hair was absolutely luxurious once they go to the badger skin experience the repentance and they got through the type and shadow of this washing they fell began to fall into the soft velvety presence of the reality God what they didn't know was under under this layer of cashmere there was a fourth curtain it was absolutely magnificent it was the wolf was linen white but it was embroidered in blue for the heavenlies purple for royalty and scarlet for the blood of Jesus was magnificent magnificent so he got repentance what a baptism and the type and shadow of coming into the presence and glory of God in this tabernacle if you understand what I just said here if they fail to wash at this Laver and walked into the holy place they fell dead if you understand that from the tabernacle then you'll understand why in Acts chapter 10 when the Holy Ghost fell in the household of Cornelius and Peter was preaching Peter the Holy Ghost fell on them while he was preaching he commanded them when they stopped speaking with tongues to be baptized in Jesus name he didn't say think about it we'll give you a Bible said next week on the spot he commanded them to be baptized in Jesus name the reason is because he knew this plan they had bypassed the labor they had walked in here without being washed that's where he commanded them to be baptized in Jesus name in fact they have done some research on this from the stacks that I mentioned in an old encyclopedia they say in the beginning that when people all Christians that were baptized convert they were baptized in water they came they repented they got baptized and they came out of the water speaking with tongues they almost a lot of sources say they just automatically came out of the water speaking with tongues in fact our own traditions have unfortunately dissected this whole thing I came into what is called traditional Pentecostalism you you come you hear the preaching you feel convicted of your sin you go through all of this you come to an altar you repent then the next service you come back and you get baptized in Jesus name then the next day we should come back and begin to tarry for the Holy Ghost that's very traditional it has nothing to do with that Malloy truth nothing at all because when you're born again you should all come at once when a baby is born in the natural you get a leg this week and an arm next week and a head the next week you get the whole baby all at once when you repent of your sins you should get in the water and come out of it speaking with tongues the birth should all come at once we have dissected it so that gives all kinds of reasons and all kinds of theological discussions about where is the blood applied when does it happen forget it you've dissected the baby you've turned it all apart when you come to God you should get it all at once if you're really repented you should get the Holy Ghost and this gets you to water not tonight but now mmm in Jesus name its worship the Lord for a moment can you feel Revelation this house you can feel it Oh hallelujah Jesus I worship you God again give us revelation understanding by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ wrap your arms of love around us lift us into a realm that we've never been in before I give you praise for it I give you worship for it God in the blessed and wonderful name of Jesus of Nazareth so under this fourth curtain to cover the tabernacle when you pulled it away inside the walls were pure gold they were wooden panels acacia wood that was covered with solid gold so it was the holy place and the holiest of Holies so here you have the death the sacrifice repentance the washing and to enter into the holy place was a type of receiving the Holy Ghost so if you walked up to the entrance of this holy place it would look something like this with a magnificent curtain beautifully done and if you went inside the holy place it would look like this the walls were pure gold the feeling was magnificent it was white linen wolf embroidered again with blue scarlet and purple and the veil itself was magnificent embroidered with cherubim upon it but inside outside the furniture was brazen brass mirrored brass but in here it's gold the candlestick was on your immediate left that candlestick represented it represented the light of God the candlestick was solid gold it represented the light of God of all the elements light is the most mysterious you can reflect light through a prism and you get a rainbow God is like that so the candlestick represented the Spirit of God and again it was magnificently carved knobs and bowls and beautifully ornate magnificent to look at and priceless I don't know that anyone really knows the actual value of this solid gold candlestick nor did they know exactly its dimensions but it's sad directly on the left notice this on the sand this is not amazing the walls are gold the ceiling is magnificent everything around you is magnificent Gold embroider work of art but the floor of the tabernacle was sand what's that all about to remind us that we're still on planet earth and if you always spend all of your time looking down all you're going to see is sand but if you can find the grace to lift your eyes as David of old said I will have mine eyes under the hills but whence cometh my strength my strength cometh from the Lord if you keep looking up that's where the beauty is that's where the beauty is if you look down all you'll ever see is the garbage in the gutter but if you just look up that's where the beauty is that is the lesson that is being taught here no matter where you're walking just lift your eyes and look how they were yeah so the candlestick saw the gold represented the light or the Spirit of God what's interesting about this the candlestick the priest came in and lighted it in the evening when the day was done so that be light in the tabernacle through the night but in the morning when the Sun came up and the true Sun arose there was no need for this artificial light and the priest came in the morning and snuffed out the candlestick it's a type of when the true Sun of righteousness came this Tabernacle would be snuffed out there was no need for it on the right was the table of showbread again it's solid gold there were loaves of bread brought twelve loaves of bread brought baked by the co fights brought in once a week the rabbi's will tell you the temple Institute that this bread never became stale the priest ate from this bread in the tabernacle they were required to eat it but the bread had to be eaten in the tabernacle not outside the tabernacle it's a type of Jesus said I am the bread of life the bible is the word the bread of life you need to eat this bread inside the tabernacle not out there on your own in the world in other words don't think that you can just stay home and have Church in your own house little girl by yourself you need to eat this bread in the church in the tabernacle that's where it was eaten not outside because you need the fellowship one of another I can worship God by myself but if I can get you to worship with me we can magnify him and that's what church is all about because you've got an anointing and I've got an anointing and your anointing comes on me and mine comes on you and we flow back and forth and our strength becomes your strength and your strength becomes our strength it is the will of God we always eat this bread of life in the tabernacle in the church that's why the Bible says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together so much more as so as you see the Day approaching we need the house of God like we've never needed the house of God before this is the refuge here this is the sanctuary here this is an escape from all of that that's out there we can come here it close our minds and hearts to all of that and we can fly away and rest in the bosom of Jesus right here in this sanctuary this is place is hallowed now because of the building because the Church of the Living God which our people are here you have hallowed this place you have sanctified this place as a refuge for the perishing and as a strength for the saints of Almighty God amen this table of showbread was gold but it was not ornate the table represented the ministry it wasn't the table that was so important it was the bread that was on the table that you ate they didn't eat the tables ate the bread on the table so what the lesson is here it's not the table that's so important that the cat the candlestick was ornate beautifully beautifully carved and put together but the table of show but it was gold it was valuable the ministry is valuable but it's not supposed to be ornate it's not in miters and chapters and long flowing robes it's not the table it's the bread it's what you hold up that's what they eat in other words I don't know what a pitcher supposed to look like I know what he's supposed to sound like and that's what I major in if you notice I wear the same suits all the time you know why because they're heavy duty suits they take every duty work I've this this is MOT your workplace these are my work clothes these will go through the sweat and the perspiration and crawling and people handling you and praying for people to get the Holy Ghost I have to have heavy duty work clothes and when it gets hot I take the tie off it lets the heat out that's what I'm doing you have to do it I've got some nice suits at home but I wear them to funerals into weddings and to go out tonight they'd never get through the kind of preaching I do about to preaching stations they'd be ready for the cleaners or destroyed so this is heavy-duty stuff and that's what it's all about it's not what you look like it's what you sound like that makes the difference so the table was gold but it was the bread that was of utmost importance and then directly in front of the veil was the altar of incense the altar of incense again was gold and up on this altar of incense it was a magnificent recipe of special ingredients that were put together and they were burned on this altar they say that the fragrance was absolutely heavenly what's interesting about it is that all the ingredients had to burn together for the proper fragrance in other words one piece burned alone it is smell just right you know if some congregations have noticed when we all worship together it smells right if you just got one person over there doing their thing screaming of everybody else it doesn't just sound just it doesn't feel this right doesn't smell just right but I mean we all need to get in this tuba get into this together and that's what I like about Singapore you people here in Asia and all of these places you come from you all get in there worship together there's not one or two care it's not one or two carrying the whole thing you're all into it in other words you're all fanatics and that's what I like and that's what God likes because if you worship Him do you understand me when I say to you that worship is the prerequisite to the miraculous if you want a miracle stop begging and whining just worship you don't deserve anyhow none of us did but just worship it will cause God to lower the scepter to you he will lower the scepter to you that syrophoenician woman got in before the Gentile dispensation was ever opened she came and said God she said do this for my daughter whatever and he looked at her and he said it's not fit or proper to take the children's meat and cast it to dogs he called her a dog how about Jesus here he called her a dog didn't Vader she said yay Lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table the witch she worshiped him she acknowledged who he was and he opened the door to a Gentile with the miraculous before the Holy Ghost ever fell she got in before the Gentile dispensation was ever ever opened because she dared to worship Him in spirit and in truth and recognized him as Lord you want a miracle you worship God forget your failures forget your faults forget who you are just worship God just worship God yay lord hey lord [Music] hallelujah Jesus hallelujah and so at the time of the temple of Solomon they say that when they came and burned incense and the Temple of Solomon that the fragrance the incense it was so great it came out of the temple and it wafted down through the hills and the valleys all the way to Jericho and they say that the donkey's in the streets of Jericho would sneeze just smelling the fragrance of the incense that was burning at the Temple in Jerusalem they will tell you the temple Institute that when in the in all of this the Temple of Solomon in this tabernacle especially the Temple of Solomon and when they that brazen altar when they offered those blood sacrifices in that fire they said no matter how hard the wind blew that smoke always rose in a perfectly straight line and in spite of all the animals that were slain the blood in the gore on the Temple Mount for the time of Solomon and all of those periods and all that time they never saw one fly on the Temple Mount this whole thing is miraculous people this whole thing is miraculous from beginning to end it's a miracle and here it's a miracle you're here it's a miracle we have what we have you're a miracle we are miracle he has filled us with his spirit we are alive forevermore you are right now alive for eternity no matter what happens to the body you're already living for eternity God has fused his eternal spirit with you you are filled with his spirit you've got resurrection power inside of you that's who you are so that's who I am look at your name they wake up to it I feel like cramping and shopping but I got to keep going but I just can feel presence of God in this place Jesus I worship you the altar of incense beautiful that's what Zacharias was doing what he went in and - angel came Gabriel and told him about John the Baptist would be born to him and to his wife so now you're standing here before the veil itself but we have a high priest here on the Day of Atonement the high priest they were brought to him two goats without blemish they cast lots one goat was slain the other goat the high priest they'd his hands on the head of that goat it was called the scapegoat and that scapegoat was led out into the wilderness so far from the camp he could never get back was a type of when God forgives your sins they are gone so far his cast God has literally cast our sins into his sea of forgetfulness and he puts up a big sign this is no fishing even the devil once God has forgiven you even the devil cannot fish that out don't let him try don't lame try just worship God and say devil they're gone I'm clean I'm new I'm whole I'm never going back because I don't have to go back I don't have to go back but one of those goats was slain and one of those ghosts became the scapegoat the goat that was slain blood was taken and it was sprinkled this blood on the day of atonement was sprinkled on all the pieces of the furniture the high priest sprinkled it on the brazen altar he sprinkled on the mirrored brass Laver he sprinkled it on the candlestick he sprinkled it on the table of showbread he sprinkled it on the ark the altar of incense he sprinkled it on this veil and it went behind the veil and he sprinkled it on the lid of the ark which we will come back to but this High Priest all the days of the year were these royal robes they were magnificent done and on that his breast was the Urim and the Thummim the breastplate twelve precious stones on the hem of His garment there was a bell and a pomegranate a bell and a pomegranate a bell and a pomegranate all the way around the hem of that royal robe so anyone would have recognized the high priest because of his royal attire magnificent mitre but on the day of atonement the high priest was required to go in to the holy place take off those royal robes and put on just plain white linen robes so when the high priest came out on the day of atonement nobody would recognize him it was just dressed in plain white linen like all of the other priests he made he officiated the atonement on the day of atonement the sprinkling of the blood all the things I've already discussed he took care of all of that when the atonement was made and the blood was sprinkled on the lid of that Ark shall come back to me he came out and the vision of the holiest of Holies behind his veil he walked in in plain white robes once the atonement was made he in this holy place put these royal robes back on and he came out jesus is our high priest when he came into this world to make the atonement he came in plain white linen robes of just simple flesh and they didn't recognize him but he has gone back into that holy place and when he comes the next time he will come back with those royal robes and the whole world will know who he is and those bells on the hem of this robe represented the gifts of the Spirit the pomegranate represented the fruit of the Spirit and the people had watched him do all of this the whole camp and they saw him go in in these plain white linen robes and they waited they saw the Shekinah fall when the wrath came down upon the blood that was sprinkled on the lid of the ark and they waited the high priest put those royal robes back on and when he began to walk out of the holy place back into the congregation the bells begin to ring and the people knew he was coming those bells represent the gift of the Spirit one of the reasons we know Jesus will come in our day is because the gifts of the Spirit are being restored to the church worldwide the bells are beginning to ring he's on his way out of that holy place into this present world you can feel it it's your hands and let your voice out for a moment Jesus oh oh yeah hallelujah that's it that's it that's it let your voice out in the name of Jesus Jesus help us to be in the rapture even so Lord Jesus come quickly I give you praise we give you praise it's a wonderful wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ so the high priest when he went behind this veil into the holiest of Holies there was no need of a candlestick there for the glory of God lighted the holiest of Holies in the whole list of Holies there was this Ark of the Covenant and the Ark of the Covenant was again solid gold and it was cherubim on the lid of this Ark if you'll notice they looked inward like this why because the glory of God dwelt between the wings of cherubim over the lid of this Ark so the angels were gazing continuously into the glory of God that's what we should get to to continuously gaze into the glory of God they constantly looked into it from their faces into the glory of God that dwelt on the lid of this arc here is what is so incredible about this when that high priests walked in carrying that blood having sprinkled on all the other seven pieces of furniture when the high priest came in he sprinkled that blood on the lid of this Ark and when he did the Shekinah or the wrath of God came down against the sins of the people but when the glory of God when God saw that innocent blood that wrath changed to mercy that's why they called the lid of the ark the mercy seat because when the wrath fell and saw that innocent blood it changed to mercy that's why when a sinner comes to God they feel the wrath of God against their sins but the moment they kneel and the wrath falls it sees the innocent blood of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and that wrath changes to mercy and the feeling is unbelievable there is a glorious experience in repentance mercy sat upon the lid of his gold box for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years but one day in the temple in Jerusalem mercy heard the voice of a 12 year old boy and mercy leaped from the lid of that Ark and raced to that veil and ran her fingers along the edges looking for the opening to get through but there was no opening to get through and the of that 12 year old boy became silent and mercy went back and set on the lid of this Ark several years later that voice in adulthood cried out again in the temple and mercy leaped and ran to that veil and ran her fingers looking for an opening wanting to escape into the world to merciful but there was the opening so mercy went back and again became seated upon just the lid of this gold box but and a few years later some distance outside the city walls on a hillside came a voice that cried it is finished and in that temple suddenly there was a caring there was a ripping and the veil in the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom which was a miracle in itself it couldn't have been torn from the top to the bottom but it was torn from the top to the bottom and mercy leaped through that area and came to that riven veil and ran her fingers along the shredded veil and the history says that the veil rent the shreds looked like human flesh hanging and mercy leaped through that riven veil and ran into the streets in jerusalem and found a blood trail and began to follow that blood trail and followed it up to the brow of gog arthur and their hanging suspended between heaven and earth was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and mercy ran to him as that I plead with you to the very throne of God don't ever let me be imprisoned behind a veil on a gold box but let me ride on the shoulders of man may I ever be carried on the shoulders of man and from that time on mercy is free in this world riding on the shoulders of man of every time you hear a preacher preach if you look closely on his shoulder you can see mercy smiling at you reaching for you mercy got free that's why we are here today tonight as we are I feel like standing and giving this great God this Jesus of a standing ovation in June we find him writing in verse 3 I wanted to write of our common salvation but he said I realized it was necessary for me to write to you of the faith which was once delivered to the Saints it's very specific in Greek it was delivered once for all we do not have an evolving gospel that needs to be updated with the latest theories of psychology and sociology and legality but we have the faith which once for all was delivered to the Saints it saved people in the first century it saves people in the 21st century you
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 11,537
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), christian theology (field of study), baptism (religious practice)
Id: 88AsUoTb5Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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