Prayer That Changes Things - Prayer of Petition, Part 4

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[Music] thank you once again for joining our broadcast what a joy it is to share the word with you today we're continuing our study on the prayer petition and audience thank you for being here you have certainly helped me bring this out praise god and i trust all of you that have been watching that you have learned some powerful truths about how to develop and build an accurate prayer life once again we're talking about the prayer petition now i want to make this promise to you on the session today and that is this when you learn how to construct prepare and pray the prayer petition your prayer life is never going to be the same i'm going to make that promise again when you learn how to construct prepare and pray the prayer petition then your prayer life is never going to be the same again i know because that's what happened to me over 45 years ago my prayer life changed immediately and praise god it has been a very positive thing a very exciting thing since that very moment now let's lay the foundation once again for the prayer petition and that is this the prayer of petition is always supported by the known will of god now i'd like to add this statement to that since it's being supported by the known will of god then it's also being supported by evidence and facts based upon the word of god amen it's based on evidence and facts according to the word of god now in ephesians chapter 6 we learned on our last broadcast that there are various kinds of prayer paul talks about in verse 17 and 18 that we are to pray always with all prayer another translation says all manner of prayer i believe it's the new international version that says with all kinds of prayer so that tells us that there are different kinds of prayer and we're talking about in particular the prayer petition but i did promise you a couple of sessions back that we would go over briefly the different kinds of prayers just so that you will know what they are from the word of god so once again the different kinds of prayer number one the prayer of thanksgiving and praise i'm going to talk about each one of them in a few moments but i'm going to give you the list first of all number one is the prayer of thanksgiving and praise number two the prayer of dedication and worship and then number three the prayer that changes things which includes the prayer petition so number one the prayer of thanksgiving and praise number two the prayer of dedication and worship and number three the prayer that changes things which includes the prayer of petition now before we get into the description of each one of them let's mention this that you should know there are from the word of god three major spiritual weapons that we should use in prayer number one the name of jesus the name of jesus carries power in heaven in earth and under the earth never forget that everything is subject to his name number two the word of god paul mentioned that in ephesians 6 and praying take the sword of the spirit and praying so the sword of the spirit which is the word of god we need to know what the word says and make it that part of our a vital part of our prayer life so the first weapon that we use in prayer is the name of jesus all demonic activity all of satan and his cohorts are subject to the name of jesus number two the word of god when you know what the word says and you include it in your prayer then you have complete confidence in god hearing you and complete confidence in him fulfilling your request isaiah chapter 55 and verse 11 says that his word does not return unto him void and then number three the holy spirit i like to say that the holy spirit is god's muscle he's the one who makes things happen he's the one that backs the word with his power he's the one that brings or causes god's word to come to pass so once again the three major spiritual weapons remember the bible says in second corinthians i believe it's chapter 10 verse 5 the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty what are those weapons number one the name of jesus number two the word of god and number three the holy spirit learn to apply these weapons in your prayer life now let's talk about the prayer of thanksgiving and praise that's where you thank god it's it's not asking god for anything see get out of your thinking that prayer always means asking god for something prayer is communication it's conversation with god which means he should be able to talk to amen amen i mean you know when you're carrying on a conversation with someone don't they get the right to talk back don't they get the right to to you know say something you know a lot of people go to prayer they think it's prayer and it's all them all it is is them doing all the talking that doesn't make good sense you're praying or talking to someone who knows all and the person who's talking knows very little why wouldn't you let the person who knows all do some talking amen that makes sense to you amen so the prayer of thanksgiving and praise you're not asking for anything there are times when you just need to go to god and say father i just want to visit with you today not ask you for anything i may have some needs we'll deal with that later but right now this is just a time of praise and thanksgiving i just want to thank you for who you are i just want to thank you for what you've done in my life and lord i want to thank you for what i believe you're about to do praise god amen god loves praise and thanksgiving oh human beings love praise and thanksgiving people like to know that that they're appreciated amen people like to know that that people have an attitude of gratitude for what they've done to them and for them i mean everybody likes that you know i'm a giver i love to give i live to give and but at the same time i i'd appreciate it thank you i mean that's the least a person could do is is you know when you bless them when you help me to need in their life the least they could do is say thank you you know they don't have to tell me thank you for the rest of my life or their life but i i certainly appreciate it when the act is done you know thank you you know and not just that the best you can do and i've had people do that people got mad actually got mad at me i'll never forget today's the longest day i live a woman and her daughter and they the the woman she was probably in her 60s at the time her daughter was in her 40s and they had a desperate need in their life and they asked if i could help well what they didn't realize that very same day i had five people ask me for help and i had just enough money to help all five but i couldn't meet the full need of all five i had enough where i could make a dent in that need so i chose to distribute it to five different people and help me to need in five different families the mother and her daughter got so mad at me when they found out i gave some of the money to somebody else why didn't they meet with what i gave it could have met their full need they didn't want me dividing it up and help somebody else i didn't tell them what i had they found out on their own come to me so mad you had enough money to meet our need and instead you chose to help other people you don't practice what you preach but i thought how ungrateful you know she how selfish too that you know rather than me help five families just do it all for this one family i thought that was very selfish on their part the prayer of thanksgiving and praise it's where you're thanking god for who he is you're thanking god for what he's done you're thanking god for what you believe he's about to do i personally believe that thanks the prayer thanksgiving and praise is one of the greatest expressions of faith amen god appreciates an attitude of gratitude amen the prayer of dedication we mentioned earlier is where you're dedicating or committing yourself to whatever god desires for you to do in your life it's the only prayer once again where it is appropriate to pray if it be thy will what you're saying to god is this i'm willing to do whatever you want me to do i'm willing to go wherever you want me to go i'm just not sure what that that plan is but whatever it is i'm willing to do it i'm willing to carry it out that's the prayer of dedication okay it's the kind of prayer that jesus prayed in the garden of gethsemane luke chapter 22 and verse 42 father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thy will be done in other words lord if if we've got some options here you know let me know what they are however not my will but your will be done that's the prayer of dedication and worship so once again uh the prayer of petition which comes under the category of prayer that changes things and notice i said prayer that changes things i didn't say prayer that changes god amen you're not going to change god that's right amen it's the prayer that changes things not changes god so the prayer that changes things one of those types of prayer is the prayer of petition but once again the cardinal rule for the prayer petition it can only be prayed with the known will of god you know up front you already know what the will of god is so you're not going to pray in this prayer if it be thy will so that once again requires research research in the word find out what his word says and then construct the prayer now let me give you some definitions here where petition is concerned the noaa webster 1828 edition dictionary gives these definitions number one it is a request it is a formal supplication it is a prayer addressed to a person or to a supreme being for something needed or desired number two it is a formal request verbal or written verbal or written number three it is a paper containing a solicitation number four it is making a request to a superior for some favor or privilege hallelujah i like that amen now once again notice it said a formal request either verbal or written personally i like writing it out why because i have found that by researching the scriptures and then taking the time to write them construct this prayer based on those scriptures it's tremendously inspiring to my faith you know when particularly when you're first learning and you're not sure what the word says and and you you and remember the prayer petition always deals with specific things it's not a general prayer so here when you're first starting out you're not real sure like in those early days uh you know i've i i found out by stripes i'm healed it seemed like in those early days man i just got a revelation of that and i started learning how to walk in divine health and and even when attacks came they didn't last all day before i learned these things i might be sick for days or even weeks but now that i'd learned these things even though the attacks still came they didn't last all day most of the time and so i'm learning how to walk in health but i was really struggling with finances because i'd shut my business down i had all these debts in my business i had personal debts and and i really don't know all there is to know about god's will for financial blessing i didn't know i knew i heard brother copeland give that scripture philippians 4 19 my god shall supply all your need but i knew there had to be more in fact i learned later there were more scriptures about finances in the bible than there were about salvation not meaning that that's more important but god knows human nature and you know it seems like we get a hold of salvation pretty quick but finances that takes a little while you know and so there are a lot of verses in the bible regarding finances and so i got that concordance i heard about the strong's concordance man it was one of the best investments i'd ever made in my life and i went through that strong concordance looking under prosperity or money or finances every scripture i could find and i would write them all out and then i'd take what i'd written out sometimes pages and pages on a legal pad you know and and then i would look at all of them and i'd take the ones that seemed to be most fitting to my need and i would include them in my prayer that i would write out then when i was satisfied that i had it the way i wanted then i'd type it out like i told you earlier and then i'd make a copy for my wife and myself and we'd come together and we'd read that and pray it sign our names to it date it carried around with us and and many times pull it out of my notebook and i'd say father i just want you to know i believe i receive i thank you that this petition is met that i have the petitions i've desired of you and once again if the devil come along and said it's never going to work waste of time you did all that research for nothing i just take it out and say satan you're a liar the truth is not in you it is written hallelujah amen amen and when you know when you get results the first time it has a powerful impact on you i remember the first petition and i wrote it out and it concerned uh it was concerning the debts i still owed in my business and i totaled up all the debts that i had in my business jerry's painting body shop in those days and i i in that prayer i said now father here's why i am petitioning you for this money here's what i need and i listed uh you know the glass companies the parts companies uh all the people that i still owed for money uh for parts and things that i'd purchased while i had that shop and then i totaled it and i said now father here's what i believe i received this amount and i've written that all in my prayer petition and then after we prayed it believe we received it sowed seed toward it sowed seed toward it there's no such thing as a financial harvest without first sowing a financial seed so whatever seed i had and i even put that in my petition father i remember one time i had three dollars that's all i had to my name i said father all i have is three dollars and since it doesn't meet my need that is now my seed and i'm sowing it toward the fulfillment of this financial harvest and i sowed that three dollars into whoever it was god impressed me to sow it into and we believed god and god began to work in miraculous ways sometimes god would use a person somebody'd say god spoke to me and told me i'm supposed to give you this not all the time but sometimes sometimes it came in the form of somebody say jerry can you work on my car and i'd pay a bill with it and i remember us checking off each one of those and then i remember we got down to one left one one bill i still owed when i moved to fort worth texas and that means it's been over a year since i shut my business down and i'd paid every debt off except one and it seemed like this last one it's like the devil you know just to harass me you know what i mean and i remember when we moved over here i sat down and i wrote another petition out but it was not asking god for that i found all the scriptures i could find on thanksgiving and praise and i wrote in that petition father i thank you i remember that i remember the figure just like it was yesterday 274 dollars and 50 cents was the last amount i owed now this is 1970 and i'm working for kenneth copeland and he's paying me 80 a week now 274. or ninety four dollars and fifty cents with a lot of money when i went to work brother copeland his opening remarks to me when i walked in his little tiny office on berry street jerry i know it's the will of god for you to be here in the natural i can't afford you but i know it's god's will if you ever get paid it'll be because you use your faith i can start you at 80 dollars 80 a month uh 80 a week rather and you ain't believe god for that i thought good to see you too brother copeland you know that was my that was his opening remarks to me but you know what it inspired me it challenged me now eighty dollars a week i had made eighty dollars a week since i was about 16 years old here i am a grown man a former business owner but that's all he could afford because his ministry was in an infant stage but hey i needed my 80 a week i believe god i mean for that 80 so you can imagine what 294 dollars and 50 cents was like when your total income is what 320 a month and they're taking taxes out of that so this is this is going to be miraculous would you agree yes sir so i wrote all the scriptures i could find on thanksgiving and praise i didn't ask god for it again because i asked for it in that petition a year earlier and he'd met every one of those and we're down to this last one and i'd hold up that petition i'd say father i thank you and i'd read all those scriptures on thanksgiving and praise and i'll never forget the day that somebody came up to me at grace temple a member of grace temple came up to me it didn't happen at grace temple but we were going to grace temple the member there came up to me a man who owned a business here in town and said jerry i was praying and your name kept coming up in my prayer time yesterday and the lord told me to give you three hundred dollars i thought he's the god that does exceedingly abundantly i only needed 294 dollars and 50 cents and praise god i got 5 and 50 cents left over praise the lord amen he met that need now folks when things like that happen it marks you it marks you for the rest of your life so why not pray like this every time something looks impossible can you say amen so i'm going to say it again when you have researched the scriptures and you found out what the word says about your specific need and you have written it out in the form of a petition then there comes this boldness and this confidence that when you pray it that god hears you and you know because he hears you that you have the petitions you've desired of him can you say amen amen david said in psalm 20 and verses 1 through 5 the lord fulfill all thy petitions he also says in that same chapter and remember your offerings oh i got a revelation there that god never forgets a seed song amen god never forgets a seed song he remembers your offerings he he never forgets the seed sown and he promises to fulfill all your petitions david went on to say in verses 6 through 9 now i know that the lord saveth his anointing he will hear him from his holy heaven and with his saving strength he will rescue me or deliver me so david is confident that when he makes a petition before god that god will hear him and god will meet that need can you say amen you say now brother jerry are there examples of written petitions in the bible oh yes yes ephesians galatians ephesians uh philippians paul says i make mention of you in my prayers then he wrote out what he prayed for yes that's right amen that's right i make mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him what is that a written petition yes sir amen oh yes there are examples there in fact sometimes i just use paul's petitions and and and include them in my petition and and expect god to honor them in my behalf as he did in paul's behalf so this is a powerful way to pray but once again it requires some research it requires some preparation it repri it requires if you're going to write it to take the time to do that and then when you and your spouse come together if that's the case when you present that petition before god and you say amen so be it sign your name to it as a point of contact to release your faith and then carry that around with you expecting god heard me and god grants my petition and just watch what god will do amen praise god i want to encourage you to learn how to do this you can do it by ordering my book there's samples of it at the end of every chapter i'll talk about that a little more but i want to encourage you learn how to do this because it will change your prayer life forever i'll be back in just a moment [Music] when you pray you want answers addiction abuse poverty and spiritual bondage are running rampant through families churches cities and nations what can you do to battle against the forces that seek the destruction of your family and community you can pray learn to pray effectively in a way that sees results and humbly aligning with god's will in prayer of petition jerry savelle guides you to discover the prayer that gets results you will study petitioning prayer in god's word and read testimonies of modern day miracles ushered in by this powerful prayer more importantly you'll learn the biblical definitions of petition and supplication call now or visit and request your copy of prayer of petition act now and receive a bonus the companion prayer of petition workbook and study guide don't wait request today learn the biblical way to petition the lord and see miraculous answers to your prayers thank you once again for joining us this week and watching the broadcast and those of you that have been watching it over the last several weeks thank you so very much and i'm expecting to hear from you now i believe what you've heard has made a powerful impact on your prayer life and i'm expecting many many testimonies just like we've received in the past from people all over the world i told you that in my book on the prayer of petition which is our offer this week that at the end of each chapter we give you a sample prayer a petition i want to read one of them uh before we close today and this one has to do with healing or physical restoration listen how i wrote this be it known this day and i left a blank for the date and the time be it known this day that i receive the healing of my body no sickness or disease of any kind has a place in my body so father in the name of jesus i come boldly to the throne of grace and present your word according to john 16 23 jesus said i assure you most solemnly i tell you that my father will grant you whatever you ask in my name amplified version in isaiah 53 4 and 5. it is written surely he hath borne our grief sickness weakness and distress carried our sorrows and pain of punishment yet we ignorantly considered him stricken smitten and afflicted of god but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our guilt our iniquities the chastisement of our peace and well-being was upon him and with his stripes him wounded we are healed and made whole according to the amplified version i declare according to matthew 8 17 he jesus himself fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet isaiah he took in order to carry away our weakness our infirmities bore away our diseases according to the amplified bible i am redeemed from the curse of the law which includes all sickness and disease according to deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 58-61 for it is written that christ purchased my freedom redeeming me from the curse of the law by himself becoming a curse for me i believe in my heart and declare with my mouth that by his stripes i have been healed as a as it is written in first peter 2 24 and i thank you and praise you for healing me this day and i thank you for making me whole in jesus name and there's a place for the signature there's a place for the date that's how you pray the prayer of petition and did you notice everything i put in there was based on evidence based on fact according to the word of god so what did i just do i prayed according to god's will what happens when you pray according to god's will he hears you what happens if he hears you he fulfills your petition folks get the book i'm telling you it will bless your life your prayer life will never be the same we'll see you again next week we're going to continue talking about this subject so don't miss it amen [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 12,274
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Joy, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Word of Faith, How to have Faith, Winning in Life, Favor of God, Don't Quit, Increase, Trust God, Word of God, Bible Teaching, Biblical Truths, Restored
Id: NgI5b6vD0OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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