Prayer Mistakes, Part 2 - Bishop Dag Heward-Mills

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the kindness that you are showing to us bless us Lord in a few these few minutes as we are in your presence please guide us by your Holy Spirit we thank you in Jesus name Amen please be seated brother Marcos can I see you after church please okay thank you hallelujah today I want to share with you about some mistakes prior mistakes okay one day Benny Hinn was going to see the Pope and he was preaching about this in South Africa some years ago about 20-30 years ago and he said you know when he was going they did they sat with him and they they told him what to do how to behave what to say and what not to say all right they said they said to him when you go don't shake his hand amen some people don't like handshakes did you know that and don't do this and they said don't put your hand on his shoulder and don't tap him on the back and they said just stand there and you know they told him what to do so when you are going to see an important person you it's very important that you learn how to relate with the person when you are there one day I was going to see an important person one of the presidents of one of the countries and I was discussing with people what should I say when I go you know and nobody could tell me what to say so in the end they all they could tell me was that if the meeting goes well it will last long it can go on for hours but if it's not going well it will it will end up just ending up and then the pestle the man will take his phone is that they specific I say he'll take his phone and stop texting and that's how you know that he's not even interested in in you and what you are saying merci how many would like to go somewhere where the person has lost interest in you forgive so I want us to now know that we are approaching a real God how many know that God is real hey God is very real and all of us will seek God one day you will see look the day that you die you'll be surprised everything in the Bible is true do you know how I know it you don't know I know that the things in the Bible are true I know that heaven is real and God is real by the things that are happening on earth that are so clear live written in the Bible that this is how it should be even even the importance of somebody when you are dead if you like die if you like try try dying and see whether what will happen to you in one minutes you are very important speaking talking everybody was listening to you the next moment you are just meet and now you are in the fridge I'm telling you it's really scary and the Bible says what is man what is man that thou art mindful of him so the Bible is so true it says what is your life it's a vapor our lives are nothing we are of no importance so that the reality that you see on earth is so scary that you you know that everything in heaven will be equally true God will be real you'll be judged in this way you'll be judged for this just for that what all the things that you should have done everything about prayer all those things you'll find out that every thing was true so Christians we must really believe there is a real God and he is listening to everywhere that comes out of our mouths so looked after 11 verse 1 quickly it says and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place all right when he seized one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples amen teach us to pray you can you can come and sit down amen teach us to pray as John also taught his disciple you you it is not so automatic like how you should behave when you go to pray like you would know it naturally it's like marriage you think everything is automatic when you marry everything judge you do this you do this since I'm a man you're a woman you do this you do this and I will live happily ever after it's not like that at all that is why we have marriage counseling and after marriage counseling plenty almost all the pastor's work have to do with people's marriages because you think that it is just automatic most of the things have to be lent and you have to be taught so Jesus disciples said Lord teach us how to pray because John taught his disciple you too teacher and why did they say that because they saw Jesus pray for a long time and when he came what did you say what did you say why you had ever a long time what were you saying one I was in a school in a commerce' and I was talking to some students after preaching I talked to the people for hours usually I can stay after church for hours talking to people so anybody wants to talk to me so I was talking there and one pasta when we were going back home after midnight he asked me what do you tell the people what are you telling them we closed at 9 o clock I mean it's just 1 a.m. 2 a.m. what do you say to the everyday you are talking to these people are you listening to me this is what happened to the disciple they saw Jesus he can go and talk for locked I prayed hey what did you pray about if you pray it's not easy to pray when you are asked to pray you'll be surprised that you don't know how to pray at all sure not true shall I show you some of these prayers please what are the guys listen to somebody pray in my life of manna in English oh content yeah I can't pray God don't fall down you know us in Ghana we are suffering know my name if you are siren not there's not many you can go run run you can you can make it your tests are not finished then you take a u-turn li you go and turn it to the house then I thought that the food is that lets you come I don't know you can't turn it in sunny take your money you use is God you need your help I have a Ghana we are suffering gather is offering please God I'm a half-bath in Jesus name yeah this is prayer hey if I ask you to pray now you'll be surprised about your prayers this one was asked to pray for Ghana and I'm sure God can understand what she's praying it's just too fantastic hey so God we have to learn how to pray and Jesus disciples taught how to pray and it's very important for us to learn what Jesus said about prayer and what jesus prayed and how what the Apostle said about prayer and all the prayers they present what were their prayers like these are very important things that a church should learn yeah that's what we are we are studying watch and pray okay so now what are the mistakes that we often make the first mistake is to not is to assume that you know how to pray like it to just flow and that's the same mistake we make with marriage look I want to tell you something and somebody should listen to me a problem that you are having is you think you are married a strange situation but I tell you your situation is the situation that is come on but you don't know that it is common there is a solution but you don't know about it because you've never talked about it amen now the second mistake in prayer is what I give it to you last week or if you were not here hit hypocrisy hypocrisy where you it's like you are praying but you are not really praying like listen maybe we are doing fasting and prayer and and it's like you say oh we are we are we are fasting and pray for 21 days but actually you you you you you hardly pray you don't you don't pray at all because during the fast you have started you are basically waiting for 6 o'clock to come when I started to look at hypocrisy in my life I started to reassess my fasting life because when I realized that I was just doing things I want to do something go here come here do move around so that six o'clock will come quickly then I analyze myself I said look I cannot say that I'm fasting and praying now I've hardly prayed even when you pray you fall asleep you have headache you don't pray whatever so you ask yourself what are you really doing so if progressing easily comes into anything we do when we talk about oh I am I believe in God I support the church when you analyze how much you give to politics or how much you give to other things then you realize that when it comes to the church you always feel that it's too much to give to God that shows you there is some inequality what would you see what does hypocrisy mean hypocrite a hypocrite is a pretender a hypocrite is somebody who is not real like it looks like this but that's not how it is are you with me it's like it looks like that but that's not how it is so Jesus always likened hypocrisy to the to a whitewashed tomb that like outside the tomb is marble beautiful tiles but inside if you open it first of all the smell that will come number two the animals that will come out number three when you see the body and then you will be either frightened but when you are outside it looks serene beautiful go to the cemetery you see people are eating cake and fish on the slabs they are sitting there relaxing more than people sleep everything looks nice and normal but inside it's something else so hypocrisy is like a beautiful lady who looks so beautiful in church camera man film some of the beautiful girls in church just just film some of the beautiful ladies and put it put it up on the screen so everybody can see [Applause] not only one keep moving keep moving keep moving Oh as it looks like I'm preaching about that person AHA keep moving keep moving beautiful whoo now it can be that they are beautiful ladies they look beautiful on the outside but their character is like getting married to a black mamba yes you know the black mama is the most feared snake in Africa yeah because of its speed and aggression one person cannot kill a black mamba and it's called a black number because the inside of the mouth is black it's a black snake it looks like a Cobra by the inside of the mouth is black it has a fearsome reputation because it can it can it can go faster than a sprinter like somebody running hundred meters it can go faster and when it is moving it goes one head of the body to test of the body are up in the air and it goes like this yeah it has been known to hold the the tail and turn itself into a hoop and roll down and attack black like a sphere yeah this is gotta say it's not a snake it when it is cornered it will fight now and there are some beautiful to put their pictures on they are beautiful but I tell you they are like black mambas when they have cornered in the situation's you see their response Hey with in the hand like Jackie Chan is fighting what do you call it talking the mouth the mouth you see this my beautiful ma put it on the beautiful ladies yeah look at them not on only one person please keep moving a number of beautiful ladies look at them they look so nice hmm you may never know limited did you know somebody from a company called you may never know limited and it's a real company [Applause] [Applause] yeah some of them they are so beautiful but when it comes to sex they are useless it is like you have married a cadaver you have married an Anatomy specimen so the beauty is useless so you have two pictures in one and what God is saying is that hypocrisy in prayer is like it is as though you are free but actually you don't pray it's like you like Christian but you you do nothing sometimes we do know we come in to chat but actually you came late and you leave early sounds all good I'm going for worship service but you never come for the worship you are not there for though you just come in late and you slip out le so always we have to analyze ourselves spiritual because it's so easy to become hypocrites in spiritual facilities where there is more people busy done anything else yeah spiritual things really so always check yourself have I become a hypocrite in my prayer life and my spiritual life are you listening to me yeah Wow I can't talk about the hypocrisy for some time now but let's go on now number three third mistake is putting group prayer above individual prayer amen it is easy to come as a group to sing but when we want you to sing alone what was the plan was define can you come please come on can I have about twenty queries just to come now you see they don't want to show their all to show that their process okay it's okay it's okay it's okay I called for 20 questions they don't want to come you see when they are singing as a group order my steps in the Lord my Jesus or the master you can sing it as a group but when we put the microphone you alone sing then you start to hear it is good you don't have any microphone yes some people in the choir they ask creatures screeching so it is easy to pray in a group or we are all praying but if we want to see that you have learned how to pray I want to see you in your sitting room alone you just you alone and in your sitting room or in your in your bedroom or in the room only you only you there's nobody there and whether you are going like this you are a number a Shanda lava baka Lord I'm asking in the name of Jesus Lord only you nobody is watching you nobody is clapping nobody says you played for a long time you are alone why alone and you are praying only you then I know that you pray look at the six put it up Matthew six quickly he says back down you when you pray go into your closet if you can't play pray in your closet that is your room or a private place your prayer life has not yet developed so when you pray this is what is as a enter into thy closet and and shut the door close the door okay close the door and pray to your father which is his secret God goddess also hidden himself from us God has hidden himself you took going to a secret place and also I speak to God who is also in secrets okay now thy father which seeth in secret will reward you openly look most people who have the blessings of God openly have been doing something privately yeah Wow [Applause] anybody you see having a child has been doing something privately true or not true anybody you see having a child has been doing something privately and it's very watered openly so the real rewards come from doing prayer privately okay now suppose that I can't pray when I got that's why you must get their podcasts how many I've got a podcast now yeah everybody must have your podcasts on your phone or your iPad and everybody in the chat must get an iPad leave if you don't have an iPod lift your hand let me pray for it father I reach 1000 I pass now in Jesus name now take it you must get your iPad or galaxy have all my books on your pasta all my books will be on it all the messages will come Podcast free of charge you don't buy again it will just be like even the books free use what not that is free but if you get it some people take it illegally they can put it on it will pretend as if we can't see what they are doing then it is on your iPad that's all we just want you to have the book I'm not doing business yeah and you reap and you'll be blessed tell your neighbor if you know you can give me an iPad better bring it now because I'm sitting by you and I'm the person who can be blessed [Applause] Wow some people said we are iPad Church we don't mind we like it hallelujah number three the third mistake useless prayers praying useless prayers amen in Matthew 6 and verse 7 doesn't third or fourth mistake isn't it is it fourth don't pray useless prayers amen now Matthew 6 verse 7 when you pray do not use vain repetitions or the webzine is useless prayers useless repetition so first of all don't play pray my prayer and place becoming mixed up don't play useless print press pray correct [Applause] amen there are things when you ask you I mean there is no point in asking you will not get it because the Lord I pray for dc-10 I want an aeroplane dc-10 if you can I always cannot buy dc-10 and you want to have a dc-10 look at what is happening together with and you are also praying for dc-10 dude what will you do with it when you get it there are some things that will harm me when you have them yeah some of you you backslide if you win the elections that's how God made you lose so that you'll be humble for some time hey don't go put it in this way Bishop says so and so do so that they will be humble look oh I would have said something because of the love of God number five you must know when to persist don't confuse it with tedious repetitions so there are times you must assist in prayer now what is the difference between persisting so don't make the mistake of not persisting that's a mistake don't make the mistake of not continuing to ask amen because jesus said don't use useless repetitions some people don't want to pray for something twice then many of your friends would not be answered there are some things you have to pray 400 times before you get an answer yeah you gonna pray for it a hundred times over now what is the difference between persisting and useless or tedious repetition what is the difference the difference is in the train that you repeat you see if you stand by my car and you asked me for money please give me money five cities and I say I don't have oh I can't give you and you stop give me five cities give me pass it give it does it give me passing give advice cities what will happen to you who is inside the car you become irritated because you are repeating the prayer at the wrong time not tomorrow when I see you standing by my car asking me for five CDs and I see therefore that you didn't win as a win the election the further you didn't get it the last time and I see you again asking my heart may be touched the second time so persistent in prayer differs from useless repetition in the time so if you come to pray let's say we are praying now Lord give me a car give me a car give me a car give me a kiss give me a kiss me a car give me a Jesus now give me a car give me a give me a give me a Jesus name give me a car give me a give me a give me a kind Jesus name give me a car Jesus name Amen a car in Jesus for seven hours give me a car look the word repetition it is named after a poet who used to compose tedious poems when you hear it also means to stammer is that it too painful sometime when I stammer eyes speaking you you just say the word for him because it's like stop what you are saying it is difficult to to hear it yeah so there are prayers in the moment sometimes people want to say prayers with words that sound fantastic a lot of girls stupendous wonderfulness thou art in heaven and our glorious Mythili I ask to thy greatness and holiness to die majestic enormousness hey and it's like when evening gaudy yes I realize that none of these things are real none of this is real it's just talking tedious repetition useless talking but the next day or the next week and the next month and the next year samia's look even when somebody loses election lucy lecture losing lecture lose election something when the president can sing out of compassion somebody was lost are their hearts let us show compassion that is why political parties often bring the same losing candidate who is loosely a losing and losing and they will come and feature the same loser yes that happens the bills want yes - for election lost lost then okay he was going round house to house in dance woman we saw him this is the old airmobile let's vote for him so that he will come so God God is not tired of hearing this topic again oh it is the way you are repeating it I thought to impress people or you are saying that you've said it today you said it once you said it I mean we've been 30 minutes you've been mentioning this car or this marriage thing okay there are other things to say yeah if somebody comes to sit in my office and say to me I've come to see you what is it sir we are former organization called International Village Association of Karen helping and preaching International Wow what do you need we need instruments microphones loudspeakers and organic okay wonderful we'll get in touch with you yes I was saying we need it very very much we need the instruments a pasta organ is very important you see there are three reasons why organ is important but there are lots of people waiting to see me you are going to explain to me why I need organic why you need whatever the mystery subject is very very important you see we need these two metal loudspeaker then we appreciate that village is not easy so many people have to hear but we also invite Alice you are not on what I'm saying and so we need it we need it we need it we need it we need it but I will thank you we beg you we are little Daria but you'll give us instrument give up hey I said pasta friends can you please let this person go out I said we will give you instrument you will get back to you we get back she does the answer so at that point your repetition is not wanted but if I'm to see that person again another time this is a guy who asked for the organ he's not angry he still around is patient and he comes again and you seem again you'll be surprised that the person is touched because of your persistence so I want to encourage you a locust of European places 2008 2009 2010 2011 to the doctor be tired there are things we pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and God will answer your prayers I seal your prayers being answered in 2014 in the name of Jesus yeah don't be tired of praying God will hear your prayers and God will answer your prayers the next mistake is to not thank God is to not thank God is a big mistake yeah Matthew six go to verse seven after this manner he says you should pray eight nine it says after this manner you must pray amen after this manner three our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name it is a mistake not to say thank you to God when you come and start praying yeah thank you for the opportunity thank you to be here amen how many know that is an opportunity to be here today I mean yesterday Ghana was shocked when we had the news where we're not shocked we were shocked we were disturbed we were unhappy I mean I don't know what kind of description to give to the feeling that came yesterday afternoon to be here thank God yeah you know when I became fifty years old I said Lord you see all that I want to do is to say thank you to God I spent my fifth year birthday alone I didn't see anybody I spent my fiftieth birthday to say thank you to God and learn that to be alive look if you know what can happen to you all through your life you will be very grateful when God gives you a day just a day you see those who are not doctors they don't know that there are so many diseases and so many possibilities when I mentioned now you'll be afraid you know when I first started going to wake up the hospital I realized that I was actually frightened by what I saw because I didn't know all the diseases that existed all diseases are not malaria I remember one day I went to to the ward and I met a man who who had my name not died but another name I have more than one name and the man was dying yeah he was dying from kidney kidney failure and he was urinating blood and I I realize that I became afraid from that I said that to have pain at my back where my kidneys were and I'm talking about take two years ago when I was in school I realized that it was it affected my mind and I met another man who was in Germany and he came to Ghana and he was dying of that same kidney failure he started to he started to beg me and I said well I'm a student I don't know he said please let me go to Germany let me go to Germany shall I use to be in Germany I was working there and if you let me go I can buy that doctor that doctor but then the hospital and he was bugging me can you hear I don't know and the student I became scared all those things you go to the one you system but he's blind what is better he's got a tumor of the big quickly gland you know that's between your eyeballs right at the back there he's just become bigger and then the eyes go off and as I was going through the words that this one has it this one has it this one what diseases is I've not seen one before here enlarged in all kinds of things that you may not know and this kind of thing sudden heart attack but off you again not now the day before the next day my hair's pyramidal you are gone one flash so it is a mistake a mistake it is a mistake listen to the mistake it is a mistake to start praying without thanking God the fancy our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thank you thank you that I'm here thank you that you are there thank you that I am breathing thank you for what you are giving me that I'm even alive today thanks I thank you how long what be thy name is a mistake not to say thank you take it from me yeah yeah people who don't come for Teddy fester they don't appreciate God what God has done for them to see the end of the year when we say give a Thanksgiving offering people don't appreciate it we travel you going if you have seen people I have work at the Hoxton Center before we are standing in the bustling leader in the night and you see the great cosmic ambulance with people and body parts that the people are life is sections after work and ammachi before what struck me the most is that all over Accra there are cars which are bringing people with ever I didn't know you wouldn't work on the motor you said and no market Toyota Corolla is coming when he reaches that open the back at the back and the back seat is somebody in the boot is somebody people who have died all of our car heading towards the Moche it is it is a grave mistake yeah you see and that ungratefulness it will show up in your marriage yeah when you marry you will not be grateful for any always come claiming you've got a nice flag matic husband he's not rich but he's okay every day talking shouting arguing everything you are so ungrateful you got that good you got a good wife what else do you want to I said there are happened one guy came to me in the office at Bishop can you believe as I believe what he says there are cobwebs in when you go to my house cobwebs what he said at first I can't save this marriage there cobwebs in my house I'm living I'm living the miles away so when I was I want to see whether they work or perhaps a miles and I saw plenty [Applause] yeah I saw the coppersmith I said hey Joe my wife Ellie you should be thankful for me because the puppet aha I'm not moved by the cobwebs and pukka [Applause] yeah to be alive to pass exams Hey to be sitting in church one day and I went to tuck Roddy and we had a crusade so after the crusade we went to somewhere to have a drink with the people who I work with so when we finished you know it was at a place called a hub of you Harborview in tuck rowdy they said Disko there but we were in the garden so we had a drink we were going home when we were going we came to the cast and there's a door into the disco and suddenly the door open and a mother came out with a lot of muscles and chains and I was with them doctor oh go yeah he he used to be in that disco every every weekend and he said this door I have come through this door many times because when I look at the man coming out of the disco my question is what can I say to this man before he will believe in Christ or even change I didn't know anything that would tell him he looks so charged and he was with a woman 3 a.m. in the night and doctor both told me this way I used to come out of this then I go here then I cook here he told me all the Disco's he used to he used to drink vodka one bottle of vodka a day and you pass out today is a pasta he became a doctor he was saved he changed I said I told him you are not grateful for your salvation yeah to me I told you no way because it's such a difficult thing to be saved look at your brothers and sisters they will not even come to church when you sit in church I tell you is the power of God Oh a lot of people they know you they not even want to go to church then only the ones who come look at you now sitting here calmly like a sheep very calm you are listening to preaching and a lot of people don't believe in God they don't care about God at all but here you are thank God it is a mistake well you don't say thank you to God I'm telling you hallelujah wow the next one is a mistake not to ask for forgiveness forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them who trespass against us it's a mistake not to ask for forgiveness look at it Matthew 6 Jesus was teaching after this but this how to pray ask for forgiveness there should not be any prayer time in your life that you don't pray for forgiveness did you hear me I said if you pray this small it shouldn't be that you prayed and you didn't ask for forgiveness there should not be any priority that we don't ask for forgiveness it's a mistake you you look so funny when you don't ask for forgiveness hey the Bible says when you have guilty of one you are guilty of all if you break the law in one place in James you are guilty of all one day one of one young man who used to work with us you know he left unceremoniously there are people who work in places when they leave they don't live well whoso shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all that means you are guilty of all oh it's nothing I'm not guilty of you are guilty of all one day a young man who you used to work with us you know and he left in a in the wrong way and when he went he was saying all sorts of funny things you know I called him I tried to talk with him I said no don't do this he did when he was being funny I spoke with him I said please come back come to your place and all that come and do what you have to do he just cut off finish didn't hear of him after some years suddenly he appeared and they came to my office and they told me brother so-and-so is here I sorry where is he simple he sees around so I said you see is he coming too so yeah he's coming to see you so I was also excited because when you our Father you know people who have left this church they don't know that how I pray for them sometimes our being in Rumaila of amazing their names what if all left becomes somewhere but I'll be praying for them because well guys father in your child has gone away he's still your child yeah they don't even know so when I had that he was here I said is he coming to see me I'm sure you'd come yeah he's coming to say he's looking for you yeah so when is he coming to all his companies doing something and he's going to come to your office I was waiting and there suddenly he came and he sat down and there I was for about one hour waiting to hear that this young man would mention how he left and the issue that came up not a web he never said hey he said I'm get to get married okay this is where I work I do this now I work here on this I do this I go here I go and I was listening to older and I was saying to our same aha when is he going to say you know what happened these years ago you know I'm sorry about it maybe I was childish or I made a mistake and can you forgive me for I thought you should have been the first thing not a web it was it was fantastic and that's custom officer so after we went on and on and on I said you know this guy has no plans of even since I said okay meeting to be close when I said we are blessed then it means the meeting is over so we are blessed and that was it not a we're not amazing you a very bad person like you you've come to pray to God you know even mention what you did yesterday and what you were doing this morning and what you've been thinking about you just come as a hello listen unless we know I'm getting married number one about to this day number three do this about for this it is a mistake it's a big mistake I say it is a big mistake and especially people who feel you haven't committed five sins you are the ones who'd ever feel and and phlegmatic splick mady's are usually nice people so they don't feel that they are sinful phlegmatic you know what is a flag matter if you don't know BAM find out is in the model marriage book flag Mattox and then people who don't smoke who don't drink who don't sleep with anybody who don't kill anybody and what else what are the v5n who don't steal you feel you are good tell me about you are one of the people who feels that you are and I know I can see from your face you feel you are good yeah it's like nothing I haven't done anything bad I'm a good person put James of the two best ten on it says whoever offends in one point keeps the whole law and offense in one point you're guilty of all but apart from that I want to ask you a few questions how many have two they lied before how many I have told half of her life before half their life how many have been jealous before how many have been wicked before before one day and together you've never been Ricky before you are asking your husband whether you be Ricky before please raise your hand please raise your hand please raise your hand hey how many have forgotten something you shouldn't have forgotten before how many have judged somebody before sometimes you hear something bad that is happening to somebody you see it is a little this man this and this and that Allah that is why he's dead that's how it would be when somebody cannot have a child ha ha ha God's judgment God God Himself is that it really hey Charlie if God was to apply those principles see ya listen it is a mistake not to even when you don't feel safe ELISA mistake that the mistake especially people who went to Wesley girls yeah we're together but they want to take me on but I'm not afraid of you [Applause] they look very premium profiles like they do everything pepper they do a song they do did they land they whatever they need they feel good and also especially people wanna be stupefied before yes scoop effects yeah be careful scoop prefer and not just a scoop effects you feel very good because you are like a goody-goody boy Oh goody-goody girl that's why they chose you to be school prefect so since then you sort of feel I'm a good type of you know how many of these could be read before a class prefer raise your hand all class professors could be careful of this mistake the practice school primary school you've been at school we said before yeah be careful be careful you are sinner huh Wow and the last mistake for today we are ending is not to pray for the kingdom of God yeah Charlie now I'm there you don't pray for the kingdom of God that you've made a mistake I mean where are you going you don't talk about the kingdom of God look every important person you are going to speak to her find out what is interesting to the person before you go when you get there talk about that thing yeah one day I met a very important person on earth on an aeroplane I was sitting by him I didn't know who he was and he didn't if I introduced myself because I like to witness to the person sitting by me so I wit I started speaking to him and I found out who he was I'm the dis and this and that so Wow I said I've got a big fish today after I found out that he had given his life to Christ already I started to talk with him I'm just talking we talk for six hours twice people have told me that you know I met another important person he told me you know normally I sleep I have not slept we have talked for six hours I didn't talk about the church I talked about what is interesting to that person I'm sure he didn't realize that he was not talking about my church I was talking about him what he's doing because when you meet an important as you talk to him about what he is important to him that's how to talk for a long time look if you meet Gordon what you think God is trying to do this Wow oh you think God is trying to give you new shoes you shoes it is so unimportant to God the main thing to God God so loved the world is given his son Jesus Christ whoever believes in Him should not perish God is trying to save the world God is trying to rescue this perishing world if you don't know I'm telling you it will be boring to you but that is what God is doing and until you can learn to speak to God pray for the church pray for the process pray for the Evangelist pray for healing Jesus who said last week I mentioned we are only so many millions do you understand grateful people often pray for the finances of the church prayed for church growth pray for swimming spirit trophies pray for the kingdom of God or Allah died later some people don't know how to pray that prayer again not just prayer pray that a vago I tell you half price classic [Music] English Oh point tents yeah come free go down you know us in Ghana we are suffering no my name's Aaron not there's not many you can go run run you can you cannot make it your tests are not finished then you tape and you tell me you go and turn it to the house then I thought that sometimes the food is that lets you come I don't know you can't turn it into a chicken - then your money you use is God you need your help I have a gardener we are suffering gather and we are so free free come on help us in any way man start to your faith we are going to pray better Jesus name wow what a prayer how many can do better than that Wow tell your neighbor neighbor look I am learning how to pray I'm telling you I'm blending it practically father we thank you for your word this morning in the name of Jesus heal our lives deliver us from evil give us a good prayer attitude I want everybody put your hand on your heart and ask God to help you to wake up at four o'clock tomorrow morning and every day 4 to 6 we are going to be praying Lord God is going to help you God is going to answer your prayers God is going to deliver you from evil in Jesus name listen look at me everybody look at me it's a mistake not to ask God to deliver you from evil that's another big mistake yeah you see the news we had yesterday it shook the whole country yeah we were shaking and that's why I want you to pray because when you pray it's going to block certain evils in your life in Jesus name I tell you your prayers are breaking - that's why Jesus said look don't make a mistake always deliver me from evil lead me not into temptation is to always tree it's a mistake not to pray and he said mistake not to pray for that in all your prayers lift your hand put your hand on your heart Lord 4 o'clock tomorrow morning pray in a moment god help me to be a prayerful person tomorrow morning I will be up at 4 I want to pray pray for all the things have head about my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God mandala mandala mandala mandala mandala mandala mandala mandala mandala mandala thank you for your power your help your grace that is working in our lives in the name of cheese as we asked and we thank you for news strengthen prayer life in Jesus name Amen and as every head is bowed and every eye closed if you are here today you want to give your life to Jesus Christ maybe somebody invited you to check but you personally you know that you you are far from God you want to say fast I want to be close to God I want to come closer to God to Jesus if you are here like that wherever you are first I pray with me I want to give my life to God today then lift up your right hand right now just your right hand and I'm praying with you god bless you lift it up I fast I want to give my heart to God and I want to pray with you but before I sit down I want to pray a special prayer with you as you give your life to God this morning or this afternoon god bless you God bless you God if you've lifted your hand I want you to come to me in the front you come from where you are standing come come to the front here come to the party let me preview god bless you come all the way come with your hand lifted up I want to give my life to Jesus god bless you God bless you over there God bless you God bless you God bless you right now god bless [Music] I want Jesus in my life god bless you I wanna play with you say this brown I'm waiting for you brother let's all say this prayer together lift your hands up say Lord Jesus please forgive me for my sins I give my heart to you today Oh God I know that I am a sinner oh Jesus I know that I am a sinner please have mercy on me everybody said please have mercy on me please wash away my sins with the blood of Jesus Christ come into my heart Lord please write my name in the book of life I thank you Father for hearing my prayer today in the name of Jesus Christ and everyone said amen god bless you god bless you our pasta is praying is waving his hand there I want you to go with him it's going to give you something and you come back and join us give the Lord a mighty clap of
Channel: DHM247
Views: 42,235
Rating: 4.8508773 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills (Person), benny hinn, lci, prayer, ghana, Creflo A. Dollar Jr. (Author), td jakes, Ghana (Country), Nigeria (Country), Benny Hinn (Author), qodesh, adeboye, Justin Bieber (Celebrity)
Id: sCxtz1PEhBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 11 2014
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