The Rich Man and Lazarus Reinhard Bonnke

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[Music] to receive the Word of God right at the back there just wave if you're ready well praise God there is a great feeling of expectation here astronaut comes now to Minister the Word of God and I know that we will not be disappointed let's welcome him a good welcome to evangelist well hallelujah praise God this is already the last meeting of this wonderful gospel campaign yet Perry Park I must say I'm very very thankful to God for the fine fine weather extremely reliable great is his faithfulness say Amen wonderful hallelujah and I must say that I have been here with great joy and I am thrilled to see what God is doing in Britain and in my spirit I see much much much more the best is yet to come Britain Europe shall be saved in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus and I want to speak tonight about that wonderful name of Jesus amen I don't know what's happening here but while I'm sitting here somebody is frying steaks here somewhere it's a real temptation here the smell is wonderful I just would like to say one thing also P dimensions already forgive me if I the chip in here's well we've got this booklet series the secret of the power of the blood of Jesus how to have assurance of salvation the Holy Spirit baptism what it is and how to receive it you must get this these booklets they will bless you Oh bless somebody else that is close to you I believe that these are mighty tools with which God will build his kingdom in our hearts and lives amen praise God okay well I've got a short cosplay message here tonight and after the prayer for salvation we are going to pray for the sick we have heard some fantastic tests nice and in order to expedite things I would like to say the following we are going to listen to testimonies of what Jesus has done during this week some have received fantastic healings from God I'm not the healer anyway Jesus is the healer I was interviewed by some journalist and he said she said now how do you feel you know in the meetings with all these this you see I said I said I tell you how I feel in our meetings is like this when the sick are healed then the people say Jesus is wonderful and when the sick are not healed then the people say banca is no good and I actually agree with them because if there is a mistake the mistake is never with Jesus it may be with me but it may be with you but one thing is sure that Jesus overruled our shortcomings because he is faithful and we give him all the glory and all the honor and all the praise so I want to say to those who have received already during these previous days and have a special testimony of what God has done for them that they already gather here in front before the testimonies are given so that without delay you will have a chance to give the glory to God and we will rejoice together with you amen hallelujah praise God I am an evangelist I almost I keep on stressing that because evangelists preach the ABC of the gospel you know I'm moving through the world from country to country from Indonesia to and to Argentina from Africa to Europe next week I will be in Kiev in the Ukraine so we are moving all the time preaching the gospel and I always have fresh congregations so I am repeating the ABC of the gospel because because this is necessary for people to pass from death to life and from the power of Satan and to the power of God there is no other way and I want to read a scripture tonight a very unpopular scripture allow me to say but I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and also criticized the Bible I don't mind it's their own sin but it's not mine I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ I want to briefly quickly read the story to you of the rich man and Lazarus it came out of the mouth of Jesus and because Jesus said it that's why it is no fairytale say hey man we are Bible believing Christians and because we believe the Bible that's why we preach it in its entirety Jesus is speaking here and he says there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day but there was a certain beggar named Lazarus full of sores who was laid at his gate desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores so it was that the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and being in torments in Hades he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom then he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remember that in your lifetime you received good your good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and you are tormented and besides all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot no candles from their past to us then he said I thank you therefore father that you would send him to my father's house for I have five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come to this place of torment abraham said to him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said no father Abraham but if one goes to them from the dead they will repent but he said to him if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one rise from the dead amen wow this I said is to some people a very unpopular scripture because it speaks about hell I will preach on it anyway because this scripture is going to show to you the love of God like almost no other scripture because we only know what light is when we see light against the background of darkness and this is what Jesus did listen all what we know about Hell in the Bible almost everything we know from Jesus as a matter of fact if you believe it or not but it is a fact Jesus spoke more about Hell then he spoke about heaven it is also true that Jesus didn't go around and said repent for the kingdom of hell is at hand no he didn't say that he went around and he preached repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand God's purpose is always to save people thoughts purpose is always to lead from death to life and I repeat from the power of Satan unto God amen somebody said to me don't preach about Hell this is not to be preached on in our time we are all educated well I don't know how anybody can say such a foolish thing are you then greater than Jesus Christ to speak such words Jesus is above us all amen and what he says is right and must be right now let me just analyze the words that I've just read the story of the rich man and Lazarus and I just have one question in my mind that I would like an answer on and I find that other people also have the same question this is the question I would like to know very personally and very privately one thing what made that man go to hell because whatever that the sin of that man was I do not want to commit so if we don't want to go where he has gone we need to know what he run and what we should not do run what we must do right in order to go to heaven amen now let me just look at him my I've got a short message here today but I tell you the Holy Spirit is going to do some sharpshootin here let me just look at it it says here this man was a rich man first 19th he was a rich man and I said to myself was maybe his riches his sin that made that man go to hell and I would say no that was not sinful his riches were not the reason why this man got eternally lost if God has blessed you financially materially well give to your family what belongs to your family but you should also give to God what belongs to God and I believe then riches can be a great blessing a ma'am we can bid with these earthly riches God's glorious kingdom here on earth to cover the earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ so that was not a sin okay I'm satisfied then we read here again he was a rich man it says then it says here he closed himself in purple and fine linen this man was a fashion freak he closed himself in purple and fine linen maybe he had a few hundred six roots in his palace all crazy stuff and he just loved the latest fashion was that maybe is sin that made him go to hell the answer again is no thank God when people are closed and rest I think that's what one should say today nowadays at least he dressed himself a man no I don't think so whether you wear blue or whether you wear pink or whether you wear shun is or whether you wear Azzaro or whatever you that is up to you that is absolutely immaterial that was not the scene that made this man go to hell there was one other point it says here he fared sumptuously every day now that's deep English that means this man was a glutton deeper still you know maybe this man he roasted two whole Lots for him everyday roasting and toasting and eating and just living out of fullness was that scene that made that man go to hell and the answer again is no no it's not I mean Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread and to be thankful that we have our daily bread let's pray for those who haven't got that daily bread and help them to have their daily bread No thank God that we don't need to starve so this was all fine this was all fine so why on earth I should say why in hell did this man go to hell I tell you I found it and now it is getting serious I found it as a matter of fact I tell you the truth a footnote in my German Bible just put me on the right track how many of you want to know why that man got eternally lost a man listen now listen now the clue we have in verse 30 and before I read it I quickly need to give you the background this man this rich man right in front of his door the Bible says there was Lazarus a poor man sick man lying he had no food he had no medicine he was dying and then the Jesus said one day the beggar died Lazarus died and he was carried by the angels of God to paradise and then the Bible said the same day the rich man also died and then jesus said that he lifted up his eyes in hell and when he was there strangely but truly according to the words of Jesus he could see right into paradise and there he saw father Abraham and there he saw that beggar who had been laying in front of his door he saw him in the arms of Abraham being comforted and he was in torment in the flames of fire and then a conversation began to develop between the rich man in hell and Abraham in paradise and that man cried to Abraham and he said if you can't help me I beg you for one thing let somebody rise from the dead and go to back to my brothers on earth and knock on their doors and say to them greetings from your brother inhale please don't commit the same sin that he has committed that you don't go to the same place where your brother is now and then Abraham said no no no that is not possible they have Moses and the prophets which means they have the Bible they have the Word of God and if they don't believe the Word of God they will never believe if somebody rises from the dead and then verse 30 comes and now listen and he said no father Abraham no father Abraham and then I knew it there was a know in the life of that lost man now in death he said no to Abraham but in life he said no to Jesus and this no to Jesus here in life and no to Jesus impossible no to Jesus here today at Perry Park is that damning sin that will make people call lost for time and eternity without Jesus and His salvation we are lost with Jesus and his glorious salvation we are saved we are saved we are saying listen I want to come to a very important point now you may have never thought about it but it is a fact people are not going to hell because they are sinners are you listening please listen people will not go to hell because they are sinners the Bible says that we will poor Nansen we don't say we are not sinners because we committed a couple of sins but we are committing sins because we were born sinners so God will cast nobody to hell because he is a sinner but only because people refuse the Savior that's the only reason it's not a matter of fixings it's not a matter of small sins it's a matter of having Jesus or having not Jesus it's a matter of saying yes to Jesus on mode to Jesus that is the whole difference the know of that man was that damning sin that made him co eternally lost I tell you one thing if a man is drowning in a lake Amen you know once I met in Germany I met a student from the University he listened to my preaching and he came to me afterwards and he said to me preach I hope you have got plenty of time for me I've got you released with 1000 questions I said oh my goodness I said alright I wanted to speak to him but then I saw that that list was already worn out on the edges you call it frayed around the edges I'm learning English frayed around the edges you know then I thought by myself hey I said listen young man - how many people have you already given you a catalogue of 1,000 questions I said a couple of doesn't you know he actually wasn't interested in any answer he just wanted to extend his catalogue of questions and then I said to him young man if you are drowning in a deep pit of water you cannot swim and I am standing on the edge on the bank up there and you cry help I'm drowning and I flow the lifeline to you and I shout back to you and say take the Lifeline so that you can be saved but you with your last breath say I only take the lifeline if you first answer my 1,000 questions I said young man then you don't drown because you are in the water you drown because you are stupid isn't that true I want to say - I said to him listen do it the other way around first take the Lifeline first receive this Savior first we find salvation in Jesus Christ and then for my sake ask all your questions afterwards I think they will answer they will be answered by themselves say Amen hallelujah I want to stress this point young people old people whoever you are nobody will be in hell because he is a sinner but people will be lost they refuse salvation through Jesus Christ and that's why I want to urge you say yes to Jesus that will make the difference for time and eternity amen hallelujah sometimes when I think of the cross of Calvary you know what it I feel that it is it's something like the last security barrier just in front of the bottomless pit today you are here confronted with a crucified Christ who died for you Jesus on the cross spread his arms out for everybody what did he want to indicate I believe he stretched his arms out to stop people from running into a loss eternity a man if you evade the cross of Calvary if you evade Jesus Christ the Savior behind Calvary there is nothing that will ever stop you nothing is there anymore to stop you there fine therefore I urge you in the name of Jesus say yes to Jesus this is the key to heaven people who say no to Jesus have the key to hell this is serious listen this no to Jesus is the biggest foolishness a human being can commit in the world no to Jesus no to Jesus the only one who loves you with Calvary love who loves you enough to die for you good night for you that you may live forever say yes to Jesus say yes to Jesus say yes to Jesus and you are yes to Jesus must at the same time be a no to sin you know when people get used to say no to Jesus that no becomes Chronicle a chronicle no I've got a watch that is shockproof I know some people that are gospel proof they have heard the gospel so ever so often and have never said yes to Jesus but have never responded to the love of Jesus and the more you hear the gospel without saying yes to Jesus the heart of the heart gets and in the end they can almost say yes to anything not yes to God net not yes to God's Word not yes to God's kingdom not yes to God's church to nothing no father Abraham that man shouted in hell this is serious but it is true Chronicle no oh I feel the Holy Spirit is here right now and you hear the word of Calvary and the word of God love say yes to Jesus I urge you say yes to Jesus say yes to Jesus I've got one more point which is very important please listen please listen I wondered why this rich man kept on calling on Abraham all the time Abraham Abraham Abraham forever Abraham and I said to myself now this is strange nowhere in the Bible are we told told to pray to Abraham or somebody else we worship God we call on the name of the Son of God and He is the only mediator between God and man we call on the name of Jesus now why did this man always call on Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham I'm going to make a statement now and then I'm going to explain what I mean please listen carefully the name of Jesus in order to be saved is not known in hell I repeat that the name of Jesus in order to be saved is not known in hell amen just imagine just imagine just imagine what happens let me draw a picture allow me to do so just imagine somebody is dying here on earth who said no to Jesus and next moment he arrives in Hades or hail everybody down there is running to him with only one question and saying listen can you remember the name by which we can be saved he may say yes I know that name one day I was at Perry Park and I heard that preacher shout that name I was offended by his style of preaching I didn't want to receive that name salvation in the name but I know it because it bothered me so much hang on I will I will know the name it's coming to my mind in a moment just wait wait wait wait wait wait I have forgotten I have forgotten the name in which I can be saved I have forgotten somebody else arrives everybody runs to him and say do you know the name by which we can be saved yes yes she says I know that name my parents played in that name when I came home on Sunday mornings two o'clock in the money and I was sneaking into my bedroom and I passed my parents bedroom door I heard them pray loud I heard them pray to God for me in that name I resisted it but remember I should know it because my parents kept on hammering that name away I forgot it I can't remember and so it goes on so it goes I tell you one thing I have a desire in my heart to do one thing right here right now I want to shout that name across Perry Park the only name by which you can be saved hallelujah and I pray that when I do it that the Holy Spirit may burn it into your heart listen the only name in which people can find salvation the only name is the wonderful name the glorious name the matchless name hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus has come to seek and to save the Lost Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil Jesus has come to set the captives free Jesus is here to heal the sick Jesus Jesus Jesus hallelujah last week I preached in Germany and Ravalli there's a pasta you was a former hippie and drug addict and I said to him how did you get saved he said to me Reinhard shall I tell you he said I watched how the devil came to pick up my ankle what happened he said my ankle was against God against Bible against church he said it was an obsession half his life he changed his his will his last will almost every week he said because he said my uncle had uncle atop obsession that the church may inherit all his money he said and then one day as I visited him regularly one day I came to him he said and I saw him with big eyes pacing up and down he pacing up and down and he said to me I'm going to die I know I'm going to die I'm going to die and he was full of fear full of fear he said a little later I came back and I saw him lying on the ground he said when I saw that man my uncle lie there he said I knew Satan person must have come to collect him talk him today no devil will come to collect you Jesus Jesus say amen Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus name above all names the wonderful name of Jesus Oh hallelujah Oh hallelujah let me read one scripture to you from Acts chapter 4 nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved but the name of Jesus this is the greatest message human ears can hear Jesus's salvation means that human failure is not final jesus loves you he's not offended by your sin he invites you to come to him because he already died for your sin he carried your sin and the penalty for you and my sin and all our sins and therefore his arms are now open and he says he that comes to me I will under no circumstances refuse say a man is not wonderful this is wonderful I want to challenge all backsliders there is no such thing as a 50:50 Christian either we are completely saved or completely lost somebody falls into the water and afterwards somebody says that man was almost saved what does it mean mean it means he's stone dead and almost saved means to be lost I urge you come and say yes to Jesus and mean it and you shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit and I tell you where you fail yesterday and where you fail this morning you're going to stand in victory as from now us tomorrow next week next year until Jesus takes you home hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah say yes to Jesus that is the message I think the first day I mentioned this but I take the liberty to repeat this a man without Jesus Christ is like somebody who jumps out of an aeroplane and keeps on falling with an unopened parachute he's falling mighty fast a man without Jesus is just like that he keeps on falling he keeps on falling he keeps on falling but it is one way to escape the fall to death there is something on his back called a parachute and something close to his hand called a ripcord and when he pulls that ripcord with a bang the fall is stopping instead of falling he is now sailing a man I tell you one thing I found that lift caught in the paper and I want to put that ripcord into your hand tonight Romans chapter 10 verse 13 he who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved the name of Jesus the name of Jesus Saves are you happy hallelujah hallelujah how do you call how do you pull that ripcord you call on the name of Jesus for salvation Jesus makes it easy not difficult Jesus once that every man shall be saved because the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men so in a moment or two I want you to respond by pulling that ripcord which God has put into your hand call upon the name of Jesus shout Jesus save my soul and if you just whispered or shouted from the bottom of your heart heaven will not remain silent Jesus will respond amen and I tell you this act of God in your life this salvation that he gives to you will make the difference between night and light death and life hell and heaven say yes to Jesus hallelujah hallelujah say hallelujah amen a man the damning sin of that man wants to say no to Jesus I don't want to make that mistake I wanna say yes to Jesus I said yes myself long ago and that's why I speak from practical experience it works it really works it's wonderful to serve Jesus it's wonderful to follow him I feel such a powerful salvation anointing over this crowd we are now going to pull that ripcord we are now going to call on the name of Jesus for salvation and I'll tell you you will know tonight although it's getting dark physically that the light of life has been switched in Jesus name hallelujah young people say yes to Jesus you've got nothing to lose you can only gain Jesus is the joy of living amen Jesus is the joy of living praise God I enjoyed the testimony of Helen how wonderful Jesus saves everybody who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will save you now I know it I had the privilege to pray with millions upon millions of people who wanted to call on the name of the Lord tonight it's my privilege to kind of take you by the hand and say come come to Jesus he loves you and he saves you now a man Jesus is now here to pick you up to pick you up to pick you up and he will walk with you through life and talk with you and you will become a citizen of the mutual rusa l'm hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord let's close our eyes and prayer O Lord I want to thank you for every person who has heard the gospel the simple yet powerful eternal gospel and lord I pray that nobody may leave here with a know in his heart that everybody says yes those that have never said it and those that are backsliders let them say yes to Jesus again while all our eyes are closed and we are in the holy presence of God I want to ask who is here tonight who wants to say yes I want to say yes to Jesus and receive him as my savior I want to become a child of God I want him to forgive me my sins and to receive me as his child then I want to pray for you right now just lift your hand as a sign so that I can see acknowledge it and pray for you just wave your hand please if you want to say yes to Jesus wave your hand that I can see it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you right at the back right here in front to my left to my right I'll tell you I think the devil has already prepared some accommodation for some people in hell and he will have to cancel it because you are changing direction you are on your way to heaven hallelujah I want everybody to stand and this is how we are going to do now all of you who raised their hands or should have raised your hands if you really want to say yes to Jesus receive him as your Savior then quickly come forward I'm waiting for you here and I want to pray for you right here right now this is the last chance to receive Jesus as your Savior in this gospel campaign please come forward you may say I don't belong to the Christian religion you are especially welcome jesus loves you first I want to pray for you to get saved afterwards we will pray for the sick and Jesus will save and heal gloriously and mightily push forward make your way I'm waiting now while we are singing welcome welcome welcome come forward come [Music] Oh yes the cross oh you're so welcome come just come the cross [Music] at the cross for you come in Jesus name [Music] for just for you people are pushing forward you join them if you haven't said yes to Jesus this is your turn Jesus is calling you come right from the back Jesus is waiting for you here come now [Music] come here is still just keep on coming ashes make sure that they can come forward left or right [Music] Carabas follow Massimo : pallavas [Music] to turn [Music] you're welcome you're welcome you're very welcome god bless you [Music] could you come a bit closer [Music] hi [Music] keep on coming we sing it once again [Music] to take this I am an evangelist and I believe I've got an evangelists anointing from the Holy Spirit and I feel and I hear the Holy Spirit put an anxiety in my heart for some who are standing out there who have resisted already five times the Holy Spirit says young man you have resisted the call of God's love five times and the settlor tonight I call you for the last time for the last time in this world your ears will never again hear the gospel if you don't come now and respond to the call of the love of God come forward now come forward this is very urgent very urgent bring your girlfriend along with you at the same time Jesus is calling you let's sing it again come on to Jesus [Music] coming the neighbors keeps us [Applause] come in Jesus thing [Music] jeez [Music] the time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lars [Music] they're still coming please keep on coming don't be shy don't be shy and you backslide as you better come you better come now I want to speak to those that did come put your hands down and listen to me now the great moment has come for you to pass from death to life from the power of Satan and to the power of God and the key to this transition is not the name of a church it is the name above all names the name of Jesus hallelujah and now you are going to call on that name and I will assist you amen and the moment the miracle of salvation is going to take place deep down in your heart and all the garbage of sin that has collected in your life is going to be wiped out because of the power of the blood of Jesus and my Bible says that God remembers you see no more and if God refuses to remember your sin you also are invited no more to remember your sins amen this is the miracle of salvation I want you to close your eyes and if you can manage lift your hands to heaven now we will call on the name of Jesus for salvation I want all the people of God wherever you are also lift up your hands if there are holy hands and I want everybody to repeat this prayer in support of those who prayed here in front loud and clear heaven will hear it Jesus is here to respond and while we pray it all the bondages of Satan and his evil spirits and all curses that Satan brought on you and your family will be broken and you will receive eternal life through Jesus Christ the Son of God let us pray now say dear Lord Jesus Christ I have heard your word and respond to it I now call on your name the only name by which I can be saved Jesus Christ son of God save my soul now I confess my sins to you I repent of my sins forgive me all my sins and wash me with your precious blood I now put my faith alone in you I believe with my heart what I now speak with my mouth I have said yes to Jesus forever for time and eternity I believe with my heart what I confess with my mouth Jesus no my Savior I am a child of God I believe it I receive it and I thank you for it in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and now open your mouth and let Jesus hear your voice thank him for your salvation wherever you are let Jesus save your voice say thank you for your salvation say thank you Jesus I am saved you have saved me you the power of your name has saved me it is the only name I have embraced you I have received you I am a child of God come on let's worship the Lord the Lord God Rob upon corium chillingly because she loved us and robochav us in the name of Jesus I set all the captives free in the name of Jesus I break all bondages of drug addiction of alcoholism I break all bondages all mental chains in the name of Jesus I cast out every unclean spirit in the name of Jesus I set people free I said people free from all the chains that Satan put on you be free in Jesus name if therefore the Son of man shall set you free you are free indeed hallelujah shout hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus now you may put your hands down listen how many of you here believe that Jesus has now saved you shout I believe I am a child of God amen heaven is rejoicing the angels are celebrating on the streets of cold for sinners that have come home I bless you in the name of Jesus let's give a big big club for Jesus as his never heart is weak [Applause] amen okay you're wonderful people I love you I truly do you're all precious one on one you are very very precious to Jesus amen and I love you really I do love you listen we want to we want to help you on this new way with Jesus amen and I have written a little booklet that I want to give you as a gift it is called now that you are saved if you have received Jesus as your Savior during this week and you fail to get your copy you are also entitled to get your copy now the counselors are waiting for you on that side and on that side and I am asking all of you please for your own sake and for you to receive this gift please maybe half from here just go over there and the other half go over there and then you come back and then we pray for the sick is that fine with you please this would you just turn that side and follow the brothers there and you turn over and follow that side give them a hand as they are calling the law wonderful people god bless you please and then we will pray for the sick all right all right please a counselor is going to give it to you Vangie let's rejoice and let's see the Larry confirmation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a man we're gonna sing it again in a moment and rejoice in the Lord's before we do I just have a very important now announcement we need mrs. Rita Cresswell mrs. Rita Kris will please make yourself known to our security folk right away up on the hill at the back there we need to talk to you urgently so Rita kress will please get yourself up there right away and we thank you very much for that all right now come on it's worship the Lord together as we continue new creation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he stand in the grace of God amen I can feel a wonderful anointing of the Holy Spirit here how many of you feel a wonderful anointing of the Holy Spirit amen kocchi libera yonder lava sea oh I've been praying so much I want to see people jump out of their wheelchairs I want to see people leave their crutches and be healed because it's all it's all included in that what Jesus did when he cried out on the cross it is finished hallelujah that Jesus Saves must needs believe that jesus heals it's a package it's a package who forgiveth all your sins who healeth all your diseases do you believe that karappa Pasha pareto sheikah collabo sheep are ethereum Palala paseando Revelation chapter 5 let me put it this way John had a big problem a problem that he could a big big problem that he couldn't solve and he says I wept and then came a voice saying John we'd not look up the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed hallelujah and I want to say to you now look up Jesus has prevailed Jesus is the answer Jesus is your Savior Jesus is your deliverer Jesus is your healer and we are going to worship now if you know how to worship the Lord in the Holy Spirit and in truth I want you to do it now and then expect your miracle to take place now and after this prayer - something you couldn't do before you will walk without your crutches you will walk without your stick to something amen if you couldn't bend you will bend but do something you couldn't do before stand up in the name of Jesus and you will see that the power of God will kick into gear amen the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed and then when you have the evidence of your healing I want you to come here to the side and you will come up to the platform and we are going to give the glory to God and those people who were there yesterday and we no more time to give their testimony you come already now in Jesus name we are going to call on the name of Jesus now for healing please put your hand on the sick part of your body how many people are sick put up one hand even in the crowd over there just keep your hand up for a moment if you are a spirit-filled child of God you see a sick man or woman boy or girl next to you in faith just lay your hand on that person that is the extended hand of Jesus a man Jesus instructed us to do it he said they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover it doesn't need my hand just any hand of one who believes that Jesus is here to fulfill its word amen and the other hand just lifts up to heaven if you don't mind let's begin to worship in the holy spirit let's open our mouths and let's worship in the holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] well I praise you Lord I pray for me [Music] Paulo Bush the other side [Music] spirit of God keep on praising the Lord the Holy Spirit is a healing spirit in the name of Jesus the name that is above all names the only name given under heaven by which we can be saved and salvation includes healing in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit moves over the sick people now the oppressed the possessed the bound the frustrated in the name of Jesus blind eyes open now in the name of Jesus paralysis I command you to disappear I hear the Holy Spirit say paralysis people are healed from paralysis if you're paralyzed move your legs life comes into lifeless limbs now Cara Papa via Papa Sheila Vasya he a miracle has happened right here right here look at that woman here in the name of Jesus blind eyes open in the name of Jesus you put your crutches away and walk without your crutches in the name of Jesus I come against all pains be healed from your pains behaved from epilepsy be healed from Alsace be healed from tumors be from algebra sclera being from the effects of stroke in the name of Jesus be healed from the effects of accidents now in Jesus name take that first step by faith in Jesus name Calipari amamori Perot Sandhya Cora Portia pharmacy Lila Lila cocea Holy Spirit let life flow now into lifeless bodies Oh heal the sick children that have been brought now in Jesus name now in Jesus mighty name now in Jesus mighty name Thank You mighty God Thank You mighty God Thank You mighty God the power of God is moving on the Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit see Baba Oh [Music] Oh hallelujah walking Jesus stain look at this year come up come up come up come up bring it with this [Music] the power of silver in the name of [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want that other lady that came with her clutches hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what happened to you well I just had an operation for spondylosis of the spine but the pain haven't gone I've been tired out all day and on the journey here and and I was even just now when the people were coming to the Lord I saw that you were slain in the spirit there what happened the pain just went out of my back God is here close your eyes I'm going to pray for you the power of God is going to come on you now just make sure Coren Apicella la la vache in the name of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit [Applause] I've been ventilated five times and they brought me round and I'm on oxygen and nebulizer and I'm on tablets my lungs to keep them open but today I haven't had any of my tablets I've had no oxygen I've had no nebulizer and I read in a name [Music] [Applause] Kushina Vasya I tell you the power of God to see in Birmingham the city of music is becoming the city of the power of God I feel at such a powerful anointing I'm going to touch her and the puff God is going to come on you close eyes in Jesus name now in Jesus name Santiago Baca basi Antoine he is a special special miracle at the end of last year and somebody jumped on my ankle and broke it it's all pinned and screwed and everything and I've never been able to work with screwed up totally just totally seized they just wouldn't work I couldn't walk it's been getting worse and worse and worse old David I knew it would happen because I dreamt up over a week I had a dream I stood here a nice book to you [Applause] what happened now when we pray I don't know it just went a little warm Rea up my leg and I felt it listen do you want to see her jump jump in Jesus name run is that's wonderful [Applause] hallelujah hi keep them as a souvenir on [Music] crutches karappa kilala close eyes you are going to receive more she's going to receive the power of the Holy Spirit right now if you believe it stretch forth your hand I feel such a powerful anointing now Lord Jesus you have here to potty now fill her with the power of the Holy Spirit now in Jesus name Amen [Applause] Oh hallelujah hallelujah I wanna jump and I want to rejoice bunchy come on let's sing and let's dance and let's come on come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] villains [Music] drawers rejoice the Christ [Music] [Music] here is a man standing right in front ear I just hear that he hasn't walked for 20 years look he's standing here 20 years he didn't walk no lapa last 20 years no more is that wonderful if I were you I would think Jesus if you heat others don't pass me by why don't you cry out to Jesus I need a miracle a man look at this miracle here tell us what was wrong I've got vertical arthritis in my hands and my legs not me neither clench my fists for over a year now and now I've got their blessing now and I can start moving their fists and my fingers now move them look at the stance now on the phone hallelujah hey you are going to become so strong amen you love the Lord Jesus I can see that close eyes are going to pray for you father I thank you let him lay hold on you now and let him receive in Jesus name the power of the Holy Spirit flow through your whole body spirit and soul in Jesus name Amen how many of you have received a miracle yet this evening you know that Jesus has healed you if you've got a testimony to the glory of God just come to this side come and come and tell us come and tell us come and tell us quickly very very quickly a man look how these people are shining their faces are shining amen praise God I tell you what we're going to do we're going to sing once more and in a minute in a few minutes I will come down and I want to pray especially for those people here in front that need the power of God desperately amen I love you very much I wish I could come and spend an hour with one of you all of you each that's not possible but I will do I can only do so much and Jesus is doing everything say Amen are you happy come on let's sing a let's rejoice let's sing a let's rejoice [Music] [Music] rich eyes [Music] [Applause] rejoice rejoice the price [Music] [Music] somebody's being healed from a hole in the heart somebody's being healed from a hole in the heart right now I'm not saying this to impress people I say this because the Holy Spirit is speaking to me and you will know the truth of it and your doctor will confirm it in the name of Jesus we don't do this year you know just to sweet people this is not sweeping people up I am NOT coming from Hollywood I'm coming from Calvary amen this is not a soul this is the demonstration of the power of Jesus Christ whom I love with all my heart and I'm willing to live and die for him tell us what did Jesus do for you I don't add a spelling problem on and off for 16 years I should be on my back at home on the Isle of Wight but today I was healed and someone asked me why do I know I'm healed I said because I'm not in pain anymore and I conveyed you couldn't Bend before I know you want to see her Bend [Applause] no wonderful no wonderful what does go husband going to say when you when he sees you can bend and you're without pain I didn't catch that I think it's just as good a man is Jesus wonderful I [Applause] want to pray for you Karen about Sheila Lobos you close your eyes you love Jesus don't you father I thank you you have healed her now let the power of the Holy Spirit just flow from head to toe in Jesus name in Jesus this is a which man do is oh is that right you know that's what I learned as a teenager when I was in Wales what was wrong with you fellas listen to this this is holy forgetfulness tell us for the last four years I've been suffering with a complaint called leukemia I've been on eleven tablets four times a day in two injections I came up to Birmingham from South Wales today and when I got there I realized I have not got my medication I've been in a lot of pain but I've suffered I spent a couple of hours in the van sleeping because of the strain a lot of my colleagues don't know what I've been suffering from I've been over there behind the toilets crying in pain not I've been ashamed to admit this and I didn't want no one to see me but when the players started tonight I lifted up my heart Jesus and a hallelujah praise God what happened I thought hey my my stomach is not on fire and I've been on fire all day I didn't know how I was going to tide the vehicle back home with my friends cuz I'm the only driver and I paid that God would give me the strength to drive that van home but I'm joined it home with no fire in my body because I know amen are you happy this man is happy he's crying arrangement doesn't crazily but when the Holy Spirit touches a man like this we are all like children aren't we so you are going to go back to your doctor and he's going to go on to make tests and he will confirm that Jesus has healed him from leukemia leukemia in Jesus name close your eyes the puff God is on you hallelujah father in the name of Jesus let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through him now and I thank you Lord that this is a perfect healing receive in Jesus name Amen Alleluia he will drive home rejoicing and he won't overlook any traffic light amen god bless you [Applause] what happened to you well I took an overdose last month so neat time took a quarter of my liver away and it's affected my kidneys as well the past few days I've been in a lot of pain tonight I've got pride for it just went the pain just went away you see she got an overdose each now of the power of God and that was the antidote antidote to any drug that she took and listen last night she received Jesus as a savior she's passed from death to life and from the power of Satan unto God people of Birmingham are you happy hey man do you want me to lay hands on you and pray for you hey something is going to happen right now close your eyes a power cord is here lord I thank you for this young lady you have saved her you have healed now with the power of the Holy Spirit a man aah can you hear come here what was wrong with her she was dead from birth totally deaf totally isn't Jesus wonderful you are the and this lady is the aunt couldn't hear anything how did you find out that she could hear now Maria let's let let me test it once more do this [Applause] [Applause] can just do here here do this Maria Maria well I I can't figure it out all together just son Sonia you call her again from the back she is a man she didn't understand my game but she is the true Lord I bless this little girl Maria in the name of Jesus and I bless the ante in the name of Jesus God bless you amen does he belong to us we're not I bless the sweet little boy in Jesus name Oh hallelujah you know what I will not do I want to sing from the bottom of my heart with all of you together then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How Great Thou art lift your hands and lift your voices [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] father the name of Jesus I pray for those who have not yet have their healings manifested in the name of Jesus we keep on trusting you because your word says that nobody will be ashamed who puts his trust in the Lord and Lord I pray that they may not feel frustrated but that they may continue trusting and believing and praising you because Jesus never fails hallelujah I want to cut down and I want to pray for these deep people now and we are going to continue to sing I'm handing over to Oliver a man let's rejoice in the name of Jesus hallelujah let's sing let's praise no advantage regards Jesus is the rock of my salvation you know it by now come on let's rejoice in it see it let's praise it [Music] the rock of my [Music] let's be the rock you [Music]
Channel: Jim Randle
Views: 25,518
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: The Rich Man and Lazarus, Reinhard Bonnke, Pastor Bonnke, The Bible, Holy Bible, Gospel, Torah, Tanakh, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, Lazarus, Evangelise, Adam, Ruhr Valley, Germany, Mary, Joseph, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elisha, Elijah, John the Baptist, Revelation, Herod, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Christian, Jewish, God, Heavenly Father
Id: EHgbxK84g6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 50sec (6050 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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