Give Thyself Wholly - Bishop Dag Heward-Mills

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] this area is Singapore Singapore every church is air-conditioned everywhere is a condition the weather is just like Ghana but everywhere it's a condition when I came here I realized that I was in Singapore it's too powerful father thank you for this great honor to be here we are blessed thank you for your help at this time we ask you Holy Spirit to lead us to guide us to speak to us thank you for this anniversary for 20 years of of Messi and kindness from you we are grateful we thank you we ask you to lead us on from victory to victory to the next high place but you have destined for us to possess as a church and as a ministry we give you thanks we praise you for the life of Reverend Steve mentioned and also pastor Stanley for what great works you have used them to do and also for the other pastors their wives who are being with them faithfully thank you for everything Lord we are standing in a miracle and we are grateful for the miracle bless our hearts Lord with your Holy Spirit impart to us your will in your word we thank you and we receive it in Jesus name Amen you maybe see that thank you very much what an honor it is to be invited to be here with you for your 20th anniversary wow they're beautiful choir but Sir Stanley should have sung one song for me but he didn't sing it you know the song don't you know the song yeah the choir knows the song so maybe maybe you will before we go oh I should give you a book and then let me give you a book then you sing for me why not why not I've got a nice book for him great I love a great I love of Jesus thank you faster yes any time I'm ready I'm sure he will remember the song I have a powerful book here how to pray is a new book how to pray it's a powerful book spiritual dangers Wow you'll be blessed those of you who are in the ministry loyalty and disloyalty very important loyalty and disloyalty Wow a lot of churches are becoming more stable through this book yeah are we having more stable or angles are afraid to operate do you know what is on a Rangoon like a disloyal person it's like they're a bit nervous these days like they realize that there are teachings about them so what you do something no a whole book will be written about you father's and loyalty father's and loyalty and father is somebody who makes you come into existence it's not by its age we don't call somebody father because it's old most people become fathers when they are young so is because the person brought you into existence they would not have been a pasta you know when the pasta was taking the overnight as when Steve I asked Bishop Steve who is this pasta here and he said oh you you were with me here when we ordained him I said wow so he would not have been here if he was not obeying so the one who causes you to exist as a reverend or pasta is your father hey lay people in the ministry very beautiful how to be in the perfect will of God all these books and finally why non tithing Christians become poor and how tithing Christians can become rich why people who don't pay tithes should expect to become poor those of you who don't pay tithe but I get the book and start reading it you see about 101 cases for those who don't pay tithes hey as your neighbor you a type-a person one day a pasta was invited to a certain country to preach and when he got there he was picked by the people who were going to pick send to the airport to pick the visitors when they were going he asked the pastor brother how long have you been in the church he said I've been for so many years and he asked him you know what is he doing Church and so on then at a point he asked do you pay tithes and the brother said sometimes and immediately the visiting Minister I said please stop the car now I need to get down from the car is that you may have an accident just now and it's a very dangerous car why did the pastor send somebody like you to pick me hey so I'm afraid to be your car because you don't be tight so those of you who don't pay tax when you are going from free messy father we pray for mercy for all the non tight spread by Sunday we'll bring our tithes in Jesus name Amen well reverse Steve has been a wonderful friend one of my literally only friends I have to chat with to talk with and in the city of Accra in Ghana and in the world so it's been a blessing knowing him and the whole family and being part of all that you are doing I I wasn't really sure I don't know when the beginning of this church is but what I remember is the cafeteria I came there you have two or three organs and you are using it to make very beautiful music and then when we came here I was wearing a green suit you remember some of you remember I had a special green suit it was one of my main sports that I had in those days and there was nothing here was all red sound it was far away from everywhere Wow who will ever come here but we started and God has done so much so we are grateful and I'm grateful for the life of your the pasta the Bible says you strike the Shepherd and the sheep was cutter because really everything depends on the leader you know not on the leaders the leader that is why we make so much fuss about who is going to be the president because so much depends on the one the head does the head you see you are not declared dead until your brain stops working your heart may stop but if there's activity in the brain you are still alive so the brain is the last center is the main thing and it dictates everything that you do so the head dictates everything that huh so the air conditioners that you have here it's not because you are feeling hot oh it's because of the kindness of your pasta yeah it's not because the weather is hot the pasta is kind hey the electricity bill that is coming from this thing your tights and your offering must go high you see that by the end of the month you will be paying thousands I don't know where I said CDs or dollar I don't know dollar rate or city of millions I don't know what they have done to the thing but houses here mobile and so the beauty of the church everything you can usually ascribe it to the leader it comes from the leader in flows done so to thank God for your leader always an honor your leader as you are you are celebrated is your leader that has brought you here for 20 years amen and if I'm here it is because of his relationship with me he has relationships he keeps friendships you know I was telling one of my bishops the other day I was telling him about Reverend Steve and he's a great I said oh that's how he is he's like this is like mrs. lamb is already so that's the kind of person is that it is a lawyer kind of person it's a Facebook kind of person so you are blessed with it then every time I come here I just feel that your posture I likes you it cares for you I don't know why is it is it true I hope you appreciating him for all that his hey our church is very hot oh so what I can I can feel the power of the air conditioned you are really blessed I tell you and I don't think we can a condition the Kadesh is too high we don't have even windows in our church we don't have class we have only holes holes anyway with the climate change maybe there will be winter and gonna see first of all ditch after fall my topic is give thyself wholly give thyself wholly to these things are you there no I'm just going to share with you a short anniversary message shall I do that because it's your anniversaries I wanted to listen in that context okay [Music] first Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in Word in conversation in charity in spirit in faith and in purity amen nobody here who is young should allow either the devil or the public to despise you because you are young in the house of God being young is a good thing amen I prefer to preach to younger people than to preacher older people because younger people are more receptive when we are older because of the problems we have had in life we become cooler when you say something funny they will be looking at you Lena you know so in the house of God it's not a bad thing to be young in fact a priest is supposed to minister from the age of 25 to 50 according to numbers chapter 4 and numbers chapter 8 so your ministry really is from the age of 25 to 50 and after 50 are supposed to retire and have be like a consultant so reversed even they are supposed to be consultants but Sistani there most consultants now so you'll soon be seeing new faces pastoring and doing things in the church yeah other I have so many people that are bishops and the Kadesh did when I even left them at the Kadesh the church grew because yeah it's even group more so ministry is for young people and um thank God when we are young we have a lot of temptations and feelings hey you have series when you are young hey my god like electricity I read about older they will be waving in front of you you see that it has not affected you so don't be ashamed if you are young and if a young church also don't be worried it is good to be young is good to have a young attitude Bible says God as perfected praise through the babes the mouths of young people so the perfection of ministry and the perfection of saving God is seen in the young that's what the Bible says that God has perfected praise through babes and sucklings Amen young people have more faith they believe when you are young girl very young and I'm not variable young enough where your heart has not been broken before and somebody come and tell you I love you baby I will take you to Singapore you believe it you believe everything till your heart is broken once or twice the restaurant says I love you say you love me from the web you know me from that you love me you just saw me today said you love me so you change and you are not so receptive and so flowing so when God comes to you and says I love you I want to use you I want to send you I'm not so flowing because you've seen people who said God has sent me God has called me by didn't end well so now you are you have also changed your attitude so you don't believe so much as you used to believe it all flows so much with so many things as you used to so I'm just I'm just saying all this you know this is not part of the message but I'm just telling you that it's not a bad thing to be a young person it's a good thing and let's have God with youthfulness and even if you are older don't make yourself suffer from premature aging do you know premature aging it's like you look older than your age a twenty seven years you look like a mean 153 or a shock because you have become so mighty and the way you even move because not worship you cannot do so me you are not dance one people are dancing so these are for the children wow these are for children you are now above questioning God because of what how old are you who are you are you God alright yeah reception reception what's up here are you my grateful be very careful does outlive you are the best way for you let this be your last warning [Music] Wester team till i come give attendance to reading a man reaping is very important that is why I introduced you to some books all those who don't read in the lower category of Guardian society yeah only readers of books are in the top 20% of society of every society from America a Nigerian Guardian Swedish Swiss British whatever only the top 20% read books have you seen somebody who is walking on the road selling shouting my give it and catches walking on the road and it's reading a book I'm using such a person reading a book before am I awake exactly are you seeking before reading after is reading a book they don't read books obviously those who serve roasted plant a reading books they are reading newspaper those who sell roasted plantain do you see them reading books those who start can fish you see the reading boot watch SLS no only the top 20% of every society read book so when you are in the church you don't read wine the lower category tell you never I never knew you were in the lower category I'm sitting by you light up freely father I resist every lower category barrels in Jesus name Amen so till i come give attendance to reading pay attention to reading to exhortation and to doctrine amen preaching to doctrine everybody here you must be somebody who has what you call it you must listen to preaching not political discussions on the radio by preaching give attention to exhortations which are preaching types of preaching and doctrine all right it is good for you it helps you amen now I'm coming to my anniversary message and this is all part of the anniversary message give attendance to reading if this check gives out turns to reading it will be one of the top 20 percent churches and I believe that something that has helped our church is books yeah because a lot of them is it all these things that I've written there are teachings that I taught in the church but then I wrote it then it changed this is when the thing is written there is something different about it and then when it is read and when it is available to be read it also changes the world change when the Bible was translated into a language people could read as as nobody could read it was it was in a language nobody can understand when they translate that into German and translated it to England ordinary people started reading the whole world change are just what the Bible says so when ordinary people start reading everything changes so your life is going to change when you become a reader and this church will change when more people read as I guess more people just want to be playful yes hey or we love to be playful I love to be prayed for hey and pray I can change your life why would you know want to be prayed for one day I was in Tulsa Oklahoma and Kenneth Hagin was praying for people before he died about two years before he died and he was coming down he was coming down he was coming down he was just touching people I said Lord today is my day but he didn't get to me and my heart was broken so we all like to be prayed for and especially by setting hands yes a hand of blessing but there is a power that comes into your life when you pay attention to the preaching that's why the Bible says give attendance to reading to exhortation into doctrine best 14 this is the anniversary message now I'm reading the scripture to you how many are being blessed with the scripture you can't say I dream preach from the Bible neglect not the gift that is in thee ya neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy with the laying on of hands of the presbytery neglect not the gift that is in thee reversed if my son do not neglect them you see in the coming years don't neglect your gift and this church should not neglect is gift every church is unique and something has bless you and maybe you come this far you see there is a gift here there is a blessing here there is an anointing here and you must not neglect it you know that sometimes people don't know what makes them successful and so what happens is that they tend to neglect what makes them successful and when I went to Kenya once I was going to the Masai Mara the Mara pack of something out there in Kenya somewhere in the middle of Kenya for a camp meeting and as we were going I asked the person the pastor who was driving I said is this the road to the place where you have the lions elephants giraffe what Kenya is famous for said this is the road he said this is the road there was no Road you know a road is black with time that is a room outside you don't have any rude hey and I was amazed I said you mean the the main thing with the whole world comes to Kenya to see they haven't made a road just from here to here from Nairobi to that place there's nothing you'll be possible bridges that are being built by the colonial masters and they may look just like a certain country I will not mention our country's name but I will tell you that laterite name begins with G and a lot of countries Germany Gambia Guinea Guyana Oh Ghana is also one of the possibilities it's like we don't know what it is that makes us bless our beaches our toilets toilet hey this one we call air-conditioned a conditioned toilet sorry yeah got the fresh sea breeze will be blowing on you and they'll see what I will carry your things away we use our Beach for toilets others use it to get a lot of money so you can neglect the gift and then you you'll be saying that you are poor so don't neglect your gift all the poverty that is created in the world is often by neglecting what makes you you amen one day I asked the Lord you know I have different types of preaching and I asked the Lord which of the which of these is my gift which one of these has a strong anointing but a preacher tech services Sundays Tuesdays I preached at Crusades a preacher at conferences which are camps different types of preaching by US alone which one carries the most anointing and he told me and and and he said I'll show you if you look at look at the fruit of it the one that has more the most food like the reaction the response to that thing is the higher and he should be which of them and it was so clear and he became when I realized that thatis the gift you know then I I realized that this is what I must not neglect so neglecting your gift can destroy you look at this check this judge did not begin by trying to make ourselves happy with a lot of get-togethers and lunches and so on we started by by by by being an outreach ministration I was attracted to this church because of your evangelist even my assistant bishop sake you know he is originally an evangelist so his interest in evangelism also attracted because I'm attracted to such things it's more real gospel amen so it's your gift and you also know what you have that is that is that is a gift in you in this church your worship your music and different things but you think we can always neglect it they will say we are poor or we don't have what this person has but you have something which somebody else also doesn't have yeah you also have you have your unique gift and so the Bible is saying neglect not the gift that is in thee don't minister without using your gift yes don't become ashamed of your gift if your gift is to minister with screaming's manifestations shoutings Rowling's look never become ashamed of it that is what God has given you the day you become a shame of your giving you stop ministering and you stop need to neglect your gift is to not use it yeah in 1952 Kenneth Hagin had a vision the Lord appeared to him and told him he said you have been a pastor for 12 years and he said when you left that check the last church where the pastor of that is when you enter the first phase of your ministry is that all that 12 years I've never told you to pass he's got a pastor you have pastor electric I've never call you to be a pastor I said it was when you lack the check that you enter the first phase of your ministry then in short even sudden a few months later you enter the second person told you I've only four phases to your ministry then he said in the first phase you were faithful because you did what I told you to do but he said in the second phase you are not faithful but I told you tell that people are giving you a gift I didn't want to tell them because some of the give their work when you tell people I have this gift that doesn't work sometime when you don't see it she said tell that people are giving you the tell them I appear to you tell them what happened in the vision and minister and he was not doing it and the Lord appeared to me said the second phase you were not faithful is that if you now do what I say you will enter into this you finish the second and enter into the third and then the fourth will come up so let us all be not neglect whatever gift God has given to you sometimes you see pastors who used to sing you know it's like as if singing is a lower whatever as if it is below you or you used to dance or used to do something or used to be an usher you know it's like that cause of some people your your gift is to perform maybe your give it to care for every Steve or your gift is to half in this way but it's like you are not too big for that but actually what you are good at doing but like you you neglect it and you are trying to do other things you will always be complaining that you don't have when you neglect your gifts Ghana is suffering because half-caf of ghanians have been excluded from whatever gang Ghana is doing because if you don't belong to this group and these people coming to power half of the intelligence half of the ideas half of the wealth half of the input half of the help half of the legal advice half of the engineer half of every it's not allowed to work once you see that you are from these peoples I take it from him and give it to this half so as we neglect half of the brains of Ghana and half of the intelligence of Galan we should know we should not be surprised if Galan is struggling and you are fighting to change dollars into CDs and whatever the exchange rate is the most accurate determination of our economy forget about all the data from the whatever look at the exchange rate I know the reality that is going on that one is not controlled by anybody's control by the realities they cannot be cooked so don't neglect your gift you will say that you are poor one day don't be ashamed of how you are don't be ashamed yeah don't be ashamed of how your ministry is don't be if God has given you an area don't be ashamed of it God knows who you know don't don't hold back don't don't think that you know there is a pleasure hi I want I miss you to be like this one we want our chair to be like this no you are making a mistake God has a call no don't neglect it you neglected you you you you will luck as you get all that the church will get finished the church will get to me because you neglect your gift the church will be finished because you need like your gift you will say that all that currency as it you was sad to do you will start to do so many things you know there's a somebody made a study the study was why the mighty form give four stages quite a mighty fall one of the stages are not bothered to tell you all over one of the stages he said is what they call grasping at salvation that wimpy when things are going down people come with new idea that's why I do this let's do this let's do this instead of going to what made them what they are instead of going back to the basic strategies and principles which makes CM what CEM is let's do some other new things which didn't make us what we are that's what this is one of the studies they they just otherwise all the big big things that came down and one of the stage three was grasping at Salvation yeah so brothers and sisters neglect not don't neglect your gift don't neglect your gift and you not be a poor country and a poor individual amen Wow verse 15 meditate upon these things amen everybody said thinking say think don't you think that if we think if we stop to think a little it will help us huh somebody's that you said you've read your Bible today when I read the Bible usually it is about a few words in the Bible that minister to me every day I see people say oh I've read the whole Bible or today I read 12 chapters Wow I usually have only one line or one way that starts to jump at me and I start to meditate on it it becomes like a meal since I became a Christian I've been practicing having my quiet time every day most of my messages come from my quiet time amen so meditate on these things you know when you go wrong that the main thing you can sense and see in the nation is that nobody is thinking about some setting things setting things no one is thinking about it you understand like when you when you really when you look at certain problems that we have you can you can see that somebody's mind is not on it no one is doing is thinking about it now God is telling us in the church let's think about the church you know let's think about how this church can be bigger and can how many more by the way this church is full and it's air-conditioned so we need more churches what do you think and I'll tell you something that most members are not resident around for long they will move so you better have your branches everywhere because they will move there you will be sitting here saying I might at forty people have come but sixty-five I've also traveled oh you don't understand how many of you are planning to travel raise up your hand long if you raise our I'll pray that is the door should grant open doors raise your hand how many are planning traveling how many are planning to be here forever you see Bishop stick no one racism look at them not even one Pennsylvania Sarah is having to be here forever everybody's starting to move so plan yeah if you think about it if you think about it you will you will start thinking about what we are doing so meditate on listing this what I'm sharing applies to your life meditate on what you are doing carefully yeah when I was working at Kali boo I remember the one year that I worked there I meditated on I said no if I stay here something bad will happen to me I'll prepare to do something else than to work for an ungrateful what do you call it what do you call it ungrateful watch something Hey amen anyway so meditate on these things and give thyself wholly to them Wow everybody say give thyself wholly yeah that means give yourself completely that I profiting may appear unto all wow this is my message to you today women Steve Robin Stanley and all of you give yourself wholly to the ministry amen now you may think you are giving yourself wholly but many people do not give themselves holy to God and to the ministry amen this is the scripture that I had for my quiet time which encouraged me to live medicine business in 1990 and go into ministry as I read this scripture I felt the Holy Spirit telling me look give thyself wholly to ministry at that time I was a doctor and I was practicing doing some small business I was a son install contractor oh yeah I've done a lot of things but then the Lord said to me my heart give thyself wholly to the ministry so that you're profiting will appear to all so from that time 1991 I believe it is I gave myself I sold my truck I had a truck I sold it and I stopped every form of business and every other activity and give myself 100% to ministry since then I don't do business and a lot of pastors do business I go more by the scripture give thyself wholly completely to these things that I profiting by profit do you see that it is a good thing people will see it with time that you gave yourself completely to ministry to God amen so I wanna encourage you you know all the things God has called you to do give yourself hundred percent to it you know as we go further people are going to encourage the church they want to encourage us to do politics we are not politicians and if you must look closely at the politician you realize that they have given themselves only to politics do you know when you see somebody who says he's a Christian and it's a politician and he belongs to MDC and something is wrong in MDC didn't know he's a born-again Christian he will say that the wrong thing it's right are you having noticed yeah or if his npp the same thing depend on who it is they the only person I've seen criticizing his own people is press the Rawlings so he practices more Christian virtues than Christians who claim to be Christians yes and even pastors because pastors are also political you should according to the political and alignment of the pasta he has a certain way yeah true or not true yeah you don't have to like my message I don't care what I like your answer I don't care at all yeah [Music] they've given themselves some of them some of them were Christian leaders some of them were prior SEC look I keep on meeting prior secretaries people who have prior leaders on campus today you see them on television and you see very little crystalline on them you sit up attacking pastors hey I mean they show themselves only completely to NDC on NPP completely fully yeah everything about them they'll lie they with that and they will not do you see that they will be straight even with the amount they'll be faithful to their turn but they would even criticize their posture they're not faithful to their pastor the criticize the past I criticize the church but they will not say anything but about their own things that are clearly openly wrong yeah God they are only giving themselves to nothing so I want to say to the church also and we should also only give ourselves to have a mission understand our mission and our vision and what God has placed on us they want to draw us into politics into business into secularization to become motivational speakers I don't know what Moses he was introducing us as motivational speaker I don't know where he got a revelation from a [Applause] motivational speaker me no let us give ourself completely to evangelism completely to spirituality give thyself wholly to building churches hundred me I do not look there is none of my body write any book for secular things it's not a secular book I know some people use my book for secular leadership as it does right in the examples are given the book out for pastors I saw somebody using my book and a castle in his bank he say uses it for outreach how to expand his business in the band he uses an acausal in a bank and a castle because a member of the church and he says wish of the principle that you are using in the church that help the church it can help in my business so well that's their problem if they can take the spiritual examples and secularize them is up to them just like how sometimes we read secular books but only for the all the books are for our Christianity yeah it's not for business no let me come more spiritual more tongues give us a morning holy to what what we believe God the churches no schools education is not ministry it's not the same as ministry when you and you have a secular institution it is governed by the accreditation but not by Laframboise that is why recently but a Christian a Christian institution they took them to to to to that meditation ball that they were making them go to church on Sunday and that they don't want to go to check I'll do it for a church yeah let's give ourself complete look churches churches our judges are very important not Hospital going into all the world and no hospitals don't build hospitals now our businesses is obvious to the side just by the side of it go into opt about the hospital bill schools build all these things be careful be careful because the highest level of deviation is very small you see if you are in a plane and is going at 2 1 1 1 1 60 degrees like that the runway our runway here it has a static number I don't know have you been in a cockpit of a plane before you've not been oh ok let me explain to you I've been I've been in a cockpit of the plane before they have a dial they tell it like this it goes from 0 to 360 so when you turn it so if it goes to 16 1 2 went what you tell it to then that when you turn it the plane will just tell iris and to go on that line 3 16 after three seasons it's around like this going here here here here here so they just tell it like that I've been if I've been in Lufthansa Ghana Airways different jets KLM I said how do you believe you do it for me other before that we first after my level but before that time yeah now they don't allow you to go in yeah he's just telling and it so this photograph the effort the runway is on one of them the baby 161 exactly so if you go 162 viralize well I mean our body tulip yes Wow it's exactly the wrong way sets up like one place and know where it is you cannot change it even just by one one degree you are going somewhere else and if you keep going by one degree for a long time before you realize you're going to London right Mauritania off by one degree yeah that is how some of the famous plane crashes have taken place of happen by not a big deviation my Sunday smells and it keeps going a bit to the right and keeps going a bit to the right it keeps going a bit up I realize you are far away from anywhere and your fuel is finished what will you do your parachute cannot come from up there yeah so you see the church house a small degree just a smaller way like this you know I grew up and then some of you don't know I grew up in a church we used to pray they provided Ganga with hospitals schools but no salvation not salvation yeah I mean I was thought I was not born again I used to pray our Father I want to I want to I see the pressure what shall I do to go to heaven work for a long time I wanted to go to him so I thought okay what can I do and he said I should pray one hour father every day and three Hail Marys like one paracetamol three chloroquine so can I die every day and I will go to heaven I said really he said yeah you just pray that I didn't find Christ I got a good school good Hospital good everything but not Christ play ask yourself just one small deviation like this as it then you become viral attachés become an NGO I mean you will say why is going but if I realize the techies are NGO or it is a it is a it is a assertive alpha close just a little deviation but then you see that the Chester stop profile Christ Christ Christ Hey and pasa I determined to know nothing among to accept Christ and him crucified you play with it I built a school and I brought a cast I brought a cast in metal I said can said be the one who would take and his family forever who would change the school into a secular school as I wrote it in bronze meta I put it in the school the one who would come and change it to a secular school he should be casting his family forever we haven't it's a Bible School Oxford there are Bibles book John Wesley went to Oxford University he study theology there are pastors then you add administration the answers on that also you know people I'm also interested in this geology so she'd be on the side let's do more administration more computer science more information technology this is a what people want but they can get more jobs with it before I realized that geology and the Christian whatever it's a side thing that's why I said that the plane it has a small deviation like this small changes like this oxidize not going to the sign yeah so I came here you know I didn't come here to give you any fantastic mess about to read the script at you give die sets and meditate on this neglected the gift that is in thee Tony get me I have a gift oh I have a gift there's a sample a spiritual subtle isotope it says there is a spiritual horse I sit on when I sit in the Sun I'm comfortable that's my horse that's my saddle that's what when I mean it does I'm home and that is my gift and that is what I must not neglect I must stay on my gift and you too you have your gift this we are a church we are not and we are not a secular institution we are being charged by Jesus Christ the Savior he said go into the world and don't watch her and know what and what and preach the gospel to every teaching them teaching them you cannot teach people for a long time unless you have a church teaching them all that I have commanded you to observe everything like I'm going to give myself wholly to this and many years ago twenty-something years ago in 1990 I gave myself wholly you can ask my I had a truck a blue bedford tip a truck big with a big bucket when God told me I went and partied at a poor Junction for sale it's true for sale I put it as a for sale finished and I give myself to ministry our church was in a canteen I was the only person with that time my car you see how you have tasks outside as though you are selling cars we had only we had only one car and my car was the only car ran on four yeah and I gave myself because what I was mad give thyself wholly I taught our never travel outside Ghana again when I when I said I with this my last I travel but this is my last trick I'll never go abroad again till I die because I'm come to give myself wholly to God wow I'm surprised when I go and come like that because I thought I mean that is the end of my life but I'm giving myself come hundred percent to God people who are mixing business and business and ministry education and ministry this and ministry everything and ministry now it looks as though ministry is it side by side is not the same thing oh it looks like the same and it very it's very compatible and it's very helpful to ministry by this not ministry we have school they have a school we have school up to you jss and we haven building SS I'm not against school we have a hospital how many churches have have a clinic in when you go to the heart will you see my name there dr. Hayward Mills yeah we have a medication and say that has no ministry oh yeah oh you don't understand a difference yeah my strength money energy he said give thyself only what does it mean give your intelligence yeah I've applied all my intelligence to to to the church when I was in Squier I did well in school I had prizes even in medical school I want a prize the two best students I want a ticket to London so many things I want I was not I was not I was not like I wasn't clever not Omega I was just managing you know one priest was asked why I represent who didn't do well in school so I decided to become a priest no not in my case not in my case - my intelligent I did come back present to the church oh yeah had no politic no let's not be look at me closely that's not business in my life I don't say limited already technically I don't do any B's I don't have shares I don't have anything yeah only church only pick you the people people are shame of the ministry God is using you to stay and God is using you to let people scream tell it like them scream if you are allowed me to show everyone our show me screaming screaming if that is your gift don't be a movie to let the people scream if it is rolling let them roll from here to here they should be rolling Charlie when the anointing consider rolling Power has come my intelligence offer private somebody to know because you are so good in school you shouldn't be in the ministry you say you shouldn't be a pastor because we are good is it those of you who want to school you do person you think you are only for your only good for the bank a bank bank bank is what is good for your mind you see you use your mindful that you keep your man holy to develop backless banker and what is the name of the man Nigerian Bank wasn't it what a gentleman you eubie eubie zenyk yeah you give yourself to develop backless okay you will give you now apply on you not apply yourself to the chatter judge judges judges nothing you see on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that oh I'm not singing where the dearest and the best that wonder who in the room that dearest and the best was slain for the sinners of this world the best not the doctors ought to be distressing the one was in heaven who wasn't doing well in heaven so how you come Jesus will not be well yet bow down and die for the people [Applause] now the best the best was given for this well the best why shouldn't the best become pastas why shouldn't the most intelligent become ministers of the gospel and apply your intelligence and your mind your whole mind your whole intelligence what you could do is a web applied it to make fidelity bands and you'll be and buckler's bank back up banks but what about sin about God what about his change you are too good and got to nicer I am not too not too beautiful to marry faster you see try the way you are pretty and you're this thing's are waving around it's like a buzz I cannot get a good person like you you see Wow okay no problem no problem when God was giving he gave us his best his dearest and we are giving oh yeah since I opened a Bible School I can count the number of people who have brought their family members to the Bible School they'll have a ballot number he is a doctor here this one is said this year this was a then this one is a drug addict that they'll bring it so he what we want you to put it in your Bible School the West member of their family they bring they bring them to the pub another man is a look I don't trust my son he said he said he said to me said there is only two things that my son tell me that I believe I said what is nice a good morning or good evening from good morning and good evening I don't trust anything that my son says I want you to put it in your Bible School I [Applause] so that this son whom you don't trust should fit in the back of school and come I still I relatives didn't pass tests don't want their children to be pastors yeah I still don't want their children to be pastors for me I'll tell you you know I believe neglect not the gift that is in thee and give myself wholly to them to the work of God give us a holy to distance meditation reading the Bible God he is worth it he is modern weapons if you think you are too good to nice to educate the to what Oh what do you mean you give yourself you give yourself to fight for NBC to fight for NPP you'll see lawyers at this Supreme Court trap by only there were some lies and you see Christian lawyers saying that a black thing is a white thing you know what you know what the lawyers saying not when they teach you and not teaching you law they'll tell you when you are coming to court when you are coming to God leave your morals at the door and come inside this place is not for morality it's not for the truth is for long there's no morality no truth here it's about the law is about how to fight and win yeah they've given that even so that's why you know when I was growing up I thought I went a lie a die they bury him on his face because it's a liar so they bury him this way on the gone they don't it doesn't lie like this utilized this way swimming he swims in the pot you don't have it before they fly like this so when you are passing by us it is kissing the pillow everything hundred-percent give your time give your time to God Holly as I give him my time last year was fifty years old I celebrated it thanking God that from that time I was 25 I was 25 years old when I became a pastor my church and I the pastor for 25 years I give my full-time the best those are the best years when you are when you have energy and when you have energy you have life love strength not the best years of my life then Steve has also done the same best of you yes well now your features bada run odama now so you'll be 60 - hmm Wow give him your best give all to God your money you guys a bully also miss I gave my sound system I had a sound system in my room and our church didn't have a sound system so I took my amplifier and my speakers and I made it a church sound system and I preached through it - not to speak out that we use in your room do you understand what I'm talking about do you understand wanted me to give thyself give everything somebody gave me a lot of things for an office I gave it to the church give him myself oh and I noticed evil Danny and I want to say that in the coming year don't give thyself seventy percent to him and thirty percent to something because other people are doing it looks fantastic newspaper it looks like maturities at the mature ones rather the backslidden ones are doing those things not that mature ones we call backsliding maturity that's all we copied backsliding or side slide we call it maturity some of you are in Vista some of you have two churches this stretch and another Church how can you do well here can you do well you have this channel you have this church and a prophet and you have two churches to pastors some of you have given three to prophets and one church and some of you have to process one test and a television pasta four of them yeah and so as you are here you are not giving yourself only to this tacky it's just part of you is seeing the church as you are sitting a part of you is here you'll just have to half actively in this place but I want to encourage you give yourself wholly 100 when he says Sam when you use the word Sam hundred percent we are celebrating 20 we want to celebrate I'm about 20 years again and saying look I was a lot as done from Lydia we decided to give ourselves as if we were now born again as if you are now starting when I got my trophy from new idea you change the bathroom - 42 - 42 and you start going slightly to the side for a real I said I have not landed in Ghana you are in Togo Brian be me yes yes slightly a mine in another place yeah you know reason you have the Holy Spirit telling me be spiritual keep your stuff to spirituality to produce press more press hey more hours of pray and love pray pray you think I'll give me to school you're not you have been to school model I pray more times than you not looking at my face and what does I mean yeah you say you are you are what me happy to sweat I paid more tongues than you you'll find me in that me in the middle of the night you see me that brain yeah don't give yourself only if you believe in God keep your sock fulla to it yeah half fatted calf business half chat how politics have changed although to given us out to quality and I do not think that they are hundred percent politician churches just three percent of the other give yourself to God if you are in this chatt being the church fully put your money right when Rachel will leave some of your things to the check say and I give this to my distances and this for my church and for my pasta I give to them my diamond my ring my disk my tux hey you will cop well I don't have anything worried I don't have anything [Applause] [Music] I see you having something in Jesus name do you know there is a great benefit in giving yourself holy you're profiting like you people who start to see the penet I mean there's something that people start to see about your ministry yeah I tell you you will not invite yourself you will be invited yeah you will be you don't call for you to come I'm telling you you'll be calling for do we pay for you to come then they'll say we want to just hear you for 20 minutes yeah I can't tell you things because it's for security reasons I cannot share certain things with you but I tell you when you keep yourself holy to God you're profiting will appear yeah you're profiting that you see that it's benefitting you yes I want to encourage you you know this is a great ministry God has given us a gift it's not a time to play around and not understand this is our gift this is our gift this is our time and now let's give us you say you a crusade in church let people see the crusade let us feel the impact of this crusade no you said we've been doing it once once advance three times a year you can give yourself holy you see that you can do twenty twenty percent in a year it's possible yeah it's possible you either have some joy how will it be possible it will be possible when you have more people working we have more money when you have more of the things that you need to do that to say and you see that it can fit in but it's only that we don't give ourselves hundred percent or wholly to what God has given us or our gifts we just do partly yeah so be blessed on your 20th anniversary let me tell you your life is connected to this changing if that check that's well you would do well yes so pray for your past test and I encourage them to encourage your pasta to be spiritual and plus I got a bank manager like pasta you pray for me I'll be blessed yeah a pasta is higher than a bank Mandir even a king yeah one day I went to a certain country and the king of the country came there the King's wife I said I told a new down you nervous and as I was about to myself oh look at the Kings right the Queen living if I was a bank manager I do things you should kneel down in fact I tested it managed I'll tell her to lay down to see what will happen I wanted to say that it is a great thing to be a pastor I was in a palace I was in a palace I don't want to give details I was left palace I said Newton Newton Newton give thyself wholly to God to the ministry and you're profiting well one day people will see that it was a good thing that you gave yourself I am glad that I'm a minister I'm happy I'm happy down over I'm a pasta I'm food to God I'm not shy of it not shy of all the things that God helped me to do I'm glad don't be shy of yours pastors I don't know other pastors here don't be shy don't be shy off your small church don't say oh my church is small look I went to HF processed chatter he was having 20 years anniversary to people hey if it is about district yeah something like this 20 years it was celebrated I said my cool I thank you I said and Mahatma status he has really got where he is doing the change very hard please he cannot get people 20 years and I said Lord all my smooches are grits became appreciative of all men most more changes that I have yeah yeah so don't dumb the action of your church some of you are ashamed of your church if you the first are similar church will be part of the change ah challi rise up it's a great thing that God has given to you it's a good thing it's a blessed thing give yourself only to it the property you will see five years from now people said Wow Wow is it me is it it's you it's you yeah before I ami I remember as I gave myself to preaching about mega change from their preacher preach mega church miracles as I featured out between the nose people looking at me as if they want to sleep or one day I went to Korea and the preacher was not was not well the preacher was a boozer free so they called me up that you need to come they can you preach I said I can't reach it come here Peter said what should I preach I said I'll preach what I preached at my camp mega check that book and I went and I preached mega jet 25 reasons why I should have a mega change a congregation of from all over the world they were all sitting there and the same message that I've given myself to preaching all the time couraging people make a check my god you laugh at me my gift when I when I when I say it's a year of judge booth you are laughing at me that's also what I kidded myself fully to when I finished pretty from that day till today is it happy everywhere you kind of imagine that countries are being - I don't know any reason why I should be in those countries yeah and when I travel on fishing Canyon churchism not that I don't like gonna tell if it's Argentina's Argentinians it is Colombia's Colombians if it's Malaysia assimilations yes different different different countries all over from that the same thing goes on the same way I preached healing convention does it give yourself to healing healing people praying for people a paper people and five days nobody nobody will say headed my place is burning itching scratches this action my lord no miracles and also give yourself then I appeared suddenly after that convention in Colombia the same message I preached I was standing on the stage wheelchairs people will just blind see dead race and I was thinking just two weeks ago I was in my chat so much at my hair scratching my displaced my hair my hair my hair said attack look at the wheelchair dad dad people are testifying they're breaking dead bodies to the crusade dad was raised a nice little brother when I rather that could say they brought a dead person Mehcad neck gap with a bedsheet white machine and the bottom and put in by the stage I shall raise it well so you have come here yeah yes I said I read this money yeah because yesterday we had the testimonies naked with a bedsheet a man and humble as the ambulances were more than the cars here for me a while two weeks ago because that my scratchy here is very my hair had the smoke for small miracles oh yeah give thyself wholly one day you see that you're profiting miss appearing to all it will appear you'll be surprised give thyself only give thyself wholly I'm angry and I know not going to see the glory of the law the church is full we need more churches now still give yourself to building churches who don't leave only one church on earth when you are going to heaven please more more buildings more lands more projects oh this place is too small for you you have found only be strong for your children become a consultant well over 50 now hallelujah father I thank you that we shall not neglect the gift that you have given to your church thank you that it is a good thing to be a minister and it's a good thing to preach the gospel is not an inferior thing is not inferior to anything or to anyone we thank you we bless you we bless you for all these years 20 years of giving ourselves to God to worship to sing it to praising to honoring you two miracles two manifestations of the Spirit thank you or it is a blessing we give you thanks and we give you praise in the name of Jesus everyone stand for a moment please no one should move please don't don't work out don't work out don't do anything just stay where you are for a minute please every head bowed every eye closed there are some people here you believe that God has called you to the Ministry I want you to you're not not pass test but you want to give yourself wholly to God to serve Him in the ministry I want you to come to the front if you are here you're not a pastor but you believe that God has called you to give yourself wholly to him in the ministry I would like you to come to the front so that I just pray a prayer with everybody one in a very short about please it's about ministry it's nothing else but give thyself wholly to God you are not too nice and you are not too clever and you're not too intelligent and you are not too beautiful you are not too nice come near a place and are not too great for ministry and for God's work no no if you are here you are not a pastor but you you can sense that God listen I'm going to pray with you a very special prayer god bless you come I'm going to pray with you if you are get like that and you sense God wants me and I also want to give myself to him come and let me pray with you lift your hands thank you Jesus I'm waiting for you yeah so many people coming you just come quickly [Music] thank you Lord for your blessing thank you Lord for your power thank you for your calling the most honorable work is the work of a minister a gospel teacher gospel preacher I'm telling you I'm telling you both of you one make who make you feel that it's like his secondary or is lower than is lower than something else is it's not true there's a greatest work that a person can be given come come let me pray with you I'm still waiting I see you coming it's time not college those who want to prosper and saying those who want to give yourself only to God and to his work come come come come come quickly my god mando Mikasa toulebonne de la vaca anda I prophesy over your future for tomorrow you shall find yourself on the field tomorrow you shall find yourself walking in the midst of the harvest and I declare that you shall be one of the harvesters you shall be one of those that have found ploughing breaking up the follow ground going out there to the islands of the sea crossing the rivers doing the will of the Father doing the mission that was given to the Saints and a very beginning yeah so there is no higher work for there is no greater calling there is no higher calling than this calling the calling to the high office of those who give them some completely and totally to the house of God into the work of the Lord father I thank you for every hand that is stretched out now and I pray for them my God my god let your touch receive that touch right now let your touch let your touch receive it let your I see a fire descending on you because God is calling you now God is putting his flame of fire on your head receive it receive it now you will never be an ordinary person again never know because the call of God is on your life receive it in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for all these ones thank you for your calling your lives touch change deliver receive it now in the name of Jesus receive it down in the name of Jesus receive it now give yourself wholly let your hand in surrender to him say Lord Here I am Here I am take me if you can use anything use me it isn't used somebody like me with all my problems with all my difficulties with all my shortcomings and my past sins and all the mistakes of may if you can use anything use me Lord use me love you receive it now the power of the Holy Ghost is falling upon you thank you Lord for your touch your power receive it be blessed God is putting the flame in your heart receiving receiving receiving receive it it's receiving receive it receive it now go for go for never the same again find your place I the spirit saying find your place find your saddle find your seats and sit in it for I have call you I have sent you and I have ordained that you should walk in my will thank you Lord for this in the name of Jesus lift your hands up if you can use anything Lord you can use me if you can use anything you can you take my hands Lord at my feet to make my there touch my heart love speak through me if you're gonna use anything [Music] singing everybody everyone in the congregation you can use anything you say anything use me Jesus if you can take my hands I take my feet touch my heart [Music] you can you you name it [Music] and you can use anything and you stand in [Applause] you said it and with us my life [Music] every can you let it [Music] and you man touch my car that's my butt [Music] you [Music] father thank you for all these who are coming to the fronts to give themselves wholly to you I thank you I pray that's the hands that are lifted up me the hands that we'll be harvesting the fields I prayed on the feet that are standing here will be the feet that will be standing in the midst of the fields of harvest I prayed on the hats that are standing here will be the hats that are given wholly to Jesus Christ into nothing else I thank you that from today the primary calling and the primary work of all those standing here is to give themselves completely to you and to your purposes if you can use anything long if you can take anyone law use us who are standing here and use this church you said Lord if you can use anything use us use us for your glory send us to the ends of the world use us to build your church user to set a good example thank you Lord for this great opportunity we give you thanks in Jesus name and everyone shouted in may God bless you and I will see you on the hunters field Oh take my hand the stage [Music] if you can use anything they go by you say take one you shall we all stand to our feet for my just one last prayer I wanna pray before me I take my seat every every eye closed for a moment please if you are here tonight close your eyes please close your eyes and pray if you are here tonight you don't know Jesus as your Savior maybe somebody invited you here but you are not born again when I say born again you don't know Jesus as your Savior if you die today you don't know whether you go to heaven or hell I wouldn't want to be at your funeral if you don't know God it's a very difficult thing if you are here and you want God to come into your life you want Jesus to wash away your sins you want to be a new person as every head is body ReactOS Christ I pray with me I want to give my life to God I want to give my life to Jesus Christ today tonight if you are here like that lift up your hands that's your right hand god bless you your right hand up high I want to give my life to did I see your hand I see your hand I see all your hands at the back on the side everywhere pasta pray with me maybe somebody invited you but in your heart you know that you are far away from God cause I want to give my life to God I see your hand I see one I see all your hand if you've lifted your hand come to me from where you are very quickly come from the back I'm waiting for you in front here come I want to pray with you before I take my seat quickly just come walk from wherever you are and come very very fast I'm going to pray with you here before I take my seat give yourself to God today give yourself wholly come walk walk to the front see I'm going to just pray with you one minute then you go back to where you came from if you die and go to hell you will remember that you were in the church and you were offered an opportunity to receive God and to receive Jesus this is the purpose of the church that is why we are here if you want to give your life to Jesus come I'm waiting for you in the front you all those coming from upstairs from the back come quickly all that we have them to come clap for them as they come I'm waiting for you I want to give my life to God I want to give my life to Jesus god bless you come come I wouldn't want to be at your funeral if you don't know God because it's very difficult come pasta pray with me I want to give my life to Jesus Christ god bless you maybe you are invited don't have to do that oh we all in the church you may not be my job ever says to Wayne the field one was taken one was left come to God let me pray with you right now if you are coming come quickly come very quickly I want afraid of you god bless you all right say this prayer with me and everyone join me say Lord Jesus please forgive me for my sins tonight I come to you just as I am say this prayer from your heart say Lord Jesus please wash away my sins please make me a new person tonight I come to you O God forgive me cleanse me wash me with the blood of Jesus from today I give my life to God from tonight I give my life to Jesus Christ thank you Lord for dying for me for saving me I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus for what you have done for me please write my name everyone said please write my name in the book of life Lord Jesus please write my name in the book of life from tonight say from tonight I belong to God I belong to Jesus I will serve God I will serve Jesus Christ thank you Lord for saving me today I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus for what you have done for me from today I am your child say from today of your child I'm your servant and I will follow you I love you Jesus I thank you for saving me today in Jesus name I pray amen give a lot of mighty clap offering hallelujah god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you now our pasta here is going to take you to the side and go to pray with you and then you come back and join us okay give them a mighty clap offering god bless you tell your neighbor give thyself holy holy holy to God and if you are studied by your wife or a husband seller give yourself wholly to me tell your neighbor give thyself wholly to God god bless you and happy Anniversary thank you you may be seated
Channel: DHM247
Views: 42,477
Rating: 4.835206 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills (Person), Steve Mensah, Evangelism, Salvation, Benny Hinn
Id: KRpffkkyJOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 42sec (5742 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 11 2014
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