10 Steps To Surprise Your Crush

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today I'm showing you 10 steps to surprise your crush starting with waking them up happy anniversary what's all this oh oh pie in the face yep we have been together 10 years W hiie in a face well get ready because I have a surprise for you in the kitchen all right you cook for me you'll find out got to get cleaned up now oh my gosh pie to the face are you kidding me Rea thinks that she surprising me with breakfast this morning but I have a giant surprise for her at the end of the day I just have to figure out how to pull this thing off step two is cooking his favorite food but I can't cook so I set up a Tik Tok challenge with some of his favorite foods and I lit this candle that smells like waffles he's coming smells good in here must be this waffle candle that I just lit was breakfast you said you were cooking breakfast what I can't cook so all you have to do is roll it in whatever it lands on you get to eat better not take too much time this has aegle waffles Sour Patch Kid you love the Swedish Fish a little different than I thought it was going to be well roll that Dam famam hot chocolate here we go well Lucky Charms are always a good cereal come on you could just eat the marshmallows if you want two more cans let's roll yeah oh yeah looks like you get some Swedish fish for breakfast let's go hand it over this is a giant family size actually not that bad okay this is one more rule for your breakfast here we go what's it going to be what are we going to get something good I will give it the Egle waffle some of my personal favorites you guys know I love Egle waffles you got to stop watching stranger things okay you should make your breakfast I will make my own breakfast yeah and I mean if you could save me a waffle that's fine but just eat breakfast enjoy I'm going to make sure Zade is up and getting dressed she should be up any second so eat fast okay looks like I'm going to make myself some breakfast Happy Ann to me honestly that was super nice of Rebecca to set up this Tik Tok trend for breakfast but the surprise that I have for Rebecca is so epic she has no idea that it's coming I just have to figure a way to get out of the house so I can go pick it up come on waffle now that I cooked his favorite foods the next step is to destroy his car trust me Zam it'll be worth it for this surprise to destroy Matt's car I decided to bring in some backup Zam Angel are you guys ready to do this oh yeah okay remember anything goes that is related to the 10 year anniversary let's [Music] go Rebecca I can't believe you guys have been together 10 years I know it's crazy right how did you guys even meet okay well I was a cheerleader and Matt was in a boy band Matt was in a boy band I was in his music video okay it's a long story right Zam fam but we've been together a long time wait Rebecca does the Zam fam even know the surprise wait okay Zam fam in the last video remember Matt wanted a cyber truck really bad and I tricked him and got z a mini cyber truck but the real reason is because I had ordered it in a cyber truck it just hasn't gotten here yet but it's supposed to be here by end of day Y is tracking it hey yosin come here okay y the car is going to be here at 400 p.m. right yes hopefully what do you mean hopefully it's delayed it's still going to be here by end of day right that's the plan Bush it we have to I have a 10-step program I have to show a big surprise at the end all of this is for nothing and he's going to be really mad at me Zam Angels the car looks really good Matt is going to probably not like it but go ahead and grab him we'll see how he reacts okay zamfam I'm a little nervous right now I had everything planned in 10 steps but if this cyber truck is not here in time all of this would be a really bad idea hey Matt happy anniversary thank you crazy fact did you guys know the family size actually has miniature fish and Swedish Fish I didn't know that until now so Rebecca actually has a surprise for you outside I thought she was waking up Z zie doesn't wake up for another 15 minutes I knew that I did you know that yeah I knew that okay well out we got a little something to show you let's go I think you're going to okay Matt come on they're coming I got it I don't know why why are you closing your eyes no one asked you to close your eyes I just I'm waiting for a surprise hey well you can open them okay big countdown 3 2 one surprise what do you think kie you spray painted my car I spray painted it with heavy anniversary 10 years now everyone is going to know that we are married woo and look pink for blue Tada wow and there's some green up there too yeah do you like it I just wanted to do something special for our anniversary and I wanted everyone to know that I am married to the best man in the world thank you for this wonderful gift that's going to stay with me for a lifetime so you like it I love it h happy anniversary a I can't wait for you to drive around in this everyone's going to Hulk I know I know they are I wanted you to get attention yeah thank well fin an accomplish we did a great job on that thank you I'm going to go finish eating my Swedish fish oh my okay happy anniversary this is the best Sam fam that could not have gone better I thought he'd get a lot more mad but it feels like he's trying to hold it in cuz it's our anniversary so all of this is going as planned we just need that cyber truck to get here otherwise you know what it's going to be fine it's going to be fine now that I have completed step three and destroyed his car it is time for step four and I'm going to need Z's help for this one Z did you know that it's mommy and daddy's anniversary today you did do you want to help Mom I D help you want a cupcake you're going to go to the park with Dad distract him as long as possible and when you get back you're going to have some cake does that sound good yes I like that Spirit ztie okay so just distract them let me let me call him now okay don't say anything as a surprise uh Matt Matt hey hey I was wondering if you could take zadee to the park right now yeah I just have some errands I have to get on a call and I can't be watching her she really wants to go to the park right yes I really want to go park yes she does yeah okay so we have a plan I'll stay here I'll take my calls do my meetings and you will take Zade to the park let's go come on up let's go Z I can't wait to go to the park with you yes let's go okay bye guys have fun have fun at the park hey fam I got him out of here now it's time for me to bake a cake except I can't bake this is perfect Rebecca thinks I'm going to the park we actually going to go and get Rebecca's surprise ready Z you want to go shopping with Dad shopping time you kidding me I have to drive with this okay Zam fam I know that I cannot bake but it's our 10-year anniversary and a Funfetti cake is actually one of the First cakes that Matt and I had when we started dating so I thought it would be perfect to bake him a cake made out of Funfetti so let's have to put this in Zam bam let me know if you are a good Baker oh I should read the direction s you ready to find something for Mom ooh look at this can you pick out one of these sunscreens cuz we are going someplace Sunny which one this one I'm going to buy everything can you touch nice job zie good shopping let's go okay poured it in and now I need eggs three eggs I don't have much time before Matt comes back with zie here one here two is that a shell oh that's a shell okay you know what just a crunchy cake it's fine can you get one of these which color do you want to get like red okay we got a red one put that there nice job Z Matt has been talking about this cyber truck for so long since 2019 and now he finally has the chance to get it he has no idea though okay half a cup of oil I'm just going to eye it that looks right right Sam fam okay voila and now I mix and mix and mix I want the heart okay good nice job C so you and I just got Mom some pretty specific things for our 10e anniversary do you have any guesses on what we're going to do you know what the big surprise is that's medicine Z Trip you think we're going on a trip all right Z fam if you have figured it out let us know in the comment section down below now you look like Dad but a girl version looks like I did it okay zamfam tell me if I'm doing something wrong with baking there's still like chunks but it is a Funfetti cake should be fine now pour it in oh okay this looks so good I really want to eat it but it has raw egg oh my gosh this looks so good can't believe I'm going to have to smash his face into it all right here we go cook fast let's try to sneak out of here so nobody can see our car siee look at the car I can't I know are you kidding me oh hey zamfam the cake is is done it's all baked it's a little bit hot but I am running out of time and I have to make sure this cake is done before they get back from the park you know what's crazy s him is I'm getting him a cyber truck he hasn't even gotten me anything which is fine I don't need gifts for a 10-e anniversary but you know I'm getting him a cyber truck should I just keep it in the pan I should have probably taken it out should I try it oh oh no oh no this always goes bad you know what it's still going to taste delicious cannot believe I did that I finally bake a and then that happens s baking is so stressful you guys know that we are going to VidCon and we are doing a meet and greet so make sure you sign up I'm doing Swag Bags for all the Zaman that show up for that meet and greet we have custom I'm not going to tell you what it is actually I'm going to tell you guys that it's going to be worth it and we want to meet you so make sure to sign up for VidCon they're pulling in they're pulling in okay all right this is this is going to have to work okay good okay okay hey Matt come here I have a surprise for for you hang there zie I have a surprise is this a cake I Bak no I did you can't bake look I did a good job right hold on now is this Funfetti do you remember what Funfetti is it's the first cake we had together okay that's pretty cute happy anniversary I I can't believe you you baked I mean I can't honestly it's a lot harder than it look but it's honestly super easy you just have a box and you fill it not hard it's not that easy anyways what do you think this is really cool smell the frosting it's really good bring back some old memories oh oh my gosh I did not mean to do that uh um I got to go upstairs I I felt your head no no your hand no I thought you were your hand went down you just went into it I was lifting it up go clean off your face I'll take care of Z oh my God step five complete Zade you're up samam he was not happy about that at all but now I need zade's help because for step number six I have to make him jealous he samam everything is all set right now this is working out perfect I can't believe that I was able to go to the store and spend a little bit of time with zi at the same time that time okay zavie let's keep playing cuz now we are making dad jealous you know what's going to get him jealous your cyber truck do you want to play with the Cyber truck let's go get it I have to set up Rebecca's present for our 10 year anniversary I can't believe that we've been married for 10 years but I have this I have a little Legos in here some of this most importantly the card everything's all set Zam can you guess what I got Rebecca for our 10 year anniversary comment it down below if you get it right I might give you a thumbs up wo okay okay here weit stop now okay push your braak now go forward W okay let go wo wo wo wo what is what's rebec Z doing hey okay Z right now we're trying to make Dad jealous he should be coming out any minute playing with the Cyber truck I'm coming down ha I can't believe Rebecca's playing with the Cyber truck okay this is awesome I want to go get a photo with him right now oh yeah zie this is the coolest cyber truck ever huh is it playing the Cyber truck isn't it cool oh oh my gosh I was like this is the craziest car she loves it so much D come back wanted this cyber truck for so long I can't believe that Z got one I haven't gotten one oh my gosh you know our friend Brian he got one he just told me it's like the best car he has ever seen can you grab Zade really quick yeah oh my God hey the Cy truck and you know what they have one of those rolling trunks you know the ones you rolling trunks I know it's so cool I've seen people like do like tricks on it you can we just stop talking about cyber truck it's making me jealous I don't have one what do you want to do could we do like a family photo in the Cyber a family photo of course grab z d we're going to do a photo here step six is complete and now for step seven I have to do the opposite of whatever he says and if everything goes right he's going to get a little wet samam it's time for the next step where I'm doing the opposite of what he says all right do you have your camera you want set it up okay the Cyber truck right yeah okay Zade family photo oh yeah oh yeah oh this is is fun Rea what are you doing huh I got a photo of zie and I why don't I go play basketball with zie okay yeah let me go get the phone do you want to play basketball with Mom wo woo okay basketball time zie and I are playing basketball Z look bounce bounce bounce hey oh here maybe Z and I can go in the house oh it looks like there's we need some space right now s and I are playing in the house say bye bye Dad we need some space are you kidding me oh okay we're out maybe s and I just go oh yeah sorry she just wants to play with Mom how about this why don't we go on the slide I go set up the slide by the pool you want to do that okay hang out with Mom I'll be right back I think this oh wo wo wo wao s we're doing the opposite of what Dad says okay I don't think she quite understands this game oh I got my foot wet I just don't want to get wet right now okay you don't want to get wet right now don't want to get wet right now okay oh my goodness I'm fully close I thought you said you wanted to get wet are you kidding me okay well actually Z needs to go take a nap so uh we'll see you later I am completely soaked right now I said I didn't want to get wet now that he is drying off it gives me a chance to set up the scavenger hunt and if he gets that final clue he will get the sniper truck wait y speaking up the Cyber truck I haven't checked in hopefully it's going to arrive YN yeah hey can you come out really quick Matt's upstairs what up hey so any update on the truck um so I'm still working on it I'm going to try to get an answer soon that doesn't help me I know I know I'm sorry I'm going to try okay okay you have to make this happen if this does not work out I don't know what I'm going to do I literally will have ruined our anniversary [Music] Zam I just set up all the clues for the scavenger hunt and now it's time for me to have zie give Matt the first clue but first y' yes Rebecca hey cyber truck is it is it here um it will be any minute like how long cuz I'm about to give Matt the first clue for the scavenger hunt how long is that going to take I don't know like 5 to 10 minutes well okay um it'll be there yes yes it will be there okay I'm counting on you we have to make this work otherwise Mt is going to be so mad okay okay it will be there I mean I hope it will be what y'all nothing all right SES up how was your nap was it good no no it was a bad nap oh no okay Matt I know that it's our anniversary but I have one surprise for you however if you want it you're going to have to find it and your first clue is it's something you got before we had a baby go to something you like to play oh I know good luck Dad okay now let's get outside safe come on for the first clu piano okay here we go go to where YouTube is on display for this next clue press play our YouTube plaques where all the YouTube plaques are YouTube on display YouTube okay play buttons are here here we go boom yes yes I got the next one we've had popcorn spilled all over go to where Z had our first sleepover the movie theater hey Zam I am really nervous right now the Cyber truck is not here and it has to be here by the time Matt finishes a scavenger hunt where is y she said she's going to make it happen I hope she can Z do you think she's going to do you believe in your yes okay hopefully Matt takes a long time on these Clues maybe I should have made them a little harder theater where's it at tunnel system see here cushions okay where's it at I'm not seeing anything I'm on Tomb Raider on Nickelodeon oh here we here we go boom in Christmas time carols are saying go to where the stockings hang grammar's a little bit off on that one but I know where to go fireplace fireplace that's where the Christmas songs are sang get some some right wait a second there we go trying to trick me not trickable today we're tires tread and paths unfold seek your last clue where our Journey's told she's trying to trick me but I think it's out in the driveway last it's pulling in she did it she got the Cyber truck driveway driveway look could no way are you kidding me happy anniversary oh my God happy Dad thank you zie Z what is this Cy truck it's a giant cybor truck zie you have a little one but now Daddy had the big one oh my gosh how did you do this I have a friend that works at Tesla and they were able to bump you up on the list what do you think I mean it's amazing are you kidding me let's check it out should we go inside Z yeah okay let's check it out [Music] open it look I've always wanted to do this look at this no honestly uh I haven't really had a chance to look at it yet I think it's this one right here waa climb in zie Matt you should get in the driver's seat no way look at this Rebecca this is amazing are you kidding me thank you baby the oh you want to shut the door okay should we see what else it can do look straight up Zam fam oh my go you can just like see the sky wow oh and one last thing you have to check out the truck oh my gosh oh look at those lights on the inside too go inside D this would be perfect for us stab a movie night this thing is huge wow look at oh my gosh you know what we should do a challenge in this thing yeah I'm down to do a challenge but first I have your anniversary gift inside too what thank you D open open it good job you got me a suitcase Z remember there's stuff inside remember we went shopping what when did you go shopping well we didn't quite go to the park what open it up what look my I got Legos yeah Beach Legos it says I love you okay let me open this picked out this card oh I love you it's a card from dad open it open this well actually mom should open this other other part right here right here yeah looks like no right here look at there's a part right there oh these are all Clues sunscreen kids sunscreen I got this you got this oh there's some in the other other side over there D hold on wait for Mom to open her part snorkling ear D picked that out for you D picked this out okay and there's one more zipper right there it looks like wait is there something in what is it open it up yep zie we're going to Hawaii yes oh my is that why you're in that happy anniversary oh my go CFM stay tuned because it looks like we are going to Hawaii but first we're doing a challenge on my brand new Cyber truck
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 186,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10, steps, exposing, surprise, crush, funny, worst, rated, babysitters, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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