Exposing The Worst Rated Babysitters in My City

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we found the worst OnStar rated babysitters on the internet and today we invited the worst behaved kids to put them to the test but guys you can't lock me out who even are you you know what we're getting pizza with his freaking money Pizza I'm ready to make this babysitter cry good cuz she's going to be here in less than 2 minutes I'm going to go set up the cameras the first babysitter Sarah is only 2 minutes away get it on one of the onear reviews on Sarah said that she pretended to call the s on a kid because he wouldn't eat his vegetabl and from then on he was terrified of getting arrested the cameras are all set I'm going to head to the van good luck all right Erica are you ready of course I am this babysitter is getting destroyed she's here hey hi hi Sarah thank you so much for coming so nice to meet you this is my daughter Erica and she's going to be on her very best behavior we'll see about that I should be back in an hour but I do have a list of things you can just make sure that Erica gets done so easy I'm so good with kids don't even want to worry about that okay Erica well have fun with the babysitter I'll see you guys let going to run some errands bye zamfam I obviously do not trust that babysitter good thing I set up the security camera so we can watch her every move inside the secret surveillance van which is conveniently parked right in front of the house and she has no idea let's get started homework first in the list I'm not doing that excuse me I think you are okay it looks like she's having her do the first thing on the list which is homework we just need to push her buttons enough that she threatens to call 911 then we can expose her all right let's see your homework then he fine go on then get started I'm going to get a drink when I'm back I want the first page to be done she's playing with the iPad do you think this is going to be enough to get the babysitter to threaten to call 911 I don't think it's enough we have to go more extreme okay well don't worry we have more things planned if this one doesn't work what is going on hey Missy I don't see any of this done well I kind of had to do my game do I look stupid do this first it's on the list I'm going to sit here and watch you do it this time okay then okay then she's getting mad zamfam this could be it are you kidding me this is it I'm calling your mom right now she threatened to call her mom we need her to call 911 up tell Erica to say that she's hungry and we can go into our next test Erica tell her that that you're hungry I don't care I'm just so hungry can I please have some food fine I guess it's on the list anyway and then right back to homework okay the homework didn't work but now she's going to try to get Erica to eat healthy when she sees what Erica does she's not going to be happy I want Doritos I want Doritos no you're eating something healthy why because I said so and because it's on the list I don't care what you say I don't care what you say you're going to eat something healthy fine L she's telling her she has to eat healthy she has her back turned now's now's our chance here go okay Erica get the snake it's in the cupboard to the right okay zamfam not only are we going to be testing and exposing these babysitters but we are going to be pranking them along the way just like this one okay she has it she has it okay she still delicious that looks disgusting what is the babysitter going to do when Erica throws this on her here we go eat it I'm not going to okay Erica is refusing to eat the food okay is this going to be enough for the babysitter to threaten to call 911 I'm going to count to three I'm surprised you can even count to three oh my God who raised you I'm going to call Santa and you're not going to get any gifts this year it's fine I've been on his na list for years really threatening to call Santa are you kidding me okay well I guess that's a little worse than the mom okay you know what Erica throw the snake you're on my last nerve just eat the salad throw the snake no fake snake she is so mad but is she going to call 911 oh she is definitely going to call 911 that long that's it you're not getting any food go finish your homework th call 911 pleas please we need to expose this babysitter clean your group what else is on that stupid list okay she didn't call she's just moving on to the next list okay this this is it this is the last task so we have to get her to call 911 otherwise this whole setup is not going to work do I have to clean my room yes you have to clean your room you have to do something on this list this room is disgusting yes you have to clean it and where did you get all these chips from it is a complete disaster in that room the babysitter is not going to like this Sam fam we need you to subscribe right now and smash the thumbs up so we can get this babysitter to threaten to call 911 and expose her once and for all no snacks okay you have 5 minutes when I come back I want this room to be spotless she is mad at Erica but she's not calling 911 she just throwing away the food okay okay we need to do do something extreme this is the last task she has I'm going to tell Erica look there's Cheetos hey Erica eat that bag of Cheetos right there she left a bag this is going to make her really mad she's really close Okay zamfam do you think this is going to work cuz if it doesn't we cannot expose this babysitter you got to be kidding me where did you get those Stop Those are M I'm not cleaning my room oh my God that is it I've head it with you I'm calling the cops she's threatening to call 911 you know what I got to change uh you can't do that I'm doing it watch me hi yes there's a little girl here who won't clean her room won't eat her food and won't do her homework I think you should come and arrest her oh that's perfect thank you you're getting arrested they'll be here in 5 minutes yeah right yeah right okay Zam get ready cuz this is going to be good I just have to tell Erica to head back to the kitchen Erica head to the kitchen okay what are you doing you're supposed to be clean clean your room I'm not doing my homework I'm not eating healthy and I'm definitely not going to clean my room oh my God you are driving me crazy I don't care please uh I'm here for you she is freaking out right now she thinks that the kid is getting arrested you the C hey get over here this is understanding wait it's turning into a Chase oh my gosh I didn't actually die she's going downtown oh no no no you can't can take her get oh my God Matt be careful with her she is the kid come please please let him go this seems wrong um I didn't mean to call maybe it was a butt D she under arrest you're going downtown downtown you can't take oh we finally have the babysitter where we want to it's time for this mom to expose the babysitter got it hey what is going on she called the cops arrested what that is not what happened going downtown oh my God I'm out of here what well done Erica I don't teach her not to scare kids yeah nice job officer Matt that babysitter was so bad she just left and left my kid there alone well if you think she was bad the next two babysitters are even worse so I'm going to give her a two star review time to get changed and expose this next babysitter she should have had one star the review on this babysitter said that she locked herself in the bedroom and covered up the nanny cameras and left the kid all alone by themselves also they found an empty pizza box which earned them a one-star review so to test this babysitter we have William I'm a babysitter's worst nightmare hey William everything's all set here oh except for the camera just one second hold on I'm kind of nervous for this one but I got this in the bag I hope she's not too bad we have this security cam set up in the bedroom just in case she finds that security camera but another one hidden right here inside this water bottle check this out let me just get it all set and put it back on there is no way that this babysitter is going to find out that this is a secret hidden camera she's coming you got to come she she's at the door she's at the door cameras are all set in the back room remember if there anything goes wrong just give me a call okay perfect we got this okay hi Hi how are you I'm good how are you good are you the babysitter for today I am yeah come on in cool okay this is William here's a list of things I need you to do make sure he takes care of that he's a good kid okay William be a good kid I'll be back in a little bit okay okay I'll miss you miss you too bye bye okay listen we're not going to do anything on this list okay cuz I have a lot to do so you can go keep yourself busy she just crumbled the list that Matt gave for us stop are you kidding me I don't think she's going to be listening to you the extra cameras all set up we just need to get her to the back room so we can figure out what she's going to do inside what do you think she's doing I bet she's sneaking in a boy she's probably taking a nap a nap she's a babysitter she can't sleep on the job exactly wait can we like do something I told William to try to get under her skin let's see what he does or like can we play hide and seek sure yeah you know let's let's play a game let's let's play hide and seek why don't you count to 100 and I'll go I'll go hide okay she wants to play hide and seek she's doing this so she can hide in the back bedroom this is just a g no she's just pretending to play a game with him because she just wants to go in the there is no way are you kidding me just keep watching I promise you okay I'm going to go count you're right she is going to the back room told you okay hold on classic evil babysitter one two a c she just covered the camera good thing we have another she's never going to know about that water bot 59 60 hi yeah now the C is clear so you can come anytime now okay cool see you soon 98 99 100 Ready or Not Here I Come William thinks they're playing hide and seek he has no idea what she's doing right now William go to the back room try to get in wait this is my bedroom you can't lock yourself in my bedroom she locked the door how are you locking a door when you are a babysitter watching a kid oh I'm so glad s's not here right now hey I know you're in there just open the door top lock kid go entertain yourself William go to the backyard you know what there's another way in my room got to expose this babysitter she is obviously a one star hey hey who even are you he hey a boy no let me in this is not even your room who are you who invited you he so annoying isn't it hey babe let me in she's locked out this babysitter has definitely done this before you know what you know what okay William try to annoy them that should be easy you know what I will get in that room h Huh think this is annoying I'm not going to stop yeah yeah uhhuh uh-huh he playing basketball oh my God try to One V one huh go away this doesn't seem to be working something else I should probably see if they like football we could have like a room party oh I wish we could just get like rid of them touch down come on you know what you want to catch you know what William just sing a song or something let me in my bedroom go watch a movie go play video games or something like a normal kid right he should be happy that we're leaving him alone honestly William has pretty good voice am I right no you're not right it's not that good it's pretty good why is he outside too playing like when I was his age I was just playing video games like like a normal guy H H let me in h let me in H I know you can hear me that's right dude go watch like an R-rated movie you're allowed say who William it's not working go to the kitchen and get operation fart spray started oh man there is no way they're staying in that room after that except you stuck in this room now wow okay what's in here oh my God they're snooping around his room this is comfy bed s oh you checking it out yeah as well oh what the heck what pizza pizza sounds good sounds freaking delicious they found the flyer with Isaac's face I really hope they call because if they do this will'll be perfect Matt where's the quart spray William turn around to your left it's in the middle drawer oh you're my best friend go fart spray underneath the door in the back you read my mind here we go William spray the fart spray five times chicken I'm not getting anything but that wait what is that did you fart no did you no what the hell e oh my God oh my God it smells so bad oh my god dude you know what that freaking kid you serious I'm done now what did you do hey hey kid Zaman why aren't they leaving the room they would rather have fart spray than babysit a kid oh God it's so it's so bad over there oh my God I was was like was that something I ate and then freaking came from the door disg he sprayed something I don't know what it was but I'm not playing around anymore oh you know that freaking little kid ew yeah I'm not playing around anymore no you know what get pizza with his freaking money they took his piggy bank do you think they're going to try to steal his money no no that would be a new lad no you cannot steal a kid's money a little piggy bank no they're not going to do what I think they're going to do no they better not if they break the piggy bank they are literally and I mean her she is the worst babysitter yeah babe I like that idea screw that guy wa they broke it dang okay has this is definitely actually this is more than I was expecting yeah actually maybe we get I can pocket some of them too yeah honestly we might have well deserves that now piggy break knowe that's his money oh my gosh zamfam has this ever happened to you hopefully not yeah BB BBQ chicken XL I think we're going to CT around what are they wa they're using the flyer perf text text Isaac Zam we are going to expose them right now Isaac is coming in as a fake delivery guy it's a number on the fire that Isaac's going to receive okay let me get William out of there so William now go hide in the hiding spot that we talked about okay I should take care of that hi half and half yes can I get a large pepper on Pizza no half and half F half and a half I'll get half barbecue half PE thank you yes yeah do your come as soon as possible yeah the only thing is do you mind coming to deliver to the back door okay I don't really know why that's against your company's policy but sure I guess we will just have them do the back back door they will come to the back door they have to go out of the room to get the pizza and when they don't see William there they're going to know that he's missing how do you think they're going to react oh okay Isaac the pizza guy is showing up right now okay let's see how this goes pizza delivery pizza so hungry hi hello hey cash yeah that's okay a little bit little extra not all thank you this is this is actually just enough for the pizza no tip they are paying for the pizza with Williams's money this is not happening and they didn't even tip yeah sorry man we don't we don't have it anymore I just saw you holding extra cash I'm sorry bro I saw you are they keeping his money D we go back I think the boyfriend did something well I think it's time that I get in there man poet a little extra cash there we go oh my God dang that pizza guy sucks no every sucks today oh they did all pepperoni oh did you not do half cute chicken you heard me say that yeah where is that kid the boyfriend finally noticed that the kid is gone hey bu what is this hey hi where's William and who's this he just went off to um go play and maybe go to the bathroom this here's your pizza ma'am thank you this is the um the pizza delivery guy thank you so much for the pizza e the pizza I think he just got hungry and I just like I yeah thank you thank you number two is eat a healthy snack this doesn't look Health at all this has I mean like protein with pepperoni and look William William William let's wa wait should should we get my shoes no no no just leave them where did she go where did she go but she forgot the Pizza let's go it says eat a healthy snack but you're not my dad true on okay I know this last babysitter is supposed to be the worst but that babysitter gets one star there's no way we can go higher than that one star okay actually speaking a babysitter I got to get back Z's babysitter has to go okay you got this okay Zam you've got it help Matt make sure the babysitter doesn't do anything sus I got this this babysitter has the worst reviews of anyone that we saw one of them said that they let my dog to a party while we were gone who does that with their daughter so today we're going to put this babysitter to the test with my good friend bod I'm going to terrorize this babysit that's right yeah it's felt right okay you know what she's almost here actually she is here right now okay remember I'm going to be inside your ear if you need anything okay let's do this let's go hello hi I'm Katie nice to meet you hi Kati come in this is bie I'm Katie nice to meet you so I need to make sure that Cody does all of these things he needs to do his math homework a healthy snack and clean his room okay yeah I'll be back in just a little bit that sounds good I'll miss you bie okay oh here's do our our um handshake Remember come on yeah yeah yeah yeah throw it in the air and then yeah that was the best love it Missy bu this babysitter is in for it because bod out of all of these kids is the most ruthless let's see how he does all right so your dad gave me a list of three things that he wants you to do so homework eat a snack clean room do you want to get started on homework I was pretty firm that he has to do his math homework so let's see how she approaches this what he meant was like math PE I have to count how many goals they scored one match so he said math homework but math math PE so I'll just need an hour outside ma it's a new thing in my school oh math PE how could she fall for that she seems kind of gouble this is a terrible sign that this babysitter might be the worst one out of all of them so an hour outside yes okay I mean if that's what he said and that's what he means okay I'll do my M okay she's just going to let him play outside what is he going to do next through another party cool no homework time to play all right so what's this m all about uh just wa so just I'm just kicking oh oh no I think B actually kind of got hurt on this one what happened f is it her ankle she's actually kind of checking in on him is it yeah you sure stretch it out okay you sure yeah I'm good we can stop you any decent human being would do this I don't think this makes her a good babysitter though uh bie bod tell her you're hungry it's time to test her let's see how she does with a healthy snack okay I'm kind of hungry can you make me something you're hungry yeah for sure let's go on I can make you smack okay so you're hungry huh yeah well just so happens that number two on your dad's list is eat a healthy snack so let's see what we got here she's trying to get him to eat the fruit I mean it does help with your bones basically uh every day I get to have like three pieces of junk food and I haven't eaten any junk food yet junk food three times a day I would never say that neither would any parent how is she falling for this before junk food I mean there's apples there's bananas do you want I can even slice some avocado with some salt Cheetos taste way better are you sure cuz your dad's said a healthy snack yeah Cheetos are healthy they're the best and I mean that sign says junk food do not touch so I really think you sure you don't want like a banana or something here usually he letes me touch him yeah okay I'm going to go to my room and E some Che do okay you going to clean it yeah yeah we see in a little bit with clean room okay it is obvious that that this babysitter out of all of them doesn't care at all bod it's time to turn up the heat let's see how she does when you jump on the bed what time is it I really have to get him to clean his room before his dad comes home samf fam how do you think she's going to do right now bie what are what are you doing I thought you were supposed to be cleaning your room I am my dad says the best way to clean your room is to fluff out the mattresses the best way to clean your room is to fluff out the mattresses yeah is she as goal as I think she is b i I don't know you're supposed to be cleaning he's coming home soon and let me check with him real fast okay well she is trying to verify with me where's my wait where's my phone I I'll be right back I need to get my phone okay you know what I have a special surprise that's really going to test this babysitter it's time to bring Isaac back let's see what happens when Intruder tries to break in Isaac time to go in where did I put it where the heck is my oh my gosh Z fam this is the moment of truth is she going to go and save the kid or is she going to run away like the others here get get she actually looks pretty scared she's protecting him I think we might have taken this a little too far we need to to the oh my gosh there's no time I can't put my there's no time you stay away from him oh no get away from him no me I'm going in I'm going in oh no oh no hey there's a roer in the house are you okay that was not worth the 20 bucks come on up stand up BR come over here what is going on okay you know what he's not a real robber he's all set up V is not even my son we're just trying to expose the world's worst rated babysitters and unfortunately you got some really bad reviews out there I think they're not real So today we're going to give you your first good one okay yeah let's get it all right make sure that you subscribe and have notifications on and watch this video right here
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 1,102,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt slays, matt and rebecca, matt and rebecca channelebecca zamolo, Jeremy Hutchins, Ben Azelart, Brent Rivera, Stokes Twins, Pierson Wodzynski, Logan Wodzynski, MrBeast, Lexi Hensler, Faze Rug, 24 hour challenge, Pierson, Airrack, Ryan Trahan, Preston, Matthew Beem, Stay Wild, amp world reacts, I Exposed the, worst rated hotel, worst rated restaurants, one star review, one star hotel
Id: YMYpRbZOyu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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