Power Hour: Microsoft Teams Admin & Templates

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[Music] hello everyone i'm laura rogers and welcome to power hour this is our weekly show say hello to joelle here you can see in the little hello everybody the little roving recorder window and uh power hour something that we've been doing for years it is all about not necessarily any kind of hardcore dev but things that you can do in office 365 which is sort of now called microsoft 365. they sort of gradually subliminally been changing the name of it but um so we go over just all kinds of different topics that you can do in sharepoint teams power apps power automate and um just it's just usually just a fairly ad hoc demo for about an hour and um so we we don't usually cover any kind of hardcore admin or dev but and i send down an email the day before usually the day before with the newsletter with voting links for you to be able to tell me what topic you want to talk about so today the thing you all voted for was microsoft teams administration so even though we're not you know we're not typically into that the hardcore admin stuff i feel like admins these days joelle tell me what you think but i feel like admins these days in office 365 aren't necessarily like i.t background people or admin type of historically admin people necessarily no i think it's a mixture like i think sometimes in the larger groups you have like there are i t people for like exchange and a d but not necessarily for like sharepoint or teams those people tend to be maybe like super power users or something like that yeah for sure yeah especially in those small and medium companies right so yeah yeah so and this stuff is changing so fast too so it's not like anyone learned how to do this in college so you have i haven't i have an i.t background i started off as an exchange admin like 15 or yeah at least 15 years ago exchange admin morphed into sharepoint admin all you know server admin stuff and um we all start off in sharepoint on our own kind of from different directions but i do have an admin background but when i cover this it this is all pretty brand new so this isn't something that anybody with an admin background is necessarily just going to know off the top of their head or would have learned in college so um we're all kind of learning it together now i um i actually got a certification last year i got a certification called i took an exam called ms 300 and i'm actually gonna i'll share this on the screen real quick and and they've okay here's the one of us right now and here's the one of my screen okay okay so this is my transcript see i got this teamwork administrator associate i took deploying microsoft 365 teamwork just last year and and i got this teamwork administrator associate certification so now it's already being retired and it's only valid until march 2nd 2022 and there's a new one so this ms700 one is the one i put a link to in the chat this is managing microsoft teams so ms 300 the one that i took is already retired you can't even take it anymore and this is the new one if you want to actually study microsoft teams admin and learn that in order to go you know get an official certification then you can do that so let me see where's the one that we have our pictures in i i lost my desktop sharing display thing with our faces in the corner of it so weird hold on i've got like 15 different things that up i'm sorry i changed my there it is i think that's it this software's so complicated i'm sorry oh different zoomed there it is zoomed out on it i don't even know that was a thing okay so there's my desktop okay so they're here now you can at least see us right okay so this is the exam i was just talking about now so what we're doing today in power hour we're talking about teams admin so from the main admin center you go to teams and then then i'm in the team's admin center so here is where we're going to walk through the team's admin center now this is only power hour is only an hour so as you can see there's a whole certification about teams admin so obviously in one hour this is just an overview so but we're going to go through a lot of just the concepts and where they are and i'll kind of point out things that are new that weren't in here kind of last time i was in here but um and we'll talk about just so this is more of an overview this is not exactly like full-on training all right so you start off with your dashboard and it's got this concept of upgrading that you're gonna see so people who used to be on companies who used to be on skype for business um that's where you're gonna know about your upgrade status from skype for business um so i'm gonna it's got just some general links to go to some training and some user activity this is a demo tenant so i don't have much user activity in it but that's where you can just see a general overview of a little report but we'll get more into reports too okay so i'm just going to go down the left side here and go through all these concepts so first of all you have your list of teams and this is these are teams that everyone has created in your organization and what is a team so just a full just a quick little recap first there was sharepoint there was site collections and then office 365 groups got invented and an office 365 group is comprised of a group of people but also a sharepoint site and also some extra things like an email address and the ability to email the group and a planner and a calendar but then when teams came along teams is really it's the chat component on top of an office 365 group so an office 365 group at a team when you're in there chatting with people and sharing files the files you're sharing are in sharepoint every team does have a sharepoint site so you know i come across so many people especially because so many people are brand new to teams in office 365 and everything that don't know this those of us have been around for you know in sharepoint for years this is just kind of one of those inherent things and um but you don't realize that it's obfuscated so much that people are using teams and not even realizing that that is sharepoint that is those files are in sharepoint the ones you're sharing so a microsoft team is comprised of a sharepoint site where the files are and it's got the whole chat component and it's got meetings and um but again sharepoint's behind the scenes so every single one of these teams you're managing is also a sharepoint site so you're going to see a lot of these same ones when you're in the sharepoint admin center so i can go manage teams from here so i have a field office here and a lot of these settings you used to only be able to do directly from in the team is that isn't that what it was joelle like a lot of these just sort of managing the team it was only just the team owner in the team that you could do this or is that my imagination i could have could have sworn maybe it started out like that originally i know that they get this higher level at some point yeah people like to admit things especially as us hardcore old school admin people and the server huggers you like to be able to have control over what's going on in the teams so here's a team and it's showing me who the members are of the team and i can quickly flip somebody to be an owner or a member here just directly from here and i can even add new members directly from here it's also giving the ability to manage the channels in that team so here are my channels and for each channel that we have there are a few different settings that you can manage um it's got ah where did it take me all right took me to the general channel and it's got uh it doesn't really give you anything to change on this screen that is really weird um channels general and then hr i can edit edit is going to be better than just clicking on it so if i do edit that's this that's the settings i was looking for you can see the name and description of that channel and you can add new channels and you can make it a standard or a private channel now joel have you ever dealt with private channels what do people use those for so usually they'll use it like they have a team and i um you don't have to talk if you got a bunch of background noise going on i'm sorry you never know working from home right um it's okay so i'll uh okay i think i'm good now i'm good now i can answer you oh okay he walked away sorry about that the guy with the blower is right outside the window my dog can see him so anyway um the uh the usually with private channels you'll have like a team and then you'll have like a leadership group and they'll create a private channel that they'll just put the leadership group in um and then they can interact and like collaborate on things without the entire team seeing it i see that a lot in the teams that create a private channel is a separate site collection isn't that weird it is but the weird thing about it is it doesn't show up in the admin center like in the sharepoint admin center like the other team site does um you have to basically like from teams you can click and get to it but it doesn't show up like in your sharepoint center links which i think is kind of weird good to know all right for those you know old school sharepoint admins a private channel is another entire site collection okay so anyway that's where i can add channels for a team and then i can even get to the settings now this is a little weird the edit button is way up here in the top right so i can see all the settings for that team but i can i have to click edit way up there at the top to be able to go edit all these little specific settings that are usually just some you know settings that the team owner will take care of in the team itself but that's where they are so now so that's what you can do in a specific team and you can add teams here too and just like creating an office 365 group creates an office 365 group just but without the team that's an extra step but if you click to add a new team here it will create the group and the team and everything all right so that's managing teams then we also have teams policies now for the team's policies themselves there isn't much in there isn't much to it it's a little weird at first i thought i was missing something but the team's policy the only setting is really besides the name and description is just whether or not you want them to be able to create those private channels in that team you're creating so um the policies then can be applied to teams so i've got this this is you're always going to have a global org-wide default policy so my default policy for every single team when it gets created for the whole company is that they can create private channels so i can create different policies though like um i could just this one's pretty simple i could create one policy that says can create private channels and another one that says can't but i created this other policy and i called it students and i just said they can't create private channels so then now that i have the policies and so this concept that i'm showing you right here with the with the policies we've got teams policies live event policies permission alec app policies so you're going to see this policies concept in a lot of places so this sort of structure is going to be common across a lot of places and teams so that's why this is kind of important to understand how it works so and a lot and most of the other policies have much many more settings than this one this one just has one setting but um the way then once you create a policy you have to say who does the policy apply to so that's when you do group policy assignments so i've only done one so far so let me show you what that entails you um select a group so that's going to be a group of people so i have like um let's see contoso so i have a contoso renovation is the group that i want to assign this policy to and the ranking is okay so if the users in the group itself are part of any other groups that have a policy what you're doing here is you have to define sort of how important each policy is and where it ranks compared to the other policies so this is going to take kind of a little math and logic for you if you get complex and you have a lot of different policies and people you have to really kind of plan out and think through what your ranking needs to be set up as so i've already got one policy that i set as rank one then i can set you know the rank of this one and then i say so this group of people is going to get what policy and i'm only going to see the only things that i'm going to see in the drop down are the ones that are not the global default so i've only created one other policy in this list of policies that's not just the global org default that was already there you're not going to have the global default showing as an option because it's already the default for everybody so this is where you want to have a specific group of people and apply some specific other policy to that group and of course an office 365 group that's a group of people but it's also a sharepoint site and potentially a team right okay so that's where you do the group policy now team templates are brand brand new i'm gonna save this for last because i i could potentially do a whole other power hour about team templates and that was even one of the things i had in the voting so if i have time at the end of this power hour i might just do it you know do it today now we have devices i don't have i don't personally have any devices in my organization i don't have any conference rooms i work at home i don't i haven't purchased any of these microsoft devices but um that's what everything in this device's thing um it applies to so there's that there's actually hardware called teams displays so these are um this is the help it's got a little help button of you know what are all your devices so like what is a collaboration bar and see this is actual hardware that you're gonna have in your conference rooms so i don't have any of that but this is where you would manage all those different um devices and um configure them under the devices section so that's a very it's going to be very short now locations i also don't have any locations or a network topology either in my little sort of demo here but if you have a large especially a large global organization and you want to be able to define your network and topology and especially when it comes to calling so when you have um now i'm just i'm more just speaking off the top of my head with this because this is one of those concepts where you're going to d deep dive into this when you start studying and taking those exams and so i'm just go i'm just basing this off sort of memory of what i've learned about this in the past i've never done this in teams okay so this is going to be when you have um calling and you've integrated your actual phone system at your company in with teams and you're using teams as your phone system so then that's when you're going to get really complicated and you're going to be able to plan out all your networking network regions and subnets here in your network topology so you can have all your networks locations wi-fi access points switches and ports and that all is going to be based on you know having your calling and having all that tied in with teams again that's going to be a very short segment because i don't have any of that actual you know actually configured um is anybody i haven't seen any questions or anything let me see by the way we have a chat sometimes i remember to mention the chat sometimes i don't but um we are in teams and we're using this on the general channel i put this power actually i put a power hour tab for each power hour so when you go to the tab this is where um so you have to turn on the little chat on the right side right here so this is um and the link that out you were asking about that i meant i put it under posts so see here's the link that i posted so when you go back to posts here um our a few links right here i've posted one and then i posted a second one and then you can toggle back to power hour and that's our conversation all right so um see i'm trying to oh steve says the sharepoint team and teams team must not talk to each other i think they're talking to each other more now but um yeah i guess joelle just shouted out if somebody has something that i need to address all right and then we have users now in office 365 there are about 15 different places where you can manage users you have the admin center where you have all of your users and you have you even have them over like in the exchange admin center but here all your users so this is where you can see stuff specific to teams around your users so i can click on alex here and i can see all the policies that are applied to alex so if i specifically want to if i'm troubleshooting something maybe i want to know why one specific user maybe can't um allow external sharing like somebody external is trying to help him with something in teams in a meeting and they're trying to um he's trying to do desktop sharing and let them take remote control over his desktop and he can't well it's because teams the team's admin has turned that off somewhere in a policy so this is where you can go to a specific person and you can see you know like i said if you're using calling you can see who he's been calling you can see all the policies that are applied to this person and i'm going to tell you about policy packages in a minute too so this is where you can see all of his policies i can look at them but i can also click edit so if i want to manually go in here to a specific person and say his app setup policy needs to be first line worker that's what i'm going to do so all remember i mentioned when i went into teams and teams policies how this concept of policies is in a lot of different places these are all the different types of categories of policies that you can have in teams it's a lot but this is just one specific person as you can see by default most of them are just the global org wide default but you can see i've given him specific ones in other places all right so that's what you can do for one user here that's kind of interesting that you can just quickly in like two clicks go see a list of every one that someone's been calling okay let's go to meetings so again same concept we have meetings and we have we have meetings policies when teams was newer last year when i got that certification this group policy assignment thing didn't exist i think it was only something that you could do with powershell so this is kind of i was i was hoping that this would finally be in here so this is kind of important the ability to actually assign policies in bulk and not have to do it one person at a time so we've got all our meeting policies so again this is the global org-wide default and i've got all just it actually create automatically creates you might have some other default policies in here like kiosk let's go look and see what it entails to create a policy for meetings so i'll say i want my policy to be called students so maybe i'm a university and i've got students they have accounts in office 365 and i want to be a little more strict about what the students can do when they're in meetings in microsoft teams so i can say a lot allow the outlook add in you can see there are a hundred different settings in here that you could possibly um set up in here but you could say i don't maybe i don't want them to give control i was in a meeting with a customer the other day and the button for allowing control like the request control button for me to be able to help her and do something on her desktop was grayed out and it said that the administrator at her company had disabled that so that she couldn't allow me to do desktop sharing so that is where that setting is so maybe i don't want them to best bypass the lobby or do me now or i don't want to allow them to chat in meetings or something like that so this is where i can get very granular about what the policy entails and it's got little help links for every single thing and then i'm just going to click cancel and then once i've created my policies this is where i define who just like with this other one where i define who the policy is going to apply to so i'll say let contoso let's see um contoso renovation and i want contoso renovation to have this kiosk policy and then when i apply that then they uh you can see it in the list and then you can change the rankings if you need to just same concept with the rankings as the other thing okay then we have so the the policy the policies are things that you can granularly change them and apply specific granular settings to different groups of people but meeting settings are for everything that's for all meetings so just in general for your whole company do you you want to allow anonymous users to join a meeting of course that would be really hard to have meetings with customers if you weren't going to allow anonymous meetings so it definitely would leave that turned on and then this is where you can control what your pretty little email invitation looks like so like at our company at iw mentor we have this pointing to our logo that we've got on our website and our you know our like our legal web page that has legal information and then um you can type a footer and then you can preview it and see here is where you're going to see you notice like um if you ever had a meeting with me or you'll see or you had meetings with other companies you'll see their logo in here when they send you the meeting invite that's where that comes that comes from and that little thing that i type stuff about our company that's going to show in the in the invite in that email so this is where you can control all that meeting settings and then again this is network i'm not going to get into network stuff now besides meetings we have this concept of live events in teams this is where it's more of just um a meeting is where you're collaborating and talking with a bunch of people but a live event is really where you're like broadcasting really just one or two presenters doing something that's broadcasting to a larger set of people so then you can have live event policies and same thing you can um assign them to people so i can say i want maybe i t department allow so allow transcription everyone who can record organizer so you don't have that many settings for live events but um i am going to allow them to um have them and then let's see someone's taking a second to save [Music] someone else is gonna answer the phone all right and then you have live event settings so this again the policies are the ones that can be granular and the settings are going to be for everybody so here's my support url if i want people to have a general url they can get to from every live event and then i have um use it third party distribution provider and this is where you um are deciding sort of who you're allowing to whenever you present these live events to distribute your live video okay and then messaging policies so teams is like the team itself meetings is actual meetings that you're holding and then messaging policies that's the chat right so here i've got a the global org-wide default and then i can create new messaging policies so maybe i want i'll do it department again i t department maybe um can do more than other people can do or something like that so i do want owners to be able to delete sent messages i want them to edit maybe everyone always gets a read receipt chat is going to be that's the chat and teams whether or not you can chat of course you can chat in teams that would be very restrictive to turn that off right but if you have maybe a subset of contractors or something like that you don't want people chatting with you could turn off chat maybe i don't want to allow they've been goofing off too much in the it department i'm going to be really mean and like lock this all down or something like that so translate you could see there are just a ton of different settings in here so this is where this is the chat itself and those are the settings that you can apply to subsets of people and then the exact same thing applies with assigning where you create the policies and then decide who the policies are going to apply to all right so then lauren had a question yeah live event recipients do they need to have a microsoft account of some sort i don't think so i've been to a couple of live events and i literally just clicked the link and i was watching it yeah that's insane and it's interesting so what i'm doing in power hour i'm kind of it's kind of like a cheat though because i'm not really doing a teams meeting i'm not doing a teams live event i'm still i've always just done this on youtube so i'm still doing this on youtube but all i'm doing is i'm putting i created a tab in teams and i just use the youtube like little add-in so i'm still putting doing just my live youtube event but just showing it on a tab so y'all can watch it right here while we're chatting about it so that's just kind of another i feel like it's sort of like a hack where i didn't i'm not using any of the the actual teams streaming technologies i'm just kind of doing my own thing so um oh kelly says yeah the event itself yeah there you go okay so this is going to say the issue with live events too is that it's just q a so that like there's no chat like there's no actual like running conversation it's just they ask a question and then if we approve it we can show it otherwise they're just not going to see the conversation yeah and that is why we're not using live events for power hour because the whole fun of power hour as we like to chat with all of you and have all of you be able to see each other's chat during power hour so this is our sort of little compromise of not actually using teams for the video but still allowing you to chat and so yeah all live events has is q a and that's that's really boring um zach says where do you create your live event from in teams oh i've done that once um i don't think you can do it from the calendar from the calendar i don't let's see let me make sure that um what tenant am i in here yeah you can do it from the calendar just click the new meeting drop down and there's live event as an option calendar new meeting live event so you will not see this live event option if you don't have live events allowed in your company though so you're setting up a live event blah blah blah blah um and then yeah this has gotten a lot smoother and easier lately according uh compared to when it first came out by the way so the live event um i'm gonna lose that where'd it go live event settings here we go um let's see what the default policy says allow scheduling yeah to me that is basically allow live events because if this is off you don't see the live the ability to create the live event um okay so that's live events messaging is the chat and then the apps okay so this is one of my demo tenants so um i'll show you what i have is the settings in here and then i'll show you the settings in the tenant we're using for this for this power hour and i'll show you how i've kind of locked down a bunch of it and kind of what the difference looks so this is a list of all the available apps and this is just going to already have a bunch of stuff in it this is like from the like the microsoft store it's kind of what it looks like and then you also have you have permission policies and setup policies so those are two different things the permission policies control what apps that you want to make available to the teams and then the setup policies control how they're made available to a user in the team's app so we'll kind of look at a couple of differences there so by default in in this tenant which teams apps are choose which teams apps published by microsoft or its partners can be installed by your users so i'm allowing all apps to be installed by my users and then third party you might maybe you want to block the third-party apps if you um you just you know maybe you have something sketchy that you're not sure about or you want to be very specific about only allowing certain apps for certain groups of people this is where you can do that so this is where you can say allow specific apps and block all others block specific apps and allow all others or block all of them and same concept with the microsoft apps and then choose which custom apps can be installed by your users these are these are power apps right here so um i think i actually might have done this in a previous power hour but when you go into power apps and you create a new standalone app and you're in like the powerapps web console there's a publish to teams button so when you use the publish to teams button this screen is where you upload that app that you publish to teams and so i'm not going to go through that whole process in this power hour because i think i did it in another one i know i've demoed this before but um but this is these are power apps that you're allowing i'm only allowing specific custom apps if i allow all of them then that means anybody can create a power app and add it to teams but i'm tightly controlling which ones that i want to allow people to add to teams so then and so you can create several different permission policies so maybe i want the it department to be able to allow all and block all third party and save and then maybe i want i'll call i'll call another one like the hr department hr and i want the hr department they have some specific apps that they need for hr so for hr i can say like um i don't know let's see um service desk or something like that i don't know so again you might have specific apps that you want specific groups of people in your company to be able to use but you want to tightly control that so this is going to be the hr department and then this is going to be what i'm what apps i'm allowing them to have but i haven't told it yet who is in the hr department so i can click on i can select hr department and do manage users and then this is where um i don't think i have i don't know if i have an hr group let's see hr in my little demo tenant so this is where you'd go pick that group of people and you type the name of that group contoso i don't know and you would say this is the group of people that this hr department policy applies to and then the setup policies right so this is different so this is going to be that left-hand panel so when we're in teams so this is teams right here and you're in teams and you have these apps down the left side way over here activity chat teams calendar calls files etc this is where you're defining what you want listed down here so this is pretty cool so you can actually define different sets of icons you want showing here for different groups of people so i've got um this is my global default these are the ones that everyone's going to see and then for my iw for my my wonderlara tenant i added this one i'll actually i'll show you let me see what what that looks like i added a little org chart power app so that everybody in the organization by default is going to see it's right here they're going to see this um org chart power app and they're going to go directly be able to go directly to the org chart in teams right so that is what that setting does so that's pretty cool so that is just the global default policy but i can go let me go back up and i can say i want um like the hr to be able to and this is also where you define if you want people to be able to upload their own power apps right here so if somebody is in a setup has a setup policy applied to them that doesn't allow them to upload custom apps that's why they won't that's why they won't have the button that allows them to put their own power app in in teams so i don't want the hr department to upload custom apps i might want the it department to be able to and then this is where you can add apps that you want them to automatically have so let me see like asana or something so this app is what they're going to be installed for my users that are in that this a policy applies to and this is what the pinned apps are going to be maybe i could even take away some of these default ones if i want i can rearrange them see i can move this one down i want chat to be on top maybe and then teams and then maybe i don't want them to have calling at all and i can even add to this group so i could say asana so then this whoever i apply this policy to this is what their little tool bar is going to look like is that cool did y'all realize you could do that zack says he created zachbot that shows up for everyone that's awesome um willis does this include project oakdale apps project oakdale apps exist inside of a team a specific team so project oakdale apps can't be applied to the left side down the list with all the apps because you have to go into the team where that app is to be able to get to the project oakdale app and then those are going to be on the tabs in that team i know it's a little confusing that's why i always just create a powerapp as a standalone powerapp just from the mainweb.powerapps.com just create them all there and that way you can put them in teams you can put them in the left panel you can put them in sharepoint you can embed them in sharepoint pages you can do anything you want to with them and you don't have any of those restrictions of like well if you create it in teams you can do this if you create a sharepoint list you can only do that you can so that's my that's my little rant about types different types of powerapps don't get me started right okay so those are the teams apps policies and then let's go look at um i'll show you the teams policy that i did for this uh this specific this little this is basically like like a little demo tenant that we're using for um power hour so i'll show you what i did for power hour i only wanted to allow youtube so i've got my um this seems like it looks different than i had in the other window i wouldn't be surprised so that's just the list of apps here's my global org-wide default and then admins so the org-wide default is allow specific apps and block all others so i'm only allowing youtube and i'm blocking custom apps and then um for admins that's going to be like me and joelle i'm just allowing all allowing all and then for the setup policies um the global org-wide default is that i didn't do anything special for that all right so that's the so that is that that's what i did on the tenant that you all are in right now okay let me go back to my my other little demo tenant because i don't want to um i'm just kind of like randomly changing things and messing things up in it and not worrying about it that's why i'm doing it in this one so we went through teams apps then we've got voice now again voice is going to be one of those things that i don't have anything set up in here this is going to be for when you have your voice system at work your calling connected and integrated with teams so this is going to have all where you're going to have your whole list of phone numbers for your company and um routing voice routing call part calling policies caller id i don't have any of that set up and that's gonna be um definitely more advanced topics that i don't have time i don't have the knowledge and i don't have time to go into it in a one hour overview now this concept policy packages this is brand new this just um this was just in the like microsoft teams what's new in october list of stuff so this is pretty cool so you saw kind of all how how complicated what was and all the steps that i had to go through and all the different places i had to go to set up all the policies and kind of how much work and thinking is required for that well you don't if you don't feel like doing that and you just have like so one of these general generic generic types of policies that you want to apply to people in your company that's what these are for so these are um specifically created as sets of policies that you can apply in your company without having to go through all that work and go through all these different places so if i am a hospital and i have a lot of clinical workers and i want to just apply a set of policies to the clinical workers i can go i can go look at these so it's got healthcare clinical worker and it's got all the policies the messaging policy which would have been down here on the left the meeting policy which would have been in here under meetings and then the app setup policy which would have been down there under teams apps so all these are pre-created policies for clinton clinical workers is this cool had you all seen this before the um policy packages all right so let's go look at what this looks like so for messaging ooh they're really strict look at that so um oh no they're well they're not turned on they're just grayed out so you can't change them in here um on this screen you just have to hit edit so they kind of want you to go through an extra step if you're going to edit the actual i'm editing the actual original policy package that was in here now you can create your own policy packages so you don't have to worry about messing with the ones that microsoft has provided but this is what it looks like if you wanted to go if you want to use the healthcare clinical worker and actually maybe change one or two things in it like i want to change the giphy content rating to more strict then that's how you can actually edit that so those are the policies for healthcare clinical workers and then what you do is and this part's a little odd to me that that you have to do it this way but i can go manage users and let me go like look at my list of users all my little test users real quick so carrie let's see i'll do pick carry here so i have to check the box next to a policy and click manage users and then i go carry and i can add carry do i have any groups of people let's see um accounts payable i think is a group let me try see no i think that you can add accounts payable i'm trying to look for different types of groups that i haven't now just draw all it's not shu i think may either maybe i'm only allowed to add users or for some reason i'm not it just says users here so i think it doesn't want me to allow allow me to add groups so this is where you have to go pick your users to apply that policy to them so now i picked carrie first and i picked healthcare clinical worker and i individually just added it to that one person so then if i'm ever in here trying to troubleshoot something with carrie first and i go to her user account in here then that's something that's gonna show under see now it's under her policies so now i can see that in just what policies are assigned to her it's showing me these three policies that are um that are applied to her now if i go to a different user if i go to like janet here and go to policies and i edit her policies um let's see meetings see that now that i've used healthcare clinical worker on at least i've applied it to at least somebody now it's actually showing here and it's showing as something that i can pick from and apply it to somebody individually if i want to but by default all those um all those policies from those the policy packages are not showing um just when when you're in here editing a specific person i'm curious now if i go to meeting policies yeah so now when i go to meeting policies there's healthcare clinical worker and now let's see yeah and now when i go to the see the team setup policies now it's there so as soon as you work as soon as you use one of these policy packages then it's going to show all over the place in all the different places where you see policies it's pretty interesting right so you could just go add take one and add it to one person and then you at least see it in all the other places so that that actually makes it easier so now that i've got healthcare clinical worker over um here like in in my meetings policies let's go back to my meetings policies i can go to group policy assignment and now let's try that so i've got contoso um sales sales contoso sales people so now this is where i can apply that policy to a whole group of people so when i went straight to the policy package so this same seems like a little hack like a little tip like a work around because it was not the smoothest thing to figure that out so once i added the policy package to one person then that that sort of lit it up and all the other places and then it only let me assign it to users on that screen but then once it's been it created and exists in all my little lists of policies then this is where i can go apply that policy to a group of people interesting right you think you all are going to try this yeah there isn't a way right now um jamie to control oakdale environment creation yeah yeah and that's totally unfortunately it's not in any of this stuff okay so that was policy packages we also have analytics so i can go to teams usage apps usage so let's look at teams user activity for the last 90 days so this is where i can go if i'm just curious about how much people are using things devices live events things like that i can get these pretty little charts i can also export it to excel do full screen and i can edit the columns so this allows me allows me a little bit of control over what i see and don't see in this report to kind of narrow it down but that is the extent to which you can customize these little pre-created reports you can see the date range and then which of these little specific reports so that's nice it's better than nothing i'm not how useful i'm not sure how useful this set of information is going to be to anybody but you know may as well try it out um we also have org-wide settings so org-wide means it's not something that's just in a b and one specific policy that you can apply to groups of people it's for the whole organization so i definitely recommend leaving external access on if you turn that off then people wouldn't be able to have meetings with anybody external so just leave all that turned on but you can also if you want to narrow it down to a spec to specific domains you can specifically allow or block certain domains so maybe if you um you know aren't allowing it in general but you're only allowing it for certain ones you can do that guest access that's guest access in teams so like for example in the teams in the one that we're using for power hour of course i'm allowing guests because you all are all guests so for guest access here i am allowing guests access or else all of you wouldn't be able to be in the power hour team right now so but then once you turn on guest access you can get very specific about what you're gonna allow guests to do so i'm not allowing um you all to click meet now and meet with each other and make private calls and but you can do all these things and i've got like a little giffy content rating so that is what once you allow guest access that is what you're allowing guests to do for the entire organization and then team settings again for the whole organization um just again more settings having to do with tagging in email integration so you notice in teams you have every single channel and teams you can right click on the channel and choose and it will give you the email address of that channel so this gives you the ability to turn that off for the whole organization if you don't want people to be able to send email to a channel and then if you don't want people to be able to use all these other third-party places for your for the files that they're sharing you can turn those off etc and then um teams upgrade that's when you're upgrading from skype for business they have this whole planning thing um i have never tried this this is like when you're first planning it out and deploying teams um teams advisor same thing looks like let's see now the thing that i skipped was the team templates and we have seven minutes left so we'll just see you know how if if it's so awesome and so amazing and we want to deep dive into it we'll see what you know what you all want to do but team templates exist now so if i go into teams and if i just this is just the regular teams interface and if i click to create a team have you all seen this this just came out in the last like couple of weeks look at this you have all these templates you can pick from oh yay employee onboarding help desk hospital incident reporting a store quality and safety retail so look at all those templates you can pick from that is so cool so i'm gonna go ahead and pick one just i'm just in teams right now i'm not in the admin so when i pick to create a team from a template it shows me what the channels are going to be and what the apps are going to be in that template and i'll just say it's a private team test event template and while we're going it's creating the team i'm going to flip back over to the admin center okay so the one that i just created was manage an event i believe so i'll click on manage events so what does the team template consist of this is it tells you what channels it's going to have and the tabs in each channel you can define all that in your template and then it's also showing you can tell it what apps it can have so what we can do is create a brand new template too so you can create your own template and when you create a new template you can either create brand new from scratch and completely create everything yourself in that little interface you can use an existing team which means you've already created the team in teams and you've already got it all set up the way you want you can just pick that or you can start with an existing template so i'm going to go ahead and just start with an existing template and i'll just say manage a project i'm and oh and that that one's so now it is creating the team template called manager project um this is like i clicked on the name of it to look at what it looks like see how it took me to another tab so what i'm doing right now is i'm just looking at what that template has got in it and now i'm back in the like little create new um pic pick which one you want to create it from so i pick which one i want and click next and then manage a project and i'll say laura test and give it a 10 you can give it a description and stuff all right so here this is the interface for creating your new team template and i've got all my channels so i've got general announcements resources and planning and in planning i have a onenote and then i have these two apps so when i add channels in here i'll call this one um let's see like um i've already got resources i'll call it tasks or something now microsoft hasn't um rename planner is going to be called tasks soon they haven't renamed it yet though so um i'll say i want task to be the name of my new channel that i'm adding and i can i can add multiple tabs to um let's see i'll just do one and that's weird how it says one tab but then it doesn't have like a i guess each tab has to be an app like that again this is all brand new so i've got tasks i've got planner what happens if i click on that and edit it yeah then i can add more and like for resources let's go to resources and edit that and i'll add sharepoint so when i do sharepoint i can pick um from that and then i can even rename it i'll call it sp interesting okay so then i'm submitting i created my new template manager project laura test now let me toggle back to the one that i just created oh see it's still creating the one from the template i figured that would take a few minutes so it's still creating it but um now i've got a list of all my team templates now i could delete them if i want to if i don't want people in my organization picking from one of these templates i have the ability to just go in here and and get rid of them as the admin what do y'all think about that is that cool let's see it's still taking a minute test event well it says test event template i think it's still creating though because it doesn't huh because a little spinny wheel was still going we go back to power hour our power br connectors available for teams analytics um probably but i have no idea i've never tried that oh you haven't moved to teams yet lisa drag them kicking and screaming they kind of microsoft kind of yanked everything else out from under you like skype or business is just you can't even use it anymore it's not a thing now again i'm not sure if templates are worth having a whole power hour about but is pretty big i mean it's pretty simple it's just as long as you understand the concepts of channels and tabs and the apps that are on your tabs then that's going to make sense so look here's my test event template notice that it says six hidden channels so remember when i was creating that template it had um see shown by default so this shown by default thing is gonna is gonna make them not hidden so see how these these say they're all hidden so if something is shown by default then it'll already be showing here and i don't have to go un you know unhide it so i have to go in here and like click show next to each one of these it's kind of annoying okay and then um one more oh see when i unhided it still yeah it's still there we go all right and then you can see that budget i didn't add any special tabs to it content logistics planning doesn't have any marketing pr see it actually had an extra tab built in here where it's going to have like this is just a place where you can put your company video channel so it didn't actually put a website on here by default but this is where potentially you could have that have that in as part of your template man templates used to be so horribly painful i'm so excited that um they're actually useful now i'm going to flip back over joel to the thing video of both of us there we go all right that was interesting right what do you all think are you all ready to go admin teams now ready to pass that certification yeah that certification is hard that one i took it was really hard because it was pretty technical um lisa says do you think microsoft will ever remove wiki as a default tab um well you could do it yourself and um maybe i don't well you know that's a good point because those all those default ones that i didn't do anything with they all just had wiki doesn't even give you the option to remove it yeah that is super annoying i agree lisa awesome yeah team's admin is much more useful than it was at first so it's come a long way all right well um thanks everybody for coming next week we have um i'm speaking at a ren core online conference it's a little sort of a mini summit let me um get that link to you all it's called the ren core mini summit and it's called the power automate mini summit get you on the link i'll put it in the chat actually i'll put it on the post channel and that is on the 10th and then we have power hour on the 11th and then the week after that i'm speaking at um tech the tech spells stands for the experts conference it's tech 2020. it was actually going to be in person it was going to be in atlanta and um so now it's an online conference but it's the 17th and 18th so and i'll put a link to that in the newsletter send out all right thanks everybody for coming and if you are an ultimate member we have our ultimate office hours this week on this this friday on the 6th and that's a fun little more interactive meeting where we all talk to together and we help with issues and questions and things like that so i will see you all with that thanks everybody see you next time over and out thanks everybody
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 1,965
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Office 365, Microsoft Teams, Teams, Administration
Id: v1gUoPmOu1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 35sec (3815 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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