Exploring NDI in Microsoft Teams

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okay i look like we're live now uh let's make sure that everything's working okay here there was oh gosh there's 20 people watching hey guys how's it going i got a few things set up here so um if you don't know me my name is john moore i'm a microsoft mvp in office apps and services and i'm really excited i've got a big exciting new feature just hit my demo tenant as well as my home tenant and that is ndi and microsoft teams and i thought i would test it out by going live today and um as we go if you have questions uh if you want me to try something out i'm free to uh do that and try out some stuff and we can check it out together and kind of learn some new things i'm a little bit out of breath because 10 seconds before uh i went live i realized i didn't have a drink so i had to run up two flights of stairs and uh grab a drink real quick and now i'm out of breath and then also i realized that the laptop i was gonna demo from uh just installed windows updates so we're gonna let that go ahead and uh boot up and log in here fortunately it's an ssd so we've got the chat here um we'll bring this on screen periodically so we can uh do some um some chatting back and forth and all that and a little bit out of my element because one of the challenges here i like to start out a lot of these live streams with like how i'm doing the live stream uh you know kind of logistics of how it's all set up and it's kind of interesting usually what i use is obs or streamlabs obs and um that's kind of hard to use that to do the live stream and demo using it or build scenes or things like that i thought that you know of course that's going to not work if i'm using it to drive the stream so what i'm using today is i did a webcam go live with uh with youtube and i'm using a new app this is my first time ever using this um i'm a beta tester for an app called it's mhm and that's gonna do like it's like crazy house of mirrors um but this is an app where it's only available on mac right now but uh you can have your screen you can have your little presenter view so it's cutting me out all nicely and you can have that output as a virtual camera so that is coming through as a webcam i've got my laptop screen right here and then i'm like in the corner right there so i'm hoping that this is going to work pretty well my cpu on my mac seems to be doing out uh doing pretty well so um those of you guys who have a mac if you sign up for app then you know we can uh we can test it out i've actually got five invitations available for the beta so if you're a mac user and you want to um you want to test it out if you want to send me a dm on twitter then um i'll i'll add your email address and you can try it out so uh hey andy i see that you're there and spencer um so a few of us are are checking this thing out i know andy's on a uh on a mac so if you want to check out this little webcam app it's pretty cool um so without further ado let's dive in um ndi stands for i think network display interface or network device interface and it's basically a network of video technology that allows you to sling video and audio around your network it's mostly used internally for your local area network your lan and it allows you to do things like i've got my phone here it has an ndi application on it on ios so that i can i can have a wireless camera that projects over my network and then i can basically capture that feed on another device on my network and then bring it in so um for instance if i do ndi virtual input there's this ndi toolkit that you can get that um allows you to grab these things from your network so in obs i can grab like my ndi source here call this my iphone then because i'm running this app on my network you see my iphone comes up it's discovered on my network now if i hit ok that's going to come in here and now we see what's coming from my phone so i'm a little bit far away from my wireless network so it's not really the uh the best example of this but the device that i'm going to be using here is hardlined over ethernet so i was hoping yeah that i could i could get this to work for you so um we're going to go ahead and fit the screen and just show you this is the laptop we're going to test on this ndi in teams it's only available on windows right now so because i'm primarily a mac user i had to break out the the old dell computer there so i've got that going there's um the chat and everything up on my screen so i can monitor that and then we're going to demo from this screen right here so that's the screen that you're seeing right behind me so let's uh let's get rid of that and get rid of obs and talk about how to enable this first so because this is windows we've got a windows virtual machine right here and um like a like a good mvp i'm doing this in a demo tenant so that we don't show anything that we're not supposed to show and um there's two parts to enabling ndi in microsoft teams and i'll bring up this this little document right here and i'm going to paste this in the chat as well if you're looking for the document for how to enable ndi and microsoft teams this is what you're going to look for and basically you have to turn it on at the admin tenant level a teams admin has to do this so they'll log in and they'll either toggle a switch that's what we're going to do or they can run this powershell command to create a new meeting policy and set a flag in that meeting policy to allow ndi streaming now this is what we did in our home tenant for a subset of users the people on my team the people on our enterprise events team now have a new ndi meeting policy that has this flag set true so that's how our guys are able to to grab these feeds and start using this feature so over here in contoso i do not have this enabled yet so i'm going to open up my contoso tenant admin right here if you're ever wondering who the the global admin of contoso was it was me all along so we're going to go ahead and log in here and we're going to check out the admin center to turn on ndi for megan now megan this is her team's account she would be looking in settings for microsoft teams under permissions and she doesn't see the ndi options right here quite yet so what we're going to do is we're going to go into the admin her helpful it administrator will run into the teams admin center right here and we're going to go ahead and grab teams admin center that's going to open up and then under meetings and then meeting policies so id so they can broadcast the participants of their meeting to other places um because i'm a little bit nuts i'm going to go ahead and just do it in the global policy so we can make it show up for everybody including megan and the flag for this is under audio video about almost all the way down there's allow ndi streaming so this is what you're going to want to look for as a team's admin in your environment we're going to go ahead and turn that on and then we're going to scroll down to the bottom and hit save this is going to update that global policy which megan has applied to her and then we're going to go ahead and refresh the teams app and she should have that switch now so back over here on teams we're gonna do a little bit of experimenting um under settings so she hasn't done anything it still doesn't show up so let's see as an admin do i have to tell megan to close out of the team's app or do i have to tell her to fully sign out and sign back in so the least destructive way to do this is to just close the app so i'm going to right click on teams i'm going to hit quit which i'm covering the screen right there there it is it quit and i'm back we're going to quit the teams app and then bring it back up and see if that switch is available to us so this cutout is kind of working okay it's not doing too bad behind me i don't have a green screen or anything like that it's just the app cutting me out so now she's back up and running in teams she did not sign out she just quit the application which you know a bonus tip here that if you just quit microsoft teams then this checkbox for the new pop-out meetings that will be retained the expected functionality though is if you were to sign out of teams and sign back in that will reset and it will be unchecked right now so heads up for the next few weeks until that becomes the uh the default experience so we're going to check in permissions now and she still does not have the switch so let's go ahead and sign her out of teams and sign her back in to see if this is what we need to do so she has signed out of teams we're going to go into my demo environment and grab her password real quick didn't have this tab open so my environments we've got right here there's megan's user id so we're going to hit continue paste in megan's user id and then we're going to paste in her auto-generated password here in a moment oh i guess it was already stored in the the windows credential store so we didn't have to do that so you can see it's taking longer to load this time so it's uh it's going to do its thing back here on the comments we got um tyler's asking have i tried wirecast what are my thoughts on it i tried to try wirecast um unfortunately i didn't get very far i signed up for a trial for it and i never got the unlock code i never got like the trial code to test it out for 30 days and i kind of gave up after a couple tries of you know trying to reach wirecast one thing that's interesting about wirecast is there is a full version here there's like there are all their editions of wirecast there's also a wirecast s edition that is just for microsoft stream that's significantly less expensive so if all you're doing is office 365 and you need to only output to microsoft stream you might look at something called wirecast s to save a little bit of money um but from what i understand it's kind of i think is a little bit more like vmix works where you've got um kind of a layer uh idea and i'm more used to obs and how obs does it because that's what i learned on but um i think i think a lot of the people who are more experienced than me um prefer like vmix layout or like wirecast layout i think people who are a little bit more diy like um game streamers on twitch things like that kind of tend to obs just because that's what they what they learn on kind of like i did um andy says uh green screen chroma for the for the win yeah uh i i thought about getting like an elgato green screen but um i'd worry that i wouldn't use it enough to justify the cost thanks for watching jim jim's going to be one of the guys that jumps on a a test call for us to to test this out in real life so megan she's all rebooted into teams we go into the settings for her and at her permissions does she have it she still doesn't quite have it yet so that's a bit of a bummer here okay so saying that the chroma key is looking good still that's that's a good thing um let's sign out and sign back in again i tested it this morning that that flip of the switch from the admin center it happened immediately that she got the switch so i was like well i'll turn it back off then and that'll be easy to show how it works but now of course it's going to have a nice delay on it for me that's going to be annoying i may have to like log out of windows completely i'm not quite sure almost there if it doesn't show up this time i'll just show you on this um dell laptop here with my actual account so under settings we go here and this is remember what i said about like you gotta turn on the new meetings experience so because she signed all the way out and signed all the way back in she can recheck that box actually i'm gonna recheck that box and then i'm gonna go ahead and quit the application and just log back in because i mean i don't think it has anything to do with the new meeting experience but this will this will for sure rule that out yeah let's pray to the to the demo gods now uh yeah i did hit save in the in the admin center andy so if i go back into the global defaults um allow ndi is right there and it is on so that's good it is saved so we're good there um let's see if turning on the new meeting experience did anything for us so we're gonna go in here now that is checked because you check it you restart the app it's checked by default now you have those cool pop-out meetings if we go to permissions okay she still doesn't have it yet that's the thing with meeting policies they can take up to a couple hours to um to show up so what we're going to do instead is we're going to i'm going to point my camera at uh at this laptop and just show you what it looks like so back to my trusty iphone here beam this over the network and grab john's iphone we should see it here in a second and we will fit it to the screen so now you're looking at my super fast wireless network and if i go here and open up microsoft teams we're going to pause over here just in case i show any uh of my you know super secret chats here okay we're in a safe spot so i have microsoft teams right here on my home tenant and basically this is where you go you're going to go to permissions right here hopefully you guys can see that permissions and then ndi right there is a is a switch that you flip now whenever you flip this switch let me turn it off turn it back on it will spin for a second which is downloading some files and doing some some script running in the background on your local device so you'll see a little spinner for about a second and then that will be flipped on and you'll have that that meeting experience in uh inside of microsoft teams so it's 3 18 right now those guys are going to join a call at 3 30 and then we'll be able to start talking about um about uh like actually showing this off so in the meantime just pretend that she has this the switch we'll actually test it from my laptop though so thanks for the the cool desk setup uh thing i i try it's a it's a pretty nice little desk setup that i like to have now i've got obs running here if you don't know about obs it's a free open source encoding software solution so this is what i was using to demo for our sales team our kc experience center um we talked about the idea of having like a pre-show and a post show that's normally what i do when i go live um you can have your pre-show right here that's called a scene where you have um all of your sources right here in the middle these are sources that's things like text graphics music cameras that you're bringing in stuff like that those are your sources when you collect those sources together that's called a scene and your scenes are to the left right here so i've got this pre-show scene if i go to post show scene that's hey thanks for watching if i flip over here to the camera you see the output from my camera now you see my background a little bit that's blurred out on the app uh if i flip over to my screen though that will also show you know like a little picture and picture i can go to a side by side so hopefully you're getting the the idea here that with obs you have basically unlimited creativity to have a nice branded background have a screen um with the speaker next to it but what we want to do is we want to you know we can even bring an ipad in this is something you would do with ndi on my ipad i can run something called ndi display capture and then that would send my ipad display wirelessly on my network so that i could display it right there i could have my ipad my face company logo all that cool stuff now the most common use i think for ndi is probably going to be this a panel view this is what um you know previously to this point a ton of podcasts um if you look at like the background if you ever watch a video about how we do our super cool podcast video podcasting um they typically do it with skype consumer because there's a skype creators edition that had ndi in it and then they could have a skype call and then they could basically break apart the participants of that call and bring them in to their nice branded thing so i watch like nintendo podcasts and things like that you'll they'll be spread out across the country and they can bring each other in to the scene and the producer can send that off to a youtube live event well that's what's so exciting about teams ndi is now i don't have to have the presenter sign up for a skype account i don't have to have them um you know use their personal microsoft account get into skype our entire organization 30 000 people we use microsoft teams today now because i have ndi and teams i can just tell them we're going to have a regular teams call a regular teams meeting and then i can just flip on the ndi switch and now i can pull them into obs i can lay them out on the screen exactly how i want it to be and then send it off to microsoft stream to youtube facebook live wherever it's going to go on the live streaming broadcast side of the house so that's one of the things that people have asked me a lot is like okay i'm into teams live events teams encoding it's great i can have the person over here on one side i can have their screen on the other but what if i want two people on screen well teams live doesn't do that what you have to do is get into like the the encoder world of obs studio so we want to basically have three or four faces next to each other on the screen right here so i'm gonna start out with a brand new scene collection and we're gonna build one of these like custom layouts um here with some uh some stuff so we're gonna call this ndi playground and this is what indeed what obs looks like when you first get it out of the box so we're going to go ahead and create this it's going to be a panel discussion and then maybe i want to have a scene called speaker plus slide we're going to talk about um one of the cool things in in teams ndi which is active speaker and shared screen and then the this default scene that might be like your pre-show or something like that so the panel discussion i've got just a black screen that's kind of ugly let's add a background to it so we start out with an image we're going to call this background really really insightful there and then over here on obs i have an obs folder with some assets that i've grabbed from from different places and i've got this one's called textured bg this is the background for our microsoft teams displays so i like it it's kind of cool textures uh in the background one place uh martina grom an mvp that i know from austria she uh mentioned on twitter just the other day unsplash.com that's a cool place that you can grab some files like abstracts and stuff like that so um actually let's just grab one of those so unsplash this is that website that she was talking about and if you're needing a background for like your podcast or something like that you could search for like abstracts and this is a bunch of cool abstract pictures so we can just grab one of these randomly and use that in our scene actually i really like this one it looks kind of like a painted wall so let's just go ahead and grab that these are free you know things that you can use these are these pictures here and then now we're going to point this picture to downloads photo board there we go i kind of like that that looks pretty cool and then i'm going to transform i'm going to fit that guy to the screen and we'll make it just a little bit bigger so that it's you know kind of like that and just make this a little bit bigger here there we go so that covers the whole the whole thing i'm going to lock that in place so i don't accidentally move my background now this is a panel discussion so maybe i'm one of the panelists i have a couple people from ndi who are panelists i'm going to go ahead on my laptop i'm going to join this team is meeting i'm going to go ahead and turn that off and turn down the speakers and we're going to hit join now so let's start at that meeting see if the other uh folks from my team will join us folks from my team there we go turn down that speaker good lord um so there we go we've got that meeting started those guys will start piling in but i'm going to bring in some of these ndi sources so what you would typically do if everybody was in the room is you could grab a video capture device and you could call this like the host say i'm hosting this on my local camera and i could select my cam link 4k there's my nice uh clear picture right there and i could crop that down go ahead and do something like that and i could make it a little bit smaller now i've got jim over here on my laptop and i've got teams ndi like switched on on the laptop so if i open this up i have an ndi source now one question that people might have i wonder if this zooms in at all if this zooms in we'll see how did i get that ndi source in obs that is another wrinkle right here what you're going to want to do is download a plug-in called obs ndi plugin and from there that's from their forums right here you've got this this github and if you go to the the releases for that then you can download the latest version of this plugin and you install that there's the mac os installer the windows installer install that and it will give you a few things it will give you this little box right here for ndi source it will also give you the ability to ndi output so you can take your obs and you can send all of the mixer that we have here you can send that out to your network so that you could do ndi input on another device and use that um you know like as a virtual camera in microsoft teams as well so i've got that ndi source right here because i have the plug-in we bring that up and jim mcfarlane is on my call so i'm going to name it jim and then you'll see that i've got a few extra things the last time i showed this it only had my iphone on it well now you see my laptop shows up microsoft teams there's local which is my camera that would be the little laptop camera built in right here there's also the active speaker that we'll talk about in a second that will actually switch the speaker out for who's currently talking or you can hard code it to jim mcfarlane now this is pretty interesting what i've learned is this is ms teams jim mcfarlane it will always be called that so if i go to another meeting or say you've got a monthly town hall with your ceo the ceo is in their house and you're remotely the producer their name is never going to change so if you set up this scene and you've got ceo name you know tagged right there then you won't even have to go select them again because their name will always be the same source name so that's a really awesome thing to to have right there so we're gonna hit okay and there jim just popped up so there's jim mcfarlane go ahead and wave jim if you hear what i'm saying there he is so he's listening through youtube and hopefully you guys aren't hearing jim on here um so there's that and you'll notice a few things this is really hard to see because jim has a light up there but you see the microsoft teams logo right there that's something you should be aware of it's branded so that everybody knows this call is coming from microsoft teams so i'm going to go ahead and crop him down though because maybe i want him to be in portrait mode so i can go ahead and squeeze him down go ahead and do that i could even you know crop him down here and actually now that little microsoft teams logos out of the way right there maybe i want him to be just a little bit more portrait mode and we could have him right here we can have a side by side i can right click on the transform right here and i can center vertically now it will center the host vertically on the screen if i right click transform now he's centered on the screen so now we're side by side all nice and perfectly and that's how you would bring in these multiple people i see morris just joined the call thanks morris for joining if you hear me um so now we're going to grab morris ndi source morris montejo grab him and you'll see now he joined so now morris is listed so we're going to grab his input and in about a second there's morris with his awesome webcam that he's got in his house and you see the microsoft team's logo a little bit more pronounced there he's got his hue light going up there in the top corner and i can make him smaller i can make him bigger uh we'll make him the same size as jim we'll kind of squeeze that down right there and then we'll crop him down to be nice and skinny right there but hopefully you're kind of getting what i'm what i've been explaining about like you could build like your little podcast here have your company logo in the corner stuff like that and then you could record using obs you could live stream directly to you know facebook externally live stream to yammer internally if you want to and um get your layout like this morris and jim are just going to talk to each other here about how their day's going and stuff like that that way the active speaker will switch back and forth and we'll talk about the active speaker option where we have this speaker plus slide so again let's go ahead and let's add an image right here and because i've already added this background i can just use it again so boom there's the background we're going to go ahead and make that a little bit smaller so it's not this huge gigantic picture here make it smaller okay that looks pretty good we're gonna lock that in place and then now with ndi source jim or morris if you guys could share your screen that would be great then we would be able to to do that so what we'll call this one is active speaker and now this is like a variable so i hit ok and i could select but before i selected them by name well this time i just want to select the active speaker so that will grab whoever is speaking right now remember back in the days of um of like skype uh you know office communicator was this or well like webex is this way where it would like switch out who was the biggest person on the screen as the active speaker well teams monitors that as well if you're in like a gallery view it'll put like a little box around whoever's speaking if um if you have just their avatar you see like this little purple ring going around well the active speaker is notifying ndi that like this is the person to display no that's the person to display based off of who's talking at the time so if i do that oh there's spencer is the active speaker apparently so now spencer vincent is on here he's got his uh one of his newborn babies he uh just had his wife just had twins um what is it what's been like ten weeks ago now eight or ten weeks ago something like that so there's one of his little guys right there he he went from one boy to three boys all of a sudden so thoughts and prayers for spencer dealing with the chaos in his house but you'll see that he's the active speaker so now no hands on the keyboard uh morris or jim if you guys start talking we should see that automatically swap out so if you guys are hearing me somebody else talk okay morris i see his mouth moving so and now you see that morris flipped around and this also did something funky so notice how spencer was yea big and then when moore started talking he was pretty big but then he got small because of that that variable bit rate that's coming in you know doing like network traffic shaping stuff like that you might notice that the windows jump in size they get bigger or smaller well a way that you can fix that is if i right click i want everybody to fit inside this box i'm going to right click and do transform this is the key if you have it jumping up and down in size transform bounding box if you hit scale to inner bounds right here so select that option and it will stop resizing automatically so if we hit close i wish i had if i was on wi-fi you would see it jumping a lot more because it would be kind of struggling to keep up so now jim is the current active speaker spencer's probably going to swap here in just a second because i see his mouth moving right now um so we're going to grab another one this is the speaker plus scene or plus the slides so we're going to call this screen and the other variable that we have that can swap out based off of who's sharing their screen is this one called shared screen so we're going to go ahead and grab that and hit ok and now you will see morris's window pop up and morris is currently showing in this meeting he's currently showing um a uh a power app that we built he's being a big show off we built a power app internally that we were showing off today in our uh our engineering uh expo that we did where this is how we do our message center updates in microsoft teams is uh we we meet every week we go over every message in the message center i watch the message center show with um daryl and uh and daniel if you guys uh watch them as well i watch that to kind of get like the inside scoop of like what a lot of these things mean and then we talk about them and we take action on each individual item like hey we're going to make a video about this that's just going to be a yammer post hey this thing's coming in october so we need to start testing it that's how we decide what we're going to do so he's showing that off i've got the active speaker in the lower corner and now this could basically just run on autopilot right here now maybe i don't want the active speaker but what i could do is i could add everybody back in here so we got jim he's hardcoded right there i've got ndi source morris he's hard-coded in and he's a little bit bigger because he's got a little bit clearer image there so we'll make him smaller and make him fit right there and then we'll add spencer in here and we'll grab spencer from the list right there hit okay and spencer this is good spencer is actually not showing his camera right now so if the person who's remote who's in your team's meeting if you're pulling them in through ndi and they decide to hide their camera this is what will be displayed you'll get this nice teams logo with these like kind of flying specs coming at you so it's nice because you have something moving on screen it's not just a static image so it doesn't look like it's frozen that's that's something that i really like so i can put spencer down there if he comes back to his camera and turns it on then he'll automatically show up right there and now i'm just going to kind of rearrange these obviously when you're not live on youtube you would spend a little bit more time actually lining these up and making them look good but now this could be my live event i could grab all these well see spencer just got really small morris kind of resized so again we want to go to transform and we want to scale to inner bounds we want to do that for everybody edit transform scale to inner bounds he's already good to go but spencer is not so spencer we're gonna grab him edit transform scale to inner bounds and now he's gonna be locked in to that size right there morris is already locked into that size so i can just make him a little bit smaller and i can kind of have everybody like lined up so this is something you can do today with the likes of um like stream yard allows you to have like this you got three people on the side you got the screen over here well now you can do that with obs and with microsoft teams now another trick that i've done in the past is say i'm going from this panel discussion view she's gonna gotta fix that no i um so say i go from this panel discussion view to speaker slides that fades from one scene to another there's a plug-in that i found that's called the move transition search on the obs forums for the move transition what you can do with that is that gives you something similar to the stream yard look and feel so i'm going to grab a move transition we're going to add that and then i don't know if i need okay so that's a little bit too fast but you kind of get the gist right here if i go to the properties actually let's make this instead of 300 milliseconds let's make this a thousand milliseconds then now it should go a little bit smoother so as you're going from the panel view now you can go to the speaker view and everybody moves just like how stream yard works or you can have it like that and then oh let me show you something on my screen the producer can go there and everybody just kind of slides it's kind of like the morph transition in powerpoint so check that out it's called the move transition in obs yeah andy just said that's like the morph in powerpoint so that's really cool um so there's that that's one of the biggest tricks is make sure that you go into your transform you scale to inner bounds make sure you have the ndi plug-in installed and um and then yeah you just got to be aware that it's going to have this little logo in the upper corner hopefully microsoft will move that around allow you to move it into different corners if you want to i'm hoping that microsoft will allow us to hide it since this is a paid service my personal opinion is that if it's something that enterprises are paying you know a lot of money to have microsoft teams they should be able to turn that off and just use it as like a back-end infrastructure thing for their big corporate live streams it it might mess with their corporate branding and that's not not very good so a couple of comments here let's look at some of these we got pretty the demo gods we we got it working at least on the laptop here so um stuart uh do you work for microsoft stuart i see like dash microsoft so he started playing with it uh with it today i think it's gonna be really big especially for um like podcasts and things like that if we're all remote um what i love about this ndi technology is the fact that you don't have to be on the same local network because now it's enabled in teams you can use teams as that communication backbone and you can bring it in to whatever service you need like facebook live something like that so got stuck on ndi for ages ago for ages today actually i was trying to get meeting content problem was i was the only person in the meeting cool yeah that's uh that's a big trick is that if it's just you you'll only see local um you have to get like other people in so ideally you're the producer running obs and you're not gonna be on screen because you're just going to be behind the scenes making sure the show looks and works good but if you have to use that local source that will be you in this experience so add existing sources makes life easier yeah that does make life a lot easier to to reuse those sources you can also copy a source and then when you paste the source you can duplicate it or you can paste a reference if you paste a reference then it retains those settings from where else the source is at is there a limit to how many people you can have in your panel i haven't found the limit yet but i will say that i tested this we used to use vmix call or technically we do still use vmix call for like our big corporate town halls we're hoping to re to be able to use teams for that because um teams can go higher so vmix i believe was stuck at seven or eight people uh recently we tested with my entire team and our enterprise events team we did 16 people i put all 16 people on the screen and there was no lagging everybody looked nice and crisp everybody had a little microsoft teams logo in the upper corner um and it worked extremely well i haven't pushed it beyond 16 but i'd like to at some point power apps yeah we're doing all kinds of crazy powerapps stuff what great possibilities for for teams in india yeah i think this is really going to it's the missing link that we've wanted like really since march whenever we all went to work from home it was like okay how do we bring multiple people into obs and we've had to look at things like obs ninja look at things like skype creators edition and the biggest challenges around that is many times who you're bringing in is an executive and it's it's a huge pain in the butt to have to try to get an executive to go to a website they've never gone to before and go to this thing called obs ninja or get them to download skype when you when they just started using teams get them to log in like now it can just be teams that you use all day every day so that's like really exciting so uh yeah i'll try this tomorrow with ecamm yeah um that i really want to get ecam at some point uh i'm trying out the the app mmhm if you want an in uh an invite to that let me know on twitter and i've got like five invites that i can share so uh if you want to get in on that it's for mac only right now so okay yeah lots of people saying they're they're going to play with this is there anything that you guys want to see see us do with this uh with this while we've got these guys here on screen i might play with this uh this layout a little bit more here so i've got more as he kind of got squeezed and weird and that's because of this transform what you want to do first is you want to do transform scale to inner bounds then now any transform that you do to it like cropping is going to respect that that setting of scale to inner bounce now i can grab him and kind of crop him in and give her these red lines by just kind of squeezing it together and that's about the same size so he looks pretty good jim mcfarlane he he looks about the right aspect ratio he's just a little bit too big to kind of make him smaller and now what we could do is we could transform center to the screen so uh jim is the is the center of the universe and we can kind of space it out so the three of us are you know looking pretty good on screen like that so um one thing you'll notice actually here's another thing with obs you'll see that only one person is talking so jim and morris are both on screen but jim is the one moving his mouth he's the one talking it might even be my microphone somebody's talking and you see how the audio mixer is bouncing at the same level if you take obs and you send it out this way you're going to end up with audio doubling because what happens is with ndi over teams this was a thing with skype ndi as well it comes in as a combined audio feed so unfortunately i don't have the power to just turn jim down believe morris like turned up because his mic is quieter all i have is the whole mix for the entire meeting so what you want to do is you want to only have one of these audio feeds right here be active so we're just going to mute morris and we're going to say jim is the master feed now i'll only have one audio and over here on speaker plus slides see how if i scroll down there's lots of this you know matched audio going on here so i want to go ahead and just hide that one hide that one so now the only audio coming in is the combined audio coming down jim's feed so a couple pieces of feedback that i would like to like to see change i'd like to be able to turn off the the logo right there and i'd like to see if it's possible to have separated audio discrete audio for each person that way i could add you know noise gating to a specific person or compression to a specific person stuff like that so um any more questions pop up here we got gonna play with this thanks for sharing you're welcome peter uh can you show off the obs feed outputting to teams actually andy i can't unfortunately um because i'm on a mac uh a recent update to microsoft teams they disabled all virtual cameras on the uh the mac app so i can't show that on this screen but if you're on a pc you have two options that i know of there's ndi virtual input and then there's obs virtual camera and basically you install either of those little utilities and that will let you take this if you go to tools ndi output main output that will let you take everything that's in this main output window and that can come out as a virtual camera and then when you go into teams you would be able to bring that in as your camera so instead of selecting your webcam you switch it to uh you know the name of the obs output and when you're looking at the two different ones a lot of people use the virtual camera plug-in personally i would recommend that you go to ndi tools and install the thing called ndi virtual input one because it works on mac or pc and two because um it will take the video and the audio from obs so if you just use the obs virtual camera that doesn't create a virtual microphone so in teams if you're playing music in obs you're not going to hear it in your team's call so that would be kind of kind of the thing to do there between those so i want to ask the same as is output so this is called ndi out according to microsoft and that's because the teams application is outputting everybody as ndi sources so you can pull them in teams what i'm hoping they'll build is something called n which would mean that in microsoft teams you could input some type of ndi thing that's on your network and if that were the case if they were to add that then you wouldn't need a virtual camera plug-in basically all you would need is in obs you would just output this stage really this program output you would send that over out over ndi and teams would theoretically be able to just capture that as a camera input so then you can play your music do all that cool stuff so so yeah it's an output because it's coming out of teams what we're looking for i don't know if there's a user voice for it yet but i would hope that eventually we could get an ndi input into teams and then we'd have the complete package but until then andy um what you can do is i prefer ndi virtual input if you have a windows computer there's actually also let me grab a link from my twitter here from where's he at uh luca luca vitale if i pronounce that right um he published actually this wordpress blog um that explains how to get ndi or how to get like ndi output into teams using those ndi tools called virtual input so there's a blog step by step how to do it for those of you guys who are watching i'm curious how many people are even even in this uh this youtube live right now let's let's go over here get my live event up so there's 25 people on thanks for for watching everybody there's six likes and a lively comment section it's a little bit awkward just talking like quietly in my room by myself i have no idea how how anybody's reacting to any of this so i'm just droning on for for a good hour here um so you could use the the obs output as a virtual webcam project the output on a desktop and grab the desktop in teams so yeah you could do something like that um i have seen people there's what is it called like the ndi scan converter i think it's the ndi scan converter will will open up things like there's windows stuff no that's that's not it maybe it's the ndi monitor ndi video monitor so one thing you could do is you could grab this is the ndi video monitor you could grab this and see there's the name of my mac it's c0 there's obs let me mute my speakers so there is my ndi output so like thomaslaw was saying you could do that you could make it full screen and then share your desktop in teams um that would work i i would imagine the audio is probably not going to be great if you do that um so it's definitely a lot really good to use virtual cameras it just kind of sucks that we can't do it on a mac i really hope that they can work around that soon so morris says he loves ndi ndi's really cool technology it's been around for a long time and uh it's a a i don't know if it's licensed or if it's free i think it's free just provided by um new tech is the company that developed it and kind of made it there's actually a really cool video on youtube with the um the creator or the inventor of ndi talking about like how he created it what new tech's um strategy was for making it available and making it you know the standard that people can use and bake into their products there's a lot of hardware products and there's cameras that have ndi built in so it's really a good standard to kind of um pair with if you can so full screen projector oh yeah that's that's a good point man um so you could not even mess with ndi if you wanted to this is a little trick so say i've got my panel discussion up right here and it's frozen my my team's apps frozen um what you can do is you can do a full screen projector of like the dell right here so there's color lcd that would be this so now i've got there's my ndi or there's my obs projector which is a full screen projector um you hit escape to get back out of it that's something i've done with my xbox so like i've got my my xbox here um i've thought about doing like twitch streaming and stuff like that and what i've done is i've grabbed just like the xbox input right here and done um windowed projector like that and that will grab like just jim and make jim his own window so you can make him full screen and i've thought about like that might be the easiest way to do it as i'm capturing it over elgato i could bring up my xbox full screen and that could be what i'm playing the game on um and because it's an elgato hd 60s plus um there's basically no latency to that so i could play something like modern warfare and not worry about lag cool so i think we're all caught up on on comments here there's a lot of a lot of twitter replies as well thanks everybody who's who shared this as well i'm scrolling through here it's a lot of screenshots of the the youtube window cool so um i think that's about it uh to talk about kind of the big takeaways for me are to enable ndi in teams you need your team's admin to go turn it on in the meeting policies you need the app to be on the latest version and the user who has it applied to them will have to go into settings permissions and turn on ndi whenever they start grabbing ndi sources and that shows up inside of obs when they start accessing those ndi feeds then um a banner will display that says the organizer or someone is using broadcast technology so it does warn them it does let them know that hey their video might be sent somewhere else but that's how you get it enabled be wary of that that banner is going to show there so there's no there's no tricking anybody with this type of technology um and then the three things i'd like to see improved are hopefully we can move that logo around or hide it all together since it's a paid service to microsoft um hopefully eventually we can maybe separate that audio so that we could have you know an actual mixing experience in the meantime make sure that you mute every ndi source except for one of them so you don't end up with audio doubling and then hopefully eventually we'll get an ndi input for teams so that we don't need like virtual cameras and and plug-ins and things like that if teams could build a virtual input for ndi that would be just kind of the the complete package so with that being said uh thanks everybody for watching i really appreciate your time and um let me know in the comments on this video if you're watching this later if you have any questions or if you found something cool that i didn't mention already uh let me know i'm always like excited to check out this cool new stuff so thanks a lot for watching and i'll talk to you all later see ya
Channel: John Moore
Views: 25,807
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Teams, NDI, NewTek, LiveStreaming, Live Events, Microsoft 365, Office 365, Teams, M365, O365, WFH, Event Production, Broadcasting, OBS Studio, OBS
Id: pbN7isTVpO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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