Power Chamfering Tool

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[Music] wait a second let's do something different [Music] ah much better welcome back doc's tools i'm tom so if you like that i'm calling that the the chamfer chaser and common shop problem you know you're milling you're just going about your business in the shop and there's lots of edges to break regularly so you can walk over to the deburring wheel you can use the file or you can build something like this chamfer chaser so let's check it out a little closer and see what it's all about so the short story on this is um this is um a project that i've kind of had on my mind for something like 20 years um anyway it's kind of based loosely on a a pneumatic one that i saw um 20 years ago something like that and said oh that's a good idea but it had a real rinky-dink depth adjustment so i improved that or that was my idea for improving it but um let's uh let's try it out on some some blocks you saw it on this first edge of this aluminum block here i got some steel and i got some plastic here we're not gonna do that one because it's on a plane um but you'll get an idea of uh of how it works and uh actually let's do that let's uh set it up like that you know you can you can set it off on the side of the bench and just so you can go all the way through right or you can just hold it in here let's just do that just hold it in our hand now it's set for kind of a minimal chamfer right now um and you know i'd say that's 10th house something like that maybe um and you know just to knock the edge off so that you can get it back in the vise and not have any burrs that you're clamping on so uh let's uh let's try it again and then i'll show you the adjustment mechanism and we'll do a deeper chamfer on something and then we'll get in nice and close and you guys can get a good look at this thing gotta remember which edges you've done already right that's the hard part so that one's kind of lumpy so let's do a piece of steel okay okay you can see the little chips coming off there now i didn't cut much on this because this the edge of this is a little bit beat up but it did cut it a little so it's got an adjustment mechanism i'm going to bring you in closer and then we're going to do a bigger one on this plastic all right so i adjusted it for pretty uh a pretty hefty chamfer so let's try it here that's pretty good size one right okay actually let's try the aluminum no prob [Music] yeah these are pretty small to hand hold but just go for it yeah no prob actually i think this way would have been i don't know hard to say which way actually that gives a second cut gives a smoother finish in that direction so you can see that it works okay so let's get in close and see how it's built all right let's take this thing apart and you can see the guts of this thing now uh let's save it out first that's easy okay can't hurt me now um i did not i'm sorry but i did not shoot any video of the construction of this it's just one of these uh projects that i decided to uh just kind of build and uh and go for it okay there you can see the cutting tool it's just a three flute uh carbide end mill there okay and this is a cheap drywall trimmer very cheap drywall trimmer 18 volts so um so there's there's the thing right you can kind of see it um and let's break it down a little bit and you guys can see it a little bit better and like i said i did not shoot any video of the construction of it uh i will share the design if people are interested in it um i wanted to test the uh the unit uh and that's you know i've tested it and then i've got some you can see some sharpie marks on here some little modifications that i want to make to make it a little nicer but we'll do those on camera and we'll put it back together and then we'll try it some more so okay all right so let's take the ends off first okay so that's that's a central v block and um let's take that apart too because it's two pieces and it was just easier to make in two pieces and i'll tell you why in a sec okay um what i want to do here and one of the things that we'll do here is i want to cut some some swarf channels in it like that in each side okay i want to cut some little grooves in here that they kind of funnel the uh funnel the chips down into the central groove down there and um and then they get blown out blown out the end blow it out the end okay so let's set that aside and then we got the the main thing here it's got a uh a trap nut assembly here so let's uh see if i can hold on to that oh yeah okay it's a lock nut it's got a little lock nut on it okay right there you can see the lock nut okay it's just a nylock and then here's a fiber washer so what i can do is i can adjust the preload with that against that fiber washer and i can take out all the slack but then it still rotates smoothly without gouging the gouge and the aluminum so that's the the idea behind that so let's uh take that dude off and i got the same thing on the other end here and this is just a stock you know thumb knob um that i got somewhere yeah mcmaster sells them okay there's the there's the nut that was my only screw-up is the nut uh because what was supposed to happen with that is uh i was supposed to just be able to put a hex nut in that slot uh but i cut this i cut this uh the slot a little bit deep um for the clearance diameter that i put there so the nut just rotated so i had to make a new nut that was my only belly bozo so once again you see the uh the fiber washer there okay all right pretty simple piece and what we're going to do is we're going to carve some of that away just to make it a little sleeker knock some chamfers on there okay so we'll take care of that so and then this is a what we call a parallel flexure here and this is the uh what keeps everything nice and straight and provides some um spring return and uh for for the unit and these are just made out of blue steel here blue tempered stock here let's uh let's pop pop these loose here i should [Applause] okay so you can see that you know here's the here's the major pieces of the thing right it's all pretty simple simple simon stuff here and um so i'm gonna knock some little chamfers on there and then i want to knock a chamfer on the back side of that because it's a little sharp radius that stuff out a little bit and then detail these parts real nice actually we'll probably do a little engraving on uh one of those and uh cut some channels in that so let's get let's get to it all right we're gonna use our our little uh angle 45 plates here these are actually really cool for uh for doing uh chamfers here now you can you can attach them to the vise if you want uh they have a um i've shown this before they got a counter bore in them there uh that actually goes into the the mounting screw for the job but unless i got a lot to do i rarely i rarely do that so i just make sure that the uh in fact i probably don't even need this front one but okay oops you know what don't do that mr wizard okay i want it all the way down at the bottom oh you know what it doesn't this one doesn't even matter because it's a single chamfer so uh so i'm just gonna come up and uh and touch off here and [Music] and then come down a particular amount okay so just it just touched the crest there um and i think what i was doing on all these other ones was 100 dow so let's just do that it's not a particularly fussy dimension or anything see you can't champ for the parts for the uh the chamfer chaser uh in the chamfer chaser unless you make two of them i guess okay so that takes care of one of the things and then we'll do this one here let's uh so yeah this one's a little a little harder here it's really got to sit like that which is kind of sub-optimal i don't like that all right i got i'll just i'll do something different on that one i really want to hold it kind of like that right so we'll get another little 45 in there that's pretty good same thing here just gonna come down until [Music] see a little uh a little touch off there let's come down i'm gonna you know what i'm just gonna take it all the way oh this goes well okay all right and then rinse and repeat here [Applause] smaller one on this a little bigger than that let's do 60. [Music] yeah these are you know these are just kind of uh so you don't um hit your you know when you're using the thing you don't hit your uh your knuckles on anything or you know stuff like that right soften some edges [Music] okay all right so now uh i'm gonna figure out how to hold this to do that all right here's how we're gonna do this so i just wanna come up to this vertical edge here and um and then i'm just gonna when this grabs his paper let me turn that over so it's not the sticky side i know that i'm pretty close to that edge pretty close there it goes okay and uh so i'll just zero that that axis and then i'll just kind of whittle away at this i'm sure i'm not gonna hit anything i can safely come up to that zero because i'm you know three thousandths off of that or whatever [Music] uh gotta be careful there's uh there's some business back there that i don't wanna hit so all right let's start oh just a little bit let's go all the way now so you know i established a y dimension when i did this side i had a little scribe mark on there so i set the dro so i know when to stop when i come up here if you're wondering good i'm gonna get a little squeak out of it there i could have slowed it down all right all right so that uh dulled that up a little bit and i'll do a little file deburring on this particular one and you see i got no edge there really to speak of so uh that's kind of what i wanted all right ready to go on the second side you can see the uh the other one down here i'm using it just as a filler block so the jaw stays straight so we're clamped we're all set we're kind of ready to go here let's uh go ahead and do some wack in here i always like to make sure i got the v in the right [Music] [Music] all right nice oh we did all our little detailing work added some uh finishing touches you know a little bit of a little bit of engraving here and there just to spiff things up folks have uh mentioned that uh i don't i don't put maker's marks and stuff uh very often so they're kind of right yeah so i've been trying to do it more okay so here what we're going to do is we're going to go through that into the nut go through the nut i got my fiber washer there and this is just a spacer just to get the knob a little further away from the uh um that bottom there right okay so all the way against the bottom i don't need any pressure on it no fingernails okay fiber washer and then a nylock here run that down so if i'm lucky i'll be able to hold that and then what i'm looking for here is kind of know the right amount of friction on this right and the lock that allows me to tune that and it kind of stays put when you uh it's a little a little too much what i can do is just back that off just to skosh all right i kind of like it okay there's there's the sub assembly okay which way does it go here does it matter i think we want those going that way so okay like that yeah it looks a lot better with the some of that stuff cut away there all right so i think i want to put a little pressure on it this way the flatheads will kind of find their own spot anyway but give a little bit of help hey there and there you can see the that action there right so this is this is keeps everything nice and stiff and then that's the depth adjustment there so that's maximum and that's minimum there okay so let's put mr zim zammer in there so one of the reasons i chose this particular one was because it had this kind of nice round nose on it and it has this kind of uh spring in here this that's pretty cool too that uh i'm gonna use i'm gonna abuse my scale here to get it in there okay and then that runs that all the way down and then we square we square this with the world like that looks pretty good and then this is the the clamp screw that keeps us from from moving and there's our end mill and now we got our swarf channels and we got our spiffy engraving on that end and that end and it actually kind of the way the size works out it kind of almost is vertical here right so this is a a nice attitude to use it in you know when you're when you're running blocks through okay larson blows put the magazine in chamfer chaser 2021 thanks for watching guys [Music] you
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 49,081
Rating: 4.9620295 out of 5
Keywords: Machine work, Toolmaking, Mechanical design, chamfer tool, chamfer chaser, deburring tool, Power deburring, how to deburr machined parts, machined part burr
Id: q4kaXRgUHGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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