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welcome back doc stools on time so what we're doing tonight I get a lot of comments about this silly little tool here this is something I made when I ran a job shop and we used to design a build our own equipment well we had some kind of preferential fastener sizes that we worked with and so I just kind of made this wrench up or this kind of double ended t-handle to deal with a lot of the same size fasteners on a machine when we were doing assembly work or servicing machines or whatever and literally didn't put a lot of thought into it when I yeah when I built it but it's turned out to be like this super handy little tool right and just the you know the ability to to spin it and then get a little torque and then have two sizes and it just kind of works out now I've replaced these blades a couple of times they're silver soldered into the into the handle here and I'll show you how to do all that but there's an opportunity for me to make another one of these and that's what this vise is about here so I bought this new vise here and yes I bought this vise full-price from our buddies over at Marty tool and they had them on sale and free shipping so I got one for my new machine which you guys will see at some point so anyway I gots a couple of bondus you know just the plain blades of Baltic blades which we're gonna silver solder into a new handle and how they're used in this case here this vise is kind of unique and it's got a lot of different kind of features and one of them is you can pop these soft jaws off okay with that size right and then the other one is you can actually remove and reverse these the main job parts here so let's go ahead and do that and that's this size here and you can already see I could have used a little bit extra leverage and then this is on doubt pants so it you you basically push this off like so if I can do it with my fingers yeah looks like it's working okay and then you can actually swap this around so you can have the soft jaws on the inside or you can put Talon jaws in here whatever you want or hard jaws in there so it's kind of universal that way so but it's kind of a couple of the same size fasteners on it so I wanted to make up a dedicated wrench that kind of goes with the vise and stays with the vise where the vise is being used so they always have the tool that I need close at hand and you can't lose the bits so let me go let me show you how we're gonna do the handle and then we'll prepare the parts and we'll put one together all right so the main bits we have to make or this little cross here and what we have here is some this is a it's ten millimeter diameter stainless steel 3/8 diameter stainless for us imperial folks and this one is the cross piece and I've already faced the ends and then rounded the corners I figured I figured I'd do a nicer job than than what I did on the original one that everybody's fascinated with so what we're gonna do a knock up job on this one so I got that and then what we have to do is we have to drill holes in the in these little spuds here so that we can silver braze these these in and what we want is we want to measure the corner dimensions here okay across the the hex part you know to the points and then determine the drill size from that we want this not to wiggle around but we want it to slide in pretty easily that way the solder can flow in there nicely and and then when we if we have to if we these we're out we got to change them you can pull them out kind of by hand when they're you know when you reheat the thing so anyway let's get a couple of drills we'll go over to the lathe and go to town and the nice part first probably we're gonna drill in probably roughly two two or two and a half diameter something like that like that see what that looks like that should be plenty of engagement actually along here I should go ahead and put the radius on that well I'm in the lathe let's go ahead and break that corner I'll get a better shot alright I'm not going to go crazy I'm just gonna break that edge so it's nice [Music] [Music] I've taken the black oxide off of the off of these the bits and then what's out on their so they're just a slip fit in there okay and that's why we're gonna we're gonna braise them in and then so then I also made this this guy here it's a little welding fixture here the idea behind this dude is so that's the welding fixture gets those at a nice ninety they're all at the same relative height and I can clamp these down and then get a nice pretty weld in there and then I can I can bias this one way or the other if I feel like it although I'll probably just go with symmetric they're obviously like that sorry okay anyway so just you know simple Simon alright so I think I'm gonna I'm gonna weld this first I'll take well this first and then we'll silver braze the bits into the cross I'm just gonna clamp these down so they stay nice and flat push those together nice and tight while we get them tacked together looks pretty good [Music] cool up a little bit and I'll flip it over and start my welding on the other side in this case they want to turn it around so I can access that would leave here [Music] so remember you're brushing stainless steel weld so he's helpful to brush him when they're not just after you love them but after they've cooled a little bit but there's still some heat in the in the part the whatever oxide layer forms is a lot easier to brush off when it's warm and when it has a chance to fully cool that over it's almost ready here so I'm just gonna clean these one more time here rinse them out with some alcohol and then I'm using this superior flux this is the the dark high-temperature silver brazing flux and it dries out on you okay so it's kind of a little bit dry right now it's like a kind of a dry pace I'm just gonna put like one tiny drop of some you can use water or some little flash off when you when you start heating it up and make it a little softer paste out of it like so so that's just easier to work with there and then I don't know let's do let's see the big one first so I'm gonna put some flux down the whole kind of coat the inside of the hole and it old-timer you know taught me don't put any flux where you don't want your stuff to flow so that was kind of his rule if you put it on carefully and then you got a better chance of this stuff not not flowing or you don't want it to flow and then he used he used to use like graphite to as a mask to - I'm just gonna spread that on there with me my finger there use graphite from a pencil as kind of a mask to keep flux and and brazing material from flowing where he didn't want it to flow okay so I'm going on there peel a little bit up okay so let's put it in the vise and then get the torch going okay just go in here I'm just gonna hold this down a little bit and then he wants to pop out so we're looking for is a you keep your eye on the flux you know if you've matched your flux to your brazing material then keep an eye on the flux and when the flux you'll see it here in a sack getting close it's getting clear all right it almost disappeared they're kind of turned real clear you know you're there there we go yeah so and then here's this is the hard part is don't touch it right just get off it looks good this quit it like that all right so that's the difference between an apprentice and a journeyman the journeymen knows when to stop well almost always the journey but are the apprentice keeps going and then learns okay there's the finished product there there's the there's the old one that's looking pretty pretty used at this point so I did do a little bit of straightening so that they they spin reasonably well because a lot of times when you're not doing the torque thing you're doing a fast spin here with this with the small diameter right you know when you got a fastener you're giving it the quick 1/2 and then you know give it the grog but there's the there's the freshy it's got a little wobble to it I may these things when they come they're not perfectly straight so don't be alarmed if you buy some of these in there a little bit they have a little bow to them they're not perfect so anyway here's the there's there's the deal spin those in boom and then give it to get with the beans okay alright thanks for watching guys so that's the double I don't know what do we call this thing need a good name for this I just called it a double-ended t-handle before but there's been enough commentary about this thing that it probably deserves a special name [Music]
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 71,958
Rating: 4.9524703 out of 5
Keywords: Tools, Allen Driver, Silver Brazing, Bondhus, Ball tip driver, Orange Vise, Mari Tool, Hand tools
Id: 58TC3axYwPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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