Adjustable V Block P5

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[Music] welcome back ox tools so this is your first visit to my channel i'm tom and a little bit about myself i'm a lifelong metal worker avid tool collector and practitioner of all things mechanical during the day i work for a not so secret government lab doing basically what q does for james bond but it's for our scientific research staff so making sure they have all the tools and widgets they need to do their do their important research so when i'm here at home i work on my own projects and explore a trade that's been very very good to me and part of my responsibility to that trade is to share my knowledge and experience with those folks like yourself out there and try to preserve some of this knowledge for future generations so with that said uh what we got going on today is a continuation of a multi-series or multi-video project so let's take a look at where we're at on that and what the next steps are so what we got today is a continuation of a multi-part video series on building these adjustable v-blocks here and just as a reminder if you want to try building some of these yourself i have the drawings available just shoot me an email and i'll send you the pdfs and you can try making your own so what we got today is we're actually doing the heat treat so they went in the furnace and now we're going to be pulling them out of the furnace our little uh hot shot 360 made by uh bar z industrial and um there'll be a link in the description if you're interested in checking out one of these little furnaces stand makes a nice little furnace and it's reasonably priced so and it works great um so what we're doing today is we're actually going to make this uh we're going to make this knob there's a little bit of lathe work and then what we're going to do is do all the grinding work that's associated with this okay um now you know watching surface grinding is kind of like watching paint dry uh some people like it and some people hate it but uh so i'll try to kind of minimize the uh the uh ra the uh the grinding but the noteworthy grinding on this particular one is uh these grooves here um so there's a couple ways you can do it you can side wheel the these um you know the bottoms obviously pretty straightforward but the sides are the uh the trickier part right um but my surface grinder one of my surface grinders has a unique capability that i'm going to demonstrate for you guys so that'll be interesting so stay tuned for that um let's see what else i don't know i think that's enough talking let's uh let's go do some work and uh uh see if we can get our grind on here yeah come on get in there all right so we're going to create this uh washer surface here hopefully that's throwing it up i think we'll take that in two bites i don't want chatter on that there we go a little better so that's just to keep this uh this from rubbing on the surface of the uh the v block all right and now we're gonna we'll drill and tap i want to get a free countersink out of the deal there [Music] all right it's probably deep enough [Music] all right if you uh go in far enough with the uh with the center drill uh you get kind of a free countersink out of the deal uh ahead of time okay so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna part off part way to make room to do there's a 45 degree angle on here that we're going to do so that's kind of interesting [Applause] it's probably far enough and i'm gonna take a little more uh just to make room for the uh the 45 tool that we're going to jam in there like that all right so what we're looking for here is a particular width at that spot that's pretty easy to measure uh and it's not a it isn't fussy it's just uh let's see where we are here so we're just going to measure that okay so right at we're right at 100 thousandths now we're actually looking for uh uh about 90 there so uh yeah jeez geez tom that's like right at 100 nice shot all right so i'm going to go in another 10 actually i'm going to slow it down because it sounded like it wanted to squeak a little bit and slow it down just uh just to whisk it [Music] like get another measurement here all right so let me get my instrument of slightly higher precision here all right so it's still a little wide according to my calculations here slow down even more okay one more and once again you know this is this kind of a decorative uh a decorative feature come on mr wizard there he goes little oops you know what let's do this differently here this might be an easier way to do this here okay you know what i can live with that yeah i can live with that all right let's call that happy and now we're gonna i have a radius tool for this one side and we'll go ahead and do that [Music] go in just a little [Music] and i think we're just gonna do the other side by hand here otherwise i don't have a tool that's got a 45 degree relief in it like that besides they get another chance to use this file right okay of course i don't have any [Music] give this a good i'm good to polish here [Music] this is gray scotch brite i don't know i have a piece of red here handy [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so here's our little knob blanks here just kind of pop off these burrs here so when you part into a threaded hole sometimes you get kind of this weird uh little spiral thing going on there so okay so now we're gonna we're gonna put these little uh thumb notches in here we're over to the mill for that oh i'm gonna face these off here clean these up a little bit better then we'll we'll put these little flutes in and uh over on the mill all right we're gonna put these finger notches in so i'm gonna try something a little bit um probably risky we'll just call it risky i'm just going to hold this down with a single 1032 in the center remember we're just doing some little some small you know little finger notches like this with a with an end mill um so i think i'm just going to try to hold it down with one uh one screw now 1032s are pretty strong and i'm gonna not be shy on uh cranking that down so let's pick up this let's pick up the center here we'll do eyeball centric first that's pretty good something like that okay and then um we're gonna oops i'm gonna go back down a little more room there we will um indicate it so what i'm going to do here this is kind of speeds things up a little bit this just gives me a little better visual actually it looks pretty bad eyeball that side eyeball that side okay so now what i'm going to do so i don't have a good a particularly good edge to work with so what i'm going to do is just go on that flat like that okay flat like that all right okay let's a little closer here so and that's probably pretty close all right okay and you see i got the uh the indicator tip bent back on itself pretty far there so uh um before i forget zero that okay so then i got some coordinates that i'm gonna go to once again actually you know what i got to do something else first i'm going to set the the bottom there my dro all right seven seventy five and zero okay let's calm that down a little bit all right so here's like i said normally this would not be a good idea but i think the forces are pretty low here um just going nice and easy here all right voila okay and then the next one so foreign so so so oh and the final [Applause] so okay here we go [Applause] um [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay there you go quench your rimmel [Music] [Applause] okay these are all the same thickness i would drop this on here heat sink it but i think okay so we're getting ready to do uh some of the more involved grinding on these now off camera i went ahead and did the the flat stuff and the uh the perpendicular stuff um you know to square these up and whatnot um that's all pretty straightforward and actually frankly kind of boring video uh the more interesting part we'll be doing the the v's and whatnot and in particular on these these internal grooves here with these uh grinding reliefs so we got to grind this surface here and this surface here and hold these little these little uh pesky little blocks here which are a little bit tricky to hold so the kind of sequence of operations is important on on that one to get consistent results but uh let's talk about these first uh so i did these edges and these are parallel and these are perpendicular so basically i have a a square orthogonal shape now to work with so we're going to grind the uh this is the primary v here uh 90 degree v this is our working surface this is less important here this is just a relief um and in fact you kind of can't even see that surface uh but we may dust that off too just uh just to make it look real nice and then the uh our little our little nut ski fits in here so that surface really probably doesn't need to be ground either you know because it's covered up right so anyway that's uh where we're headed and we'll check that out so let's take a look at how we're going to hold those those parts to grind we're just going to do it in a v block actually let me turn it this way so you guys can see well excuse me and the the v block's just nice to and this is a nice v block it's a taft pier so we'll grind this surface here and then we'll flip it around like this and grind this surface so this gives us symmetry again because we're referencing the same edge as long as the block doesn't move but we gotta gotta hang on to that too so i'm gonna use my uh one two three blocks here that are made into a small angle plate and um so this will be on the magnet and then we're just gonna can't twist it on here like so and and come in here and grind and then we'll uh pop that around like that and bob's your uncle and this will all stay on the magnet it won't move um and this resists any forces in this direction and keeps it perpendicular to the world there so simple tools uh don't need anything fancy like a big sign magnet or anything like that and just one two three blocks and a nice v block uh this is common shop stuff that uh everybody should have already so let's uh let's cruise over to the grinder actually you know what uh if i was smart i'd do them both at the same time right um like that and uh kill two birds with one stone in fact that's what we're gonna do let's do that is this clamp big enough yep okay there we go off to the races push those down nice and there we go [Applause] okay all right so we'll adjust the wheel here and then we'll touch off on there and kind of get going um i don't know not much to say this is all locked down i get a parallel behind it here to space it all and keep it all nice and square with the world um and we got clarence clarence going by that now this is a little a little tricky here and do it maybe i uh you know i can flip the setup around a little bit but what i don't want is i don't want the clamp on the back side because there's all this business in here that it's hard to keep track of when you're working from the front so i usually like to have the cant twist coming off of the front and just kind of deal with the uh visibility problem here and you just kind of look in from this end um and it's just less stuff to keep track of uh while you're trying not to screw up okay all right so let's fire this up and let it warm up a little bit now i got my fixed diamond down here and we'll dress this wheel um this is a 60 grit wheel here um i can't remember the specs now i should have looked at it when i before i turned it on anyway 60 grit it's doing a nice finish on this hardened a2 and we're going to run coolant at the same time here on this all right so i think we're ready here uh we haven't i've got my uh uh this direction set here and i got an indicator you can't see it right now so that i can get up real close to this vertical wall uh in my grinding relief and then we're just gonna we're gonna plunge down and then we're gonna grind in that direction uh each time so let's get a touch off going here [Applause] i'm incrementing down until we get a good there we go there's a little uh a little touch all right let's see what that looks like yep all right so let's get some cool in it so i'm gonna come down a little bit so all right okay i didn't quite clean up and for those of you that are wondering i i do have uh there's a uh there's clearance between the top of the uh the v block and that so this is higher than that by a little bit that's a bozo uh waiting to happen there so okay so what i'm going to do is i don't want to use the the power uh traverse to come back to my starting point i'm just gonna come back by hand i'm watching my indicator i'm on zero now okay and then make sure nothing's moved yep okay all right and then i'm gonna come down a little more all right and then we'll come out [Applause] change that step a little bit okay and it looks like a full cleanup to me and that's kind of all i really want i'm going to flip it around and come back to my same number here and and make sure the other side cleans up and if that if it does then we're kind of done with the v there's no particular width requirements for the for the v itself just that they're clean and perpendicular and 90 degrees to one another so let me flip this around let me turn this cool enough my remote control um flip this around and then get set up and we'll do the other side real quick and i'll give you another angle on that [Applause] one [Applause] foreign okay so that one cleaned up in the first pass but we're going to take it down to our our number uh so that we have symmetry or close symmetry uh between the two sides [Applause] all right we're re setting for these guys here um so these are probably the most challenging grinding operation on these adjustable v-blocks because they're not very big they've got some angle features on them radiuses and then you know we want to create some precision surfaces in there so i'm going to start out by by grinding um these faces here and the ones on the chuck uh so that we're nice and parallel and um we got nice clean surfaces to clamp to and uh we're in good shape now these are kind of small um it's probably fine but i'm going to be taking light cuts with this but hey you know nothing too strong ever broke right so we're just gonna block it in okay with a couple of blocks that are a little lower and i kind of trap them and add a little more surface area to the whole uh the whole mess here okay like so okay and then we'll just give it a little tap to vise it up kind of okay and that's pretty good so and then this machine i can i can run flood cooling on so we get nice finishes so we'll we'll grind the we'll grind these parallel and then we're going to move over to the other surface grinder i have two surface grinders and probably work on that internal um the vertical edge in there because i've got the machine kind of set up for that uh which is one of the unique features of that taft pierce grinder so let's grind these little suckers here and uh and yeah i'll show a little bit of this this is you know it's just flat stuff uh nothing nothing radical here so i'll show a little bit of that and then we'll go over to the taft pierce and do the uh do the groove [Music] all right i don't want to mess around here get it done take a little pass coming across the back a nice light path for good finish i decided to cheat a little bit here and do these angled surfaces just on some paper here now this is a ground surface table and i'm just going to take any tool marks out there you can see some little little tool marks there we'll get all that out it it's gonna save a fair amount of time and i can't i can't grind this radius and go around this corner so i have to do some kind of blend there anyway right and it's a lot easier to to do a blend like this right from the flat into that curvature right and do a nice and do a nice blend that way it's easier so i just kind of made a command decision there to uh to finish those surfaces um the same way it doesn't take too long i did one already that was actually the probably the worst one had some tool marks in it that needed to go and see this is coming out nicely so this is 220 grit here and this is 400 grit and i'm changing direction a little bit just so i can see what's going on okay that's pretty good get a linear finish now along the long axis of the of the part so here you see the uh one of the uh the weird advantages of these taft pierce tilting head surface grinders so these machines have the ability to to loosen these bolts here and actually swivel the the whole spindle assembly and get a tilt out of it and what this allows you to do is now you can access internal features uh that you can't normally access uh on a normal surface grinder so what i've done is i've dressed the wheel off you know parallel with the chuck here right and now i got this kind of nice sharp corner and i can reach into that and i'll show you a little closer here reach into that corner and grind conventionally as opposed to grinding with the side of the wheel which is always a little it you know works but uh and this it would be fine for this because this is such a narrow edge right um but i wanted to show this uh this ability of the of the machine oh and i can see that better now um ability of this machine to do that and uh and use it on this particular project now you don't have to do that if you got a normal surface grinder you can stand it up and then relieve the wheel like i showed earlier to grind the grind the uh the side uh side wheel it okay and that works fine but we're gonna do it this way just because uh this is fun to show and uh i don't very often get to do that on this machine so uh let's get a little closer and you can get you can see what the what this wacky setup looks like so there's closer now and um you can see that we're we're right up into that corner there and i've got some parallels on here because i'm a chicken here and these are small parts and um you know you saw me uh machining that little relief and these moved in the magnetic v block on me so i'm i'm going chicken here so what i've done is i've kind of wedged it in there and uh and and tapped these down and got them nice and firm and they shouldn't be able to move i've got some good holding and the other saving grace here is that uh um we're just taking off a little bit we just want to we just want to clean up this little just little tiny flat surface there that's all we got to do and uh and then go to the same number on the other side so we have symmetry and that puts those uh a shade over a half inch between the the two vertical walls and then we grind the v blocks uh to fit that the way we want to we the way we want that fit so let's uh let's try this and see how it works and uh and go from there all right so very carefully here we're going to uh find our z actually now okay i just touched something there oh part yeah seeing what's going on okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna go down a little further here the high spot okay i'm hearing it hit somewhere else now yeah fitting in a couple places look there okay so this one's touching and that one's touching a little bit you know i'm covering that whole surface so i think i'm just gonna um plunge down until i get a i'm just coming down a little at a time here and then letting it grind out all right so that's almost cleaned up there and so same with that one so these two center ones are kind of low it looks like let's just go for it oh yeah we're almost there this one's got a just a smidgen left so yeah i'm liking it that scared me i was looking at something else so you can hear you can hear it there's still a spot that doesn't it's getting close though see there's an interruption in the noise and that's how i can tell that there's just a tiny little spot that's not quite there oh yeah this looks great okay oh yeah well there we go that's pretty close let that kind of spark out a little bit and now okay so it's still got just a faint paper on it [Music] yeah you know what i think i'm going to call that good let's uh zero that z i could go a little more if i wanted to let's go a couple more a couple more tents i just want to make sure the other side clears up too that i go deep enough on this side so that i can have symmetry there's two tents okay now i'm going to step out so i'm moving out of the groove now little steps and okay that's it cool all right let's pop those loose and uh see what it looks like all right let's just get my oh yeah so there's this is what we're looking at this let's see if i can get a good shot of that hopefully so yeah that's that's the edge we just ground right there and it looks pretty sweet i want to keep these together kind of uh um the way they are and keep them this in the same orientation when i flip them over okay there is a touch starting where we were before so hopefully uh this will clean up all right this last operation is pretty straightforward we're going to use a little uh little vise here and what i care about in this case here is i want this surface perpendicular to this surface here right and what we have is we have a width here um plus these grinding reliefs um so that wheel has been dressed on the side so that it's narrower than this slide and we have it centered in the slot so what we're going to do is we're going to plug that in like so and then we're going to stand this vise up like so and make sure this thing's engaged here this thing's always annoying me here okay and then what i want to do is make sure that's everything's flat against the magnet there and then i come down to my stop in fact i'm going to turn the magnet on and hold everything and then snug the vise okay like that okay and then i'll release and i should have a a pretty perpendicular uh you know slot to uh to end okay and then there's my uh my distance out okay and i've come up so let me reframe this shot and then we'll grind that little uh that little flag goes pretty quick [Music] let's put that sucker spark out cause i'm right it i'm right there yep okay all right that's pretty happy yep let me look from the other side make sure you're not missing anything there oh yeah good okay get this out of the way do the last one okay so we're getting down to the uh the last little bits these are looking pretty good huh i'm pretty happy with all that the way it looks and um so now what i want to do here is these are a few thousands wide of fitting in here and so what i want is i ideally i want just a tiny bit of a press fit to to keep them in there there's nothing that makes them want to come out but it's just the nerd in me that wants that to happen so let's try to do that and what i'm going to do first is is get a good measurement of the width of that of that um whatever i milled there the slot so let's do that let's see what we got i think it's my recollection is it's a little undersized all right 7 49 on that one let's see if they're the same and this is a good way to to you know and i've probably said this a million times right it's a good way to measure something because you got full contact there okay 749 and a couple of tents okay so and then let's see what these are 751 okay so uh we're actually looking pretty good here so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to do them on a little bit of paper okay let's move that out of the way i'm just going to do them on a little bit of paper but you know these are pretty narrow so uh i think what i'm going to do i already thought about this big surprise huh is i'm going to put them together like so i don't have any surface plate to work with here kind of smoosh them together get them nice and tight so now what i've done what i've done i don't like that something a little better see there's a little bit of there's a little bit of vertical wiggle okay so what i want to do is reference them vertically like that this is where you need three hands right like so all right oh yeah okay let's do both sides yeah i don't know how fast it's going to go here but it's pretty easy to monitor all right yeah okay and this this gives me just a little wider stance so it's easy i can feel it and keep it flat on on the plate while i'm grinding away okay yeah i forgot my i forgot my number yeah that's why you write stuff down old man all right that's why you write stuff down so you don't have to remember because you can't remember seven four nine okay all right so how about that all right so when we get when we get kind of close to that well stop i can measure both at the same time okay good okay so i'm right there all right let me uh let me get these and then we'll we'll press them in there yeah i wish i would have looked a little more on these i think these uh and you can kind of see it in there is they uh they bowed a little in heat treating so uh i probably if i left a few thousands on them i probably should have left i don't know maybe i don't know more than more than three but uh five or eight something like that would have been probably better we'll see i mean uh this is the uh the fit in the slot so um i need a little bit of clearance in there but you know the super the super nerd bus master really wants a gauge fit in there even though that's not what it wants uh it has to be a running fit so there has to be some clearance so hopefully uh we haven't screwed the pooch here we'll see so i don't know we're like a thou and a half below what i thought i wanted but uh i haven't tried them in the uh in the slot to uh okay that cleaned up there so i'm gonna stop quit it all right now the question is do i want to do those probably so to do to do skinny edges like this and i stack it up with a uh [Music] a one two three block like this just to give me a little more uh let's just go for it a little more uh purchase there oh yeah [Music] or it kind of squares it i should say yeah i like that let's do the bottom that's the thing [Music] okay let's go back to mr first one [Music] uh [Music] all right hey sweet champers and then they intersect in the corners just beautifully so we're doing the final assembly now and uh it's pretty good i'm pretty happy with it so one thing i kind of don't like you know it's got these socket heads underneath here right and um so you know to get a nice smooth fit these these have a little bit of i would say wiggle to them in the in the counter boards now these are these are fairly close fitting counter bores um but what i did was you know i tightened them up and so when you tighten them up they they tend to turn a little bit you know everything's so so close right that it wants to bind so what i ended up doing was just kind of tapping them around a little bit and until i got basically no play and a nice a nice smooth action so um yeah what would i do different there um good question um i might well i don't know what would i do um i'd have to think about it and you know maybe a key in the bottom of this or something like that so that it's oriented it's kind of a fixed orientation or maybe a little step or shoulder or something like that so that it lines up on something i i don't know it probably doesn't make that much difference i'm just commenting out loud so the last thing is to is to put these uh um the nuts in and um so i'm gonna use this little actually you know what we're gonna go over to the mill and uh we're gonna basically put this in a chuck and then press this down in uh it's got a little a little bit of an interference fit and so we'll do that over in the middle all right let's give this a try here the way the sun is i have to film from this opposite side here so i'm trying to all right chuck's not grabbing hard enough there there it goes come on there it goes okay and then i think what i want to do is give it a little squeeze that way and make sure that it's good okay that looks pretty good let's try that again i won't uh run it through so much this time it's one a little nubbin on on the other side to the pilots and the in the uh okay okay and this sideways alignment here all right cool all right let's go drop those puppies in and see what uh what it looks like all right there they are so i'm pretty happy with them i hear it's going up and there it's going down i um i had to i shortened the screws a little bit because they were um they were hitting the end of the hole so i didn't check the length of the screws so i just sanded off about an eighth of an inch so um i don't know they came out pretty good i decided not to grind that i just sandblasted that so that's my uh my uh homage homage to my little boo-boo there so this is a reminder of uh that these aren't so precious that they can't have a little a little blemish in them so anyway uh it's a lot of fun to build this i hope you guys enjoyed the series and just a reminder if you would like to build a set for yourself just email me okay and and i'll send you the pdfs okay um they're not on my website um they're not attached to anything connected to youtube so just shoot me an email introduce yourself and uh and i'll shoot you the uh the pdfs and you can uh you can make a set for yourself fun little project uh lots of little operations and uh um and you end up with kind of a nice tool honestly you probably don't need a pair you could probably just make one but i made two so uh there it is um i don't know what do you guys think i i think they came out pretty good so i'm pretty happy with the uh with the way they came out and uh i might so this is the hard part right getting this back in there we go cool all right anyway i hope you enjoyed the series and uh plenty more where this came from i got uh notebooks full of goodies like this so um if you think i earned a uh a subscription uh hit me up man subscribe and um click on some of those ads do me a favor would you okay talk to you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 51,236
Rating: 4.9765396 out of 5
Keywords: surface grinding, How to grind, toolmaking, vblock, v-block, v block, machine work, precision engineering, toolsteel, A2 steel, Heat treating, Hotshot furnace, hotshot 360, Barz industrial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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