This $88 Tool Will Change Your Metal Work Forever!

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At the 2:20 mark the narrator describes the method for setting the zero mark using a set screw and then says: "I'm just kinda setting it by eye because there's no good way for me to reference anything off of that and I don't work in metric."


I looked for comments from viewers in response to the narrator's dismissal of the metric system and found three, all supporting metric:

– "I don't work in metric" That's how you limit yourself.

– Why would i listen to someone who just blows off metric ?

– You don't work in metric? Such a rebel. I'm so impressed. I want to be just like you - ignorant.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/klystron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a tool

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cooldash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey i'm chris zepp for make everything and today i'm going to be showing you an 88 tool that'll absolutely change the way you work in your metal shop and the quality of the products you produce check it out all right so the tool i'm going to be talking about today is this little pneumatic edge beveler or chamfering tool now essentially this is just a little air driven grinder that has a 45 degree cutter on the end a pilot bearing and some carbide inserts very similar to what you would see on a small metal leaf now when i bought this i bought it off of a photo from amazon didn't have any reviews and honestly i didn't realize it was going to be this tiny but it's great it fits in your hand really well it's adjustable speed you can adjust where the air comes out of it and overall it's awesome either for a chamfering for a cosmetic look or for a beveling for weld preparation this thing is great so i'll bring you in tight show you some of the details of it and how to adjust it and then i'll show you how well it works so you don't get much in the package with this thing uh you get a tool to take the carbide inserts off and a tool to adjust this collar like i said it's a very very tiny little tool and back here you can adjust where the air comes out of it which is kind of nice if you don't want it like kind of blowing in your face and you can adjust the speed of the tool right there by adjusting that little knob so this collar is adjustable with these two set screws and you can loosen these and then this collar basically threads off now that's how you're going to adjust how much of a chamfer you're cutting on your piece now if we unscrew it all the way we can see the actual carbide cutter in there so looking at the little carbide cutters in there like i said they're triangular essentially lathe cutting tools i did find a source for replacements online as well amazon has them and it's about 30 bucks for six inserts so you get three changes and each one of these since it's a triangle you actually have three cutting edges on it one of the things that i am concerned with wearing out though is this bearing it already feels pretty loose and i'm not really sure how i'm going to get another one of those if that thing dies but we'll see how it goes so you thread this piece back on and if you wanted to try to get a exact bevel height using this little scale you would have to bring this down and zero it then there's a set screw there you could loosen it and move it around i'm just kind of setting it by eye because there's really no good way for me to reference anything off of that and i don't work in metrics so it's got potential to allow you to get repeatable chamfers if you wind up setting and resetting it so right now i'm just going to set it down uh to a small chamfer and we can give it a shot this little key that comes with it is like a mini torx and this will take the carbide inserts off so don't lose this now something to note this thing is loud and it throws really sharp metal chips off of this cutter so when you're using a tool like this you want to really protect your face wear a face shield and you want to protect your hands because these little carbide cutters do a great job of making very very sharp chips i also usually wear an apron when i'm using a tool like this just because i try to keep those little chips out of my clothes so i don't track them into my house or out of the shop so here's a typical piece of plate off of my plasma table now this is this was a base plate that i scrapped and i cut some other pieces out of it but i think this will be a good example of how you could do insides of parts or outsides of parts using this now what you see on the table here is a magnetic chuck this was from an old surface grinder that i picked up and i use this to descale parts off the plasma table these things are awesome because as you can see i can slide this plate around but if i engage this lever on the back side that plate's locked in and this thing is heavy it's probably about 65 pounds so it doesn't really move around on the table unless i wanted to so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to use my angle grinder to prep the back of this so i get a good grab and then we'll hit it with the beveler all right so now that i've taken some of the burrs off the back side of this plate it's pretty flat so i can clamp it down and then we'll use this tool to put a little bevel on these inside corners [Applause] so in just those few seconds i was able to get a really nice bevel on the inside of this part and one of the things to remember too is that this is a plasma cut part and a lot of times when you cut with the plasma cutter there's a nitride layer that builds up from the intense heat and cooling and it can be very difficult to break through so without any issue at all i was able to cut this chamfer in using this piece and as you can see you know it's very very fast and very controlled now that's a pretty small bevel we could make it larger but what i'm looking for here is i want to make sure my bearing doesn't touch my magnetic plate and that's what's nice about this too is considering that the bearing is so small you're actually able to get nice and close and you can bevel on a magnetic table like this or if you didn't have a magnetic table you could hold this down and just run this tool around it so let's do the inside of one of these holes so you can see how that looks so you can see look at how nice of a bevel that put on there you know and you could accomplish this this with a countersink but if you didn't have a countersink that size this hole was very large you wouldn't be able to do that so i'll do an outside corner and then we'll move to some other applications where you could use this thing now i know most people aren't going to have a magnetic chuck like this so i'll show you how you can also use it just hand held i'll use this edge as an example and i'm just going to rip this edge beveled in and you can see how you don't really even need to get too crazy with clamping of this thing because this cutter being so small doesn't really put too much force on it obviously the more rigid to set up the better though you can probably hear my compressor running in the background so you know obviously this thing is using air i have an 80 gallon compressor so you're going to want to you know have a compressor that's large enough for you to use air tools on but that's a really really nice consistent bevel in just a couple of seconds so here's another great application this is a piece of eighth inch wall tubing and i drilled a hole in this using a hole saw now there's a pretty good little burr on it and if i wanted this to look really cleaned and refined i don't have a countersink that will bevel that edge so we can use this to easily put a nice bevel on there now the thing to remember though is that you are relying on this bearing so like in this instance i had a weird little burr inside that hole so it did kind of move around but in the end it's a very nice clean cut and if we wanted to let's say this was some sort of a finished piece we could easily bevel around this edge as well so another application i'll show you my last one is just on a piece of tubing this this is 120 wall tubing it's got a little bit of a sharp burr on it that i'll take off with the grinder and then i'll show you how we could use the beveler to gut around that edge as well so really fast consistent chamfer on that piece so i showed you some test pieces on how we can use that tool but just for a quick practical stance these are some bike racks that will be in an upcoming video that i just finished they're going out to paint now now when i made this one it's shaped like a heart and i wanted to make sure that it had proper support underneath it so i made some gussets on the plasma table and then to kind of jazz them up and just make them look nicer i use the chamfer tool to dress all the edges and i also address the edges of the plates that these are welded to so i'll take you in close and you can see how those look all right so that about does it for this little video on this little product so like i said right now you can get one of these for 88 on amazon there's a couple of other models on there as well they all look exactly the same and they probably all are some of them come with an extra set of carbide cutters which might be worth it um the pack of carbide cutters that this particular manufacturer recommends is 28 bucks and it's for six cutters so now if each cutter has three sides you're gonna get three basically light lives out of each set of cutters so if you figure the set that comes with it and then three additional sets you're gonna have 12 set cutting edges that you'd be able to use i think 12 sets of these would last a pretty long time i haven't been gentle on these cutting edges so far and they look pretty good you know the thing about these types of carbide cutting edges too is that they're probably not going to get dull they're likely just going to chip and break so you're going to know when you need to flip the cutter around and use a new cutting side so anyway as always there'll be a link where you can check this thing out and purchase it in the description through amazon look around for these if you have any questions please leave them down below if you have experience with these and maybe you have some tips on how to make them last longer or maybe there's a better carbide cutter you could recommend please leave those down below as well the first time i spoke about this was over on my instagram which you can follow right here at make everything shop i got a ton of great feedback on it so i thought i'd jump on here and make a video to share this with a broader audience so i hope you enjoyed this if you want to see more videos like this more videos about tools and videos in the shop be sure to subscribe to my channel right here i've got a couple upcoming videos one on drilling metal i've got these bike racks and a few other great projects that i hope you're here to watch i hope you enjoyed this again i am chris zepp for make everything and i will see you on the next one thanks oh i just went deaf
Channel: Make Everything
Views: 448,779
Rating: 4.9286981 out of 5
Keywords: make, metal shop, amazing metal working tool, how to grind metal, edge beveling tool, chinese edge beveling tool, pneumatic edge beveling tool, chamfering tool, how to chamfer metal, how to weld, how to do it, magnetic chuck, how to finish plasma cut parts, how to cut metal, how to sand metal, small business, fabrication shop, metal working tools, cheap metal working tool, how to make, how to make metal art
Id: Ak747RzFUa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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