"Pour It Out, Throw It Down" Vesta Mangun BOTT 1994

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she's the cloud that's always got rain in it the Sun that never stops shining the fountain that's always got one more drink in it she just never runs dry and that's why in this because of the times after years and years and years of all of us sitting at the feet of Vesta Mangan to hear God's eternal truths we have come again and fill this auditorium to hear the senior pastor's wife from the Pentecostals of Alexandria welcomed her in the name of Jesus Christ I love everybody in this room but after last night and this morning I will love you better we need a baptism of love - absolutely wash us and cleanse us motivate us and challenge us and Mike we will be changed we will be changed Thank You Anthony thank you Mike thank you brother ocean thank you brother McCool today will be an epic ille de but because of the times we are at the crossroads this will be a revolutionary because of the times say I'm ready say I'm real ready I want you to give God Almighty your total beating right now in worship I love you he loves you today do it better than that clap your hands all you people with a boss of triumph hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated such a delight to be with you I'm just surprised that we're still here aren't you I'm just surprised that we're still here because of the times 94 we come to reaffirm however that we will occupy until he comes we will prepare for a sovereign move of God we will prepare for unlimited miracles and we are preparing for the greatest revival since Pentecost tucked away in 2nd Kings chapter 4 is one of my favorites of all of the Old Testament stories it is the story of a widow of a preacher as usual she is bankrupt and her creditors are threatening to take her two sons as slaves but when she didn't know what to do she knew where to go and that's the only thing that saved this little widow she knew where to go she knew where to turn but so many don't know and many have no place to go she goes to Elisha God's prophet with the prophetic utterance and every city needs that kind of a church every city needs a center of victory with the prophetic utterance with the prophetic people for these prophetic times and none of us can relax until every city in America has a thriving Pentecostal Jesus name one God Holy Ghost prophetic church we can't emphasize that too much it's the only answer did you hear me it's the only answer and if you're in a city and you don't have that kind of church we're here after you and you're here after it Elijah said what shall I do for you I don't have the answer you have the answer what have you got in your house and she said nothing and I'm glad she didn't stop there nothing except a jar of oil and Elijah said little widow that's the miracle in your house today because of the times 90 for any one of you could be the miracle in this house today you can't look at anybody and say I don't have the resources because you got something and whatever that something is can be the miracle in your house today and in life just said you've got to do something first you've got to go borrow vessels and not a few take your little jar of oil pour it out into the vessels and you know the miracle as she poured it out say that with me say ass as she poured it out the oil just kept flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing and she was the only limit to her flowing oil always in God's book in this book any time that anybody faced a need when they gave their all and I'm gonna rely on theirs folks I'm not going to get in a rush if I run out of time I'll just quit because it's in this book if I'll give it all all all I got and that drives me every day if I'll give all I got you will never be able to house what God will do for every one of you in this always as man met mammoth problems when he gave his all God poured out pressed down running over say exceeding abundantly how bad do you want it give you a little oil pour it all out here today the little lads lunch with us with a little little little little fed the hungry multitudes twelve baskets full left over always over and beyond what we're able to even think or ask it's God's inexorable law of dynamics it's an axiom as sure as gravity you pour it out and God said I'll pour it in when you pour out your little I'll give you my much I challenge you here today to pour out your life pour out your life pour out your life pour out your all pour it out to God in Exodus chapter 4 is another interesting passage of scripture the Lord said unto Moses Moses what is that in your hand and he said a rod then God said just throw it down now wrapped up in those three little words that I want to deal with today you'll find the dynamics of the law for a sovereign move of God for unlimited miracles for greater revival than Pentecost in those three little words say pour it out say throw it down and we'll see it and until we do it we're not going to have it no matter who you hear preach and how good then preach and all we can say about each other until we decide here today hallelujah to pour it out so pour it out come on I'm not going to get in a rush you gotta pour it out the man said break it if it isn't you break it if you're not broken broken so we can pour it out now when we pour out and throw down we release to God when we pour out we released to him and then we have unlimited miracles and possibilities that defies my being able to tell you for you see we are the double portion generation don't forget that live with that when you wake up every day we're going to be the double portion people my church has got a double portion come into it say every day every day it has to become a lifestyle we are the people with the promise that this latter house shall be greater than the former house anybody believe that shout it louder than that you got to get with me you got to believe this say the latter house it's going to be greater than the former house we are the people with the promise that the former rain would be moderate compared to this latter rain three thousand five thousand they multiplied we are the church triumphant with the keys the key of knowledge taken from the Jews given to us we've got the key of knowledge we've got the key to the kingdom of heaven whatever we bind on this earth shall be whatever we lose on this shall be loosed in say I believe that and so we are the Lord's people and he told us even by his own words the gates of Hell shall not be able to stand against you I don't believe we believe that Judge nothing can stand in the church path that is a Bible back guarantee to a victorious miraculous productive future second Chronicles 7:14 is God's irrevocable law of dynamics if my people will pour it out if my people will throw it down if my people will dig the ditches I will move sovereignly then and I will work the work in your days which if you saw it you and believe it and if you heard it you wouldn't believe it God's get ready to do that for some people and if this is not the people God's going to have a people that he's going to move with sovereignly God longs to bring us into his glory ordained for us before the world was begun but somebody has got to want desperately enough say to pour it out and throw it down somebody's got to care this country is going to hell Pale Male this nation is going to hell does anybody here care enough to pour it out and throw it down does anybody care that their city is going to hell does anybody care that their family is lost does anybody want to pour it out pull it out pull it out does anybody care your city is going to hell they throw it down pour it out I've got to care more than I cared when I came here I've got to care more than are clears when I got here if we give all pour it out nothing save a pot of oil that's the starting point of a miracle and until we give it all folks we just might as well make up our mind stop right here no need to preach any further you've got to be a people that gives your all if you're preachin is wife you've got to get up and pour it out you got to pour it out every day you've got to give it every day you've got to throw it down every day you've got I'll become a castaway it'll become barren it'll be nothing but I hear Center my word you ain't nobody only what God made you pull it out throw it down until you give all poured out we will not see that great promised revival for this generation we're kidding ourselves folks I know what I'm feeling I'm up against an invincible imponderable something I'm telling you I'm up against it and until that gets changed in our mind I'm not trying to impress you or let them call me a great speaker because I couldn't give a rip about all of that I'm just telling you what we're facing right here today wings out and Holland screaming don't want to but somebody's got to make up their mind here today I'm going for it out you got to give all folks you ain't here long enough to do nothing else you got to give it all Nutkin can be used for God if you hold on to it pour it out little widow for your two sons they pour it out for your family state pour it out point out preacher for your family's thinking for your church think and for your cities think what do people go like that all I got this morning my husband's having a heart attack over here in the motel could you get somebody to come pray for us where do they go in cities where there's no church where do they go when they can't find a preacher you got to do something with me here today folks you got to see what I'm seeing and feel what I'm feeling we got to get on deck we got to be the answer we got to be the remedy we got to be the salt in the water in the bread we got to be the cure we got to pour this thing out we got to get serious about it we got to have a church where people can go and get healing in health and deliverance somebody's going to stand before I get through and say I'm going to be that mirror somebody's gonna Standish that I'm gonna do something for God like I ain't never done in all my life somebody's going to say I'm gonna build a greater Church I'm gonna capture my city for God I'm gonna change I'm gonna pour it out every day maybe seated but I want you to shout at me again say pour it out every day somewhere you better get behind closed doors and start pulling out your little oil are you gonna get the more oil pour it in you ain't gonna have no revival you're not going to have special miracles you're not going to have what we're supposed to have we got a little dab here but it ain't what God wants to do for every miracle not one exception in this book began upon the platform of a need or a problem you ain't got one come see me I'll share mine with you say there is a demand apparent no supply except for a miracle I need a miracle today I'm not going to get that miracle until I pour down you hear me you're not going to build that church sir till you pour it out I'm not kind I don't want to be as ruthless I mean it but folks we need somebody screaming at us every day get up from there get up from there and do some work for it out get up from there go to loving people get up from there and turn your cellphone's on out get up from there you ain't got long to live get up from there and do what you know you ought to do if you're called to preach eat cornbread drink banks water you're a lucky man to get to preach this through now you've come here run out run out patience gone your desire your burden your vision your motivation your commitment your wont to has got up and gone fatigue is overwhelm just circumstances have demanded more than you can handle you find yourself bankrupt in more ways than one you have a need and you can't meet it you have a problem and you can't solve it there's a demand and you can't supply it and nothing seems to make sense at all you're waiting for a miracle but that miracle is waiting for every one of you and that miracle is prayer and until you pour it out sir ma'am ladies and gentlemen you're not going to get that miracle you're not going to get it now that's all you need to hear today say if I won't it come on and screaming at me what have I been talking about say I've got a pour it out come on and say it until it gets in your noggin I've got to pour out something you on this first sale because of the times 94 I've come to tell you the set the Lord poured out if you will God said I will but God wants your total life God wants your gifts God wants your time God wants your love God wants your devotion he won't you all he wants your unstinting service gladly and willingly God wants your ministry God want your desire to achieve God wants your motivation God wants everything you've got he wants to be your total source and he may strip every one of us until he is our total source because he's got miracles galore that we've never even thought of or even imagined see I believe every bit of that if this room here today and it's a good crowd but folks there ought to be Millions I'm telling you I see I hear I feel we ought to be pouring out till God would move so sovereignly are you hearing me there's a sovereign move of God waiting for us but not until we pour out say pour out screen it by the Pew screen it by the tree card out pour down pour down scream it out there Oh and if you will say rivers in flowing power rivers rivers rivers rivers oh and we're not going to do for God what we've got to do just face it until we pour it out we're not going to reap the harvest of this generation until we give our utmost for his highest scene I believe all of that and I want you to look at me I don't believe my own advertisement because I'm not doing what I want to do yet I'm not doing it but I'm gonna tell you what will work if you'll give it our heart I mean hold nothing in reserve hold nothing on nothing we've come to the gates of Canaan but we've never entered in we've come to the very threshold but we perish in unbelief of sin we've been to because of the times before we're coming to the place two ways Part one leads to the land of promise and one to a hardened heart what's that the Lord shall I do for thee what hast thou in thine house pour it out in trust the totality of yourself in your possessions your children your family your church your ministry your material blessings and your assets your gifts your abilities your job your position and honors your personality entrusted all to him he is the sole possessor of all you formerly held title to he is your total source it was all his from the start this past September we celebrated our 50th anniversary this pastor and this church so celebrated that event hilariously and this church stood here and said we want to give you a retirement ask Daryl day before yesterday I said where is the retirement he said well I'm not ready to retire yet said that they're still they will be working on that I said Gerald if something happens to you I won't have a retirement oh yes you will they'll go ahead and finish it I said well that was more than a little act up there that night they wanted us to have a retirement he said but I'm not ready to retire and that may involve me retire and I'm not ready to retire poor lout what will you do with your little three score in ten years if you're lucky what are you gonna do with them I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna finish pouring it out I'm gonna love souls and I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna learn this Bible better than I've ever known it if I'm incarcerated with an informed aged parent I'll just know this Bible better devil I'll just know everything I'm doing I'm gonna do it better because I don't have a threescore in ten years and they're just about to run out on me my time is incredibly short my energy is depleting I've just a little jar of oil left I'm gonna pour out my oil I'm gonna give the rest of my all Anthony I'm gonna give the rest of my strength a little bit of sense I got this is don't get it all of my eggs is going into this basket everything I got Jeff's going in this basket I don't care about nothing else and never didn't take much to make me happy it don't take much to make me happy now our souls say Souls say prayer studying the word imparting it reaching people I don't need much else it doesn't take much if you'll say pour it out hallelujah David said now so when I'm old and great headed Oh God forsake me not until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation and our power to everyone that's gonna come on in behind me that's my prayer Lord you can take me right after I get through showing your strength because if you'll pour it out just be remembered in somebody that gave their all stuck at all at Calvary and see what he won't do for you ma'am sir you don't want to clap your hands over that one I'm talking to you you got to pour it out pour it out that cannot rest I cannot rest yet say this is not my rest I'm reaching for true adventure in God I press I strive I run I seek I desire I follow own the God that I serve is on the move always progressing he's always going somewhere and I'm going with him two thirds of the word God is Go Go Go that consumes me day and night more an ounce 68 than it did at 28 I plead with you today give it all you ain't got long to give it ma'am give it all you won't have nothing left else wonder if they got enough they give it all are you hearing me will you hear me will you pour it out by the Baker who you're trying to give it all will you get up every day saying I'm gonna go behind closed doors I'm a poor liar come on poor Lyle I'm aboard is this more than a profession yes it is called his family played all night the other night had a serious decision to make he said I learned that when they carried me to the church and they prayed all night settle the matter we need some all-night prayer meetings we need somebody pouring out oh well I'm not getting oh very much mm-hmm no come on folks you just raise your hands right now and say let that hit me right square dab in the eyes let that hit me say I'm gonna I've come here today to pour it out this is more than a profession say it's a lifestyle you are in this to pour out the great ocean is in constant state of evaporation it gives back what it receives and sends up its waters in mystic gather into clouds and so there is rain for earth and greenness and beauty and everywhere but there are far too many who do not believe in evaporation that's one of those Berenice they got all they could get and they kept all they got and so there is no fertilizing but only stagnant Mies manic pools God can give us a great many things that we do not wish but he cannot give us his best unless we deserve it unless we measure the reality and intensity of our desire and then you measure your capacity about that as the atmosphere rushes into a vacuum so God's power and blessings flows into a measure in which you desire him how bad do you want him here today how about you desire him did you come to get it what are you going to get it say when I pour it out and when I do storage you give him your all give me a little bit of meal widow and her bear or was never empty is that in the Bible say that goes for me giving my little or give him a little in there an effort it'll never run out it'll never run out at the marriage feast in Cana say as they pour it out what's that say as they pour it out the water was turned into wine as Jesus pointed out he was transfigured his countenance was changed as he poured it out as the 120 poured it out for seven to ten days suddenly Pentecost anybody wanted Pentecost how bad do you want it would you pour it out for seven to ten days don't just call this preaching just say I gotta get that at the lodge and Elijah still went on pouring out behold a chariot of fire and horses of fire from somewhere they came as they last reported out the eyes of his servant was open and he saw the mountains full of horses and chariots and fire roundabout they came from somewhere I'm expecting as I pour out anything to happen for me so brokenhearted parent you're the channel because our our adequacy is the means of the miracle you are the channel he's the total source if you're a parent and brokenhearted pour it out if you're a discouraged preacher here today as you pour it out revive what's going to happen to astound you go ahead and clap your hands about God said prove me say prove me I give you a dare I dare you to prove me and see if I would if you pour out I'll pour you out a blessing you cannot even receive I don't believe you believe it Elijah said to joash the king Oh thou should have stuff smitten five or six times you should have poured it out more and you're pouring it out then you would have consumed Syria you should have just kept at it preacher you are now penalized because you determine the limit of your miracle by however more cheap or at the magnitude of our resources swells to the proportions of his riches in glory I want that but I'll never get it wishing and longing and dreaming I gotta pour it on I'm not broken to pour it out if I'm not broken to pour it out you've got to give up the seed to get the harvest and a bumper crop won't come with just one seed you got to pour it out tell little see you sell a little oil a little meal a little wrong a little clown a little nail a little ox code a little maid a little ad with lunch a little alabaster box two little mites and a little Jew dressed in prison garb hungry thirsty weary sick body rocked in pain from beatings and stonings scourging shipwreck nakedness and sword with a 195 marks livid marks on his body from lictors lash and he said I can't at all say I cut it off i'ma pour it all out it's dumb that's dumb all of your profession is done all you got is dumb I had got nothing but dung and he said I count it all it's dumb and I'm gonna pour out my dog pour it all out his dung in exchange for what Paul the excellency of the knowledge of the unsearchable riches of Christ say in so doing he saved the then-known world shook the roman empire crumbled it a little hunchback store a Jew who poured out his little jar of oil stripped for the race and said I press I poured out a press toward the mark abraham drew near to God pleaded it out launched spared Isaac spared seed as the sand of the seashore as the stars of heaven anybody won't that evidently evidently okay you got to pour it out Moses stood between a wrathful God and ascending Israel interceded it out Israel's were spared say Jacob wrestled it out power with God and with me and how bad do you want it are you hearing me Hannah Hannah poured out her bitterness of soul so that the barren hath born Samuel yay and six more and she that hath many children is wrenched people I can get ahead of everybody in this world found you pour down they got no crowd we can't get if I'll just pour it out I just poured out dr. Jack one of somebody boy yes pull it out give it all your God clothes God can't believe it I believe dangoty wait you may be seated we ain't seen nothing yet Rachel cried it out give me children or I died she broke Baroness and became the mother of Joseph and Benjamin Joshua marched it out for days and the walls fell flat anybody want that how bad do you want it Gideon just poured his 32,000 army out and routed routed the Midianites with just 300 anybody won't that Jesus poured out his soul even unto death the counterpart of which is Pentecost anybody want that he didn't attempt to make an exhibit of his life and saved me and thereby he was no exhibitionist it would take more than a human life to save this sinful world even he must throw it down and pour it Anna please understand it is when love is poured out that the slums are purged and churches are built and schools and orphanages and the like it is love poured out that's given bread to the hungry and clothe the naked is given the Bible to Nations it has launched the lifeboat to the parachute it has taken the product or by the right hand and opened the door for penance to the harlot and the thief it was love poured out that sent Livingstone and Kerry and Judson Taylor to the far-flung harvest fields poured out today poured out missionaries pastors I'm not screaming at you but just come on make up your mind I'm gonna do something different when I leave here more pour it out I'm not gonna get discouraged not to the point everybody wants to quit Jeremiah did Moses dead Abraham wanted to everybody that was ever successful wanted to quit don't tell me they didn't indeed I wanted to take a slow boat to China I want to go to New York I don't mean by that that I'm successful but I'm telling you everybody wants to quit but you got to get up the next day and say I hate equipment there's fire in me you may be seated pour out love because love never fails pour out mercy because you may need it not maybe you will need it the best you have it and weep over instead of gloating over it and rejoicing over it be better be better pour out forgiveness if you won't forgiveness because if you don't forgive you ain't gonna get none and everybody in here needs forgiveness so you better pour it out I challenge you today to pour it out now Moses what is that in thine hand look at me say Oh rod throw it down Moses threw it down and it immediately became arriving his external hissing serpent hear me everything which we have not thrown down before the Lord the nature of the serpent is in it and until you decide at this compass to throw the wrong till you decide here today to throw the rod there's a serpent in every one of them and they may not be hissing and riding at you today but you don't dare cross them real real good but until you throw that buddy down and grab him by the nape of the neck and throw him down say every day say I say I got a serpent in me and I've come here today to throw the rod down in that old selfish greedy on Crucified self life is their coiled like a poisonous snake ready to inject its deadly poison throw it down Moses let me have it I've got your riches I've got your throne I've got your kingdom I've got your fame I've got your popularity now won't your rod throw it down throw it down look at your neighbors they throw it down what did it become when you really threw it down you won't be smiling honey when you really throw it down and you see what it really is you will not be laughing when you throw yourself down like you ought to and get a good look at what you really are there's a snake in you now pick it up by the tail now Jeff could demonstrate that for me a whole lot better than I can so I'm not gonna linger there today he tell you how to do but I'm going to tell you if you're brave enough to pick up a snake and hold it at all you better take it up at the business end because holding the snake by the tail leaves the dangerous in unattended but God said Moses I want you to take that little bitty end and I want you to give me that big end I want you to get down as low as you can get because I'm fixing to increase you and me together and when you throw it down you take a hold of the little end of that and I get a hold of the big end and I'll bring you up with me you ain't seen nothing yet because I want to do something so big and every one of your lives here today I want to do something bigger for you I want to do something bigger for you to do now I want to do something bigger for you I want to do something so big so miraculous God said Moses that they may believe that God has appeared unto you does anybody want the credentials of heaven if anybody will feel evil and the benedict's benediction of heaven you got to throw your rod down does anybody hear me really Joanne are you hearing me I'm gonna throw it down oh I know you have let's say I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna pick it up with that little in and tell them I can't handle it I just can't handle this it's too big for me it's too dangerous I can't afford it yeah you go ahead and take a hold of it and leave that big in for me and they'll know that I'm with you because only God now Moses you just take that little in and give me the say with much trepidation he picked up that snake and lo and behold it became a haunt shouted and the snake was gone and the throwing down of the rod represents you totally completely abandoning yourself to God in total submission to his will I'll go anywhere I'll do anything I'll give anything I'll go every day every day every day every day every day every day every day every day and you're going to come up with a rod of authority you watch me it's equivalent to an endowment of power from on high God didn't want the rod God wanted Moses and the rod before it was thrown down stood in the path between Moses and God but now it is the rod of God in the hand of God's man and the dead rod of man thrown down became the rod of God the most famous rod in history that thrown down rod took center stage it was now the rod of authority to accomplish God's purpose and win the battle for God's people Jeff you don't believe that a shouted man's rod became God's rod after it was casting hear me thus saith the Lord thou shalt take this rod now Moses and on him and you will do great signs and wonders what did he do with you what did he first do say threw it down I don't believe he got that way after he threw it down now he's got the rod of God and it's a lift up your rod Mose and say the siege abides smite the rock and water gushes forth it is now God's rod in man's hand here comes old Amalek and Moses said Josh much of the valley prepare for battle I'm gonna stand on the hill with this rod in my hand and Josh were discontented Emelec and his people with the edge of the sword as long as Moses hands were raised with the rod and that was what was got to happen the snake had to get out of Moses rod and he becomes the rod of God and now everything's got to back up and get up say that's awesome come on I talked him because it is that's awesome you get the snake out of you and let God take the big end now get this because I want you to get it say the rod of man might be straight might be seasoned and might be strong might do all the rooms but it is only a human - with no power the under natural until you throw it now I don't care who you are here today and how good you look man you better throw it now you ain't nothing but a there's there's a poisonous something caught up in us and you'd see it if we have a cross stick you got to throw it down he could do no more work that that rod in the hands of Moses could do no more work than Moses could until you threw it damn it had no more power than Moses head it could accomplish no more than Moses could accomplish I want those men and women who went on a seven-day fast with brother Anton sister Micky here are the last few weeks I want them to stand all over this building I want you to stand those of you that just came off of that seven-day fast I want you to I want you to I want you to shout it out Roger while you went on that seven-day fast I'm investing in people in souls crying where are you what are you going doing why how come you went on to seven-day fasts in the last two years ever since you've been in this church why got to throw yourself down so you can get the power of God that exceeds riches jacoub why did you go on a seven-day fast for souls 52,000 left our church is looking for somewhere to go he asked you last night do you have your barn ready to receive them are you loving enough are you kind enough are you on six ring enough are you ready to receive that 50 mm oh you don't you don't want this folks like I thought you really wanted it you don't really want that 50 mm like I thought you really wanted it help us help us help us jail you may be seated Ron hiki why did you go in that seven-day fast listen listen and he means that I want to know him every Sunday morning at least seven to eight gets the holy goats in his class they've packed out the GA meon auditorium with this man's Bible class Larry Clark why did you go on a seven-day fast say what price how bad do you want it say they're throwing it down they're following their pastor they're following their pastor throwing it down all night prayer meetings leading the way having Bible study charlie Sharia an attorney why did you go on a seven-day fast Bruce why did you go to seven day faster you've baptized hundreds down at the jail why did you go on a seven day fast gracious precious why did you go on a seven day fast so I'm pouring it out candy the gymnastic teacher of this city that came here preying on your rosary and all and never went back to the other place why did you go on a seven day fast this year I'm pouring it up and why did you go on a seven day fast I'm trying to reach the singles in my community so I was throwing it down say it say God is going to give me said give me take her little jar boys will multiply as long as she reaches he will pour he will pour pour it out every day pour it out every day come on and raise your hands and say I'm going to pour it out you may be seated so to make it why did you go on that seven-day fast with your husband I don't believe you want it then folks if that hadn't got you if if I felt don't get your hands in the air and say my god I got through it down how bad do you want it what did you come here for more than a shout and more than praise raise your hands and say God I'm gonna throw it down I'm gonna pour it out tell me when to stop we've got to throw it down and get rid of say pride greed resent much stubbornness retaliation jealousy lying phone enos laziness carnality prejudices spiritual indifference is late it's cold hand upon us we've become numb to the suffering of others and the losses of mankind we become callous to crisis we've not put his kingdom first no we haven't no we haven't no we haven't no we haven't we don't love one another like we are too we have not given to the work of God like we are - we have a preach this gospel in all the world like we are - we've neglected prayer in the word but there's a famine for systemic chapter-by-chapter of the word of God in our churches we've given attention to things more than souls and he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it isn't want I tell you today he that covereth his sin shall not prosper but whosoever confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy I'll take from the one that's gone and give it to him that has so you look at me I'm coming after yours if you don't want it I mean that I mean I'll mingle it's time to throw that old dead rod down I'm sick of it Mickey let God take the serpent out of that rod let it become the rod of God in your hand these will spread for you rocks will split wide open the enemy will retreat now you have the authority of the rod of authority in your hands over the power of all the enemy signs and miracles and wonders how bad do you want signs and miracles and wonders throw the rod down pour it out a sovereign move of God it won't help until we throw the rod down you got to lift the rod of authority and then ever devil was stacked go back to Hell where it came from catch him into the center of the earth diseases won't stand before you nothing will stand before the rod of God I want to revive a greater than Pentecost we don't have to reap I know it's the reference point but if my people will I will it's time to throw it down let God take the serpent out of it and say this today say once there lived another man within me child of Earth and slave of station but I threw him down and nailed him to the cross of Jesus that old man was nothing now to me now a new man is living inside of me modere draught is now God's right in my hand and nothing don't stand before me I've got it too nearly 11 we're so foolish to limit the scope of our work what we can understand and what we can see what we can be impossible with the context of common sense why will we operate on the visible resources our bank accounts our our anticipated receipts our visible air sets when the Treasury of the universe is full and waiting for you to tap it Joe said in it shall come to pass afterward that is my little Bible but I've got to get something across to say I've got to throw it down and if I were a man I just fall Steve going down just going down there that's that's how you're building that junk Terry threw it down there by your husband going down there say every day he'll throw it down there such a Lumpkin throw it down there a throw it down they throw it down say every day I gotta have the authority of God say after you throw it down thank you thank you say after you throw it down after what after you lament you priest after you how you ministers of the altar after you long out in sackcloth you preachers after you weep between the porch and the altar where people can see you exampling it after you turn to me saith the Lord with all of your heart poured out after you come to me with fasting and weeping and mourning after you rend your heart and not your garments and turn to the Lord your God Joel said there is a day coming saith the Lord when I'm going to pour out my spirit upon all flesh sons and daughters young and old servants hand maidens ladies and gentlemen this is that say this is that day this is that day how bad do you want it brother makuu I'd rather be on you I'd rather be an angel I'd rather be that lamb than to be that mule I'd rather dies allowing them to be that bucking kicking mule I want you to know that what was just that this is the end after you pour it out after you throw it down after you dig your ditches and I won't have time to go into that but folks it's hard work and God said it's a light thing for me to do the rest on did you hear me God said that's a light thing for me to give you in abundance but he said it's hard work to dig ditches but ring on dig no ditches I won't get to go into that it's a hallelujah story let me tell you until you dig do you roll the stone away till you March till you go till you give you ain't going to get it you ain't gonna get no water and the more bytes are gonna eat you up and you gonna be one in five everybody else got it you didn't they're pulling out somewhere that don't just happen that don't just happen after you dig after you break your alabaster box after you march around the walls after you build the altar God sends the fire but not until you build the altar no fire will fall until the altars village after Nineveh fashioned prayed God changed his mind for two centuries after Hezekiah in his kingly robes and prayed and fasted 185,000 which sleep he never woke up after Daniel prayed three times a day gave hunger lines like John how bad do you want it you think God will do something for him he won't do for us this night of sermon folks this has got to become a way of life this can't be a profession this has got to be a life sign you got to believe in it you got to believe and if you got to believe enough to do it and it'll take more than your name on a prayer sheet we must place a in the Holy Ghost interceding with groanings are pouring out say like a daughter it sighing sweepings lamenting travailing send the Holy Ghost building up your most holy faith say snatching them out of the burning and then the greatest revival since Pentecost it will tear down every stronghold it'll reach lost husbands and wives lost sons and daughters it will bring healing to your body mind and emotions pour it out it'll give stability when everything and everybody around you is being shaken it will hush an arc in our streets and crime in our cities and there are seven terrible what you call it in our city what do you call them little groups that get together gangs thank you I'm old I'm 68 I'm trying to give you some strength from God you helped me with my English Oh inexhaustible inexhaustible inexhaustible subject of Prayer it is the greatest agency put in our hands prayer gets the devil like nothing else gets him prayer gets the devil like he has an allergy to prayer it gets the devil like nothing else throw yourself down yourself down pour it out everyday pour it out pour it out to your people pour it out to your family pour it out to your city everywhere you go in your city pour it out everywhere you go pour it out down it's just that simple God will if you will if you won't he cannot you got to pour it out oh that we could ever discover his boundlessness in prayer God has never worked miracles signs and wonders through godly men and women who poured it out it's such a pleasure to do it you'll be happier than you've ever been in all of your life and you'll want to get up tomorrow because you'll wonder what's in store there's another day for me to give it there's another day beautiful life for me to give it now we need a prayer movement in every church across this nation it needs to spread like a prayer we need a prayer like a flood like a tornado we need schools of prayer in our churches there's a school of prayer in this church besides the 24-hour three hour shifts there's a school of Prayer there's concerts of prayer going on we need summits of Prayer prayer is the only answer to our two problems no believer spiritual life will rise to stay above the level of his praying no churches ultimate effectiveness will rise to stay above the level of its corporate prayer life no church corporate prayer life will be greater than the personal prayer lives of those who make up its consistency and no people will pray if they don't see their leaders praying no believers prayer life will rise to stay above the level of his or her own personal regular daily time of worship with God we must receive from God and release the supernatural of his power into our communities throw it down so you'll have something to give because you can't give what you ain't got the failure of this church is her failure to pray and to love and to repent likewise the failure of every Christian is the failure of prayer which can be secured in no other way only to pray and pour it out now I cannot emphasize that too much it's a critical part of your life by these means I can succeed in the things that he has called me to do and have a place with my predecessors I don't have to be constantly referring back to them and the next generation won't be having to constantly refer back to me and set the pace and I do not have to be intimidated by nobody's prayer life and you don't either how are we going to respond and I'm closing how are we going to respond to this most wicked decadence Society of history a society embedded in humanism secularism new age gripped with AIDS cancer Paul wherever he and his wife is her they just came into this church on nursing homes in this area just came into this church Paul Price his wife Annabelle is weeping now and told me last night said sister Megan I've got ahold of every prayer tape I can get ahold of I'm gonna arrest my people from that new-age business I looked at my own father that's loved me and and nurtured me and I said don't talk to my son about that new-age business that's so corrupting it's from the depths of hell I've got to break that she said in my family we're praying in the Holy Ghost because this church is going to shake this world if we ever wake up anybody believe me does anybody here believe me say throw it down pour it out get rid of all the other stuff and let God pour it in now right now say I can pray and touch heaven God and it's thrown and have influence among the Angels through payor so right now I can pray and touch earth its circumstances its occupants its enterprises say right now I can pray and touch station imposing a victory over him that is vested in the name of Jesus in fact I suggest we stand and pray I don't know what else to do I don't know what else to do if you know anything else folks come on and do it throw it down pour it out pour it out right now pour it out whenever I close scream it out throw it down throw it down get rid of the snake raising has to come up with a rod of authority
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 38,423
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Id: 3JQ0PT5knJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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