"I Lift My Lamp Beside The Golden Door" Vesta Mangun BOTT 2002

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and I want you to open up your hearts and your heads and your soul and let God speak to you welcome my mother would you do that god bless Thank You Anthony you were magnificent last evening just finished strong you may be seated in the Maori constellations of the prophets as they are was the merriest his least word fell like the blow of a battle-axe Isaiah was the most accomplished poetically inspired genius the world has ever produced our prophet he was an artist with words a master with language beyond what we could think human speech could Mayor he was the evangelical messenger of the Old Testament he prophesied the mission and work of Messiah Jesus fulfilled it just as Isaiah had prophesied in chapter 32 of his powerful illustrious book we read his prophetic calm to because of the times 2002 rise up you women that are at ease hear my voice he careless daughters give ear unto my speech many days then years shall you be troubled ye careless women for the vintage shall fail the gathering shall not come tremble you women that already's be troubled ye careless ones strip you and make you bare and gird sackcloth upon your loins until until until the spirit be poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be a fruitful field and the fruitful field be counted for a forest blessed are ye that so beside all waters all waters on the morning of July 9th 2001 somewhere between 4 and 5 o'clock while I was yet sleeping the Lord gave me the scripture text I just read in my subconscious mind I was saying this has happened to me many times before I know I'm asleep but this must be a night vision from the Lord so I will awaken and I will write it down so I will not forget it so let me give it to you as it unraveled to me rise up ye women that already's give me your all and just hear my voice ye careless daughters and give ear unto my speech men of the cloth and most holy brethren don't tune me out just yet the woman the mysterious part of God's creation she alone completes the wholeness of God's highest creation woman stands nearest the gate of heaven and nearest the gate of hell when adorned by grace she reaches a point of Christian elevation which man could never attain but when involved in crime she sinks deeper than man can plunge the world's tallest statue the Statue of Liberty its formal name is Liberty enlightening the world an international symbol of freedom she is wearing flowing robes in the seven rays of her spiked crown symbolizes the seven seas and the continents of the world a mighty woman with a torch 150 feet high on Liberty Island New York Harbor portrays America's greatness the world's tallest statue a giant statue of a woman portrays this great nation what is the strength of this Mari woman with a torch what is the indomitable uncomfortable power of the Statue of Liberty what holds the 150 foot ha statue against strong winds and lightning what is the invincible power of this giant statue of a woman which portrays America's greatness what is the strength the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi obtained the help of France most famous engineer Gustav Alexander iPhone who designed the inner structure of the statue of this Mari woman with a lamp in her hand it's mind-boggling to read all the many powerful intricate workings and tried and tested enduring materials of the inner structure of this world's tallest statue the greatest nation in the world is portrayed by a woman with a lamp a flaming torch in her hand ha but not only this great nation but the greatest institution in the universe the Church of Jesus Christ which he purchased with his own blood the ecclesia that called our wands redeemed out of every kindred tongue and people and nation the church which the entire cosmos was created for builds upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone inhabited by God Almighty through the Holy Spirit is portrayed as a woman the Bride of Christ the Maori mistress of the universe co-regent with Jesus Christ as power of attorney in his absence on planet Earth invested with such power and authority that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against her this merry mistress of the universe has powered a tread on Satan and all of his hordes of demons and exercised authority over all Satan's power and suffer no harm this mighty woman the church with the flaming torch of truth in her hand she alone completes the wholeness of redemption this Maori woman unlocks the gate of heaven and cruises the yawning mouth of a burning hell this woman this woman when adorned by the Ascension gifts and with the authority and power granted her by her Lord she reaches the point of elevation which no other institution can attain but when she fails in her great commission she can sink deeper than any institution can plunge no angel has the power to break open hell's gates and set the captives free only this mighty woman the church with the flaming torch of truth in her hand this Mari earth conquering hell shaking Jesus name Apostolic Church is that good enough brother tini for the Barnes Gerald is that enough this Marty are shaking hell shaking Jesus name Apostolic Church is that good enough this church is one body with many members and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honour and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness the intricate powerful enduring tried and tested materials of the inner structure of this marriage church the greatest institution in all the universe was not designed by france most famous engineer Gustav Eiffel but by the Holy Spirit the baptism of the Holy Ghost the empowerment the intimate the infusion of the Eternal Spirit and without the uncomely parts the innermost parts this giant stature called statue called the church would be leveled by storms winds floods isms theorems apostasy false doctrine and yes by terrorists in the pew so please indulge me there are some guns people in this church the awesome uncomely parts the awesome innermost being people may I say in this local church so that this great local church can keep standing with her flaming torch of truth and you won't see their pictures on the covers of magazines they are not your film stars and power brokers are the famous before whom the commoners bow and scrape no no they are the intercessors they are the cuts people groaning agonizing travailing in the spirit people they are the people with a gut-wrenching compassion they feel the hurts of others the lost the bruised the fallen the hungry the homeless the lonely in their gut they are the conveyors the messengers of the only saving gospel of Jesus Christ they are the uncomely parts they are the members upon whom we bestow more honor for without them the inner strength this great structure here would be leveled so this message is not a mere academic exercise to me it's another piece of my life there are some uncomely parts here that you don't see that was sister Guin and sister Schillinger twins both widows living on a minimum Social Security who gave more to the church and missions than they kept who pray three our prayer shifts every day and fasted several days a week and by their own request they each were buried in a $700 casket some guts people in the inner structure of this great church back wacker stood here this morning that raised almost 48,000 alone by herself for she's for Christ where are you pet Leona Allen an african-american woman raised fifteen thousand seven hundred and eleven dollars and 81 cents all by herself in this great church we've got some guts people in this church Norah Smith raised almost 15,000 by himself in this way great local church we've got some guts people in this church many of the women who come to this church in the early morning hours and pray a three-hour prayer shift before going to work weekends are given to running bus routes teaching Bible studies reaching and discipling and giving and going into the highways and byways and compelling them to come in so let the storms come so let the winds blow so let the isms and serums and false doctrine and apostasy huff and puff and Trotter bull this house in this Marty woman with torch in hand will keep standing the pause the Holy Ghost the inner structure the inner structure is the Holy Ghost you better get you some inner structure people it's not my might it's not my power it's by my spirit saith God and whatever it takes to get the Holy Ghost spirit moving you'd better pay any price go anywhere do anything to get the spirit because our God is marching on and his chariot moves swiftly and I refuse to be left behind any dust we're marching with him ours have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord he is trampling out the vintage where The Grapes of Wrath are stored he had loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible Swift sword here's truth here's truth about it is marching I'm going with it I'm going with it we'll be swift or be swift because of the times to answer him be jubilant your feet because our God is marching on whether you go or not but we've made up our mind we're going to march with him and we're going to lift our torch beside the Golden Door locally or globally every member in the church is to be FEGLI joined together by the spirit and without the spirit your congregation will never be fitly joined together you are to be that strong powerful hidden part upholding supporting the church betrayed by a woman the beautiful Bride of Christ each member contributing to the welfare the entire body protecting with their very life soul and strength the ministry and ministries of the Church Universal on which the Sun never sets and for which all things in the universe exist this Marty Church called by his name co-regent co-equal with Jesus Christ her Lord her gifts the unity the holiness the standards don't temper with them the virtues the graces the holy anointing the intercessory prayer ministry and the teaching ministry is the inner strength upholding this mighty woman the church the intended Bride of Christ so that we can truthfully say yay even more so stand with outstretched hands with more to offer than Emma Lazarus sonnet inscribed on the statue that reads not like the brazen giant of Greek flame with conquering limbs astride from land to land here at our sea-washed sunset gate shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is the imprisoned lightning and her name mother of exiles from her beacon and grows worldwide welcome her mild eyes command the air bridge harbor that Twin Cities frame keep ancient lands your storied pomp cries she with silent lips but give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming Shore send these the homeless the hurting the bewildered that confused the hopeless Tim top Tim pissed tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door a mighty woman with a torch a mighty woman with a torch the terrorist may have leveled the Twin Towers but not the mighty woman with a flaming torch in her hand but please please hear me those who come by ship into New York City or rather Staten Island Ferry by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor know that the stature seems to dominate the whole landscape but if you are flying over the city and you look down several thousand feet it looks like a speck because it is dominated by the massive scale skyline that man has built and so it is with the church this mighty woman mistress of the world here the prophetic car because of the times 2002 Rosa Rosa Marti woman Marti mistress of the Universe intended blood of Christ to your full stature to your full stature with the flaming torch of truth in your hand hear the voice of the Spirit he careless wants who at ease in Zion there's more than retirement here there's more than your Little Kingdom here there's more than a pocketful of money here get you in the sickle for the harvest is right come get you down for the press is full the fats overflow for the wickedness is great yes Anthony multitude multitudes multitudes teeming millions are in the valley of decision confused deceived directionless lost with one foot on a banana peeling and the other one inhale rise up stay at the Lord strip you and make you bear guard cycle morning travailing agonizing upon your loins the birthing area the generative area the reproductive area the guts area if you please strip you make you bare saith the Lord for the hearts of my own people are out there in the world and Satan is over sown the sowing of the church and the cause of the serpent have surrounded and enclosed the whole earth and my people instead of watching and playing and fulfilling the Great Commission are caught up in the cares of this life and their own little pity business they have hewn them out cisterns wherein is no water and they have forgotten days without end that there's only one way just one way just one way to break the hold of Satan own lives and the call and the brandish modes of this world that held them snared so stripping stripping make you bare said the Lord thou in travail we between the porch and the altar until until until until there is revival in your city there is revival in your church until your home's or what they ought to be aunty your family that's what it ought to be and yes your own individual office what it ought to be until until until it hail a myth or a fact somebody answer me yes or no I didn't hear one it's hell a myth or is it a fact did Jesus mean what he said he said go ye into all the world he said go into the highways and the byways he said preach this gospel to every creature he never believeth and is baptized get your hands on them they shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned that's a horrible word for our Savior to say damned they shall be damned if they believe not and repent not and are baptized not now is that a fact or a myth if so then we need prophets we need mighty men of God preachers letting the preacher develop on the inside of them lifting their bosses declaring it so we cannot shut our eyes to our changing neighborhoods we cannot be more concerned about Americanization than evangelization now who says I am rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing let me tell you the world is sitting on your doorstep begging for a few crumbs and some of you are not awake yet you're just sitting there daydreaming I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ to come alive I'm not talking about shouting and hollering I'm telling you to get on shout it they all will let it be over this balcony I never come I'm in heard what you heard last night you don't need a visa a passport or a governmental permission just oh that's all you need is a love for Souls and as this great missionaries wife stood here and told you it took a burden and you look up the word burden in the Bible and there's a burden of this and a burden of that and a burden of this and a burden of time and a burden of babblin I want the burden of the Lord on me like I've never had it before wake up rise up you don't need a degree in biblical studies you just need a willingness to share your faith your experience this gospel you just need to get off of your high horse as did the Good Samaritan and get down in the gutter get down in the gutter and get that wounded half-dead man and take him somewhere and pay any price to get invite to life are you hearing me open up your homes if you're in a town where there's not a big church open your house up open your hearts up your resources it might shock you what you could do you've got to sew beside all waters not regarding the clouds leave it in God's hands the rich the poor the literate the illiterate the homeless the handicapped the red yellow black or white Muslim Buddhist Hindu Protestant whatever we've got to lift our torch beside the Golden Door or else or else they are else thus saith the Lord many days and years shall you be troubled if you don't the village is going to fail if you don't there will be no wine or no oil if you don't don't know no overflowing of the bats if you don't know floors full of wheat if you don't you won't have revival if you don't you won't have any new names written in the Lamb's Book of Life and ever name not written Earth's cast into the lake of fire but the gathering of the harvest will not come crops will fail all will fail if we do not bow in travail and lift our flaming torch of truth beside this golden door but what of the terrorist system engine that we reach and bring into our church Paul said Dimas forcing me but I just one Onesimus he was a runaway slave he was a refugee Alexander the coppersmith and himaiayas turned me into the Dominion Roman Emperor Nero accusing me of setting the city of Rome on fire I was chained and cast into prison all of Asia I had covered I had wept in their streets but no man stood with me all forsook me only oh no syphilis sought me out and refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains but none of these things stopped me from lifting my flaming torch of truth I just won my guards and snatched those right out of Caesars household I wrote the book of Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians in that jail cell I didn't quit having revival I didn't quit throwing out the gospel net just because Dimas our harmonies are the atrophies or Alexander the coppersmith if they're just one left this church is gonna keep standing if this pastor will keep apostolic Authority Heil has a backup no man no woman no angel from heaven no devil from hell can stop this you better make sure you've got apostolic authority you'll get hurt harmonious divas Diotrephes Alexander the coppersmith I just got me a Demetrius and Onesimus I got me a Timothy and I got me a nopales and Josiah said I got me a Daniel and a Jeremiah and an easy job I'm not quittin I'm cheaper understanding I don't care how many terrorists are in these pews they better look out you better look out devil look out you better look out terrorists the woman with the flaming torch of truth is still standing you know quit having revival and throwing out the gospel net just because of all of this Philippine quit having a revival because of Simon the sorcerer Daniel didn't quit playing three times a day when he knew the decree was signed he just kept kneeling upon his knees as they did a four time and lifting his torch beside the golden window Moses and Aaron didn't retreat before the charlatanism of Janice and Gemma Rees instead they compared them to acknowledge the hand of God by pressing forward with her god-given ministry and they prevailed Adam so possessed with the spirit of divination didn't stop Paul in Silas you don't abandon your wheat field just because Satan sews a few weeds in it brother tini Jesus didn't stop when he knew what awaited him in Jerusalem Jesus didn't have to do it but he did he could have given up but he didn't he could have turned his back and walked away from the whole wretched mess man got himself into it but thank God he didn't when people from his own hometown tried to push him over the cliff he didn't give up when his brothers ridiculed him he didn't give up when Peter worshipped him after supper and crushed him at the fire he didn't give up he could have died for us in secret but he didn't he was crucified near the city gates where a great highway went by and at a time when there were hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gathered in the city of Jerusalem he was raised up above the earth toward the sky for all might see him God's purpose is that the whole world I know it he was not crucified in a Cathedral between two golden lamps he was crucified on a place on a hill greatly above and beyond all mountain stands Calvary where the whole world could see it and marvel before it and just in case some chose not to look the Lord just closed the Sun down and shook the earth that all people might know he was dying for them and for the whole world he wanted the whole world to know have you got that message yet have you got that message yet he wants the whole world to know he wants every city to be filled with this doctrine he wants us to continue in prayer and fasting as was the apostolic order God in the flesh God in a manger God on a cross God in a bar a tomb God in a resurrected body walking around on wounded feet swinging the keys of death hell and the grave and saying because I live you can live or so can you go tell him that Mayim sir can you go tell him that he wanted to convince men once and for all that he would give anything pay any price go to hell and back for you and me and for the whole world and yes he wants the whole world to know he would rather go to hell for us than to go to heaven without us Paul said I could wish myself accursed and cut off and on automatic if only I could win my countrymen my kinsmen I guess that's what I'm trying to tell you here today I'd rather go to hell and back for my family than to go to heaven without them I don't care what it does to me lord I want my family to go through the gates of that city with me I want this city to know I wish I had time to tell you about Gus Kaplan the most celebrated intelligent businessman in the city what he wrote us this week and sent them the most beautiful or painting you would ever want to look at but wrote us and said we love you better than anybody that's ever been in this community we know what you stand for we're lifting our flaming torch it's okay to clap your hands it's okay to shout hallelujah the thief on the cross didn't hear Jesus preach or teach a Bible study he just heard him pray that was enough we can't expose him too much we can't brag on him too much we can't lift him too high we can't intercede with him oh my god he is the intercessor on the throne and he said if I get just one of you agreeing with me you can't talk about that too much you cannot preach him too fervently or to zealously is it a factor of men if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me lift him up come on shout it laughs your torch lift your torch he'll do the drawing if ever one you ever meet were holy and handsome with a halo of light over his or her head it would be easy to see Jesus and everyone but he is disguised in every type of humanity the treads treads planet Earth for he said that a glass of water given to a beggar was given to him for he said heaven hinges on the way you act toward me in disguise of another human being in the common place in the foil ordinary humanity did you give me food when I was hungry did you give me the drink when our Circe did you give me clothes when mine were all rags did you come to see me when I was sick or in prison or in trouble did you try to help me I'll reach for me or get me out of it no there are no halos going around their heads at least none that human eyes can see but they're like Elizabeth of Hungary who put the leper in her bed and later going to tend to him no longer saw the leper stricken face but the face of Jesus Christ or like Peter clover who gave a dying african-american his bed and slept on the floor at his side awakened by his groans and saw summoned summoned others to help him but when they saw the disgusting sight they ran from the room panic-stricken with Peter clover crying don't go don't go you'll be sorry don't leave him now it's Jesus of Nazareth he's disguised in this man you see in fact he's disguised in every person you'll ever meet the crippled the handicapped the diseased the lonely the lonely the need of the embarrassed the rejected the dejected the despised those in the highways and the byways and no man a woman can say bigger than he or she is you can borrow a big phrases and tell them but their best news is not yours so let me pause here to simply say I wish I could be more like him but to be like him is to be a flame and a fire brother hey me with a love for souls to be a flame to do his will and to do his will is to access a world like none you've ever seen so now the Sun is rapidly sinking on this Apostolic Church age and we're confronted with an overwhelming need of this mighty woman with a torch whose flame is the imprisoned lightning and her name mother of excellence and from her beacon Hamlet glow worldwide welcome her weeping eyes with an ordered lip saying give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning for something more than joining a church shaking a preacher's hand going to church weekend and week out and never being satisfied send us those hungry ones send us those hurting ones send us those bruised wants send us those never dying in mortal souls I'll lift my lamp beside the Golden Door whose flame is the imprisoned lightning so fan it blow it stir it nourish it lift it high and when everything around you is falling apart you may not have any glowing reports your church parking lot may look like a vacant ball field there may be factions in your church and you're wondering if you can do anything to affect change I'm telling you today to lift your torch let the life of Jesus Christ begin to pour from him through you in such dimension that Satan cannot stand against you this is no hour for slumbering half-hearted lukewarm backsliding compromising Rip Van Winkle churches who've gone to sleep we cannot sit by and expect some outside intervention to rescue miraculously our families our neighbors our city the responsibility of our families our neighbors in our cities rests squarely upon our shoulders and I'd rather go to hell for them than to go to heaven without them but until we confront what is we will never experience what can be this is not just another sermon this is just another piece of my life and as I lived my torch my flaming torch of truth again today I say Satan you haven't seen anything yet I snatched my nephew right out of your mouth Oh ferocious lion and the best is waiting to be an hour see it so have no fear my strength my stamina will be sustained the best is yet to come Roger screws the check bowing to idols repeating prayers one day in the cathedral cried out that's when we found him and today is our outreach director of the Pentecostals of Alexander keep lifting your torch you may get a Roger screws that check loose lebra the son of a lucrative business man in this city came here riding a bicycle with his hair hanging down his back and now he and his wonderful wife are the leaders are the are the operators of the white steeple bookstore Deb Norman sister Braun and Rene Bossier with a home in Baton Rouge and a horse ranch in Virginia came to because of the times 2001 that year confused and directionless listen to the keynote message similar to what you heard last night proverb Allah drew a line in the sand and said I'm not turning back my life will never be the same from now on it will count for God in his kingdom and now she is trying to lead her husband and she has led her four children and her they're following her into this Dale where are you keep lifting your torch keep lifting your heart missionary director for the hawa shouted keep lifting your torch wrong George eclipsing guitar hallelujah keep lifting your torch Alleluia keep lifting your torch in the name of Jesus the best is yet to come hallelujah sister Hopkins I felt what you felt the night that brother Haney installed me as foreign missions director that stage spirit I failed on the platform in Jackson Mississippi twenty-three years ago I feel it today we're going to lift the torch we're going to lift the torch we're going to tell the world that he is the king of kings Larry Clark Larry Clark reared with Anthony followed him then and is following him now 21 years ago Anthony Mickey came home from a thriving growing Church in Plano Texas preached his first homecoming message burning the bridges behind me and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ and there'll be no turning man Larry went on his face never got up to the Sun came up the next day he has one more no doubt hundreds teaching Bible studies and has influenced all who will ever know him but God's plan is a completed yet God is here looking for others who will confront what he is and can experience what can be he can take an unknown person who has a heart for him and can raise that person to a place of enormous spiritual impact and guram Mangan is proof of that fact I am remarkably blessed with an uncommon privilege to have shared his life for almost fifty nine years sometimes back I said to him Gerald time is running out for you and me and I love you so much I only wish it would be in heaven as it has been here on earth and do you want to know how he responded to me it's always been that way but I've never misunderstood him he said you've never fallen in love with Jesus as you really should you need to fall in love with Jesus but when you see Jesus I'll look like man in the first reader for you see our relationship here is just for time but our relationship with him is for all eternity Thank You Anthony and Mickey thank you Jeff Gentry with your flowing robes of righteousness keep them keep lifting this flaming torch of truth higher and higher and higher you've already watched papa lift it so high until the seven seas and continents can hear and see and know the only saving gospel of Jesus Christ all we ask just finish strong thus in almost seventy six years of age I've made up my mind the best is yet to be the last of my life from which the first was made it's gonna be the best my times are in his hand who says a whole life I planned for you and your youth has only shown but half so trust me see all that I wanted you to see and don't be afraid just keep lifting your torch beside the Golden Door I hear your Lord I hear you I'm listening talk on I'll go anywhere I'll do anything I don't have much left to give but with you it would be much I cannot do more and I refuse to do this so let the word go forth from because of the times to talk up a better system 2002 because of the times you will never be the same you will never be the same go forth from because of the times 2002 saying we lift our flaming torch of truth beside the Golden Door so until then my welcome Oh singing Oh Oh Oh Oh ah so ah
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 20,998
Rating: 4.746479 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Id: 4S_8-t4XjsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2015
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