Pound 2022 GRAND FINALS - Riddles Vs. MkLeo - SSBU Smash Ultimate Tournament

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chug the rest i got that fire i think you should chug the rest what do you think devin should he chug the rest i think he's gonna do it anyway i'm gonna throw this at junebug oh that was pretty close okay i think we're ready to get started here squat right grand finals i'm tannelis this is rod we're named after our fathers and these guys they could be our dad we are definitely uh when i tell you that tanthen and i are variants of each other uh i mean it all right i mean all right y'all let's go ahead and get into this match right now now if you're just tuning in let's go ahead and break this thing down and kaleo coming in off the loser's side riddles right now coming in hot winterside grand finals flamin hot if you will okay about as hot as that drink chancellor's just drank right there but empaleo looking to douse riddles his flames now let me tell you how empaleo got losers can we talk about it just for a second just between me and the twitch chat and campus up here in devon okay leo's ass into losers guess who put him in the losers all right what it wasn't ken it wasn't ken keep going i'm listening it wasn't tweaked it wasn't it wasn't too weak though that would have been a great match could it have been riddles it wasn't me either before you say it was me it wasn't me either i wasn't i wasn't gonna guess you all right fine well it was riddles whatever riddles put them into losers okay riddles right now playing completely out of his mind the run off they're going pretty deep right now it was east lucario it definitely wasn't that can we and we're not gonna talk about it it wasn't that no i'm just kidding bro he's he's he's nice on the sticks right here same as riddles right now that backer is going to shut it down now riddles rocking this roy say that five times fast this roy is doing some damn great that's right don't even try cause you're gonna embarrass yourself mk alejo getting kind of smacked around at riddles home sweet home now i'd like to say that bruno is in some real trouble but we have seen a common theme here in squad strike yes my two side characters don't get the job done but when i get on my main and i'm assuming right now that terry is going to be riddles this mane you might be able to bring this thing close but he has to find that opening because good lord corn right now is building up a wall well you know once riddles gets to his main you know he is way more devastating and there comes the rising tackle input rising tackle just missed the dragon fang that would have been a ko for sure for leo riddles able to get out just in time somehow some way and almost in go mode here it's gonna get power dunk with 96.7 percent riddles has got a chance at this ride he is definitely gonna have a chance but we will see what he's gonna do with a little bit of rage or some gold meter now we have seen a lesser individuals get their absolute asses beat here by riddles however and kaleo not looking to be one of those names on riddles is hitless at all he's i'm coming through with the vengeance riddles right now with the back special wait a minute oh damn a lot of fire being thrown around that's gonna do it right there for game number one mk leo looking to reset this thing here riddles pretty strong showing though man i'm telling you it's a common theme my first two characters whatever once i get on my main it's go time figuratively and literally here in terry's case indeed go time as as terry explodes let's see whoa i heard kaji mishima my throat isn't completely on fire i'm drinking water i haven't coughed at all i'm not hitting the button to cough i have not coughed at all you haven't you're a trooper you i i made my way through it you know what you're doing up here you got it man i never had that before that was interesting that was an interesting drink you know you're better than me i i i couldn't do it man dark horse you better get that in the loop if you don't get that in the loop we're gonna we're gonna fight later oh oh don't don't don't anger tantalus okay don't do that goes oh lord he coming just like casual is right now okay gets the stone head doesn't quite get anything off they're probably expecting some diy in the opposite direction oh oh and just like that it is dead even that karate chop that's right how quickly things can turn around mr mishima is on stage nice goes for an empty jump looking for the grab here this time like i said before it is best to just let cashew a swing um typically when you have your shield up it's okay to let him swing but in that case right there shield was no longer um a factor and so the riddles was able to shut it down oh wait a minute oh he went for the karate chop there could not get it but he's going to get rage driver instead 87 already on leo here oh my lord jesus christ jesus christ kaziah wow well riddles yeah that's hasn't won yet devon is he's on well he's working on it gets the stone head now doesn't quite get anything off of it gonna go for the downtown to the up smash that's gonna and that's actually my first time hearing cash was star ko stream that was actually my first time hearing it wow because this man doesn't die he's eternal ride well that's how it kind of feels when you got the devil gene you can kind of just do whatever the hell you want mean he he is one of the heaviest characters in the game do you think 13th heaviest 12th heaviest i mean hey you would know better than me okay well with this in mind right now mk leo back in against the wall if you will i mean 91 percent here rocking mithra this is uh this is not a good spot to be in riddles right now has proven time and time again especially in this weekend how nice this roy is this roy has certainly uh you know just been cut from a very different claw and with this in mind this roy is just cleaning up shop okay going to go for the upbeat back up homie i'm coming through you might want to swing before me you can't even afford to go for a trade what a trade here at this point hold up a minute all right nine nine nine nine nine you're too early on the upbeat my friend you're too early i love that roy for it do you really think all right let's let's hold on well talk about why you love it because it looks like roy's punching them in the face okay but he's gonna have a very different opinion on roy's f2l okay look at this he punches him look okay i guess it is a punch it's a punch he just punches him in the video he's like i got a sword but my strongest spot is right there i'm just gonna punch you in the face you know sometimes that's enough to get it done i mean i've punched a few people in the face roy's mom never taught him not to hit a lady okay well damn sometimes you just gotta punch people i mean i get it i've punched a person or two believe it or not i always feel bad about it afterwards though like yo my bad i was just i was just hungry you know i can't even remember if roy's mom is in the game i know i think roy's dad is elwood so we know that oh wait a minute damn well speaking of dads getting the job done casually right here with the big old dad energy rory's dad is dead but you know just like uh mk leo stuck yeah mk leo was uh wow that wolf definitely got uh clapped up but you know what though casual got clapped up too and that's how you play against casual don't try to fight him heads up that's exactly the game he wants you to play try to figure out a way to get him off stage and for a character like uh i'm almost said lucina like korin though leo can't play a good machine as well corey in that backyard what what downtown i do not like that from the character it doesn't send you forward so that's what happened he got he got sent up left and he's ended up bouncing on the stage somehow even though he's under it oh what a bizarre situation well very uh very interesting interaction right there and unfortunately enough did not work out in riddles favor however this is still very doable out of a jump i believe yeah it's going to go for the back special right into the recovery gets back to the ledge and air dodges through that smash back here okay no back there see a lesser player like me was like back here but see he had a different had a different objective in mind well that's why he's there and we're here you know you're right leave it to the professionals all right are you okay i'm not okay all right i could be a top player too if i wanted to i could be one that's good i believe you thank you that's where it starts it starts with belief and right now riddles certainly believes that he can definitely bring this thing back 121 with raise and the goal meter this is still very doable but maybe not in this game here okay okay crack shoot coming back through quite another crash shoot another upbeat wait a minute you got a shot here can can he get it done power duck almost does it power geyser almost and yes off the mark there and leia was like you tried that it looked good it look good you know what's funny that this this power geyser would have killed mithra fairly fairly confident that power geyser would have killed mithra and then he went for all the marbles with the uppy that was a little bit ludicrous really that game got out of hand off the office down field that was that was beautiful that that was that was uh that was spectacular yeah slow this down i'm trying to dig into the dictionary right now because i'm just i keep saying that was od and i've been living in you know tri-state for a while so i'm trying to open my miriam webster and like use different words okay oh here it is yeah that was phenomenal what was that what happened there i don't know i i mean i know what happened which is like how did he get sent to such an angle so weird anyway oh damn okay catches the double roll out with dash attack right to the up till now that's all right though quick percent put on nonetheless mkhiley of course knows how to put on percent and then of course he knows when to back off same could definitely be set right here for riddles landing with some very fat hitboxes right now the meanest hitboxes right here in the game oh get choked up said it's time for bed okay electric when god fits coming out he is just tossing it there's a move that's going to demand a lot of respect okay okay he's okay gonna go for the high up b has to do it early and i think that's actually certainly going to be an enough wow most unfortunate here sir oh great perry but unfortunately getting nothing off of it was able to at least get out of the corner though oh wow i love that if you jump baiting at the roll in oh okay we're down throw to england into the back air leo is so smooth this wolf this is unbelievable to watch yeah this this is some great footwork right he said no we're going to another set stop playing with me we're going to another set homie okay roy i mean you know again i love riddles just roy i don't know if i like it as the anchor though i don't i definitely don't know if i like this character versus wolf i mean wolf is just a combo machine and you know i don't know if you know this or not but roy is a pretty easy character to smack around yeah goodbye we're going to set number two all right riddle saying uh yeah that didn't work and remember riddles too old leo and winners i'm i'm still recovering the from the throat thing is that's starting to linger is it really coming yeah yeah it's just like all right it was not your best interest to chuck that however i egged you on and i thought i should take part in the blame you should you should definitely all right set number two is upon us friends if you're just tuning in you got some more squad strike action coming your way that's right two of the best squad strike players to ever do it t1 esports very mk leo and criminally unsponsored please please please change that if the squad strike doesn't prove why he needs to be i mean a jersey of some sort i don't know what will i'm about to start sponsoring players myself man just got to get a little bit more money but rodney land athletics is coming soon all right team rodney team team rodneyland athletics all right it's working on my jersey design yeah oh wow you can go head-to-head with e-sports e-sports oh brother oh brother all right y'all here it is laser online not enough to alleviate that pressure and it looks like mkh was able to get in between the laser and casual and put that back here right into the dome of casual mishima we got ourselves wolf diddles here this wolf has been a problem for everybody look at this look at this rod what do you see here look i said that's an angry wolf that's hungry it's a very hungry wolf i see without his pack he does not care he's just gonna go after his targets one by one by one and no one i mean no one has had an answer for this wolf today you know it happens you know mk leo picking up most characters is going to be a bad time for the opponent now i'd like to believe though that riddles has a lot of gas left in this tank still this is only the first game of set number two we'll see if you can figure out a way to kill the momentum love that no dash attack i actually want to trick you up and go for an empty jump into the grab that should be enough wolf is gone but the job ain't done no friends who's next oh it's corinne there's the backyard [Music] okay i love that spot dodging to the up till just terry things and you all wanted to see that corn you wouldn't see you wanted to see korin here i did no no get get that up get bring the wolf back do you want to see if he uses wolf tomorrow i hope i get the call in mk leia match with wolf tomorrow god bless him god bless mk leon god bless the riddles god bless you just the game play too man i mean this has just been an electrifying just set here i mean i'm glad we're in the reset right now i'm sure riddles doesn't feel the same way but i'm tired of the three l's i think these two are honestly putting on a great show here brutals unfortunately on his way out getting ready to exit stage left depending on how this all shakes out riddles just needs one silent opening here i believe a an are you okay maybe even a power geyser could get it done certainly would at this point and he can't see he can't combo now because of the percentage in his rage and the current upthrow there's some of that uh mountain dew flaming hot interrupting interrupting me there but uh gonna gonna take it uh wanna you know what better way to start off pound weekend than the win rod true even though this this isn't this isn't what counts to the smash world tour but you can't start off much much worse than that huh look man winners are going to win you know they don't care about pg stats they don't care about toys i don't care about none of that winners care about one thing damn it and that's winning you know i should know a lot about that i'm something of a winner myself if you haven't noticed and so because of that employment 17 you missed yet thank you you've been perfect all night i'm trying my best and that's you know one thing that i think separates of course you know i guess phenomenal players from okay players is this you know what no matter the format it could be crew battles it could be tenders if you will it could be that so it could be four v4 crews it could be three v3 vips no matter what the format is we're playing if i'm a winner i'm here to do just that i'm here to win and then please certainly proving exactly why t1 esports very own right now coming in hot off the loser's side riddles right now going to have to switch up the full a little bit looks like we're starting this thing back off with kaiser once more if i'm reading this correctly it's like we got roy in the middle all right we're gonna give it a go again here mk leo yeah we the dreaded losers bracket version of mk leo it ain't nothing nice of course both players are actually losing here this is the what what they would call the true finals uh that's how we've labeled it here we're well it's always harder to to convey this but this is the second round of grand finals second set both players have lost the set they're in the the final round here leia was the one who started on losers that's why he's got the yell on his name folks sure but don't get it twisted this is the last set of the tournament and riddles right now looking really good here catching him as he's leaving off of that top platform i love that i mean a little bit of patience goes a long way you know we talk about just again the explosiveness that is casual you know he can be very much in your face and i get it when you got buttons like that when you turn blue when you swing i completely understand however a patient kazuya i feel like is an optimal kazuya and uh we're just seeing that kind of come out here in effect in a big way what's the recovery going to be bud stools but it gives him his upbeat back and he's able to make it back great awareness by riddles okay oh wow okay mkla with an air right into background so we'll be having none of that kazuya and jargon here in this match but kaiju seems to be the answer for the wolf rod i mean it's as bad as it's looked as good as anybody's looked against leo's wolf today that's true yeah so yeah but that creates a new situation and one of the reasons i love squad strike is that character order makes a big difference it really does and i think that's one part of squash right i think doesn't get enough like kind of light shine on it especially with like uh you know we see this type of method um kind of broken down it's like crew battles like sometimes it doesn't matter who's the stronger player or the stronger character sometimes it matters more about the position that they're in and i think what we're seeing right now is like maybe riddles are starting to figure out the wolf maybe just a little bit faster than mkhill may have expected oh wow wow what is that hitbox wow what on earth okay it doesn't matter right now just talking about sir he's talking about some hitboxes of his own wow what a sniper ray of punishment leia calling it perfectly there but down just a little bit riddles trying to get one game on the board needs to get some momentum going his way good double-edged dance there i almost said it i was right i was close i almost got it i wanted to look i was i was rooting for you man i know i appreciate your support oh that should be it yeah goodbye riddle said now look leo won that match things would have been looking a little bleak right there we've seen that type of thing happening like i get the reset i'm coming in hot boom game one off the reset i'm gonna shut it down here's game two but uh riddles though looks like a mistake there by leia i don't think he meant that either he meant to not do side b at all or he meant to throw the um the side b blazing blazing edge over the stage i think that might have been what he was trying to do bounce when it bounces in the wall pirate gets the sword right back and uh i don't think leo leo is ready for it because he would say oh leo always texts us but just the like the time it takes you to process what's happened on the screen sometimes it's just long enough for you to miss attack no that's facts dude this is just the battle of smashes here in this game love that perry here we are man game number three casual mishima and that wonderful white outfit is back into the thick of things and he is just getting slapped right now this ain't no yoshimitsu my friend this is a different sword leader you better tap in mk leia on this corn taking no prisoners notice the wolf is now in the middle that's right so leo realizing okay katju was a was a was problematic for my wolf [Music] let's try to get him out of ghazi's way and since corin did well verstaggia like that boom there you go so like now riddles even even win or lose this game right riddles is in a tough spot because he's got to start not just playing perfectly but also guessing where the matchups are going to be and trying to like double fake out lay on where you're gonna pick your characters it's really an element the squad effect that you mentioned was under look but i love to see when it's maximized like this that's right i mean you know squash like has many layers ed boy and we know obviously we're just seeing that kind of play out right now love that double s dance right there just to give himself a little bit of footing back onto the stage and also just create himself a little bit of distance between himself and leo leo kind of gets you into oh what a call out by riddle wow wow wow red holes okay he said if i'm going down i'm going to go down swinging however this is still looking very good gets the double edge dance right into the upbeat a quick 35 he's playing very very safe here roy with a little bit of rage a scary business for even the toughest of appointments good cajones to call mk leo on the spot dodge how many times have you seen that rod not very often oh i've seen the beginning animation up and up smash come out there just a little late to the party okay jump with the blaster okay terry's online right n okay terry's online right now good luck i can't even get the words out very very scared for anybody's life that gets touched with that nare love that spot dodge waveland down a little late on the follow up no back here almost had it i do like kerry being the anchor because of gomo's potential potential here comes the rising tackle input version if you're if you don't if you're not understanding either you can do just a straight up b or you can do the the fighting game input for it that is which is much stronger for for these characters oh and there is the down there but could not get the up smash and i heard the little i heard the little click though goal meters on the line up smash or not riddles with a second lease on life here oh look at the crossover second lease on life indeed but unfortunately yes not enough okay leo starting to feel uh feel a little something something it's a game for leo rod that's true now however we have seen the game for leo prophecy kind of get broken down here in this very exact building for a different event of course you know it being uh i believe that was a glitch where you said was able to best layout but different format different tournament same team notes we'll see what all kind of comes of this yes vargo has has helped break down the walls a little bit uh but uh yeah that was just a beautiful call out by riddles yeah even with that beautiful call out look what happened here that wolf was was the problem maker the wolf was causing all kinds of trouble it took him a while to get back in the game he did but uh but it was too little too late and we've got riddles has one last chance here to try and bring this bring himself back into it maybe take himself to game five we're going to fd i think this is tech and music i believe this is tekken music and yes this is true true final shout out to devin here we are man final destination and of course you know what comes this no platforms all right so this time wolf's out front out front riddles didn't change anything so leo all like i said it's kind of like a mental mind game she's got to play with leo here of where how am i going to arrange arrangement characters almost thinking okay leo switched back thinking oh he's going to move kaji to the middle oh could not get the upsmash off there but and leo right now playing very strong right now he can't just he understands casual does not want to be off stage something as simplistic as a neutral special could be enough to mess up the entire recovery option however yes i believe that was that smash was that upbeat i think that might have been oh it could because it traded yeah okay oh that might have actually been whoa great stuff right there of course casual has the uh you know the options to go for trade oh my lord jesus christ that's going on the damage that's a lot of damage indeed i mean now pyro of course knows a thing or two about tossing out a lot of damage but there is the big boot homie i'll be having none of that on this stage hitting him with the uncle phil and jazzy jeff right there just throwing them clear off the stage this this is starting to look like this is not what this is not the game for mk leo we're all used to the three stock in game four reynolds takes it to game five last set all the money literally is on the line here rod let's go ahead and take a peek at these replays one more time just we can relive the action man what does that mean you're right big shout out right here to devon house at 3 000 here on the ones and twos helping tantani out love this here gonna go ahead and slow it down there's the up you gotta show that respect i don't care no respect shown hello he just sat there if leo just upbeat on the stage you would have got exploded and lost to stop right right right here nope hell shield that time got a little closer so you know what boom i've got a big shoe that's a big shoe that is a lot that's a lot of boot i get it you know fun fact casual canonically really likes sneakers lights likes to collect shoes so you're going to see some great footwork from uh from casual if you ever play tekken like his customizations he can really get fly all right game number five game five is here friends the final game here of this very long grand finals very long but very exhilarating nonetheless these two put on a performance but it all comes down to this and it took this long for us to see smashville today rob but here it is smashville i'm on the stage look i'm not complaining okay not complaining i like smashville i just feel like we just need new jams okay guess the down tilt came off the marked i believe that was the beginning animation of the twin pistons was able to get up underneath it and go for the downtilt electric wing god bless caught back here sniper that's right in the laser riddles looking good right now casual of course has the meter online kazia's going red oh oh my lord jesus 72 percent what is going on who where did where did that leo go that we saw earlier it don't even matter because riddles is here right now trying to put layout to bid there's a quick up smash though not enough yeah not quite enough indeed nice the backer into the corner whips the grab okay now that's just tekken one-on-one you with the grab once you get let off the hook it's in your best interest and not try to win the second one but this is where leo has been strongest when he has the wolf matched up against non-kaja characters can he bring this back well that is a million dollar question right now both sides showing each other a lot of respect on board nice gets to trade what's going to be nice run off for there and he is just putting on solid damage the air dodge oh and kind of had this man shook there was no jump i think leo thought he had enough air dodge in in this in the tank to get back to the ledge there couldn't get it going it's gonna have to be leo's mithra and pyrrha to seal this one out riddle still has has that terry in the bag oh and he gets the down here that's it riddles is the champion of squad strike for pound 20 22 wow what an amazing finish right here let's go and take a peek at these replays once more riddles of course with the exhilarating uh you know just neutral of course and then the strong finish at the end gets to hit right into the downer is going to shut it down even throwing mk leia off okay comes down with the leg right there love that electric wing god fits the backer right into the laser just when you thought it was safe to kind of stall out offstage in that bubble it wasn't the damage ain't done the damage ain't done yo shout out to sonic generations this is the menu or the level select area nice what's this sonic generation's on xbox 360 and ps3 okay and i think you can get it on modern consoles okay i might have to tap in wow well friends per those replays big sound against a devin house at 3k pressing the good buttons right there so i don't have to because i'm afraid to touch any of this cool technology up here shout outs to riddles pushing that big down air button closing it out with a big win so fantastic uh show thus far uh pound is off to an explosive start and once again leo finding finding his footing after a while but struggling in this building rod a little bit the riddles coming away i mean look you know this you know obviously pound 2022 a legendary tournament not the biggest bracket in the world but we have seen brackets like this really shake out to something great um you know a lot of a lot of very strong players um obviously i've showed them i seen cosmos earlier you know leo is here as well you know there's a lot of you know talented individuals riddles obviously but there's also a lot of regional killers to a lot of up and coming you know talent that's really going to make a name for that great showing yes enhanced pv a very very great player so definitely on the lookout for them as well big shots everybody of course i had the helping hand here putting together squash right here at pound 2022. it has been such yes me too man it's been such an honor man to commentate this event i think people forget how legendary this series is again established well you know what i was doing in 2006 okay i was in middle school definitely not watching competitive smash i was i was doing some other things okay look i didn't even know smash existed they have been around for that long okay i'm an old-ass man and they've been doing it for a very long time so big shout out and rob before we go yeah i i thought i'd offer you a gift of our to represent am i going to chug it too am i going to chug it if you'd like i'm going to do it i'm not telling you have to do anything i'm going to do it anyway because you know he's like devin's like do not spill that on my oh i already know look devin can smell the broke on me i can't afford none of this you ready cheers brother cheers see we'll see all of her chug cut the cameras dead ass all right y'all um i can't what is this it's like putting it away oh put it away what the hell we just we just want to thank our uh our our overlords on nintendo and disney we want to thank them for helping us with this tournament nintendo especially in disney they are our saviors and we want to thank you very much for putting a great game together letting sora be in smash brothers yes god bless you and uh yeah i'm glad both of those companies are certainly playing fair friends and you can be playing fair with us as well too tomorrow if you show up here show for the rest of singles of course melee two more days worth two more days worth of melee still happening so be sure to jump over to that stream or i would imagine we're going to probably bring it over here to this one but whichever way it shakes out friends thank you for tuning in this has been pound 2022 day number one here on the ultimate side we will catch y'all tomorrow peace out [Music] you
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 269,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, marss, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament
Id: ZkOtLpfUKjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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