EVO 2019 Smash Ultimate GRAND FINALS - MkLeo (Joker) Vs. Tweek (Pokemon Trainer) SSBU Tournament

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you're watching these laio sets good god he's a force of nature he's just a hurricane blowing through your town taking over building after building and you watch him coming but you don't have a shelter if you don't you really have no way to get out of empty whales path you just have to win put your hands on the controller and do everything you can right now tweek if you're going to prove that you should be number one over m Kaleo here we're gonna get into the game immediately on pokemon stadium 2 of course so here we go ps2 again sticking with the pokemon trainer keep in mind both these guys have deep pockets this is a best-of-five set and I would not be surprised to see it go to set - ok m'kay Leo has to win two sets to take the tournament because it's week has not lost yet when a great switch right there because you know in paleo can get so much mileage out of that continuation off of the platform but ok Ivysaur coming in with the vines of course you got to be so careful be careful of being underneath Ivysaur beautiful spike and you know that leo is kicking himself but you have our sense recovery it could actually be worse than regular Joker's because it's very easy to intercept but what is failing is this the less fa'budun that that absolutely was what it was I mean he displayed that as soon as Joker came out and now Leo doing the same thing rocking his man up so much when he's hanging on to that spot for dear life 1:22 now I'm tweaked still not in so much danger especially not when are sent out if he doesn't get knocked off stage gets hit by a back hair gotta like it might look like here yeah he's got to watch out oh no it's okay yeah he's got the di on board though so he's able to hold onto the stock for a minute here chars are trying to space crackdown is not smash bread and whether mpa oh yeah town this stage pokemon pokemon stadium 2 looks so good for play oh he's continually setting up that dragged down hit me up stem and nobody has found a way to beat it and lay open despite falling way behind early on is now comfortably ahead until squirrel gets his hands on you absolutely bringing this back to even in one combo this man trapped to the ledge as well right now but a great role to get bright past week who was not expecting that whatsoever another down there trying to space them out tries to get a pivot grandpa to spot that's from leo is gonna stop that in tracks the switch to escape in King Leo's just so smart the fact that he got away from that potato cuz he's face it so perfectly but if Galileo was ready for and now trapped in this platform gotta be careful when MK Leo's under you sharking like that with arson oh wow the role in tweak did not expect I think he expected a normal hit up this is why once the Razor Leaf got out there in the air and our scent is nowhere close and now that he's a squirtle instead he might have a better time and being a KO without our thin you know foot board smash but squirrels kill power just so low oh but we're sticking with it alright here we go Ivysaur time when your opponent is off the stage catching a real knife but unable to get the stock just yet on the hunting year get the pivot grab this time we're going off Oh No okay he was able to make it back I thought that was a little too ambitious and it may have been gave up stage control for the edge garden and instead he's gonna eat that back here for his troubles treat evening it up we're down to one stock a piece she has a beautiful up throw knowing the percentages that 171 you're not surviving when chars aren't slams you into the ground like that but now squirrel for the globus and combos brought him out but he has to get his fans on a paleo first Oh Helen up dead too but he get out of it immediately oh gosh she has spot dogs from Wales you just keeps doing it tweet just keeps flipping these grabs again he's trying to lead too hard I think to get these crab combo starting in late just expertly baiting it finally gets his hands on him but he doesn't convert but here's the back here now opportunity barely whips grabbing him here but a nice board air trying to catch him what's more of an MP a little smart between two the platforms are trying to lay with these guns alright now keep in mind our scent is out squirtle is out we got the down tilt now this could go very well or very poorly for tweak obviously our sin doing so much more damage but with Ivysaur out if you get lay off stage go for a Down air play oh go and off favoring now lay on his edge guard position though he's so strong here absolutely got Charizard now he tried there about dodged alleged and almost getting covered by Leo not sure what he was looking for there though but now he's in a horrible spot chars are gonna launch him off and now not like that week Wednesday one he's trying to silence the doubters for so long everyone said Leo's one nor two even going back to the last game tweek is just two games away from silencing everyone and winning the biggest smash tournament of all time and he's doing it so perfectly right now he is giving a little bit too much respect for half Sam Kao getting away with so many rolls and landing it right in front of them or hitting his shield but we coming out on top right there that's all he needs to be able to collapse this out just play it right you can do what squirtle says pokemon trainer back there but Joker on the other side not gonna allow that to happen freely smash village to pick on this one it's smaller and we've seen how much the Joker can do with that Center platform it is just incredible absolutely we kick so many sets of course we got dragged down but don't get it by the you ain't get to the blast zone not what you want we're already at 76% he's still hanging on to this light character yeah but he wants to have it for that triple four they're finally gonna switch off pivot grabbin Leo just keeps landing into tweek absolutely getting this grab right here he's gonna toss him up off the stage is so good buzz two extra going getting the downer spike off of that if Caleb tried to get the hedge guard and got punished so hard for it an explosive spike out of nowhere and we know leo to be the guy to pull the trigger out of nowhere like that sweet is beating Leo and his own game here but it does not matter the layout because just like we've seen a billion times before evens it right back up yeah setting him up again with a drag down of course into smash attack this man just knows how to do that no matter what positioning it is or which attacked exactly he's using and already look at how even it is in fact now in layoffs favor at the back here tries to go to the for tier layout dodging into it nice catch him there slowly draining the air centimeter is tweaked to find a way to get this stock off hitting that rabbit jump on the shield go getting a little bit punished but a great rising air off the ledge and it all going as deep as he can of course those vines will barely reach but keep in mind oh wow he aired oxygen live in this man with the eye of the gods and a counter as well to avoid in the edge guard oh my god how did that work week is so far ahead of Leo we saw Leo continually land in between again and again he keeps eating these board smashes he's leaving easy hitting these aerials tweak is on his way to winning evo 2019 yes up by so much right now and look at that he waited on the counter and gets the pivot grab with the ball when we get in the fight not quite there it is so close to clutching out games who tweets brain is escaping his skull I have never seen anyone play at a level like this this man is definitely transcended right now and Charizard ow just throw out the flare blades and in this thing take all of our souls right now game to to tweak one more game and sweet will win the biggest smash tournament of all time overlay oh does Leo switch characters here Joker looked solved I mean I think tweak might have yet he looked so yeah thing though he was doing so well but he got edge ready with that down air and like 60 and loss of stock way earlier than MK leo usually does so I don't think he is gonna switch I mean you gotta stick to what you know and this is the character he's been playing since I believe prime saga so here we are men aim three potentially last game of the tournament or will this be the reverse 304 mko right now so far so good for Leo oh look at them coming alive right now not allowing anything to escape them any opportunity to punish it's right there [Music] back here from way oh they're rising right up against and catching them there but you're going to switch Pokemon it's gonna punish you the flare blitz barely maybe tweaking life yeah love to see him go for that cuz sweet was ready with a foreign smash he left me a tip them Leo wanted so badly to get the punish excellent if occur he tried to reverse back here yeah I'm out that might have been enough to KO if it landed but it did not Myrtle is backed out and I love between its decision just switch to squirtle at a moment's notice he's not scared of getting hit by a big ko moving on he started I feel like a lot of Pokemon trainers to play a little corny lately tweak to switching Coughlin what a beautiful fight with Fred that man's read from 10 years ago we already knew what was going to happen all according to keikaku and now getting proud right here only thrown off the Big Show still hanging on even with the Avon on him oh I think he faded out leoz tendency there he knew that Leo was going to go so far for that I don't think for throw he's gonna do it Charizard is out it's gonna make it to the legislature patiently wait gonna eat a cloth before it's knocking him off the right side estate you're pivoting around that a ha you're not gonna catch me with that for free got to be careful here if he grabs him under that platform you know what nobody home bet he didn't get it okay look down here is gonna land well Leo winning that interaction and maybe winning more as he takes the first stock exactly finally shutting tweet down with all that momentum he was reversing on him because that first MPLA was running away with him but sweet firing right back and now it's his opportunity to edge out here barely missing the grabbing a great role from mpa oh he wants it so bad but Leo knows it and just Joker such a small thin spelt character he's not getting trapped by this Charizard right Charizard right now just trying to find his opening you cannot seem to get that option inlay oh you know what don't forget his hands on a big heavy character like that he's got a combo him a lot although he's having a lot of trouble just finding the opening it looks like Leo keeps rolling through him and I feel like tweets gotta be ready for them here it was just the spot touch so he is mixing it up oh but he finally gets his claws on and that'll do it and he only took 37 it's not bad at all and you know a squirrel can fire that right back and he's already almost there with those two hits a quick - not gonna knock him off but he's okay for now that grab would have been so good for sweet but gonna have to find a new option here 20 problems we're all we got a poor dare da ha but it's not gonna live-tweet just one game away but we saw this happened when he fought against mutiny and winners finals exactly this whole thing has already happened and it almost got brought all the way back on him but right now with this Edgard opportunity and sucking that's popping that down air into the back there so we got the I ready though I think he got his di mixed up just because she might have gone to the offense we need a flare blitz and he doesn't but it still gets sucked out by the back dear Leo now past week on his last stock this week need to pull it all together right now I do not want to go through a game 5 with Imperial I don't even want to go to a game for with MK Leo once it close it out in this moment if you can at 92 on Joker something could happen but maybe not so much with squirtle so tough tweak looks like he's draining here Leo just slowly suffocating him with this play I mean like it seems like tweek doesn't have the answer again rolls head Leo keeps changing the question but now tweak one stock away from winning evil we may just have the answer to your question Kony trying to find an opportunity to get back onto the stage so we can make something happen and there it is but still pressed into the corner and now back off stage once more you need to find stage control if he's gonna do anything FK Leo so strong at the edge said it's me trying to stay alive trying to get these aerials trying to make something start so I like down into down smash is going to survive but he can't take much more punishment so risky to go for the chains right there but he is able to almost make it back unless there he is enough Trump but no back there so many air dodges he has to play so reactive and there it is again leo says hail to the king baby we're going to Game four absolutely and now look at em paleo boys that turn this around with the rubbers three oh and you cannot look happen to you if you're tweaked you need to buckle down think about every mistake you made and never let it happen again Suggs week up 200 against mutiny drop two games and then win the fifth one if that how this is about to go down right now I don't know Leia was looking so strong in that last game like we said tweek not historically not known for his composure it has changed quite a bit absolutely this man with a whole new month mentality we have to hope that he won't lose sight of his goal here excellent down throw but he doesn't get the conversion excellent TI by the laio to get out of that nice quick combo right there back him up to 39 and taking it further trying to catch him off the platform alejo so quick to move away from that disadvantage spot so good I love his roll back just getting Center watch the hole dead center stage right there now with a quick low person combos from squirtle of course and a quick switch the Ivysaur off I feel like tweek is continually switching in that exact situation at that exact spot and I thought that might have been tied in my heart drop for just a moment here but now he's turning the whole situation around gonna back off a little bit after getting hit by the a han not gonna be able to pressure I'm too much of a Ledge here 90 percent to 95 lands in front of him but Leia rolling crudest I wanna get grabbed but the areas getting grabbed and knocked off the right side he's gonna get my back there crab no he rolls through everything hello there crow yeah we're going off stage and we're staying I try to breathe the role in he's ready for it with the fort so that's another roll off ledge read that we've seen in this top eight and then we all go right into having away oh my god can you get it to the ledge okay I got him feeling hurt week was must go out there but here's the back throw opportunity for Mike even if he 30 seconds worth it but he's able to gotta stay alive he makes it back yeah and there's a backdrop tweek is outpacing lay-oh consistently he's sprinting while Leia was just jogging I don't know if Leo's gonna be able to come back from this in this what he needs to do you cannot let up when you have any sort of moments in India leo keep it breath and then another for oneself up to such words the best player in the world week needs one more stock to win Evo can he do it or will AO seal the deal here that pivot right there but he didn't have the read and now I'll it maybe possibly board the I own that stock gonna lose it but he's still up by an entire one he cannot let that shake his confidence squirtle is that we're going to see a little bit of damage here forty eight Azzam does not want to be on stage against layout absolutely I won the hold set you see if he's jumping to center stage right and look at Leo coming alive right now 74% in poor little squirrel cannot handle too much for gimmick an Ivysaur on the right night and an even game 49% only on him Gail a brutal hit by M Kao calling out the Pokemon switch Charizard is reeling he wants to switch to squirtle but he's going to take even more damage Leo is not going down without a fight that's even game right now after tweak went up by two holes not empty Alejo does not go out like that though my man squirtle trying to chase him down but getting knocked off the left side here what's your plan Ivysaur he's got the Ivysaur tag he's got Ivysaur plate can the cabbage dog find a way to make this miracle happen although it looks so hard right now with Joker Sharky right here on that spot and he gives the pending crab off the roll now how is he gonna land he switches the chars are but then Killian able to find the mark but there's a backer instead Oh Sonny went too low for a second been able to find his footing here here's a grab oh no this is so scary he wanted to catch a famous place fight he was able to get out what is the option now he pivot he had to read on that Grandpa Joe eat the nut pulled the trigger and now it back here knocking like a weak spot what is the option how you getting up the ledge oh my god did he do it fourth row he's going to survive Leo has are sent out this could go either way Oh you read somebody does not pull the trigger on that board Oh tweet so close to flushing it out but unable to find it right there and you saw he had that read on that role he did but he didn't trust himself and he's going to lose game or right now the hesitation is heartbreaking tweek was one input away from winning the biggest tournament of all time that read it was right there but just a split-second moment stopped him from taking that game m'kay of course is so ready to make this upset happen or not upset with the reset happened so here we go the seat we can do it this time but again we have to remember Jaleo just shifts the momentum at a moment's notice that's always changing always adapting right now trying to land with those downward guns to try to catch a squirtle off guard but he was ready for it here's some tilt into a quick grab and that'll lead to a slow person Cabo a night up be just to get fun two percent up to 62 gets the dash back into the upper 81% on Joker but he gets offense boat jumps thought he was gonna get punished more but I guess not right growing this razor leaf right here trying to catch bugs in him off guard but that a ha I'm gonna hit him instead now knocked off the safe once more how we get into ledge here Leo just so terrifying and he keeps rolling at ledge of course you can't Leo has the renal nut so scary excellent move by Leo and again he's able to get that stock off of tweak who just is looking like he's running out of steam but it's looked like this throughout the tournament and then he finds another energy reserve to bust out have to see if he does it here because Leo is coming out of the full force right and I mean I don't care how good your mentality has improved losing game therefore like that has to feel horrible man and he can barely get his hands on the ledge right now m'kay Leo all over him this is looking bad right now for tweak y'all fair yeah he was layover Seoul ready to avoid that down there from tweek knowing how he was gonna try to land the leaf the tweek has not found the answer to kid and on his Joker absolutely just penetrating a roll around and find an opening here but he was unable to just yet but they're grabbing onto the ledge here you had the chance but he doesn't have the reason going for these affairs like as if mko he's gonna jump over top of him but instead it was just punish that I think what do you expected was a roll in from Leo Leo keeps to my right there he just did it twice in a row and like I think Leo might be weirdly conditioning it where he's saying okay I'm gonna do this over and over a second then it seems too obvious he doesn't do it well and okay tweek is down by one whole stock yeah not a good spot to pee and he keeps switching Pokemon right in front of him paleo space and he punished him twice heavenly so bad especially in the last game for that but now time meets week just has to come alive to stop this reset from happening constant grab some sweet finally landing it what's the punish down there tries to get the back here but it's not gonna land against the air dodge and it gets 40 but I know he wanted more absolutely and you saw him tried to set him up on the shield doing great fading back to not take a punishment now he okay oh so quick to turn it around matching him out of the air and what's to get this up air drill to catch up on the platform but misses slightly let's get back here they're into the up air we can't get much else and our scent has come yeah this could spell the end for this game right here and the said okay no punished for that rapid typing on his shield so lucky but here's a grab opportunity they'll follow up now he is not falling for that falling down there or those Pokemon swings in the off stage there is the reset every time tweet went for the reset layout either had it covered or it was ready to cover it leo is just on top of him all over the place and it's so unfortunate for tweak the way that game four ended because this tournament could have been over we could have been crappy have the money got his girl everything but instead he's got to go and do a whole nother set with number one in the world who seems like he kind of has his number and the momentum all in his favor you see tweak with a slight smile on his face you don't know if that means you know I'm okay it'll be alright or if that means I'm going insane well I mean it's happening again I mean like tweak consistently just kind of falling vallejo in these situations maybe to make it out at frostbite but here Evo it's looking tough honestly though he's starting to look like he's coming to live once again I feel like in that game 5 he was completely defeated before it even started after he lost game or I don't think he felt like he was going to be able to clutch it out but now that it's a fresh new set fresh new mindset and we're going into this already with a slight lead it's got a watch himself around our send though because it is squirtle great little light boy I got to be careful how he's going to land here getting knocked off the stage in that coming in hot almost the second one as well gonna switch pokémon so scary with him Kelly oh so close man it's gotta get off the platform he does know that I do it we're di on that but he's able to survive yeah every so barely and of course the blinds gonna reach onto the stage and get him back into the safety zone but oh okay of course if Galileo drill I'll bear into up smash all day every day Oh squirrel wanted to get that tech chased follow up and I need what a read we're in Paleo was gonna go five now Wow wild Ford smashed on the can it's still just not enough trying to go off with the new trailer but layout not gonna fall to it oh and I really like the shield pressure from that off air falling right directly against him and now he had this opportunity reads the jumping at the up air okay bringing it back to even immediately yeah he got the grab on squirtle you remember he was trying so hard to get that grab on earlier stocks but here lay oh falling into it giving him that 339 percent Vallejo answering back with these uh pairs right JC was man snatching him right out of the air you're not getting away from me that easily squirtle trying to escape hits his shield by slamming up switching Pokemon once again like I'm Kelly oh boy just go out there and back air him but he slides under it Ivysaur throwing out those aerials trying to find something sounding like a grown man with that okay from here both lips and a good switch from tweak we keep seeing him use offstage yeah in a really bad spot but they're super good disable to avoid damage Oh weird air lodge and that is awful now I catching them with the guns right there that thing is so weird to put you into a flinch and stop to whatever movement you're when talent week definitely caught off guard right there I don't have to play this just right to bring it back as I be sure out but he's going to land aggressively and now Leia with a full stock lead against IB so what's the answer here this is definitely not the spot you want to be in s tweaks when you had all the cards in your hands you were up to O losing Game three in the game for you up to Stockton lost it but now look at the switch if Galileo has completely come alive this is a man that was tearing through loser's bracket earlier and through the entirety of Evo for the weekend deep not gonna happen gets the back here can't get anything else finally gets the neutral air don't know if that's gonna be enough right oh he goes super deep but still not enough to get the stocks yeah so much okay there's the up smash but man 119 to 0 what are you going to do here too weak don't get back here that's not gonna do it he needs an Ivysaur down there he needs a Charizard Flair but he I don't think crazy all right like this low percent combo 'inna ardi Oh 1% trying to read how he's gonna land the platform slightly off the market and put him in a horrible spot barely able to switch in time going to ledge he gets up immediately trying to find his way around Joker he is a large target right now I've arrived weak barely escaping everything that's coming out snatching this man in throwing a lot they go so low can he catch up with the backyard oh he tried to do he tried to survive I don't think he tried to hit that flare blitz I think what he was trying to do install it because I didn't know if he'd make it back or maybe he was going though I think he was going why little Mary's the thing I've ever seen in my whole life if they already don't get her set right ok you're right you're right you're right so he was going for the Hail Mary hey no play from tweak but it didn't knock it off super unfortune to go out like that but I mean if you're gonna do it do it like that almost man almost tree trying to keep his composure no the brain is rattling in his skull the heart is beating out of its chest yeah man her hormones are pumping the blood is white-hot especially with a way to send it on it's just so heartbreaking right now if you're tweaked but if you're MK leo you got to be feeling strong coming back from losers bracket going in it away earlier than you would expect them to leo - and right now though we're already racked up to 64% and that's the beauty of portal this man trying to get away just going to land on the platform to avoid IB Soros advances barely getting away once again he's gonna have to escape to the edge putting himself actually in kind of a disadvantaged spot just to escape from Ivysaur trying to run away like a freakin someone you don't want talking to you yo stop hitting on me please don't like you let me get away thank you I have a man oh oh and Leo is a down there to steal the stock from tweet he's like my you'll won't be big at mitla I want you either ugly that's horrible to turn around don't get rejected then reject bad guys don't do that but either way MK leo gonna shut him down right there and go up an entire stock but the percentages though now listen too bad for tweak oh it's not looking bad but I mean we've seen how hard it can be for him to take a stock off the play of going to the town err not giving it to him he gave up stage control put him off stage in a very bad spot barely getting his hands on one right there and the pumps no shot of Steel's gonna win so scary for tweak I mean I you have to wonder if he's run out of gas here Leo doesn't stop he's solar-powered I don't know what to tell you good back throw there [Music] man off the stage but oh my gosh on the recovery coming off of that heaven platform it immediately knocking to got them and once again being up an entire stock so much work for tweak to have to do every game but okay this could be kind of disgusting almost following up right out of the Pokemon switch persona on that Carson is ready to help him get to do these combos off the platform do not do another one carry him all the way up with all this uh pairs layout falling there tweak falling further and further behind layout asserting his dominance trying to get the down there on the platform there's the upper tweet just looking uh Turley two feet up right now can he find it within himself to be able to win this set looking like he's gonna do it right here with the head guard yes absolutely with the back they're taking him out of it going up to Oh squeak man if you're in this scenario you got to feel kind of bad about it Oh kinda okay hopefully not too bad though he's got to keep that new good mentality tweaked is I don't know he's holding on man you can still see the intent in his eye he has not given up just yet even though these games are not going in his way at all he can find it and you saw that deep breath he just took he can find it within himself and he's gonna dig it out right now sOooo on em Taleo the last set went to Game five this one might only go to Game three and you can see the crowd in here right now well you can't see but the crowd in here right now has their hands up giving their power to em kale ale I believe wanting this man to win this whole thing or perhaps it's which weak wanting him to make the comeback the reverse three Oh like in paleo did on the other of in the beginning bracket they're definitely offering their energy to tweak who they saw get so far come all the way to winners finals only potentially some booze and trans by a two sets let's keep in mind layo lost way earlier come a me yesterday tweak hasn't lost to anyone except this demon right Kaleo and he had him already it was zero to 110 and suddenly it's 45 in a horrible spot let's week finding his way back onto stage control and trying to catch him with these uh pairs he's gonna find anything just yet and throwing out kind of some risky options here him Kalia would make it pay like we saw him do to Sacre earlier go to the ledge tries to cross him up but leo has the cover gets the crap he's going to avoid the back area suddenly it's even man after that huge advantage tweak I created with his squirtle throwing out this line though he's got to find a stock immediately that's the problem everybody has verses in paleo they cannot kill this man just so tricky uses the movement but weak has its touted they better kill him after he just did that in his face what one even was that the float back when the gun okay ok layout that's the UM up two games and you won't but he was wrong cuz tweak will he will absolutely and he's able to find the first stock but you know I think that's the first time he's gotten the advantage and stock lead this entire says uh pair it's all up there free damage definitely what you need to do push that advantage if you have to stock to me please don't let him kill you immediately not to get a little bit of extra credit on the board trying to find his opening not getting a perfect little before there but then the dash attack I love that usage of the razor leaf to beat out that protect out from Jack he's actually using it really well you see when he's off they'd using it also to pressure him and force him to stay in shield so he can't get the perfect edge guard tweak is just camping on this ledge and he's run up paid for it he thought he had everything covered but Leo coming out there to be a tweak was consistently refreshing these invincibility and going to the ledge he did not want to fight our set but Leo brought the fight to him exactly very smart on and paleo to not allowed to just you know to sort of flanking out there on the ledge now he's gonna have to find this opening cuz even already how does MK Leo keep bringing it back so fast especially versus a player like weak who like you said has not lost to anybody except for this man tweek was just looking uh turley dominant throughout the entire weekend but has he met his match here in mko who just cannot be defeated he cannot be stopped yeah been having so much trouble right now not even able to find a hit opening and as soon as he thinks he has an empty leo is hitting him first going super deep neutral air he tried it but Leo not coming up on the recovery not giving it to him trying to use the guns recovering part some kind of setup is he up air yeah very soon all right waiting right there from tweek and in the pivot grab as well he's got the edge guard opportunity now need to be careful getting back onto the ledge and the quick switch it's still surprising you see I'm going for such a risky unsafe option right next to him Keo like that going deep for the down air it's not going to happen there's the fourth row azimoff stage our scent is out seep it down tilt not going to land yeah dipping extra low right there to make sure they recover the back here extra hold on it from our sin that was a weight ups master suite I don't know if what he was going for there but it looks so late right now 27% tweekaz on his final stock of the tournament if he can't figure this out such a horrible spine I had an opportunity to hit him harder punished than that but he couldn't expect such an unsafe recovery freedom Keo and now he needs to find another opening which is so rare versus someone who makes rarely a single mistake you can't find it leo just closing all the windows shuttering the doors but tweek might have found a source of light absolutely gonna blast right through that wall he's creating and carefully get himself back to the ledge if you can holding on just barely with squirtle here wanting to get a low percent combo but man he's so light with this character you got to be careful the doors are closing leo is just slowly choking outlet weeks now in this grand final reset if he could get rid of this squirtle now this Ivysaur he will be your Evo champion well the quick grab right there knowing exactly how that week was gonna recover his opportunity to catch him off the stage well but tweaks escaped stiff narrowly what is the plan he wants to catch is falling up everybody doesn't get it the dragged down open into the down smash that how William recover here MK Leo waiting patiently in center stage he wants it so bad tweak trying to find his opening don't know if he can lay oh trying to lend next to him again reaches ready for it gonna win next did lay oh there's so much close-quarter combat when those rapper jobs could have paid so much heavier for it but still with a chance at life here the back hair hanging on with a good knee i watch that back hair flail lands in between he had me i'm and he's able to live but watch another back here he has to find his way back on stage we've got the back here well that broke into the backyard week afford smash the Hail Mary he went from every land right there with that yet and rolling onto the page stolen safely but the eyeing again to keep himself barely alive air dodging to the ledge waiting for the third champ so smart is gonna try to go low Jenny spiked it he missed crimes and he grabbed on and with M de Lyonne jumpy squeak to be your 2019 Evo champion you can't read it you can't run from it but in the end and Pale Ale will arise a grand final he is your champion right now for evo 2019 look at that smile in that man's face competed so hard losing early to someone who didn't expect them to but fighting all the way back through almost going down 300 weak but turning it all the way around Italy to be king and the king has reclaimed his throne number one in the world starts off the next season with an Evo 2019 championship and with so many excellent wins underneath this valley tweeting right now I want Evo so happy for an empty Alejo we're happy for you as well this man it's just the Cinderella story of course from his humble beginnings and then fighting all the way through using gaming tournaments to help you know better his life and his family life as well so you got to be happy for a man like in paleo to do so well at the biggest he's more tournament in the world for Smash Bros and I was talking about it before then that Leo was just this unanswerable question he just kept switching stuff up and tweaked didn't really find it tweak let's let's not take anything away from him absolutely he was the same thing he went all the way through winners without any challenge really can we talk about how he had it he had it in his hands especially in that game four he was up two stocks what did MK Leo do to that man he just decimated him like one sock after another so quickly those ill-timed Pokemon switches and things like that just cost him dearly in the end of this evo grand finals just so much damage in it and I think it really does speak to how that set went to how everything went with them that it was game 5 that first set it was so close and tweaked almost had it he was one input away at one point he was so close and then he still just couldn't do it guys we're gonna kick it over to Sage Awards ceremony we'll be right back but go ahead gonna go announce the winners all right fear smash ultimate top aid in seventh place it's light also in seventh place Zachary [Applause] [Music] in fifth place proto bon Homme [Music] [Applause] [Music] tied for fifth right Oh [Music] taking forth samsara [Music] in third gluttony [Music] in second place make some noise for cui [Music] and infer place the new smash world champion Mao [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 3,844,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp vg bootcamp, videogame, video game, bootcamp, boot camp, video game boot camp, tournament, ultimate tournament, ssbu tournament, ssbu, smash, smash bros, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, ultimate, smash bros ultimate, melee, smash melee, ssbm, EVO, EVO 2019, mkleo, Marss, glutonny, Light, sparg0, Maister, Abadango, ESAM, samsora, fatality, leffen, mango, tweek, zackray, nairo, dabuz, kameme, nietono ssbu
Id: m6CrWBOxecY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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