Pottinger 10000 T TerraDisk Demo

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[Music] all right here is what you're gonna see in today's video we went and picked this terra disc up here yesterday sunday april 11th uh with the 8320 we've got the 9560 all put back together i ended up taking that back to the field that the girls were chisel plowing on and that's where we had done some of the resetting of the alfalfa and i used the oh the 8320 to go over to kaz equipment and pick this up now i thought it was going to be raining here uh yesterday and all we really planned on doing was going and getting this implement and getting it set up for when the weather's straightened around and we're gonna throw this in the field however i was able to do a little bit with this tool here last night and then today um we ended up hooking the 9320 to it and um we did some ground here that was injected with manure the salesman came out today and and we did some settings um made some adjustments to it and used it here some and then we got rained out and i didn't video anything that has been done here uh today once the weather breaks we'll do a an authentic video of this unit here so enjoy the rest of the video i thought i would just give you a somewhat of an intro to uh what you're gonna see in today's video so we're getting a nice rain shower here and i'm gonna head back to the shop and um work on a few things here so thanks for watching folks well it is sunday morning and we are back in lafayette with the 95 60. we got this going here late last night and i wrote it around the door yard here this morning checked things over assured myself that everything was a-okay now we are going to hook it back up to the chisel plow it i thought it would be raining here by now but it's not we're going to run it around some uh get it up to operate in temperature when it's hooked to a piece of machinery and make sure everything's gonna be okay here another thing that we have to do we have to take the 8320 over to uh kaz here at some point so we've got to get that done as well and uh yeah we'll just have to see what that turns into here so we'll check back with you here once we get hooked up to this chisel plow run it around some and we're starting to get some misty drops on the windshield here so i'm hoping that it starts raining but we'll take what we can get here so let's get over to the chisel wow all right we're just circling around here we're gonna get out on the road get this moved up to the next farm and hopefully it starts raining here in a while [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right so we have just pulled in the cavs look there's a new 8r 310 that is nice all right so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna hook onto that piece of equipment right there they've got that all ready to go [Music] we're just gonna sneak in on it here hook up to it head back to lafayette [Music] so this has got a hydraulic uh tongue hydraulic jack on it here so we're gonna have to get positioned onto it here and then we'll get our hoses hooked up and we'll get it figured out i can't get lined up here holding the camera so we should be lined up better to it right now all right so we gotta get some hoses hooked up here and then we'll join back up with you here in a few minutes well after we get this hooked up we'll run over and we'll look at that new 310r sitting right there all right so we are all hooked up now getting uh ready to pull on out of here but before we do we are going to walk over here and they have another um awning or tear disc uh that has to be put together yet so we'll show you how they are shipped um into these dealerships here there it's on a couple of crates here and i am not sure if this is the same model as we're hooked on to or not the one that we have is a six meter unit and the one that we're hooked on to now is a 10 meter which that's roughly 32 feet or something like that this looks like it is the same size as the one that we're hooked on to and they also have an eight meter unit and then they've got some smaller ones um that are smaller than they also have some models that are smaller than the one that we have here so this here is the rubber rolls we have metal rolls on the six meter unit that we have and it looks like this has a better uh scraper here it's got some hardened edges on it at least that's what it appears to be on the actual scraper itself and then the u-bolt that holds the scraper on there looks like that's 10 millimeter material u-bolt and the u-bolts that are on the scrapers that are on our 20-foot unit which is roughly six meters is like quarter inch so that looks like that's a little better design there and then these rubber rolls um i think we're gonna i like them a lot better than the metal rolls these ones aren't as deep as the metal ones the metal ones are real deep and if you have a scraper that gets knocked off the dirt really gets packed in there and you need an air chisel to uh get it apart now on these discs unit these disc units here they are the same design as the the unit that we currently have right now and what it has is a rubber uh piece of round stock there's four of them around that square tube and that is what is used as your spring cushion for each disc unit itself and these disc units uh run in pairs so we're going to run over here and we're going to run look at this 8r310 and then we're gonna roll on out of here it's starting to sprinkle here a little bit and i thought it would be raining by now but it has not so this tractor here i glanced at it for a second before we um got completely hooked up this is basically the same tractor as what we have hooked onto the terra disc here and then on this tractor it is set up right it's got the spacer on the inside wheel uh put on there correctly and then it's got the actual tube that goes in through the dual hub itself on there so that you can drain the oil from this one or check it and then of course you've got the center plug there uh on our 8r360 or our 8360r uh that one does not have the hole in the hub uh for this uh tube to be put in through it so this is uh quite the nice looking tractor here they had an 8r 340 up to their watertown store which is just a little bit bigger in this one i don't know if there's a model between the 310 and the 340 or not but i would assume that um there isn't and this is the exact uh match to the 8320 are this one's got five remotes on it and it also has the um capability of doing 540 small thousand and large thousand it currently has the large thousand rpm shaft uh in it we'll just jump up in the cab here quick door handle if you notice is on the bottom of the door instead of up on the side like right about here this one here is not leather interior but it's got a real nice heavy-duty cloth seat in it which i think is better than the leather it's got the larger uh 4600 processor it's got the harley bars in here several of those and this one is the e23 transmission you have uh the power shift which we have in the 8320r the 7290 has the ivt and this one is a 23 speed power shift which is similar to the transmission that is in the articulator the 9410 and the 9560 also have this dial here and you can kind of set your speed in which you want to the speed range that you want to be in and then it'll kind of put the tractor in the gear that it needs to be in according to how much power or how many rpms that is called for out of the tractor so this is quite nice inside [Applause] got a little bit different of a power strip there alongside the window and it's got several um ports over on the other side so we better roll on out of here and get back to uh lafayette i wonder if this is the refrigerator here enough that's just a box full the manuals so we'll go ahead and get this shot and we'll head on back to uh lafayette here all right we are on the naughton farm here now in lafayette this farm is the furthest farm that we have to the east and it is just shy of halfway between us and the dealership we demoed the 9900 chopper here and the 9800 chopper over on that field on the other side of the road here so this hayfield here we're gonna actually plow and uh flip it over to corn now that unit there is our um 20-foot pottinger tara disc and what we're going to do is we're gonna unfold this and um we're gonna go ahead and get started with it so this isn't exactly the tractor that we're going to use on this uh terra disc however i thought i would unfold this and we would walk over to the other unit there and just kind of compare the two of them to each other here and then we'll go over into uh the field that they're chisel plowing in now and uh we'll put it in the dirt and run it around some so this one here folds up a little differently than the other one that older unit there that folds up vertically and it actually sits a little higher than this one so we'll continue to unfold this one here i don't really know a lot about this as far as the actual operation of it but we'll try to get things figured out here and get it in the dirt it is sprinkling a little bit however it is so stinking dry that the little bit of moisture that we have gotten so far is really not going to affect the ground conditions um and how they are right now so [Music] yeah so we have a few things to figure out here and then we're gonna go ahead and get started with it here all right so we have these units kind of parked next to each other here uh we'll run over and take a look at this one quick and this new one here the wheels in the back are very similar to the wheels that are on the smaller unit there however these wheels are rubber so there's not as much of a gap here between the two wheels there's only about two inches there these scrapers are a little um they're a little more heavy duty than what you're gonna see on that older unit there the u-bolt here that attaches it to this two and a half inch square tube or two inch whatever size that is is a little more heavy duty and as i noticed here on that unit that wasn't put together it appears that there is a hardened surface put on the actual scraper itself so that looks like that's put together a little better these rubber wheels do cost more to get them on the unit opposed to these steel wheels here now there's about three different configurations that you can get this in you can get this style wheel the rubber and then there's some kind of uh oh like a wide wheel that's about that wide and they're kind of staggered and there might even be a s tine or something that goes on the back here i'm not quite sure but as you can see on these steel wheels here there's about a four inch to a four and a half inch gap between the edge of the wheel and the actual drum itself and these scrapers are um you know they're a little more they're not as heavy duty as the other one there and um it doesn't take much to break these off and then before you know it you've got dirt packing in between the wheels and in order to get that dirt out it packs in there so tight you have to get an air chisel to uh take that out of there now these discs are the same size as the discs that are on the same style as the discs that are on that new one and i see we have a bolt broke here so we've got to get that fixed we've had trouble with these bolts bolting this this wing assembly on here but that is what it is now this unit here is a six zero zero one which is it's six meters and this one here is a ten 0 0 1 t the 10 stands for 10 meters and as you can see this is quite a bit bigger than the other one that we have so um i don't know if i exactly have this thing figured out but uh we're gonna go ahead and take it over into the field that they've plowed over there um again this isn't the tractor that we plan on pulling with this primarily we're going to be pulling this with the 85 60 the 94 or the i'm sorry the 95 60 the 9410 and the uh 8360 we'd really like to see the 8360 be able to handle this uh therefore we can use the 9560 on it and the 8360 for when we are in the field uh getting conditions getting things ready to um plant wheat now this appears to have breaks on it this is a slack adjuster here i don't know if it's got an air it must have an air canister or something to be able to bolt to there but um that's what that there is is it's actually got brakes on there must be for the other countries that this unit goes into they must have to have uh brakes put on to this so look at the size of this actual cylinder that is one big you know what man all right so let's see if we can figure this out and uh get it into the field here all right we've made one pass along the hedgerow there and it is doing uh pretty good now this um ground air was chisel plowed yesterday the girls are actually plowing down on the other side of the hedgerow there we got alex in the 8360 just in that uh corn strip on the other side of that hay strip there and then sarah's down on the side held the 95 60. so we've made one pass up and back through the field here and this this is doing rather well now again this is not exactly the tractor that we're gonna be pulling with this however we're doing pretty good i'm running right at seven and a half miles an hour two thousand engine rpms with a lot of power to spare i think the 95 60 is just going to play with this thing but um this is what we want to use it for we want to go into the chisel plowed ground and use this ahead of the corn planter and as you can see it's leaving a real nice seed bed there now this isn't anything that we're going to plant here um anytime soon so we're just kind of testing this out i wanted to see how it worked now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over into that field that they have not plowed yet and we're going to see how it does in the actual corn stubble because we'll have to actually mimic what we're going to be doing when we prepare the ground to plant wheat into usually all we do is chop the corn off run the pottinger 20-foot tool ahead of the grain drill and then that's all we do before we uh plant wheat so we're gonna pull out of this field right over here and we'll go into that corn stubble and we'll try it out over there okay so we've made one pass up across this corn stubble field this field was chopped back last fall and what i'm doing is i'm just kind of testing this out to see how hard it pulls in the corn stubble because what we want to do is we want to utilize this tool in the fall to rip up corn stubble just prior to planting wheat and this 320 handles this thing very easily so we will not have any problem at all pulling this unit with the 85 or the 95 60 or the 8320 so we're gonna go over now and check on the 95-60 sarah's been plowing with that for a couple of hours here and i just want to make sure that it is in working order she's just on the other side of this house here all right this is what the ground looks like after we have gone over it with the uh pottinger terra disc now this has been chisel plowed of course and we just made one pass over the top of it here this is my oldest daughter alex running the 8360. andrew he is spreading box style manure he loves running the 4450 and loading himself with the towel handler and whatnot and uh he has kind of passed this job on to uh alex so this is stony ground here that's why she's going so slow we've got some pretty good sized stones on this uh side hill here and sarah's coming up in behind her she's going to take the last pass down through here and then they can start ripping off these headlands and then they're going to have the morris farm here done and they've got to move over to uh they've got one field uh over on webb road here to do yet so we're gonna see if we smell anything on this 95 60 when sarah passes us by here um i don't foresee there being any problems with it she is stopped and checked the oil several times here to make sure that we don't have any oil going into the coolant like we had here on uh what day was that thursday i guess it was it's sunday now uh when she was plowing on her first day we had some problems with the uh engine oil mixing with the coolant if you go back to the last video here um you'll see the problems that we had with it so it sounds mean sounds like she's doing real good there so pop up let's go bump up a couple gears see if she can get hit hit go hit it grab a couple more that tractor's got about six less shanks than what it can pull it plays with that chisel plow and all i can smell is fresh dirt which is a good sign we don't have any coolant smells or anything so we're going to let these guys get this done alex has moved on to that other field over there so we'll head on over we'll get this unhooked and get the 20-foot paradise taken home
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 44,691
Rating: 4.9838448 out of 5
Id: uX1TOFyPb-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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