Post Apocalyptic Wasteland - The Last Of Us in Real Life

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It's a struggle of our time: human nature versus mother nature Will we ever understand that nature will outlast us no matter what? What seems like some kind of landscape garden is actually what is left of a power plant once filled with machines and technical equipment 50 years ago. This art deco structure somewhere in italy was abandoned And today mother nature is reclaiming what is hers. In this video we descend into the underground The old power plant is located deep under a massive industrial facility We take you with us when we try to find a way down here We search for what men left long ago and research the history of the forgotten plant Join us as we explore the huge compound And make several unexpected discoveries Welcome to yet another strange world devoid of humanity we found during our italy road trip this summer For updates and photos of our adventures follow us on social media. This time we are trespassing an industrial area that has been abandoned for decades. And when man is gone nature is taking over. Apparently we are the first to take this path in a long time. You literally can't move without getting pricked all over by thorns. You know what they say: bad weeds grow tall and these weeds are huge Large old halls like this one can be found everywhere on the compound But the one we are searching for is still a long way off. We decided to go on the weekend because not every building here is vacant anymore So we have to watch out because there might be security patrolling somewhere [thunder] [thunder] There it is: the remains of a hydroelectric plant hidden underground and we reached it just in time. Let's get in and explore. [thunder] This derelict structure is a time capsule but also a view into our future at the same time Since it has been abandoned for almost half a century already, it allows us to look ahead 50 years after man And that is exactly why we wanted to come here, to see the world after us How do you feel when you see this? Is it alarming that the world after people could look like this or is it maybe even comforting for you? For us it is soothing to see this Due to its past this industrial area is contaminated and thus an environmental time bomb. and yet surprisingly it is no dead zone. Plants are growing where machines were operating decades ago. This used to be one of the most unnatural places you can think of And only 50 years later it basically became nature itself [Thunder] After having a taste of the future let's now look into this place's past As mentioned before it's a former power plant The building is shaped like the letter v So it has two wings and this is the left one Here you see the right hall Both combined in this art deco structure, which is the control unit or at least what is left of it 100 years ago the place looked like this Much has happened since then, but this is how it was constructed in the early 20th century In the area where it's located there are strong currents which are perfect to build a hydroelectric plant in It was used to power a factory for chemical substances It needed a lot of electricity since it was a huge mill back in its heyday the industrial area looked like this: Here is the power plant and most parts of it were underground for a good reason This is the layout which makes it easier to understand The power plant was built at the foot of a mountain You can see on the right and on the left there's the river with strong currents Often such underground plants form part of pump storage hydroelectricity schemes whose function is to level the electrical load They used cheap or surplus off-peak power to pump water from a lower water source to an upper lake During peak periods, when electricity prices are often high the power station generates power from the water held in the upper lake But with World War II it all started to change The industrial facility was heavily damaged by bombs and bottlenecks resulted in reducing the production But the factory remained in operation until its closure in the 70s when there was no demand for it anymore And with it also the power plant has been left to decay Now the only people who came here were copper thieves Because at first there was no security protecting the property And so they took what remained of the equipment and left behind an empty shell of an industrial monument Here are some of the pictures from that exploration We upload urbex photography regularly to our instagram and facebook You can also access high resolution images if you support us on patreon, by the way All the links are in the video description There you also find the instagram of our guide toby if you want to see even more stills We are all working together on another urbex calendar for 2021 let us know if you would be interested in one for yourself or as a present. After investigating the tunnels below the underground power plant we now want to find out what else is there to explore? Indeed it's the complete opposite of what we've seen before No rain but sunlight. Not that much decay, instead vintage equipment We thought it would be another turban hall but we were wrong This was part of the electrochemical plant. So no electricity was generated here and this equipment was used for nitrogen production And most of the machines remain in the hall until this very date Let's call it a museum The premises look quite a bit like how we imagine film studios to be in hollywood. Well apart from all the derelict buildings, of course Only a small part of the former industrial facility has been renovated Most of it is still raw and how it was constructed more than 100 years ago such as the old hydropower plant This wasteland is shaped by grand imposing structures made of ferroconcrete and bricks. And yet it was this small and more hidden building that impressed us the most with a glance at the past and at the future The other houses here are either falling apart as well or gradually find new purposes as warehouses or offices Due to the heavy production of chemical substances for such a long period the site will be contaminated until further notice And with it one of the most important industrial monuments in this part of italy remains forgotten Day two of our road trip is over and we still have a long ride ahead The next morning we wake up somewhere off the road, but very close to another place that vanished into oblivion This is probably the oldest structure we've ever explored It's an ancient temple that has sunken into the ground over time Today a spring emerges right in the middle of it, which also makes it one of the most magical places we've ever explored But more of that in the next episode! Are you interested in one of our new urbex calendars? If you like our photography, you can also order prints by the way just contact us via email or on social media We'll be back with a new video in two weeks. Be safe, but keep exploring! You
Channel: Broken Window Theory
Views: 114,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Post Apocalyptic Wasteland, The Last Of Us in Real Life, urban exploration power plant, real life post apocalyptic places, nature always finds a way, abandoned places, urbex, urban exploration
Id: ZnfBfh7C5VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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