Architecture Portfolio Tips- Reviewing YOUR work with Oliver from Upstairs!

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hey guys welcome to show it better my name is stephen and welcome to another episode of uh portfolio review or reviewing or work in this episode we're gonna review your portfolios and well i'm very excited because i have a very very special guest that is here with us maybe many of you may know him already but i'm going to give him just a brief introduction to everyone who doesn't know him he is a new fellow youtuber he also has like i think more than 230 000 subscribers right now it's it's very very crazy and um well he's also my friend uh he's from brazil from curitiba brazil and he's here he wants to review your work he wants to see your work and he wants to give us some tips and special tips on how to create the best portfolios for architects so please help me in welcoming oliver from herb upstairs so uh uh let's see let's bring oliver over here we're all good what's up steven i'm glad to be here man thanks for the invite pretty excited for this uh we've been talking to each other for some time now but i guess none of you have already seen a uh co-work with these with us now yeah so yeah well i'm very excited very excited to to have you here um oliver because well i don't know like i think many of the ones that were connected here know you know your work know how much you dedicate to your youtube channel to educating like people from all over the world and it's so crazy how people love you i mean it's so crazy like you're such a nice person man you're such a nice person but you're also like you have so many so many interesting thoughts on representation on architecture so honestly i can't wait to see where your channel goes and i think i'm excited to have you here so thank you thank you for coming on the channel yeah thanks for the kind words i'm really excited i think this is the first uh or first collab but uh uh i can see many others coming up soon let's do this regular if the guys are interested if the people here are interested and yeah to be honest uh uh my channel was really exp inspired by yours man like back when i was i started so i think you're just an inspiration for many of us and i think every new newer generation just gets better and better like i was inspired by it by alex hoberfer and i mean it's so crazy so crazy so i think uh like we have had a lot of inspiration from each other from internet from all the works and i'm just excited i'm excited to be here and so everyone that is just connecting i want to tell you what we're going to do in this in this review we're going to be reviewing your portfolio so some weeks ago some some days ago many of you sent us the portfolios to review and we selected six of them to review in this episode so if your portfolio doesn't get reviewed in this episode don't worry he's gonna make more maybe we're gonna review some in oliver's channel so stay tuned for that and maybe review some more presentation boards images everything one of those episodes we're gonna review since it's cis portfolios from all over the world and first we're going to take a look at one very good example of a portfolio that maybe you should uh take inspiration from which is a portfolio that we reviewed very recently on event that we did with with two scale and netcon so i'm gonna show you that and then we're gonna review the six portfolios and at the end of this live you guys can stay for a quick q a if you have any questions for oliver of how he deals his life as a youtuber and an architect he does everything um then you can stay here and put your questions in the comments and we're going to be answering them uh yeah this we're going to take about an hour so are you ready to start are you ready oliver yep sounds cool uh pretty excited let's do this all right so i'm going to start sharing my screen let's see here yeah this portfolio we're going to see it's a pretty good example uh me and stevo were blown away by by the quality of it so i guess it's it's really interesting to share with you guys before we dive into the portfolio so that you can have a good understanding of what a great portfolio can look like obviously this is not a rule this is not a guide but just a good example to freshen our minds exactly and this is this portfolio is by daria pilipak so we're going to show you the portfolio very quickly when we don't want to stay here because honestly there's nothing to correct it's just very very good it's a very good example so uh she has her like a very very minimal cover um very nice uh cv where she had you know her work experience education and by the way but i think what impressed us most about her her um her portfolio was the actual spreads the actual representation of each project and she only has four projects so it's very minimal but each project has so much substance so much information that it's it's very intriguing right oliver yeah for sure and i think he if he goes on the opposite side of what we're used to seeing uh it doesn't have a lot of renderings right off up front uh she opens uh the projects in so many in a different style that you're used to but she has a lot of details in it yeah and i think that this is the spread that uh speaks to us both most where we can see first of all we can see like a section like a general detail of a general section of the product and then the construction details which are very nicely represented they have a a very very strong black and white uh palette and then she goes on to the renders which are also also amazing and they are pretty different from from uh usual renders right uh she brings a lot of details in uh and then she goes to the models yeah man i remember yeah it was it was amazing she has everything like the floor plans details models renders like everything that you can do in but in a very minimal way she doesn't like over saturate us again with content and you can you can for sure understand that she knows what she's doing and she knows what she's uh she's detailing all the way from a small scale to large and complex urban scale so i think she covers it all yeah and as you guys can see when you when she has uh like text as you guys can see over here she has text it's a it's a very minimal text justified three paragraphs then she has information about the project about who worked on the project what year it was in location like information about the project and then general images but she also respects some of the white space white space so everyone can breathe and not everything is so dense and fully like in a whole nother the whole spread yep i think perfect example not again not a rule not a guide but you can go outside of this and still do a great job but i think it's important to have some uh examples and inspirations before we get started exactly this is one way of showing your portfolio now we're gonna see six different portfolios i'm gonna try to review different things maybe we're not going to get review each spread but we're going to be the most important things that we we found out so the first one we have is beverly mcbay she is a part 2 architectural assistant and she lives in london and she sent us this portfolio so thank you beverly for sending in your portfolio for review uh overall i i really like your drawing style and let's go and see what oliver has to say about this and let's start seeing you before yeah just uh like a consideration i i had a quick look a quick glance over them but i'm gonna see like full detail right now and i'm really excited to reveal them let's go alright so this is the cover of really she has some people have this yeah she has her own like logo of beverly she has an introduction uh kind of a axon metric and she can always see like the the color she's choosing which is the blue which is something very nice if you like have a color that you identify yourself with so i like that a lot maybe this information i would have left it for the second or third page because maybe it's too much i would left it just a little bit more minimal but it's uh it's optional as well yep then we have uh our second spread we have like the table of contents where we see uh her professional work detailed drawings and university projects i see that uh we have a lot of projects and we have one two three four five six projects but it's i really like it that she categorizes in professional detail and university projects uh maybe i would have liked this to be in a separate page without seeing the first project so just this uh this comp this table of contents on on one side and the other one left blank just so we can only focus on the table of contents and not on the actual projects right what do you think oliver yeah i have the same thoughts as you do uh i think she i think she she must separate uh like step by step like shows first a portfolio cover and then dive into her personal info and then after that go into the the index and and how the portfolio is going to lay out through all of those pages and then she goes and then she can go into talking about the actual project i think it's just a mess of information you open the spread and you don't know where to look first actually because the the right hand side draws more attention than the actual index the table of contents which i think is not a great idea but i i i agree with you i think it's amazing that she divided into professional detail and university i think i've never seen it before to be honest and i really liked it yeah awesome awesome so if you go to the next spreads we can see that in each project she has a mix of renders uh like architectural details and floor plans so she's showing like uh you know that she can work in different things so i think that is very very interesting she has the projects in scaling she has a very small text describing the like the the information of each product which i think is very necessary for for for your architecture portfolio maybe i would need a little bit more white space um to like to breathe i think everything is very very dense we have maybe there are very interesting projects but i wouldn't mind seeing a few more pages uh but just in a very more separated way i mean like i think these sections that we're seeing right here are very nice because you can see like there's a mix of uh hand drawing with the actual technical drawing but if i would have seen them in just a you know with more white space around it it would have been much much nicer yeah and much easier to understand the project because again you don't know where to look a lot of a lot of information and in contrast as i said that uh darius's portfolio was not a guide but in contrast of hers uh this goes on the wrong way right you she it looks like she just put all the information that that she could in a single spread i would have uh increased the scale of the sections yeah when you zoomed in they looked pretty amazing and uh yeah i wanted to see this in a bigger scale and maybe you don't need all of those those sections all of those plans you can filter them a portfolio is not a it's not a showcase uh it's not it's not where you're gonna really explain all the bits and pieces of a project it's more of a uh what you did and showed the best the best photos and the best images and the best drawings and details and so on yeah and one important thing that i'm noticing here is that uh well apart from the general description of the project she also uh said specifically what she was responsible for so for example this project she says she was responsible for creating 2d and 3d packages of the design access statement for the planning submission and she used autocad sketchup rapid photoshop and indesign so as an employer this could be this information could be so important because sometimes it's uh very misleading that people put uh renders like all the information about the project and then when they actually go to hire the person they find out that the renders were done by a teammate or by someone else so it's very it's very interesting that beverly put like what she worked in what tools she used so like the employer knows like okay so i know that beverly can do specifically this and that so that is very very important and very very incredible for sure and going on the same line of thought maybe you could also put uh the time frame of which uh the project was done i think it's not essential but uh it helps you to for the employer to understand how much time did you take to to design and and represent that project yeah so and talking about more like the general composition of the whole of the whole portfolio i like it i i think that sometimes well i like that that she has like a repetitive uh like guide of you know putting an image of the general project the title and the text and then everything around it but sometimes it seems that um the space around it is a little bit uh disorganized like some here we sometimes we have here white spaces that don't follow uh like the whole the whole general rule and over here it's just it's sometimes very like it's sometimes very confusing to us so maybe in these two images i would have maybe proposed to see just one in one render that explains it all and not two and these these diagrams look very interesting so i'll make that a little bit bigger yeah for sure and and yeah i mean this this white space kind of like it's like an off balance that's kind of weird right yeah and again she plays she plays two uh three elevations uh four images that kinda shows the same thing she could have could have been filtered that she could have filtered that and and show bigger and better and have more details and i think yeah i i like that uh diagram i think it could have been uh the whole size the whole height of the page for sure for sure but we can see that beverly has some very like a very awesome proficiency with with details with construction details with how a project is put together which is a very strong skill to to like make emphasis on for your employer because a lot of people are looking for this kind of skill so that is very interesting some people just have skills like for me i just have skills like in rendering and all these details are very very hard for me so i appreciate like the people who know how to do a good detail that has like a lot of precision on it yeah always always interesting to see and you you can show the full sp the full range of your abilities so it brings a lot of value to your portfolio so so here i i see one of the most interesting spreads that i saw like that i thought of the portfolio which is you know this asymmetric and side by side it was this uh was this section was this the detailed section where you saw like the whole work that you that went into that the actual three amount of the actual project and seeing the whole project now this is very interesting but i think this these renders over here are maybe too much i would have selected just one or two again and then i would have tried to design the white space around it so we could kind of breathe and appreciate the like the the details that have a lot of work in them so i think i think they're very nice or very nice images like beverly obviously has a very good graphic sense but it's more about now trying to put an emphasis on the whole spread on how to design the spread how to make more white space and how to make it a little bit more breathable and organized yeah can you uh can you zoom in into the like the no to the left to the image that has the yoga woman i liked it i think it brings yeah i think it doesn't show much of the project i guess but it shows the atmosphere and the feeling that the project will deliver i like this very much and i think it has a lot of meaning to the project even though it doesn't show much and i agree with you i i liked the the right-hand side but the left one uh maybe it's too much yeah and again you're not showing this to your client to the one who actually ordered this project so like it's no problem if you eliminate one or two images and just show like the most important one so no worries if you don't show all the information because this is more or less like for the client but for your employer just show like the strongest points of the project and if the employer really likes you and like likes your work uh the employer will most likely ask for more information and will ask uh more about the project during their interview if he or she does desire that exactly so here we have some final spreads which which we can see again details uh a lot of details which are very interesting a lot of plans so beverly this is like obviously your forte your strong set so emphasize a lot on this because it's it's very very incredible i would even consider i don't know maybe maybe but i would maybe consider and putting one of these details as a cover because this is like um like your emphasis i think i think they're very nice yep and yeah that's the last one i maybe would have closed off with on like with a blank page so just to understand that we've uh you know finished the portfolio and that's it but here it just seems that it's interrupted like in the middle so that would maybe close off with the blank page is that is that the last one oh really yeah it doesn't go anymore so yes sometimes you can end up with a hobby with something that you do like off architecture maybe you're good at sketching good at photography good at making i don't know art in general uh that can be a bonus and i think i saw that in one of the other portfolios that he sent me yeah so so thank you beverly for sending over your portfolio very nice i really look forward to seeing the the second version of this but awesome awesome awesome work yeah all in all she has strong abilities but if she just uh cure it a little bit more she will have a great portfolio in the end all right so let's go on to our next one the next one is by gabriel nunes maybe you know how to pronounce this better yeah he's from brazil i saw it so he has a very interesting portfolio like a very interesting color palette i really like the cover i think it's yeah i love the color reminiscent of like one of these uh 50s 60s orchestra magazines like italian magazines so i like that a lot what do you think yeah for sure it's pretty different that from what we see out there the color itself uh loved it i think strong strong uh sense of of creativity and aesthetics yeah awesome yeah maybe that i i like the like the profile picture as well that it goes with the same style he obviously uh likes uh serif typography which is very interesting because sometimes as architects all of us just go for sans-serif elvatica that was new and like the more more uh conservative ones right now but trying to use a serif one is very interesting and knowing how to use it is much more interesting so i like how he like framed his whole aesthetic around this maybe it's kind of weird that uh the cover has a sans serif and then this one has a serif uh spawn wait maybe i i didn't notice that no i didn't know i didn't notice the change of phones yeah so we have these sans serif fonts which you know obviously go with the flow but then we change over here and we have serif fonts so i'll both of them look good in their spreads but i would maybe choose one of them like hey yeah maybe i would stick with the style yeah and have and have the censer for the titles and then big text and then the serif one for the the inner text the smaller ones for easy easy read edge exactly so yeah i mean overall i like the spread maybe i don't know maybe it's just me but maybe the text uh is a little bit too big i would like it a little bit smaller it just seems that all like over here where it says student the name this is a lot a little bit too big and it just uh i don't know i would prefer just uh having two text sizes so like this one and a like a smaller one but this one in the middle just makes it all uh kind of confusing i don't know maybe this is just like nitpicking yeah the hype yeah i i guess i agree with you the hierarchy within the text doesn't doesn't really flow well it's the same size as the the ones voted the ones bowed but it's not both so i don't know yeah i think i would i would have followed what you said so so gabriel has some uh like nice introductions to each project where he has like a full spread page with a a general image of the product and the title uh i think this is very interesting for projects because you know when you're when you finish one project and start the other so this is a very interesting technique um yeah maybe i i don't know obviously he has a like he wants to put this uh big title like in the middle of the of the margin overlapping the image itself overlapping the image but i don't know maybe it's just some taste i would have maybe done something else but yeah i think yeah it might be personal but i think if he does well and he does follow that through the portfolio it makes sense let him do it no no yeah of course but i mean like like here you have it centered and this is like supposing that you have a like a two spread where you fold it right well you have a center here which which is very nice but here it's just a little bit off center this one is off for sure it's kind of weird although the text is off i really like the page i really like the spread it has it has a nice unbalanced uh symmetry here it's a symmetric but in a senses it's well composed uh it has a pretty well done hierarchy within within the images with images and text and and drawings i like this one a lot yeah and it has a lot of white space like to to breathe in and only it only has like three images if we compare this to beverly's where she has like in one spread she has like five to six plans here we only have uh three images to concentrate our four images to concentrate on so that is uh much much much easier for our eyes to view and understand the whole project so i i see that the theme of the the title is like being being like off-centered is that's going to be repetitive which you know it's it's better to be repetitive so just so it doesn't look at like an accident just like you wanted i really like the pink the pink color palettes that you have uh are very interesting or very nice and here the the sans serif then the serif looks very good and dedicating this whole spread to one floor plan i love it so i love this spread as well and the color uh it's again it's different from what people use i i like the the the the idea of using a color as your main accent color throughout the portfolio but when people use that as a really bright and oversaturated color i think it doesn't play well and this the pink uh pinkish tone here has has a lot of meaningfulness and it's pretty unique i like it and i i've just i just noticed that it's very interesting that he um puts like two two sorts of uh scaled plans together so he has like a detailed image of how the construction is put together and then he has a whole general floor plan so i think that balance is very very interesting because you can understand the technique of how the the like this whole this whole architecture is put together but you can understand also as well like the like the the space of the architecture yeah i guess portfolio is all about contrast you go you have the big the big picture you know where to look and then you have the small details and the text and then each page goes along with the same way i think yeah i think that's the way to go yeah and you can you can see that he has um like uh [Music] very defined what his text size is going to be how much test he's going to put in each slide so if you guys see it's more or less like more or less the same text that he has in each of these uh spreads which is very interesting and the size that he determines for the project for the main images in the project is very interesting comparing to the sizes that uh for complementary images so it's not like random sizes just because it's like we have a main image in each spread and then we have some complementary images which uh complement that main image so i think that's yeah and if if we can be honest that the employer won't read big text i think this is maybe the maximum you can put oh yeah after that it's just not worth it uh nobody's gonna rid it but you so yeah keep that in mind so as we're seeing in this project just we have we have only seen one project and we have seen a lot of details so sometimes we say that uh to not put a lot of information in each project but in this case i think that's like a uh the best case possible where he uses each spread in a very smart way and you can understand like the whole project but it's not very dense and it's just like coming at you so i think it's it's a very smart way of presenting like a very deep project yep and i think yeah what do you think about the the black scale figures and the uh the black field i think they're a little bit distracting um i think here they they play very well but here in the perspectives they're a little bit distracting i think then the cover they would look very nice because it just went it just made the contrast with the whole pink but here it's just competing first of all we have like the the yellow of the wood the the pink and the the black of like the black people so maybe i would go with these simply songs like these the same uh 2d people but just outline in black and then inside white what do you think yeah maybe outline or maybe use it as pink or maybe just do some sort of gradient where the the most like the closest people are like full black i don't know and then uh the further you go uh the you you will get the opacity a bit lower and then the people fall back or just white or just uh light gray or something like that exactly but and here we have like the final image of the project and we go on to another product so um we can see like a a really cool style in gabriella's portfolio we're like stopping each one but i think that he has a very good thematic a very good sense of scale of the things maybe i don't know maybe i would like this is just for me but it just seems off center that like the numbers here maybe i would make them different but this is just like my opinion i think it would would would mean a lot more if we could see the like where the pages actually fold like since we're seeing this digitally we don't know where exactly the middle is yeah so maybe yeah maybe with with the seam right it wouldn't it wouldn't be too off-center i guess yeah i don't know yeah so i think it's very interesting it's very interesting uh because of this portfolio we have been able to see large-scale plans but we have to see like also detailed pins and we can also note like notice that gabriel has some very nice uh modeling uh techniques modeling uh proficiency so and this pink that's the color man yeah i think nail it nated i think perfect it shows a lot of the characters as well like i don't know i don't know gabrielle personally i know he's connected right now but uh like i feel like i know him more because he just understands like hey i like i like serif i like pink i like these details the plants so i think that is very interesting to see so much of a character person and then we see this project which i i like this spread as well because uh i think it looks like it was scanned or something or it was just like trying to kind of a mock-up of a paper and it looks very interesting it looks very architectural what do you think yeah a lot of style a lot of uh uniqueness in his his pages his spreads and i like the renderings i like it i like pretty much everything here i think yeah some some places could have been improved and enhanced but well done yeah so we're just gonna yeah the images are on point i think yeah too and and in the last spread like you guys can see in the in beverly's um she just finished off with the last product but there wasn't like a general conclusion like a closure and this is very nice because it closes with what would be done like kind of like the the other side of the same image at the beginning which was uh this one i think yeah so i think this is like closure it's very interesting and it's very necessary for people to be like oh okay so i finished and this was a nice portfolio so uh i liked it like like awesome job guys awesome job yeah and we can see that there was a thought behind it uh he yeah he was concerned from the beginning to the to the very end so that we know like kind of that he will take a job uh through all of it and we'll finish finish strong well done well done gabrielle yeah and i think that's one of the most important things like choose like put a lot of constraints on your portfolio just don't put everything on just because you like it just because it's your portfolio just try to put constraints all right so like gabriel put uh typography like inside maybe not outside but inside he said i'm only going to use serif typography of one size and that size is going to be like the the the quality of text is going to be the same in each spread then i'm also going to define a size of the images in a general color so the color was the pink which we all noticed and that was very very interesting and he also had a style for all of his drawings which you can see like more collage style renderings and very technical detailed 3d model explode exported to metrics etc so like all those constraints that get brill put put on his portfolio just uh made us understand like the whole project in a more cohesive way so we saw three four projects but they all looked like part of the same person so i think that it's a very good exercise when you're creating your artificial portfolio yeah and a blank page can be overwhelming intimidating so if you set a uh if you have a field set of rules and constraints you will see that it's much easier to follow them and have a as stephen said a cohesive a portfolio throughout all of the spreads all right so thank you gabriel for sending over now let's go to yusuf mohammed's portfolio um and yeah let's start and see what you have sent us thank you for sending your portfolio and let's start with the cover i don't know i think it looks like a picture what do you think of the cover yeah to be honest i like it i think i think uh it's his idea i think his his style and i think it's a photograph he ends it with some photography skills there i saw it but i think it's nice that he brought this to the cover as a as a way to show himself beforehand yeah and if we see in the table of contents um we see that we have like a blank a blank page beside it just so we can only focus on the table of contents which is very interesting like to have nothing else some people have in their portfolios maybe you guys have this question having the portfolios first of all their cd like their their curriculum and then the projects and some people don't so it's just a matter of choosing uh if you're gonna chew if you're gonna send it to your employer to university a separate page of your cv but it's just uh like if there's no right or wrong page but but this is i think it's a very good example of how maybe a book can start with a content table with five very clear projects yep i'm a big fan of white space i think let us really dive in with to what's really important and what he's saying about it and he has a very like the typography that he's choosing i'm not sure which one it is it looks like a kind of futura or i'm not sure which one it is but he has uh like the whole roundness theme is in the typography but he also has round thumbnails right here and the big number so like the sense of scale from the numbers the thumbnail and the uh the actual title and then like the like the category category of each project is very nice just to have like hierarchy so big uh medium and small and not just like everyone everything the same size or everything is bold or everything's not bold like he understands like hey when what order we are going to read the table of contents contrast and hierarchy oh you're all you need and here we see that um he again starts like with like gabriel he starts with a full bleed page of like the main image which is very interesting which is the main image of in this case the ocean memorial and i think it's very nice because it has clear information again hierarchy in the text so he has the number one the title and then in smaller text he has um you know information about the general project so i really like it yeah it's this page is really like the spread is really strong i think uh you open up and you just go like wow even though it doesn't it doesn't uh show too much about the project you don't really tell how big it is or what size it is like what are the main design principles of it it's it's more about the atmosphere and the mood yeah and here we can see like the set like the more insight into the text maybe it was a it's very conceptual i think the 120 hour competition is very consensual as well because it's very fast and here we see uh you know two two two other images that complement the other one i like the spread and i like i like it maybe i would have maybe uh i don't know if here we have okay see yeah so here we have some more technical plans but uh yeah i think that this this spread right now is nice maybe this one uh yeah yeah it looks like it's it wasn't the same person who did it right yeah it seemed kind of you put a lot of effort into your renderings and not so much effort into your diagrams and plans and sometimes uh you just have to balance the two out because uh we see like these are very good images it has a very strong color palette but blue color palette but here it just looks like it's uh lacking a lot of detail so it's kind of uh i would like to see much more detail on this one yeah but yeah as you said sometimes the like the short competitions doesn't allow you to really go in depth and detailed as much as you want it uh i don't know maybe so maybe don't just do one page full of like empty detail detail drawings and section drawings just mix them up so put the plan back here and then change some some drawings to the page before that i don't know yeah that's a very good option like what i would have done is one of them like put all these diagrams smaller since they might have so much detail and put them a lot smaller and try to put them like on the sky over here or maybe over here or just some place where or maybe over here very small because they don't have detail so they don't need to be as big and then we've saved up one whole spread so i think that's a very very good option when you don't have a lot of detail in each uh in some diverse plans yeah it's not always that we say that you should uh reduce the amount of drawings and images sometimes you got to go the opposite way exactly exactly and we can see here that um that he has like some like a very interesting graphic quality like the the spreads that he opens is like this is a very very nice image and i like it a lot i mean i don't have anything anything else to say it's very nice image it has a very nice composition and it has a very big sky so everyone can like breathe yeah i think uh maybe i would have changed the the text color from black to white so just so that it matches up i know that maybe the red ability won't be that great over the bright sky but i think yeah just we're just nitpicking here because yeah it was it was all pretty well done back there yeah yeah it's a very good formula and here we can see like more or less the same the same thing happening where i think maybe uh there could be a little bit more detail in the or maybe maybe we have we have seen uh portfolios with a lot of detail in there that's our metrics that we're just trying to put the bar like really high but i think we would have we could have seen a little bit more detail or if it's just gonna be like that maybe smaller with much more information but it seems um that it's it's very big for the amount of detail that we have in each drawing yeah maybe a tip i would give here for the axonometric uh instead of uh bringing the little image from uh what material you're planning to use on that and having the axon metric itself just a black and white maybe try to bring that as uh not as image but as textures maybe as patterns uh like uh reborn steel you can maybe try to do some some a little bit of patterns there to to simulate that and so that you can bring more details into an xmetric instead of uh bringing images that are are a bit generic in itself you see guys this is why we need to have people invited it's just how we do it uh like tips i mean come on like he that that is this is why oliver is doing so well so yeah i mean come on i think that's a very good very good tip let's go on to our next uh or next i like this one yeah it has a really uh a strong feeling of a 3d environment over like a 3d marquette uh yeah i i we would have need more time to really understand the project here but yeah yeah the images are very nice i like it a lot as well here the composition overall changes a little bit here we have like a composition that was divided um you know amongst the like the line of the spread but here it just crosses over i'm not a big fan of it um maybe but i understand that the product is very horizontal and it leads for very horizontal images that need to be put in this this segment is like in this uh sort of uh composition but maybe i would have tried to stick to this composition where we have images in both sides and we have a clear margin in the center like this kind of is is different for me it's like a different kind of lecture yeah sometimes it's it's interesting to uh like don't repeat the pattern that you're doing like if you're doing some vertical vertical vertical all over your portfolio and then uh out of not out of the blue you just do horizontal ones uh sometimes it's it's a good way to to bring more attention uh during this whole like portfolio read but yeah i don't know um in this case i don't know if it worked that well but sometimes it's interesting today yeah i mean what what you could have done was maybe extend the sky similar to the render that you've uh started your project with and then uh put this uh section like you know in a black and white white lines so that would have made everything just a little bit more seamless and with the text and everything just in the same way so maybe that would have make it a little bit more interesting so we have some more details on the same project i think i think this is a i think so here we have a space that says project name so maybe you left that by mistake i think you should have like your actual project name uh but yeah i think i think he he brought the the like the monster plan the the site plan and then he emphasized like uh and enlarged each plan to really understand the details i think that was well done yeah so i'm gonna have to speed up through these last spreads because um we have more portfolios to to review but we can see that that he's repeating again the same concept which i think is very nice and uh again he maybe he lacks in the detail but i don't know but i think he's repeating like more or less the same kind of structure which is something that you guys are looking what that we should be looking for when we're reviewing uh portfolios yep yeah here we have maybe a too much white space maybe this this looks a little bit disorganized because it doesn't follow a general rule and like these like these first lights are like your forte like you're killing this this is absolutely like dope because you have a clear composition everything but in these it's just uh i don't know maybe a little bit more work a little maybe maybe text sometimes you need to text so yeah and the building the the the the sky uh sky the the building one the building project that we saw earlier uh he had a good white space handling i i like this one how he yeah he designed the page maybe he could follow some some sort of sentence of this one on the the project that you were talking about exactly yeah yeah of course but but we have some very like good graphic skills which yeah i like this one this aerial the aerial view the next one oh this one oh yeah yeah it's a very large image then we have some more plans uh sections um and then we have some this is another what oliver was talking before some way a way to finish your portfolio showing your abilities in different things maybe modeling maybe in this case it's uh hand sketches so i think it's it's very interesting and also for an architect to demonstrate that today in 2020 2021 you can still hand sketch so that i think is very very often relevant for any employer and he's got photography as well yeah that's the one that i saw this is a very nice spread i mean it's so crazy because in this spread you have a very like a very nice composition of everything but in some spreads they have so much white space that it looks a little bit disorganized so maybe i would try to put like the same uh like emphasis that you have here on on other ones yeah for sure and he closes it closes the portfolio yeah oh yusuf good job man good good job uh very good portfolio just correct those few things and it will be a color portfolio but this is just our opinion as well so maybe yeah maybe we just went a bit nitpicking over the little details but yeah you got a strong portfolio mate yeah so congratulations and thank you thank you for sending over your portfolio for you thank you very much now let's go on to our next portfolio which is is not an issue it's uh it's um here in pdfs i'm going to try to put it in full screen right now so you guys can see it and the portfolio is by um i'm sorry i forgot the name it was by uh i think it didn't send the name i think it was um i think it was in chinese so there wasn't a general introduction so i'm sorry but i don't know the name but he is uh from our patreon community so thank you for sending over your portfolio and let's let's start reviewing it and see what we have this is the cover what do you think about the cover like the hand drawing amazing cover amazing yeah maybe the name could have been there that would have solved this issue but maybe the portfolio is just a bit too generic but the drawing then killed it yeah some sometimes like like not us but actual employers are reviewing 20 portfolios a day or a lot so when you have names on things it starts uh it gets easier and here like we go to the next pages and we don't i don't see a name like anywhere um here it says all drawings made by the author but we don't oh maybe maybe the name unknown author this guy doesn't exist no i'm just kidding whoever you are he or she good job yeah good job like a very very nice drawing which is very interesting and it starts with a table of contents a forward um with uh you know what like what he's been doing last year's uh what he's been working on what he likes so i think that's something interesting that we don't usually find a lot of portfolios like like uh an opinion like a point of view from the person sometimes we just see like his cv his curriculum in the eat the description of each project but we don't understand like okay so what have you been doing doing this four years what yeah what have you been through right like uh and sometimes this forward is very interesting so i like personally i like this and i may be able to see much more of this in portfolios and i like the the little icons that he used he or she right i don't know but uh that this person used on the table of contents yeah yeah again i would have maybe preferred to have them in two separate pages to have more white facebook but this is just like my my personal preference just to have like table of contents and then a blank page another forward and a blank page but this is perfect preference and then we go on to the the spread of each page where we have an icon a general image and a description of the project in like in a very minimal way where we have a lot of whitespace around personally i i like a lot this uh kind of uh distribution because it's just very minimal very very architectural yeah and you know where to look first like you open the page you you you you get a quick look at the image you go wow because this this was really well done and then you go to the title and then you see the text and then read a bit and and now maybe i'm nitpicking but i would uh just have two separate paragraphs two separate columns maybe maybe it's easier to read if it's a bit shorter maybe just i don't know all right then damn it's here it's just so impressive i mean this this site plan like this whole spread i really like it and i really like it because it has like this red theme that we saw on this page here it's like kind of like hey what is he is red and here it's blue but we go over here and then we understand like oh my gosh those are the colors of the project i mean of course so it's so so interesting and if we zoom in we can see that there's a lot of detail into this into this floor plan into this site plan and then we have some a timeline and it's just i like a lot this spread yeah yeah although it's a lot of information it doesn't have too much white space it's well composed uh i wouldn't i wouldn't say like hey get some more white space here because well then well then um here it's kind of weird because we can see like in these past spreads that we have like a very clear division towards the center but here this just goes a little bit off center so maybe i i like a lot of you know like the the repetitiveness but here it just looks a little bit weird um but i like the diagrams a lot i like like these diagrams then you go to the to the concept and then the general image i like the the sense of hierarchy in that sense yeah uh like a tip maybe i would give here uh maybe you could try to connect the river with the the ground section there maybe do some some sort of connection there yeah maybe i don't know if that would look alright yeah i guess uh i agree with you yeah and then here we have i think this is a from from the same project right we haven't jumped onto another project then we have like a full bleed image or we have a floor plan i like it maybe um i don't know maybe the actual image is nice but it has a lot of colors like a lot of attention and a lot of colors maybe i would have put like uh one of these vignettes around so we can just focus on the building and not around here uh maybe it's just the sense of the image but you can see that you have a very well detailed 3d model and maybe this this line over here aligning it with with the title makes it a little bit weird that's that it's not aligned but this is just a detail so i mean come on yeah and i don't know if this image is the type of image that you want to overlay drawings on it uh although you can read it there i don't know maybe maybe not the best type of images to overlay or maybe it like i see that he puts like a rain effect where you see like a lot of rain strokes and that is maybe what is distracting the image because yeah it's my beam it just puts a lot of green into the image maybe what if it doesn't have rain yeah but the image the image itself as an image as a render it's really really well done i like it so i think we're still in the same project right and this is this is very good like this is very detailed this is incredible i remember that um so i saw the email that that that he or she sent me because i'm sorry i don't understand but i unders i understood from where i understood this portfolio was used for applications in the university of california so i think in berkeley in the university of melbourne and and i'm not sure but maybe in risd so in the rhode island school of design so i think that's why he put also like you can see that he put he or she put a lot of effort into the portfolio showing a lot of the products so i think that's very very interesting and this is one of the like the example of portfolios of what you can do you can send to send to apply for a master's degree in other universities yep yeah i don't have much to say here i think i think he he got he or she got got it and yeah overall second project i think this is the second project um let me see let me just escape here oh yeah this is so yeah this is the starting the second project and you can see that he has also a lot of details um as well like there's a lot of development in each product which i really like here you can see again the same part of the same thing that we saw in the last spread and what i like i think is you can see some similarities between like camera angles and and design typology and and how he or she expresses through building through design you can see that it's the same person right i kind of like that totally right and and this bread is very interesting like sometimes a section is so good that you can you can do a whole spread of one section if it's so detailed and you can complement it with diagrams but this is like a very good example of when to complement it and that he only uses like the dark bluish color palette which is very nice for everything so i think this is something we we rarely see right seven yeah usually people just put sections like this a little bit it's like just on the on the corner there and then puts all of the check all of the section sections that that he or she has and then it doesn't it doesn't make sense to have it after all like just go for it like make it bigger make it detailed and and really uh uh use the potential that a section has in itself yeah so so the drawing skills are incredible like in in the sense of color palette for each project what you say like he like you know that it's was made by the same person and they're very detailed projects and here we can see again that it's starting another project um maybe these first slides could have been a little bit a little bit more composed but this is just uh something small but again i think it's very nice uh yep i like it amazing amazing see we have like a lot more the level the level of details of each design yeah it goes without saying but well done yeah very like very very good job thank you for saying your portfolio this is where the portfolio ends so maybe i would maybe suggest to end it with like uh like a white slide or other things but um it's a very good portfolio like congratulations thank you for saying portfolio i hope you got accepted into all those universities it was a very good portfolio and then you you gotta reach out to this person at least get his or her name to put on the video description afterwards because he or she deserves it yeah i am so sorry sorry for not getting that information but congratulations very very good job thank you for sending over your portfolio and we hope you get accepted into every university you apply to very good job it seems like you have a lot a lot of sense of detail now we're going on we're almost finishing up so we're going to review this portfolio and then we're going to jump into a q a so start thinking about your questions the questions you want to ask oliver maybe questions about portfolios of how to apply portfolios how to do anything you know relevant to portfolios whatever so we're gonna review this portfolio and then we're gonna jump on to the questions and we're gonna finish this so i'm very excited so this portfolio this last portfolio is by utsoff um and let's start seeing it let's start seeing it what do you think about the cover uh oliver i like it i like i think it's a welding composition uh it doesn't as opposed to the last one it doesn't say like portfolio big and doesn't have any names or anything like that uh has a lot of uh a lot of personality here i like it i hope i hope this translates to the rest of the portfolio to be honest i like it maybe i'm i'm like very nitpicky but i see that there's a mis uh thematic going on with with uh like the the the icons right here the mies van der rohe the farnsworth like everything is mies so i am expecting to see some mesian things inside as well like maybe you have an investigation on these maybe you have something on these but um expecting to see something right maybe not so we go inside and then we uh instantly see his curriculum which i think is very very nice very very organized some maybe i would have preferred not to use so many bars right here what do you think about these uh progress bars and the software skills yeah i think this is a topic that always comes up uh i think we discussed this before but uh generally i would go for uh three levels like beginner intermediate and advanced or like expert user uh you don't really know where you stand if you go like 5 out of 10 or like 5 out of 8 you don't know how much you like we cannot tell how much you know about the program if you're if you just stepped into the software to just open or you know how to do stuff there yeah so you're either beginner you're intermediate or advanced but you're not like kind of beginner but kind of intermediate no just pick it up you might be but it's it's best for the employer to know like where you stand and like if you really know it if you don't know it if you if you're like planning to expand your skills there yeah so i like the the fact that he's following the theme of uh lower caps so i think here we have lower caps um in in like in in the words and over here as well in all spaces we have lower caps as as like the the main titles so i think that's a very interesting way to go like if you decide to go on it then you know do it uh consistently so i like it yeah hey bro go go full that we don't control l right so everybody knows this structure i don't know why but i don't know like i always go into pdfs and go full screen mode i think i feel old so this is our index where we see the the projects we have like each like a thumbnail of each project and a number i like it it's very interesting maybe i would have left the black and white it's just my preference yeah but um some projects stand out uh more than others like you you're gonna look at the number nine for example that's that's that was the first one that i that i looked and you're probably not gonna look as much as to number six or five for example yeah so maybe i left them black and white maybe but i i like that you have the same repetitive thing going on and then we start going into our uh our spreads of each project and here like the all the white space that he designed all the design here it's kind of it's kind of weird that you don't see it here as well you don't see the same margins the same space that you had i'm respecting like all that white space it's not seen here so this is kind of like uh i don't know i maybe i would try to design it with more margins around the side and maybe a little bit smaller yeah that's that's why i said like i hoped that it would translate to the rest of the portfolio not not talking about the me's uh theme but more about the design and the white space yeah so again here it's it's very dense like i i see that you have a very very like proficiency in drawings but they're very dense like they're all just up in your face and yeah individually i think the images the collages that very nice yeah i think they could be like a full bleed or like half page full bleed something like that and really get the potential like the the strong out of this image yeah so just try to implement like the whole design that you put in this and these spreads onto these ones because it seemed like you just put like the images on top and that's it and in here you can see it as well there's just so so much information everything may be super important super relevant but there's very little white space it's all very crammed in and i'll just try to see what we can eliminate and what we leave is just like the most important information like this that's some metric is really good but um yeah make it make it full height like and take the section to the left and you don't have to have two sections i guess or or just bring the other section to the next spread i think individually as i said they are all strong drawings and images and collages but when you put all of them together it's just too much so here we see more or less the same like this is kind of coming like the same comments for each spread where we can see that um he has like this very good details on on on each other things but it's very dense if we go on to this one we can see that he has working drawings which i don't know like i'm a fan of putting detailed working drawings in your portfolios uh especially if they're like very complex details that shows that you can solve a construction detail but in this case uh you put the detail again with the whole um what do you call this like i don't know how to call it in english i guess the proper translation would be i think the direct translation would be stamp we call it i don't know you don't have to have that in a in a portfolio and and pay attention that if you're going to place like construction drawings uh they have to be readable you have to be able to read the text right just because uh they were all done to the site doesn't mean that they have to come as they are to the portfolio yeah so for example this one is readable this one you can understand the section but here this is like it's maybe not as readable as you would think you have like obviously you have some very good details very good like there's a lot of work put in in this in this project but maybe i would try to eliminate just like two like two details you don't need to have all of them and if something like the employee like oliver was mentioned before if the employer asked for more information you can just give it to them like hey yeah i worked on this one plus all of these 20 others so it's not necessary to put put everyone uh on a portfolio and then we have the documentation of the heritage which uh which i like but it has a different it has a you know the same composition issue but i like that maybe if you were like i think you drew this this is very nice like very nice wrongs yeah if you actually drew this and you actually can i think i think he did but if if this was just a scan of a pager like don't go for it yeah but if you did then very very nice job good job man i don't doubt he did because he has like very good across like every each each style so very good here it's very obvious that you put like the whole present like a presentation board inside your portfolio and i don't know i'm not a fan of it maybe i would not do that i would maybe yeah i think i think each uh medium has its purpose like if you're going for a competition you're designing the board for that competition then if you're going for a portfolio get that content and curate a little bit and change the aspect ratios and the details you fit on the portfolio so that they all they all make sense yeah so we can we can see like i'm just scrolling through these pages because obviously you have like a lot of pages and we're like almost out of time but you can see that he has a lot of different different contents on like a different scales he has construction details competitions like fully loaded projects and then here we have a research paper i mean dude this this man does everything like utah congratulations you do like very very good job um i'm not sure if like this is the time to put uh like everything in like different things like just paste it on top i'm not sure what do you think again if you cannot read it uh it doesn't have to be there as a like as an as an image uh just maybe put that you did an actual paper that and then you can link something that the employer can go and read off the portfolio maybe uh like a hyperlink or or a qr code something like that oh he does that here but only like one yeah but once yeah yeah so you can see that um utop does a lot of things he's like a renaissance man he does models he does like hats off to you man but maybe i would work a little bit on the composition of each spread because it seems that you have a lot to say but you just put all the images into what spreads just regardless of the composition so each sprint like each spread is just very cramped with a lot of information and sometimes less is more like your covered knees and says it so yeah first you understand that like the workshop that you did with joer gerward uh we don't have to see all of those 10 like i don't know 910 images we could see like two or three maybe that's enough maybe not that we know that we you did that however he's done a a lot of shorts a lot of things utaf no thank you he says he's going places man yeah yeah just maybe um watch out for that for that competition but very very good job and thank you thank you so much for sending over your portfolio utah uh i i expect to see in the next version in a much more cleaner way but uh very very good job so so yeah i mean what what did you think of all the portfolios man i liked it man i think you selected uh like the whole spectrum all the way like from really cramped ones that i could have improved a lot and to the ones that were almost there that just a little bit of uh of enhancements could have done it i liked it i like it all right so uh we have uh gotten to the end of this portfolio review but before you go we have um like a very short section of q and a's if you have any questions that you want to ask oliver please type in the comments if you want to if you have any questions that you want to ask about portfolios about anything uh if you want to say anything type in the comments and we would be glad to answer them so i'm going to start searching for questions and i'm doing this too yeah so what i'm seeing is that we had utsav connected so hey what's up thank you for joining in uh we had also gabrielle nunez uh gabriel i love your pink man very very interesting and yeah i see that we have a lot of comments a lot of people were connected um so i see a quick question here like what's full bleed stephen okay so this is why gabriel right i don't know yeah i think it's another cupro so here we have the question here we have a question what is full lead so uh i have a notebook here i'm gonna show it to you guys so this is my notebook as you guys can see and on each notebook we have like we have the option to create margins so margins are like a space that we leave uh before reaching to the to like to the to the edges of each paper but if we want to put like a full like a full image like a whole render in all this space and like without regarding the margins that's what made many people call full bleed because it just goes full full like full size without leaving any margins the bleed when you go into indesign is like an outer space that goes like right outside where when you go like go and print it at like any printer it recognizes like where the bleed is and where the margin is so it recognizes like where's the stop and start printing it yeah yeah probably you you have to go outside of your actual page to make it full bleed but i think a general like if you just google it maybe some design tutorials will help you out better than than we can so we have a question by utsav so what is the average number of pages best for a portfolio or what do you think how many pages how many projects if we are our students in our fifth year and do we put all the projects do we put multiple competitions like what do you think yeah i don't i i think that uh each uh location that each place that you're gonna send your portfolio may have different variants there uh you maybe you can go like 30 pages 50 pages 70 pages but uh you actually you don't want to put all of your projects there it's not about like getting everything that you did in university and then cramming into the portfolio select the fields and i think that goes to the to the next question like how many projects should we include maybe go for like five six and sometimes you can go uh uh as low as three projects and that should be enough like we saw in some examples uh there's not a rule or a guide but don't go placing like 10 portfolios and 110 projects and 100 pages nobody's gonna gonna read that less is more especially when we're talking about portfolios so okay thank you thank you so fernando i totally agree man so fernanda asks uh which platform would you recommend to have an online portfolio this is a very interesting question because as you guys can see we have a portfolios that you guys sent us through uh like normal links with issue like this page issue and also pdfs so what do you think oliver is the best thing is it best to send a pdf that's only two megabytes of pdf with a wii transfer link that's 5500 megabytes or maybe just an issue link or maybe a behance page like what do you think is the best option yeah i think usually the employer will specify how she or he wants to receive these portfolios usually they do but uh if not like an issue issue issue link is is definitely worth it uh and if you want to go like extra if the the person uh asked for a pdf file don't go over 25 megabytes like even though they're gonna be uh low quality uh send them both if they so uh asked for and if they just ask for the the online link just go for an issue issue i think that's that's all you need uh yeah the hands what do you think about behance by the way i love behance like i i'm like a late user in the hands but i see that you can discover many many uh great artists great people having your portfolios and i i think behance uh like adobe uh recently uh had like a different option to put all the behance work into an online portfolio so everything that everything all the books that i have been hands i just select them and then i put them on um like the portfolio page that behance creates for you so i i have to look into that option but i think behance is the best i once when i like when i was uh when i was a kid i remember that no when i was in university i remember that i applied for uh college like for for a master's in in in holland or something and they required my portfolio to have less than two megabytes so sometimes yes something so you're like oh my gosh i have all these things so sometimes uh you have to reduce it to two megabytes and you have to see it and then you might as well reduce the pages and do something really really curated yeah i didn't know about this uh behance thing but yeah i think i think they're just different mediums if you were going to use b hence an issue like go for it and use the the platforms uh pros and cons against that like yeah just don't publish your issue uh portfolio on behance as it is like cure it a little bit so that it makes sense there yeah so we're gonna get two more much course two more questions because i think oliver is a very busy guy and we can't be here so the the next question is by juan kevin it says how important is for color palette in our portfolio can we adjust the color tone for every project what do you think about color palettes oliver i think it's so important so i think as we said like contrast hierarchy and then maybe after that color palette like color scheme and colors in general uh we saw a lot of strong colors in these examples uh just past right now uh i think you can have like one general theme for your portfolio as a whole but then you can have uh sub themes sub color schemes for each uh each project as we actually saw in some of the portfolios yeah i think one accent color and black and white uh is pretty easy to nail it but you can go you can go more than that for sure awesome and our last question which i think is very important by reggie he asked or she asked should i prioritize details or certain styles of drawings in my portfolio and i think this question is very interesting because as we saw in all the portfolios that we that we reviewed today that we have an array of options where we saw i don't know like that he has like the first one she had from like the big section to the construction details of each product to like the actual model so she put everything on but we also have i think it was beverly's that she had a lot of construction details on her project as well so what do you think do i should i prioritize details or a certain style of drawings in my portfolio yeah i i don't think you should uh dive into the portfolio uh like thinking you should like go for one type of drawing only i think each project demands once one type of drawing maybe a section represents better your project and you can you can tell more about it uh using a section than for example a just a normal render uh it really depends but and you don't have to go all the way like daria did uh she did it uh like tremendously well then but you don't have to go all the way from details to model making and renderings and all of that you can choose what what makes what represents better your project do you agree stephen i totally agree like your opinion has been it's been incredible it's been so helpful today albert like seriously um like sometimes i joke around a lot but very very good uh information like all the tips like for people that are re-watching this or maybe people that are watching this right now i recommend to come back some days after or maybe when you're actually creating your portfolio and look through these portfolios for inspiration look through the comments that oliver has to see you know uh maybe what you can improve your portfolio on because i know that like example like for me uh all these corrections like i can also use in my portfolios and i know that many people if we're on first year second year for graduated architects we still need like we all we always have a sense of upgrading our portfolio even if we don't want to show it to anyone but we just want to always have like the the last the latest version of us uh available for everyone to see like of our work so i think our portfolio is very important and i'm just i'm just thankful to have this space to being able to review this and mostly to have oliver here with us so uh i know we have a lot of questions a lot of people had a lot of questions that are very very specific and i would love to answer them but maybe i would like to invite you guys to the port for the reviews that we're doing each week and i know that oliver is also thinking of doing some some live reviews um in his channel so if you want to ask more questions to get you know more answers on how to create your portfolios your images presentation boards go over to his channel his channel is upstairs just type learn upstairs or upstairs on on youtube and not google in a ton of things are going to appear uh oliver also has premium courses for anyone who is interested he has a course on on photoshop and on diagrams they're very very detailed courses so if anyone is interested uh all the links to his channel will be down below where you can get in contact with them if you have any questions i don't know oliver if you want to say something if you have anything like you want to say to all the people that are watching us uh yeah yeah i just want to thank you man like seriously i think this was amazing uh the exchange of information that we had here i think it was uh so valuable not just for the artist audience but for us actually uh it's always amazing to discuss this this topic uh and again guys if you uh if you want to see us doing this more i think i was considering in doing a live on my youtube channel and then maybe i can start off with steven uh there so we can continue this like maybe do a part two of this and then you guys can come back with more questions and questions that you as you watched again this or if you're watching after it was published you can go there live and ask us and maybe we can uh try not to answer only report for those questions uh maybe we can open some i i think i saw some more general questions there personal questions like yes and personal questions if you guys are interested interesting obviously right uh like stuff about youtube stuff about content creation uh like how to manage it both are being an architect and being a creator something like that i don't know uh i want to do this very uh loosely like very uh like um informal so yeah thank you steven thank you so much guys don't forget to subscribe to uh stephen's channel show you better uh he's been here for like 10 years or so something like that he's the guy you should definitely check his channel out uh if you just popped in in here yeah thank you guys so if you want to have more reviews then uh send your like i think next week we're going to do another review at the same time uh or maybe india and oliver's channel we don't like we're gonna coordinate that uh maybe stay tuned stay tuned with our youtube channels and our instagram channels but if you want to see or send your images for reviewing send them to hello show it better dot co so that is hello at and we're gonna be able to see like which ones we can review first and thank you thank you guys for being here uh i will see you in a next review and stay tuned so so bye and bye bye guys thank you see you later all right bye
Channel: Show It Better
Views: 44,998
Rating: 4.9869452 out of 5
Keywords: architecture, portfolio, architecture portfolio, live review, show it better, learn upstairs, upstairs
Id: vAjRr3i47Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 46sec (4666 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.