zaha hadid documentary

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mr. offers ah honey architects 30 years ago 130 years ago and was built from from that point we started off with five people the word maybe when after 25 - more recently we have 400 people well I mean I'm obviously I'm the instigator original was together of many of the ideas but with the focus of course and this always honor is on innovation and it has always been about innovation about the new technology and about materials but mostly about ideas and we focus a lot in the last 30 years to it to develop an idea I think that all the odds were against me and the sense that it was very difficult for women to make an architecture it was very difficult for that kind of work to make it an architecture so it's more than just being a woman or a foreigner it was also the work a service but you know people could not imagine it will never be happening so I think that to achieve maybe have fragment of what we would try to achieve was quite a Fiat you know it was part of something so I'm very proud that we managed to do that what drives me I know from my experience and if I had not pushed I will not discover many things undiscovered and and I still think there's more to be discovered well of course I never thought of myself as a Romo I'm at the beginning of a sort of myself I should I did not want to be less a fidgeter as a woman architect I mean I think nature I didn't change my mind I thought it was very critical that I acknowledge a you know you can influence other people so I think it's important to inspire people and maybe very modest way to be nominated as a replica businesswoman award is a very nice thing I mean something which I don't expect a man I'm married for so I think it's a very humbling pleasant experience [Music] in the last 30 years Zaha Hadid has gone from paper architect to global megastar our extraordinary architecture doesn't just stand it melts it slides it wishes it juts it moves [Music] her buildings make us feel like we're in another place another world even as ah-ha shaped world zaha hadid has won all the top architecture awards the Pritzker Prize for architecture and the Stirling Prize twice I was women I did strange stuff I think that all together intertwine but there was definitely has been and I still remain it's much much better now there's a definite stigma to about the woman thing born in Iraq in nineteen fifty zaha hadid is now a dame of the British Empire this year she's even been named businesswoman of the year by vertically curved architect who happens to be a woman [Applause] I thank you very much my old accountant used to always tell the tax people but I will was a ditzy princess from the Arab world not knowing that I I came from a family who wouldn't did not believe in the monarchy but anyway architecture is no longer a man's world this idea that women can't think four dimensionally is ridiculous and I can also event alone I have great people have a great partner Patrick Schumacher I have great associates with me in the office who are mixture of men and women and they have all really contributed to this work it's an almost improbable success story it took years for her career to take off the practice started life in just one room with four people and now employs almost 400 it's a global brand with buildings all over the world in 1983 when she was 33 Zaha won her first prestigious international competition it was to design a clubhouse to be located on the mountainside above Hong Kong her design was radical but potentially it was buildable despite the brilliance and ambition of the project Rajas client lost the site and it was never built did you expect it to happen or what what do you feel when it didn't and how do otherwise varies it was sad because I mean it was it was like in our grasp you know and you know it could happen but it didn't and yet the peak did pours aha on the map her work was attracting the attention of young architects from all over Europe Patrick Schumacher was one of them you've got to have an ego Mijares arse ego huge [Music] it was ten years after winning the Pete but Zaha now working happily was Patrick completed her first major built project the vitro fire station in Germany did it feel like to be in an office where you know you've got this powerful presence and creativity here and yet you don't want anything there was always the the optimism hope that the next one will be it the thing is can be going is that I really enjoyed the work it was very tough accurate times I enjoyed the most were the toughest moments we were left to to develop his ideas through competitions I always thought and the and will win and no money and these people just didn't let go you know Patti was to teach in Germany but he went child me for working in London because he knew I had no money I couldn't pay him I think in the 90s honestly none of us left I mean for 10 years I mean we're maybe 10 people by we need to work for equipment 200 people and it was that increased our repertoire so when we did get work eventually no it wasn't so difficult because we had tested every option as only because we worked on every competition we killed ourselves until we won Cincinnati and one year we went wrong was Berg the ski jump one after the other the Science Center involves Berg marked a step change in her practice it was a conceptual leap away from the jagged towards the elephantine the snaking the snail-like made easier by what became known as parametric ISM of which Zaha and Patrick were pioneers parametric design is fundamentally where you allow the computer you feed it for various ideas and then you allow it to invent form that you probably couldn't do in your mind it's of such complexity that your brain couldn't think of it and you're certainly your hand couldn't sketch it people always misunderstand this whole thing about computing and they think oh well you know well they don't know what they're doing and they're just gonna press a button and the computer does it and as of course certainly in geotech so the shapes are made possible by parametric ISM and computers but there's more to it the house story is absolutely fabulous she is the greatest woman architect not in the world now probably ever lived it and she's right here you know in London you can touch her well almost she does demand attention and she gets it she goes to the states and she has dinner with Obama she is a superstar Zaha is if you know her and if you understand her very inspiring person but you have to have a patience you have to give her whom if you try to constraint her then she will explode it's always a genius she was doing work that nobody else conceived of nevermind figured out how to build the how was a pioneer and she was a star in the firmament of ideas and of poetry and one once a star goes out there is really no one to replace it she was unique there very few people in the world who are known by one name and you know anywhere in the world you can talk about so her who knows what extraordinary creative things might have come out of that imagination if it had another one or two decades to keep producing things what she managed to do which is so amazing is to actually take this entire universe that seemed impossible and unbuildable and completely sort of changing our understanding of what's fantasy and what's reality when you're an artist or an architect you need immense courage you know and so I have this immense courage and radiating immense courage and I think that was infectious to many many young people how do you some Zahara a great architect and a great person a very special person the very essence of Zaha was a real romantic very sensitive but a warrior - and that's how I like to remember you
Channel: N sapkota
Views: 185,595
Rating: 4.9614272 out of 5
Keywords: zaha hadid, architecture, architect, zaha, zha, zaha hadid architects, buildings, #Construction, #documentary, #feminism, #Female leader, #britain, #iran, #icon, #art, #artist
Id: lKT-mCO66GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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