Portapack H2 HackRF One ADS-B

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[Music] yo yo so today we're going to be doing the porter pack ADS-B portion and what it does and what it can do as far as the receive side of things this is not the transmit side yet we'll get that in a much later video but right now we're doing the re side so uh before this plane hops out of my area because I've been trying to get this video done for a few weeks now but uh my air traffic is slow so right now you can see on the porter pack that we are looking at an airplane it is going 436 mph uh the hit is how many uh pings I'm getting from that plane for that plane goes that we're going to tap on the center button here and it's going to pull up some of the data so it is the icad is a c07 uh fb- 9 the call sign is wja a1599 and it was last seen 1 second ago 2 seconds ago 3 seconds ago uh it's a WestJet it is coming from Canada and let's go ahead and seat on the map right here so looking on the map and it looks like it is going looks like it's actually going towards Canada one thing that I forgot to mention was that if you go to your map you're going to scroll down to where you're no longer in the L long area and then you can zoom in there you go and all the way out uh elevation is 4,000 ft 435 mph it shows you the Latin long there now if you go back to that first page you got your AC details let's look into that real quick so there we can see the IC AO which we'll get to what that means here in a second uh the registration the manufacturer a Boeing 7377 C it's a l plane it's got two engines and the owner is WestJet so that's kind of cool we're going to get to like what all that means uh here as we discuss further what ADS-B actually is so we go back out here now to the front area we can still see that that plane is no longer in my hit range it has gr out if it is in a good hit range and and you're like good signal is coming in you'll see the little crosshairs right there they'll go a bright green like oh there they go I just got in hit so um and that's the same plane still I believe right yeah same plane so this is a Wing airoplane Company United States let's go and see this one on the map and this one is flying looks like in the same path so there you can see is showing both planes there the U 1958 I believe this is 737 824 land plane two engines this is owned by United Airlines all right so over there you can see the two green Bull's eyes pretty much uh both great hits it's showing your hit uh your hit uh total count and then that bottom one just dropped off and then it just came back in so I am inside I'm in the middle of my house right here and I'm only using the stock telescopic antenna because with ADS-B uh the frequency range is so high that you really don't need a big antenna to receive those signals so let's get into what ADH that should be is is so the history goes back to the late '90s with the initial concept from there it would go into early development by by by 2010 um once the FAA realized the importance of keeping our air traffic secure a whopping nine years later they implemented for all commercial and civilian aircraft to be equipped with ads SB by 2020 it's kind of sad that that took that long you know if we want to get into uh what happened on 911 ADS-B is pretty much the GPS system for airplanes if we want to just kind of simplify it right uh what does adsb actually do it gives a visual reference on their screens of or Huds uh of traffic conditions in in the airwaves consider it like like a way like ways if you're familiar with ways for um was a traffic app that most of us use if we lived in a bigger city like I came from Houston and uh we use ways there a lot to kind of figure out like like where cops were uh where accidents were happening and how traffic was on certain freeways and highways and such so um consider ads just be like that it is a visual reference for other aircraft to see where those aircraft are coming and going um to avoid obviously in air collisions what are the security concerns of ADS-B well in 2012 there is a speculation that the FFA was notified that ADS-B is non-encrypted and spoofing is very much possible um the faa's alleged response was that they are aware and didn't have any counter measur regarding encryption but they would rely on multilateration system I.E aircraft pings to tower Tower pings to aircraft and that measurement is where the aircraft actually is um is broken into two parts uh L A or limit limiting aircraft data displayed or Pia or privacy icao aircraft or privacy International civilian Aviation organization so um I think that plane pined out earlier but we did see that if you go here up here at the top area we see the iao which is c07 fb9 right so what does that mean well if you want to consider L A it's limiting the aircraft data displayed so this aircraft for instance doesn't really have too much limits on it you know we can see where it's going um the airline it's coming from and then we can even see who owned it right the call sign yada yada y we go to the AC details again we can see the owner is WestJet we can see all this really interesting data that we that if it was under a different um registration program we would not be able to see that right that's kind of what lad and and Pia um or p a i AO means this means that when we pull the data to view ownership type aircraft or accept the information we receive is dependent on how the aircraft is registered so um consider it like all this is this is assigned by C or civil aviation register it's almost like a form of VPN for aircraft if that kind of simplifies like what this actually is um you know uh I haven't done it yet but I know like if you use ADS-B over areas or by areas such as Area 51 uh you can see a few videos of guys out there that have gone out to the desert and kind of taking their Flight Aware systems and in ADS-B trackers and plane going into are 51 actually register as Janet ADS-B has an In-N-Out feature right so what what we're what we're seeing here is the out feature of that aircraft right now if we were in an airplane and we had ADS-B equipped with us that would be seeing it out area right we would be pinging out other aircraft and the traffic control saying hey here's here's where we're at right so something that you can that you may not know actually is that and the reason why we have the DJI uh little drone here is that these drones whether you believe it or not from DJI actually have ADS-B out or sorry in with them right so that means that if I'm flying this drone and an airplane is coming into my area of my legal flying Zone dji's app on my phone and I and I have had this happen to me or d DJ I app actually pings a little message on my phone and it says aircraft inbound please lower altitude or or you know pretty much it'll say return home and it'll actually start descending the my my drone so that's kind of smart technology that DJI has implemented under drones to avoid drone to aircraft um Collision which is H which is has happened in the for and so something consider is if you own a DJI drone um or other uh high-end drones they do have that ADS-B uh feature built into them to receive what aircraft are coming inbound um they don't ping out they just receive in so uh let's discuss frequency right frequency on ADS-B is running at the 978 through 1090 mahz Spectrum right so that's why we can use a basic antenna like such to see all that information um if you did want to kind of receive more more data I would recommend then getting a antenna tuned to that frequency pattern right there right if you do want to get into ADS-B and your you're watching this video and you don't have a porter pack um or or a hacker F1 you know I would recommend then going the the Raspberry Pi unit over here okay this is Raspberry Pi we got a little external speaker that has a built-in battery into it okay this out the way for now okay um this is a Raspberry Pi 4 I believe I think it's the four I forgot anyways um the SDR that you can get is the RTL SDR and this is the RTL 2832 U and this one I got on Amazon for 35 bucks raspberry pie.com has a actual breakdown of how to do um ADS-B on their own website and I'll put that link below um but from there again you can get into looking at all the fun stuff regarding ads SB so um of course don't go without BNC BNC is the way to go estimated BNC I got to put that in all my videos because I absolutely love BNC it's like the fastest plug-in play ever you know like if you wanted to take the antenna off of this guy and just throw it on there like bam dude done you know this is a small Standalone unit you got a speaker you got an antenna you can throw a battery peack on the back of this got a little 4in screen and Bob your uncle Wi-Fi tether off your phone if you want to like super simple setup right so anyways so something consider if you don't want to Fork out all the cash and you have a bunch of parts lying around for a raspber pi build you don't even need to speed speaker for ads SB you can just go directly like that right so this speaker is on Amazon I think it was like 15 17 bucks um so does pretty good it's a decent decent little volume speaker something to consider if you want to get into ADS-B without a forking out you know the one 50 for the uh AliExpress quarter pack H2 or if you want to Fork out the cash for an actual hacker F1 unit which I think Standalone they run like hacker F1 or Great Scott Gadget I think they're like 250 or 300 I can't remember I'll have to put the link U below so U one of my favorite shows is 24 actually and it's a season 7 actually they build this device um some terrorists build build a device similar to this actually that is a spoofing program that they use to spoof traffic control and to spoof other airplanes and they actually cause an in-air Collision using something similar to this spoofing out hey plane a is here plane B is here and click um anyways that kind of covers briefly uh what ADS-B is and I'm actually really excited because I'm getting quite a few pings here at this time and we just got this guy right here so let's go Ahad and dive into here before we call it quits there we can see the icao registration number uh it is a Redwing Aeroplane company altitude is 33,000 ft its heading is 137 and it speed is 464 mph so we get the registration number it is a Boeing 777f L plane it's 2 engine and this one actually doesn't have an owner but it's operator is by Eva Air so that's kind of interesting that we don't have an owner information there um and again that's going to go into how the icao was registered and um whoever registered this plane does not want that public information out there as far as the owner but we can see the operator right so we're coming uh South what is that going to be South eastbound uh for my area um so this is this is going to be North up here south down here East is this way and West is that way so com Southeast and to kind of dive into and and learn learn more about cuz I had no idea about any of the uh registration information um even the frequency range or what these things run at and I had no idea until I started diving into what units uh in the in the civilian life have adsb and I was surprised to find that that DJI puts puts that in their drones you can if you are a drone operator a drone Builder you know and you did want that that feature they do sell modules that you can put into your own drone so that's kind of cool uh and I'll put a quick little picture and a link if you're interested in that kind of stuff um other than that that's going to cover ADS-B I finally got through you're saying that correctly because that was a tongue twister for me for sure I'll throw the links to building your own uh Raspberry Pi receiver like I said these things are pretty simple um this is all mostly off-the-shelf stuff you don't like I said you don't need a speaker just the RTL and you don't even have to have a res Pi might I say this will run on any Mac or PC or Linux so you can get into ADS-B with 35 bucks and a good antenna so something to consider anyway thank you all for watching you know I appreciate it um don't forget to like And subscribe it means a lot to me and if you got any questions again reach out to me I don't mind answering you guys you guys are awesome so I appreciate it so stay tuned for our next segment on the portter pack H2 um hacker F1 which is going to be aprs because I'm not going to do boats because I don't have any water in my area I mean there's a lake in my area but I'm not going to drrive to the lake in the middle of winter because well there's no boats it's frozen over so um but yeah next segement will be aprs which we did a brief uh little tidbit on that we're going to dive more into aprs in the next video If I ever do make it down to the coast um back to Texas I can definitely take this with me and then we can get into all the fun stuff regarding the AIS boats which is pretty much the exact same thing of ads Dash be but is for the boat version so next portion aprs so thank you guys for watching appreciate it and take care
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 2,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 40S1GI4R0yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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