Pork Tamales Step by Step ~ Holiday Season Traditions (New Updated Version )

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[Music] what I'm gonna call the first step in the process of making tamales this is the way I make I have two different types of peppers your Chili's dried chilies this is what they call Chile ancho and this is a Chile guajillo from the previous video I have played around with the recipe and I think I have improved it in my opinion I'm gonna show you what I've done different this is one of the steps that I did different first of all we're gonna devein and deceit these chilis all of them makes it easier for when we have to puree and strain them it just makes it easier so let's get all these seeds out of here so what I do to help me take out the seeds I just open them and there we go take all the veins and the seeds out just like that okay so we're going to do the same thing with this one this one I kind of cut it open on the side here because the stem is kind of hard to take off you kind of have to work around it if you miss a couple it's no big deal we're going to strain them anyway okay let me finish with this and we'll proceed to the next step foreign to the stove and we'll proceed as the first thing that we're going to do that's different from the previous video is we're going to roast these chilis this is not going to take too long this is pretty quick so you do not want to walk away from me because if you burn them your salsa will be bitter and there will be no Goods let's stay close by and you just want to kind of flip them this is just going to take a couple of minutes about five minutes or so you can smell them a little bit right now I don't want to smell them too much because that's not never a good sign with this you can do this in a skillet if you don't have a griddle like this that is no problem okay I'm going to start taking these off and adding them into this pot over here that we're going to add some water to as you can see they're smoking just a little bit see how the color changes just a little bit these need a little bit more this just intensifies the flavor so much for this sauce okay we're good turn off the fire okay I turned on the heat here on this one we're gonna add water not too much just enough to cover them to this I am going to add a teaspoon of salt that's going to be it for this we're going to add the rest of the ingredients when we puree this in the blender okay guys this has come to the boil now all we do is shut off the heat let it cool about halfway through before we puree it safely in the blender I'm gonna start to puree the Chile I did get this comment a lot in my last video I tasted the sauce and it's bitter this is not a sauce that you're gonna eat by itself with food or anything like that this is definitely bitter you do not have to worry about the taste on here once it gets Incorporated with the meat and the dough that's when the Chile flavor starts to come out but to eat it by thatself and taste it and it's bitter yes it's going to be bitter okay so I'm going to add a quarter of an onion and two garlics that I smashed and we're going to add a teaspoon of salt and we're going to puree this until it's very very very pureed and then we're going to strain it before we put it into the skillet to fry the sauce that's another step that is crucial to this sauce to fry it to bring out that intensity of the chilis okay here we go we recommend do not use your good kitchen towels to clean up this stuff because it will stain and you will not get it all take it from me I have plenty of those Rags let's move on to the next step look at that now I have a bowl and a strainer this is just for storage I'm going to strain it first before we fry it up you'll be surprised how much skin still doesn't I guess dissolve is the word so I just kind of run it through [Music] okay I think that's everything you see what's left are the skins and a cup and a few seeds but really you don't want this you don't have to do this step I know a lot of people don't do this step I personally don't like the texture that this gives to my dough the meat it doesn't matter but the dough I think it I just don't like it so I don't use it I'm going to take this out and just throw it away let's go ahead and start frying this up I am going to fry up the sauce I already have some oil I just use the same pot that we boiled our red tea lizard and as you can hear it's bubbling a little bit foreign [Music] cook down for about 15-20 minutes okay this sauce is now simmering I'm gonna reduce it by a quarter and then I'm gonna shut it off and cool completely we will move on to the next step I'm gonna store my red chili sauce in this glass container I don't recommend you using plastic because this stuff stains everything and we're gonna let this cool completely okay we're gonna get the pork ready to start cooking I am going to use this onion one onion this is a small onion okay I'm just gonna cut this guy in half throw them in the pot that I have over here and then we're gonna do our garbage these are kind of small so I'm going to use about six of them the amount that I'm using for the meat is about four and a half pounds of pork and we'll get to that in a minute you want a lot of flavor in your broth because that's what you're going to use for the dough for the muscle it's important to have a good flavor in the broth and the stock of the meat okay so these we're just going to give them a light smash foreign and we're going to throw these all in the pot now the meat that I have this is a little bit less than I used the last time this is four and a half pounds of pork Boston butt roast and it is Boneless so we're gonna cut this into smaller portions we don't have to you can just drop it all in there this one's still a little bit Frozen but that does not matter that will not hurt any I'm just going to cut it into a smaller sections like I said it's still a little bit Frozen because I had it in the freezer I took it out a day ago put it in the refrigerator [Music] this is not going to make a whole bunch I am going to measure everything out to the very end and we're going to count the tamales that the total amount of tamales it makes okay so we're going to start putting the pork into our stock pot over here you know to season the broth we're going to add a tablespoon of peppercorns you can use ground pepper if you want I would just use a half half a tablespoon okay so therefore the peppercorns we're going to use a tablespoon of salt it's a lot of meat so we need and then we need a teaspoon of Comino and then we're going to cover this with water [Music] okay I'm gonna pop y'all over to the stove and we'll get this going we have the meat on the stove with everything in it already turned on the heat I'm gonna cover this wait for it to start to boil and then we're gonna skim off the foam that comes off the top and after that you're gonna cook it for about an hour and a half to two hours up until the point you where you can shred it real easily with the fork this is going to be a while so we'll be back when we get to that point this thing has been boiling for just a little bit and it doesn't seem like we're going to have a whole lot of foam here to skim off but if you do just make sure and skim it off probably going to take about an hour and a half to two hours more likely so I will be back in a bit all right it is time to bring this broth so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take the meat out and we're going to put it in this bowl [Music] so now we're just going to strain this whatever doesn't fit I'll just put it in another Bowl okay everybody we are going to start with the meat process this is another day I am going to share with you exactly how I do this this meat we boiled yesterday today what I'm gonna do is I am going to shred it and then we're gonna cook it and add the red chili sauce that we have here this process here all you do is just going to shred it and if you just push up against the meat like that it should shred real easily should be no problem I have the shredded meat here in the pot that I finished cooking it in I'm going to bring the heat up a little bit I know this doesn't look very appealing right now because it's cold it's shredded and it's still like nothing in here we're gonna cook this down we're gonna add some of the stock that we had from cooking the meat yesterday and we are going to add the red some of the red chili sauce that we pureed yesterday I'll take you into steps first we're going to add the spices to this because we still we need to season up the meat we are going to add salt pepper and Comino cumin ground cumin and that's going to be it as far as the spices and this is where you're going to taste how you like it for salt and pepper and you know all the all the things here this is going to be your last chance to season up your meat before you add it to your tamales later on so you need to pay attention to seasoning your product well here okay so as soon as this warms up a little bit I'm going to add some of the stock and I'll be right back all right I'm going to start adding in the stock I'm going to pour in about a cup and a half of the stock to start and if you see big chunks of the meat just break it apart with your spoon it shouldn't be very hard to break it apart okay I'm gonna add some more broth it's always best to add a little bit at a time so that you don't overdo it because you don't want this water we do need to have this a little firm so that it doesn't fall out of our tamales and I'm just breaking up the chunks as I go okay I'm gonna add in my spices a teaspoon of Comino a teaspoon and a half of salt and some pepper that's about a teaspoon of pepper ground pepper we're going to give this a mix [Music] okay I'm gonna add in the red chili sauce I'm gonna add a cup at a time foreign you don't have to have the heat too high just have it on a low to medium now we add the rest of it so that's two cups and that should do it this gives it some good flavor I'm gonna cover this put the fire real low and I'm gonna let it simmer for about 20 minutes okay this has been sitting here simmering for about 20 minutes I am going to shut this off take it off the fire and let it cool and we're gonna move on to the next step okay we've gotten to the sorry about the light guys we have gotten to the dough part of the recipe we're gonna get to the ingredients and I'm just gonna talk about them for just a little bit before we start mixing it okay so here we go I'm gonna bring you on down I have my fresh massage right here see if you can see that I went to my local Tortilla Factory and went and picked it up this morning I do have in my older video I do have the one that I use out of the package so if you want to use that one that's fine the only thing is that one's a little bit drier you just have to add more liquid to it okay we have our lard this is what I buy these come in one pound cubes so I melted it just not all the way just to make it creamy just for Easy distribution okay I melted two of them I probably not going to use the whole two it's going to be more like one and a half but I like to have things here ready for me in case I do need it I have the one cup of the red chili sauce I have a tablespoon of salt and about a teaspoon and a half of the nor chicken consummate I have two quarts of the broth the stock from the pork I might need a little bit more so I'll just add chicken stock or even water if I if I don't have enough but I'm pretty sure this is going to be okay well I recommend that you have everything gather all your ingredients if you have help okay you can call somebody I'm by myself here so I have to make sure because your hands we're gonna get into this with our hands can you do it in a stand mixer yes absolutely you can to me you would have to do it in batches unless you have a huge mixer but since I don't have one I have just a regular size one I like to keep doing it in my bowl that's just the way I was taught that's just the way I would do it for the rest of my life we're gonna get in there uh down and dirty with this and with our hands and let's go ahead and Jump On In okay I hope you can see it right there I am going to go ahead and add in my my salt my consummate it doesn't really matter when you add it some people add it at the end some people at the beginning it just doesn't matter when you add it as long as you as long as you add it I am going to start with half of this lard I'm going to put it in and we're going to work it in might have been a little bit more than half I'm gonna try to keep one hand clean but I doubt it and you're just going to work it and squeeze it in there it takes a while guys don't think you're going to do this in five minutes sometimes this can take me up to 45 minutes to get the texture right but that's a part of of the fun of doing this you got to break up all the lumps and in the other recipe that I posted that other one is a dryer flour corn I should say cornmeal so it takes a lot more liquid and some people add baking powder to this I do not I do not see I've done it both ways I was not taught to do it with baking powder but I have done it I do not see enough of a difference to add it and the texture of the of the finished product okay so now we're going to start adding the liquid I'm gonna put half of this cord in there at first I'm pretty sure we're gonna go through all of it and you feel the little lumps so when you're in here with your hands I'm squeezing it to break up all these lumps you see all these lumps that's what you want to break up [Music] okay guys I stopped right now just to grab me a spatula so that I could stop and show you that I am gonna add the rest of the Lark sometimes the the Masa the dough is a little bit more dehydrated than others so you have to add more everybody's is not going to be identical that's why it's so hard to give you an exact recipe as much as I would love to but once you do this a couple of times you'll get the feel for the Masa and I am gonna add the rest of the stock from this one quart which may seem like a lot but it's not and we're gonna add in our red chili sauce the red chili sauce it's about a quarter of a cup I kept this up here because I may need a little bit more some people do not add the red chili to the Masa I don't like light colored tamales I just never has been my thing I like a little bit of color so now I'm just going to give this a mix and get everything Incorporated see now it's easier to do it with a spatula you don't have to do it with your hands or even with the big whisk but I get in there with my hands because I I'm used to the feel of the dough so that is exactly what I'm going to do to make sure we don't have any lumps add a little bit more of the red sauce I just kept mixing and mixing and squeezing the dough between my fingers I added the rest of the red sauce which was a total of one cup I'm gonna transfer this to smaller bowls I'm going to divide it and this is going to go into the refrigerator to set up and we will be back so we can go over the part with the ojas good morning everybody today is another day I like to make my tamales I cook the meat in one day I make the salsa I prepare the Masa and then I bring it all together now is it possible to make it all in one day absolutely no problem if you have some help for somebody with the dishes or just to hand you things I say go for it I do it I've done it many many times it's a big deal it's a lot of work it's a labor of love but if you know you want to do it in one day knock your socks off but you will be dead at the end of the day I've learned through the years that I take it in a process and steps just to make it easier on myself on my back it's a lot of things going on during this time but you know we love the tamales we must have them so here we are today we're going to be discussing the ohas I'm gonna move you over here where I have the ohasa what we're gonna do with them those are the corn husks that we're gonna separate and clean because they are dirty they do have silk on them and you don't want that in your tamales of course so let's go ahead and get that process started these are oh has the corn husk that we use to wrap our tamales I bought two different kinds to show you the difference between some that are a little bit less expensive like these and these are a little bit pricier why did I want to show you because I want to show you the quality of the ojas let me get these open and then I'm going to start with my favorite these here they are a little bit pricier but you know what it saves me time energy everything the cleaning process of it as you can see this so hot is the perfect size for the tamales if you make your tamales on the normal side of things okay like that would be a normal Tamal for the way I make them people make them in all kinds of sizes and most of these ohas are pretty much the same size we call these corazones because they shape them like hearts and you can see that the shape of a heart these are what they call Premium office these over here there's nothing wrong with them I mean they're for Tamales it's okay but do you see the difference in the quality of this this even is all crinkly which the Masa tends to stick to these a little bit more and I'm going to show you in the middle here they're a lot dirtier than the premium ones now if you don't care if you have somebody to separate them and size them for you hey go for it you know I buy them I've used them through the years I've just you know I want to save time and I buy them sometimes they put them on sale right after the holidays I buy a few packs of them and store them for the next year so I'm good will I use these of course I will but you see the quality of these you see how much dirtier they are yeah I don't know if you can see that and of course it takes time to wash these and really get them clean where these are ready to go with a couple of rinses so I just wanted to discuss that with you so now we're going to go ahead and rinse our ohas and soak them so they can soften up for us okay I have you here at the sink we want to get our hot water going you want some hot water in here I'm gonna soak my good ones first because we're going to jump right into the the video today so I'm just going to soak these they're a bit bent up so you just want to get them really soaked in there and give them a few rinses make sure there's no still for dirt or stuff these are pretty good I'm pretty confident that it's not going to take this long and you see how they start to loosen up you see how pliable they get even with just a little bit of water that's pretty much submerged them I'm gonna let them soak for about 10 or 15 minutes you don't need too much time on these good ones because they're pretty thin so they really soak up the water and hydrate pretty fast and if I need more I will soak some of the other ones so that you can see the difference okay let's get our meat and Masa out and we'll get started I'm going to explain a few things that I like to use I've already been using these that I like to use in for spreading of the Masa I get my OHA my corn husk I like to Pat it dry just a little bit it doesn't have to be completely dry and let's get one that's not ripped to make it easier to demonstrate because you will run into some that are ripped but that's not the end of the world guys you can still use it okay the the OHA the husk has two sides to it I'm gonna bring you up real close so that you can see this one here is the rough site you hear that it's real rough if you run your nail through it you can feel the the little ridges this side over here is smooth not perfectly smooth but smooth once you feel them you can tell the difference right away and what I like to do if you have people that have never done this before and that you want to measure the Masa you can actually use a scoop to scoop out the amount that you want and this large scoop that I have here cookie scoop is a perfect amount to make one per month you can spread this with a spoon you don't have to have any special gadgets right now my mask is cold so it's kind of spreading kind of funky but when it gets a little softer because it's been in the refrigerator you don't want to go all the way up you just want to go about halfway and then just if it's too hard for you to hold it in your hand and spread just lay it down on the counter and work down like that just try to get an even amount all the way through like that the edges don't worry about the edges just this middle part here okay they don't have to be perfect nothing is perfect about making tamales I like to try to keep them all the same size so that they steam at the same rate this is what it should look like just like that if you want the Masa thicker by all means add more masa I'm going to show you another way to do it I get some of this Masa and you put it on your cling my counters are very very clean I've cleaned them sanitized them this morning I put it down on my counter and I picked some up with this little Gadget it's exactly it's a masa spreader I got it on Amazon I've shared this in my other video I will link everything for you down below you just pick some up find your smooth side place it where you're gonna place it about halfway through and press down don't press too hard oops and that's it you just pick up the rest of it and that's it see how pretty that does it I love this tool because it's so fast you can use an offset spatula I didn't let these drip too well you can use an offset spatula you can use a butter knife you can use just about anything just like that see how we can switch from one thing to the other and that's it you just keep going if you want to make this a family affair that's a whole lot of fun everybody sits around the table with their bowl of Masa and their bowl of meat and they start doing tamales great way to catch up on all the all the cheese for the family and who's where and who's doing what and all that kind of stuff and some cafecito and some sweet bread and we have some memories so I'm just gonna keep going with these guys and if you have any questions about this process leave it in the comments below and I will get back with you okay so I'm just gonna keep going oh before I forget another thing I like to put them in smaller portions guys you have to remember food safety first you have to remember that you can't leave this stuff sitting out on your table all day long you have to respect the temperatures of the food because you don't want anybody getting sick so if you're gonna pull them out you need to use them do what you need to do with you don't want anybody getting sick with food poisoning so with all that being said let's go [Music] all right we're gonna move on to stuffing our tamales I have the meat here this is cold right out of the refrigerator I just have me a tray here so that I can make it easy for me to move them around if I need to move them now the meat the amount of the meat that you want to put on there that is totally up to you and your family how you like them we don't like a whole bunch of meat in the tamales we like a smaller size Taman to me this is about maybe in a two ounces of meat here let me show you that okay we make the our tamales on the smaller side so then I just roll it and I take the back side where it naturally bends where the Masa is flip it over and this is the size of the Tamal as you use my hand as a reference and then I just start piling them up over here and this goes pretty quick see how we just put it on there you can have somebody smearing the Masa you can have somebody stuffing them somebody you know however that goes pretty quick that way so really you just kind of want to lay it out all the way across like that not too far on the Edge at the bottom so that when they're steaming the meat doesn't fall out so I'm gonna keep going with these and of course we like to make different flavors I like to make beans with jalapenos beans with cheese just chicken all kinds of flavors but you see how I don't over stuff it now if you want to overstuff it by all means you know it's your kitchen it's your tamale do what you want to okay just like that this part goes pretty quick this is a pretty big OJ [Music] this is Lina my sister she's helping me with some tamales today just like to show y'all how we like to do it we like to sit here and chit chat catch up on the gossip the cheese of the family talk about them we don't care it's all fun and games until we get all this Masa done so I just wanted to share that with y'all say hi Lena hi Merry Christmas to everybody all right guys we'll be back okay everybody I finished uh putting the Masa on the corn husks I'm going to show you what I have and what I have left of the dough I finished all the meat and then I'm gonna count the tamales and tell you exactly how many dozens I got out of the five pounds of Masa and four and a half pounds of meat here's my tray of tamales that I got total and this is what I have left and I have no more meat I have other stuff I'm gonna use this with so no problem so now I'm gonna put these in the steaming pot and get them steaming I'm gonna show you how I packed the steaming I have my steamer basket here I think this is a 14 or 16 quart steamer basket I'll have to look it up and give you all the exact measurement this has its own steaming tray and it has the line where you're going to fill it up with water so I'm going to do that first and then I'll start stuffing the tamales into the pot and that should be plenty of water to get you through the two hours of cooking time slide that back in there and what I do is I tilt my pot just a little bit like this I put a little ranch here to tilt it to hold it so when that I start to stuff my tamales start layering them I just stand them up here on the edge like this and then I just keep going all the way around okay and that is it I did not have enough room for all of these but that's okay I'm gonna use another separate pot for that I do not like to over stuff my pots because I like for the cooking time to be pretty even and I already have I already gauged it to I know exactly when this is going to cook in two hours and I'm ready I just get another steamy pot and do the rest of them I'm gonna cover this with some leaves here on top and then I put a clean cloth let me show you okay I'm gonna cover this with all the scrap leaves that I had left over I'm gonna cover them like that put them on top don't have to be no certain pattern or nothing this helps retain the Steam and then I get a clean dish cloth and wet it wet it real good put that on top as well just like that cover with the lid and I'm going to transfer you to the stove all right here we go here's the first pot I'm going to turn it up to high heat until I hear it start to boil for me it starts to boil within about 15 minutes and then from there I count the two hours so from the minute you hear it boiling that's when you're you start timing the two hours and then I will see you in a little bit when we pull one out and I will show you how to test them to make sure that they are ready I will be back in a little bit and we will check the tamales that's it go catch up with my sister we're gonna have some cafecito with some sweet bread some Banda Dulce and catch up on the gossip okay we'll be back see you in a couple of hours okay I'm gonna show you how I freezer bag my tamales real simple I just write on my bag I pre-cut them or order them this size I just put pork tamales the date and how many I'm gonna put in there and i stuff them in there and that is it you can heat these I have kept these a whole year and when you take them out put them in the steamer they're like if you just made them they are delicious you can have tamales all year long now these are raw I have not steamed them yet and you see how perfectly well they fit and then I just seal them make sure they're all in their mice and there you go you're ready for any time during the year that you want some tamales I guess I should put down here raw so I know that they're raw pop them in the Deep Freeze and you're good okay it is time it has been two hours I'm gonna uncover this and I'm gonna pull out a couple of tamales and I'm gonna show you what you may experience when you open it be very careful this is very hot I keep a paint here so that I can put in my the towel that I used and they all cut the leaves the husks Let's Take It All Out probably still hear that water bubbling steaming look at that delish okay I'm gonna pull a couple out of here and I'm gonna set them on this cutting board that I have because we are going to check them thank you you're going to let them sit here and cool for about five minutes don't try to mess with them right now because if you try to do that right now they're still the dose ooh that's still hot it's still gonna look sticky like if they're not cooked kind of like it is right there you need to leave it alone and let it set so I'm gonna leave these tamales up here I'm gonna leave them uncovered with the temperature the fire off already because I'm pretty sure they are cooked already because of the experience that I have making them it has been two hours and they probably were ready 15 minutes ago but I wanted to show you exactly what this looked like let me bring you real close up so you can see see the dough kind of still looks a little loose right there but this will all tighten up within about five or ten minutes so just leave them alone and then we will open one in a few minutes yes [Music] this one is ready it's perfect this one here on this side I had a little tie on it because I made some from chicken some green tomatillo chicken I have that video already on my channel I will link it for y'all up here in case you missed that that was back from a couple of years ago as well and see look at that yummy these are still so hot and see how they just slide off the husk nice nice nice nice let's check this one they're still kind of hot see it's still kind of hot we gotta leave it um I did get eight dozen tamales plus I had a little bit like a quarter pound of masal left and I just wanted to throw that in there and let you know how many I made of course it'll be less or more for you depending on what size you make them but that's what I got alrighty everybody that's gonna conclude the video for today I hope that I was able to help you and maybe picking up some tips and tricks for your Tamal making season if you have any questions at all please leave it in the comments I will always get back to you there I will have the link to the written recipe for the tamales up on my Etsy store just look for the link down below if you decide to purchase it I really do appreciate it it really helps out my channel a whole bunch if not just follow along with the video I Give You step-by-step instructions and it should be very easy to write it down okay let's go ahead and give this Tamala taste I'm not gonna lie I've already had like two these are the tamales the pork tamales they are delicious they're scrumptious mmm look at that that two thumbs up with that one I just need my salsita they're so good guys believe me this recipe has gone through some research some practice some you name it all of the above and I've been making tamales for a very very very long time so this was the easiest way that I could show you how to make tamales from scratch I mean starting from the from the get-go's I really hope that this helps you enjoy the process guys don't get in a hurry call in the cousins and the sisters and the Ants and the everybody's the brothers and sit down at the table and enjoy the time that you have together tomorrow's guaranteed to none of us enjoy the process have fun have laughs have a couple of beers in the process why not okay guys that's gonna be it and I want to wish you a very merry Christmas to you and your whole family [Music]
Channel: Virtual kitchen with Laura
Views: 53,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make red chili pork tamales, step by step tamales, tamales, tamales de puerco, pork tamales, holiday tamales, how to make the masa for tamales, masa for tamales, red chili for tamales, virtual kitchen with laura, instructions to make tamales, christmas tamales, christmas tradition tamales, how to make red chili pork tamales step by step
Id: uUl3g-irWfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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