How to make Homemade Flour Tortillas Step by Step for Beginners ∕ Good to be Back!! 🙋‍♀️

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foreign [Music] yes I have been gone a while I live in Texas it's been extremely hot too uncomfortable to record in my kitchen with the lights and everything but we're back I have been getting a lot of messages on how to make homemade flour tortillas this video is for the beginner level if you already know the basics this video is probably not for you I will take you step by step in how I make my flour tortillas at home it's very simple don't let it intimidate you I will link everything that you need down below I will have my recipe down in the description box all the items that I use I will also have them linked below don't forget the thumbs up the sharing the comments really helps my channel grow and I would appreciate your time on that let's go ahead and get started in this bowl I have four cups of all-purpose flour here I have warm water it's just tap water I'm use I hear I have two and a half cups now the measurement for the water is a little bit different for everybody because of the hydration of the flour I think that's where a lot of people go wrong in making flour tortillas and I will explain that as I go I have some kosher salt some baking powder some shortening now people ask me all the time can I use olive oil can I use vegetable oil can I use butter yes you can all that is preference I think everybody's taste is different you can use a lard I sometimes use half shortening half butter but for today's video we are just going to use vegetable shortening but yes absolutely it is exactly the same measurement with the olive oil or the vegetable oil so the measurements that I'm going to use for the four cups of flour I use one tablespoon of kosher salt and I level it out okay it may seem like a lot but it's not I use one teaspoon of baking powder and I level it off and for this step before I add the shortening I just take a little whisk or with my hand whatever is easy for you I mix up the flour the salt and the baking powder just make sure that it's evenly Incorporated okay and now we are going to add the shortening I just take the shortening with my hand I'm gonna use my right hand here and I squish it in there I squish it just like that just press it into the flour and you just keep going to squish it in there just like that just until you don't have any lumps of shortening in your flour okay that looks good now we're going to start adding the water and I recommend and suggest that you add the water slowly so you don't overdo it remember you can always add but you can't take out I'm going to start adding the water a little bit at a time I will leave the recipe down below exactly how much water I used and then you're going to start to gather it you just kind of move it up like this on top of each other and it will start to come together it will form a ball you see how this is already forming a ball and of course I need more water but I just gather as much as I can right now then I add more water thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] together this ball here and it's not too sticky I can still kind of get it off my hand and I still have flour here so we need more water okay so we're going to try to get this part together and then we will incorporate it okay I'm gonna need a little bit more water a little bit at a time [Music] okay and there it starts to separate away from the bowl I just take a little bit of of dough and I clean out the rest of the bowl and that's it you see how everything just came together real nice and easy now at this point I take it out of the bowl and you see how we have a nice clean Bowl everything that remains put it on top and then I take my dough and we're gonna knead it for about three minutes after three minutes if you feel like it's still too sticky you add a little tiny dusting of flour [Music] thank you and then after a couple of minutes of kneading you don't need to knead it too much it's not necessary with flour tortillas I'm going to show you it's soft the dough should not be hard the more moisture you can retain in the dough the softer tortilla you're gonna get okay you don't want the dough rock hard if that's the case you're going to need to add a little bit more water but as you can see here I can press it it's not sticking to my hands and that's a consistency that you need for the dough to make the balls for the tortillas the size of your tortilla that you want that's totally up to you I like to make my tortillas you see how I pulled out that piece right there and I'm closing my fist whatever doesn't fit in there I take it off and then I just roll it into a ball now you can make it traditionally like like we used to call it when I was growing up at the style or I'm gonna actually weigh this so you know exactly how much it weighs and how how what size I make my tortillas or you can put it on the counter and roll it like this cup your hand push down and roll and that'll make you a perfect little ball just like that now let's weigh this for the sake of the video and for the sake of the beginners who don't know I haven't announced this on my little kitchen scale let's see what this weighs it weighs 2.36 ounces okay so approximately that much they don't have to be perfect guys tortillas are not perfect in size and in weight if you want to keep a uniform size try to make them all the same size okay so again I just grab what I can with my fingers here and whatever fits in in my hand that's the size that I'm gonna make and then I just roll it into a bowl Okay and like I said again if you can't do it with the traditional way you just roll it on the counter and you make a perfect little ball this one I can tell it's a little bit smaller just a little bit there we have two I'm gonna start lining them up right here and of course I like to keep them covered you don't want your dough to dry up I'm going to put the scale away because I don't need that and I'm going to start making the the rest of the balls [Music] foreign [Music] okay so here are all the balls I have 5 10 15 16 the the last one was a little one that's okay I'm gonna line them up over here closer so that I can have my area ready to show you how to eye roll my tortillas that's real simple a lot of people say oh mine don't come around and I can't get them to come around believe me if they're not round and they're squaring the size of Texas people are going to eat them anyway don't worry about that okay I'm gonna cover them so that my dough does not dry out we don't want to dry the testalis out so I just cover them real nice and neat now the rolling pin I have the traditional rolling pin here most of these are wood I just love this silicone one my preference for Rolling tortillas is this little one this is a Japanese rolling pin I get it on Amazon I love it I've had it for years and this is what I like to use now if all you have is this use this this is fine it's personal preference at the end what makes it easy for you to roll the tortillas I've been doing this for years and this is what I like so just use whatever's comfortable for you okay now we're gonna jump over to how we are going to cook our tortillas I like this griddle this is just a long griddle that I put I have a gas stove so everything that I tell you will pertain to a gas stove so you need to make adjustments if you are using it in the electric stove adjust the heat now if you don't have one of these that's okay don't freak out I also have a smaller a round command that I use a griddle or if you don't have that you can also use a skillet I would recommend a non-stick skillet that works just as well okay so don't freak out if you don't have certain things that I have here to show you you can always make accommodations and adjust the temperatures to different things don't worry about them I have a tea towel that I'm gonna put my tortillas on and then of course I have my regular tortilla container that I end up putting all my tortillas in to sit on the table for dinner I also have about two or three paper towels I'm gonna put some oil on this because we're gonna season The Griddle as it's warming up but I'm gonna jump to that a little bit later because we're gonna warm up The Griddle to me this makes a big difference in the cooking of the tortillas we're gonna warm it up slowly we're gonna bring it up to to the temperature that we need slowly we're not just gonna blast the heat on there before I put the oil we're gonna warm this up and then we'll move on to the next step to cooking the tortillas but for now I'm gonna move you back over to Rolling the tortillas alrighty we're back in this little bowl I have a little bit of extra flour with nothing and just flour that's just in case the dough is a little too sticky that we need to add a little bit of flour so what I do is I get my pistol and I feel that it's a little bit sticky so I just dredge it into the flour and shake off the rest okay you don't want to put too much just like that I'm going to bring it up close okay just like that not too much I take my testal and I get my rolling pin and I go forward and back and then I turn it about a quarter of a way like that and that's how I've learned to keep my tortillas around a quarter of a way forward and back turn it a little bit forward and back okay turn it just a little bit or you can just go back if you want to and then turn it a little bit and back see because if you turn it all the way it's going to start getting out of shape and this is how I've learned to keep my tortillas you know semi-round like I said they don't have to be perfect that's why they're homemade the size of the tortilla is personal preference I like mine about this big this is about the size that I like to make my tortillas not too big not too small just like that now they will shrink up a little bit and before we cook them you can stretch them out just a little bit but just like that okay so I'm gonna continue to roll these I'm gonna layer them here and keep moving on before we start to cook them okay I've turned on my griddle so that we can start getting it hot so by the time I'm I roll out about six of these we'll be ready to cook them okay so I'm just gonna continue to to roll these out and then we will get to cooking the tortillas foreign [Music] all right we have come to the point of cooking our tortillas my griddle is nice and hot on my gas stove I have it on the number five you're gonna have to adjust your stove if it's an electric stove accordingly okay you might have to test on one tortilla I take a little bit of olive oil or vegetable shortening whatever you have and I take just be careful with this part I take my napkins and I season as you can see the smoke I season The Griddle and I might have to do this again about halfway through the cooking time okay I make sure that my griddle is even so that my tortillas cook at the same time I just leave my paper towel here on the stove and then I wait for the smoke to go down just a little bit and we're gonna start cooking our tortillas I take my tortilla and I just set it down you should be able to move your tortilla around like that if it sticks that means that your griddle was not hot enough see you should be able to move it around just like that just slide it around now the first turn is going to happen the first 15 or 20 seconds of putting your tortilla down it may seem like it's real quick this is not finished cooking trust the process now this side I like to turn my tortillas so that they can cook evenly I like to just turn them a couple of times I use my trusty little spatula that I've had for you know 100 years so that I don't burn my fingertips I don't know I give it about maybe a half a minute 45 seconds something like that I turn it to see if it's ready and it's ready and then I give it the final turn I checked that one that one's not quite ready and then here you see the magic when they blow up look at that okay this one's ready for turning and there we go then the last you should only have to turn up three times you don't have to keep flipping them for them to cook and like I said I turn them so that they cook evenly on the other side and when they blow up like that I just turn them to the side so that they can get a little bit of that brown spots see how that one's ready then I just take it off and put it under my on my tea towel and this one's ready see nice and golden okay moving on to the next ones remember you should be able to slide them just like that give it about 30 seconds on this side and then I cover my tortillas you know to keep them warm here okay ready for the flip ready for the flip see how they slide Glide around that's what should happen then I look to see if it's ready not quite I look at this one not quite sometimes I press them down on the edges just a little bit this one's ready to flip see all the nice Brown we have there and some people like to pop the bubble on and make them flat so that they can get I just love to steam them like that I think that the texture on the inside is real flaky and fluffy and they are delicious okay this one's just about ready or like don't ever pop don't ever try to pop this with your finger because you will get third degree burns now okay see that's ready so I just put it down on my tea towel this one's ready as well it's steamed on the inside there is no raw dough take it off put it under your tea towel cover it up okay I'm just gonna continue to cook the rest of these [Music] foreign about halfway through we're gonna season The Griddle again [Music] [Music] so we're back on the counter here and here are the finished tortillas look at that they're still hot now what I do a tip another tip is I kind of separate them out like this a little bit so that they don't steam because if you leave them on top of each other for long periods of time and they steam they could get a little bit mushy on you so that would be the only thing I would recommend now if they're going to go from The Griddle to the table by all means pile them into your wherever you put them in I'm sure they're going to disappear within seconds I just put them on my tortilla warmer here and there they go to the table just like that okay and then the rest now can you can you freeze flour tortillas absolutely now that I am working I like to make my batter two of flour tortillas I get a piece of parchment paper and then I pile you know two or three or four up and I freezer bag them and they're fine as soon as you bring them out to dough and heat them up they are perfect it's like if you just made them but look at that guys how delicious these turned out okay I hope you give this recipe a try look at that how beautiful and see they don't have to be perfectly round look at this and looks a little bit oval believe me they will get eaten they're not gonna get left behind because they're not perfectly wrong guys remember it's not perfect it's homemade all right I'm gonna give these a taste of course you can eat them just like this put a little bit of butter some chili that just comes out of the molcajete whatever you like they are delicious look at that how fluffy they are they even open you can even make tortilla Pockets if you want to but look at that mmm hmm so good nice and fluffy look at that delicious okay everybody now that we're done with the tortillas I'm gonna show you how I freeze your bag them and um keep them in the freezer for as long as you want I bite my bags in bulk I will of course leave this Linked In the description box below and I do have a food saver and I get these little paper Patty squares I buy these at the Dollar Tree they have them there most of the time and it is a non-stick so what I do is I get my tortilla Navy pick the size however many you want to put in your package and I put the date so that I know which ones to use first in case I make two batches or whatever okay so I get my tortilla I get my paper I put it on top it's okay if the little Corners touch that's not going to matter and I like to put four because that's what's good for me and my family you of course come back however many you need in your packages so what's going to work for your family so I put them in there and then I just see them you can cut the bag to make it shorter if you want [Music] okay and that's it then I just put the date on it and freeze them the way I decide to use them is if I know I'm going to use them in the morning or whatever I take them out of the freezer the night before put them in the refrigerator and then uh cut the package open and they're ready to warm up they taste like if they were just made that very day but you gotta seal them up good so that they know air gets into them so I really wanted to share this with you because I think this is very beneficial you don't want to throw away food you know how expensive food prices are right now and I think this really helps and they lay flat you can stack them and have a whole bunch of them ready for your family whenever you want them all right so I just wanted to share that with you all right guys that's gonna conclude the video for today I sure hope you enjoyed it and it feels really good to be back here with y'all I will have everything that I use and the recipe listed down in the description box so take a look there I will be in the comments later on so I'll see you there don't forget get thumbs up subscribe to the channel and turn on that notification Bell and you will be notified every time I make a new video and don't forget to share with family and friends alright I'll see y'all later bye
Channel: Virtual kitchen with Laura
Views: 3,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flour tortillas, how to make flour tortillas, homemade flour tortillas, virtual kitchen with laura, tortillas de harina, como hacer tortillas de harina, tortillas en casa, step by step flour tortillas, baking, cooking
Id: 1Ll63b4zNUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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