How to make RED Chicken Tamales | AUTHENTIC Mexican tamales recipe |Villa Cocina

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wow I mean there's flavor in the filling there's flavor in the Masa there's flavor in the flavor did you know there's around 300 ways to make tamales just in Mexico alone I myself have made different variations in today's Red chicken tamales have the stamp of approval from my mother they are moist soft flavorful all the things you love in a tamale so let me show you how to make them we need four pounds of skin on bone-in chicken thighs and just season them generously with salt also do a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper flip and let's do the other side all right now let's Brown it for this step place a large pot over medium high heat a couple of tablespoons of avocado oil lay the chicken skin side down and brown just if you need to prevent overcrowding the pot that way you get a nice color all around now let's flip it so the other side does the same look at that nice and crispy last batch it looks great now pour in one gallon of water place the rest of the chicken back into the pot grab a head of garlic slice that end off and add it into the pot quarter a whole white onion I'm just going to remove that top peel technically you could leave it since we're going to strain the broth later on but you know me now add in a quarter of a bunch of fresh cilantro a bunch of mint leaves fresh oregano fresh thyme and they're about five sprigs each now do three bay leaves one teaspoon of whole allspice and that's it now bring it up to a boil and remove some of that foam that's gonna rise to the top lower the heat to medium low little reach a simmer cover the pot allow the chicken to fully cook it'll take about 30 minutes all right well that's happening we're gonna make that sauce for the filling remove the seeds veins and stem from 12 guajillos eight pouyas and two ancho all Mexican dried peppers what heels are three of the top most used peppers in Mexico for a good reason I mean they're mild in heat they don't have an overpowering flavor which makes it perfect to pair with other peppers when you think of puya just think of it as The wahiyo Sibling because they are similar in flavor is just this one is actually skinnier but has an added kick of heat I'm just on the other hand have a very distinctive flavor they are going to provide us with those sweet fruity kind of chocolatey tones with a damp paper towel wipe the peppers clean because we don't want to get them completely wet since they are going to be toasted later on and now just cut them into smaller pieces set these aside momentarily it's going to give them enough time to dry out now let's check the chicken because it's ready already this is looking gorgeous now remove all of the chicken set this aside and allow it to slightly cool down that way we can shred it now strain all of the broth into a large container now that we've done that let's finish off that sauce grab a white onion and roughly dice it actually I just needed half a white onion so I'm just going to zip the other half and use it for something else later on smashing peel six medium to large garlic cloves these are jumbo so I'm actually only going to do four place a medium saucepan over medium Heat add a few tablespoons of avocado oil add in the onion and garlic and just saute this until slightly softened time for a teaspoon of Mexican dry oregano half a teaspoon of whole cumin and we want to toast these for about a minute that way they have enough time to release those oils and deepen those flavors now the dried peppers and these really benefit from toasting as well because again those flavors are really going to awaken avoid burning them because they turn really bitter it's going to ruin your sauce so as soon as you start to smell those Aromas you're gonna know they're ready for the next step okay these are good to go turn off the heat measure out three cups of that still hot broth and add it straight into the peppers carefully now just to let them to hydrate for about 10 to 15 minutes grab that chicken and it should be warm enough to handle remove the Skin and Bones We're Not Gonna use them he can just discard them this could be the time to meditate on how many tamales you're gonna eat while you're shredding the chicken grab a blender and add all of those peppers with the garlic you know everything that's in the saucepan straight into a blender cover it remove that top off and I'm going to place a towel right on top now let's blend it until smooth and that chili skin has completely broken down allow the blender to do its magic but even if after that you still have big pieces of chili skin feel free to strain it for now let's move over to the stove just said a saucepan over medium heat and pour in the sauce add in an additional cup of chicken broth so we're a little round so that we get all of that sauce out of there and pour it into the pot so I'm going to make it a little bit looser by adding an additional cup of that broth because we want to be able to cook it down see this right here should be your starting consistency once it reaches a gentle simmer allow it to cook for five to ten minutes until it's slightly thickens and you also get a deeper red color okay look at this right here lovely I'm gonna remove a cup of it for later on add a salt to taste finally mix in the chicken and this is coming together beautifully cook this for a couple of minutes allow that chicken to reheat back up again and you're done just turn off the heat now we need to wait for this to cool down before we can even assemble our tamales for the corn husk we're going to eat about 36 medium to large in size and we do want to sort through them that way we get the best looking ones without holes or dark spots soak them in water for about 15 to 30 minutes put a plate on top to keep them submerged then rinse them remove any corn silk and drain them Husker prepped now in a large bowl add in six cups of masarina and this is the same kind that I use for making tortillas season it with two and a half teaspoons of kosher salt or to taste one tablespoon of baking powder and just mix that with your hands make sure it is well distributed all around set it aside momentarily let's bring out a larger Bowl add a half a cup of pork lard now with the Whisk or your hand mix it in there you may get a different consistency depending on the lure that you're using the end result should always be nice and smooth I've been doing this for about five minutes and most of those lumps are gone we've developed a wider color and it looks a little more frothy when making tamales I find that using just lard can be a little overpowering so I like to do a combination of fats in this instance I'm gonna add one cup of avocado oil and just get it mixed in with the lard knead in half of the Masa mixture and I'm gonna do it by hand this is all by hand by feel and let's just add the remainder this is looking like wet sand now it's time for that cup of the chili sauce that we reserved earlier the rest of the moisture is going to come from three to four cups of that warm broth we had from earlier just add it gradually you don't want to use it all at once because sometimes it takes less sometimes it takes more it's all about feel kneading between additions just get everything nicely moistened this is ready and I used three and a quarter cups of the broth but as you can see it's very very soft when you grab it you can mold it into a ball it doesn't look dry because this is fully hydrated plus that fat is really moistening the dough now I'm just going to continue to knead for five minutes we've got our smooth soft ball of dough now my mother's trick is to take your fist stamp it in there and it should turn out super glossy then you know these tamales have enough fat in the Masa it's nicely moistened it's time to assemble these Beauties because they are we have the filling ready I cover the dough with a towel that way it doesn't dry out if anything you can always mix in a little more broth and the husk are ready as well grab a husk and shake off some of that excess water if you feel like you need to do it place it on a flat surface we are going to be using the smooth side of the leaf take some of the dough roll it into a bowl then flatten into a disc place it right in the center and start spreading in all directions leaving a little bit of space on both sides of the leaf and the bottom wider end as for the top you can go a little over Midway take a generous amount of the filling we don't want to be stingy but then remember you want to be able to close at the mud so don't get gritty so just take one side fold it over to the opposite end lightly press peel the husk fold it over to the opposite end again to tuck the leaf just roll pinch the top Fold It downward pinch the bottom if you can and just make the rest of the tamales following the same steps bring in the family remember Teamwork Makes the Dream Work so I try to pass down as much as I can from what my mother knows what my grandma knew yeah to me it's it's about passing down generational traditions in total it should make 24 to 26 tamales give or take and if you have some filling left over make yourself a taco the excitement is real because the hunger is real we just finished wrapping all of the tamales I placed a large steamer pod with its base at the bottom and added about eight cups of water because I wanted to cover the bottom but not touch the base I'm just going to bring this to a boil over medium high heat just take a few husks and cover the bottom that prevents anything from dripping into the water I don't know it's just a cleaner process there's a lot of ways to arrange the tamales inside the pot but I always go back to my mother's way there's no going wrong with it and I just simply love it all I'm gonna do is make a t-shape with three tamales open side facing each other right in the center that's going to be our base now just arrange the remainder all around making sure that open side is facing up cover the top with additional husks and these don't have to be perfect they can have some holes in there use the ones that you couldn't use for the tamales and I can hear that it's about to start boiling take a damp to clean kitchen towel and place it right on top it's going to ensure those tamales are nicely wrapped and they get steamed I can hear that water is going crazy which means it's boiling you will also be able to see some steam on top just close the pot lower the heat to medium low and allow them to cook steam for about 50 minutes to an hour we just want that masarina to fully cook so I'll see you in a bit these look gorgeous they look ready they took one hour and 10 minutes I'm just gonna remove a couple of them because I want them to cool down set up a bit more so that I can confirm that they're actually ready and these can just remain covered until we know for sure that they're ready as for these let them rest for five minutes you're gonna know that tamale is ready when they release from the husk very easily they set up and also the dough does not taste like raw Masai anymore and look at this beauty oh my goodness I mean talk about moist soft wow So Soft I know so good all right let's do this let's let's taste wow yeah nothing else to say I love me some good tamales these are soft moist flavorful I mean there's flavor in the filling there's flavor in the Masa there's flavor in the flavor that's what I'm talking about yeah people may think that we eat tamales every day but we don't and I wish we would because this tamales are so good if only we could at home I like to preserve tips tricks things that were passed down from my mother to me and I'm sure they were passed down from my grandmother to her that are so important and now you guys get to try this at home then it gets passed down to me three in them wow I really hope you try this recipe at home don't forget you can follow us on all of our social media platforms the full printable recipe is available on for your convenience I guess please please try this recipe my goodness it is so good so good till the next one bye I'm done foreign foreign
Channel: Villa Cocina
Views: 60,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mexican food, how to, delicous, homemade, easy recipes, recipes, foodie, cooking, kitchen, food, home cooking, recipe tutorial, villa cocina, yummy, Mexican recipes, Mexican cuisine, love food, Tamales, Tamales rojos, Red tamales, Red chicken tamales, Tamales recipe
Id: G-y-4We2MsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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